Meat Consumption And Live Blood Contamination…

May 17, 2024

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Video: follow up Live Blood Analysis after 2 EDTA Chelations and dietary changes.


Nick - May 17 - Edited


We are seriously f*****, there’s no getting away from this. I was using Nanosized Zeolite and it’s made me feel ill. Not many appear to be talking about unvaccinated blood/nano-technology. The implications are huge. Very depressing too!


Carol Guajardo - May 17 - Edited

Carol Guajardo

I've given up on what I can and can't eat. Even vitamins are contaminated. I figure I have already been poisoned most of my life. I refuse to live in fear day by day. We can't get away from it. Just the air we breathe and the dangerous 5G towers, alone, are damaging us. It is depressing. But, fear and depression can also make us sick. I can't believe I am living in these times.


Roman S Shapoval - May 17 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Vitamins are certainly contaminated, but the good news is we don't need many of them, like Vit D, which sends our bodies a false signal telling us we have enough. The Sun is our ultimate multivitamin!


Carol Guajardo - May 17

Carol Guajardo

But do we still get it with the sun being blocked. We have more clouds than sun where I am at. The geoengineering is working well.


Roman S Shapoval - May 17

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

I hear you Carol.
This is why I like getting out during Sunrise and the red/infrared rays have a longer wavelength, an are more apt to penetrate layers of the ionosphere.
Once you get the red light, then you can more easily absorb UV throughout the day, building your melanin detox pathway.


We The People - May 18

We’s Substack


JulesUSA - May 18

Carol Guajardo

Start dispersing vinegar outside to clear your sky. See Chemtrails Cleared.


Carol Guajardo - May 18

Carol Guajardo

I have read about that. It's just how much, and how long the vinegar works.


JulesUSA - May 21

It just depends. In all of those videos people did it slightly differently. Amanda Vollmer keeps a vaporizer going.


Ann - May 26

Ann’s Substack

do we just pour it in a bowl like every day or so?


Seeking Truth - May 17 - Edited

Seeking Truth

what if you have genetics requiring folate & b12, or chronic illness such as lyme & mold & you do need supplements?


me - May 18


chlorella (b12 rich) will bind gr aphene , spyke prot, viruses and junk from gut


Roman S Shapoval - May 17 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Get UV light, as folate and b12 supplements can often do more harm than good would be my suggestion:
Have you also tried beef liver, chlorella? I also like carrots right out of the ground, as the soil bacterium on carrots helps us convert B12.


Seeking Truth - May 17

Seeking Truth

I live in NJ- can't always get UV light in the Northeast. Especially with the geo engineering there's been very little sun lately.
I cannot stomach beef liver- which is contaminated according to Dr. Ana. As for carrots, I can probably get some from a local farmer, but again, they'd be contaminated with the nano.
I don't understand the level of evil we are dealing with. I can't comprehend it.


JulesUSA - May 18

You may want to start diffusing reduced vinegar outside. See Amanda Vollmer's website for how she does it and see Vinegar Blue Sky channel. It works, I can attest to that.


ConspiraOrg777 - May 18

The level of evil is not so unimaginable. America is largely a Protestant pursuit. Look at the Romish group, literally formed to undo Protestantism, historically known as poisoners, arguably too long "in-charge" of "higher edu" and other infiltrations. I believe there is a deep, powerful religiousity substantially contributing to if not outright causal to most of our troubles and ills. Regular humans are ultimately the doers of all evils.


JulesUSA - May 18 - Edited

People talk about how B12 is supposed to good for your nerves correct? Well, when I chewed a B12 supplement, I actually felt a strange nerve pain in my toe. Have never had that before! Go figure? For D I take a 5000 IU supplement AND get as much sun as possible without sunglasses AND will go to a basic UVB tanning bed about every couple months because it's sort of a distance away.


JulesUSA - May 18

Sabrina Wallace is going to be fasting and making smoothies another things. Although of course the smoothies use ...fruits/veggies... it will still help with nutrition.


RandD - May 17

Seeking Truth

I am using G-PUR (zeolite) on amazon, VERY EXPENSIVE, totally pure. No reactions, no nano anything. I had a reaction to the ACZ nano zeolite as well!


Seeking Truth - May 24

Seeking Truth

Do not use zeolite- it feeds this crap


JulesUSA - May 25

I've been wondering about Dr. Robert Young's Masterpeace drops.


denise ward - May 19


It's for us to stand for the right thing. As many as we are now, we need to make a fuss. Why are people satisfied to be sprayed like bugs from the sky? We need to confront them more and break them out of their spell. We can clean the biosphere and our bodies but we have to stop the contamination. Nature can heal itself very quickly if we stopped assaulting it. How many people are still buying polyester cloths or unnatural materials? Using plastics without thinking? We can replace everything petrochemical with hemp. We need to strategizze how we change this entire trajectory of pollution. We could start by owning the narrative - call climate change "pollution" instead. Oh that would piss off the overlords.


JulesUSA - May 18


Nick Redman, what brand, if you feel like saying?


Nick - May 18


Touchstone essentials UK


Rob - May 17


Zeolite turns into cement even with plenty of water


JulesUSA - May 18

Andy Hens

What? .... I was considering getting Dr. Young's Masterpeace drops but now I don't know.


Andy Hens - May 18

Andy Hens

Was considering it too, but there has been many bad reviews of people having side effects from it. Ana doesn't recommend ANY zeolite products. I would rather do her detox protocol with the EDTA chelation and methylene blue. Or even take activated charcoal once in a while, humic and fulvic acid, chlorella/spirulina/cilantro.


Seeking Truth - May 24

Seeking Truth

Masterpeace is contaminated


JulesUSA - May 25

May I ask what you mean?


Rob - May 18


Mine was powder form. Never again. After using the recommended supplements for 6 weeks, now on all organic herbs to detox


Marilyn F - May 17

crapshoot farmer

Very depressing 🫤


crapshoot farmer - May 17

crapshoot farmer

It surely is, Marilyn. I've resolved to forget trying to share this info with others. One forum I know of (a small one) the members will not accept new info. Most seem to be in an affluent distraction veil. And similar minded friends around me listen and might read a link, but no one cares.


Marilyn F - May 17

I have the same experience. No one is interested until it hits them personally. That’s why it must worse in order for enough people that rise up and stop it.


ConspiraOrg777 - May 18

Agreed 100% in DC area, among perhaps the most closed, tunnel-visioned, oafish menagerie.


Jj - May 17

Jj’s Substack

The obvious question: Why not do Darkfield Microscopy on blood of raw grass-fed beef. Then test the farmer's water and grass.


MyTooSents - May 17

Bee Gee

Everyone needs to calm down. There are so many variables here. Rouleaux has never occurred before 2020? Carnivore diet for 6 weeks, from a 4 year old cow? Is he eating it raw? The grass fed to the beef, was it grown in a green house? What's was the waster source for the animal? Was the animal aged after slaughter? What was the facilities? Was the animal home grown from birth? Where was this animal home grown? I find it odd that anyone would butcher a 4 year old cow for food. A 4 year old cow is prime age for reproducing. Anyone I know in the cattle business would not get rid of such an animal unless there is something wrong with it. Steers 18-24 months of age are are usually first choice. I think we maybe getting a bunch of bullshit from from this cow story:)


JulesUSA - May 18

YES there are so many variables that are not answered


ConspiraOrg777 - May 17

Bee Gee

Dr Magda Havas was writing about RF exposure causing Rouleaux Formation in live blood many years ago. Did I miss reading about proper isolation of "RF exposure" variable in this study? That's a B I G influencer. Many farms are bathed in RF, often due to their own land hosting of cell tower! Also, it does not help that Roulaux is 'myyspellte'. Wikipedia has a decent baseline article IMHO.


Bee Gee - May 18

Bee Gee

How is anyone really going to perform true RF isolation without building a faraday house? There are satellite and terrestrial RF signals everywhere on earth now.
I agree it may be a factor since there is obviously an electromagentic aspect to this technobioweapon but its just not realistic to act like we can escape it. Even if someone has a faraday house or room, at some point they are going to have to leave it.
I think a better isolation experiment thats more realistic is to get someones blood clean and then have them truly isolate and dont go around Anyone for a month or two. Stay fully and completely isolated and then recheck their blood.
At least then we would know if it Can be cured and people are just getting reinfected every time they go anywhere or if it is now genetically installed like a latent virus.


Kieran Jaegar - May 18

Kieran Jaegar

I volunteer as tribute.


Paul Vonharnish - May 18

Paul Vonharnish

Yes. I've referred ti Magda Havas's Rouleaux example many times since about 2011. >>>
The majority of the public refuses to consider the evidence. They'd rather die than give up their cellular binkey phones.


Linda Tanner - May 18

Linda Tanner

So many things to comment on.... Rouleaux Formation in rbc's has been seen long before the plandemic. As a cytotechnologist looking at various types of specimens from the human body, I occasionally saw Rouleaux if the specimen was particularly bloody. We were not taught the cause of it, but now after reading Gerald Pollack's work, I understand it is because the rbc's have lost much or most of the electrons on their surface. The surface electrons cause the rbc's to repel each other making it easier for them to move through capillaries single file. We know that eating a diet of lots of processed foods, and keeping an acidic, rather than alkaline, body, the rbc's tend to form more Rouleaux.
On another topic, I won't get into the carbs vs. meat debate, but here is an interesting tidbit my farmer friend, Shirley, told me. Shirley has farmed organically for 50+ years and she said one day that she would always want to eat fertile eggs, rather than eggs from hens who are not exposed to roosters. She went so far as to say she would take a fertile, conventional egg, over an infertile, organic one. The reason is that a fertile egg (whether chicken, human, etc) has everything that is necessary for life, whereas infertile eggs from unbred hens only contain part of what is needed to develop into a new and complete lifeform. Knowing that now, I wish egg cartons would list if the eggs are fertile or from hens w/o roosters.
Last but not least, yeah we're in a really terrible dilemma, but there is probably a solution "out there" somewhere and hopefully we will discover it before it's too late. I keep remembering that Albert Einstein said something like this: A problem cannot be solved with the same type of mindset that created it. Thus, we humans must try to think outside the box. In fact, that is what Dr. Ana is doing. She is trying everything she has time for! So remember: NOTHING IS WRITTEN IN STONE.


JulesUSA - May 18

Well said!!


Bee Gee - May 17

Bee Gee

I am not sure what the solution to this issue is. Not everyone has a covered garden producing enough food to consistently eat from, in fact almost no one does.
Not to mention that a vegan diet is inherently unhealthier than a carnivore diet... so you are going to have to take vitamins and supplements in order to even get all the basic nutrition you need, in addition to now being protein deficient and having pounds of fiber working its way through your gut at all times. Good luck with that.
And Those vitamins or supplements could also be contaminated or compromised, as apparently can many store bought fruits and vegetables. I just don't see how there is an answer to this issue for most people.
Although I still think the biggest risk factor is shedding from the vaxxed and we never find out anything about the patients shedding profile, or if she even asks.
Do they go out to work or the gym 5 days a week and restaurants and shopping just like they did in the Before Times?
Because anyone who is just carrying on like in the past has heavily contaminated blood. Period.
And does this person have vaxxed family or a spouse they live with or visit frequently? Are they sleeping with vaxxed? Are they going to church or similar big public gathering once a week?
I personally think those are bigger risk factors than food, but then again there does not seem to be any solution to the contaminated food issue.


JulesUSA - May 21

I just saw where they are helping Africans build gardens, and THEY'RE COVERED! Why not do that in the western countries? They're BUILDING COVERED GARDENS FOR AFRICANS.


WildernessofZin - May 17

I wonder if fish have the same contamination ? Or can these nano bots live in salt water and infect the life cycles there also ?


JulesUSA - May 18

I wonder about sardines.


Desiree Flores - May 17

Desiree’s Substack

Well that plays nicely into the hands of the vegan, nutrient deficient, agenda if there is one, cheers!


JulesUSA - May 18

Desiree’s Substack

To say their nutriet deficient is a stretch, seeing that most seventh day adventists avoid meat and they're some of the longest living people.


Desiree Flores - May 18

Desiree’s Substack

Years on earth say very little about mental health and quality of life, when what you eat becomes political or religious or opressive to your freedoms you believe you have, you have to question why? and qui bono? Who's cult is it? Yes you are right veg or vegan meals made from scratch can have nutritients as all meals made from scratch can contain nutrients, processed of any kind none to very little as that is mostly filling only, if you are lucky, and toxic if you are not lucky, Peace!


Marilyn F - May 17

That’s what I was thinking, which will make them claim even more superiority.


michael janket - May 17 - Edited

michael janket

I can't convince my cardiologist to accept a supplement regimen for this blood cleaning operation. Says it's not fitting the "standard of care". Has nobody on virtually any supplements, I have to sneak 'em into my schedule. Shhhhhhh....


Marilyn F - May 17

Do not listen to your doctor about food or supplements. They know absolutely nothing. I know because I’m married to a physician.
And, P.S. they aren’t teachable either.


Roger - May 17 - Edited

Roger’s Substack

I fired my cardiologist when he wrote in my report that the patient is consumed in conspiracy theory after I told him I was vaccine injured. F**K HIM


Babel - May 17


Good for you! Call them out! Just because they have a diploma in medicine doesn’t mean they can’t be wrong. Besides it would be interesting to learn if he has been paid for vaxing his patients, as many have made thousands. Still- many are blinded and will not see. Move on.


crapshoot farmer - May 17

crapshoot farmer

Paid for vaxing people and seems to have "orders"to obey certain parameters in discussing things with patients. We've seen this behavior in medicine for a long time.


Marilyn F - May 18

Here is a short video from Greg Reese on Substack. It shows the extent of kickbacks for doctors who give the vax. They depend on this money for a lot of their salary. I was stunned & sent it to everyone I know.


Danna - May 25

Danna’s Substack

Just having that diploma proves brainwashing. They cannot be persuaded.


ConspiraOrg777 - May 17 - Edited

Most doctors are "fully trained". Understand what that actually means. Now that he tagged you a 'nutter', at some point pretty soon, you'll be unable to arm yourself legally, perhaps suffer greater scrutinies in the ever-growing menace of automated interfaced society. Around most doctors and other 'authorities' keep your big mouth shut as to WHY. THEY DO NOT KNOW WHY and do not care to know why. Your words can be used against you. The only way they can possibly help you is to alert you to what other sufferers in their corpus of patients have also experienced, how they may have recovered, etc. and also the prescription of western-med allopathies. That's it.


Marilyn F - May 18

Doctors are no more informed than anyone. I’d go as far and say they are some of the least informed. They watch a clip on TV as they walk through a room & think they know the facts. As a nurse who has a family full of MDs I’ve observed them for years. There are some very bright, thoughtful physicians, but they are not the majority. My advice is, stay away from hospital-owned physicians since they are basically govt employees. Government dictates, through subsidies, how hospitals run almost every aspect of their business. They dare not stray from govt policy. Profit is their main objective now.
Seek out a private physician. You will pay more, but having a good doctor who has your same values is worth it.


Danna - May 25

Danna’s Substack

We are all vaccine injured if we have received even one shot going back to the 60's. Dr Paul Thomas has shown that only those that have not had a shot are free from these diseases that Fauci has raped humanity with. He is an evil s*n of a bi**ch and has been maming and killing Americans for decades with his Childhood Vaccine Schedule. Decades! Whole generations of humanity are now suffering from everything from diabetes to inflamed joints and muscles. Even spinal deformities and infertility is abound. He needs to get prosecuted for Crimes Against Humanity! Period.


Marilyn F - May 18

Get a new doctor ☺️


Michael Folks - May 17

Michael’s Substack

So, we who were beyond suspicious about the Covid Vax, are getting the same crap, now by Meat consumptions? The Chemtrails, are still being seen..


E.C. - May 20

Dr Ana has found IT EVERYWHERE. It is even in non-vax'd meat, water, fruits, veges, medicines, and it is falling from the skies🥹


ConspiraOrg777 - May 17

Seeking Truth

The meat is vaxxed routinely. Get to know your local farmer. Support them with all purchases, share info. They will care to know and understand.


JulesUSA - May 18

Seeking Truth

So Dr. Ana's patient that was eating grass fed beef, his beef was probably vaxed?


Seeking Truth - May 24

Seeking Truth

The are spraying the skies & it gets on the grass, & the cows eat the grass. They don't have to be vaccinated


ConspiraOrg777 - May 18

I think that would be an important factor to clarify. Maryland already presents onerous requirements for 'small/local' farmers that I'm told include 'strongly suggested' vaccination schedules; maybe similar (or worse?) applies to the beef supplier in this study. Related -- -- "ECOSCIENCE" the 1,400 page textbook co-by Obama science czar, which includes chapters on livestock vaccination, etc.


Joy Lucette Garner - May 18

Joy’s Newsletter

Plants made it almost impossible for me to walk. Carnivore turned this around.
WHAT is supposed to be left for me to eat now?


Marty - May 18

Nano Ordo Mundi

Seed sprouts. You will eat the sprouts.


Joy Lucette Garner - May 18

Joy’s Newsletter

I was once eating tons of sprouts and only watching me health decline. Although cooking and also sprouting can reduce the anti-nutrient content of plants, it only reduces these toxins. It doesn't eliminate them.
Humans do NOT get enough essential aminos, minerals, or essential fatty acids, from plants. I was literally DYING from plants. My health did not recover until I started relying upon animals for food. I cannot go back to not being able to walk. And besides, they're now putting all of the vax crap in the plants anyway. FDA does NOT require GMO to be labelled as such, and even allows "organic" labels on GMO produce.


E.C. - May 20

Joy’s Newsletter

Joy, stick with your beef then since everything is contaminated but use Dr Ana's protocols to help get some garbage out of your blood.


Joy Lucette Garner - May 20

Joy’s Newsletter

Sounds like a plan!


JulesUSA - May 21

You eat no carbs?


E.C. - May 20

Okay, and only use reverse osmosis water.


ConspiraOrg777 - May 18

Joy’s Newsletter

"They" already told us, DECADES AGO !!! You MUST see the movie w/ hugely-paid main actor Charleton Heston --- "SOYLENT GREEN"


Joy Lucette Garner - May 18

Joy’s Newsletter

I would laugh even harder if it wasn't so true. "You will have nothing, eat bugs, and be happy!"


Cellularly Erased - May 18

TheElephantIsInsideYou’s Substa…

Same happened with me.
It's in everything now. There's no avoiding it. We need other solutions.


PolitiJim Rants - May 17

To make broad claims that regenerative and/or fully grass fed/finished beef would have the same effect as CAFO corn fed beef is irresponsible until proven. I remember Nixon (or someone) saying they couldn't find any of the polymers, graphene or lipids in plants. If that is still true- there is much much more to this story.


Barbara Charis - May 17

Barbara’s Newsletter - Journey …

Grass-grazed cows are grazing on a great deal of grass, which has been contaminated by all the chem trails spewing chemicals on the entire world. CAFO meat is anathema with all the toxic chemicals, hormones and antibiotics in it. I gave up eating beef, chicken and fish back in 1973...and don't miss it. There are family occasions,, where I have been invited to Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner...and I will join in. However, I am aware that meat is not necessary for good health. Some of the largest animals are vegetarians and do fine without meat. I note that vegetables were mentioned, but fruit is the Primary Food of Mankind! If people can handle fruit, they have damaged their internal organs from the processed and wrong foods they have been eating.


JulesUSA - May 18

Barbara’s Newsletter - Journey …

I love fruit! Red delicious apples are my favorite, bananas, oranges. Oranges are heavenly when you eat one after a 1 or more day fast!


Stella - May 19

Yes, oranges are heavenly. We fresh squeeze organic orange juice everyday, so good.


Barbara Charis - May 18

Barbara’s Newsletter - Journey …

My favorite apple was the Pippin, which was the name of my favorite roller coaster. When I was a kid in Pittsburgh in the 1940s,. I used to ride the roller coasters all day long. My grandfather gave me a free pass for Kennywood Park. His employer gave passes to their employees. Disneyland could not compare to Kennywood in my estimation!


JulesUSA - May 21

That's a neat story, thank you!


Barbara Charis - May 21

Barbara’s Newsletter - Journey …

Red Delicious apples contain quite a bit of sugar. I did a very long fast...and went to break it by eating Red Delicious Apples. They made me nauseous; they were sickeningly sweet.


Honeybee - May 17

Honeybee’s Substack

Thank you, Ana. I've known this information all along and simply been too freaked out to contribute to most forums in any logical or sane manner. I have an ability to extrapolate quite easily to the furtherest repercussion of an issue. I see the end result in an instant. E.g., as Israel began their initial bombing of Gaza, I knew we would see what we're seeing in Rafah today. Once you began producing research results, I knew everything was contaminated. I even stopped walking outside because I became so hyper-aware (paranoid) of chemtrail payloads (from which I always felt I could detox with a heavy metal protocol and from which I did nine years to regain full health).
Thank you for your continued efforts both in diagnosis and treatment. We can maintain our physical integrity. We need both physical protocols and indomitable will. Our mental thoughts or stability are one shield in themselves. I'm reminded of Nancy Reagan's anti-drug campaign slogan, "Just Say No."
I would also like to offer this tidbit. I've recently acquired an acupressure mat. Those are mats with the spikey knobs upon which an individual can lie. I've seen extraordinary changes in my body after my muscular structure was significantly negatively impacted the last 15 years of working. I've been retired for seven years. The bodywork has been unbelievably painful but the results are miraculous. Our chi must have the energy patterns re-established not only from simple muscular abuse but also from nanotechnology. I think these energy patterns, from what I see, are multi-dimensional in structure. Iow, it's not simply a line of chi but rather a multi-layer pattern of energy upon itself which must be corrected for optimum health. Cheers, everyone!!


Anonymous - May 17


Dr. Anna,
I failed to mention that 99.995% DMSO (dimethyl sulfoxide) also protects against radiation damage and promotes DNA repair. Can be administered topically, ingested, and via IV.
It is extremely safe and inexpensive.
Please look into this in greater detail. Humanity desperately needs a solution to this nightmare.


ConspiraOrg777 - May 17


Dr Steph Seneff has been delving into what she calls our general societal deficiency of sulphur in diet. I noticed the sulf prefix...


Anonymous - May 18


Thank you for noticing my comment.
I recommend reading Healing with DMSO by Amanda Vollmer. Very insightful.
I don't know how to contact Dr. Anna, but I believe that DMSO could potentially remove the micro plastics (polymers) we are all accumulating in our bodies.


JulesUSA - May 18

Amana Vollmer is the bomb! (so to speak :) ) Also look at her video on how she uses vinegar to keep her sky blue.


Stella - May 20

I don’t know much about any of the many supplements people take, so decided I won’t experiment with any of them, since there’s always another side telling negatives, such as this about DMSO:


Anonymous - May 17


To Dr.Anna,
It has come to my attention that DMSO being a solvent reacts to polymers specifically soft polymers. DMSO can be and has been used in conjunction with EDTA. Therefore I believe this combination has potential in clearing the micro plastics accumulating in our bodies.


JulesUSA - May 21


Thank you


Anonymous - May 21


You are welcome.
I wish I could say with certainly that the product works. I'm not a doctor nor do I have the ability to perform clinical studies.


Kristin Schultz - May 17


I bought a little ground beef yesterday and it was non vaccinated and grass fed. I thawed it out and the package became very 'inflamed' very huge. I suspect something may be 'growing'? or whatever it is, I'm not eating it.


WildernessofZin - May 17


I don’t eat meat from stores or the butcher .
Only wild game . This “stuff” is In nearly everything we eat , drink and breathe . The time to be afraid is past . “They” fear us . That is why “they” attack us . This will get ironed out .
Just don’t live in fear . Live in awareness .


Babel - May 17


With the geoengineering, i have heard deer meat has been found to have it as well. I have no way to proove it, so its speculation.


Paul Vonharnish - May 18

Paul Vonharnish

Shuuuush! Don't wake up the denial... Geoengineering (weather control) has contaminated every square inch of the planet. You'd have to go to fucking Pluto for non-contaminated wild game.


JulesUSA - May 18

Can you give us more details please?



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