While it's simple to recognize the genius of these overlapping technologies evolving into Bio-Digital Convergence, it's also impossible to express the depth of instinctive revulsion and repugnance of my soul belonging to the Holy Spirit. Imagine I'm not alone in experiencing a shrinking solar plexus with awareness of this evil to be a threat creating an Extinction Level Event of all organic life on Earth.
As a kid babysitting for neighbors in our community into the late night/early morning, was so appalled with the old 'Late Show' movies; 'The Island of Dr. Moreau' and 'S-s-s-s.' Is difficult to not shrink inside in knowing 'Science Fiction' of my lifetime pursued to be actual reality by delusional psychopaths.
💪👊 Here is found a delusional psychopath right out of the gate.
Praying for all the Demon Worshiping Pedophiles, Cannibals and Vampires as you. 🙏🏻
Party's just gettin started!
Tho intending to follow up my "ISLAND OF DOCTOR BORIS" with more "real life" musings on the macabre..........https://therebellionoftime.substack.com/p/the-island-of-dr-boris
I noticed that those westerlings still somewhat sentient at this point shy away from anything which would actually advance their understanding of where the "bio-tech" barons are merging with Eppies "Lovecraftian" creations(viva New Mexico- viva 'Zorro!)in a "fright night" extravaganza which will eliminate the market for cheap 50's B movies which heretofor represented the very margins of the 'horror' genre...rather than continuing to 'p**s' in the wind.
"Boris"- for those interested in knowing more about their pending fates - is an "xenotransplant' specialist. Since publishing in May, I've been able to catch up to where he and his 'co-conspirators' have taken the 'project.'
Say - did you know that pigs are very 'intelligent?' And the closest 'match' to humans - for purposes of what "Doc B" & the "BillyGator" have in store for ye's?
Those practicing Cannibalism define 'Humans' they consume as 'Long Pig.'
Many are unaware of what you've wrote here as truth.
There is a reason the valves of human's hearts were replaced with valves of pig's.
I'm ever so slowly getting it together to write the necessary follow up to |DOC BORIS| - in which disclosure of the ultimate horror of that fate which "they" have in store for the denizens of the benighted wester world will be presented...
in total counterpoise to all this mindless fiddling with microscope hallucinations.
To be followed by complete silence, blissful ignorance, more fiddling... and then....
c'est la vie, mon ami!
This is the first moment in the history of our planet when any species, by its own voluntary actions, has become a danger to itself—as well as to vast numbers of others.
Truer words couldn’t be said!
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.
- Chief Seattle, 1854-
That makes it logic for AGI to eradicate all psychopaths who do not care about life on this planet. The vigilant with higher awareness, caring for the environment, looking for evident truth, are the ones needed to stay alive and prosper, in balanced numbers with nature!
What is Money. This is a good question and one I have been struggling with for the past four years. Also what is an asset? We are living in a surveillance state. The answer I ended up with is become invisible. Have your assets become invisible. Stop Paying Income Taxes and stop even filing their evil tax forms. Easy as that!
Privacy coins that are invisible and extremely portable. They are dirt cheap currently. My favorite "ARRR" completely invisible and selling at 18 cents per coin (very near its all time low. It can not be counterfeited and has a limited supply and is run by volunteers. Pretty crazy right?
There are many more privacy coins and owning 1/2 dozen to a dozen might be a very good idea for several reasons. Also owning silver coins and gold coins is recommended for at least 10% of your total assets.
Take a look. This is a very good idea, but do your own research. Do not think for too long, since is extremely cheap and hated by all Central Fiat Banks. “WOW”, “XEQ”, “ZANO”, “FIRO”, “VRSC”, “DERO”, “ZEPH”, etc
“ARRR” Matey.
Pirate Chain Cryto Privacy is King
“ARRR” Matey Real Money
Read in the book of Revelation chapters 20-21. God will create a new heaven and a new earth after He burns this earth with fire. This earth has been so polluted by humans that the only way to cleanse it is by fire. After the wicked are burned to ashes He will begin again His creation.
Why are the Replicon “vaccines” due to be released in Japan as early as next month (October 2024) worse than nuclear weapons?
Japan's plan to destroy the world.
Including themselves? And, of course, the ignorant and pointlessly-destructive delusional psychopaths who will also suffer the same fate as they plan to inflict upon all other Life?
Mad Scientism-ists ought to stay in their corny old black and white movies and not attempt this sort of idiocy in RL...
Actually, the article should have been titled "Japan is ready to commit suicide".
Since ~2008, the population of Japan has been decreasing by at least 700K per year.
Japan used to have a population of ~128million and they are now around 122-124 million in less than 2 decades.
Like many other countries that imposed mRNA nanomachines on their populations, their excess death since 2021 is very high. I believe they need the mRNA Replicon to knock their empire out of existence once and for all...
I am always thankful to Dr. Ana for making sense of the madness since often times, it is as clear as mud!
Still, I am usually left with questions...
I thought it has been determined that there has been NO mRNA found in the "vaccines." Why then does it keep getting mentioned as if there is?
What am I missing?
Hey Kim. What is throwing you off, I believe, is that your not keeping track of those Dr. Anna may refer to in her posts for "limited and partial Reference" material. Most in academia and industry and elsewhere are still both wittingly and unwittingly refering to "mRNA" which has at least been proven to not exist so far as COVID Vaccines and other permutations. Hope this helps.
Yes, that is a good point in the right direction. Sometimes I do skip over the previous articles that she includes to back up what she is saying because I typically have already read them, but I will pay closer attention in the future since it seems that I am "missing" key points. Thanks!
Someone can correct me if I am wrong and I'll appreciate the correction, since I'm not spending much of my time on this.
I believe I have read that some researchers did not find any mRNA in some of the alleged Covid-19 injection product vials, but that does not mean that mRNA does not exist. The concept of mRNA ("messenger ribonucleic acid") was taught to us in cell biology courses back in the early 1970s, if I remember correctly; and, if researchers can look for it in injection product vials, then it must be something that is real and not just from some researcher's imagination. If you don't have a current cell biology text handy, Look up "messenger RNA" in Wikipedia.
I do understand that there is indeed mRNA in BIOLOGY (nature), and in the body, but it has not been found in the "vaccines" since no nitrogen or phosphorus (the "elements of life") was found. I think maybe I didn't make it clear in my above question though.
I believe that mRNA has not been found in some alleged Covid-19 injection products; but, that does not mean that it has not been found in ALL alleged Covid-19 injection products.
Here's some interesting information which I gleaned from Karen Kingston which points to mRNA in the Covid-19 injection products:
Ed Paré: Malone was 37 years old when the following 1996 U.S. patent 5,580,589 was issued; and, curiously, he has not spoken about his role in this research. He's listed next to last out of 5 researchers and, from what I remember when I was publishing in the 80s, next to last is a fairly prominent position on scientific articles...sort of like the Wuhan "bat woman" being listed immediately before UNC's Ralph Baric on the 2015 Nature Medicine spike protein gain-of-funtion paper. I do not know whether the same holds true for patents.
U.S. Patent Office document:
This potential can of worms was opened by Karen Kingston, who appears to have been somewhat miffed by something Malone said, as she implies in the following video:
March 13, 2023
FOREIGN U.S. Biolabs EXPOSED! Russian General Igor Kirillov Cites Karen Kingston & Stew Peters!
Kingston at time = 19:41: "Yeah. Well, when you brought forward, and Dr. (Bryan) Ardis brought forward that there were snake venom peptides in the spike protein, that was true; and, it was confirmed by scientists out of the University of Pittsburgh, Germany, the Cedars-Sinai in LA. And the lung samples of people who died out of Lombardi, Italy...Europe's ground zero; and, they found there was cobra venom peptides and krait venom peptides, as well as glycoprotein 120 ( Ed Paré Note: I couldn't understand the next 5 or 6 syllables) in the spike protein. So, it is true."
"Now, the other thing that probably Dr Malone wants people to say, you know he's saying, "that's a crazy conspiracy theory" ( Paré Note: I assume Kingston means about the presence of venom in the people who died of the jabs), is because in his 1996 patent (5,580,859) for creating non-mammal DNA inside of mammals..inside of humans, him and his co-inventors used his cationic liposome lipidnanoparticle specifically to express toxic peptides, including cobra venom factor and ricin. So, it's in Dr. Malone's best interest; you know, if it was his idea and he patented the ability for this technology to convert human cells; because it also says you can use the mRNA to code cells in the tissue to produce the polypeptides for less than about 20 days and usually less than 10 days. So, he invented the technology that can convert human cells and program them to produce toxins such as cobra venom, it's in his best interest to call you and I a conspiracy theorist and discredit it; because that's his only chance at not being accused of being a biowarfare terrorist. He has to say what, everything that he's done, that he doesn't want people to know about, is a conspiracy theory. - Does that make sense?"
Peters: "Makes sense, yeah."
(Ed Paré Note: According to Dr. Bryan Ardis, various toxic venoms cause symptoms identical to the symptoms alleged to be indicative of the Covid-19 illness, including loss of taste and smell. Additionally, Ardis states that PCR tests will report these toxic venom peptides as a positive result for "Covid-19" 100 percent of the time.)
I can sort of see what you are saying even though it still is confusing. I will listen to the video later to get the context.
I do know that Malone is supposedly "taking credit" as developing the mRNA although, like you point out, he is not the only one. So, right off the bat, we can figure that he is a liar. Plus, when I have listened to him in the past on various podcasts, my impression of what he was saying was more like...If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, then baffle them with B.S. He talked over everybody's head so that no one could really understand what the heck he was saying. Plus, many others like Dr. Alexander CONTINUE to call Malone out as the criminal he apparently is.
I also understand that mRNA is "unstable" (I guess that is the part of the whole point of the LNP- i.e. to get it into the cell), and it is difficult to acquire since it takes quite a lot to procure enough of it.
Am I am on the right track?
Yes, you ARE on the right track. Please let me know what you think after you listen to the video. Kingston is very bright. The mRNA within the LNP envelope can code for a toxic spike protein, or ricin, or a venom, or whatever, or nothing. We know that some of the Covid-19 injection vials likely had nothing toxic in them and were used as a placebo; whereas, others had various strengths of toxin. In the U.S., the vials with the most toxin apparently were sent to red states. Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt found government documents which show that the U.S. military is directing the design, development, manufacture, and dissemination of these products to purposely depopulate the U.S. and other countries. My bet is they are trying all sorts of toxins to see which ones work best to depopulate.
I agree. Without Karen Kingston and Dr. Ana (as well as many others), we would still be in the dark about a lot of this.
I also wanted to add that Sasha has said that because there was no real R & D or oversight done during the manufacturing, they basically just "dumped" a bunch of things into the vats and then bottled the vials from that. So, it is anybody's guess what is actually in each vial.
Sounds a little like playing Russian Roulette to me! That is what I told my daughter-in-law when she KEPT getting jabbed.
It is my understanding that there is great variability in the vial contents. Some people do not find any nitrogen or phosphorus in their testing as Dr Ana and her team have found.
However, some Have found MRNA in at least Some of the vials, like Kevin McKernan. He is one of the first ones who found SV40 and the antibiotic resistance gene in the jabs. (Deep Science Alert!)
Or perhaps there is even yet another angle, such as that their synthetic MRNA does not contain nitrogen and phosphorus, and maybe it harvests them from the injectee.
I dont really concern myself with it anymore, I think its a semantic argument and the end result is the same.
The vaxxed/infected are shedding Something to the unvaxxed, and have been for over 3 years now.
Whatever they shed self-replicates inside of humans and it takes Vitamin C and EDTA to stop that self-replication.
It would be good to know more about What exactly they are shedding so we can try to counteract it...
but I think people will be arguing forever about whether there Is or Is Not MRNA in the jabs, since there is conflicting science available on both sides.
Well, maybe YOU don't care to understand the WHOLE picture but some of us, like myself, do. It helps me to sift through the lies, to be able to get to the truth.
And when we can get together collectively and have a discussion and "brain storm," then we have a better chance of increasing our individual knowledge. I.e., The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Ok, Ed. I FINALLY listened to the video. I almost forgot about it because I had sent the video with Karen and Stew to my email so that I would be able to find it later, and it sort of got buried. But I just listened to it. And, I am probably even more confused now than ever.
So, let me make sure that we are talking about the same thing. We are discussing whether there is actually mRNA in the vials. Now I get it that there are many different things in different vials. That is irrelevant since I want to know if there is ANY mRNA in ANY vial since many researchers found no nitrogen or phosphorus. I just listened to this video last night where another researcher (Dr. Hagima) also found no nitrogen or phosphorus.
So, are we talking about SYNTHETIC mRNA (I have heard it called MODmRNA or mmRNA) since everyone still keeps talking about the mRNA as if it is in there? And if there are venoms, which we know that there are, then unless they are also synthetic, they would also contain BIOLOGICAL (i.e. would contain nitrogen and phosphorus) mRNA, right? And the venom is a side issue, also not really relevant to what we are talking about here. And forget what Dr. Malone says. He is a liar.
So, the question remains...Is there or is there not BIOLOGICAL mRNA in the shots?
Okay. I'll try to watch the Dr. Ana video this coming week. Right now, my Artesian well submersible pump has died and I'm without running water; so, that has to take priority. (-:
Hi Kim,
If you can find time, please send me links to the papers in which researchers describe that they did not find mRNA in the vials which they investigated.
Thanks. (-:
I just sent you a whole video to watch (the link is in my previous post up above) where one of the researchers (Dr. Hagima) is verbally confirming, as well as showing the evidence of her testing that she found no nitrogen or phosphorus in numerous things! Please watch that. I don't have any "links" per se. I only have knowledge of what I have heard in interviews with those who found none, and I watch so many things that I wouldn't even begin to know where to start looking. Dr. Ana has mentioned various people. I know that Steve Kirsch is one of them. If you want, as I come across them in the future, I will share them with you.
I am a layman and therefore patently unqualified to make a value judgement on the conclusions with medical and scientific experts. Having said that, I wondered whether you had seen Sasha Latypova's dismissal of the "hysteria" concerning self-replicating "vaccines"? As I am sure you are aware, she is something of an expert on vaccines' manufacture and production. I (and, I imagine, many other subscribers to both your and Sasha's Substacks) would appreciate your reaction to her "nothing to see here" article.
Dr Ana likely does not have time to respond to these comments anymore so I would not hold your breath she will respond.
Perhaps she still reads them though and will work an answer into one of her future presentations as she sometimes does.
As far as the Sasha Latypova article, I think these are the important sentences...
"I am not necessarily criticizing this article, in fact it does a good job explaining the theory behind these injections and translating technical language into understandable terms. What I do criticize is the implied belief that whatever the science literature claims about mRNA/saRNA is actually an accurate representation of what they contain and how they work - i.e. self-replicate or self-amplify. The experience of the past almost 4 years tells us nothing in the vials is what it’s claimed in the science paper cartoons! "
I think she is Not saying that they will Not self-replicate but instead that the jabs do not necessarily perform as the jab manufacturers indicate in their truthy slideshows. Which is true, fwiw.
I also do not follow her closely enough to know if she knows yet that the shedding is real or not.
I would assume so but I do not have time to research it and even some of the educated and intelligent people either do not believe shedding is real or think that it is not worthy of concern.
LNPS for modRNA delivery are in 10 to the 15th power in number in a ml of "vaccine". They are small enough to go everywhere in your body and into every organ. They outnumber all the cells in a human body hence why widespead inflammation is being seen in bodies that have had post shot PET/CT scans. Researchers at UCSF said the bodies lit up like a Christmas tree.
Didn’t Bill Gates remark a number of years ago that if you want to know what happens with these shots in humans (guinea pigs) you have to wait three to five years
There are no physical substances in the injections or the chemtrails that are capable of changing the biology of a human. No mRNA has ever been found in any so called vaccines vials - or in any chemtrail samples. The changes in biology that are happening are being doing on the quantum level of existence - and they are being done remotely by a massively over engineered A.I. weapons system that transhumanist's call the Sentient World Simulation.
The substances in the vials and chemtrail's are electronic in nature. They self assemble into read & write nanoscale EMF signal processors and antenna's. When assembled, the microprocessors connect the person to the A.I. Sentient World Simulation. That's it. That's all they are designed to do.
If any biological changes are being done in humans then they are being done 'non locally', probably within a 'zero point quantum field'. As I have been saying for many years now, the only way to fully understanding the capabilities of these frequency wave weapons is by studying the realm of quantum physics. This is the realm the transhumanist's are working with. Therefore, that's where the answers are to be found.
Targeted Individuals DNA used for Remote Neural Monitoring...https://odysee.com/@paychoNWO:0/targeted-individuals-dna-used-for-remote:a?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD
"Although these technologies can be used in experimental treatments to mitigate the effects of neuro degenerative diseases, they can also be used to directly interfere with neurons, the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, the involuntary activation of certain areas of the brain and their neuro-stimulation or modulation via electrical impulses - all as a result of the reception of electromagnetic signals and pulses from nano-communications networks. It is not necessary to warn about what it means that an external signal, not controlled by the inoculated person, becomes the principle signal that governs the segregation of neurotransmitters,, ie, carbon nanotubes housed in neuronal tissue could be remotely modulated to interfere with the natural functioning of the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine which is partly responsible for cognitive processes, socialization, the reward system, desire, pleasure, conditioned learning or inhibition."
"This means that our technocratic overlords can remotely interfere in the normal behavior patterns of people, their feelings and thoughts, and even force subliminal conditioned learning without the individual being aware of what is happening to them. In addition to the properties already mentioned, carbon nanotubes not only open the doors to the wireless interaction of the human brain, they can also receive electrical signals from other neurons and propagate them (back) to nanorouters, since they also have the same properties as GQD graphene nano-antennas and quantum dots. This means that the intelligence services (A.I.) can transmit (modulate) and monitor the neuronal activity of individuals to suit their own ends." ~ Electromagnetic wireless nano-sensor network inside vaxxed humans...https://www.orwell.city/2021/12/technological-parasitism.html
We don't even know how dangerous drugs, vaccines and mRNA injections are to our future existence. All are poisons the body does not require for existence. All drugs have the power to maim and murder. Are we living longer and healthier lives courtesy of the modern stone age medical mafia run by big pharma terrorists? It sure doesn't seem that we are.
It would be helpful if persons employed in medical fields were apprised in definitions of "medicine" versus definitions of "poison". Vaccines are poisons, not medicines... World Health Organization: Hey, let's inject poisons directly into the bloodstream!!! Then see what happens...
🦠 Gibt es pathogene Viren aus Gain-of-Function?
In den alternativen Medien wird die Pseudothese pathogener Viren aus Gain-of-Function erneut gepusht, kürzlich durch Prof. Wiesendanger (sieheKla.TV(https://t.me/KlagemauerTV/4176) 📲).
Die Anhänger der Theorie, dass pathogene Viren durch Gain-of-Function-Forschung entstehen, stützen sich ausschließlich auf unbelegte Annahmen, ohne jemals einen konkreten physischen Beweis für die Existenz solcher Viren zu liefern.
🔸7 Rückfragen an Herrn Wiesendanger und Kollegen
1️⃣ Wie soll ein Labor ein künstliches pathogenes Virus erzeugen, wenn es keine vollständige und isolierte natürliche Vorlage eines solchen Virus gibt, die als Basis für das Experiment dient?
2️⃣ Wie erklären Sie, dass es trotz behaupteter Laborlecks keine globalen Katastrophen durch pathogene Viren gab, wenn diese tatsächlich in Laboren erzeugt werden? Corona war lediglich ein Testfeld für die Massenpsychose, ohne erhöhte Krankheitsfälle oder Übersterblichkeit.
3️⃣ Warum gibt es keine konsistenten genetischen Daten, die zeigen, dass pathogene Viren aus Gain-of-Function-Experimenten stabil und reproduzierbar sind?
4️⃣ Können Sie ein Beispiel nennen, bei dem ein Virus aus Gain-of-Function-Experimenten die Kochschen Postulate erfüllt hat, also die Krankheit in einem gesunden Organismus ausgelöst hat und dann erneut isoliert wurde?
5️⃣ Wenn es so einfach wäre, pathogene Viren zu erzeugen, warum setzen Nationen weiterhin auf Panzer und Kriege, statt auf unsichtbare Viren, die keinen klaren Schuldigen haben und effizienter wären?
6️⃣ Wie erklären Sie, dass im Masernvirus-Prozess aus nicht-viralen Sequenzen von Mensch und Tier jedes beliebige Virusgenom, wie das Masernvirus, „assembliert“ werden kann?
7️⃣ Warum gibt es keine elektronenmikroskopischen Bilder von pathogenen Viren, die direkt aus menschlichen Proben stammen, wenn diese Viren angeblich durch Gain-of-Function erzeugt wurden?
Die Behauptungen von Wissenschaftlern wie Wiesendanger über pathogene Viren aus Gain-of-Function-Forschung basieren auf Annahmen und fiktiven Szenarien, ohne direkte Beweise. Statt physischen Nachweisen stützen sich diese Behauptungen auf Mailverkehre, theoretische Modelle und indirekte Beobachtungen, ohne die Existenz eines isolierten pathogenen Virus zu belegen.
Das wahre „Virus“ in der Gesellschaft ist die Angst, die systematisch genutzt wird, um Massenpsychosen zu erzeugen, wie bei der Corona-Plandemie. Die Panik ist das Werkzeug, mit dem Menschen kontrolliert werden – und nicht pathogene Viren.
Angesichts der RKI-Files (https://t.me/NextLevelOriginal/551) sollte auch Herr Wiesendanger erkennen können, dass zu keinem Zeitpunkt eine gefährliche Situation bestanden hat.
Mehr Details in unserem Gain-of-Function Artikel
👉 Gain-of-Function: Nichts weiter als Panikerzeugung (https://www.wissen-neu-gedacht.de/gain-of-function-nichts-weiter-als-panikerzeugung)
👉 (https://t.me/NextLevelOriginal)NEXTLEVEL Telegram (https://t.me/NextLevelOriginal)
💬 Kontakt (https://t.me/WissenNeuGedacht)
👉NL Website (http://www.wissen-neu-gedacht.de/)
🦠 Are there pathogenic viruses from gain-of-function?
The pseudo-thesis of pathogenic viruses from gain-of-function is being pushed again in the alternative media, recently by Prof. Wiesendanger (seeKla.TV(https://t.me/KlagemauerTV/4176) 📲).
The supporters of the theory that pathogenic viruses arise through gain-of-function research rely exclusively on unsubstantiated assumptions without ever providing concrete physical evidence for the existence of such viruses.
🔸7 questions for Mr. Wiesendanger and colleagues
1️⃣ How is a laboratory supposed to create an artificial pathogenic virus if there is no complete and isolated natural template of such a virus that serves as the basis for the experiment?
2️⃣ How do you explain that, despite alleged laboratory leaks, there have been no global catastrophes caused by pathogenic viruses if they are actually created in laboratories? Corona was merely a testing ground for mass psychosis, without increased cases of illness or excess mortality.
3️⃣ Why is there no consistent genetic data showing that pathogenic viruses from gain-of-function experiments are stable and reproducible?
4️⃣ Can you give an example where a virus from gain-of-function experiments fulfilled Koch's postulates, i.e. caused the disease in a healthy organism and was then isolated again?
5️⃣ If it were so easy to create pathogenic viruses, why do nations continue to rely on tanks and wars instead of invisible viruses that have no clear culprit and would be more efficient?
6️⃣ How do you explain that in the measles virus process, any virus genome, such as the measles virus, can be "assembled" from non-viral sequences from humans and animals?
7️⃣ Why are there no electron microscopic images of pathogenic viruses taken directly from human samples if these viruses were supposedly created by gain-of-function?
The claims of scientists like Wiesendanger about pathogenic viruses from gain-of-function research are based on assumptions and fictitious scenarios, without direct evidence. Instead of physical evidence, these claims are based on email traffic, theoretical models and indirect observations, without proving the existence of an isolated pathogenic virus.
The real "virus" in society is fear, which is systematically used to create mass psychoses, as in the Corona plandemic. Panic is the tool used to control people - not pathogenic viruses.
In view of the RKI files (https://t.me/NextLevelOriginal/551), Mr. Wiesendanger should also be able to see that a dangerous situation never existed.
More details in our Gain-of-Function article
👉 Gain-of-Function: Nothing more than creating panic (https://www.wissen-neu-gedacht.de/gain-of-function-nichts-weiter-als-panikerzeugung)
👉 (https://t.me/NextLevelOriginal)NEXTLEVEL Telegram (https://t.me/NextLevelOriginal)
💬 Contact (https://t.me/WissenNeuGedacht)
👉NL Website (http://www.wissen-neu-gedacht.de/)
BlazeCloude3 - Sep 25
While it's simple to recognize the genius of these overlapping technologies evolving into Bio-Digital Convergence, it's also impossible to express the depth of instinctive revulsion and repugnance of my soul belonging to the Holy Spirit. Imagine I'm not alone in experiencing a shrinking solar plexus with awareness of this evil to be a threat creating an Extinction Level Event of all organic life on Earth.
As a kid babysitting for neighbors in our community into the late night/early morning, was so appalled with the old 'Late Show' movies; 'The Island of Dr. Moreau' and 'S-s-s-s.' Is difficult to not shrink inside in knowing 'Science Fiction' of my lifetime pursued to be actual reality by delusional psychopaths.
thomas mac./john a. - Sep 25
thomas’s Substack
FuQ comments here
BlazeCloude3 - Sep 25
💪👊 Here is found a delusional psychopath right out of the gate.
Praying for all the Demon Worshiping Pedophiles, Cannibals and Vampires as you. 🙏🏻
thomas mac./john a. - Sep 25
thomas’s Substack
Speak of thyself ! It started way back when That’ was your Refrain ! Now Go and reap as you have sown..
the LastManStanding - Sep 25
Rusyn’s Substack
Party's just gettin started!
Tho intending to follow up my "ISLAND OF DOCTOR BORIS" with more "real life" musings on the macabre..........https://therebellionoftime.substack.com/p/the-island-of-dr-boris
I noticed that those westerlings still somewhat sentient at this point shy away from anything which would actually advance their understanding of where the "bio-tech" barons are merging with Eppies "Lovecraftian" creations(viva New Mexico- viva 'Zorro!)in a "fright night" extravaganza which will eliminate the market for cheap 50's B movies which heretofor represented the very margins of the 'horror' genre...rather than continuing to 'p**s' in the wind.
"Boris"- for those interested in knowing more about their pending fates - is an "xenotransplant' specialist. Since publishing in May, I've been able to catch up to where he and his 'co-conspirators' have taken the 'project.'
Say - did you know that pigs are very 'intelligent?' And the closest 'match' to humans - for purposes of what "Doc B" & the "BillyGator" have in store for ye's?
BlazeCloude3 - Sep 28
Those practicing Cannibalism define 'Humans' they consume as 'Long Pig.'
Many are unaware of what you've wrote here as truth.
There is a reason the valves of human's hearts were replaced with valves of pig's.
the LastManStanding - Sep 29
Rusyn’s Substack
I'm ever so slowly getting it together to write the necessary follow up to |DOC BORIS| - in which disclosure of the ultimate horror of that fate which "they" have in store for the denizens of the benighted wester world will be presented...
in total counterpoise to all this mindless fiddling with microscope hallucinations.
To be followed by complete silence, blissful ignorance, more fiddling... and then....
c'est la vie, mon ami!
SETIC - Sep 25
This is the first moment in the history of our planet when any species, by its own voluntary actions, has become a danger to itself—as well as to vast numbers of others.
Truer words couldn’t be said!
Paul Vonharnish - Sep 25
Paul Vonharnish
Humankind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread within it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect.
- Chief Seattle, 1854-
jacquelyn sauriol - Sep 25
thanks Paul
Martin - Vetenskapliga partiet - Sep 25
The Rainbow Coalition Newsletter
That makes it logic for AGI to eradicate all psychopaths who do not care about life on this planet. The vigilant with higher awareness, caring for the environment, looking for evident truth, are the ones needed to stay alive and prosper, in balanced numbers with nature!
P. Brooks McGinnis - Sep 25
P.’s Substack
All War is Evil. No More War.
Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes
Stop Paying for WAR.
P. Brooks McGinnis - Sep 25
P.’s Substack
What is Money. This is a good question and one I have been struggling with for the past four years. Also what is an asset? We are living in a surveillance state. The answer I ended up with is become invisible. Have your assets become invisible. Stop Paying Income Taxes and stop even filing their evil tax forms. Easy as that!
Privacy coins that are invisible and extremely portable. They are dirt cheap currently. My favorite "ARRR" completely invisible and selling at 18 cents per coin (very near its all time low. It can not be counterfeited and has a limited supply and is run by volunteers. Pretty crazy right?
There are many more privacy coins and owning 1/2 dozen to a dozen might be a very good idea for several reasons. Also owning silver coins and gold coins is recommended for at least 10% of your total assets.
Take a look. This is a very good idea, but do your own research. Do not think for too long, since is extremely cheap and hated by all Central Fiat Banks. “WOW”, “XEQ”, “ZANO”, “FIRO”, “VRSC”, “DERO”, “ZEPH”, etc
“ARRR” Matey.
Pirate Chain Cryto Privacy is King
“ARRR” Matey Real Money
jacquelyn sauriol - Sep 25
P.’s Substack
....but if someone comes to take your stuff, hurt you, you gonna let them?
P. Brooks McGinnis - Sep 25
P.’s Substack
I do not think you read what I sent. This would keep them from seeing you. Your super power would complete invisibility, financially :)
DF - Sep 25
The creator of all things will soon intervene to stop his creation being destroyed.
Immaculata - Sep 25
Amen! Our Lord and Savior help us🙏
Lisa Nash - Sep 26
Lisa Nash
Read in the book of Revelation chapters 20-21. God will create a new heaven and a new earth after He burns this earth with fire. This earth has been so polluted by humans that the only way to cleanse it is by fire. After the wicked are burned to ashes He will begin again His creation.
Nostradamus X - Sep 25 - Edited
Nostradamus X
Why are the Replicon “vaccines” due to be released in Japan as early as next month (October 2024) worse than nuclear weapons?
Japan's plan to destroy the world.
Dorothy N. - Sep 25 - Edited
Dorothy N.
Including themselves? And, of course, the ignorant and pointlessly-destructive delusional psychopaths who will also suffer the same fate as they plan to inflict upon all other Life?
Mad Scientism-ists ought to stay in their corny old black and white movies and not attempt this sort of idiocy in RL...
Nostradamus X - Sep 25 - Edited
Nostradamus X
Actually, the article should have been titled "Japan is ready to commit suicide".
Since ~2008, the population of Japan has been decreasing by at least 700K per year.
Japan used to have a population of ~128million and they are now around 122-124 million in less than 2 decades.
Like many other countries that imposed mRNA nanomachines on their populations, their excess death since 2021 is very high. I believe they need the mRNA Replicon to knock their empire out of existence once and for all...
Kim - Sep 25 - Edited
I am always thankful to Dr. Ana for making sense of the madness since often times, it is as clear as mud!
Still, I am usually left with questions...
I thought it has been determined that there has been NO mRNA found in the "vaccines." Why then does it keep getting mentioned as if there is?
What am I missing?
Nick Arons - Sep 25
Hey Kim. What is throwing you off, I believe, is that your not keeping track of those Dr. Anna may refer to in her posts for "limited and partial Reference" material. Most in academia and industry and elsewhere are still both wittingly and unwittingly refering to "mRNA" which has at least been proven to not exist so far as COVID Vaccines and other permutations. Hope this helps.
Kim - Sep 25
Yes, that is a good point in the right direction. Sometimes I do skip over the previous articles that she includes to back up what she is saying because I typically have already read them, but I will pay closer attention in the future since it seems that I am "missing" key points. Thanks!
Edmond Paré - Sep 25 - Edited
Edmond Paré
Someone can correct me if I am wrong and I'll appreciate the correction, since I'm not spending much of my time on this.
I believe I have read that some researchers did not find any mRNA in some of the alleged Covid-19 injection product vials, but that does not mean that mRNA does not exist. The concept of mRNA ("messenger ribonucleic acid") was taught to us in cell biology courses back in the early 1970s, if I remember correctly; and, if researchers can look for it in injection product vials, then it must be something that is real and not just from some researcher's imagination. If you don't have a current cell biology text handy, Look up "messenger RNA" in Wikipedia.
Kim - Sep 25 - Edited
I do understand that there is indeed mRNA in BIOLOGY (nature), and in the body, but it has not been found in the "vaccines" since no nitrogen or phosphorus (the "elements of life") was found. I think maybe I didn't make it clear in my above question though.
Edmond Paré - Sep 25 - Edited
Edmond Paré
I believe that mRNA has not been found in some alleged Covid-19 injection products; but, that does not mean that it has not been found in ALL alleged Covid-19 injection products.
Here's some interesting information which I gleaned from Karen Kingston which points to mRNA in the Covid-19 injection products:
Ed Paré: Malone was 37 years old when the following 1996 U.S. patent 5,580,589 was issued; and, curiously, he has not spoken about his role in this research. He's listed next to last out of 5 researchers and, from what I remember when I was publishing in the 80s, next to last is a fairly prominent position on scientific articles...sort of like the Wuhan "bat woman" being listed immediately before UNC's Ralph Baric on the 2015 Nature Medicine spike protein gain-of-funtion paper. I do not know whether the same holds true for patents.
U.S. Patent Office document:
This potential can of worms was opened by Karen Kingston, who appears to have been somewhat miffed by something Malone said, as she implies in the following video:
March 13, 2023
FOREIGN U.S. Biolabs EXPOSED! Russian General Igor Kirillov Cites Karen Kingston & Stew Peters!
Kingston at time = 19:41: "Yeah. Well, when you brought forward, and Dr. (Bryan) Ardis brought forward that there were snake venom peptides in the spike protein, that was true; and, it was confirmed by scientists out of the University of Pittsburgh, Germany, the Cedars-Sinai in LA. And the lung samples of people who died out of Lombardi, Italy...Europe's ground zero; and, they found there was cobra venom peptides and krait venom peptides, as well as glycoprotein 120 ( Ed Paré Note: I couldn't understand the next 5 or 6 syllables) in the spike protein. So, it is true."
"Now, the other thing that probably Dr Malone wants people to say, you know he's saying, "that's a crazy conspiracy theory" ( Paré Note: I assume Kingston means about the presence of venom in the people who died of the jabs), is because in his 1996 patent (5,580,859) for creating non-mammal DNA inside of mammals..inside of humans, him and his co-inventors used his cationic liposome lipidnanoparticle specifically to express toxic peptides, including cobra venom factor and ricin. So, it's in Dr. Malone's best interest; you know, if it was his idea and he patented the ability for this technology to convert human cells; because it also says you can use the mRNA to code cells in the tissue to produce the polypeptides for less than about 20 days and usually less than 10 days. So, he invented the technology that can convert human cells and program them to produce toxins such as cobra venom, it's in his best interest to call you and I a conspiracy theorist and discredit it; because that's his only chance at not being accused of being a biowarfare terrorist. He has to say what, everything that he's done, that he doesn't want people to know about, is a conspiracy theory. - Does that make sense?"
Peters: "Makes sense, yeah."
(Ed Paré Note: According to Dr. Bryan Ardis, various toxic venoms cause symptoms identical to the symptoms alleged to be indicative of the Covid-19 illness, including loss of taste and smell. Additionally, Ardis states that PCR tests will report these toxic venom peptides as a positive result for "Covid-19" 100 percent of the time.)
Kim - Sep 25 - Edited
I can sort of see what you are saying even though it still is confusing. I will listen to the video later to get the context.
I do know that Malone is supposedly "taking credit" as developing the mRNA although, like you point out, he is not the only one. So, right off the bat, we can figure that he is a liar. Plus, when I have listened to him in the past on various podcasts, my impression of what he was saying was more like...If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, then baffle them with B.S. He talked over everybody's head so that no one could really understand what the heck he was saying. Plus, many others like Dr. Alexander CONTINUE to call Malone out as the criminal he apparently is.
I also understand that mRNA is "unstable" (I guess that is the part of the whole point of the LNP- i.e. to get it into the cell), and it is difficult to acquire since it takes quite a lot to procure enough of it.
Am I am on the right track?
Edmond Paré - Sep 25
Edmond Paré
Yes, you ARE on the right track. Please let me know what you think after you listen to the video. Kingston is very bright. The mRNA within the LNP envelope can code for a toxic spike protein, or ricin, or a venom, or whatever, or nothing. We know that some of the Covid-19 injection vials likely had nothing toxic in them and were used as a placebo; whereas, others had various strengths of toxin. In the U.S., the vials with the most toxin apparently were sent to red states. Sasha Latypova and Katherine Watt found government documents which show that the U.S. military is directing the design, development, manufacture, and dissemination of these products to purposely depopulate the U.S. and other countries. My bet is they are trying all sorts of toxins to see which ones work best to depopulate.
Kim - Sep 25
I agree. Without Karen Kingston and Dr. Ana (as well as many others), we would still be in the dark about a lot of this.
I also wanted to add that Sasha has said that because there was no real R & D or oversight done during the manufacturing, they basically just "dumped" a bunch of things into the vats and then bottled the vials from that. So, it is anybody's guess what is actually in each vial.
Sounds a little like playing Russian Roulette to me! That is what I told my daughter-in-law when she KEPT getting jabbed.
Bee Gee - Sep 25 - Edited
Bee Gee
It is my understanding that there is great variability in the vial contents. Some people do not find any nitrogen or phosphorus in their testing as Dr Ana and her team have found.
However, some Have found MRNA in at least Some of the vials, like Kevin McKernan. He is one of the first ones who found SV40 and the antibiotic resistance gene in the jabs. (Deep Science Alert!)
Or perhaps there is even yet another angle, such as that their synthetic MRNA does not contain nitrogen and phosphorus, and maybe it harvests them from the injectee.
I dont really concern myself with it anymore, I think its a semantic argument and the end result is the same.
The vaxxed/infected are shedding Something to the unvaxxed, and have been for over 3 years now.
Whatever they shed self-replicates inside of humans and it takes Vitamin C and EDTA to stop that self-replication.
It would be good to know more about What exactly they are shedding so we can try to counteract it...
but I think people will be arguing forever about whether there Is or Is Not MRNA in the jabs, since there is conflicting science available on both sides.
Kim - Sep 25 - Edited
Well, maybe YOU don't care to understand the WHOLE picture but some of us, like myself, do. It helps me to sift through the lies, to be able to get to the truth.
And when we can get together collectively and have a discussion and "brain storm," then we have a better chance of increasing our individual knowledge. I.e., The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Kim - Sep 29 - Edited
Ok, Ed. I FINALLY listened to the video. I almost forgot about it because I had sent the video with Karen and Stew to my email so that I would be able to find it later, and it sort of got buried. But I just listened to it. And, I am probably even more confused now than ever.
So, let me make sure that we are talking about the same thing. We are discussing whether there is actually mRNA in the vials. Now I get it that there are many different things in different vials. That is irrelevant since I want to know if there is ANY mRNA in ANY vial since many researchers found no nitrogen or phosphorus. I just listened to this video last night where another researcher (Dr. Hagima) also found no nitrogen or phosphorus.
So, are we talking about SYNTHETIC mRNA (I have heard it called MODmRNA or mmRNA) since everyone still keeps talking about the mRNA as if it is in there? And if there are venoms, which we know that there are, then unless they are also synthetic, they would also contain BIOLOGICAL (i.e. would contain nitrogen and phosphorus) mRNA, right? And the venom is a side issue, also not really relevant to what we are talking about here. And forget what Dr. Malone says. He is a liar.
So, the question remains...Is there or is there not BIOLOGICAL mRNA in the shots?
Edmond Paré - Sep 29
Edmond Paré
Okay. I'll try to watch the Dr. Ana video this coming week. Right now, my Artesian well submersible pump has died and I'm without running water; so, that has to take priority. (-:
Kim - Sep 30
Ok. I hope you get the pump working again.
Edmond Paré - Sep 29 - Edited
Edmond Paré
Hi Kim,
If you can find time, please send me links to the papers in which researchers describe that they did not find mRNA in the vials which they investigated.
Thanks. (-:
Kim - Sep 29 - Edited
I just sent you a whole video to watch (the link is in my previous post up above) where one of the researchers (Dr. Hagima) is verbally confirming, as well as showing the evidence of her testing that she found no nitrogen or phosphorus in numerous things! Please watch that. I don't have any "links" per se. I only have knowledge of what I have heard in interviews with those who found none, and I watch so many things that I wouldn't even begin to know where to start looking. Dr. Ana has mentioned various people. I know that Steve Kirsch is one of them. If you want, as I come across them in the future, I will share them with you.
Michael - Sep 25
Michael’s Substack
I am a layman and therefore patently unqualified to make a value judgement on the conclusions with medical and scientific experts. Having said that, I wondered whether you had seen Sasha Latypova's dismissal of the "hysteria" concerning self-replicating "vaccines"? As I am sure you are aware, she is something of an expert on vaccines' manufacture and production. I (and, I imagine, many other subscribers to both your and Sasha's Substacks) would appreciate your reaction to her "nothing to see here" article.
Bee Gee - Sep 25
Bee Gee
Dr Ana likely does not have time to respond to these comments anymore so I would not hold your breath she will respond.
Perhaps she still reads them though and will work an answer into one of her future presentations as she sometimes does.
As far as the Sasha Latypova article, I think these are the important sentences...
"I am not necessarily criticizing this article, in fact it does a good job explaining the theory behind these injections and translating technical language into understandable terms. What I do criticize is the implied belief that whatever the science literature claims about mRNA/saRNA is actually an accurate representation of what they contain and how they work - i.e. self-replicate or self-amplify. The experience of the past almost 4 years tells us nothing in the vials is what it’s claimed in the science paper cartoons! "
I think she is Not saying that they will Not self-replicate but instead that the jabs do not necessarily perform as the jab manufacturers indicate in their truthy slideshows. Which is true, fwiw.
I also do not follow her closely enough to know if she knows yet that the shedding is real or not.
I would assume so but I do not have time to research it and even some of the educated and intelligent people either do not believe shedding is real or think that it is not worthy of concern.
Stephen Verchinski - Sep 25
Stephen Verchinski
LNPS for modRNA delivery are in 10 to the 15th power in number in a ml of "vaccine". They are small enough to go everywhere in your body and into every organ. They outnumber all the cells in a human body hence why widespead inflammation is being seen in bodies that have had post shot PET/CT scans. Researchers at UCSF said the bodies lit up like a Christmas tree.
Didn’t Bill Gates remark a number of years ago that if you want to know what happens with these shots in humans (guinea pigs) you have to wait three to five years
s r - Sep 25
s’s Substack
This is absolute bs! FDA did trials but canceled them in first stage due to killer results then they destroyed the data. Fda is corrupted
Stephen Verchinski - Sep 25
Stephen Verchinski
Research FAERS for safe and effective lol, drugs.
s r - Sep 25
s’s Substack
psychoNWO - Sep 26 - Edited
There are no physical substances in the injections or the chemtrails that are capable of changing the biology of a human. No mRNA has ever been found in any so called vaccines vials - or in any chemtrail samples. The changes in biology that are happening are being doing on the quantum level of existence - and they are being done remotely by a massively over engineered A.I. weapons system that transhumanist's call the Sentient World Simulation.
The substances in the vials and chemtrail's are electronic in nature. They self assemble into read & write nanoscale EMF signal processors and antenna's. When assembled, the microprocessors connect the person to the A.I. Sentient World Simulation. That's it. That's all they are designed to do.
If any biological changes are being done in humans then they are being done 'non locally', probably within a 'zero point quantum field'. As I have been saying for many years now, the only way to fully understanding the capabilities of these frequency wave weapons is by studying the realm of quantum physics. This is the realm the transhumanist's are working with. Therefore, that's where the answers are to be found.
Targeted Individuals DNA used for Remote Neural Monitoring...https://odysee.com/@paychoNWO:0/targeted-individuals-dna-used-for-remote:a?r=GHBM5vePehvivDbgyGcgGJ6drCThcmjD
psychoNWO - Sep 26
"Although these technologies can be used in experimental treatments to mitigate the effects of neuro degenerative diseases, they can also be used to directly interfere with neurons, the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, the involuntary activation of certain areas of the brain and their neuro-stimulation or modulation via electrical impulses - all as a result of the reception of electromagnetic signals and pulses from nano-communications networks. It is not necessary to warn about what it means that an external signal, not controlled by the inoculated person, becomes the principle signal that governs the segregation of neurotransmitters,, ie, carbon nanotubes housed in neuronal tissue could be remotely modulated to interfere with the natural functioning of the secretion of neurotransmitters such as dopamine which is partly responsible for cognitive processes, socialization, the reward system, desire, pleasure, conditioned learning or inhibition."
"This means that our technocratic overlords can remotely interfere in the normal behavior patterns of people, their feelings and thoughts, and even force subliminal conditioned learning without the individual being aware of what is happening to them. In addition to the properties already mentioned, carbon nanotubes not only open the doors to the wireless interaction of the human brain, they can also receive electrical signals from other neurons and propagate them (back) to nanorouters, since they also have the same properties as GQD graphene nano-antennas and quantum dots. This means that the intelligence services (A.I.) can transmit (modulate) and monitor the neuronal activity of individuals to suit their own ends." ~ Electromagnetic wireless nano-sensor network inside vaxxed humans...https://www.orwell.city/2021/12/technological-parasitism.html
JesuSalva - Sep 25
JesuSalva’s Substack
It is not nanotechnology RNAM because there is no biological material in the vaccines, it is graphene, that is why the patients of these weapons have a mac code with a bluetooth health device
Thank you for your work, regards
jacquelyn sauriol - Sep 25
Humans working to maintain robots. The new 'pumping gas' job.
Crixcyon - Sep 25
We don't even know how dangerous drugs, vaccines and mRNA injections are to our future existence. All are poisons the body does not require for existence. All drugs have the power to maim and murder. Are we living longer and healthier lives courtesy of the modern stone age medical mafia run by big pharma terrorists? It sure doesn't seem that we are.
Paul Vonharnish - Sep 25
Paul Vonharnish
It would be helpful if persons employed in medical fields were apprised in definitions of "medicine" versus definitions of "poison". Vaccines are poisons, not medicines... World Health Organization: Hey, let's inject poisons directly into the bloodstream!!! Then see what happens...
Jane Hoffman - Sep 25
Jane’s Substack
Oh so the horror continues. Embalmers finding self-replication continues in the blood. Men will seek death and not find it!
Manuela - Sep 25
🦠 Gibt es pathogene Viren aus Gain-of-Function?
In den alternativen Medien wird die Pseudothese pathogener Viren aus Gain-of-Function erneut gepusht, kürzlich durch Prof. Wiesendanger (sieheKla.TV(https://t.me/KlagemauerTV/4176) 📲).
Die Anhänger der Theorie, dass pathogene Viren durch Gain-of-Function-Forschung entstehen, stützen sich ausschließlich auf unbelegte Annahmen, ohne jemals einen konkreten physischen Beweis für die Existenz solcher Viren zu liefern.
🔸7 Rückfragen an Herrn Wiesendanger und Kollegen
1️⃣ Wie soll ein Labor ein künstliches pathogenes Virus erzeugen, wenn es keine vollständige und isolierte natürliche Vorlage eines solchen Virus gibt, die als Basis für das Experiment dient?
2️⃣ Wie erklären Sie, dass es trotz behaupteter Laborlecks keine globalen Katastrophen durch pathogene Viren gab, wenn diese tatsächlich in Laboren erzeugt werden? Corona war lediglich ein Testfeld für die Massenpsychose, ohne erhöhte Krankheitsfälle oder Übersterblichkeit.
3️⃣ Warum gibt es keine konsistenten genetischen Daten, die zeigen, dass pathogene Viren aus Gain-of-Function-Experimenten stabil und reproduzierbar sind?
4️⃣ Können Sie ein Beispiel nennen, bei dem ein Virus aus Gain-of-Function-Experimenten die Kochschen Postulate erfüllt hat, also die Krankheit in einem gesunden Organismus ausgelöst hat und dann erneut isoliert wurde?
5️⃣ Wenn es so einfach wäre, pathogene Viren zu erzeugen, warum setzen Nationen weiterhin auf Panzer und Kriege, statt auf unsichtbare Viren, die keinen klaren Schuldigen haben und effizienter wären?
6️⃣ Wie erklären Sie, dass im Masernvirus-Prozess aus nicht-viralen Sequenzen von Mensch und Tier jedes beliebige Virusgenom, wie das Masernvirus, „assembliert“ werden kann?
7️⃣ Warum gibt es keine elektronenmikroskopischen Bilder von pathogenen Viren, die direkt aus menschlichen Proben stammen, wenn diese Viren angeblich durch Gain-of-Function erzeugt wurden?
Die Behauptungen von Wissenschaftlern wie Wiesendanger über pathogene Viren aus Gain-of-Function-Forschung basieren auf Annahmen und fiktiven Szenarien, ohne direkte Beweise. Statt physischen Nachweisen stützen sich diese Behauptungen auf Mailverkehre, theoretische Modelle und indirekte Beobachtungen, ohne die Existenz eines isolierten pathogenen Virus zu belegen.
Das wahre „Virus“ in der Gesellschaft ist die Angst, die systematisch genutzt wird, um Massenpsychosen zu erzeugen, wie bei der Corona-Plandemie. Die Panik ist das Werkzeug, mit dem Menschen kontrolliert werden – und nicht pathogene Viren.
Angesichts der RKI-Files (https://t.me/NextLevelOriginal/551) sollte auch Herr Wiesendanger erkennen können, dass zu keinem Zeitpunkt eine gefährliche Situation bestanden hat.
Mehr Details in unserem Gain-of-Function Artikel
👉 Gain-of-Function: Nichts weiter als Panikerzeugung (https://www.wissen-neu-gedacht.de/gain-of-function-nichts-weiter-als-panikerzeugung)
👉 (https://t.me/NextLevelOriginal)NEXTLEVEL Telegram (https://t.me/NextLevelOriginal)
💬 Kontakt (https://t.me/WissenNeuGedacht)
👉NL Website (http://www.wissen-neu-gedacht.de/)
Manuela - Sep 25
🦠 Are there pathogenic viruses from gain-of-function?
The pseudo-thesis of pathogenic viruses from gain-of-function is being pushed again in the alternative media, recently by Prof. Wiesendanger (seeKla.TV(https://t.me/KlagemauerTV/4176) 📲).
The supporters of the theory that pathogenic viruses arise through gain-of-function research rely exclusively on unsubstantiated assumptions without ever providing concrete physical evidence for the existence of such viruses.
🔸7 questions for Mr. Wiesendanger and colleagues
1️⃣ How is a laboratory supposed to create an artificial pathogenic virus if there is no complete and isolated natural template of such a virus that serves as the basis for the experiment?
2️⃣ How do you explain that, despite alleged laboratory leaks, there have been no global catastrophes caused by pathogenic viruses if they are actually created in laboratories? Corona was merely a testing ground for mass psychosis, without increased cases of illness or excess mortality.
3️⃣ Why is there no consistent genetic data showing that pathogenic viruses from gain-of-function experiments are stable and reproducible?
4️⃣ Can you give an example where a virus from gain-of-function experiments fulfilled Koch's postulates, i.e. caused the disease in a healthy organism and was then isolated again?
5️⃣ If it were so easy to create pathogenic viruses, why do nations continue to rely on tanks and wars instead of invisible viruses that have no clear culprit and would be more efficient?
6️⃣ How do you explain that in the measles virus process, any virus genome, such as the measles virus, can be "assembled" from non-viral sequences from humans and animals?
7️⃣ Why are there no electron microscopic images of pathogenic viruses taken directly from human samples if these viruses were supposedly created by gain-of-function?
The claims of scientists like Wiesendanger about pathogenic viruses from gain-of-function research are based on assumptions and fictitious scenarios, without direct evidence. Instead of physical evidence, these claims are based on email traffic, theoretical models and indirect observations, without proving the existence of an isolated pathogenic virus.
The real "virus" in society is fear, which is systematically used to create mass psychoses, as in the Corona plandemic. Panic is the tool used to control people - not pathogenic viruses.
In view of the RKI files (https://t.me/NextLevelOriginal/551), Mr. Wiesendanger should also be able to see that a dangerous situation never existed.
More details in our Gain-of-Function article
👉 Gain-of-Function: Nothing more than creating panic (https://www.wissen-neu-gedacht.de/gain-of-function-nichts-weiter-als-panikerzeugung)
👉 (https://t.me/NextLevelOriginal)NEXTLEVEL Telegram (https://t.me/NextLevelOriginal)
💬 Contact (https://t.me/WissenNeuGedacht)
👉NL Website (http://www.wissen-neu-gedacht.de/)
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