Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 13, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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This is our recent meeting Medical Doctors for COVID Ethics that was made public.
This is an absolutely jaw dropping presentation by Albert Benavides -We the Eagle about the amount VAERS fraud he uncovered. It is much worse than anyone even suspects. Possibly 1 Million dead. I could not believe what I saw, the level of fraud when he spoke to us, and how well he documented his research. Everyone in America should watch this to understand how the numbers in VAERS are completely fraudulent. For example he showed us one entry, that counts as one patient, that had 728 adverse events listed. Covid vaccines are reported under wrong vaccines, for example Dengue vaccine. If you watch this video you will understand that referring to VAERS is completely useless.
Our meetings are long ( usually 2.5 hours) but it is worth watching every minute. Please click on link below:
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