Light Medicine On United Network News

Feb 10, 2024

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I was interviewed on United Network News, a fantastic news network dedicated to building our new Earth.


Roman S Shapoval - Feb 10, 2024

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Two thirds of our bodies' energy requirements come from not food, but light!!


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Feb 10, 2024

Patti’s Substack

Roman you are absolutely right about light (photons) running the body. Our mitochondria in cells produce their own photons and electricity. Without photons your body stops making energy correctly.


Happiness: AViewpoint! - Feb 10, 2024

Patti’s Substack

Hmmmmm. Do sun lamps work at least a percentage?


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Feb 10, 2024

Patti’s Substack

If they are in the infrared or near infrared range they will have healing effects. You might want to go to YouTube to find more answers on healing wavelengths.


Reply (1) - Feb 10, 2024

Patti’s Substack

Comment removed.


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Feb 10, 2024

Patti’s Substack

Beth it pretty much in most things!


EAMBDGC - Feb 11, 2024

oh boy, i’m going to get more sun!


Not Me - Feb 10, 2024

Carol’s Newsletter

Our food is made fro
Light, water and earth


matt Arnold - Feb 10, 2024

matt Arnold

hence the old saying, she's glowing


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Feb 10, 2024

Patti’s Substack

Jim EDTA oral or suppository form will work to remove metals from blood. Some of those structures use aluminum and other metals from blood and body. A lot of heavy metals were no longer visible in my blood after treatment along with strands I was finding 2 years ago. The metals and graphene seem to hang together like gold and iron in Spanish shipwrecks of old.


Seeking Truth - Feb 10, 2024

Seeking Truth

Any alternatives to EDTA? I have amalgams.


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Feb 10, 2024

Patti’s Substack

If you are allergic to EDTA docs here suggest Zeolites, Fulvic and Humic acid and Montmorilinite clay and mineral replacement daily.


Truth girl - Feb 10, 2024

I'd exercise caution with united network news. They have a lot of skeletons in their closet. Follow team bubba on YouTube to get more information.


WrittenintheStars - Feb 10, 2024

Katie’s Substack

Tesla’s discovery … will finally see the LIGHT !!!


Mortie DeVille - Feb 10, 2024



Alina - Feb 10, 2024 - Edited

Katie’s Substack

What does “building our new earth” mean?
Are they god #2 or just blasphemers?


WrittenintheStars - Feb 10, 2024 - Edited

Katie’s Substack

I think we need to be Leary of these New Ager’s . I think Dr Ana is into New Age, as her book is published by a New Age publishing company. Look it up. I did. Jesus Christ is the one to follow. Not New Age . I’m not coming out against Dr Ana, as I think she is bringing great cures to us. I’m just saying beware of the movement that seeks to unite all mankind under one religion known as New Age . It’s deception. The only uniting is from our Creator … and our King of the coming kingdom, who is Jesus the Christ.


Citizen Seer - Feb 10, 2024

Citizen’s Substack

Just a thought, but how about we read what people write, watch what people do, and weigh their intent on their words and deeds. The alternate method, is to say this person is allied with this group, and this group is bad, so this person is bad, by association. Are you against identity politics? Maybe we should be against identity science, and identity spirituality too.


mothman777 - Feb 10, 2024

mothman777’s Newsletter

Read 'The Christ Conspiracy - The Greatest Story Ever Sold', reedited edition by DM Murdock. Jesus Christ never existed, the entire Bible is a total fraud, containing mutilated texts plagiarised from older religions and other totally fraudulent texts. The Islamic scholar Ahmed Deedat totally proves plagiarism and fraud in the Bible, showing two extensive texts for instance which are both totally identical yet are ascribed totally different authors in the Bible and totally different times of authorship. The word Christ is taken from the earlier Gnostic word Chrest, and 'Christian texts have been found referring to 'Christ' where the letter 'E' has been carefully covered over and replaced with the letter 'i'. There is a real spiritual oversoul that is eternally linked to all souls, no matter how people bother to relate to that being or not, but all the Abrahamic belief systems are false. They all say all others will be burned alive ceaselessly for all eternity after this life, which is what the fictional Jewish Rabbi Jesus says in the fictional Bible will happen to all who will not follow him. The Jewish cult and the Islamic cult also say all others will end up being tortured ceaselessly for all eternity in hell. Such criminally insane terrorist threats are not at all linked to any real God and are themselves merely the lowest form of demonic black magic.


Barbara Guillette - Feb 10, 2024

Barbara’s Substack

We are already in heaven and now comes hell its the reincarnation, of Kali, a personality type, Klaus Schwab, Gates ,Buffet, is the latest, Hitler, Mao,Stalin, Pol pot,Pinochet, all right here on earth. We don't have to experience it after death . These personality types should be examined through mind control and controlled. Use the technology on them .


mothman777 - Feb 11, 2024

mothman777’s Newsletter

OK, I bit, haha. I think Hitler wanted to stop the bad guys, that is why they spend all day long still today writing so many lies about Hitler, never a day goes by without an avalanche of comments on the internet, or internet articles or TV programs, newspaper articles and Hollywood films about 'muh holocaust'. Never a mention though of the fact that Stalin was really a Bucharian Jew who liquidated 10 million Christians in Ukraine alone according to his own records, and many more millions elsewhere. On my site I show a photo of Stalin and Kaganovich in full Bucharian Jewish dress wearing traditional Asian stripy Jewish robes and Bucharian-style kippah hats, Stalin was not really the Gentile 'Georgian' that TPTB like to make out, they only make out he was a Gentile because what he actually did is vastly worse than what Hitler was actually falsely accused of.
The fact they have to make it illegal to question the 6 million narrative is totally wrong, and they have just made it illegal to question whether or not 6 million Jews really died in WWII in Canada and Russia as well recently, on top of the many other nations in Europe where to question if it is actually true or not or to deny it carries a several year prison sentence.
So they have to be lying and trying to frighten people out of enquiring, no genuine history would require the threat of a prison sentence to make the alleged holocaust 'true'.
In fact two different organizations, one of them a Jewish organization each carried out world censuses of Jewish world population both before WWII and then after WWII, and the figures each organization provides for before WWII and after WWII are very similar, both showing 15 million Jews alive before WWII and both showing 15 million Jews alive after WWII, so much for the horror stories about Hitler and the fictitious gas chambers he was supposed to have been killing millions of Jews in.


Seeking Truth - Feb 12, 2024

Seeking Truth

You're insane


mothman777 - Feb 12, 2024

mothman777’s Newsletter

Hey, YOU are insane.


Max Light - Feb 10, 2024

Max Light

Katie, perhaps you might be interested in Robert McCurley. From Greenville Presbyterian Church archives, "Refusing Christ" (from 48 min): "... We need more of the sight of the Lord Jesus Christ. You are never... ever... in the danger of making too much of Christ. You cannot be too Christ infatuated. You cannot be too absorbed with Christ. You cannot be too taken up with the Lord Jesus Christ. He is all in all. He is our full sufficiency. He is our complete adequacy. He is, Himself, all that is lovely. It is impossible for you to find yourself too much in love with the Saviour, or too confident in your faith in the Saviour. Rather, we need the Lord to draw us upward, inward, deeper in, to the fellowship and communion that is to be had with Him."


Claudia - Feb 10, 2024


I bought/read your book a few months ago. Absolutely brilliant!


N M - Feb 11, 2024

PLEASE DON"T BE DECEIVED BY THE UNN or anything having to do with Kim Goguen, other than those who are dedicated to unmasking her enormous, ongoing scams and fraudulent information. Though some of the info on UNN is correct, the whole underlying UNN organization is a dangerous scam and Goguen is at the heart of it. See this thread on the Project Avalon Forum for ongoing information unveiling all that disinfo: would start with page 10 of that thread for the most current and revealing inside info.


Max Headroom - Feb 10, 2024

What kind of light ?
What frequency(ies)?
Duration of treatment?
Number of treatments?
Best body pad placement?
I have red (five frequencies)
I have blue (five frequencies)
I have combos (five frequencies)
These frequencies are independent of one another
I am a two timing cancer patient. First squamous cell carcinoma. Second squamous cell carcinoma
The possible third is a 1.7 cm see thru nodule with airspace in the middle. This is a single nodule that only appeared after the radiation treatment for number 2. I look forward to your highly valued opinion


Barbara Guillette - Feb 11, 2024

Barbara’s Substack

4 mins ago
You seem to forget that many important issues are lost to history. The Nuremberg Code was one of them. Informed consent was created so that anyone can question what is being done to them illegal or legal. It's also stated no one can change one word of thecode.Sothis FDA revision is null and void.
Written by scientists and doctors after WW2
Another is the phrase "The rule of law"meaning everyone is
equal under the law. Even fools like Klaus Schwab. The deep state are basically arrogant ,full of themselves fools also.When you think of the men who created our constitution and what is init.Imhumbled by their genius and astounded by those who ignore and wish to throw it under the bus by there sheer stupidity and traitorous arrogance. . No where else have we as a specie been able to create something this wonderful..Every other form of govt has failed, only capitalism has been weaponized by these greedy creeps trying to impose a feudalistic socialism on We the people.Socialism has always failed.
I think someday the deep state will need this document to save their traitorous thieving lives.


Bernie_miltenberger - Feb 11, 2024

The Pure Water Committee of Wes…
Half way through this video interview with David Ick, did Elon Musk just have a slip of the tongue moment and reveal that Dr. Ana Milhaleca is correct that nanobots are racing through our bloodstreams to reduce the latency of transmission to the WiFi interface? I think he just did?


N M - Feb 11, 2024

Dr. Ana., please do not associate your work with UNN which is a huge scam network. It will only serve to discredit your reputation and credibility.
There are many people who have been part of Kim Goguen's various scams over the years who have come forward with what actually goes on behind the scenes, and it's terrible.
For a composite of some of those stories and links to the sources, see this 10 page thread starting here:
Incidentally, your work is also being featured in a very positive light on the Project Avalon forum in various threads.
Thank you for your ground-breaking work!
Please keep it pure and your reputation credible by being more careful about who you associate with.


Debbie Martin - Feb 11, 2024

I love this!


N M - Feb 11, 2024

Dr. Ana., please do not associate your work with UNN which is a huge scam network. It will only serve to discredit your reputation and credibility.
There are many people who have been part of Kim Goguen's various scams over the years who have come forward with what actually goes on behind the scenes, and it's terrible.
For a composite of some of those stories and links to the sources, see this 10 page thread starting here:
Incidentally, your work is also being featured in a very positive light on the Project Avalon forum in various threads.
Thank you for your ground-breaking work!
Please keep it pure by being more careful about who you associate with.


Mayra Bermudez - Feb 10, 2024

Where can TIs find guidance regarding how to book an appointment with you? Or for those who cannot afford to travel, is there a video, blog, or publication with a protocol involving at-home chelation that we can follow?


Tameron Church - Feb 10, 2024

Dr. Ana, is the best way to buy your book through Amazon????



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