Methylene Blue Prevents And Reverses Prion…

Dec 16, 2023

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Image: Methylene blue inhibits nucleation and elongation of SOD1 amyloid fibrils


Jerms 9654 - Dec 16, 2023 - Edited

Jerms 9654

I have been taking methylene blue for about a week now and i feel great. Mood, clarity and good energy.


JustANobody - Dec 16, 2023 - Edited


How do yo use? How many drops. I have liquid pharma grade. I have used 1 drop in filtered water so far. Thank you.


Jjule - Dec 16, 2023


We just squirt 1/4 dropper in the back of our throat. Immediately drink water.
Kinda bitter, but not bad.


San - Dec 17, 2023


Jules - Do you have a source?


Mario A Leblanc - Dec 17, 2023

Mario’s Substack

Jules - The Extensive Health Benefits of Methylene Blue


CynthiaK23 - Jan 1, 2024

https://earthharmony.comhas it. Their supplements are manufactured by Global Healing has the best, the cleanest supplements I've found anywhere. The reason this is important for me is because I have Multiple Chemical Sensitivities and I will react negatively to even the slightest toxin. I'm ordering Methylene Blue from Earth Harmony this week!


Frances - Dec 27, 2023


There are many methylene blue videos on youtube esp. by Dr Gonzales-Lima.


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Dec 16, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

I use a borosilicate glass bottle and dropper. Glass with borosilicate is extremely important for any and all items that you place in your body. The borosilicate glass blocks inbound bioenergetics, such that anything not healthy isn't contaminating your supplements, even though it doesn't come into direct physical or chemical contact with it. If you're not familiar with bioenergetics, check out the field of energetics, built upon Maxwell and Tesla's work with scalar waves (travel faster than light, time reversal).


Anita Söderman - Dec 16, 2023

Anita’s Substack

Scalar waves are new to me, have to do with scalar generators that many seem to have? I would certainly like to know more of those, have a link or book maybe??


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Dec 17, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

Feel free to check out the photoelectrochemical posts onelectrostasis.substack.comregarding EMF transverse and scalar waves. Weekly updates.


Seeking Truth - Dec 17, 2023

Seeking Truth

Will the blue cube Shawn Melville promotes help protect from this?


S.M. Carson - Dec 16, 2023

Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…

I take 20 drops twice a day. That's a low dose.


JustANobody - Dec 16, 2023


In water alone? Do you wait to eat or take anything else? Thanks for responding so quick. Very kind.


San - Dec 17, 2023


Sean -do you have a source?


S.M. Carson - Jan 2, 2024

Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…


piotr - Dec 16, 2023

Jerms 9654

HI @jerms 9654 same question as JustANobody . How many drops per liter or per glass and please tell us which company product u used .


Jerms 9654 - Dec 16, 2023

Jerms 9654
I started taking 5 drops in a 16oz bottle of water 2x a day. Now i take 12 drops 2x a day. I mix with lemon juice to help with the taste.
Look for podcast with a guy named mark sloan—he wrote a book about it—not concerning nanobots and clots but just other positive effects.


Pauline C - Dec 16, 2023

Pauline C

I ordered after some reading incl watching this.


Sarah - Dec 16, 2023


also this guy does a decent job talking dosage :)


piotr - Dec 16, 2023

Jerms 9654

Thank you, so you take this to prevention as i understand?


Jerms 9654 - Dec 16, 2023

Jerms 9654

Well Im taking because Dr Ana has found rubbery clots and these gels in the blood of unvaxxed people--from shedding. Im taking to prevent that stuff, and the other energy enhancing properties.


Jjule - Dec 16, 2023

We do. We also put 1 drop in the dogs water bowl.


Sherry Gregory - Dec 16, 2023

Sherry Gregory

Thank you for your informative posts -- what do you do to prevent your teeth from staining blue? THanks


Alan Tan - Dec 16, 2023

Alan’s Substack

Drink it with a straw


Jerms 9654 - Dec 16, 2023

Jerms 9654

I would keep going higher slowly until 10-12 drops 2x a day. I heard on a podcast with mark sloan who wrote a book about stuff that thats an optimal dose.


piotr - Dec 16, 2023

This methylene you sent is 1%, on my market avaliable is 0.1% so i think i have to raise dose..


scout - Dec 16, 2023 - Edited

I uses one drop per cup, so start small. Ok to increase but go very slow. Nausea is the OD threshold for me in this; one drop and np. And I can take three-four cups of one drop per in soda, water, so on. , per day.


Hidee - Dec 22, 2023

Here’s a guide. It’s based on weight. I used 30 drops in a health smoothie because I was around someone who was vaxxed, and I started coming down with something 😡 ARGH.
Seems to be helping. Link:


Pauline C - Dec 16, 2023

Pauline C

Very interesting. Ordered some here/UK and only on day 2. Mix about 5 drops with water + vit C powder. Wait till blue disappears. Slight headache all day but am prone to them anyway. If all goes well, shall give to elderly parents to take.
May the positives long continue for you.


Christian - Dec 17, 2023

Ar’s Substack

Me too, MB 1st day and NAC and C...


Michael - Dec 16, 2023 - Edited

Jerms 9654

I wonder if this will help my fatigue. I've tried so many things. Sometimes I can't get off the bed.


Jerms 9654 - Dec 16, 2023

Jerms 9654

Michael, i would def give it a try for fatigue. Also Mark Sloan wrote a book on MB--try and find him on a podcast talking about it--it was pretty interesting. He was telling people to take it before we knew of it working agains nanotech and clots.


Michael - Dec 16, 2023

Ar’s Substack

Thanks so much for your reply. I will look up Mark Sloan. I just found Sara Myhill uses it and also with DMSO which I already happen to have.


Christian - Dec 17, 2023

Ar’s Substack

We share the same symptoms ! Fatigue, but also shortness of breath... I am starting the MB protocol with Vitamin C and NAC


Therisa - Dec 16, 2023 - Edited


Michael, what do you think your fatigue is caused from? How long have you had it?


Michael - Dec 18, 2023 - Edited


It started a few years back. I used to get it for a couple of weeks but then it would get better. The duration got longer with time and now it's the normal state to be fatigued. The sun exacerbates it as it knocks me off my feet; I think this effect could be due to some EMF thing since avoiding UV light doesn't help. I haven't had any Covid jabs and I avoid vaccines. I don't know what to think, it could be multiple causes.


Therisa - Dec 18, 2023 - Edited


Okay, no jabs, good. But then there is shedding from the jabbed too. I have horrible afflictions being around them.
Your right, EMF and radiation is definitely a possibility.
During the lock downs they put up a shit load of 5g towers all across the country in the United States. But then add in the Wi-Fi all around us too.
About 3 months ago I was having fatigue as well. For several months. Just no energy. I read an article that mentioned we might be getting radiated by these ass hats too. So just to check it out, I opened my little stock pile of iodine and potassium iodide (for radiation exposure) and put a dropper full under my tongue. Within a few minutes I felt my energy pick back up a bit. I started taking it twice a day for 3 to 4 days and my energy has returned. I do once a day for maintenance. I can get stuff done now.
Maybe look online for iodine and potassium iodide and give it a try. It’s pretty cheap.
Methylene blue can also help as it is said that it oxygenates the body.


Michael - Dec 21, 2023 - Edited


Hi Therisa, I've tried Iodine solution and now take sea kelp every morning. It hasn't done the trick for me though. About the 5G: where I live there are fields nearby as it's on the edge of town. There is a natural bridle way where people walk. to the surrounding villages. At a certain point on this path people feel the urge to have bowel movements. I had that feeling just at a certain place on the path and I've noticed other people at the exact spot, so afflicted they try to find somewhere to squat in the fields; a young boy did who was with his mother and a young couple with a pram tried to look for somewhere, the feeling is that intense. The feeling passes when you get away from that point. There are three 5G towers surrounding this spot about 1/4 of a mile apart with this at the centre of all of them. It definitely has powerful effects on the nervous system.


Therisa - Dec 21, 2023




Hidee - Dec 23, 2023

I was around someone who was jabbed and I picked up *something* from them. Supposedly now there is this covid 2.0 going around which is making people sick again- including the unjabbed (that would be me) I started getting painful neck and shoulder aches.
No fever. I was like “ how did this happen?” because I already take a bunch of stuff. And the only one I’ve been around other than my husband, was this jabbed person. I usually distance myself at stores and such.
So initially I upped my essential oils ( thieves oil) which seemed to help.
Then I started taking Methylene Blue at a therapeutic dose based on weight ( see here: and these pains in my neck and shoulders started to go away.
Almost instantly. So there really is something to Methylene Blue.


Tony - Jan 1, 2024 - Edited

Michael, have u done a blood slide?


Michael - Jan 2, 2024 - Edited

No. I'd have to have that done privately . The NHS are not very open to alternative ideas. There's a clinic with naturopathic practitioners in the next town; I'm going to check them out and book an appointment of they will do it. I will keep looking for the right place in to get it done.


Tony - Jan 2, 2024

Worth doing I think. You can purchase a microscope from China for approx $1000 usd.
Then u can at least check your blood before and after treatments you may use.


Penny North - Dec 16, 2023

Dr Mark Sloan’s book on MB is available free in your Kindle Unlimited!


Piotr Bein - Dec 16, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Dr. Ana is racing against time, what is Charles Lieber up to in the meantime?
The knowledge available to us lags behind what "they" know, incl. the remedies.
Is Dr. Ana taking it into account? Yesterday summary article on the nanotech very likely is not what "they" know and do.


Seeking Truth - Dec 17, 2023

Seeking Truth

Follow Karl.C


Christian - Dec 17, 2023

Ar’s Substack

Tu es drôle !!!


Georgia Lynn Justice - Dec 31, 2023

Solutions for the Targeted Comm…

I heard to take in orange juice so an 8 ounce glass. How much mb do I put in it.


Jerms 9654 - Dec 31, 2023

Jerms 9654

I would start with 5 drops 2x a day and go up slowly from there. 15-20 drops 2x a day is a good dose.


Unagnu - Dec 24, 2023


I have the powder. Now how to I go about reconstituting it into a solution I can take, and at what strength?


Leo Uribe - Dec 22, 2023

Yes it makes reality "pop" and life "shine"!


Sun Fruit Dan - Dec 19, 2023

It's amazing stuff, isn't it?


Fayanne - Dec 17, 2023

Jerms 9654

I bought Mark Sloan’s book on methylene blue, but I’d like to know where the source pharmaceutical grade quality if you have the info appreciate it


Jerms 9654 - Dec 17, 2023

Jerms 9654

This is what i bought


Christian - Dec 17, 2023 - Edited

Ar’s Substack

Please; Jems, tell me much how much you take. How many drops a day ?


Jerms 9654 - Dec 17, 2023 - Edited

Jerms 9654

I take 10 drops in a 16oz bottle of water with lemon 2x a day.


Jerms 9654 - Dec 17, 2023 - Edited

Jerms 9654

Its considered a pretty low dose so you can slowly go higher if you want.


Christian - Dec 17, 2023 - Edited

Ar’s Substack

TX ! I am on my first day, but the bottles are so small ! NAC and C for months !


San - Dec 17, 2023


Do you have a source?


Mario A Leblanc - Dec 17, 2023

Mario’s Substack

San - The Extensive Health Benefits of Methylene Blue


Odessa - Dec 16, 2023

Seeking Truth

I remember you mentioning that Methylene Blue as a hyrogel disolver in a previous post & when I left a comment saying as much on Shawn Paul Melvilles substack, he attacked me & said Methylene Blue was highly toxic even though he is not a Dr or Scientist in any capacity. Some ppl dont want us to get better or share solid info.
I know Methylene Blue is not toxic from a pre con vid Dr Mercola interview podcast but am very happy & relieved to read that also you recommend it for all the nasty gunk they've exposed us all to in those Satanic jabbs
Thank you & keep up the epic work


Dee - Dec 22, 2023

Anyone who attacks you for revealing the numerous studies supporting MB and its efficacy for more than one medical disorder is an ally of the Satan-influenced cabal on this earth that seeks to rule in eternal darkness.


Seeking Truth - Dec 17, 2023

Seeking Truth

We have to be careful who we follow. PM is also saying that what Karl.C has discovered is harmful.


Odessa - Dec 17, 2023

Seeking Truth

I get you
Some ppl seem to like this stuff & others not.
Some ppl are highly trained, working clinicians like Dr Ana PHD whilst others are not & are just googling & cutting & pasting other ppls findings which always really annoys me because
A. People lie like hell online & can't be believed - just look at all the rubbish on how safe & effective those disgusting jabbs were, loaded with SV40 Virus, Aluminium & Mercury just for starters
B. We can all go & google stuff & get the same results ourselves so why do we need these others doing it for us?
There are ppl on Substack who just google looking for content to use, cut & paste it, & use that as a post & that's it - we could all do that but why would you want too?
There are as far as I know, 2 published books on this stuff & the rather good Dr Joseph Mercola has had guests on his podcasts who subscribe to using this stuff & did on family.
I have a lot of time for Karl C, he actually took this stuff for 3 years so is well placed to comment in my opinion & he's absolutely unconvinced this stuff has any benefit, so theres a lot to consider.
Also, everyone's body chemistry is different - I don't eat meat which needs high stomach acidity to digest & in health terms acidity is not good for the body at all, you want to be more alkaline for good health.
I think we all need to do our own research & decide for ourselves, I do intend to read those 2 books & I'll get some MB & try it, very low dose & work up to see if it agrees with me. I got the Sodium Citrate but haven't tried it as yet as it only just arrived & that's added to foods so shouldn't be as much of a problem as the MB, but who knows, they add E numbers to food & most of them are deadly!
Does anyone know if you can Nebulise this stuff? (MB)
Those 2 MB books are
Achiever Benjamin 'The Wonders Of Methylene Blue'
Mark Sloan 'The Ultimate Guide To Methylene Blue'


Seeking Truth - Dec 17, 2023

Seeking Truth

I got sodium citrate too , and people have been taking MB for quite a while to treat Bartonella. Dr. Horowitz started using it years ago. And other lyme Doctors are using it in their protocols.
You have to be careful where its sourced due to heavy metal content. I can easily find out which are best after I have my G6PD tested.


Odessa - Dec 17, 2023

The brand I was looking at is 1% MB by APC Pure
Some ppl really seem to approve of it so I'm willing to try it as you never know until you do & I'll start off low dose.
Do let me know any info you acquire about the heavy metals, I'm taking EDTA tabs but another Dr on substack said not too if you have any amalgam fillings, which I have & plan to get rid of when I find a proper Biologic Dentist.
There really should be ppls organisation pushing to get amalgam fillings banned, ppl I talk to have no clue how toxic the crap their dentist is putting into their's & their kids mouths - utter poison


We The People - Dec 17, 2023

We’s Substack

"Does anyone know if you can Nebulise this stuff? (MB)"
Yikes! why would you want too?


Odessa - Dec 17, 2023


You can Nebulise Hygrogen Peroxide which is also used to bleach human hair multiple shades brighter up to White & Natural Dr's recommended Nebulising Hydrogen Gas to clear Brain tumors so if your oso clued up, why dont you tell us all why we can't Nebulise MB, maybe someone somewhere already has.
We await your cut & paste links


gertieA - Dec 21, 2023

Hey! As far as I know you NEBULIZE ONLY FOOD GRADE HP with SALINE for nebulizers. I accidently nebulized straight HP and it burned and then I coughed for 2 weeks. I had forgot to cut the HP!- 1 mL HP WITH 4-5 mL of saline


Odessa - Dec 21, 2023

That sounds super nasty
I have a video where Dr Jane Ruby shows you what you need & walks you through it by demoing a Nebuliser
Watch the saline, Karl C & Dr David Norris think or say theres Nano Tech in the Saline - nightmare !!


Therisa - Dec 18, 2023


Odessa, I hope you’re using food grade hydrogen peroxide with nebulizing. 😉
Funny, I wondered about nebulizing MB too. As it would carry it directly into the blood stream where these nanotechnologies are.
When I drink MB I hold it in my mouth under my tongue to get a sublingually as well.


Odessa - Dec 18, 2023

I don't own a Nebuliser & I've never Nebulised anything.
I was asking this question for future reference as I don't & never even have owned Methylene Blue.
I am a natural Vegetarian, meat never agreed with me (I detest factory farming & abour animal slaughter on spiritual grounds) & I eat for my blood group which forbids certain vegetables etc. There are many books on this & it's huge in Japan.
I get loads of exercise, never take any prescription meds ever, so am in very good health, never been jabbed either as my mother forbade it & she was right.
I come to these forums for info as we are under serious attack & I admire the ppl who run these posts who are knowledgeable & curious as to what's going on. Some of the comments are good too but not enough in my opinion & then there are the commenters who are here to deliberately cause trouble by trying to draw ppl in to pointless arguments, I just ignore them now as they're not worth the bother, but thanks for the heads up.
If I was going to Nebulise anything I would do extensive research & there is info out there about Nebulising Methylene Blue if ppl care to look for it.
I'm not responsible for what others do or dont do & I leave those decisions up to them.


We The People - Dec 18, 2023

We’s Substack

My question is why you want to nebulize it. What is trying to be achived? If you can answer that I will respond.
Not sure why are using H2O2 as an analogy? H202 is a bio-oxidative therapy.
Hair bleaching (LOL)!
To satisfy your snarky cut and paste comment....They are links for you to research and question. Possibly critically think (oh no not that!). Maybe you should just ignore what I write and be a sheeple. and effective! (LOL)


We The People - Dec 17, 2023

We’s Substack

Stay informed...weigh out your options, if you pray...pray for guidence.
Important precautions one should be aware of before taking Methylene Blue


Bridget - Dec 17, 2023


Hey, it says MB degrades quickly in 40 degree plus temperatures?
But lasts 2-3 years if kept refrigerated?
My bottle from earth harmony makes no mention of such things.


Therisa - Dec 18, 2023


Maybe due to the nano gold


We The People - Dec 17, 2023

We’s Substack



S.M. Carson - Dec 16, 2023

Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…

I'm drinking mine right now... 😄


Bee Grandison - Dec 16, 2023

Chronicles of the Collapse

It doesn’t make your teeth blue? I have the powder & I’m thinking I will do the fen Ben 1st to kill parasites then start MB?


Collapse Podcast - Dec 16, 2023

Chronicles of the Collapse

It does but can brush off. Drink with a straw or take capsules.


Bridget - Dec 17, 2023


I fill up a tall glass with water next to my small glass with a little water I put the MB in. After I drink the MB down, I repeatedly rinse and spit all the water from my tall glass.
Also, I put everything first in the kitchen sink then make my MB drink. I’m a little clumsy at times and don’t want to risk any permanent blue stains on my white kitchen counters.


Jjule - Dec 16, 2023

Works on shortening the duration of colds, chest colds, flu , sore throat too.
My husband always gets a nasty chest cold, beginning of school bus driving season.
Lasts about a week.
2 days in bed.
He took MB. Seriously, it was gone in 24 hours.
We now even put 1 drop in the dogs water bowl.


Michael Folks - Dec 16, 2023

Michael’s Substack

As in the Ivermectin controversy, it will be bad mouthed, Banned, all who promote it will come under Biased investigations...


Alan Tan - Dec 17, 2023

Alan’s Substack

Prob it would like sodium chlorite.. So I bought 50gm of MB to stock it .


TimeIsNear - Dec 17, 2023

Seeking Truth

Have you read Karl C. Substack regarding Sodium Citrate? He's also working with Dr. Nixon. This stuff gave his life back over the past couple of weeks. His blood looks dang near perfect again. A couple of others are reporting great results with just one dose. Look at his last 7 Substacks he's written. Here's his page He addressed MB in his latest Substack and said he didn't think it was doing anything for him. They also found a couple of articles onNIH.govdiscussing Sodium Citrate. He lists those as well.


Seeking Truth - Dec 17, 2023

Seeking Truth

We are getting conflicting info it seems. I trust Karl. Plus Frontline Drs were adding MB to their covid protocols & if it worked to rid the ntech, I doubt it would have been allowed.


Alan Tan - Dec 17, 2023

Alan’s Substack

Yes, I follow him..


ann watson - Dec 16, 2023

Canada will soon be turning this away at the border.


j d - Dec 16, 2023


Why here is their no mention of
The whole awake community has been just informed by dr David Nixon & Karl c
That sodium citrate is the answer we all have been waiting for !!


Therisa - Dec 17, 2023


No reason why both can’t be done. Methylene blue has other healing properties as well.
My sodium citrate will be here on Monday 🥰


Seeking Truth - Dec 17, 2023

Seeking Truth

I orederd some too.


TimeIsNear - Dec 17, 2023

That's what I think to. I'm a believer and just snagged a lot of it. Those pictures are telling.


Claudia - Dec 16, 2023


I recall reading that MB is not advisable if taking psychotropic drugs, esp. SSRIs. Is this warning appropriate in your view? (Sorry, I haven’t read all linked articles. That might be addressed in one of these.)


N Tuple - Dec 16, 2023

Good call here.
Important to know.
BUT, the use of SSRIs itself is highly questionable.
Not good medical nor psychological practice.
Get off of those ASAP.


Laura - Dec 16, 2023

Modern Healthcare

Correct. It can induce serotonin syndrome.


Collapse Podcast - Dec 16, 2023

Chronicles of the Collapse

This is correct. I have seen references that the combination of the two can cause ‘Serotonin syndrome’


S.M. Carson - Dec 16, 2023

Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…

After reading the research that would seem more problematic with high dose of MB used in many studies. While one should be cautious, it's far less likely to be an issue with the lower doses that people are currently taking for COVID related issues


Brandon Iglesias, Chem.E. - Dec 16, 2023

Brandon’s Substack

I use methylene blue MB + Near Infrared Light NIR + Infrared Light IR and Red Light.
Sleep with the NIR+IR+R Light at night with minimal sheet cover to immerse body in it after dosing with MB before going to sleep. The MB is converted into a Reactive Oxygen Species ROS after it donates an electron to electron complex II+ as a bypass pipe for damaged biological electron complexes or too boost healthy electron complexes.
My background is Photoelectrochemical Engineering with Biochemistry, genetics work at Bigelow Laboratory, singularity studies at Singularity University NASA Ames and electromechanical systems with programming, networking, cybersecurity and neurosecurity countermeasures.
This technology enables neurohacking, but also performance enhancement when it works (integrates into you without killing you). If it works, it emits healing scalar waves at nanoscale. If it doesn't (you're getting hacked by an enemy AI BCPS system) and using non-friendly neurotechnology (unknowingly: software and hardware). Read my substack to learn more, it is complex to understand. Hope this adds clarity.
Diet. There is a reason why Kosher and Halal diets are eating by a large portion of the world, it keeps you clean and free from parasites. Majority 50% of world has parasites in them, when parasites mix with synthetic biology you get weird products/creatures growing inside of people.... also what you consume and read impacts you more than you can imagine with synthetic biology in you... read good codexes.


Hotrodjohn71 - Dec 17, 2023

Hotrodjohn71’s Substack

Can you share your daily dosage? I just received a bottle.


Leon - Dec 17, 2023

Hi, Brandon; thanks for sharing what you do.
I stopped using my FIR sauna when I read many posts of this Canadian guy on Substack. They are very negative in terms of NIR+IR+R Light. For example the latest:
Can you comment on this? Thanks


Laura - Dec 16, 2023

Modern Healthcare

Wooohooo!!! This is the first time I see a physician addressing SOD1!!!!! So happy! This is the mechanism behind “alpha-gal” syndrome as well which leads to demyelination as well. Thanks Dr. Ana ❤️❤️


Hillary Anderson - Dec 18, 2023

Hillary Anderson

Laura, could you please direct me to info about SOD1 and alpha gal? My brother has had 3 bouts of alpha gal. Ivermectin was really effective at bringing his titers down rapidly. He is an avid hunter so not being able to enjoy mammalian meat as really hard for him.. thank you!


Laura - Dec 18, 2023

Modern Healthcare

Alpha gal is an allergic-autoimmune reaction that reduces the body’s ability to absorb protein from animal products (except bison) then when you compound it with a contaminant that affects SOD1 now you have a much faster disease process. The body develops autoimmunity to this silicon tech and can turn into mast cell diseases triggered by any mammal, or consumption of glycoproteins, the mechanism is largely documented under breast implants illness- an autoimmune triggered by silicon in the body.


Hillary Anderson - Dec 19, 2023

Hillary Anderson

Thank you! So am I understanding that you are referring to the increased risk for someone with alpha gal who unwisely got these toxic injections? Sheesh, what horrible thing doesn’t these shots cause? Thankfully he has never gotten one.


Laura - Dec 19, 2023

Modern Healthcare

No, this silicon nanotech is polluting everything & everyone. If he checks his blood he most likely will find it.


Alexandra - Dec 16, 2023

Alexandra’s Substack

WOW! thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou. God bless you, true doctor Ana Maria. xo


Luisa73 - Dec 16, 2023

El Substack de Luisa73

Please do the test with MARITIME PINE OIL (TREMENTINE), maybe there will be surprises...


Collapse Podcast - Dec 16, 2023

Chronicles of the Collapse

Thank you for this !!! Let’s also explore its use with DMSO !
The PRION angle is SERIOUS & needs to be addressed immediately. Last year I found a serious of articles in relation to the ‘tests’ that make this scenario even more frightening & points to premeditation .


Charlie - Dec 16, 2023

Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…

Can this be verified by any other parties independent research? That being with the Utmost respect of Dr Ana M’s research?
Just verifying the water depth before I dive in ...


S.M. Carson - Dec 16, 2023

Beneath the Surface with S.M. C…

There is tons of info on MB on YouTube and all over the Internet


JustANobody - Dec 16, 2023


There are tons of articles she posted in this substack. Hope that helps.


Charlie - Dec 16, 2023



Margie Chism - Dec 17, 2023

Margie Chism

First World Leader Facing Murder Charges For Pushing mRNA Vaccines on Public ■ The Prisoner
Tyrannical vision of microchips, open air prisons, and extreme depopulation, the last two years have not gone to plan. In fact, they have been a disaster for the globalists.
Rather than complying with the diktats of the elite, the people of the world are waking up and demanding justice. This movement, which started from nothing, has now become so powerful that the first world leader is now facing charges for mass murder over the deaths of millions of people caused by mRNA vaccines.
The mainstream media, beholden to the global elite, are doing everything they can to cover up this story which threatens to discredit everything they have been spoon-feeding their brainwashed audience for years.
But here at the People’s Voice we are not beholden to anybody and that means we can bring you all the details about the world’s first Covid pandemic mass murder inquiry.


Alan Tan - Dec 17, 2023

Alan’s Substack

Always look forward to reading Dr. Mihalcea articles..some of the medical jargon is beyond m y understanding as a layperson but get to what she is saying. Kudos to you for trying to save appreciation and respect.🙏🙏🙏



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