Lipid Nanoparticle-Associated Inflammation is…

May 6, 2024

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A new preprint paper was published showing that the Lipid Nanoparticles used as a delivery platform of the C19 bioweapons cause massive inflammation and aggravate preexisting inflammation.


Johnathan - May 6 - Edited


I work in a holistic supplement store and in the last two months ive had tons of customers coming in from there doctors for berberine supplements like crazy! THIS EXPLAINS WHY! Holy shit


BlazeCloude3 - May 6 - Edited


Been taking Berberine for years and it is a viable and effective herb similar to antibiotics or Quercetin in some manner and the effects are immediately noticable with gastrointestinal issues as well as to cleanse. Cinnamon is the catalyst for absorption; and as both are taken at the same time as Berberine is sold containing it...Not certain the benefits allowing the FEELING of greater health to be attributed to both ingredients or one.


Christine - May 6 - Edited

Curing Covid Related Diseases -…

Cinnamon supports berberine with sugar metabolism. I take the two together to control my blood sugar


Reply (1) - May 8

Curing Covid Related Diseases -…

Comment removed.


Christine - May 8

Curing Covid Related Diseases -…

Spamming. Not suitable behaviour for substack.


Maui Carrie - May 6

Maui Carrie

how much do you take?


BlazeCloude3 - May 6


750mg twice per day.
Can cause stomach upset when not adjusted to it.
Begin with one capsule at about 500mg per day...They come in differing amt. depending on brand.
Requires roughly two weeks for stomach and intestine to adjust and then no problem.


Leisa - May 6

Thank you kindly!


Christine - May 6

Curing Covid Related Diseases -…

Berberine is also a direct substitute for metformin which has bad adverse reactions for a lot of people. I think it is catching on for type 2 diabetics.


Gene - May 7

Curing Covid Related Diseases -…

It's not exactly a direct substitute. There are some different supported pathways.


Christine - May 7

Curing Covid Related Diseases -…

Maybe but in the real world, where we measure success by mmol/L and HbA1c readings, berberine can sustain the numbers achieved with metformin.
But do you have simple to understand information on these pathways? There are many supplements touted to reduce blood sugar and it would be interesting to see the different mechanisms by which they do this. I have, for example, found that only one brand of berberine, one that is produced from phellodendron, actually keeps my sugar levels down. With all other brands and products, they rise by about 2 mmol/L. So just berberine alone is not the key issue. There are variables in either the way the product is sourced or the way it is manufactured.
As berberine is also supposed to block sugar from cancer cells - seemingly the opposite of its role of helping insulin get sugar into healthy cells, there is a story here. I just have no idea what it is.


Gene - May 7

I get info from many sources. For the anti-C aspect I prefer Jane McClelland 'How to Starve Cancer' book and online e course. Also the Donnie Yance 'Mederi' information.
It's not just about sugar control.


WellnessJen 💜 - May 6

WellnessJen’s Substack

Dr. Ana, your work is one of the most incredible findings and truths have ever experienced!
Appreciate you, and so grateful and excited to fight back this evil!
During a business meeting yesterday, shared with a doctor that you and your findings are the top doctor to learn and share from and he said the same thing!
This is coming from a 40 year genius in medicinal flowers! 🌺
Thank you Dr. Ana for all you do to save humanity.
Many blessings to you and your family, WellnessJen


Roman S Shapoval - May 6

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Capturing electrons from Sunlight is a surefire way to reduce inflammation, esp when it comes to our brain:


Prof. Fred Nazar - May 6

Scientific Progress

Great find! I'll add it to the list:
How to save the life from the COVID vaxxed in 9 easy fast steps?
Appeal to authority (that’s the only thing they listen to):
1. Show that, while it is still given in the USA, all countries in Northern Europe banned Moderna due to the severe after-effects (let’s not call them side effects, but deliberate effects).
2. Show them Florida’s declaration not recommending COVID vaccines to most of the population.
3. Show Texas suing Pfizer for lying about vaccine efficacy.
4. Show Health Canada’ statement about finding DNA in mRNA shots, proving they hacked the cell nucleus. Show the Swedish study proving that the cell nucleus is hacked by mRNA vaccines.
5. Show that it also says that Pfizer inserted a sequence of the SV40 monkey virus. Show the studies proving that SV40 is carcinogenic.
Appeal to science:
6. Show the studies proving that the injected are still producing spike protein.
7. Show the studies proving that the spike protein was engineered to kill in Wuhan by adding HIV sequence and a Moderna cancer-related patent.
8. Convince them to labtest the amount of spike protein in their blood, which is still produced by their hacked cells, and if the can’t afford it:
9. Convince them to lower the spike protein in blood by trying any of the spike detox protocols based mostly on cheap medicines. They have nothing to lose, by trying it for a week, if their health improves, then they know that the bio-weapon caused their health problems:
How to get out of this political genocidal mess?
Pray MAGA: Make America God’s again. Pray “Thy Kingdom come”. Make the world His Kingdom of love. “God is love”.
The US national motto is “in God we trust”1, the Oath of Allegiance sums up in “so help me God”2, and the Pledge of Allegiance is “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
“Under God”, not only means under God’s protection/providence, but also under God's will/authority and Commandments.
Why can't Governments work with religious NGOs and religions helping the poor and sick?
Separation of church and State means "freedom of conscience", i.e. that a Government should not impose any particular religion. It doesn't mean that public officials can't show and live their faith in public, and it means that the State must always put all actions "under God", definitely not “over” or against God’s Will. Lincoln: “the nation shall, under God, have a new birth of freedom.” 3
Freemasonry is the church of Lucifer. “Separation of church and State” requires eliminating the freemasonic demono-cracy over Government (theocracy comes from “theo”, God, “cratos”, power, but this has nothing to do with God, but Satan and his demons, so it’s a demono-cracy).
Get the murderers out of government: force masons to self-identify by law under severe penalty (their oath doesn't forbid self-identification, also, evil oaths are void).
MAGA (Make Assets Great Again): money should be 100% backed with gold and real assets. This makes masonic counterfeiting harder. They are buying everything with virtual money: listed corporations, media, medical system, political parties, prosti-ticians, universities… !
Satanic secret societies like the masons are increasing the financial supply through:
- Forging dollars using the Federal Reserve they fully control
- Money creation through bank loans without reserves
- Financial “wealth” creation out of thin air through financial instruments such as derivatives
- Government debt
It's what I call finflation: inflation of financial instruments
With those trillions they've bought control in all listed corporations, media, universities, political parties, medical societies, etc.
The way out of this mess: money and financial assets backed by real assets.
16 laws we need to exit Extermination Planet
No Free Speech without Reach. We need a #FreeReach laws urgently!
Why is food poisoning legal?
How Rumsfeld forced the approval of lethal Aspartame.
Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!
How about REAL democracy: townhall republican democracy?
Rethinking science
Sciencing the rigged and corrupt scientific system for an overdue turnaround
Unless we change it, we’re doomed to the next PLANdemic. And yet, nothing has changed, only got worse!
Government spends 2x per student in public schools with respect to private ones and 3x at university level, with worse outcomes in all levels of education.
Time for a 100% voucher system, where parents can choose schools or earn the voucher money themselves if they homeschool (and their kids pass the exams), or through grand/parent/teacher coops.
This would allow many mothers to leave a work they hate and stay home with their babies and children, especially in the most important years of childhood until 6 years old. It would have a deep impact on society.


Adrian - May 7


"Saved By Zero" 👈a song by the Fixx. "Monopoly" 👈 a game, it represents a microversion of the game of money that we are all born into. How it begins, we sit at the board, everyone has zero, then we are all given the same amount to start. The rules of the game must be read by all players, in order to know how to play. The game ends when one player dominates the board, thats where the game loses its appeal, as it is no fun to rent and pay fees at every roll of the die. Zoom out to today. The game is dominated by one body called the WEF. How do we end the game to start over? One way is TEXIT👈 Sucede to succeed. Govt has its power thru the consent of the governed, yes, we do have the ability to retract our consent via sucession. Because the dominating body is cheating, manipulating, and corrupting the rules of the playing field, they have lost our Trust. And most people whom have been born into this manipulated game dont know the rules, to realize just how manipulated they are. Therefore, in game fashion...start-middle-end...It will behoove all players to give a democratic end to the corruption and start over..."Saved by Zero". Whereby, we have the space in time, to learn the rules of the game, take the power away from the cheaters, and Restore Trust by Restoring the Constitutiinal Republic👈the original game that started America.


Prof. Fred Nazar - May 7

Scientific Progress

We don't need that extreme solution if we could print our own gold-backed money.


CozzyCorner🪔 - May 6


Social Engineering has played a big part since early 1900. Maybe even earlier. FDA was bought by now big corporations back then. Dr Wiley, a chemist, experienced the beginings of the FDA when he pushed for the Pure Food Act in early 1900's.
My focus is Lord Jesus Christ, not politics. He is the only Savior the world needs.
Everything is falling into place folks. Do not miss your chance to get on the Ark. Seek Jesus Christ today.
***November 2023 live Ebola vaccines were injected into Denver Hospital Staff. Colorado Springs has a lab doing research with bats from Asia. Level 4 lab? Colorado is a "blue" state?
**1918 Spanish flu did not come from Spain. It was made in a military base in Kansas and soldiers were injected and carried out into the world during the war. The elders of these now people in corporations and agencies are their great grandchildren and grandchildren. Eugenics is ongoing. God is not mocked.
*Texas las a level 4 lab near San Antonio. Marberg virus experimentation and research. There is a military base there too.
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven Abba Father.
Keep repenting, forgive to be forgiven, pray that you are counted worthy to enter The Kingdom of Heaven in Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. All who seek Him will find Him. He loves each person and calls for His Children now. Not everyone will be saved. Few will enter. Many will perish. Make sure it is not you. Outer darkness is being without God, Father in Heaven forever.


Maui Carrie - May 6

Maui Carrie

Unfortunately for America, we are mystery Babylon as written in the Book of Revelation. If you notice, America is not mentioned in the BOR and we are living in end times. They've been perverting everything and everyone both mind, body and soul. Jesus Christ is the only way to salvation. J Kleck's videos are a wealth of info. Here is one. He uses the Bible and esword to decipher the meaning. God bless.


Leisa - May 6

Scientific Progress

May I share your comment please? It is spot on, thank you.


Prof. Fred Nazar - May 7

Scientific Progress

Sure! Tomorrow I'll post something AMAZING !


Susan Liang - May 6

Susan Liang

Just in time.Thanks!


Alamo Dude - May 6

Alamo Dude

Thanks for the updates! For Turmeric curcumin uptake increase, add some black pepper. Per research in India.
Additions to prevent and fight cancers, I would include Chaga Mushroom and Sulfurophane broccoli extract. Both nice sprinkled on food or in soups.
Ivermectin seems to also be curing some cancers.


John Vargo - May 8

John Vargo

Ivermectin and fenbendazole,


Greg Eldefonso - May 6

Greg’s Substack

Some supplements should not be taken at the same time or even the same day.
If you take meds you can use the interaction checker that is ondrugs.comto check for known interactions of supplements with the med/meds you take.
Methylene Blue interacts with hundreds of medications.
Be careful.


Bee Gee - May 7

Bee Gee

So true, and also very true for EDTA. Many people are just taking it with whatever and so the EDTA is wasted because it binds with so many things, even hours after you take it.


Kathleen Pimentel - May 6

Kathleen Pimentel

Cinnamaldehyde [compound in Cinnamon] will disrupt Luciferase.


Aminata Diouf - Dec 8

Aminata Diouf

I try a lot of what Shawn reccomand and it doesnt work!!!


Aminata Diouf - Dec 8

Aminata Diouf

You try this by yourself?


Claudia - May 6


These updates are so helpful. Thank you.


Mary Lou Tringali, PhD - May 6

Mary Lou Tringali, PhD

Yes I take all these. #TringaliVibrantHealth, Palm Beach Gardens, FL. Always go to a functional regenerative Medicine practitioner.


Alouicious Jackson - May 6 - Edited

Terral Croft has already published the nano-silver and borax protocol. It prevents the nanotech from replicating. There are also oral chelating supplements like liposomal EDTA or sodium citrate and also humic/fulvic acids such as shilijat which remove heavy metals and graphene. They do work, and the data was misinterpreted in the recent article discouraging them.


Cos - May 6 - Edited

Nano-silver not so sure?
Terral cites external information sources, without dark field before after studies carried out testing his product. There was a place for silver in traditional viral theory, but this tech is different. He will even state, "Doug the creator of the Nano Silver production process".
Refer to Dr Ana's previous studies showing how nano metals are utilized in this tech.
I am using logic as an engineer, when the electrical activity is increasing in our atmosphere, the last thing I want to build up in my body is more metals. On the contrary, I get considerable relief when chelating, removing metals.
Some may have success with introducing nan-silver, personally it does not make sense.


Alouicious Jackson - May 7

Terral got the info from an 'inside source', and the silver is supposed to occupy receptors that would otherwise be occupied by nano metals. I use it sublingually as a spray. However the borax dosage was 1/8 tsp per 100 lbs. bodyweight unless he's changed it. I've been using the protocol and feel much better. Interestingly, my parents in law both got the COVID vax series at the same time. He's been on the protocol for about 1 year, she isn't on it. She has a BLE mac address and he doesn't!


Cos - May 7

I actually bought some myself from Terral, just in case (with all my testing), and now I can test with it with my own blood under the microscope.
I recall tyrant Klause's words regarding owning nothing and 'Being Happy', so I always use caution for any miracle cure that makes me feel happy, unnaturally happy of coarse.
Yes the MAC address is interesting. It assembles and disassembles which for sme has created doubt to it actually existing.
I have seen in one test it took 1 1/2hrs to assemble when left sitting next to a cell phone switched on. I used to wonder why it was so intermittent in people. In addition the switching MAC code for security, also occurs, so no single person keeps the 'first found' MAC number.


Alexandra - May 6

Alexandra’s Substack

Thank you, Dr. Ana--more arrows for the quiver. xo


Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot - May 6

The Heterodox Cheering Section …

Wonderful Dr Ana -- what dosages would be advised? (by body wt? or preventative/shedding vs acute/symptomatic?) Is your solution "either/or" or "take 'em all together?" much grattytude yer way!


Gary - May 7

Gary’s Substack

Dear Dr. Ana,
I believe that you offer light therapy through your practice.
On a possibly related note, I’ve just been learning about Royal Rife whom I have read has been compared to Tesla in regards to his genius. It seems to me that had Rife been successful in his battles with big pharma, etc. then the entire Covid situation could have been easily avoided. A light frequency could have been tested en vitro then administered to patients with no risk of any side effects. A truly safe and effective treatment.
This related video on Rife’s work is probably the most powerful video on medicine that I’ve ever seen:


Adrian - May 7


You are right...TX and MO have bills for gold backed digital money...which are constitutionally appropriate..yet how to affectively implement that, imho, can best be achieved when we sucede...DC is deeply imbeded in globalism.


We The People - May 7 - Edited

We’s Substack
"But over the years, we realised that its role in blocking Galectin-3 is so much bigger than cancer, that it's literally mind-blowing, literally mind-blowing."



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