Darkfield Live Blood Microscopy Of A Discoid…

Apr 27, 2024

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Image: Mesogen in C19 unvaccinated blood, AM Medical 2024


Lighted - Apr 27

Lighted’s Substack

I agree Ana - apathy rules. If I cannot even wake my 5 siblings to the fact that their declining health and stroke injuries are from the jab what hope have I with this. Too many people are brain injured now. Your work is stunning - just wish it could get widespread revelation!


Christian - May 6

Ar’s Substack

Too late ! I am unvaxxed, but got dental anesthesics and now my blood contains those "mesogenes" even after 19 sessions in a chelation clinic ! I am done !


Lighted - May 6

Lighted’s Substack

I’m the same- had a dental with a tooth extraction in 2018 before the plandemic - my blood the same. I was sick when I got home - had sweats and chills - went to bed for awhile. Dental anaesthetics had never done that to me before. At least I don’t have a MAC address yet ๐Ÿ˜Š


Lighted - May 6

Lighted’s Substack

A friend unjabbed had two weekends with big family gatherings-got very radiated from all her jabbed family members - tried all the usual products, ivomec, zn, vit d, vit c etc and yesterday had to put ice packs on her head, got blood checked - massive amount of hydrogel - will copy what she sent last night - Got friend down road to check my blood today
Oozing hydrogel ๐Ÿ™„
Went and did ozone treatment and felt good
Redid blood and 80% reduction in hydrogel ๐Ÿ˜ณ
Hope to do another treatment tomorrow


Christian - May 7

Ar’s Substack

Ah one good news... so, ozon would work ?


David - Apr 28

David’s Substack

After reading the article 3 times all i can say is get that chlorine dioxide ASAP. Online only. Use lemon drops instead of buying actual citric acid. Jim Humble, not a doctor, would agree. So you're going to buy SODIUM CHLORITE 80% FLAKES. CLO2, a gas, forms from the sodium chlorite and citric acid/lemon drops. I bought from "Prescribed For Life" brand 12 Oz. bag. This will last 10 years easily for 10 people because you go by drops. 3 drops each, mix, add water, done. And because the chemtrails, processed foods we eat, all pills etc. all contain titanium dioxide aka graphene dioxide. Drink some every hour.
These metals will evolve into a synthetic nervous system. Metals are like wire, used for moving electricity. Nerves too.
All this doomsday crap can also go down easy. They need you to be in high electric fields (photons) and/or Radio-frequency fields (also photons). To cancel them, you must be grounded to earth (electrons). So buy a grounding sheet. They're around 100. At least to sleep in, you heal during sleep. And for proper healing, you must be in a natural state. Grounding also shields you from radiation. The electrons help red blood cells by charging them negatively almost instantly! Like charges repel. Opposites attract. Leading to coagulation and coronahoax symptoms.
These things can't function without electricity
Their mini circuits store the electricity (photons) in capacitors and they discharge when theyre full (of photons). Each discharge "feeds" the predators.
Grounding will instantly deEnergize the synthetic capacitors. I have formal education and a degree in electronics engineering. So I understand how these systems function. I'm in hvac, so I caught all the crap Fauci would say. I know anything and everything about the thermodynamics and properties of air. I never participated in the masking theater because nothing made sense and people looked funny. I didn't allow my nephew either to wear.
I'm sorry but if people literally can't eliminate POSITIVE electric fields in their body, at all then nothing will work. These things SELF ASSEMBLE if theirs "juice" or there to feed them. Eliminating EF fields means being without wireless technology or being grounded 24/7 or at least until the CL02 eliminates them. Once the elite are hung in public we can go back to SAFE wireless technology. Wired is the only way.


Jules. - Apr 30


Thank you David!


BAB - Apr 28


David, will you please explain how to use SODIUM CHLORITE 80% FLAKES versus the CLO2 solution? Also, for the lemon drops, are you referring to drops of juice from a lemon or lemon essential oil drops in place of citric acid? Thank you!


David - Apr 30

David’s Substack

I knew I forgot something. Ok so we want 22.4% sodium chlorite solution in 1st bottle.
Out of 100g of liquid 28grams of 80% FLAKES will give you 22.4%.
Use 28 grams flakes and mix with 72 grams water. 28 +72 = 100
2nd bottle use equal amounts of citric acid powder and distilled water, preferably. But bottled is ok too. You can do 50g each or 20 grams each OR use pure lemon drops and there won't be a need for 2nd bottle.
Never use metal spoons or containers when mixing or storing these solutions. Pour 3 drops of each into a cup and mix them together using plastic spoon. Wait 30 seconds then add 4 ounces of water. Or more if the taste is too strong. Water won't reduce its effectiveness. And drink up. Do this once an hour or every 2. But keep doing it. You can always use more drops. Do it gradually though. Get used to it first. But dont do too much at once. This solution yields 10 ppm Cl02. I've read studies where even 100 ppm had no noticeable side effects. But we all know too much of anything is bad. You'll be good at 3 drops.
You'll notice you have a lot of solution to last you months with the amounts made. To make half as much, divide all number by half. So it'll be 14g flakes 36 grams water and that still gives you 22.4% sodium chlorite solution. The citric acid will always be equal amounts each.
And always try to drink it quick. Reason is that it loses its effectiveness in an hour. It works by oxidizing (removing electrons from pathogens. Kills them instantly. And poison chemicals become neutralized).
It's really wonderful stuff. And sorry I took long to respond.


BAB - May 1


Thanks for the clarification, David! I want to make sure I understand the lemon drops - you mean actual drops from a lemon, right, or do you mean that shelf stable product sold at grocery stores called Real Lemon juice?
My husband did a 10 day -2 week course of chlorine dioxide a couple years ago but didn't notice any benefits, so he stopped. We were told to use hydrochloric acid rather than citric acid so that the solution would taste better. We bought it in a 2 bottle kit of sodium chlorite and hydrochloric acid from KV labs.


David - May 1

David’s Substack

The answer to your last question is real lemon drops can be substituted for the citric acid powder you buy from Amazon.
Also very important to use separate plastic spoons when making the solutions. Try not to have the solutions accidentally mix. Even in powder form. You want the solutions 100% pure.


Apologetic Yankee - Apr 27

Apologetic Yankee

It's always been about involuntary exposure > the jab is a distraction imo ...a voluntary election for the most part....unless you decide to join the military...which is still a voluntary decision...at least in the us...for the time being anyway > which makes me think...what would the Younger Gens do if the Draft was imposed...just how apatheticly quiet would they then remain? ๐Ÿค”
I digress > the info must be effectively disseminated to the general populace about the Nobel deserving Science as presented by Humanitarian's like Dr. Mihalcea & Clifford Carnicom > it is Carnicom who 1st brought the Cross Domain Bacteria info 25 yrs ago to Our attention (to my knowledge) & to this day it continues to be heavily censored > adding insult to egregious injury, very few people are willing to be proactive in transparently sharing across social media > We have no one to blame but ourselves for not doing more.


matt. j.a.o.b - Apr 28

matt’s microscopy

Agree 100% - the jab is to distract us from whats already been implemented for years. Good call.


Carol B - Apr 29

Carol B

Hey Matt, Ana did note one difference in vaxxed blood to unvaxxed blood. As I recall, the vaxxed blood did respond to a certain frequency? Something like 4hz? Where the unvaxxed blood did not respond.
Also, mention was made of elderly man, organist, unvaxxed, who shows no blood abnormalities. Very rare. He says he plays the organ. Frequently. What about Certain frequencies? Churches used to be healing centers, the organs and stained glass windows worked in unison to heal. Thanks for all you do.


David - Apr 30

David’s Substack

Yes! Organs and their high frequencies were used for healing in times past.


Jules. - Apr 30


Humm, thinking why some churches have been burned out. Notre dame comes to mind.


Carol B - Apr 29

Carol B

Yes, that’s why all the big name “truther” docs are not talking about this. At all. In fact, some of them attacked Ana’s information and character at one point.
And. They have cures for vax injured. Stay away, IMO. Follow the money.


Seeking Truth - Apr 28

Seeking Truth

But what about all the people who died & were injured by the shot?


matt. j.a.o.b - Apr 28

matt’s microscopy

Including the unjabbed who died or are now injured, yes it will all get blamed on shedding etc when its actually the cross domain bacteria and synthetic life form we all have had for years.


Seeking Truth - May 4

Seeking Truth

But right after my daughter had her 1 & only Pfizer shot, she had tingling throughout her body, & then experienced pain & other symptoms. She clearly was affected by it.
Im not sure we all had it for years- some did, but recently they upped their game & its in everything.


Apologetic Yankee - Apr 28

Apologetic Yankee

They elected to expose themself to a medical experiment for which they agreed to accept full liability > no legal recourse granted whatsoever > file under Buyer beware > perhaps in future reincarnations (for those who believe) they will manage to learn from this act > the inverted MaTricks


joe stuerzl 85 - Apr 28

joe’s Substack

I keep thinking ,how do the elite avoid the same fate that we are facing ? If shedding is un avoidable as it seems for us ,then the evil doers know how not to get infected with their own medicine from hell . What is their secrete ??


Apologetic Yankee - Apr 28

Apologetic Yankee

I'm guessing a variety of effective methods > from chelation to diet to avoidance & likely other methods We are unaware of..not being mentioned/considered here.
Surely there's a few options effectively used as antidotes > also must consider the narrative it is not the tptsNb who're behind it all... possibility exists for a Species much further along with access to advanced tech that only exists in our wildest of dreams & tptsNb are fully aware > thus the best they can do in thwarting such encroachment is as mentioned above... chelation, avoidance, diet, etc.
Regardless, it's become increasingly obvious We are definitely on our own as Disclosure remains a painfully slow process.
If only things like the egregious censorship, apathy, fear & greed could be effectively dealt with those of us on Team Humanity would find ourselves so very much further along in not only mitigating but actually getting answers to the ever growing list of very fair questions We have placed on the table for discussion.


Cos - Apr 27

Apologetic Yankee

Yes, there is no other way. I use the kid learning to ride a bike analogy, the kids needs to fall off and get bloody. People have been brainwashed into hand holding for protection.


Apologetic Yankee - Apr 27

Apologetic Yankee

Absolutely > & being you can't see, feel, hear or sense in any way, ppl are unable to process the fact it is happening... some refusing to believe even when presented with the Science > sans something like the Draft being imposed (& even that's questionable at this stage if that would actually be enough to get ppl off their asses turning proactive) I have little hope for the #'s needed to effectively address > here's hoping I'm proven wrong & sooner than later.


Intellect - Apr 27 - Edited

joe’s Substack

Is it possible that UV Covid19 patient had other Medical shots? Anna’s work is excellent but there is still questions as to how the unvaxxed would get these nanobots and particles in a sneeze or cough, food and water? I’ve not aged nor have I had any medical problems from being around the Vaxxed, although, I’m very careful about being in a crowd.


Das Raciss - Apr 27

joe’s Substack

Me thinks from them spraying us like bugs (look up in the sky, you'll see, if you still can with all the clouds darkling the sun, air planes flying and spraying us...Twitter is filled with videos from people all over the world pissed and wanting answers why they are doing this)...then you have them putting this in our food (Dr. Ana has posted a lot of videos about that), then now they are bragging with computer generated infomercials on how they inject the kool aid into the seedlings/plants, etc.. whatever this stuff is, they WANT and ARE injecting this stuff into every single living thing asap!


joe stuerzl 85 - Apr 28

joe’s Substack

I'm not vaxed ,but after learning what Dr . Mihalcea ts finding ,than my blood is contaminated ,just if I had been vaxxed .Our natural immunity does not protect against bio weapons of that kind .So even if the injections would be outlawed right now ,it is much too late to help us .We are the losers big time ,the winners are the evil forces . I will not be alive twenty years from now ,but if you are ,you will see the devastation of human life ,or life in general ,from Dr .Frankenstein medicine .


MrSuspicious - Apr 27

MrSuspicious’s Substack

And whether they received any PCR "tests".


Freedomforever58 - Apr 27 - Edited


I ended up in the hospital after exposure to vAxed. And they found something on my brain in MRI


E.C. - Apr 27

Well, what did they find?
I hope u are not a Targeted Individual. Did they find a chip? Blessings.


joe stuerzl 85 - Apr 28 - Edited

joe’s Substack

My brother went to a hospital with a flu ,and they found that he is a prime subject for extermination .They murdered him in six days .


Karenvusa - Apr 28


Dear Joe, I am so sorry to hear about your brother. Please accept my condolences.


joe stuerzl 85 - Apr 29

joe’s Substack

Thank you Karenvusa


Jules. - May 6


Hurt my heart reading that, hugs, and condolences.


joe stuerzl 85 - May 6

joe’s Substack

I find the best caring friends among the ones who comment here ,even better than some of my relatives .Thank You all .


Intellect - Apr 27

I hope whatever the Doctors found was not damaging particles.


Sergiusz Statkiewicz - Apr 27

Sergiusz Statkiewicz

Thank You for providing this information.


http://coronistan.blogspot.com - Apr 28


BREAKING: Arizona Republican Party Declares Covid-19 Injections Biological and Technological Weapons, Passed Ban the Jab Resolution!BREAKING: Arizona Republican Party Declares Covid-19 Injections Biological and Technological Weapons, Passed Ban the Jab Resolution! -https://josephsansone.substack.com/p/breaking-arizona-republican-party


Anita Söderman - Apr 28

Anita’s Substack



MrSuspicious - Apr 27 - Edited

MrSuspicious’s Substack

Will you please further define the nature of how this/these people are exposed to shedding and by what degree it varies based on contact? For example, are those who work in an office full of vaccinated individuals experiencing the same outcomes as those with a spouse, with much closer contact, who has been vaccinated?
I'm curious about whether specific components are limited to spreading through specific types of contact. Thank you


KT-SunWillShineAgain - Apr 27 - Edited


Trillions of nanoparticles are in each injection so these nanoparticles are so small, like 100,000th the size of a width of human hair, they float in the air.
Masks can't begin to filter out nanoparticles.


Rachel Girshick - Apr 27 - Edited

Rachel’s Substack

The width of human hair varies between 20 & 200 microns. There are 1,000 nanometers in a micron. The N95 mask filters 95% of particles =/+ 3 microns, smaler things get through, i.e., Viruses ( virons), are between 50 - +/- 200 nanometers.
Bacteria, can be much larger.
I found all this on line.


KT-SunWillShineAgain - Apr 27 - Edited


Even N95 Masks can't filter out these nanoparticles, sorry.
Start watching watching Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea's substack re self-assembling nanotechnology that is forming these white thrombii in our bodies, forming an internal cast of our major arteries and veins.
Blood thinners can't do anything.
We're being slow motion vaxxine harmed into premature aging, early deaths via strokes, heart attacks, fatal embolisms, and of course turbo cancers.
The 70% vaxxed have harmed the nonvaxxed via shedding.


Cos - Apr 27 - Edited

To put this in a bit more perspective (for those still talking masks), Sophia Smallstorm discusses this very process back in 2011, this is no recent event. As to the shots, in my findings they appear to be merely a sensor upgrade.
Starting with spraying our skies then and moving through to the trans humanism link. If you haven't seen this yet, I would highly advise so. This was in 2011!
It is more about 'managing' your internal take over, with the target being complete illimination at some point in the future.


joe stuerzl 85 - Apr 28

joe’s Substack

It turns my stomach to see again more and more maskers where I live .The mask is the sign ,that they are retarded for life and of course vaxxxed to overflowing .


joe stuerzl 85 - Apr 28

joe’s Substack

My common sense tells me ,that the closer we are to a vaxxed person ,the more likely we will be contaminated .For example if one in a family is injected than all the others are sheddet on .What is produced in the labs of hell is the scary deadly stuff ,not so much any virus ,we have natural immunity against .


matt. j.a.o.b - Apr 28

matt’s microscopy

Radiation is a good start.


Adrian - Apr 28


Rot in hell๐Ÿ‘ˆthis expression has mold at the root. Wifi accelerates mold growth. Mold is in the sky trails. Leads University in London, instead of wires, they proved mold to be so conductive that they built a computer from it. Wifi, mold, ai, satellites, nano metals is the witches brew concoction to create hell on earth. If we were smart, we would work extra hard to ban wifi. All of their plan fails, without wifi...no cbdc, no vax pass, no mind control, no self replication, no smart cities, no smart meterd, no accelerated mold growth....just by banning wifi. Hmmm. Hint hint.


Anita Söderman - Apr 28

Anita’s Substack

Exactly, the energy to produce wifi, the wifi, the 5G:s is too vulnerable to not have been considered by the elites, or? Back up plan??


mark .s jackson - Apr 27

mark .s jackson

electrostatic generator ! ..... Has any one tried to over load these things with electricity ? something with a good jolt? or continuous stream of electricity A/C or DC like a Electrostatic generator?


MrSuspicious - Apr 27

MrSuspicious’s Substack

I've read something recently where this was attempted to eliminate the MAC addresses. Apparently, it did remove the signal for a few seconds to minutes, but then a new address would appear. I have no evidence that this is true.


Sergiusz Statkiewicz - Apr 27

Sergiusz Statkiewicz

Dear Mark. S. Jackson
I only found this...
But from my perspective voluntary piloerection brings immediate relief after my head feeling heavy or heated up.
God Bless
Book of Enoch
Chapter 5 verse 33
"33 And now as to the Watchers who have sent thee to intercede for them, who
had been aforetime in heaven, say to them: "You have been in heaven, but all the
mysteries had not yet been revealed to you, and you knew worthless ones, and
these in the hardness of your hearts you have made known to the women, and
through these mysteries women and men work much evil on earth.""
Their knowledge is limited, God will let us survive this.
Enoch chapter 4 verse 11
"11 And heal the earth which the angels have corrupted, and proclaim the healing
of the earth, that they may heal the plague, and that all the children of men may
not perish through all the secret things that the Watchers have disclosed and have
taught their sons. And the whole earth has been corrupted through the works that
were taught by Azazel, to him ascribe all sin."


Karenvusa - Apr 28


Thanks for the article, Sergiuz! I have downloaded and will read. It's from 2015 it shows this knowledge has been around in small circles of knowledge for quite some time.


David - Apr 30

David’s Substack

Yes! It exists and the fda knew it works! Check this out


Sergiusz Statkiewicz - Apr 28

Sergiusz Statkiewicz

Yes they studied the nano for quite some time now...
Or this one...
Or even this one...
The more I read ... the more I don't want to read...
Sorry for being a bearer of bad news...
I have no Idea how to get rid of this nano in our body... except this one article i posted which You refereed to ....
God Bless...


Karenvusa - Apr 28


Thank you for the additional info. Yes, we are in a bad spot. There are people looking into solutions. Dr. Mihalcea had success earlier with IVs of EDTA and Vit C, but the last several months seems to have an upswing in contamination so I don't know if she's still having success. These researchers are also good to follow on Substack : Managainstthemicrobes - he recently did a big video with David Nixon, Nixonlab, Sam368 and Matt's microscopy by Matt. j.a.o.b Lastly you can check out FireMedic8 onBitchute.com. He builds devices.
I haven't done anything they've tried for some reason. I keep waiting or procrastinating, not sure which one. God's Blessings to you too.


mark .s jackson - Apr 27

mark .s jackson

Ok! Sooo..... that Was a No! I belive only small micro amounts of electricity been used ! If i had The Equipment and the bio-crap I would zap these little F%$#er's back to earths compounds!


David - Apr 30

David’s Substack

Frequency signal generator:
Microamp meters are around $20.
Look for "BobBeck blood electrifier videos on YouTube to get an idea of how easy this is to make. We need everyone now to really step up. Or at least try. You seem to know electricity because it is in the 50-100 microamps. Bob Beck found success at 3.92 Hz using a biphasic square wave. Biphasic means its AC.
It's been done in both ac and DC with success
DrRoyal Rife, Bob Beck and George's Lahkovsky and others all found success only to be told to stop by the fda.


David - Apr 30

David’s Substack

In the 1920s Dr Royal Rife used a frequency signal generator and was able to destroy all manner of disease organisms (including cancer related organisms) by merely 'tuning' the generator to the correct resonant frequency of these organisms and applying the oscillating electric fields via the plasma driven, "Beam Ray Tube". Everything in the universe, living or dead, and its own resonant frequency.
High frequency, dc voltage, in microamps.
These numbers I'm not sure. I'm still researching. My guess would be high frequency, high voltage and no more than 100 microamps.
I saw a youtube video where some guy was cleaning his own blood based off DrRoyal Rifes inventions or Bob Beck. Bob Beck reintroduced the Royal Rife way and its because of him this technology still exists. The fda thought they burned everything. I just ordered the signal generator from ebay and a microamp meter. $15 each.
I'm also going to see about how to look at blood through a microscope to do before and afters of my own blood.


Karenvusa - May 1


Please let us know how you do. I've subscribed to your substack. Good luck!


matt. j.a.o.b - Apr 28

matt’s microscopy

Yes, but electricity feeds them and its more about a disruptive magnetic field or frequency to do some damage. We haven't fully identified them yet.


Karenvusa - Apr 29


Matt did you see this link that Sergiuz Statkiewcz posted just above you? An article from 2015 about a prototype (?) chip that attracts nanodevices in blood ex-vivo by using oscillating electric fields.
It mentions the frequency and also the names of two people involved. I will search their names for any updated papers on this. Many thanks to you and the other microscopists for all your efforts.


Cos - Apr 27

matt’s microscopy

It appears all electrical activity only serves to excite the tech into faster development. Keep reading back through Dr Ana's, and other's substacks. The fact that the tech requires wireless tech as it's backbone should tell you everything.
As for Tony's triangles, ask for before and after blood tests.


matt. j.a.o.b - Apr 28

matt’s microscopy

Eric at fm8 on stack is the only one who does tests like that.


Cos - Apr 28

matt’s microscopy

Yes, have seen his work. He also sells his own triangles. Conflict of interest?


matt. j.a.o.b - Apr 28

matt’s microscopy

Yes there is a conflict of interest but I believe Eric to be a good and honest man. The conflict is declared and obvious.


Anita Söderman - Apr 28

Anita’s Substack

Thanks for these revelations of what is happening in my unvaccinated blood, totally without my consent. And I did not even take any injections, only one pcr!


Cos - Apr 28 - Edited

"Video: C19 unvaccinated blood. Nano and micro robots self assemble hydrogel biosensor mesogens in the blood."
Interesting how you have adopted the C19 label? What you have been working on, is post C19 (plandemic)?
Are you now stating C19 has been achieved in the human species?
I still refer to a 'bio-weapon' and transfection, infected and so on, via a bio-weapon.


Rachel Girshick - Apr 27

Rachel’s Substack

Just when I thought it couldn't get much worse....


Thomas A Braun RPh - Apr 27

Can you be more specific about what the energy source within the blood is? You are saying that shedding is transferring the nanobots to the unvaccinated? How are they replicating in the unvaxxed? Definition of a micro micro virus? Seems sci-fi coming to reality.


Doug Brown - Apr 27

Doug Brown

Polyethelene glycol was listed as an ingredient in a cleaning product someone recently wanted me to try. I threw it out!


Joe - Apr 28

Joe’s Substack

We are all contaminated by food air or water u cannot avoid it all u. An do is detox regularly


David - Apr 28

David’s Substack

We all need to come together and take care of this. No one will be safe. The elites pawns, the un army here to invade will eventually be used against each other too. It's real Americans who have to fix what they started.



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