Medical Sovereignty Symposium: The Solution To Exit The UN And WHO - Replay link 12/29/23

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 27, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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You can now watch the video recording of this fantastic symposium

Link to Vaxxchoice Symposium

Todd Callender, Lisa McGee and myself were MC’s for this informative event and discussion with many actionable items.

Todd and Lisa shared important documents showing how Nanotechnology has been weaponized for the Transhumanist Agenda.

Prevent Genocide 2030

Dr Rima Laibow spoke about the current bills in Congress and the genocidal psychopathic agenda - listen to a passionate long time freedom warrior.

James Roguski explained the important upcoming events regarding International Health regulations and why it is important to share this information with everyone you know.

The Interest of Justice team updated us on all of their efforts:

David Meiswinkle Esq updated us on legal actions from grand Jury Petitions in the United States to investigate Crimes Against Humanity through National ARM and how to build our own parallel society.

Dr Sansone asked for everyone to make their Ban the Jabs video:

Lt Col Dr Pete Chamber spoke about this warfare as well as the situation at the border.

I spoke about how nanotechnology is an essential part of the United Nations sustainable goals, and the nanotechnological platform for world dominance and control.

This is imperative information, please share everywhere!

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Fayanne - Dec 27, 2023

Personally, I think “the solution” is to arrest all these bastards and try them for treason, conspiracy to commit murder, and and and and and

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Pasheen Stonebrooke - Dec 28, 2023

Diva Drops

love it...! Fantastic warriors! THANK YOU, from the bottom of our clotting hearts...

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