Light Medicine, Long Covid Reversal, Biological, Nanotechnological and Spiritual Warfare

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 21, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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On Sunday, September 18th, 2022 I had the honor to present to my colleagues at Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International.

Here is the video link:

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD, Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International

I discussed my journey in developing Light Medicine, a new model for medical science. I discussed the application of novel technologies like WAVi brain EEG and R3M Autonomic Nervous System Function test in my clinical practice and the documentation of successful age reversal strategies for conditions like long Covid.

Other topics discussed were:

Reversal of shedding as documented by normalization of D-Dimers

Novel screening approaches for Vax injury like Computerized Thermography and Live Blood Analysis

Nanotechnology evidence worldwide in C19 injectable vials

Genocidal Elitist Agenda

Scientific corruption and deception

Spiritual Warfare as evidenced in comments of Yuval Noah Harari

and more…

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Jan Hazelton - Sep 23, 2022

Jan’s Substack

Dr. Ana, YOU ROCK! Your brilliant presentation hit it out of the park. I especially appreciated the expectation of hope and recovery! Thank you for shining your light to the world and for your great work. It’s contagious….

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Trial N. Error - Nov 2, 2022

Finding one's Inner Child is anti-aging

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