I cannot thank you enough for all the work you are putting into exposing this. I have spent almost a decade researching diabolical secret government experimentation on citizens and created a substack to start sharing everything I have learned. Seeing the progression over time; going from spraying aerosolized anthrax, nerve gas / VX, a wide array of deadly bacteria and more, to feeding toxins to ticks and mosquitos then releasing them across the USA to the release of pathogens into the water supply...it's all so unfathomable, yet real. Watching these injections play out has been absolutely horrifying for me. I knew it was going to be grotesquely morbid, but I never would have guessed just how bad it was.
Unfortunately, one of the goals of the the 2050 Agenda is transhumanism and they are very serious about it.
I have seen a lot of scaremongering about an Agenda 2050 but the UN only talks about Agenda 2030 with a view towards its longer term sustainable goals. There is no mention of transhumanism in their blurb.https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/blog/tag/2050/
I am not saying that we do not have concerns about Agenda 2030. I have been warning about that since 2015 here:https://francesleader.substack.com/p/agenda-2030-no-escape-no-objections
"Sustainable" is a word from Agenda 21 and a sub-document called The Wildlands Project.
It doesn't mean what we all thought it meant.https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/agenda-21-vs-agenda-2030-vs-agenda
Thank you for spreading the word. You nailed it; NO ESCAPE OPTIONS.
I am familiar with most of your article but, as I said before, I am not aware that the UN has produced any documentation outlining Agenda 2050. You say what it may entail but quote no sources for your information. That was why I commented in the first place. I cannot confirm your claims about transhumanism.
You are absolutely correct, the UN's Agenda 2050 does not say "we want to end humanity and make people into part-robots". I will make time to write about this in detail in the future because you made an excellent point. In the meantime, if you want to learn more, you will want to look into the "2045 Initiative" (because everything has to have a stupid year name, right?). There are actually two 2045's being ran simultaneously; one is the UN's ("The World in 2045: United Nation’s centennial". 2045 is their 100 year anniversary, sarcastic "Yay!") and the other is the "2045 Initiative". Look into it's ties to Davos, The World Economic Forum, Codex. All of these evil entities are branches of the same UN tree, all intertwined together, with the same horrible goals, as you perfectly stated, with "no escape options".
Also see:
- Quick (sugar coated) overview of 2045 Initiativehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2045_Initiative
- Tons of links. Outstanding website:https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_transhumanism.htm#contents
- Ray Kurzweil (Google high up, also a transhumanist psychopath) 2045 Transhumanism. Here's his Amazon bookhttps://www.amazon.com/The-Singularity-Is-Near-Transcend/dp/0143037889/ref=as_li_tf_sw?&linkCode=wsw&tag=natblaze-20but there's also tons of his content on Youtube, Rumble, etc.
- "Neuro Nanobots connected to Cloud" (2045)
- "IEEE Symbiotic Autonomous Systems (SAS) Initiative" (scrubbed, use WayBackMachine to access)
- DARPAs Biotech division (2014) and it's work on Transhumanism
- Charitable foundation "Global Future 2045" ("Foundation 2045"), pretty scrubbed, used InternetArchive or similar
I have to get back to work. I hope that helps a little. Will write about it soon. Thank you for bringing this up. I do truly appreciate it. Keep spreading truth.
Many thanks for the links, none of which come to us from either WEF or the UN. Ray Kurzweil and I are old adversaries! (Long story!)
He has a certainty that is unnerving:
I guess that his predictions for 'us' do not actually include 'us' but are developed for 'them', i.e., the Black Nobility who pay his wages.
Fascinating on Ray Kurzweil, thank you for link. He is Raymond Kurzweil in full I gather from Wikipedia I gather. He is also Jewish so no surprises there.
An anagarm of his name is 'lurked Nazi wormy'. Again hardly surprising.
Wikipedia says
"Kurzweil then found a doctor, Terry Grossman, who shared his unconventional beliefs and helped him to develop an extreme regimen involving hundreds of pills, chemical intravenous treatments, red wine, and various other methods to attempt to extend his lifespan.
In 2007, Kurzweil was ingesting "250 supplements, eight to 10 glasses of alkaline water and 10 cups of green tea" every day and drinking several glasses of red wine a week in an effort to "reprogram" his biochemistry.[48]
By 2008, he had reduced the number of supplement pills to 150.[26] By 2015. Kurzweil further reduced his daily pill regimen down to 100 pills."
So he likes lots of pills. I think that makes him a pill-ock!
thats why we must stand up right now..all of us together. Many distractions, for sure, but they battle is already won. God doesn't take kindly to people believing themselves to be gods.
"not by string armies or elephants are battles won, but by the Lords decision for those who deserve it.." Judas Maccabeus fell to his knees, repented and prayed. Cried out to the Lord for help when the much larger and experienced army tried to overtake his land and people. 2 Maccabees chapters 2-8 highlight the battle. Call on the Lord all you people, repent sincerely and follow the Lord. The battle is already won for those who love Him.
Reparition, fast and pray. Love more, bring more light-the dark does not like the light but can't overtake it.
We can do this, with Christ as our lead. Thanks be to God!
Youre looking in the wrong place, I suspect. Might i suggest checking out YT. A Dr. Mishlove's guest speaker was several times one of the Drs behind stanfords, "Grill Flame" later "Stargate."
This Dr. Has a "Project 2050" & "Project 2060." When you consider the start dates, the hits and lack of u nderstanding in 1999 ish start date? that we have in 2023? Scary!
I am sorry, didnt realize it was so large. Think i just typed in "2050 project, Mishlove etc.. let me see here...
Try this one for starters sir.
Wasnt a believer till i took vacay at the monroe institute to destress from Gov job. Met "Skip" Atwater, Robert McGoneagle for a day. Very nice folk in a MACV-SOG, no BS kinda way!
When you figure Dr Schwartz was looking at 2050 from 1978 start? Scary how close they were / are!
(On YT if you like to see the interviews)
Oh ffs. I am 71 years young. Not exactly new to reading between the lines! However, in order to share knowledge I prefer to have proof rather than speculation.
If you read my link (shared above about Agenda 2030) it is riddled with cobbling together information gathered from multiple sources and speculative suspicions. Most of them seem obvious to me, but require a lot of digging to find the clues and suggestions lurking on UN docs and within the WEF website.
If we are going to nail these lunatics we have to do a lot more than read between the lines. We have to catch them in the act or better, in the planning.
They will fail. Just think about it and see them faling, and they will. Us, wanting just good for humanity, all together thinking and wanting good, and we will have it. Think with love, love for humanity, and specially our children around the world. If we all do it together, it will happen. We are destroying them just by exposing, sharing and feeling love and care, all at the same time.
Dont forget "PLUM ISLAND", and then they moved all of these experiments between animal and human creatures ect... to Kansas, right in the center of tornado alley. If that's not a set-up for a disaster, IDK what is! Between controlling the weather and that, they can make anything look like an accident. They do it all the time.
Seriously, if you've not already. Spare some time for the "2050" and "2060" RV overviews. Believe one is with Dr. Mishlove on YT.? Mass RV multi-year, Zero frontload sessions.
Hiv, Vax, Travel, remember most sessions were done VERY early on! With hindsight in 2023? Very telling.
One of the most powerful defensive aspects of the entire agenda...what is actually happening is so far removed from what people believe is even possible. The scale is truly staggering.
Hard to believe? The entire pharmacutical industry is run by jews. Jews literally call you "livestock." They hate you so much they wrote it down in their Talmud.
The fact it's hard to believe that a tribe known for poisioning wells and murdering children for their rituals for literally thousands of years might be still trying to kill off the goyim is why we're in this mess in the first place.
Future shock, Toffler. that was one of the very early books that left a big impression on me. Helped to explain the macro. followed by the third wave etc.
I've been convinced like you since receiving your research results that they're all the same bioweapon just different labels. May have always been the case.
In a way, the fact that this cabal of satanic pharma worshippers isn't taking any precautions to limit the inclusion of their demonic nanotech to only a few injectables, makes our message much easier to deliver: AVOID ALL injectables (the word "vaccine" has lost all meaning at this point), they're all contaminated.
In Australia now it is legal for people to be COVID-'vaxxed' and not even be told about it, you know; "We are just going to flush your canula", or "We are just going to give you an injection of sodium chloride solution". They will obviously be doing just the same in every NWO-compliant hostile foreign power military occupation government-controlled nation. Stark-raving bonkers Israel is behind it all to be precise. 'Some' people do go mad you know.
"Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi?' by Alison Weir, Counterpunch
The Truth about the Talmud
A Documented Exposé of Jewish racist Hate Literature
Tob shebbe goyyim harog – Even the best of the Goyim (Gentiles) should be killed.
Soferim 15, Rule 10 (recent editions of this so-called scripture, which is really a military instruction) have craftly omitted this edict, but no doubt whatsoever the rabbis will still confidentially transmit this instruction to other Jews orally, see the videos to see how true this must be.
See also
How Can It Be?
This excellent video is 35:16 long, if you have not got the time to see the whole video, fast forward to these places to see demonic Jewish teachings and real life rabbis today telling how all Gentiles in the entire world will be totally enslaved, then totally exterminated from the entire planet, and they rejoice.
See at 24:35
See at 26:48
See at 27:22
See at 28:24
See at 29:34
I have signed up to Gab ages ago but have only very rarely accessed it, I think I have only read other peoples stuff on there and think I have not uploaded any articles on there., I post here mainly and wherever else I am not banned or shadow-banned, though a few site owners here have banned me already in the service of their true masters, haha, the type that are running disinfo really for the Jew Klaus Schwab (who has a Jewish mother), he says he employs 110,000 people on the internet, and I am sure some of them run fake opposition sites on Substack and other places, I have had several articles removed from my own site even here.
Right now, banning the parasite from all positions of power and influence, confiscating all their cash and booting them out of our nations permanently is the only way we could possibly survive, but Jew propaganda is relentless to convince people that the Jews are a victim and not actually the ones thoroughly intent on totally exterminating us as a species permanently, the megalomaniac Jews have gone quite insane and have nothing to do with real spirituality at all, relying now only highly damaging technologies and dark occult powers in an actually atheistic and demonic manner.
Just how long has this massively evil and dark criminal conspiracy been going on?
You'd be crazy to allow any injectables into the bloodstream after seeing the many amazing images and videos posted by Dr.Mihalvea and others.
And, they say "vaccines" protect us...
Burn in Hell!
I think it's been going on for centuries at least if not forever. It's been gaining a larger foothold throughout time and getting worse from the advent of compulsory schooling and broadcast television and Hollywood was a major kicker.
Do pediatricians have any knowledge of nanotechnology in these vaccines? Probably not and if they were made minimally aware, they wouldn’t want to know. Because any doctor with a conscious would go into deep depression.
Most have too much indoctrination and loan debt to even consider it. My previous one, who we really liked, had a visible internal mind malfunction when I questioned her on her advice to give my new baby twice the amount of fluoride than my older child who was born a decade earlier, when they told us it was absolutely dangerous to give a young child that much flouride. I asked her about it probably five times, because it did not make sense. It was mind boggling to me. She was hesitating before answering, but the ultimate answer was "THEY now say that it is best to get as much fluoride into a child as early as possible." She definitely seemed unsure of herself when answering.
Pediatricians today only follow orders from their superiors and do not think for themselves. Even the ones who seem to be nice, intelligent people.
I wondered all this too. I have a nice "intelligent" pediatrician too, and a nice dentist.
About fluoride. I concluded it destroys everything in its path. Eats through glass and cement. How do they get away with putting it in our toothpaste? Our water? Lets start with how studies are done. Someone wants to bring a new product to market. They need a study saying their new product is safe They pay money to a researcher who asks what do you want the results to show? Keeping in mind that water can be shown as toxic if you drink too much. They skew the research to show the desired results. Since fluoride kills pretty much everything in its path, it kills the good and BAD stuff. Fluoride kills the bad bacteria on your teeth before it moves on and destroys your teeth. Remember of course it does kill the bad bacteria though. Hence fluoride is good since it kills bad bacteria. So they can show in research it kills the bad bacteria on your teeth, and leave out the part where it destroys the teeth. Ask your dentist or pediatrician what a flouride bomb is?
Now for fun with your pediatrician. Buy a box of kids toothpaste with flouride in it. Take the box of toothpaste in with you with the advice on the box to call poison control if consume the toothpaste in large amounts. Show your pediatrician the box and the warninng. Call poison control in front of her. Ask poison control while on the phone in front of your pediatrican why that warning is on the box of your kids toothpaste. They will say it is because of the flouride. Act surprise. Then ask why poison is in your kids toothpaste if it is toxic. Then ask for the safe amount of fluoride to be consumed per day. Once they give that to you, suddenly remember they put fluoride in your water. Ask again the safe amount of fluoride to be consumed if it is already in your water.
It’s hard to make a statement that fully expresses the emotion I’m feeling right now … It’s hard to wrap my head around the absolute evil of each and every developer and pusher of these anti-life injections on innocent children. On another note, I have been reading your book LIGHT MEDICINE. It just occurred to me… What if various levels of light were applied to the substance? Is it possible that certain light waves will zap these nano entities out of existence?
What about "modified" electric current? Not talking about putting your fingers into power socket of course, but let's say, burst of 24V from the battery or such.
What about devices like the Hulda Clark zapper? I bought one and it killed two warts that I had in a matter of weeks. I had tried many things to get rid of them with no success, including hiring a podiatrist to burn a hole in my foot with a laser beam, after which the wart came back immediately after my foot healed. One wart was three years old and one was ten years old and a large cluster. They are totally gone now.
Here is what we do: saturate apple cider vinegar on a tiny piece of cotton- apply directly to wart (not proximal skin); cover with occlusive bandaid x 3+ days. Remove bandaid and cotton, apply lg drop of clear nail polish and wait for wart ( or keratosis) to blacken. Then just peel off. This kills the blood supply: our warts/keratoses-Gone!!
I have quantom dots all over my skin I'm targeted and I decided to take a pic of my stomach because I'm infested with crystals and nanobugs well I enlarged it and had hundreds of tiny yellow dots everywhere.i found one product that removes them, but I believe these get excited by uv light and then the towers are able to connect .What's your thoughts?
I believe there is a correlation to the strange "purple lights" being put up everywhere in cities - that these lights actually Amplify the Nano frequencies - along with / similar to LED! (Pitch your LED's)!
As far as a beneficial spectrum I don't know of any yet..
Better buy a big supply of incandescent light bulbs, Biden has instituted now it is illegal for the manufacture of most all incandescents that started recently. May still find the last of them being sold online, I bought a big supply.
True true.. they also tried that a few years ago but I guess it didn't stick and are trying again. Kinda like the gas stove and new ceiling fan ban.. They are really working every angle to get everyone zombified! Even saw those purple lights at main city squares in the fountains the other day.. Upside-down clown town world!
I learned that frequency is measured in Hz. Dr. Hulda Clark said an organism can be terminated if it is zapped with the same frequency it omits. Another example is when a singer matches the frequency that the wine glass omits causing it to break apart!
I recently killed two long time warts I had with the Hulda Clark zapper. One was a huge cluster on the bottom of my foot, was painful. It was well worth the money for me. Now, I'm looking into what else the zapper can do.
My friend who is now in his 50s got Cancer twice in his 20s. He did surgery both times but no chemo or radiation. He turned me on to Dr. Hulda Clark. He became an organic vegan and uses Cannabis daily which he grows himself here in Canada. He is going strong and is an awesome Canadian blues musician. He uses Ozone as well. I use Ascorbic Acid Powder daily. I should up my dose probably. 2000 mg a day is not enough. Dr. Ana mentioned 8000 to 10000mg or to bowel tolerance. It is an antioxidant and they hold negative charge. And help to restore the negative charge in our blood cells. Nanotech causes a positive charge and causes our blood cells to stick together!😔
Thanks for mentioning this. I heard this too from a different doctor about the positive charge they emit. I’m taking copper sulphate that is also negatively charged. Much prefer it to the ascorbique acid, which I had used lots of in the past.
Please show simultaneous controls alongside these results, such as distilled water, ruling out the possibility it's entirely attributable to the slides, chemtrails there, other ambient contamination etc.
Since day one of the death shot rollout, I never understood the reason for the cold storage. Im guessing the cold was needed to keep the hydrogel from assembling.
Yes, so if that is the case and vaccines are not injected until room temperature (I assume this as otherwise is would be a shock to the system and harm more than it already does), why does the assembling not take place and prevent its injection?
I have had no vaccines since about 1990 and avoid them like the plague.
"Holy crapola Batman!" How might the nanobots be shown with higher magnification? Does darkfield have limitations as per magnification or its just that your unit will not go to the magnification? Nonetheless thank you for exposing this, parents of kids 6-months to 18 years need to know.....
Can it be centrifuged out of product or electro phones is or electro magnetics used to separate it out? Oth if this is in air n water is hard to avoid.
This technology has been inside ALL of us since the late 90's.... They started off as KILL SWITCHES. Inserted into us from chemtrails, coca cola, Pepsi, all nestle products and city waters. Go toYandex.comand research ''Operation Nano Domestic Quell]. Also, research 'Joseph Moshe' a M00sad scientist who warned us THEY were planning a ,Genocide against Americans using. BIO-WEAPONS inside vaccines in 2009....intel courtesy of ......Agent Midnight Rider
 2009 – WHO Eugenics Speech by Kissinger
Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009:
"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services"
Your image was taken from a facebook post from several years ago. No verification or validation exists. A search of the Kissinger archives shows this quote was never uttered in any of his speeches. Let's try to stick to truth.
But Kissinger was a Prick...and the internet says nothing bad is happening...Its all a conspiracy theory. Nothing is wrong, dont adjust your dials, your mind is playing tricks on you, the Jab was good medicine for you, come and get it again every month until you die of illnesses unrelated. So who do you believe? Fake news? or Faker News? Wheres the FB post so we can verify which fake story is correct?
Is the following related? National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (THE KISSINGER REPORT) December 10, 1974https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PCAAB500.pdf
Due diligence requires ensuring no error on our part before sharing. This makes it vital to assess authenticity of everyone and everything b/c no one knows what they don't know. TY!
That's the exact copy of the original document. I ordered a hard-copy from the library of congress in 1992 and I wrote multiple articles in a local newspaper.
Note that the internet started only in 1995!
It calls for the reduction of the population of 13 countries (India, Bangladesh, etc....) in order to give the US access to natural resources.
I have that vid on YT playlist. So this person was trying to warn us about C19 Bioweapon future attack? Next question, he's former Mosaad so does this implicate Israel? And.....does this trace back to 911 bad actors?
Dr….do you know how long this material has been present in these shots? Is this part of the reason for ADHD/Autism? In the gut? How do we get this out of our children, NOW. What is outcome of this in our kids? Death? Stroke? what does this mean? Thank you. Lynn
My pediatrician just yesterday told me she will no longer see my children if I don't follow the vaccine protocol. I gave her an Immunization exemption letter to refuse vaccines for my daughter and now I have to look for a new pediatrician. Ever since Covid, I don't trust doctors or the vaccines they're injecting into kids. My daughter's school accepted my letter but my doctor wouldn't acknowledge my religious freedom to refuse vaccines. At first, I second guessed my decision but since I read this article, I'm glad my daughter didn't get the recommended shots for her age.
Dang you. Putting yout kids health ahead of your pediatrician's profit. She has to give these shots to over 60 percent of her patients or she loses herbonus.Youare ruining her record.
Sure wish I had done that.
Agent131711 - Sep 4, 2023 - Edited
Agent131711’s Substack
I cannot thank you enough for all the work you are putting into exposing this. I have spent almost a decade researching diabolical secret government experimentation on citizens and created a substack to start sharing everything I have learned. Seeing the progression over time; going from spraying aerosolized anthrax, nerve gas / VX, a wide array of deadly bacteria and more, to feeding toxins to ticks and mosquitos then releasing them across the USA to the release of pathogens into the water supply...it's all so unfathomable, yet real. Watching these injections play out has been absolutely horrifying for me. I knew it was going to be grotesquely morbid, but I never would have guessed just how bad it was.
Unfortunately, one of the goals of the the 2050 Agenda is transhumanism and they are very serious about it.
Frances Leader - Sep 5, 2023 - Edited
I have seen a lot of scaremongering about an Agenda 2050 but the UN only talks about Agenda 2030 with a view towards its longer term sustainable goals. There is no mention of transhumanism in their blurb.https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/blog/tag/2050/
I am not saying that we do not have concerns about Agenda 2030. I have been warning about that since 2015 here:https://francesleader.substack.com/p/agenda-2030-no-escape-no-objections
Agent131711 - Sep 5, 2023 - Edited
Agent131711’s Substack
"Sustainable" is a word from Agenda 21 and a sub-document called The Wildlands Project.
It doesn't mean what we all thought it meant.https://chemtrails.substack.com/p/agenda-21-vs-agenda-2030-vs-agenda
Thank you for spreading the word. You nailed it; NO ESCAPE OPTIONS.
Frances Leader - Sep 5, 2023 - Edited
I am familiar with most of your article but, as I said before, I am not aware that the UN has produced any documentation outlining Agenda 2050. You say what it may entail but quote no sources for your information. That was why I commented in the first place. I cannot confirm your claims about transhumanism.
Agent131711 - Sep 5, 2023 - Edited
Agent131711’s Substack
You are absolutely correct, the UN's Agenda 2050 does not say "we want to end humanity and make people into part-robots". I will make time to write about this in detail in the future because you made an excellent point. In the meantime, if you want to learn more, you will want to look into the "2045 Initiative" (because everything has to have a stupid year name, right?). There are actually two 2045's being ran simultaneously; one is the UN's ("The World in 2045: United Nation’s centennial". 2045 is their 100 year anniversary, sarcastic "Yay!") and the other is the "2045 Initiative". Look into it's ties to Davos, The World Economic Forum, Codex. All of these evil entities are branches of the same UN tree, all intertwined together, with the same horrible goals, as you perfectly stated, with "no escape options".
Also see:
- Quick (sugar coated) overview of 2045 Initiativehttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2045_Initiative
- Tons of links. Outstanding website:https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_transhumanism.htm#contents
- Ray Kurzweil (Google high up, also a transhumanist psychopath) 2045 Transhumanism. Here's his Amazon bookhttps://www.amazon.com/The-Singularity-Is-Near-Transcend/dp/0143037889/ref=as_li_tf_sw?&linkCode=wsw&tag=natblaze-20but there's also tons of his content on Youtube, Rumble, etc.
- "Neuro Nanobots connected to Cloud" (2045)
- "IEEE Symbiotic Autonomous Systems (SAS) Initiative" (scrubbed, use WayBackMachine to access)
- DARPAs Biotech division (2014) and it's work on Transhumanism
- Charitable foundation "Global Future 2045" ("Foundation 2045"), pretty scrubbed, used InternetArchive or similar
I have to get back to work. I hope that helps a little. Will write about it soon. Thank you for bringing this up. I do truly appreciate it. Keep spreading truth.
Frances Leader - Sep 5, 2023 - Edited
Many thanks for the links, none of which come to us from either WEF or the UN. Ray Kurzweil and I are old adversaries! (Long story!)
He has a certainty that is unnerving:
I guess that his predictions for 'us' do not actually include 'us' but are developed for 'them', i.e., the Black Nobility who pay his wages.
Baldmichael - Sep 6, 2023
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
Fascinating on Ray Kurzweil, thank you for link. He is Raymond Kurzweil in full I gather from Wikipedia I gather. He is also Jewish so no surprises there.
An anagarm of his name is 'lurked Nazi wormy'. Again hardly surprising.
Wikipedia says
"Kurzweil then found a doctor, Terry Grossman, who shared his unconventional beliefs and helped him to develop an extreme regimen involving hundreds of pills, chemical intravenous treatments, red wine, and various other methods to attempt to extend his lifespan.
In 2007, Kurzweil was ingesting "250 supplements, eight to 10 glasses of alkaline water and 10 cups of green tea" every day and drinking several glasses of red wine a week in an effort to "reprogram" his biochemistry.[48]
By 2008, he had reduced the number of supplement pills to 150.[26] By 2015. Kurzweil further reduced his daily pill regimen down to 100 pills."
So he likes lots of pills. I think that makes him a pill-ock!
Johnny - Mar 7
Everything you probably don’t know about the UN
Johnny - Mar 7
Rebal - Mar 5
livinsimply@live.com’s Substack
thats why we must stand up right now..all of us together. Many distractions, for sure, but they battle is already won. God doesn't take kindly to people believing themselves to be gods.
"not by string armies or elephants are battles won, but by the Lords decision for those who deserve it.." Judas Maccabeus fell to his knees, repented and prayed. Cried out to the Lord for help when the much larger and experienced army tried to overtake his land and people. 2 Maccabees chapters 2-8 highlight the battle. Call on the Lord all you people, repent sincerely and follow the Lord. The battle is already won for those who love Him.
Reparition, fast and pray. Love more, bring more light-the dark does not like the light but can't overtake it.
We can do this, with Christ as our lead. Thanks be to God!
Grandpa Castorini - Sep 6, 2023
Youre looking in the wrong place, I suspect. Might i suggest checking out YT. A Dr. Mishlove's guest speaker was several times one of the Drs behind stanfords, "Grill Flame" later "Stargate."
This Dr. Has a "Project 2050" & "Project 2060." When you consider the start dates, the hits and lack of u nderstanding in 1999 ish start date? that we have in 2023? Scary!
Frances Leader - Sep 6, 2023
Dr Mishlove is new to me and his video library is large. Would you please identify which video you want me to look at? Perhaps provide a link?
Grandpa Castorini - Sep 6, 2023
I am sorry, didnt realize it was so large. Think i just typed in "2050 project, Mishlove etc.. let me see here...
Try this one for starters sir.
Frances Leader - Sep 6, 2023
Eek! Remote viewing the future? I sincerely hope that the UN and WEF do not rely on such methods to create their Agendas!
Grandpa Castorini - Sep 7, 2023
Wasnt a believer till i took vacay at the monroe institute to destress from Gov job. Met "Skip" Atwater, Robert McGoneagle for a day. Very nice folk in a MACV-SOG, no BS kinda way!
When you figure Dr Schwartz was looking at 2050 from 1978 start? Scary how close they were / are!
(On YT if you like to see the interviews)
Frances Leader - Sep 5, 2023
Comment removed.
Frances Leader - Sep 5, 2023
Oh ffs. I am 71 years young. Not exactly new to reading between the lines! However, in order to share knowledge I prefer to have proof rather than speculation.
If you read my link (shared above about Agenda 2030) it is riddled with cobbling together information gathered from multiple sources and speculative suspicions. Most of them seem obvious to me, but require a lot of digging to find the clues and suggestions lurking on UN docs and within the WEF website.
If we are going to nail these lunatics we have to do a lot more than read between the lines. We have to catch them in the act or better, in the planning.
matt. j.a.o.b - Sep 5, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Heard a great new quote from a doctor recently.
" I finally found out what I wanted to be when I got older. Younger."
Kathleen Pimentel - Sep 6, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
I realize that.
Cecilia Stroppolo - Jan 8, 2024
livinsimply@live.com’s Substack
They will fail. Just think about it and see them faling, and they will. Us, wanting just good for humanity, all together thinking and wanting good, and we will have it. Think with love, love for humanity, and specially our children around the world. If we all do it together, it will happen. We are destroying them just by exposing, sharing and feeling love and care, all at the same time.
Rebal - Mar 5
livinsimply@live.com’s Substack
Right! Bring light and goodness and hope to our neighbors and online peeps. Light is so annoying to the dark! The dark cannot overcome it!
Catherine - Feb 16, 2024 - Edited
Dont forget "PLUM ISLAND", and then they moved all of these experiments between animal and human creatures ect... to Kansas, right in the center of tornado alley. If that's not a set-up for a disaster, IDK what is! Between controlling the weather and that, they can make anything look like an accident. They do it all the time.
Grandpa Castorini - Sep 6, 2023
Seriously, if you've not already. Spare some time for the "2050" and "2060" RV overviews. Believe one is with Dr. Mishlove on YT.? Mass RV multi-year, Zero frontload sessions.
Hiv, Vax, Travel, remember most sessions were done VERY early on! With hindsight in 2023? Very telling.
James Hill, MD - Sep 4, 2023
James Hill MD’s Newsletter
Thank you for exposing this.
Hard to believe it’s happening, and for this reason, they take advantage of our incredulity.
M. Merrick - Sep 7, 2023
M.’s Substack
One of the most powerful defensive aspects of the entire agenda...what is actually happening is so far removed from what people believe is even possible. The scale is truly staggering.
justin - Nov 6, 2023
My semen is completely hydrogelated. If you need proof, I'll send it to you
justin - Nov 6, 2023
My semen is completely hydrogelated. If you need proof, I'll send it to you
Eli Noseberg - May 3
Hard to believe? The entire pharmacutical industry is run by jews. Jews literally call you "livestock." They hate you so much they wrote it down in their Talmud.
The fact it's hard to believe that a tribe known for poisioning wells and murdering children for their rituals for literally thousands of years might be still trying to kill off the goyim is why we're in this mess in the first place.
matt. j.a.o.b - Sep 5, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Comment removed.
matt. j.a.o.b - Sep 5, 2023
matt’s microscopy
Future shock, Toffler. that was one of the very early books that left a big impression on me. Helped to explain the macro. followed by the third wave etc.
Deborah Cameron - Sep 4, 2023
I've been convinced like you since receiving your research results that they're all the same bioweapon just different labels. May have always been the case.
Marty - Sep 4, 2023
Nano Ordo Mundi
In a way, the fact that this cabal of satanic pharma worshippers isn't taking any precautions to limit the inclusion of their demonic nanotech to only a few injectables, makes our message much easier to deliver: AVOID ALL injectables (the word "vaccine" has lost all meaning at this point), they're all contaminated.
Monica - Sep 4, 2023 - Edited
mothman777’s Newsletter
Was this in jabs before 2020 for kids? Or after when they rolled out?
Thank you
mothman777 - Sep 4, 2023 - Edited
mothman777’s Newsletter
In Australia now it is legal for people to be COVID-'vaxxed' and not even be told about it, you know; "We are just going to flush your canula", or "We are just going to give you an injection of sodium chloride solution". They will obviously be doing just the same in every NWO-compliant hostile foreign power military occupation government-controlled nation. Stark-raving bonkers Israel is behind it all to be precise. 'Some' people do go mad you know.
"Why Is The US Honoring A Racist Rabbi?' by Alison Weir, Counterpunch
The Truth about the Talmud
A Documented Exposé of Jewish racist Hate Literature
Tob shebbe goyyim harog – Even the best of the Goyim (Gentiles) should be killed.
Soferim 15, Rule 10 (recent editions of this so-called scripture, which is really a military instruction) have craftly omitted this edict, but no doubt whatsoever the rabbis will still confidentially transmit this instruction to other Jews orally, see the videos to see how true this must be.
See also
How Can It Be?
This excellent video is 35:16 long, if you have not got the time to see the whole video, fast forward to these places to see demonic Jewish teachings and real life rabbis today telling how all Gentiles in the entire world will be totally enslaved, then totally exterminated from the entire planet, and they rejoice.
See at 24:35
See at 26:48
See at 27:22
See at 28:24
See at 29:34
H William Collins - Sep 5, 2023 - Edited
mothman777’s Newsletter
Are you onGab.com?
mothman777 - Sep 5, 2023 - Edited
mothman777’s Newsletter
I have signed up to Gab ages ago but have only very rarely accessed it, I think I have only read other peoples stuff on there and think I have not uploaded any articles on there., I post here mainly and wherever else I am not banned or shadow-banned, though a few site owners here have banned me already in the service of their true masters, haha, the type that are running disinfo really for the Jew Klaus Schwab (who has a Jewish mother), he says he employs 110,000 people on the internet, and I am sure some of them run fake opposition sites on Substack and other places, I have had several articles removed from my own site even here.
Right now, banning the parasite from all positions of power and influence, confiscating all their cash and booting them out of our nations permanently is the only way we could possibly survive, but Jew propaganda is relentless to convince people that the Jews are a victim and not actually the ones thoroughly intent on totally exterminating us as a species permanently, the megalomaniac Jews have gone quite insane and have nothing to do with real spirituality at all, relying now only highly damaging technologies and dark occult powers in an actually atheistic and demonic manner.
Marcelo Araujo - Sep 4, 2023
Marcelo Araujo
Just how long has this massively evil and dark criminal conspiracy been going on?
You'd be crazy to allow any injectables into the bloodstream after seeing the many amazing images and videos posted by Dr.Mihalvea and others.
And, they say "vaccines" protect us...
Burn in Hell!
Monica - Sep 7, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
I think it's been going on for centuries at least if not forever. It's been gaining a larger foothold throughout time and getting worse from the advent of compulsory schooling and broadcast television and Hollywood was a major kicker.
Canadian Apple Pie - Sep 7, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
A blood analyst I follow out of Ontario is showing similar findings as Dr. Ana M. She also said she never saw these anomalies before 2021.
Jpeach - Sep 4, 2023
Do pediatricians have any knowledge of nanotechnology in these vaccines? Probably not and if they were made minimally aware, they wouldn’t want to know. Because any doctor with a conscious would go into deep depression.
Monica - Sep 7, 2023
Most have too much indoctrination and loan debt to even consider it. My previous one, who we really liked, had a visible internal mind malfunction when I questioned her on her advice to give my new baby twice the amount of fluoride than my older child who was born a decade earlier, when they told us it was absolutely dangerous to give a young child that much flouride. I asked her about it probably five times, because it did not make sense. It was mind boggling to me. She was hesitating before answering, but the ultimate answer was "THEY now say that it is best to get as much fluoride into a child as early as possible." She definitely seemed unsure of herself when answering.
Pediatricians today only follow orders from their superiors and do not think for themselves. Even the ones who seem to be nice, intelligent people.
Dee - Nov 26, 2023
I wondered all this too. I have a nice "intelligent" pediatrician too, and a nice dentist.
About fluoride. I concluded it destroys everything in its path. Eats through glass and cement. How do they get away with putting it in our toothpaste? Our water? Lets start with how studies are done. Someone wants to bring a new product to market. They need a study saying their new product is safe They pay money to a researcher who asks what do you want the results to show? Keeping in mind that water can be shown as toxic if you drink too much. They skew the research to show the desired results. Since fluoride kills pretty much everything in its path, it kills the good and BAD stuff. Fluoride kills the bad bacteria on your teeth before it moves on and destroys your teeth. Remember of course it does kill the bad bacteria though. Hence fluoride is good since it kills bad bacteria. So they can show in research it kills the bad bacteria on your teeth, and leave out the part where it destroys the teeth. Ask your dentist or pediatrician what a flouride bomb is?
Now for fun with your pediatrician. Buy a box of kids toothpaste with flouride in it. Take the box of toothpaste in with you with the advice on the box to call poison control if consume the toothpaste in large amounts. Show your pediatrician the box and the warninng. Call poison control in front of her. Ask poison control while on the phone in front of your pediatrican why that warning is on the box of your kids toothpaste. They will say it is because of the flouride. Act surprise. Then ask why poison is in your kids toothpaste if it is toxic. Then ask for the safe amount of fluoride to be consumed per day. Once they give that to you, suddenly remember they put fluoride in your water. Ask again the safe amount of fluoride to be consumed if it is already in your water.
Kathleen Pimentel - Sep 6, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
....Especially the local pediatrician who was given a spot on local radio to say all day long everyday how the jab was safe and effective.....
Tiptriptrap - Sep 7, 2023
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
Money Money Money
Claudia - Sep 4, 2023 - Edited
It’s hard to make a statement that fully expresses the emotion I’m feeling right now … It’s hard to wrap my head around the absolute evil of each and every developer and pusher of these anti-life injections on innocent children. On another note, I have been reading your book LIGHT MEDICINE. It just occurred to me… What if various levels of light were applied to the substance? Is it possible that certain light waves will zap these nano entities out of existence?
matt. j.a.o.b - Sep 4, 2023 - Edited
matt’s microscopy
There are certain light forms that may activate this more too. Not enough is known yet to really know with certainty how to treat this.
Marta Staszak - Sep 7, 2023
What about "modified" electric current? Not talking about putting your fingers into power socket of course, but let's say, burst of 24V from the battery or such.
Monica - Sep 5, 2023 - Edited
matt’s microscopy
Comment removed.
Monica - Sep 7, 2023
What about devices like the Hulda Clark zapper? I bought one and it killed two warts that I had in a matter of weeks. I had tried many things to get rid of them with no success, including hiring a podiatrist to burn a hole in my foot with a laser beam, after which the wart came back immediately after my foot healed. One wart was three years old and one was ten years old and a large cluster. They are totally gone now.
Zestenesters - Dec 12, 2023
Here is what we do: saturate apple cider vinegar on a tiny piece of cotton- apply directly to wart (not proximal skin); cover with occlusive bandaid x 3+ days. Remove bandaid and cotton, apply lg drop of clear nail polish and wait for wart ( or keratosis) to blacken. Then just peel off. This kills the blood supply: our warts/keratoses-Gone!!
matt. j.a.o.b - Sep 5, 2023
matt’s microscopy
thank you for expanding my knowledge on that. Every bit helps this old dog learn a new trick
Georgia Lynn Justice - Sep 6, 2023
Solutions for the Targeted Comm…
I have quantom dots all over my skin I'm targeted and I decided to take a pic of my stomach because I'm infested with crystals and nanobugs well I enlarged it and had hundreds of tiny yellow dots everywhere.i found one product that removes them, but I believe these get excited by uv light and then the towers are able to connect .What's your thoughts?
Ananda - Sep 5, 2023
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
I believe there is a correlation to the strange "purple lights" being put up everywhere in cities - that these lights actually Amplify the Nano frequencies - along with / similar to LED! (Pitch your LED's)!
As far as a beneficial spectrum I don't know of any yet..
Stella - Sep 5, 2023
Better buy a big supply of incandescent light bulbs, Biden has instituted now it is illegal for the manufacture of most all incandescents that started recently. May still find the last of them being sold online, I bought a big supply.
Ananda - Sep 7, 2023
True true.. they also tried that a few years ago but I guess it didn't stick and are trying again. Kinda like the gas stove and new ceiling fan ban.. They are really working every angle to get everyone zombified! Even saw those purple lights at main city squares in the fountains the other day.. Upside-down clown town world!
Tiptriptrap - Sep 7, 2023
Tiptriptrap’s Newsletter
Wonder why they just outlawed incandescent lightbulbs in US.
Monica - Sep 5, 2023
Comment removed.
Monica - Sep 7, 2023
Thank you. I hate LEDs. I need to shut off or cover all of them in my bedroom or I can't fall asleep.
Melissa - Sep 5, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
And what about frequencies as well? We know frequencies can be very beneficial.
Canadian Apple Pie - Sep 5, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
I learned that frequency is measured in Hz. Dr. Hulda Clark said an organism can be terminated if it is zapped with the same frequency it omits. Another example is when a singer matches the frequency that the wine glass omits causing it to break apart!
Monica - Sep 7, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
I recently killed two long time warts I had with the Hulda Clark zapper. One was a huge cluster on the bottom of my foot, was painful. It was well worth the money for me. Now, I'm looking into what else the zapper can do.
Canadian Apple Pie - Sep 7, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
My friend who is now in his 50s got Cancer twice in his 20s. He did surgery both times but no chemo or radiation. He turned me on to Dr. Hulda Clark. He became an organic vegan and uses Cannabis daily which he grows himself here in Canada. He is going strong and is an awesome Canadian blues musician. He uses Ozone as well. I use Ascorbic Acid Powder daily. I should up my dose probably. 2000 mg a day is not enough. Dr. Ana mentioned 8000 to 10000mg or to bowel tolerance. It is an antioxidant and they hold negative charge. And help to restore the negative charge in our blood cells. Nanotech causes a positive charge and causes our blood cells to stick together!😔
Janna - Sep 10, 2023
Thanks for mentioning this. I heard this too from a different doctor about the positive charge they emit. I’m taking copper sulphate that is also negatively charged. Much prefer it to the ascorbique acid, which I had used lots of in the past.
Canadian Apple Pie - Sep 7, 2023
Canadian Apple Pie
The Cure For All Diseases, Clark's book has the frequency of many pathogens (foreign body invaders) listed at the back pages.
Karenvusa - Sep 6, 2023
I'm wondering if those Rife machines or Bob ?? Zappers would help people. I'll post again at the top
Melissa - Sep 6, 2023
The Rife machine was said to destroy cancer. I think anything with frequency has potential. Remember, the Cabal has hidden CURES from us!
Noam - Sep 4, 2023
Please show simultaneous controls alongside these results, such as distilled water, ruling out the possibility it's entirely attributable to the slides, chemtrails there, other ambient contamination etc.
Chris - Sep 5, 2023
Phil Davis - Sep 5, 2023
Vintage American Images
Since day one of the death shot rollout, I never understood the reason for the cold storage. Im guessing the cold was needed to keep the hydrogel from assembling.
Baldmichael - Sep 6, 2023
Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…
Yes, so if that is the case and vaccines are not injected until room temperature (I assume this as otherwise is would be a shock to the system and harm more than it already does), why does the assembling not take place and prevent its injection?
I have had no vaccines since about 1990 and avoid them like the plague.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - Sep 4, 2023
Dr. Tenpenny's Eye on the Evide…
proquad has been on and off the market several times due to seizures
Vern Saboe, Jr., DC., FACO - Sep 4, 2023
"Holy crapola Batman!" How might the nanobots be shown with higher magnification? Does darkfield have limitations as per magnification or its just that your unit will not go to the magnification? Nonetheless thank you for exposing this, parents of kids 6-months to 18 years need to know.....
Unagnu - Nov 24, 2023
Can it be centrifuged out of product or electro phones is or electro magnetics used to separate it out? Oth if this is in air n water is hard to avoid.
Agent Midnight Rider - Sep 5, 2023 - Edited
Agent’s Substack
This technology has been inside ALL of us since the late 90's.... They started off as KILL SWITCHES. Inserted into us from chemtrails, coca cola, Pepsi, all nestle products and city waters. Go toYandex.comand research ''Operation Nano Domestic Quell]. Also, research 'Joseph Moshe' a M00sad scientist who warned us THEY were planning a ,Genocide against Americans using. BIO-WEAPONS inside vaccines in 2009....intel courtesy of ......Agent Midnight Rider
Nostradamus X - Sep 5, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
 2009 – WHO Eugenics Speech by Kissinger
Kissinger Quote from a speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, February 25, 2009:
"Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it's game over. They will accept anything - forcible blood or organ donation - "for the greater good". We can genetically modify children and sterilize them --- "for the greater good". Control sheep minds and you control the herd. Vaccine makers stand to make billions. And many of you in this room are investors. It's a big win-win. We thin out the herd and the herd pays us for extermination services"
Doreen - Sep 30, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
In 1952, John D. Rockefeller III founded the Population Council, the eugenics organization credited with bringing the abortion pill to the U.S.https://www.liveaction.org/news/population-council-founded-eugenicists-promoting-abortion-turns-65/
Early warning cartoon 1930s: How to Take Over the Word 2 mins
Nostradamus X - Oct 2, 2023 - Edited
Nostradamus X
Simone Veil & her husband (French Panthéon) were honored for successfully promoting abortion in Europe.
Rust - Sep 6, 2023 - Edited
Your image was taken from a facebook post from several years ago. No verification or validation exists. A search of the Kissinger archives shows this quote was never uttered in any of his speeches. Let's try to stick to truth.
Catherine - Feb 20, 2024 - Edited
But Kissinger was a Prick...and the internet says nothing bad is happening...Its all a conspiracy theory. Nothing is wrong, dont adjust your dials, your mind is playing tricks on you, the Jab was good medicine for you, come and get it again every month until you die of illnesses unrelated. So who do you believe? Fake news? or Faker News? Wheres the FB post so we can verify which fake story is correct?
Doreen - Sep 30, 2023
Nostradamus X
Is the following related? National Security Study Memorandum NSSM 200 Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (THE KISSINGER REPORT) December 10, 1974https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/PCAAB500.pdf
Due diligence requires ensuring no error on our part before sharing. This makes it vital to assess authenticity of everyone and everything b/c no one knows what they don't know. TY!
Nostradamus X - Oct 2, 2023
Nostradamus X
That's the exact copy of the original document. I ordered a hard-copy from the library of congress in 1992 and I wrote multiple articles in a local newspaper.
Note that the internet started only in 1995!
It calls for the reduction of the population of 13 countries (India, Bangladesh, etc....) in order to give the US access to natural resources.
Kathleen Pimentel - Sep 6, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
Was he the one who was chased down in his car and taken away? I have a vid of this I think.
Agent Midnight Rider - Sep 7, 2023
Agent’s Substack
Kathleen Pimentel - Sep 7, 2023
Kathleen Pimentel
I have that vid on YT playlist. So this person was trying to warn us about C19 Bioweapon future attack? Next question, he's former Mosaad so does this implicate Israel? And.....does this trace back to 911 bad actors?
Agent Midnight Rider - Sep 7, 2023
Agent’s Substack
oohhhh yeahhhhhh.... PRE-EMPTIVE HOLOCAUST on The UNITED STATES. THERE WORDS.......take a GANDER.........>https://cleverjourneys.com/2023/03/28/covid-19-and-illegal-us-bioweapons-activity-an-insiders-revelations/Intel courtesy of Agent Midnight Rider
Eli Noseberg - May 3
Unlike the Holocaust, this is actually real.
John Maxwell - Sep 4, 2023
Thanks much for exposing this. May God bless you richly, in Jesus Name.
lynn safford - Sep 4, 2023
Dr….do you know how long this material has been present in these shots? Is this part of the reason for ADHD/Autism? In the gut? How do we get this out of our children, NOW. What is outcome of this in our kids? Death? Stroke? what does this mean? Thank you. Lynn
Monica - Sep 7, 2023
Yes, we all need to ASAP how to start detoxing our kids and ourselves.
Heather B - Sep 10, 2023
My pediatrician just yesterday told me she will no longer see my children if I don't follow the vaccine protocol. I gave her an Immunization exemption letter to refuse vaccines for my daughter and now I have to look for a new pediatrician. Ever since Covid, I don't trust doctors or the vaccines they're injecting into kids. My daughter's school accepted my letter but my doctor wouldn't acknowledge my religious freedom to refuse vaccines. At first, I second guessed my decision but since I read this article, I'm glad my daughter didn't get the recommended shots for her age.
Dee - Nov 26, 2023
Dang you. Putting yout kids health ahead of your pediatrician's profit. She has to give these shots to over 60 percent of her patients or she loses herbonus.Youare ruining her record.
Sure wish I had done that.
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