Nov 23, 2023
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I have previously shown my experiment with C19 unvaccinated blood - 30 ml drawn and left overnight in comparison with using Methylene Blue.
Cindy Weidner - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
I have been using Methylene Blue since May 2023. I began following a channel on Telegram dedicated to using Methylene Blue where much user experience is exchanged. I got the Mark Sloane book and followed the dosage recommendations. I use the product from CTZL.
I began Methylene Blue by doing 2 daily doses of 5mg (one in the AM, one in the PM) for a total daily dose of 10mg.
The first thing I noticed when I began the low dose of 10mg of Methylene Blue per day was that I would wake up head-achy in the morning. I am not a person who gets headaches. This was directly related to my initiation of daily doses of Methylene Blue.
I can say the head-achy feeling was uncomfortable but not intolerable. I noticed the head-achy feeling was most prominent when I first woke up. Now upon ready your article I realize the Methylene Blue may have been binding things in my brain overnight and detoxification was going on.
The head-achy discomfort went on about a week or two at the same rate, then slowly tapered off till it was no longer noticeable.
I continued with the 10mg dose of Methylene Blue daily for the next several months till I felt comfortable and safe.
My skin looked much better, less tired looking. I experienced a wonderful resevoir of daily energy and power - I began walking hills as I did 20 years ago. It has been amazing.
2 months ago I decided to increase my Methylene Blue dose to 20mg per day, splitting the dose into 10mg in the AM and 10mg in the evening. This is basically following the recommendations in the Mark Sloan book.
The first thing I noticed when I increased my dose of Methylene Blue to 20 mg per day was that the head-achy symptom came back, but not quite acutely as when I began the Methylene Blue - the head-achy-ness was most noticeable the first thing in the morning when I woke up - same pattern as before. I can only surmise that the increased dose was doing further clearing and that I was experiencing further detoxification.
I have not had before and after live blood analysis so unfortunately I am unable to assist you with any before and after data.
But I do have a thought.
A week or so ago you cross-posted a piece where a gauss meter was hovered over the top of subjects heads. When the gauss meter was at the top of the head it went crazy. The video was saying that with nanotechnology bioaccumulating at the top of the head of the individual could be used to track the individual by satellite - I believe that is basically what the video was saying.
I can tell you, and this may bolster your findings, that the immediate effect of the Methylene Blue was “head-achy-ness” and this just makes me think I had need of ridding myself of unwanted tech which bioaccumulated in my head. I am unvaccinated but there are many Chemtrail streaks in the skies over my home. This is a continuous process. I get up nearly everyday and see systematic streaking in the sky.
I eat cleanly, use nutraceuticals to maintain my health along the lines of many people here in discussion. I have practiced intermittent fasting (I eat within an 8 hour window daily). When I began intermittent fasting last year I noticed a tremendous boost at that time. Now with Methylene Blue the results are unbelievable. My energy is like it was 20 years ago. So, with a relatively good set of daily practices in place, having not received any vaxxes (I have never had a flu vax, I do not take any prescriptions or over the counter meds) I was quite surprised with the Methylene Blue giving me the head-achy-ness. I do have a few mercury dental fillings that need to be removed and wonder what contribution that may be making here. But now that I read your previous cross-posted article with the gauss meter indicator going wild when passing over the tops of people’s heads, and knowing I’ve got skies full of chemtrails, everything seems to be falling into place in terms of patterns.
I know that what I’ve written here is not a complete medical history or health inventory, but I contribute my experience here in hopes that it may be of service.
I am grateful for your work. It is, and I’m sure I’m not alone in this, difficult at times to read. Yet it is critical we open our eyes and investigate. It makes me feel better that more and more people are following top researchers such as yourself and the hunger for the truth of these matters is growing. Godspeed and God bless you Dr. Ana and Thank You.
Commoncents - Nov 23, 2023
Cindy, I could have written your shared information right down to dosage and increase with intermittent fasting. Never jabbed, never tested. The one thing I must share is that as a sixty two year old man, MB has brought back daily, nightly......erections. Ditto to everything else you described. I took 11 mgs and bumped to 16 mgs. Workouts in the gym are much more intense and recovery time is shorter. My mental accuity is much sharper. I would encourage reading Mark Sloans book The Ultimate Guide to Methylene Blue.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Nov 23, 2023
Patti’s Substack
When taking MB it has the ability to kill organisms you may not be aware that reside within you. Example urinary tract infections, Malaria and many others. Headaches may indicate a Herxheimer reaction or die off of said organisms. Drinking more water will help flush the dead bacteria and or viruses that it kills and may decrease your headaches.
Cindy Weidner - Nov 23, 2023
Patti’s Substack
I intend at some point to assess my “parasite population” with a comprehensive screening test available through Dr. Bryan Ardis’ site.
The test is very extensive - identifying exact organisms so they can be exactly targeted, not just doing broad based generic “de-parasite” protocols - you would not know exactly what your beginning population is. Since parasites are all around us this “test then cleanse accordingly” process should probably be done annually or under the care of a proper MD or Naturopath.
I personally experienced the first 5 days of May, when I started the Methylene Blue, a significant but not uncomfortable gastric clearing. My digestion greatly improved and I began to feel lighter, more energetic and healthier. My only regret is that I had not done a comprehensive parasite evaluation before I started the Methylene Blue - I would love to know what was cleared out of my body that first week. At some point I will get the parasite test and do it - it runs about $284 and I have to mind my budget.
Purchase from PCI Wellness
“Ardis Full GI Panel (Comprehensive stool test + Swab Culture)(CPT 87177, 87070)”
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Nov 24, 2023
Patti’s Substack
I have one thing to add here and that is an annual parasite cleanse is just not enough. These parasites are live organisms and lay ova/eggs and become cysts which are encapsulated. The latter can hatch at any time and start producing again. Most docs don't acknowledge parasites in this country. So when they can't make a diagnosis they call it Mystery Illness. Thats a good indication that parasites are involved. Additionally most US lab tests do not cover the full spectrum of parasites that they should. I had a Nurse Practioner. send my test to Nigeria. It came back with 4 one of which I'm told I would never be free of. So I do as Dr Merritt MD suggests and attack them on a monthly basis. Parasites are most active on the New Moon, the Full Moon and the Waning Moon. If you have animals you will always have parasites. That's pretty much a given.
Roz - Dec 17, 2023
Patti’s Substack
If you can find a Bio Resonnance technician, they can immediately identify AND TREAT all parasites, through specific bio energy. This type of practice was first used to monitor the Russians in space and has been used throughout Europe for many decades. Because of the computer technology these days, they have fine tuned its use incredibly and update regularly. I live in Australia, but my practitioner is a lovely Russian Naturopath that has helped my family many times with Immune dis functions after being forced to take the jabs.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Feb 11, 2024
Patti’s Substack
Roz have you reviewed Dr Ana Marie Mihalcea's work here on SS? You will find a report on an experiment she did that stops the formation of polymer plugs that formed in some experiments she did with unvaxed, vaxed, and someone who did have Covid-19.
Methylene Blue which almost totally eliminated the clot forming plug in blood. Now if someone took three syringes and repeated this same exact experiment but treated the blood with frequencies, and the result was the same as she got I will concede that bioresance could work in cases of covid and post covid symptoms.
I recently had someone who reported using a Rife for parasites. The next day she sent me pictures of feces loaded with parasites in the toilet. So frequencies can work for things we already know about. I would like to speak with someone who has the skill sets in physics to be able to find the frequencies of all the snippets of DNA from the venoms used in the bioweapon called Covid-19.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Jan 22, 2024
Patti’s Substack
Have you had your doc look at everyone's blood who got the jabs or has DDIMER's tests done to check for coagulopathy and venom? You might want to check that out. If the DDIMER is high you might need some interventions.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 17, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Yes there are many types of equipment that can do this. I used an FScan years ago. I've seen better results with Rife frequencies over the years.
As for parasites there are so many that have ova (eggs) and cysts and live worms that I have only recently seen large worms (helmenths) respond to Rife. Cysts can open at any time and start producing again. Best to do some natural plants to assist with any scan results. There are lots of choices that can help clear them. You see these folks walking around with Apple Bellies? You can bet they have parasites on board. Unfortunately here in the US the docs pay little attention to parasites. When thay can't diagnose an illness they call it MYSTERY ILLNESS. 99.99 % of the time the pt is loaded with parasites.
Deb M - Nov 25, 2023
Deb M
There's a test called an F-Scan that is an in-person test that is less costly. It may be available in your geo. It only takes a minute and produces a print out of the findings. If you are in the US, this site has a list of practitioners by State.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Feb 11, 2024
Patti’s Substack
I used to use the FScan years ago. I don't use it anymore because there are very few people with the skill sets to identify the weaponized versions of organisms that are tweaked and that have evolved into different frequencies naturally on their own.
Mary T - Dec 29, 2023
Wonder if this covers parasites other than GI tract, ie heart, brain, etc.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Feb 11, 2024
Patti’s Substack
Mary parasites can reside anywhere in the body. A recent paper I read showed that when docs looked into the brains of dead dementia/altzheimers patients the brain tissue was loaded with parasites.
Collapse Podcast - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Chronicles of the Collapse
What you state about bioaccumulation in the head is interesting, as I have noticed the last area of magnetism in my body is my forehead. Im not vaxxed, but discovered early 2022 I was magnetic, & even recorded a video throwing a 1 oz silver coin onto my sternum repeatedly that stuck every single time …
My sternum, collarbones, forehead were the most magnetic. Ive lost most of the magnetism in sternum & collarbones , leaving just my forehead now with the magnetic properties.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ - Nov 24, 2023
Chronicles of the Collapse
Genuine silver is not attracted to magnets.
Collapse Podcast - Nov 25, 2023
Chronicles of the Collapse
No magnets stuck to the coin, the coin stuck to my bones. It was a .999 year of the horse kitco uncirculated coin. I used it to test myself based on the weight alone , and it stuck to me repeatedly. Still does , along with other metallic objects .
Not sure what the purpose of your comment was other than to try and sound like a smartass . Do you think I have nothing better to do than to make shit up?? Gtfooh
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ - Nov 26, 2023
Meant no offense. 🤷♀️
Deidre - Nov 23, 2023
Deidre Madsen's Lightworkers Co…
Thanks for this post, Cindy. I'm a carbon copy of you, practically, re my diet/nonvax/daily protocol; but haven't begun MB yet. Getting it this week and now I know what basically to look forward to.
THANK YOU DR. ANA! You're a Godsend!!!
Kim p - Dec 8, 2023
Thank you Cindy for shari g very helpful
Lisa - Nov 24, 2023
It's antifungal and antimicrobial, so you were killing bugs.
Seeking Truth - Nov 23, 2023
Seeking Truth
what brand of meth blue do you use?
Cindy Weidner - Nov 23, 2023
1 My first orders of Methylene Blue were pre-mixed, easy way to get started:
2 After a couple months I began to increase my dose - I leaned (it’s easy) to order Methylene Blue in powder form. I use CTZL as my source for vials of powder - I got the link from the Methylene Blue Telegram group. Easy instructions, add 100ml water (I use distilled water) to 1 vial and you get a 1% solution of Methylene Blue - dosing charts usually go by 1%:
3 Methylene Blue Telegram channel I follow to chat with fellow users to exchange experiences:
Runemasque - Nov 24, 2023
It says the channel is private. I could not join. :-(
Cindy Weidner - Nov 24, 2023
Are you using the Telegram app I wonder? I did not have any trouble joining through the app.
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 23, 2023
Pirate Eyes
The original commenter says he/she uses MB from CZTL. I looked them up and they look reliable.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Nov 23, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Always get pharmaceutical grade Methylene Blue. Can be bought online or in health food stores.
Queue the Revolution - Nov 23, 2023
Thank you for sharing
John Seymour - Mar 14
Hello Cindy, I am just getting started on MB and would appreciate a clarification of your doseage. Is your MB a 1% liquid configuration? How are you measuring the 5mg weight, or is this a liquid measure of 5ml? Hope to hear from you as this detail is not often very clear. Thanks, John S
Wink - Jan 24, 2024
What brand do you use?
JP - Dec 17, 2023
Thank you for sharing this detailed and helpful information Cindy. I never made the leap to MB but I will be giving it a go, thanks to you sharing your experiences. You are appreciated!
Jezzyby47 - Dec 11, 2023
Sally's Real Life
Can you let us all know what you took in drops as it is a liquid. How many drops for the 5mg dose etc then we can try to see if we get the same results as you got. The most i have taken at one time was just 6 drops and i'm ok with that. Were you taking more than this amount?
Sally Oh - Jan 21, 2024
Sally's Real Life
It says on my bottle that 1 drop is .5 mg. So 20 drops = 10 mg. We take 20 drops 2xday.
MissBailey - Nov 25, 2023
Stephanie’s Substack
That explains my migraines I've been experiencing as well as urine being a bluish gel. I I can feel the waves hit the top of my head and see it as energy waves with my eyes. I can also see "satellites" in my eyes along with the natural fungal layer. I'm not sure if others can. I had surgery for a lazy eye as a child so I can move my eyes different than normal and by letting them tear up and look towards light, I visually see the outer layer of my eyeball. A lil research and came across the article explaining the tech and dispersal in a colloidal solution and how the different ones pick up different spectrums of light. I can see that they are different colors just like the article explained. I already knew they can visually see what you see through your eyes although that's just one portion of it. I can make the light dance with music or it moves to the waves Im hit with daily. Quite fascinating and disturbing at the same time. Along with everything else because that's simply one drop in the ocean of craziness that is going on in general and with myself personally.
Kathleen Pimentel - Nov 23, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
Interesting. How would you explain in layman terms what is exactly methylene blue?
Sally Oh - Jan 21, 2024
Sally's Real Life
There are tons of resources online including the book.
Kathleen Pimentel - Jan 22, 2024
Kathleen Pimentel
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
Comment removed.
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
Look into what your creamer is made of. I used to entertain people by taking powdered coffeemate and sprinkling from the canister while lighting it on fire and it would burn amazing pastel sparks for our entertainment. Most creamers are made of plastics. Of course we can't freak out over everything and your creamer may be fine. What do I know?
Thank you so much for going into detail about your experiences with MB.
God Bless.
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 23, 2023
Pirate Eyes
Comment removed.
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 24, 2023
Pirate Eyes
They disguise the nasty powdered stuff in a liquid form now but it's the same nasty stuff.
Your coffee sounds yummy! I will definitely try it.
Kathleen Pimentel - Nov 23, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
Cinnamon will also disrupt luciferase.
Blaise - Nov 23, 2023
Att Viska
Source for this please?
Note that if you take cinnamon, it should ALWAYS be Ceylon (Sri Lankan) cinnamon, NOT the more common cassia, as this has a LOT more of what is similar to coumadin, and also oxylates. If you take cinnamon regularly, as I do, make sure to do Ceylon, folks.
AncientHeart369 - Dec 14, 2023
AncientHeart369’s Substack
A great researcher named Shawn Paul Melville has determined that there are several supplements that could disrupt the assembly of all of the different nanotech. He states in this article that cinnamon disrupts luciferase:
Here's his excellent substack:
Be prepared to have more than a few preconceived notions about what supplements are being frequently suggested to cobat COVID, etc.
Blaise - Dec 14, 2023
Att Viska
TheNarrowPathway - Dec 1, 2023
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
Ceylon is also much tastier to me.
Mary T - Dec 29, 2023
Ceylon cinnamon is best
Blaise - Nov 23, 2023
Att Viska
Again, source for this please?
My comments on cinnamon are found in any common search. Oxylates in cinnamon are from Sally Nortons book Toxic Superfoods: How Oxalate Overload Is Making You Sick—and How to Get Better
Blaise - Nov 23, 2023
Att Viska
Comment removed.
Blaise - Nov 23, 2023
Att Viska
Note that if you take cinnamon, it should ALWAYS be Ceylon (Sri Lankan) cinnamon, NOT the more common cassia, as this has a LOT more of what is similar to coumadin, and also oxylates. If you take cinnamon regularly, as I do, make sure to do Ceylon, folks.
Lisa - Nov 24, 2023
Where do you get Ceylon cinnamon?
STH - Feb 10, 2024
I get mine on Amazon
Kathleen Pimentel - Nov 23, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
Papain dissolves hydrogel.
AncientHeart369 - Dec 14, 2023
AncientHeart369’s Substack
In at least a few of Dr. Ana's Substacks, she shows the not-so-good results being engendered by using natto, and other enzymes. They don't work as well as methylene blue and the creepy clots are still showing up in the uninjected who take those!
Kathleen Pimentel - Dec 14, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
I answered this for someone else. Could be she doesn't know about papain.
Blaise - Nov 24, 2023
Att Viska
Soooo.... wonder why Dr. M. doesn't recommend this?
Blaise - Nov 23, 2023
Att Viska
Source for this please?
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ - Nov 24, 2023
Scroll down to 3. Hydrogel Biodegradation
Kathleen Pimentel - Nov 23, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
Papain comes from Papaya.
Bromelain comes from Pineapple.
Cinnamaldehyde comes from Cinnamon.
Eric W - Nov 23, 2023
mothman777’s Newsletter
coffee/caffeine and flavored creamer should be avoided
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ - Nov 24, 2023
mothman777’s Newsletter
Coffee is amazing:
Creamer is definitely a toxic and addictive substance for sure.
STH - Feb 10, 2024
I use organic coconut cream. I’m pretty sure it’s fine.
mothman777 - Feb 5, 2024
mothman777’s Newsletter
On the down side though there was an article recently showing a lady who had an MRI brain scan done and her brain was all lit up red and green, then she had one cup of coffee, had another MRI done, and her MRI brain scan was all blue and black, showing 40% reduced bloodflow to the brain, which makes me worry, though I know coffee is said to be good for all kinds of things in moderation, but they say 3 cups a day is safe, more has negative efects, but I am wondering what someone's MRI brain scan would look like on 3 cups of coffee. I know it makes my knees dry and creaky and my teeth more sensitive, so it does strip calcium from the body.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Nov 23, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Methylene Blue provides electrons and photons to the mitochondria/batteries of the cells. Gives a jump start in a way.
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
This is PROBABLE, listen to this from October 2021. A group called the Pladians , tell us exactly what IN the vaccine before anybody was else knew....TIMESTAMPS....#AgentMidnightRider
How is that possible??? You tell me.... You should compare Dr. Deagles lecture about mind control , AI, and Quantum Super Computers with what they say at this link. Then compare what German researcher Harold Klaus said about Black goo, Morgellons and quantum computers....COINCIDENCE????
Here is one that will BAKE YOUR NOODLE. According to Harold Vella there are lakes in Iran filled with Black Goo, and if you walk up to the edge, it will seep out form a mirror image of your body and start having a conversation with you. and remember Black goo, is Graphene Oxide, the same stuff flowing in your HINEY HOLE right about now.
Bodhimom - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
mothman777’s Newsletter
Considering that negative E.T.s and hybrids are at the top of the food chain on planet earth, it would make sense that they would also unleash their hi tech on unsuspecting humanity during THEIR End Times.
mothman777 - Feb 5, 2024 - Edited
mothman777’s Newsletter
Chabad Lubavitchers. They even claim that they are invading this planet from another dimension to conquer it, and entered the wombs of human women around the world to take on human form in this dimension as 'spiritual commandos" to do so, as the Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Laitman states. They even say they are the Elohim and say that they as the Elohim actually created this entire dimension of matter and this entire planet, this is why they have the god complex and think they own everything.
Bodhimom - Feb 5, 2024 - Edited
mothman777’s Newsletter
Clif High thinks that the Elohim controllers/space aliens will be invading our planet soon, even physically. We will see, but they will lose. Too many of us are awake and this is the Age of Aquarius.
mothman777 - Feb 5, 2024 - Edited
mothman777’s Newsletter
I think Clif High missed something, these 'Midwich Cuckoos' are already here, having invaded already several thousand years ago. I have hundreds of photos of shape-changing people on TV, I took photos of a Professor Frank McDonnough (another spelling of the Jewish Donner) while he was lecturing on a TV program on Hitler the other day, and he has slit pupils and even has three irises and three pupils in his right eye during several frames I captured stills of from a 4K TV with a 4K camera, not at all uncommon with these shape-changers, and so it is with many people on TV today, who are obviously either channeling beings from another dimension or are literaly bi-dimensional beings themselves who not really real humans, but shape-changers. Maybe they come here to play in three dimensional avatar bodies where they get to go on safari and try to get the biggest score of kills while getting mixed up in politics, religion, war, doctoring and pharmaceutical design. Maybe this is their astral plane where they like to dream out of their usual bodies part of the time and raise hell here just like some kids play video headset war games for whatever reason.
I have a massive amount of photographic evidence showing people whose eyes have hexagonal golden-coloured irises and slit pupils, even totally black and lotus-leaf shaped eyes much bigger than a normal eye, and sometimes even totally covered with black and white checkered squares, which are connected with interdimensional tunnels.
Some shots of Joe Biden I have from during his presidential speech after his fake election show part of his face being replaced with reptilian green skin, and some other guy on You Tube says he saw an interdimensional portal open above the White House that day.
Bodhimom - Feb 5, 2024 - Edited
mothman777’s Newsletter
According to Brad Johnson who channels Adronis, about 5-6 % of the population are "Incognito ETs". Yes, they say that they are already here and have been here for a long time. Hopefully there are more positive ones than negative ones. I believe there are as the true nature of the Universe and God is Love, Peace, and Oneness. Start @ about 17 min. in this video to hear more. I feel it is important for us to keep a positive outlook as we as a collective manifests our future, and so we manifest the defeat of the Deep State negative aliens and their Minions. :-)
mothman777 - Feb 5, 2024 - Edited
mothman777’s Newsletter
Interesting video, thankyou. I rather think the speaker is not channelling reality around the 55 minute mark for instance, as if we we really all one then we would not even be many now, or choose to remain many now, if 'one' is the reality, then that 'one', tiring of all this suffering and warfare here would simply zap 'itself' back to be one omnipresent omnisentience as one right now without any further messing about, so the guy in the video is not really channelling any enlightened being. What he says continually self-contradicts. Advaitist doctrine as this man proposes and 'channels' is palpably nonsense.
Achintya Bhedabheda Tattva is reality, where individual soul sparks dovetailed fully in a relationship with the Source Godhead possess 78% equal potency and opulence to the Godhead Soul when their awareness is fully active within the spiritual dimension. But the Godhead is the one who does all the complex spiritual work manifesting the infinite spiritual dimensions and the countless material universes and bodily forms and environments for us to experience in, hence the slight difference in potency, it is necessary. It is held by many yogis that God prefers to be many rather than one, and the communal pleasure of being many throughout the infinite spiritual dimensions obviously outweighs any negative consequences within the relatively brief and minute material manifestation as God is not making all of us one with Him.
There is a big New Age thing in the overwhelming vast majority of movements today proposing advaita that appeals actually to the lazier mental processes and to the ego, the notion that we are all 'God', and even all 'one'. But really, the idea is quite daft, as God would not break into many consciousnesses if the one was the beginningless causeless original superior transcendental state of spiritual being, such a being would not destroy or degrade the supposed perfection of that being one and exchange that for any other state, as according to advaitist teachings, advaita cannot be bettered or be exceeded in any way by any other state if it is perfection.
Such a state if naturally the ultimate perfection would simply carry on being endlessly, timelessly, so the guy in the video, despite saying he is doing the opposite, is simply just massaging people's egos while being 'ever so sacred', while of course actually being quite bossy and quite pushy and actually being the 'boss' who apparently loves his apparently self-given authority, there are many like him.
As above so below, so just like all material matter contains the forms of neutrons and rings of electrons, even though these are held to be ultimately non-particulate in reality, it is a natural vibrational state of spirit also to have such patterns in which major expansions of the Godhead are maintained and jiva soul expansions are maintained.
Why would a supposedly already perfect formless and non-differentiated uniform state of spiritual being towards which many advaitist schools of thought aim have first manifested form and individuated soul form here in the material dimensions unless it is actually the reality that form and individuality also exist in the transcendental spiritual dimension?
One swami has stated that Krishna with all His god form expansions is just one of many manifestations of the Supreme Godhead and that it is Krishna that he personally prefers to relate to, he stated that there are actually many similar, obviously co-equal, non-conflicting manifestations of the Supreme Godhead expanded throughout infinity, each with their own further Godhead expansions like the Krishna/Govinda aspect has like Jagganatha, Nrisimhadeva, and then all the associated expanded jiva soul sparks.
The Kriya yoga teacher Swami Vidyadishanananda gave a lecture I attended, he said that benevolent blue-skinned humanoid reptilian shapechangers live in inaccessible parts of the Himalayas and when they manifest among humans to teach them yoga, they are humanlike but with blue skins. When I asked him what are his exact teachings in relation to dualist and non-dualist types of philosophy, he said that He himself teaches both non-dualist advaitist and dualist achintya bhedabheda tattva yoga type philosophies.
Many old paintings from India depict such blue-skinned 'human' form yogis standing and sitting with white/golden-skinned human yogis, Swami Vidyadishanananda said they still live there and teach humans, where he also maintains a Kriya Yoga school.
This planet is actually held to be very special and unique in this universe, so many benevolent beings from many planets and different dimensions make pilgrimages here though I guess many religions say this and that about their holy sites.
There are held to be 400,000 humanoid species in this universe, and 8,400,000 material species altogether, with many of those being multidimensional shape-changing species, some of these are more benevolent, but some from the lower dimensions, like the rakshasas, are not benign, as they are held to drink human blood, think Chabad Lubavitcher tunnel rabbis in New York. Yogis say many poiticians today in this world are not really human at all but shape-changing rakshasas.
However, the vedic scriptures say there are 14 material dimensions in this material universe and infinite spiritual levels beyond them, and it is written that there are multidimensional access points in the Himalayas themselves that actually permit yogis to go directly from this dimension of time/matter into any of the other material dimensions, and in Vrindavan Gokula itself in India, it is held that this is the 'physical' (actually spiritual itself) counterpart on Earth of the infinite highest spiritual dimension Goloka that passes through all others, and that even if anyone dies while travelling or living in Gokula, even if a fly or a worm or plant, that that soul will never have to reincarnate ever again in any material world and is fully restored consciously to Goloka.
Actually, no soul ever really leaves the spiritual world, they cannot as they are all eternally parts and parcels of the Godhead Himself as minute expansions of Him, though possessing lesser potency, but when fully dovetailed in consciousness with the Godhead as is the normal beginningless uncreated causeless transcendental natural spiritual state in Goloka, 78% co-equality of spiritual potency and opulence is consequentially maintained within every jiva soul spark there, this is called 'sarshti'.
Some people in the spiritual world very occasionally have 'momentary' lapses of consciousness, in which while still actually in the spiritual world, they temporarily lose full awareness of being there and are instead given a 'dreamlike' awareness of being in any of the Yoga Nidra divine-dream-generated 14 material dimensions made manifest by the Vishnu expansion of the Govinda/Krishna Godhead.
These 'experiences of being in the material world' can occur for many reasons, but basically, in relative terms, even many material lifetimes in the material worlds are all held to occur in a spiritual space of time relatively as brief as a flash of a lightning in the spiritual world (in the spiritual world, there is stated to be an electric blue sky atmosphere, the Sikhs also mention this, and it is stated to be a very pleasing kind of spiritual lightning there).
John Vargo - Nov 27, 2023
John Vargo
The mind,once expanded,can never return to it's original dimensions,
AncientHeart369 - Dec 14, 2023
AncientHeart369’s Substack
LOVE LOVE Lisa Renee!
John Vargo - Dec 14, 2023
John Vargo
looked around long enough to think she is a true ascended master.A lot of it kinda over my head but keep working on it.
Seeking Truth - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Seeking Truth
where did you find this?
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
I specialize in Information Warfare....#Agentmidnightrider
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
Comment removed.
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
You people who believe the counter PSY-OP STORY of operation trust are not that bright, they didn't have the internet 80 years ago it would have been impossible to pacify millions of people even in the 80s when all the information we got came from controlled sources....>Q-
John Vargo - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
John Vargo
Yeah right,just kick back and trust theplan.Hownany sealed indictments are there now?Yrs ago I remember 60 thousand?Q has always been a psy-op.
TheNarrowPathway - Dec 1, 2023
HeavensNarrowRoad Substack
Trust the plan - ie do nothing.
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 27, 2023 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
*Tickle*, *Tickle*, *Tickle*
Kathleen Pimentel - Nov 23, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
I read your link. Thank you.
mothman777 - Nov 23, 2023
mothman777’s Newsletter
Comment removed.
mothman777 - Feb 5, 2024
mothman777’s Newsletter
Absolutely, they are the ones behind all of this, the WEF is a front for the Israeli government NWO, pure and simple, and the WEF plan to 'reduce world population' by 7.5 billion 'to save the world' is really a the same thing as the intended criminal terrorist mass purge of Gentile humanity using the excuse of US and UN-approved Noahide Laws to execute all non-Jews following all non-Jewish religions for supposed 'idolatry' (around 6 billion dead there for starters), and then other Noahide Laws also have death penalties, but no Jew can be subjected to the death penalty under those laws, only Gentiles.
Both Trump's parents died in a Jewish nursing home, his family name is altered from the original German Jewish Drumpf.
Israel publicly stated that Trump was the most pro-Noahide Law POTUS of all.
Trump said in a televised speech that anyone against Judaism or the Jewish people 'must pay the ultimate price', that is exactly the same as the actually Jewish Joseph Stalin stated, he passed a law in Soviet Russia that anyone considered to have expressed anti-semitism (effectively just daring to understand that Jewish law states all Gentiles must be killed) would face mandatory physical execution. In the wording accompanying that law, Stalin stated that the law had been created because Judaism is considered fundamental and essential to the communist revolution.
After the Jewish 'Allied' leaders won WWII the Kremlin at first even wanted that same law to be made law in every nation of the world, but they then decided to do things less obviously, but obviously still to get just the same end result, basically just to ultimately exterminate all Gentiles in the end and steal the entire planet for the Jews alone, and what better way to do that than to convince the Gentiles that they need to submit to being heavily culled 'to save the planet', very cheeky of the Jews indeed, quite a trick if they can pull it off if people choose to remain dumb and passive enough to let the Jews simply kill them on an industrial scale, but the overwhelming majority are sadly just that dumb it seems.
It would be far better for everyone if millions self-organized without the ready-made fake alternative leaders who always seem to be ready waiting, the David Ickes and the Alex Jones's who are always pro-Jewish. People should choose new leaders from among themselves, take to the streets together with a replacement government formed from Gentile people in every nation affected and simply then throw the infiltrated hostile foreign power Israeli satellite military occupation governments out of their offices.
A very physical war is being waged against all of us, a war of extermination using bioweapons, but people are distracted by the scenes of more easily recognizable conventional means of warfare being waged in Ukraine and Gaza for instance, they cannot yet understand that they too are being violently killed by infiltrated NWO Israeli satellite governments now ruling many nations by being irreparably mutilated genetically and simply being sterilized out of existence.
The Jews have collectively maintained an acute psychosis for thousands of years (viz Deuteronomy 20:16) that makes them feel all Gentiles necessarily are to be/will be exterminated as it even says in the later Zohar, and several of their rabbis have even stated live on video-recorded speeches to their congregations that all Gentiles are to be/will be killed, while mentioning Deuteronomy and using that as purported authorization, so it is plain that that scripture is not really intended only to be applicable to a very limited number of Gentiles in ancient history in a very limited geographical location as many misleadingly claim. Rabbis like Rabbi Yisrael Ariel and others say that what is written in Deuteronomy, that some Jews says existed in oral tradition even 5.5 thousand years ago long before it was eventually written down, is to apply over the entire globe in the coming future.
Of course Biden is just the flip side of the same coin, just like in Russia Putin is a red-thread-wearing Chabad Lubavitcher devotee crypto-Jew, and Zelensky is a Chabad Lubavitcher Jewish devotee, and both are alumni of Klaus Schwab's WEF, and Schwab had a Jewish mother, and his very cold-blooded and heavily psychotic principal advisor Noah Harari is an Israeli Jew of course.
The current Stalinist land-clearing exercise in Ukraine under Zelensky is made to happen by order of the late Chief Chabad Lubavitcher Rabbi Menachem Schneerson.
Ukraine is to be purged to be made ready for millions of Israeli Jews to move in there and 'inherit' the land from all the dead and evacuated Ukrainian Slavs, whose 'line must be ended' according to the murderously-inclined psychopath Rabbi Schneerson by a deliberately arranged war.
The war is led by two Jews belonging to the same criminal terrorist Jewish cult who only call each other 'Nazis' publicly, while hundreds of thousands of Christian Slavs on both sides are made to slaughter each other like robots while quite literally under suicidal hypnosis, and hey presto, a 'war' starts in Gaza right on cue so they can make it seem to the world that millions of Jews will 'be forced' to need to go to a Bigger Israel in Ukraine.
Stalin murdered so many more millions in reality than Hitler was falsely alleged by the Jews to have done, even killing 10 million Christian Slavs in Ukraine alone according to the exact same figure he gave to Roosevelt and Churchill at Yalta, after which many Jews also then seized on the purposely-manufactured opportunity and moved into Ukraine to take the vacated land (no doubt insanely claiming "god gave it to us" then too) , so they cannot allow it to be recognized that Stalin was really a Jew, saying that he was just a 'Georgian' instead, yet here he is in full Bukharian Jewish dress;,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/
The two Jews and mass murderers Joseph Stalin and Lazar Kaganovich are actually dressed here in typical Asian Bukharian Jewish style.
Here is another picture of other Bukharian Jews that makes things clearer, you can see the typical stripy long robes they wear like Stalin and Kaganovich are wearing.
Some more history and some more kippahs!
@trueTKactual - Nov 23, 2023
@Thomas II’s Lessons Learned & …
Because the info was already made public.
Seeking Truth - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Seeking Truth
Comment removed.
Seeking Truth - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Seeking Truth
yeah where’s the antidote?!
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
Here is a CLUE, the ANTIDOTE was giving to a certain CLASS of people in 2018.
Seek and you shall find .....#AgentMidnightrider
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
Comment removed.
Agent Midnight Rider - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
The antidote is reported by J. Bart Classen, MD and confirmed by several Universities at science reference note [36-38]
here is the excerpt that you will find from the intelligence report, I blanked out the ANTIDOTE with dots. so, you have to read it yourself that's how important this information is.....
the antidote might be pre-covid only, meaning you would have had to take it before getting the shots. We are not sure yet. The other antidote or cure, most likely is CBD....
We are hearing a lot of reports that some of damage is IRREVERSABLE. nobody is sure yet. see
and CBDA and CBGA is the only peer reviewed treatment to stop replication of the spike protein. Also, we are investigating a few more treatments. that look to have promise. see
This fact was likely known based on vaccine research funded by ...... infiltrated NIAID/ NIH [22]. The Author published the initial peer reviewed paper on the ability of the ... ...... to prevent COVID-19 [23] and the Author’s conclusions has been confirmed by research from many large universities [36-38].
Aminata - Apr 10
Please what does CBDA and CBGA mean?
Nov 23, 2023
Comment removed.
Margie Chism - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Urgent Call to Action: Block the Pandemic Treaty NOW
John Vargo - Nov 25, 2023 - Edited
John Vargo
Signed that one but they also have stand in solidarity with Israel.Unbelievable
Margie Chism - Nov 25, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
John - I am called/ordered/gifted to cry out for Israel since 2006ish. ■ It may be a bet between God and his God damn Devil. Yet, I am faithful. It was a challenge since my Father-in-Law was classified/investigated that organized crimed killed him, being the Treasurer for a Jewish Principal company. Mr. Chism being a Navy Veteran from the Korean War and keeping the business going through his estate was devastating that the company attorney, a Jewish man/War Veteran (perhaps WW2) and being his best friend whom stole my husband's inheritance/all the company's wealth that the Chism's had in the business/stores. I have seen that friend with his name across his new models of sports Mercedes for decades, and read how he instruments the esquire listed for the Holocaust Museum in downtown Richmond, VA; yet who do I serve? I rather be a trader to Satan than to God. Perhaps God knows his responsibility on what and how far he has let the Tribes go from his will, and yet who really is Israel? Like knitting a garment while the rows maybe on holding pins, they will be hooked and casted over in the finished edge. I see two opinions, (1) serve the Lord God or (2) be tormented in hell and the lake of fire. What I find challenging is that he/God wants a sincere heart toward him. I tell him he is going to have to give me the heart he desires for himself. I go through a route that I did not make myself, nor chose to be part of his plan. Yet he has a double choice for eternal servant hood. The question is how more terrible is hell and the lake of fire in balance with serving God in his temple forever and not leaving. This may be why angels are so quite and do what he says. I do understand designing and why one makes for themself, so he has all rights to have his design and have those services which he desires; even in removing those designs that can fit in his plans. So, it is his God damn Devil who I hate and the main reason I still chose to serve God, I personally do not want to be in hell and then in the lake of fire, an put up with that damn Devil of his, Satan. Revelation 20. M
Julie Stander - Nov 26, 2023
Writing from the Heart Jewel
I'm unclear about the meaning of your post. Can you simply state it?
Margie Chism - Nov 26, 2023
Margie Chism
Julie - I cry out for Israel, I talk to God and make request to him concerning them. ■ I believe Satan made a bet with him/God that it would be impossible for me to honestly with a sincere heart make request and conversation to YHVH concerning Israel. My Father-in-Law was invested by the government that they believe organized crime killed him. He worked and was a stock holder in the company and being the Treasurer, he put all of his estate in stocks to keep the business going. The Principal owner and Attorney both Jews were involved that resulted the Attorney selling all the Chism stock in that company. My husband brought the Attorney to court for three years, and the Judge allowed the bank involved to decide to provide the copy of the estate check, and the bank said that since the attorney cashed/deposited the check into the attorney's banking account, that the bank would keep it private and not provide the judge the check; the law has changed after a few years and now banks must provide checks from stolen estates. Then since 1979, since the death of Mr. Chism, I have had to live through all this, even bury Mr. Chism, it took ten years of my marriage to pay off the case cost. Yet, I saw this attorney drive the highways with his name on his plates, and even up to seeing him giving his services to the new Holocaust Museum in town. My husband told me early this, "They just were not going to have Gentiles own part of the company." This attorney's daughter use to/previously go to dinners with my husband, and while I dated him she claimed he was her boyfriend. Now, if her father thought keeping my husband's money would lead him to their door; they were 'stood up'. Terrible that all he stole was not worth her; his daughter. Therefore, I believe Satan made a bet with God over me interceding for Isreal when it was a difficult work for me to do. I hate Satan. M
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Nov 23, 2023
Diva Drops
TY, so much Dr. are so generous and such an amazing warrior. So grateful for your brilliant work. I will lift my glass to you tomorrow...Happy Thanksgiving...we are all forever grateful for such a magnificent spirit!
Ron - Nov 23, 2023
Dr Ardis does not claim that nicotine does anything other than remove toxic spike proteins from Alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors. EDTA and food grade hydrogen peroxide then denature those released toxic proteins so they do not reattach to other receptors. The added benefit of EDTA is that it can also bind to any foreign metals (nanotech) and remove them.
So that takes care of the spike proteins and the nanotechnology. However we still have the problem of disolve the unusual clots. It's disconcerting that your research shows proteases are not effective at doing so, while Nixons research seems to show that they do have an affect on the clots. If they do then that means the clots are made of body proteins. If they don't then that would mean the clots are made of something other than materials from our body. I hope MB can interrupt or reverse the creation of these clots.
Lynette Devries - Nov 23, 2023
John Vargo
I heard Nattokinase is good for clots. As for all the rest I would have to stop eating to afford it all.
John Vargo - Nov 27, 2023
John Vargo
I've been taing fulvic acid and red pine needle oil in grape juice most nights.The oil is touted for dissolving plastic.
Kathleen Pimentel - Nov 23, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
Papain dissolves hydrogel
John Vargo - Nov 27, 2023
John Vargo
Any proof of that claim?I've been taking the blue with orange juice,maybe will switch.
Kathleen Pimentel - Nov 27, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
To clarify, Papain comes from Papaya.
Bromelain comes from Pineapple.
In regards to papain, I looked up this information about a month ago as someone had dropped this link to a published study. I only read the part that referred to hydrogel. Someone dropped the link to study I noticed on this thread as someone else asked for proof.
Later, I did more research specifically with regard to papaya seeds. The benefits are outstanding. I wrote down extensive notes. I've been drying seeds. The fruit I cut up and save in freezer to add to various juice blends. Pineapple is huge importance due to bromelain only found in pineapple. Freeze this fruit too. Now, cinnamon has cinnamaldehyde which I read will disrupt Luciferase. Stock up on that because of supply chain interference happened in 2020 coincidentally.
Don't forget, eggs are highly important to counteract C19 elements that weaken bodies resistance, etc.
These people are sick.
Evil has no bounds.
Kathleen Pimentel - Nov 23, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
Comment removed.
Kathleen Pimentel - Nov 23, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
Papain dissolves hydrogel
Sally Oh - Jan 21, 2024
Sally's Real Life
Papain is from papaya. Bromelain is from pineapple.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 2, 2023
Patti’s Substack
The clots are made with the Krait eucerrin venom and the Eastern Brown Snake tertillinin venom. Found in the shots. The first one causes the microclotting and the second one stops the blood plasma from dissolving them. It's a clever two edged sword..very evil. This information is out there per Dr Ardis he shows the documents.
AncientHeart369 - Dec 14, 2023
AncientHeart369’s Substack
Guess what MB deactivates? SNAKE VENOM!
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 15, 2023
Patti’s Substack
I was not aware of it MB deactivating snake venom. I know it can kill Malaria and other organisms. What does deactivate snake venom is Mimosa Pudica. It's a plant used in Malaysia and E India specifically for Bungaruse venom ( lipophosphase A2) and for gut parasites. Go look it up the literature is available.
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 23, 2023
Pirate Eyes
That is the problem. This stuff is called Cross Domain Bacteria or CDB. It is gene spliced tech from all three major domains - Animal/Plant/Mineral. That much is known. The unknown is which Animal/Plant/Mineral(s)?
Once inside the host body, it uses the host as raw materials to build and replicate (in part) by creating synthetic blood from natural biological blood. That much is known. What else it's using various parts of the body for is still unknown. we can see, killing or eliminating it becomes a problem. What kills the "animal" part may have little to no effect on the "plant" or "mineral" part(s) and vice versa.
There are a variety of "strains" as well. I think that's why some tech is seen in some samples and not so much in others and adds to the difficulty of killing it. Some people got injected with one "strain" over another and are having lesser problems because that "strain" didn't work as well.
Also, due to the specificity of utilization of the individual host, what works for one person may not work for all.
I've had Morgellons/CDB for fifteen years and it's been established that Morgellons/CDB is a beta test for the ingredients of the injections. Morgellons/CDB victims have been dealing with this "one size does not fit all" problem in trying to rid themselves of it.
Dr. Ana works with Clifford Carnicom who has been studying and researching and publishing papers on this biosynthetic nanotech invasion for several decades. His website has the most comprehensive history of what's happening as well as current research. He has a substack as well.
God Bless.
Kathleen Pimentel - Nov 23, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
Papain dissolves hydrogel.
bastringue - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Patti’s Substack
Do you think methylene blue would work if taken orally? If so, what brand and how much?
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 2, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Methylene Blue can restore electricity and photons to the cells giving a bump up in energy. It can also help cells carry more oxygen and can boost the bodies ability to fight organisms. Get Mark Sloans book. The Ultimate Book on Methylene Blue.
bastringue - Dec 3, 2023
Patti’s Substack
I am reading his book, but it is low on content. I'm near the 33% mark and he's still talking about nitric oxide and blah blah blah. I'll keep reading, but so far I am not impressed. He needs an editor, that is clear to me. Anyway, thanks, I'll keep reading on the subject...
BTW do you take it? Do you notice you feel better?
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 3, 2023
Patti’s Substack
I do use MB daily.
bastringue - Dec 3, 2023
Patti’s Substack
And how did you feel before you started it? And now? What dosage?
I still can't find any good cheap source in Canada. All I can find is overexpensive ones coming from the US with expensive shipping rates.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 3, 2023
Patti’s Substack
I felt tired. Try BPH or BHP Chemicals in US.
bastringue - Dec 3, 2023
And is your energy up now? What dosage do you take?
Thanks I'll take a look.
Cindy Weidner - Nov 23, 2023
Patti’s Substack
1 My first orders of Methylene Blue were pre-mixed, easy way to get started:
2 After a couple months I began to increase my dose - I leaned (it’s easy) to order Methylene Blue in powder form. I use CTZL as my source for vials of powder - I got the link from the Methylene Blue Telegram group. Easy instructions, add 100ml water (I use distilled water) to 1 vial and you get a 1% solution of Methylene Blue - dosing charts usually go by 1%:
3 Methylene Blue Telegram channel I follow to chat with fellow users to exchange experiences:
bastringue - Nov 24, 2023
Patti’s Substack
What's a good dosage?
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 2, 2023
Patti’s Substack
Get Mark Sloans book for that information. Doses are in the book.
Cindy Weidner - Nov 24, 2023
I started with 10mg per day broken down into 2 doses. After about 3 to 4 months I increased to 20mg per day broken down into 2 doses. There is a book on Methylene Blue by Mark Sloan which has that dosing information plus a mg/kg of body weight chart to slowly increase. There is a very good channel on Telegram where people share about this, has good pinned messages at top of channel too -
bastringue - Nov 25, 2023
You take it in liquid form? How do you measure 10 mg, with a scale?
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 23, 2023
Pirate Eyes
The original commenter takes MB supplied from CZTL. I looked them up and they look legit.
It is pricey. I think the powdered form they sell is the safest way to go. Anything premixed unless you are able to determine it's legitimacy may not be effective.
To find dosages, etc., look it up. People are taking it orally. I can't vouch for MB personally, but am going to try it soon.
Therisa - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Search for “pharmaceutical grade” methylene blue
bastringue - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Sophie Bertrand
There is not much choice, in Canada at least. Some of them are way overprice, like $40 for 2 oz at 10-20 drops each day. is there some cheaper brand that is good? would it be cheaper to buy in powder and mix with water?
Sophie Bertrand - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Sophie Bertrand
I just ordered fromamazon.comfrom Canada (compass laboratory 1%), 116$ for two 50 ml bottles. I once ordered from the Compass co directly, I had to pay extra customs fees. I don't know if I should expect those again from my Amazon US order. I did start internal treatment with it. All ok so far. I can't believe in the US the access you have to this type of products... If someone in Canada has a better source for MB please post. Also, Canadians, be aware that starting next year (and fully implemented by 2025) we will have an even more difficult time buying any supplement. An entire branch of Health Canada will put vitamins, plants and supplements in the hands and control of doctors and pharmacies. Stock up.
bastringue - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
116$ for 2 X 50 ml is insanely expensive.
I'm looking for other sources in Canada, but not sure if those are pharmaceutical grade or if food grade would be OK.
Yes, indeed... They are trying to make it more difficult to self-treat ourselves. That's a proof that supplements do work.
If you find anything cheaper in Canada, please contact me as I am interested.
John Vargo - Nov 27, 2023
John Vargo
Sophie Bertrand - Nov 27, 2023
Sophie Bertrand
Thank you for the link! I'll look it up! For Canada, it's still 29$a bottle and shipping 15. A little insecure about customs getting their happy hands on more fees.
John Vargo - Nov 27, 2023
John Vargo
They also have eastern white pine which was said a few yrs ago to contain suramin touted as inhibiting mRNA replication.
bastringue - Nov 23, 2023
Sophie Bertrand
Que penses-tu de ça :
Avec 5 grammes on peut faire 500 ml pour 90$...
Sophie Bertrand - Nov 23, 2023
Sophie Bertrand
Pas trop certaine de la qualité... et de mon talent de chimiste à faire le mélange! LOL!! As-tu essayé le produit?
Therisa - Nov 23, 2023
I’m assuming as long as the powder is pharmaceutical grade too 🤷🏼♀️ You’ll have to do research
bastringue - Nov 23, 2023
Yeah... Seems complicated. Wish there was an easy go-to brand.
Therisa - Nov 23, 2023
Look at the reviews when searching different brands.
I chose Earth Harmony from Dr Edward Group’s company Global Healing Center because I trust him
bastringue - Nov 23, 2023
Thanks, I took a look... But $30.95 USD + shipping... for 2 oz (60 ml)... That's really really expensive. At 1 ml per 6 drops, that's 360 drops, and at 10-20 drops a day that's 18 to 36 day supply, which is not a lot for the price.
I'll keep looking. I saw some sold in big 500 ml or 1 liter bottles. Not sure how pure it is, however. Wouldn't like to get more heavy metals into me...
Holli Diel - Nov 23, 2023
Pharmaceutical Grade Methylene Blue:
Queue the Revolution - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Kathleen Pimentel
Have you done a trial yet analyzing the blood of a person who has been water fasting (with pure spring water and minerals) and in deep autophagy for 30-40 days? Much of what I have read says that these polymers are biodegradable and other sources state that the inside of the human body is quite inhospitable for many of these things (temperatures, enzymes, processes, substances we create, immune system, etc.). Why not check the blood pre-fast and then again post-fast? See if it makes any difference to anything.
I just think fasting is the answer to nearly every ailment so why not check if it could be of use here or as part of a protocol? Fasting is (almost) free, and once you are over day 5, it’s just easy. Finding volunteers shouldn’t be too much of a challenge, I would think? I did two 30-day water fasts this year within a 4 month period and as usual, I lost about 60% of my hair. Always happens to me (I’ve done other extended fasts of 10 days and 21 days and all kinds of shorter ones so I am no stranger to this hair loss phenomenon that seems to affect me more than others). So I would be a willing volunteer for this project but I’d need to wait until January (also I live in Canada and don’t really know how we’d go about testing blood before and after). But I think there’s something here that needs to be investigated because autophagy is an extremely powerful tool and the human body is equipped to heal itself.
Anyway thank you so very much for all of this. I am always at a loss for words. You’re helping humanity every day. I take notes. These are such frightening times.
Kathleen Pimentel - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Kathleen Pimentel
Fast using QTonic
And Papain [Pineapple juice fresh with core]
Queue the Revolution - Nov 25, 2023 - Edited
Sally's Real Life
It’s not fasting if you’re consuming calories. All you need and should consume is pure water with minerals in it. Even drinking black coffee or certain teas or lemon water can keep autoimmune issues present and interferes with autophagy.
Sally Oh - Jan 21, 2024 - Edited
Sally's Real Life
There are many ways to fast. Juice or broth or water or raw milk, for example. All have value and different results. All give your digestion a break from your normal food diet.
Alouicious Jackson - Nov 23, 2023
Chronicles of the Collapse
I use methylene blue every day in conjunction with infared light therapy. Also diatomaceous earth and shilijat(humic/fulvic acid compound). I'd like to see that one tested. I also use liposomal EDTA several days per month.
Collapse Podcast - Nov 23, 2023
Chronicles of the Collapse
I also use infra red light with methylene blue and it does wonders for me
BlazeCloude3 - Nov 23, 2023
Not easily impressed; but am certainly very impressed, Dr. Ana. Truly, you are a brilliant person with quite the 'Scientifically Creative Mind'. Can certainly ascertain the motivation behind the enemy identifying you a 'TARGETED INDIVIDUAL' and celebrate the fact of your continuing victory. The world NEEDS more just like you.
ROCK ON!!! 🙏🏻💖🙏🏻🎯🤗
Michelle Tennyson - Nov 23, 2023
Michelle Tennyson
I agree 100%! I’m not easily impressed either but Dr. Ana’s research blows my mind! She is absolutely brilliant!
Margie Chism - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Revelation Chapter 16 ■ KJV, blueletterbible
And I heard a great voice out of the temple saying to the seven angels, Go your ways, and pour out the vials of the wrath of God upon the earth.
2¶And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.
3¶And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.
4¶And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.
5And I heard the angel of the waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, which art, and wast, and shalt be, because thou hast judged thus.
6For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.
7¶And I heard another out of the altar say, Even so, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments.
8¶And the fourth angel poured out his vial upon the sun; and power was given unto him to scorch men with fire.
9And men were scorched with great heat, and blasphemed the name of God, which hath power over these plagues: and they repented not to give him glory.
10¶And the fifth angel poured out his vial upon the seat of the beast; and his kingdom was full of darkness; and they gnawed their tongues for pain,
11And blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, and repented not of their deeds.
12¶And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.
13And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
14For they are the spirits of devils, working miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
15¶Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame.
16¶And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.
Seventh Bowl of Wrath
17¶And the seventh angel poured out his vial into the air; and there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven, from the throne, saying, It is done.
18And there were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty an earthquake, and so great.
19And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell: and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.
20And every island fled away, and the mountains were not found.
21And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great.
Lynette Devries - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Dear Sister, I watched a YouTube video the other day and the host was talking about certain countries creating artificial suns. With them he said they could be used as weapons to burn cities down. Well look at Maui some are saying Directed Energy weapons from a Chinese satellite caused the fires. It is quite complicated the beams do not recognize certain colors like blue. A lot of this weaponry was given to governments from Fallen Angels pretending to be aliens. A couple of American Indian tribes have a legend that says this Earth will be destroyed by fire. The last Earth was destroyed by water. I live in Australia and our native aborigines have a similar legend saying that the Earth will be destroyed by fire. Been a Christian many years, just wish all this that is happening now happened 40 years ago when I was in my 20s. I have no husband or family save for a 82 year old sister in the Lord who lives in another state. Please pray for me and Fay that we will have the strength to finish the race set before us. I and Fay did not get any of the COVID/ bioweapon shots. God bless you.
Margie Chism - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Lynette - "Father I ask that you keep Lynette and Fay and I place them in Prayers Continuously that we know and walk the direction in which you travel. May your spirit empower our mind and that we be the elect that you bless to the end. Yet your plagues delievered by your servants the angels of your choice, may the wrath you unleash do us no harm, as we look toward you as our only hope for our soul and life eternal. We bind all evil as reapers that walk cleared paths and may our loins not tire. We give these forces of beast and king, devil and devils to your judgement of uttered destruction in mind and field. As we watch for the return of your Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, we ask for strength and victory over the plans of the arrogant and may you raise the standards against this whore kingdom of darkness that our request to you for faithfullness be complete; in Jesus name." M
Lynette Devries - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Thank you my precious sister for your beautiful prayer. I used to have prayer meetings on a Wednesday night at a Baptist church I used to attend. They believed that all the gifts of the Spirit mentioned by Paul still operate today. I used to possess the gift of healing. Been many years since I was used by Almighty God to heal someone. Fay was the first to have His healing touch. She had a grumbling appendix at the time and I laid a hand on her side. While I prayed she felt a heat go through it and something move. Next all her pain was gone, praise Yah. God also healed a man with a hernia but not straight away. I had him cover the area with his hand that needed healing and I touched his hand to pray. Two days later he was back to doing archery. Barry said I really had the gift. I would it if God would heal the vaccine damaged through me. Don't like it when some churches condoned the evil bioweapon. In Australia by Christmas the powers that be want to give us another COVID vaccine. I tell everyone I can do not get it. God bless you Margie.
Margie Chism - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Lynette - My family and I did not get the shot. God told me for a year or more nearly every morning before my feet hit the floor, "Do not get the shot." I am thankful I listened. Since BILLGATES111 is six hundred threescore and six in ASCII code, his patent he chose after the number of his name...060606... is said to be in the shot. The QR image/code is operated worldwide by his Microsoft as passports on cell phones. 'Phone' is a Greek word for speech/voice/sound. I believe this shot is the mark (some swab testing PCR are said to contain MAC addresses as well), and the MAC bluetooth 'signals' do qualify as a mark in Greek definition. The wrath of God in Revelation Chapter 16 includes God's wrath on those that receive/deceived the abomination which does include some ills as rash sores and pain. I find that there are present ills that do need healing and those that are oppressed by the vaccined do qualify; this is a seed war. It is God who heals and yes he does give the gift of healing to some. We all in the faith are to lay hands on the sick, cast out devils, and speak in tongues in Jesus name. It is the character and practice of/for the Believer. I will say when Peter cut off the part of an arresting officer's ear, Jesus did heal that assult. What we must do is [w]atch, so we are not caught unaware. M
Lynette Devries - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Hello dear sister, The jab is a precursor of the Mark. 5G will have a part to play and I saw that the elite want to chip us all. Maybe the chip is in the Vax already. A Christian Carrie Madej found on a microscope slide HYDRAS. They are mutated so they can live in our blood stream. Remember how they wanted the vaccines frozen to 70 below zero? that was to keep the Hydras asleep until they reached our blood stream. A very good site for videos Its videos are called BRIGHTEON. I'd type in names like Doctor Carrie Madej, Celeste Solum she used to work for FEMA, and the Stew Peters show. He interviews interesting doctors and even interviewed Doctor Ana a few times. Thing is as Doctor Ana has said the Vaccinated people shed. On my limited income I cannot afford all the things they say to get to keep my blood clean. I was given the gift of healing in a Baptist church and I pray that God Almighty would use me to deliver people from the damage the shot is giving. Be good if there was a prayer we could pray to protect us from the shedding. Psalm 91 I think mainly protects from the plague. James states Life and death are in the power of the tongue. My sweet Mum cursed herself saying I won't be alive to see you finish embroidering that tablecloth and I won't see Expo. I like the scripture that says As a man thinketh so is he. Wish all this happened when I was a lot younger not when I'm getting up in age. God bless you.
Margie Chism - Nov 23, 2023 - Edited
Margie Chism
Lynette - Precursor is not your word, but of preachers and some cowards that will not show their face unless you pay them for them to talk to you; they classify themselves as researchers. This shot is a Nuclide Shot and God's name is in every cell. YHVH is in pattern of Nuclide Acids of 10-5-6-5. Hebrew is read right to left, and the Yod/10 is the hand and the right hand, the Hei's/5 are the eyes, and the mark can be between the eyes in Greek is the definition for the English translation for forehead. The Vav/6. It is God that gave them the strong delusion to be deceived in receiving the mark, because they did not love the truth so he let them believe the lie. Revelation clearly defines the mark being in/on the hand/right hand or forehead. I cannot say this is not the mark. 5g has nothing to do about it, it is receiving the mark, the abomination that is damnable, God is [n]ot hard up to open his estate here after the Millennium, nor is he begging for servants to occupy him every moment; where he says you do not leave and that no sun will shine on you either. He is sincerely a badass God, and from insecure as having a jealousy state to right down mad crazy he is; and his remedy for not meeting his standard for acceptance is hell and the lake of fire. No problem for him. It is his world and no one is going to stop him. Now, where are the quakers? Shakers? Revelation is clear about the beast and false prophet; nowhere is 5G a requirement, it is receiving in/on his/beast number, 060606 is 666. Anyway 5G has been and is, and will be on, even before the shot; precursor is false teaching and false preaching. That qualifies as well for these times. My last reply to you for this thread. M
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 23, 2023
Pirate Eyes
The lasers can be programmed to NOT burn a variety of colors. So not burning the color blue was a choice made by someone(s). My guess is the Masons since blue and gold are their colors for The Blue Lodge. If you watch TV or movies you can notice almost all made in the last few years are using blue and gold for sets, costumes, lighting, etc. They are declaring something.
I also found videos from around the US of government buildings changing their roof color to blue.
But the lasers can be programmed to burn blue and not, say, green, etc. There are several videos out there about lasers that illustrate this.
It's a Spiritual War. Endure until the end with the strength and love of Jesus Christ. Praying for Lynette and Fay. God Bless.
Michelle Tennyson - Nov 23, 2023
Michelle Tennyson
I’ve heard a lot about methylene blue lately. Several years ago, I was given samples of something at the dr for a UTI that was supposed to be similar to Pyridium, which turns the urine a bright red/orange color but the meds I was given turned the urine to a blue color. I remember looking at the ingredients & it had methylene blue in it, which explained the blue color, but I never considered it may be the more important ingredient in the medication. I went to nursing school & never finished unfortunately but I remember using methylene blue in the lab as a dye on the slides. Am I mistaken or are these the same things? I thought it was just a dye but it seems it may have many more uses than I thought.
Therisa - Nov 23, 2023
There are two forms of methylene blue. The industrial kind, that yo-yo used in a lab, and pharmaceutical grade methylene blue. 👈🏻That’s the one you can take orally
Michelle Tennyson - Nov 23, 2023
Michelle Tennyson
Okay that makes sense. After I wrote this comment, I thought to myself idk why I didn’t just look it up like I usually do, instead of expecting someone else to give me an answer 😂 I haven’t gotten around to it yet but I’m gonna go do that now. Thank you for clarifying! 😊
Therisa - Nov 23, 2023
Yeah, I hate autocorrect 🤦🏼♀️🤣 *you.. no yo yo 🤣
Kathleen Pimentel - Nov 23, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
What is it? Where does it come from?
Collapse Podcast - Nov 23, 2023
Chronicles of the Collapse
The history of methylene blue is very interesting, it’s been around for nearly 150 years has been used for everything from staining , malaria treatment , as well as treating recurring UTI’s
Kathleen Pimentel - Nov 23, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
What is it though????
Collapse Podcast - Nov 24, 2023
Chronicles of the Collapse
A dye
Debbie - Nov 23, 2023
There used to be a pill called uroblue for UTI’s. It was 60 mg.
Gisela Watson - Nov 23, 2023
Gisela Watson
I had a tooth blow. Had to get root canal and crown. They used septocaine. Found your information regarding septocaine day AFTER said root canal. Now trying to figure out what to do. Any recommendations? Methylene Blue? I am unvaccinated.
Sandy K - Nov 23, 2023
Sandy K
See the work of Weston Price regarding that root canal! And Dr Robert Yoho's substack (as he learns about these things!) He's been posting about malfeasance in the medical profession left and right and it is wonderful to read his info. And has two books you can download as well. Highly recommend.
Gisela Watson - Nov 23, 2023
Gisela Watson
Thank you. I have seen Dr. Ana’s microscopy of septocaine, I don’t want this crap in my blood.
gr8H8er - Nov 24, 2023
Watch ‘Root Cause’.
Sara Bliss - Nov 23, 2023
Pirate Eyes
Dr Ana! Thank you very much for your wonderful work for humanity. Here in Brazil there is a factory of biophysical devices that I believe can be an antidote to nanotechnology, because with frequencies equal to graphene they can destroy it, or even remove it from the body through cataphoresis and a basin with water and salt in addition to the electrodes on the feet! I invite you to do this test in the United States, the name of the company that creates these devices is called NOVA CIENCIA.
Pirate Studebaker - Nov 23, 2023
Pirate Eyes
Very interesting. I'm looking at Nova Ciencia site and learning a lot. Thanks.
Margie Chism - Nov 23, 2023
Margie Chism
Covid Vaccines Analyzed by Taygetan Lab ■ Complete Report - Graphene, Nanotechnology, and Transhumanism
Sophie Bertrand - Nov 23, 2023
Sophie Bertrand
All super nice comments, but please Ana Maria, specify about the MB. (taken orally?). Like the EDTA IV, does it work with taking EDTA and Vitamin C orally? As an average lady, no access to these IV treatments.
David Merrill - Nov 23, 2023
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
I drank so much methylene blue yesterday, my pee is still green!!
Ron - Nov 23, 2023
With MB, less is more.
Sophie Bertrand - Nov 23, 2023
Sophie Bertrand
Nice green too, I've noticed mine, weird :-)
Therisa - Nov 23, 2023
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