Hello Michael Folks. Yes. There are numerous reports of Graphene Oxides - as used in a number of "medical" studies, modalities, and experiments. The associated research has been ongoing for nearly a decade. Contaminants such as these have been willfully released into our common environments via corporate entities such as Pfizer/Moderna and subsidiary agency...
We need to quit staring at nano-scopic particles, and begin identifying the Sources, interstate transport of such device, and operative companies employed in their distribution. >>>
In addition to clear violations of 18 U.S. Code § 175 - Prohibitions with respect to biological weapons | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Complete text:https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/175
There are environmental violations as defined by: 15 U.S. Code § 2605 - Prioritization, risk evaluation, and regulation of chemical substances and mixtures | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Complete text:https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/15/2605
Also misfeasance violations of: 15 U.S. Code § 2604 - Manufacturing and processing notices
Complete text:https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/15/2604
And: 15 U.S. Code § 2606 - Imminent hazards
Excerpted from: 15 U.S. Code § 2606 - Imminent hazards
(f) “Imminently hazardous chemical substance or mixture” defined “For the purposes of subsection (a), the term “imminently hazardous chemical substance or mixture” means a chemical substance or mixture which presents an imminent and unreasonable risk of serious or widespread injury to health or the environment, without consideration of costs or other nonrisk factors.
Such a risk to health or the environment shall be considered imminent if it is shown that the manufacture, processing, distribution in commerce, use, or disposal of the chemical substance or mixture, or that any combination of such activities, is likely to result in such injury to health or the environment before a final rule under section 2605 of this title can protect against such risk.” [End quote]
Complete text:https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/15/2606
The Earth needs a good lawyer.
wow. this is THE most intelligent thing i’ve read here. also. i wish the owner of this blm would stop setting off alarms. the thing itself is alarming without the drama. capital letters and exclamation points. it’s wearing. i’m still here for the education. the hype can go.
oh i could not agree MORE! although i stop at people don’t care. what is know is that those who appear not to care are simply in a trance and to bring them out of the trance or for them to actively will themselves out of it is dangerous to their own psyche. i also quell the notion that we’re all meant to go through this hell by the same road by understanding that each soul has made a contract with these entities. there is value and power in CONSCIOUSNESS and vibration since what the controllers intend is to MAGNIFY what already exists in us by ‘upgrading’ us. that awareness alone gives me peace. some peace😆. for the rest of the souls it looks like we’re gonna accompany them through the valley of death. i intend to keep reading and keep understanding what The They are after and INCREASE my soul/spirit mission. and yes. i still try to convert others but it is a losers game. thanks for responding. i get where you’re coming from.
I believe there’s power in our vibration. Everything being done seems to be directed at lowering our frequency thus making us more susceptible to outside forces. If we could only get the world to tune out the noise and tune into our inner divinity, we might just have a snowball’s chance in hell of counteracting this darkening.
Hello 60GigaHertz: Yes. I follow all these persons. Sasha Latypova and Kathrine Watt are right on top of it. These contaminants are indeed bio-warfare products, and their widespread release into the environment is dangerous and suicidal. The perpetrators are morbidly in competition with one another, and have no method of stuffing the genie back into the bottle. They are insane by any reasonable measure, and need to be held in rubber rooms for the rest of their miserable lives...
Excellent comment. Thanks for posting.
It is tiring and couterproductive and does not serve any good purpose to be battling other freedom fighters. Why would you do that? You are an amazing scientist, doctor and exponent, and the fact that you bring other truth seekers down is a bit depressing and makes me unneccessarily and sadly suspiscious of you. Please explain.
Dr Ana, your findings are interesting. Now, why do you use the word "bacteria" when speaking of synthetic structures? It is confusing consudering Dr Nagase says the signature of life forms (nitrogen and phosforus) in the vials is absent. Also, why do you contradict the findings of la 5ta columna when it is also based on spectrometty? Can't both of you be right? Why not work hand in hand? 1 billion investment in Graphene Flagship (Europe) can't be for nothing.
Recently, a report from dr. kingston said that mrna is a software code to program or edit the DNA of parasite or bacteria. So I think the hydrogel is a Soup of mrna edited parasites ,bacteria, and graphene
Graphene oxide one of base platforms for LNPs but also CRISPR cas9 in the mix, Dr Robert Young and others have identified parasites and eggs, the idea all contents inorganic ridiculous, gmo is organic but syn-bio. What Hydrogel created for, hijacking bio-cells, Nagases still claims a SARS CoV2 particle exists as do infectious-particle-viruses, also ridiculous. Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Sam Bailey, etc eviscerate this claim Nagase & other deceivers avoid engaging them. aka POISON[S] are not infectious-self-replicating-particles, a scam from Freemasons Jenner to Pastuer to Rockefeller 1910 Flexner Report..
Latin word for poison is virus they exist but a poison requires dose exposure, injected &/or rf-emf exposure & every poison inbetween, its not an infectious particle.
211 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever ----> As of Sep 11, 2022 -
The Untold Truth About The Existence Of Viruses ----> incls. Steve Falconer clip >
- 3m 43s - 27Jan23 - XANDREWX
exactly. where is the CDB cross domain BACTERIA in the polymers they found?
its a mystery to me, CDB needs a organic part, no? and the analysis they did with CC shows only POLYMERS plastics vynils. . where is the ORGANIC PART CDB???
2 ) dr Ana says ' there is NO GRAPHENE " in the BLOOD ( and the Vials i suppose
That is astounding .!!!
so la QC, Dr campra, Dr Noack, Karen Kingston, Dr Robert Young , and more resarchers, and the patents of the criminals etc would all be wrong?
come on.
.and Graphene Flagship would spent Billions of dollars for nothing? i dont think so
Graphene quantum dots are used too, not just big sheets of GO ,,it can be nano
now that too "fuzzy" and not scientific enough, she has to explain what she says much more scientifically, and discuss this point with the big researchers around.
if there is no bacteria in the polymers and vynils, u cant say its a CDB
to show an analysis made only of plastics , vinyls and polymers and say' ' it is a C D Bacteria' . its not logic
nwo still require your Tacit Agreement [contract] no matter what happens to harvest your soul, God has provided all the tools upon Earth to survive the assaults if research .....
Ephesians 6 - Full Armor of God gives us the the complete set of tools to deal with the wiles of satan.
John 14:6 > Jesus saith unto him, i am THE WAY, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Matthew 6:24 - No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon.[money-changers]
Here is the first positive allele:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S_EiiVPV7vHPwqbvfYXfbQGC8rzdeJbP/view?usp=sharing
BTW - Twice I have requested any research from Nebula Genomics about the Before and After vaccine test. Simple - run somebody's genome before inoculation and then after in order to determine if indeed the vaccines alter the patient/victim's DNA?
Neither request was answered.https://osf.io/mjc97/
Additionally, I noticed how the once, "NO GMO PROJECT" Kashi Go CRUNCH cereal now says it is "**Certified Transitional". So I called the number. 20 minutes and two calls into an extensive phone tree I reached a human. I asked my question simply, What does Certified Transitional mean? She pretended to connect me with somebody whose job it is to answer that question and connected me back to the main trunk of the phone tree.
I was presuming the better light. That short supply of NO GMO wheat there is a supply of wheat that is no longer being CRISPR coded. I believe that in three or four generations the wheat "transitions" back to its natural string of CODE.
However, from the phone inquiry I might just as easily presume Kashi Go (Kellogg's) is transitioning from NO GMO to "This product contains bioengineered ingredients."
Gary, Thank you for your reply. I can see you invested much time and effort into it. It's easy to spot a true and honest comment such as yours. While reading your comment I found myself mildly choked up. My wife and I have been despairing greatly over this issue and while I'm still greatly worried that we have been blotted out of our Father's book, your comment is welcome and I'm hopeful that you are right.
We do know that YHWH is a fair and righteous God, having created us to serve him and also allowing us to retain the privilege of making choices on our own. He blessed us with the right to live and provided guidance on how to go about it for a better world. Time and time again we see that we have disobeyed him and participated in the worst types of evil. Time and time again he has reproved us and allowed us to live on, as long as we kept his laws.
That said, God is NOT one to be messed with. He is fair but *firm*. If these shots indeed mark us for life or as some have suggested, cause DNA mutation to add additional genes, we are no longer of God's seed and doomed forever. I have seen some very frightening things, such as:
C + O + R + O + N + A = 6 letters + 66
3 + 15 + 18 + 15 + 14 + 1
Also, it has been said that we have 144,000 genes in our human genome. The shots add an additional 72,000 = 216,000, which is 600 * 60 * 6.
I haven't seen any studies on this third strand but let's be honest, this is EXACTLY what some mad scientists want to do -- they want to force evolve the human species. Even when the adrenochrome sucking demon Queen of England lit their pagan Christmas tree, the lights on the ground very clear simulated THREE STRANDED DNA... lighting up a "tree of knowledge"? This is the new era of death for God's children.
I am unsure if my wife and I will survive this bioweapon but by far my biggest fear is hearing the words, "I never knew you".
By inoculating DNA from the oroxylum indicum seeds (Bat Tree) I circumnavigated the Patient Zero problem altogether.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zBGaA-_KLVJmsTT3jrygcmFajpVf9FYa/view?usp=sharing
"In my patent I offer from a diagram that this antigen length if 440 nm." Bottom of Page 6. Page 9 shows the diagram and calculations.
I have neglected to publish this rendition because my Refusal for Cause on BRYAN's oath of office has been replaced with a repeat of his oath, without the markings. Look how pages 4 and 5 are identical. I filed Page 5 with red "Refusal for Cause" across it and the "SO HELP ME GOD." circled, with a big "NO!!" circled, also in red felt tip pen. Here is an example of a R4C on a federal oath where Timothy BURGESS actually redacted his signature from his oath!https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImYkVnVlNNMTdFaUE/view?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-0q1l7q_BTS6r0flC-QMVGA
All strains are covered by going back to the trees that feed the bats pollen, before Wuhan.
DOCTOR: If a couple consists of one jabbed and one unjabbed, is it impossible for the unjabbed to survive if he/she does not leave the jabbed? This is an objective answer and please be as poignant as necessary.
Auto-assemblage de points quantiques de graphène en hydrogels et cryogels : diffusion dynamique de la lumière, spectroscopie UV-Vis et investigations structurales
Hi.. are you sure there is not graphene inside those hydrogels?
do you realise you contradict all the researchers like la QC, Celest Solum , Karen Kingston and more? and Hydrogels patents?
from what i learned during 3 years of research, GO is everywhere in the patents, it is used in Hydrogels patents, Celeste Solum teaches all about Hydrogels
even some shapes in the vials have been identified with certaincy to be graphene oxyde sheets and GO flat ribbons in microscopy around the world
please do a special article or video to make all this essential point clearer for everyone
its not because you have polymers in the ribbons , ( by the way where is the CDB bacteria in the analysis result? ) that there is not GO somewhere
GO is the material all these Big Pharma and Industry are using in thousands of patents and products.
even KK said there is GO in the vials , at least like Quantum Dots of Graphene
please contact her and Celest Solum to elucidate this point
i believe there are both GO and Polymers, and Genetic modified species genes or proteins, all of it , in these vials because its logic ( for the Evil side ) that they want modify, trace, change biologically and GENETICALLY and also at the same time make robotics humans, with soft robotics and nano bots and tissue ingineering.
all these technologies are including GO somewhere , we have seen thousands of patents, plus the analysis by Dr Campra and many others analysis in the world
you say in the video there is NO GRAPHENE in the ribbons in the blood, which means also , according to you , that there is NO Graphene in the vials?
this point ( which is BIG BIG BIG )
it has to be made clearer and elucidated, with the cooperation of your talented collegues Dr Nixon , Karen Kingston , Clifford Carnicom and Celeste Solum , etc.
Thank you
Michael Folks - May 18, 2023
Michael’s Substack
Wasn't it a few days ago, that Insulin was found to have contamination from Graphene, and Nano Technology?
Paul Vonharnish - May 18, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Hello Michael Folks. Yes. There are numerous reports of Graphene Oxides - as used in a number of "medical" studies, modalities, and experiments. The associated research has been ongoing for nearly a decade. Contaminants such as these have been willfully released into our common environments via corporate entities such as Pfizer/Moderna and subsidiary agency...
We need to quit staring at nano-scopic particles, and begin identifying the Sources, interstate transport of such device, and operative companies employed in their distribution. >>>
In addition to clear violations of 18 U.S. Code § 175 - Prohibitions with respect to biological weapons | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Complete text:https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/175
There are environmental violations as defined by: 15 U.S. Code § 2605 - Prioritization, risk evaluation, and regulation of chemical substances and mixtures | US Law | LII / Legal Information Institute
Complete text:https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/15/2605
Also misfeasance violations of: 15 U.S. Code § 2604 - Manufacturing and processing notices
Complete text:https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/15/2604
And: 15 U.S. Code § 2606 - Imminent hazards
Excerpted from: 15 U.S. Code § 2606 - Imminent hazards
(f) “Imminently hazardous chemical substance or mixture” defined “For the purposes of subsection (a), the term “imminently hazardous chemical substance or mixture” means a chemical substance or mixture which presents an imminent and unreasonable risk of serious or widespread injury to health or the environment, without consideration of costs or other nonrisk factors.
Such a risk to health or the environment shall be considered imminent if it is shown that the manufacture, processing, distribution in commerce, use, or disposal of the chemical substance or mixture, or that any combination of such activities, is likely to result in such injury to health or the environment before a final rule under section 2605 of this title can protect against such risk.” [End quote]
Complete text:https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/15/2606
The Earth needs a good lawyer.
BornAlive - May 18, 2023
" Is It True My Daugher Knows A…
wow. this is THE most intelligent thing i’ve read here. also. i wish the owner of this blm would stop setting off alarms. the thing itself is alarming without the drama. capital letters and exclamation points. it’s wearing. i’m still here for the education. the hype can go.
BornAlive - May 18, 2023
" Is It True My Daugher Knows A…
Comment removed.
BornAlive - May 18, 2023
" Is It True My Daugher Knows A…
Comment removed.
BornAlive - May 18, 2023
" Is It True My Daugher Knows A…
oh i could not agree MORE! although i stop at people don’t care. what is know is that those who appear not to care are simply in a trance and to bring them out of the trance or for them to actively will themselves out of it is dangerous to their own psyche. i also quell the notion that we’re all meant to go through this hell by the same road by understanding that each soul has made a contract with these entities. there is value and power in CONSCIOUSNESS and vibration since what the controllers intend is to MAGNIFY what already exists in us by ‘upgrading’ us. that awareness alone gives me peace. some peace😆. for the rest of the souls it looks like we’re gonna accompany them through the valley of death. i intend to keep reading and keep understanding what The They are after and INCREASE my soul/spirit mission. and yes. i still try to convert others but it is a losers game. thanks for responding. i get where you’re coming from.
Phoenix - May 19, 2023
I believe there’s power in our vibration. Everything being done seems to be directed at lowering our frequency thus making us more susceptible to outside forces. If we could only get the world to tune out the noise and tune into our inner divinity, we might just have a snowball’s chance in hell of counteracting this darkening.
Paul Vonharnish - May 27, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Comment removed.
Paul Vonharnish - May 27, 2023
Paul Vonharnish
Hello 60GigaHertz: Yes. I follow all these persons. Sasha Latypova and Kathrine Watt are right on top of it. These contaminants are indeed bio-warfare products, and their widespread release into the environment is dangerous and suicidal. The perpetrators are morbidly in competition with one another, and have no method of stuffing the genie back into the bottle. They are insane by any reasonable measure, and need to be held in rubber rooms for the rest of their miserable lives...
Excellent comment. Thanks for posting.
Rachel - May 18, 2023
It is tiring and couterproductive and does not serve any good purpose to be battling other freedom fighters. Why would you do that? You are an amazing scientist, doctor and exponent, and the fact that you bring other truth seekers down is a bit depressing and makes me unneccessarily and sadly suspiscious of you. Please explain.
Monica M - May 18, 2023
Theara’s Newsletter
Rachel, I’ve not had a chance to listen/watch yet...who is she criticizing & for what reason?
Theara - May 22, 2023
Theara’s Newsletter
elle dit que il n'y a pas de Graphene
Rachel - May 18, 2023 - Edited
Dr Ana, your findings are interesting. Now, why do you use the word "bacteria" when speaking of synthetic structures? It is confusing consudering Dr Nagase says the signature of life forms (nitrogen and phosforus) in the vials is absent. Also, why do you contradict the findings of la 5ta columna when it is also based on spectrometty? Can't both of you be right? Why not work hand in hand? 1 billion investment in Graphene Flagship (Europe) can't be for nothing.
solutions - May 18, 2023
solutions’s Substack
Recently, a report from dr. kingston said that mrna is a software code to program or edit the DNA of parasite or bacteria. So I think the hydrogel is a Soup of mrna edited parasites ,bacteria, and graphene
Justin Coy - Jan 18, 2024
Justin Coy
My understanding of CRISPR is that it uses bacteria to grow the synthetic gene sequences, which then can transcribe into your own cells.
Monica M - May 21, 2023
solutions, everyday this is all sounding worse & worse. Lord help us!
Frank - May 18, 2023
Graphene oxide one of base platforms for LNPs but also CRISPR cas9 in the mix, Dr Robert Young and others have identified parasites and eggs, the idea all contents inorganic ridiculous, gmo is organic but syn-bio. What Hydrogel created for, hijacking bio-cells, Nagases still claims a SARS CoV2 particle exists as do infectious-particle-viruses, also ridiculous. Dr Tom Cowan, Dr Sam Bailey, etc eviscerate this claim Nagase & other deceivers avoid engaging them. aka POISON[S] are not infectious-self-replicating-particles, a scam from Freemasons Jenner to Pastuer to Rockefeller 1910 Flexner Report..
Latin word for poison is virus they exist but a poison requires dose exposure, injected &/or rf-emf exposure & every poison inbetween, its not an infectious particle.
211 health/science institutions globally all failed to cite even 1 record of “SARS-COV-2” purification, by anyone, anywhere, ever ----> As of Sep 11, 2022 -
The Untold Truth About The Existence Of Viruses ----> incls. Steve Falconer clip >
- 3m 43s - 27Jan23 - XANDREWX
Theara - May 22, 2023 - Edited
Theara’s Newsletter
exactly. where is the CDB cross domain BACTERIA in the polymers they found?
its a mystery to me, CDB needs a organic part, no? and the analysis they did with CC shows only POLYMERS plastics vynils. . where is the ORGANIC PART CDB???
2 ) dr Ana says ' there is NO GRAPHENE " in the BLOOD ( and the Vials i suppose
That is astounding .!!!
so la QC, Dr campra, Dr Noack, Karen Kingston, Dr Robert Young , and more resarchers, and the patents of the criminals etc would all be wrong?
come on.
.and Graphene Flagship would spent Billions of dollars for nothing? i dont think so
Graphene quantum dots are used too, not just big sheets of GO ,,it can be nano
now that too "fuzzy" and not scientific enough, she has to explain what she says much more scientifically, and discuss this point with the big researchers around.
if there is no bacteria in the polymers and vynils, u cant say its a CDB
to show an analysis made only of plastics , vinyls and polymers and say' ' it is a C D Bacteria' . its not logic
Michael - May 18, 2023
Michael’s Substack
Of course Albert Bourla is at Bilderberg meetings as we speak! Demon born right out of satans rectum.
Frank - May 18, 2023
nwo still require your Tacit Agreement [contract] no matter what happens to harvest your soul, God has provided all the tools upon Earth to survive the assaults if research .....
Ephesians 6 - Full Armor of God gives us the the complete set of tools to deal with the wiles of satan.
John 14:6 > Jesus saith unto him, i am THE WAY, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
Matthew 6:24 - No man can serve two masters. For either he will hate the one, and love the other: or he will sustain the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and Mammon.[money-changers]
Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - May 18, 2023
Thymus Cures Newsletter
Incredible! Thank you so much. 🙏
David Merrill - Dec 9, 2023 - Edited
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
I got a call from the CDC yesterday. (404) 806-4811
I treated him like any other phisherman - "Remove this number from your listing and do not call it again. - And do not give it out to anybody please."
CDC: You do not want to answer some questions?
"I want you to remove this number from your list and never call it again."
CDC: Okay, then...
"Thank you."
My guess is that he wants to talk about squeezing The Trigger on the transhumans. Rather than to thank me for saving millions of children.
Brutal Cold. Brace yourself!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBIdL_fqfio&pp=ygUQcGhvZW5peCBydW4gZHVzdA%3D%3D
Do your best to stay ahead of this freight train! It is already happening, for at least two years now.
David Merrill - Nov 11, 2023 - Edited
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
Here is the first positive allele:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1S_EiiVPV7vHPwqbvfYXfbQGC8rzdeJbP/view?usp=sharing
BTW - Twice I have requested any research from Nebula Genomics about the Before and After vaccine test. Simple - run somebody's genome before inoculation and then after in order to determine if indeed the vaccines alter the patient/victim's DNA?
Neither request was answered.https://osf.io/mjc97/
Additionally, I noticed how the once, "NO GMO PROJECT" Kashi Go CRUNCH cereal now says it is "**Certified Transitional". So I called the number. 20 minutes and two calls into an extensive phone tree I reached a human. I asked my question simply, What does Certified Transitional mean? She pretended to connect me with somebody whose job it is to answer that question and connected me back to the main trunk of the phone tree.
I was presuming the better light. That short supply of NO GMO wheat there is a supply of wheat that is no longer being CRISPR coded. I believe that in three or four generations the wheat "transitions" back to its natural string of CODE.
However, from the phone inquiry I might just as easily presume Kashi Go (Kellogg's) is transitioning from NO GMO to "This product contains bioengineered ingredients."
David Merrill - Aug 16, 2023
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
Legion Inoculus -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JIm5ysUXVok&list=PL_cf7UZNH0CbQ3KzppCp8Q0Npt3lT1vnW&index=5
Descending -https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PcSoLwFisaw&list=PL_cf7UZNH0CbQ3KzppCp8Q0Npt3lT1vnW&index=6
Justin Coy - Jun 12, 2023
Justin Coy
Gary, Thank you for your reply. I can see you invested much time and effort into it. It's easy to spot a true and honest comment such as yours. While reading your comment I found myself mildly choked up. My wife and I have been despairing greatly over this issue and while I'm still greatly worried that we have been blotted out of our Father's book, your comment is welcome and I'm hopeful that you are right.
We do know that YHWH is a fair and righteous God, having created us to serve him and also allowing us to retain the privilege of making choices on our own. He blessed us with the right to live and provided guidance on how to go about it for a better world. Time and time again we see that we have disobeyed him and participated in the worst types of evil. Time and time again he has reproved us and allowed us to live on, as long as we kept his laws.
That said, God is NOT one to be messed with. He is fair but *firm*. If these shots indeed mark us for life or as some have suggested, cause DNA mutation to add additional genes, we are no longer of God's seed and doomed forever. I have seen some very frightening things, such as:
C + O + R + O + N + A = 6 letters + 66
3 + 15 + 18 + 15 + 14 + 1
Also, it has been said that we have 144,000 genes in our human genome. The shots add an additional 72,000 = 216,000, which is 600 * 60 * 6.
I haven't seen any studies on this third strand but let's be honest, this is EXACTLY what some mad scientists want to do -- they want to force evolve the human species. Even when the adrenochrome sucking demon Queen of England lit their pagan Christmas tree, the lights on the ground very clear simulated THREE STRANDED DNA... lighting up a "tree of knowledge"? This is the new era of death for God's children.
I am unsure if my wife and I will survive this bioweapon but by far my biggest fear is hearing the words, "I never knew you".
David Merrill - May 30, 2023 - Edited
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
By inoculating DNA from the oroxylum indicum seeds (Bat Tree) I circumnavigated the Patient Zero problem altogether.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1zBGaA-_KLVJmsTT3jrygcmFajpVf9FYa/view?usp=sharing
"In my patent I offer from a diagram that this antigen length if 440 nm." Bottom of Page 6. Page 9 shows the diagram and calculations.
I have neglected to publish this rendition because my Refusal for Cause on BRYAN's oath of office has been replaced with a repeat of his oath, without the markings. Look how pages 4 and 5 are identical. I filed Page 5 with red "Refusal for Cause" across it and the "SO HELP ME GOD." circled, with a big "NO!!" circled, also in red felt tip pen. Here is an example of a R4C on a federal oath where Timothy BURGESS actually redacted his signature from his oath!https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B1EaV_bU7VImYkVnVlNNMTdFaUE/view?usp=sharing&resourcekey=0-0q1l7q_BTS6r0flC-QMVGA
All strains are covered by going back to the trees that feed the bats pollen, before Wuhan.
Mr. C - May 30, 2023
Is it true what some are saying about the vaccines causing hiv like symptoms and if so what can one do about this?
Justin Coy - May 24, 2023
Justin Coy
DOCTOR: If a couple consists of one jabbed and one unjabbed, is it impossible for the unjabbed to survive if he/she does not leave the jabbed? This is an objective answer and please be as poignant as necessary.
Theara - May 22, 2023
Theara’s Newsletter
Auto-assemblage de points quantiques de graphène en hydrogels et cryogels : diffusion dynamique de la lumière, spectroscopie UV-Vis et investigations structurales
Theara - May 22, 2023 - Edited
Theara’s Newsletter
Hi.. are you sure there is not graphene inside those hydrogels?
do you realise you contradict all the researchers like la QC, Celest Solum , Karen Kingston and more? and Hydrogels patents?
from what i learned during 3 years of research, GO is everywhere in the patents, it is used in Hydrogels patents, Celeste Solum teaches all about Hydrogels
even some shapes in the vials have been identified with certaincy to be graphene oxyde sheets and GO flat ribbons in microscopy around the world
please do a special article or video to make all this essential point clearer for everyone
its not because you have polymers in the ribbons , ( by the way where is the CDB bacteria in the analysis result? ) that there is not GO somewhere
GO is the material all these Big Pharma and Industry are using in thousands of patents and products.
even KK said there is GO in the vials , at least like Quantum Dots of Graphene
please contact her and Celest Solum to elucidate this point
i believe there are both GO and Polymers, and Genetic modified species genes or proteins, all of it , in these vials because its logic ( for the Evil side ) that they want modify, trace, change biologically and GENETICALLY and also at the same time make robotics humans, with soft robotics and nano bots and tissue ingineering.
all these technologies are including GO somewhere , we have seen thousands of patents, plus the analysis by Dr Campra and many others analysis in the world
you say in the video there is NO GRAPHENE in the ribbons in the blood, which means also , according to you , that there is NO Graphene in the vials?
this point ( which is BIG BIG BIG )
it has to be made clearer and elucidated, with the cooperation of your talented collegues Dr Nixon , Karen Kingston , Clifford Carnicom and Celeste Solum , etc.
Thank you
Thomas Lewis - May 18, 2023
Useless Liberal
Vaccines Are Violence
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