& I had shedding- bleeding in menopause around elderly vaccinated family member. Late February 2021, he had wild blood pressure swings and was falling. I was there to help my elders but the symptoms are scary, the lack of information- criminals!
What a wonderful job you did on the Stew Peters Show Dr. Mihalcea!!! You have been a light (pun intended) in my life since I stumbled across your Substack. Im grateful for your advocacy and perseverance! Great presentation before a large audience! I’ve also been wondering “Where is the outrage?!?!?!?!!!”. I’m sure your appearance on the show will help get your most important message out there: The people have been lied to!!!
"They" are asleep.
Apathy is more common than greed.
"What am I going to do? I'm just one person."
The delusion has befallen, as told in scripture, a delusion will befall them such that they cannot perceive the truth.
Just a few thoughts as to WHY or HOW can so much murder and maiming occur with so little pushback.
This is not our world, it is the evil ones for now. Keep YOUR eyes open to see and YOUR ears open to hear so that YOU will be ready as we're commanded to be and God willing you've a family that will follow in your wise steps.
Thank you, so very kindly for your wise words and guidance. You gave me goosebumps. “They will not be able to perceive the truth” that helps me understand the blank stares and abrupt topic changes from former friends and colleagues who would have, under any other circumstances, engaged in long discussions with me… especially over something like this! It’s like they are entranced. I don’t say that lightly. Not sure why I’m able to see the obvious corruption and others aren’t… but I’m grateful everyday my core circle of friends and family stand with me. It truly is a blessing. I hope the same hold true for you.
You are fortunate to have that core circle...most of us do not. Once injected, they are Blind fue to a nanite neuro lace built in their brains within 24 hours.
All others are subjected to continuous brain/ consciousness entrainment frequencies to suggestible states. There, their subconscious is programmed. This isn't new.
The source is most often the TV. But any electronic device will do...social media would be boring to folks otherwise. .
This is High Tech Hypnotism.
Typhus, how do you know about the time frame and subconscious mind entrainment? I have heard of this; just want to know do you have any literature or source information on this?
There's much written available. It is ancient.
Baby steps.
Start with Jose Silva. Watch his utube videos...if still uncensored....
otherwise use Brave Search to find. Google et al are 100% controlling.
Read his various books on learning to control your Mind. This is mastered 1st via Self Hypnosis.
We all 100% have capabilities that are hidden by systems of belief...prisons purpose built.
I have broken free...just a bit. Call it enhanced intuition. Highly accurate.
Yes it (mostly) has.... some ppl closest to me, my mother who also cares for my grandmother, sadly no. Not in late 2020 when I advised, YIKES, mRNA is bad and not ready for primetime, nor recently as they both got bivalent jabs.
I have been beautifully consoled by two things:
1. Death is only hard on the living.
2. The Lord is with us; he will be with us every step and he has advised the world's people will eventually accept a mark on their foreheads or on their right hand in order to participate in any level of society. For the peoples to get to that point of compliance, sadly, things like forced jabs or worse, logically need to happen in order for general society to eventually accept the mark. Hopefully this makes sense...
HEART filled blessings to you and yours. May your eyes continue to see and your ears to continue to hear. May you be a light with his brightness shining thru you to all willing to listen and see
What you are discovering should be called a "Fractal of Lies", digging deeper only uncovers more and more lies within the lie and when will you get to the end of it, nobody knows.
I’m realizing today, that everything we have ever been told is : A LIE
And I mean everything...what’s in your soap, your makeup, your shampoo, your weed killer, your food, your water, your pet food, it never ends.
Yes I started to think that over 10 years ago, at first you will be disturbed by it, fighting the cognitive dissonance, but then come to accept it as the truth for how the world was setup. Now you can just expect it.
I think what I find difficult, is that there are people this evil. That’s a tough one for me, and I worked as a deputy 23 years. I’ve seen vile evil, and it still bothers me-a lot! And you’re 100%!
Hi Dr. Ana,
Thank you for your work and these reports.
On this: “In those cases that no mRNA was found, there also is no reverse transcription into DNA to make spike protein,”
Note spike protein can be made without reverse transcription.
The spike protein-encoding mRNA allegedly in the Pfizer and Moderna shots is directly translated into spike protein.
And the adenoviral DNA shots from AstraZenica and J&J are supposed to be transcribed into mRNA and then translated into spike protein.
Reverse transcription of vaccinal mRNA into DNA — shown to occur in vitro in liver cells, as you know — and possible subsequent integration into human chromosomal DNA are separate potential problems needing more study.
Dr Hill, in layman’s terms, do you mind briefly clarifying? I mean, for those of us who’ve not been vaxed but have been Covid infected & FEEL fine (seemingly, anyway)...do you think this nefarious attack will, at some point, cause health issues for everyone?? Sigh. I’d rather be mentally prepared to some degree. Thank you. :)
Hi Monica,
Transcription is reading DNA into mRNA.
Translation is reading mRNA into proteins.
Reverse transcription is reading RNA into DNA.
Integration is, among other things, insertion of DNA segments into host DNA, e.g., into human chromosomes.
Reverse transcription and integration into human DNA has been documented to happen for SARS-CoV2 viral RNA during infection of people.
Reverse transcription has been documented to happen for mRNA vaccines in vitro (in a Petri dish) with liver cells. We don’t yet know if integration also occurs from the vaccines.
As a precaution, we should assume mRNA vaccines reverse transcribe into DNA and integrate into human chromosomes until proven otherwise. The long term consequences of this are unknown but could be bad: reduced fertility, sterility, neurologic diseases, cancer, autoimmune diseases, etc.
As for unvaccinated people, a big unknown is whether and how they are affected by “shedding.” Dr. Ana is investigating this, and Pfizer trial documents say they were looking for spread of vaccine material to unvaccinated contacts of vaccinated people by inhalation or skin contact.
Covid is also a Lie. Everything around it...and itself are a massive PsyOp to Terrorize And distract everyone from important things happening in the background.
Covid is Recharterized Seasonal Flu & common colds...and the kitchen sink.
All Lies all the Time. Inversion of Reality... it's how they roll.
I always/immer/altijd wonder whether those "unvaccinated" that got "shedded" had a PCR test once? I do not trust that thing at all so verrrry curious about it. Shouldn't we take that into account by default?
This is the question that has not been answered and absolutely needs to be. Are these ribbons showing up in those who did not have jab but were tested for "COVID"??? Or are they showing up in unvaxxed people who have had neither the jab nor the "test". This is a critical distinction and I do not understand why it has not been addressed.
It seems the ones that got a PCR test can't be objective anymore and that would be about the entire world population (90-95%?). Does it come too close or is their brain taken over by the nano-tech?
Dr Ariyana Love says about this:
""You cannot see the mRNA because the mRNA vector is parasites. The transfected parasite eggs are attached to the lipid coating of nanoparticles which are delivered via graphene oxide hydrogels. It's extremely difficult to detect parasite eggs until they hatch and grow. My jabbed clients have parasites showing up in their blood through Dark Field Microscopy.""
HOW do you explain the fact that the numerous autopsies conducted in Germany by renowned pathologists clearly show that the victims died as a result of lymphocytic infiltration / inflammation of various organs in response to the presence of the spike protein created by the death jabs? The massive tissue damage in brain and heart clearly showed the presence of jab-induced spike protein, not an immune response to graphene oxide.
On the mark.
But, an analysis of the FDA VAERS data base shows that batches are very different across the nation...likely the world... An ever changing formulation? To what end? Everyone that's asleep is part of a Phase 3 trial. There's likely multiple objectives as the mass murderers refine their approach. Agenda 2021/2030 & 2050 as well as the Rockefeller plan published widely in 2010 will enlighten. These things love to tell everyone their intent & plans. It's then on we all if we fall into their traps. We are unthinking animals to them.
Stop the activity of the nanites by shutting of electromagnetic energies...or a Faraday cage.
Ivermectin is said to breakdown the structures of graphene.
Chelation, may be a way to rid this crud from the body. EDTA being one tool. Beware...be prepared yo replace critical elements that will be removed along with the poison metals.
Look up John Lukashs site for 2 free books on how to...that's as his global distributed scientific research team makes it's voyage of Discovery that's evolving still.
Dr Ana: I agree with you that transmission is AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN an issue. But I still maintain they have changed the “recipe” - still no ‘ingredients’ listed on the package inserts. They can do whatever they want.
Where did the anaphylaxis go? Where did the regularly-seen VITT go? Where did the (common in Feb 2021).. Where did the AZ shots and JJ shots go? Why did they quietly fall away but it's FULL COURT PRESS, especially Pfizer?
What about the 242 Covid shot candidates within the 821 covid clinical trials going on right now, (they have to be different or have differences)https://covid19.trackvaccines.org/vaccines/
We should be mapping the changes, not throwing past information in the trash as though it didn't exist. They have one goal in mind: depopulation and slave-like control of all humanity, and every living things. We're chasing the info; they're creating it in front of us.
It’s a year later. MASSIVE clotting of blood in flowing vessels is now the norm, but not so much PEs
I wrote this in June 2022:https://drtenpenny.substack.com/p/rubbery-blood-clots
So, if no mRNA is identified NOW, it doesn’t mean it was absent from the vials in May —> Dec 2021.
Blood clotting (or rouleaux formation) occurs within 10 minutes of exposure to wireless devices. I have multiple slides from various researchers confirming this fact. The reason the vaxxed are experiencing blood clotting is likely due to the radiation-emitting technology they have been injected with. They are now walking wireless transmitters and receivers as a result, with some emitting bluetooth addresses even after death! It's so creepy.
Rosalind McGill - Nov 15, 2022
Rosalind McGill
& I had shedding- bleeding in menopause around elderly vaccinated family member. Late February 2021, he had wild blood pressure swings and was falling. I was there to help my elders but the symptoms are scary, the lack of information- criminals!
Rosalind McGill - Nov 15, 2022
Rosalind McGill
Thanks for your good works. Going to watch now. God bless you.
bss.org - Nov 15, 2022
I subbed and support you
Elizabeth Faraone - Nov 15, 2022
What a wonderful job you did on the Stew Peters Show Dr. Mihalcea!!! You have been a light (pun intended) in my life since I stumbled across your Substack. Im grateful for your advocacy and perseverance! Great presentation before a large audience! I’ve also been wondering “Where is the outrage?!?!?!?!!!”. I’m sure your appearance on the show will help get your most important message out there: The people have been lied to!!!
Tucson Tanya - Nov 15, 2022
"They" are asleep.
Apathy is more common than greed.
"What am I going to do? I'm just one person."
The delusion has befallen, as told in scripture, a delusion will befall them such that they cannot perceive the truth.
Just a few thoughts as to WHY or HOW can so much murder and maiming occur with so little pushback.
This is not our world, it is the evil ones for now. Keep YOUR eyes open to see and YOUR ears open to hear so that YOU will be ready as we're commanded to be and God willing you've a family that will follow in your wise steps.
Elizabeth Faraone - Nov 16, 2022
Thank you, so very kindly for your wise words and guidance. You gave me goosebumps. “They will not be able to perceive the truth” that helps me understand the blank stares and abrupt topic changes from former friends and colleagues who would have, under any other circumstances, engaged in long discussions with me… especially over something like this! It’s like they are entranced. I don’t say that lightly. Not sure why I’m able to see the obvious corruption and others aren’t… but I’m grateful everyday my core circle of friends and family stand with me. It truly is a blessing. I hope the same hold true for you.
Typhus - Dec 15, 2022
You are fortunate to have that core circle...most of us do not. Once injected, they are Blind fue to a nanite neuro lace built in their brains within 24 hours.
All others are subjected to continuous brain/ consciousness entrainment frequencies to suggestible states. There, their subconscious is programmed. This isn't new.
The source is most often the TV. But any electronic device will do...social media would be boring to folks otherwise. .
This is High Tech Hypnotism.
Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 15, 2022
Typhus, how do you know about the time frame and subconscious mind entrainment? I have heard of this; just want to know do you have any literature or source information on this?
Typhus - Dec 15, 2022
There's much written available. It is ancient.
Baby steps.
Start with Jose Silva. Watch his utube videos...if still uncensored....
otherwise use Brave Search to find. Google et al are 100% controlling.
Read his various books on learning to control your Mind. This is mastered 1st via Self Hypnosis.
Typhus - Dec 15, 2022
The methodology to step outside the programming...is done with similar deprogramming protocols.
Typhus - Dec 15, 2022
We all 100% have capabilities that are hidden by systems of belief...prisons purpose built.
I have broken free...just a bit. Call it enhanced intuition. Highly accurate.
Tucson Tanya - Nov 17, 2022
Yes it (mostly) has.... some ppl closest to me, my mother who also cares for my grandmother, sadly no. Not in late 2020 when I advised, YIKES, mRNA is bad and not ready for primetime, nor recently as they both got bivalent jabs.
I have been beautifully consoled by two things:
1. Death is only hard on the living.
2. The Lord is with us; he will be with us every step and he has advised the world's people will eventually accept a mark on their foreheads or on their right hand in order to participate in any level of society. For the peoples to get to that point of compliance, sadly, things like forced jabs or worse, logically need to happen in order for general society to eventually accept the mark. Hopefully this makes sense...
HEART filled blessings to you and yours. May your eyes continue to see and your ears to continue to hear. May you be a light with his brightness shining thru you to all willing to listen and see
Art - Nov 15, 2022
What you are discovering should be called a "Fractal of Lies", digging deeper only uncovers more and more lies within the lie and when will you get to the end of it, nobody knows.
Renee Marie - Nov 15, 2022
Renee Marie
I’m realizing today, that everything we have ever been told is : A LIE
And I mean everything...what’s in your soap, your makeup, your shampoo, your weed killer, your food, your water, your pet food, it never ends.
Art - Nov 15, 2022
Yes I started to think that over 10 years ago, at first you will be disturbed by it, fighting the cognitive dissonance, but then come to accept it as the truth for how the world was setup. Now you can just expect it.
Renee Marie - Nov 15, 2022
Renee Marie
I think what I find difficult, is that there are people this evil. That’s a tough one for me, and I worked as a deputy 23 years. I’ve seen vile evil, and it still bothers me-a lot! And you’re 100%!
James Hill, MD - Nov 15, 2022 - Edited
James Hill MD’s Newsletter
Hi Dr. Ana,
Thank you for your work and these reports.
On this: “In those cases that no mRNA was found, there also is no reverse transcription into DNA to make spike protein,”
Note spike protein can be made without reverse transcription.
The spike protein-encoding mRNA allegedly in the Pfizer and Moderna shots is directly translated into spike protein.
And the adenoviral DNA shots from AstraZenica and J&J are supposed to be transcribed into mRNA and then translated into spike protein.
Reverse transcription of vaccinal mRNA into DNA — shown to occur in vitro in liver cells, as you know — and possible subsequent integration into human chromosomal DNA are separate potential problems needing more study.
Monica M - Nov 15, 2022 - Edited
James Hill MD’s Newsletter
Dr Hill, in layman’s terms, do you mind briefly clarifying? I mean, for those of us who’ve not been vaxed but have been Covid infected & FEEL fine (seemingly, anyway)...do you think this nefarious attack will, at some point, cause health issues for everyone?? Sigh. I’d rather be mentally prepared to some degree. Thank you. :)
James Hill, MD - Nov 15, 2022 - Edited
James Hill MD’s Newsletter
Hi Monica,
Transcription is reading DNA into mRNA.
Translation is reading mRNA into proteins.
Reverse transcription is reading RNA into DNA.
Integration is, among other things, insertion of DNA segments into host DNA, e.g., into human chromosomes.
Reverse transcription and integration into human DNA has been documented to happen for SARS-CoV2 viral RNA during infection of people.
Reverse transcription has been documented to happen for mRNA vaccines in vitro (in a Petri dish) with liver cells. We don’t yet know if integration also occurs from the vaccines.
As a precaution, we should assume mRNA vaccines reverse transcribe into DNA and integrate into human chromosomes until proven otherwise. The long term consequences of this are unknown but could be bad: reduced fertility, sterility, neurologic diseases, cancer, autoimmune diseases, etc.
As for unvaccinated people, a big unknown is whether and how they are affected by “shedding.” Dr. Ana is investigating this, and Pfizer trial documents say they were looking for spread of vaccine material to unvaccinated contacts of vaccinated people by inhalation or skin contact.
Tucson Tanya - Nov 15, 2022
THANK YOU for looking into this! Posting it.
May God bless all with eyes to see and ears to hear
Sally Gould - Nov 15, 2022
Sally’s Newsletter
Thank you!
Typhus - Dec 15, 2022
Covid is also a Lie. Everything around it...and itself are a massive PsyOp to Terrorize And distract everyone from important things happening in the background.
Covid is Recharterized Seasonal Flu & common colds...and the kitchen sink.
All Lies all the Time. Inversion of Reality... it's how they roll.
Mir - Nov 15, 2022
I always/immer/altijd wonder whether those "unvaccinated" that got "shedded" had a PCR test once? I do not trust that thing at all so verrrry curious about it. Shouldn't we take that into account by default?
jeanice barcelo - Dec 15, 2022
Jeanice Barcelo's Substack
This is the question that has not been answered and absolutely needs to be. Are these ribbons showing up in those who did not have jab but were tested for "COVID"??? Or are they showing up in unvaxxed people who have had neither the jab nor the "test". This is a critical distinction and I do not understand why it has not been addressed.
Mir - Dec 16, 2022
It seems the ones that got a PCR test can't be objective anymore and that would be about the entire world population (90-95%?). Does it come too close or is their brain taken over by the nano-tech?
jeanice barcelo - Dec 16, 2022
Jeanice Barcelo's Substack
Good question and I don't know the answer.
Mir - Nov 15, 2022 - Edited
Dr Ariyana Love says about this:
""You cannot see the mRNA because the mRNA vector is parasites. The transfected parasite eggs are attached to the lipid coating of nanoparticles which are delivered via graphene oxide hydrogels. It's extremely difficult to detect parasite eggs until they hatch and grow. My jabbed clients have parasites showing up in their blood through Dark Field Microscopy.""
Weihan Xing - Nov 15, 2022
Weihan Xing
HOW do you explain the fact that the numerous autopsies conducted in Germany by renowned pathologists clearly show that the victims died as a result of lymphocytic infiltration / inflammation of various organs in response to the presence of the spike protein created by the death jabs? The massive tissue damage in brain and heart clearly showed the presence of jab-induced spike protein, not an immune response to graphene oxide.
Typhus - Dec 16, 2022
On the mark.
But, an analysis of the FDA VAERS data base shows that batches are very different across the nation...likely the world... An ever changing formulation? To what end? Everyone that's asleep is part of a Phase 3 trial. There's likely multiple objectives as the mass murderers refine their approach. Agenda 2021/2030 & 2050 as well as the Rockefeller plan published widely in 2010 will enlighten. These things love to tell everyone their intent & plans. It's then on we all if we fall into their traps. We are unthinking animals to them.
Kathleen Janoski - Nov 15, 2022
Kathleen Janoski
Love Stew Peters.
He is in your face, doesn't mince his words, and gets differing opinions out.
Little.Lambsie - Nov 15, 2022
D’s Substack
I am outraged
Typhus - Dec 16, 2022
They love the 7 deadly mortal Sins.
kitten seeking answers - Nov 15, 2022 - Edited
”Kitten’s Secret Garden”
note Orange banner at top of page:
“Ushering the Next Industrial Revolution!”
Typhus - Dec 15, 2022
Stop the activity of the nanites by shutting of electromagnetic energies...or a Faraday cage.
Ivermectin is said to breakdown the structures of graphene.
Chelation, may be a way to rid this crud from the body. EDTA being one tool. Beware...be prepared yo replace critical elements that will be removed along with the poison metals.
Look up John Lukashs site for 2 free books on how to...that's as his global distributed scientific research team makes it's voyage of Discovery that's evolving still.
Dr. Sherri Tenpenny - Nov 25, 2022
Dr. Tenpenny's Eye on the Evide…
Dr Ana: I agree with you that transmission is AND ALWAYS HAS BEEN an issue. But I still maintain they have changed the “recipe” - still no ‘ingredients’ listed on the package inserts. They can do whatever they want.
Where did the anaphylaxis go? Where did the regularly-seen VITT go? Where did the (common in Feb 2021).. Where did the AZ shots and JJ shots go? Why did they quietly fall away but it's FULL COURT PRESS, especially Pfizer?
What about the 242 Covid shot candidates within the 821 covid clinical trials going on right now, (they have to be different or have differences)https://covid19.trackvaccines.org/vaccines/
We should be mapping the changes, not throwing past information in the trash as though it didn't exist. They have one goal in mind: depopulation and slave-like control of all humanity, and every living things. We're chasing the info; they're creating it in front of us.
It’s a year later. MASSIVE clotting of blood in flowing vessels is now the norm, but not so much PEs
I wrote this in June 2022:https://drtenpenny.substack.com/p/rubbery-blood-clots
So, if no mRNA is identified NOW, it doesn’t mean it was absent from the vials in May —> Dec 2021.
jeanice barcelo - Dec 15, 2022
Jeanice Barcelo's Substack
Blood clotting (or rouleaux formation) occurs within 10 minutes of exposure to wireless devices. I have multiple slides from various researchers confirming this fact. The reason the vaxxed are experiencing blood clotting is likely due to the radiation-emitting technology they have been injected with. They are now walking wireless transmitters and receivers as a result, with some emitting bluetooth addresses even after death! It's so creepy.
Damian Scott - Nov 25, 2022
Have you actually done any test to look into the jab vials yourself, Dr. Mihalcea?
Elizabeth Faraone - Nov 17, 2022
Thank you a thousand times. I wish the same for you ❤️ I will keep you, your mom and grandmother in my thoughts and prayers.
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