Is Nano Domestic Quell Government Project…

Dec 4, 2023

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Nano Domestic Quell


INGRID C DURDEN - Dec 4, 2023 - Edited


there is a list with nano foods online, here is one, but this one does not work on my device


Roman S Shapoval - Dec 5, 2023 - Edited

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Thanks for this - why I buy my meat and veg at the local farm. Supports the local economy and our vitality.


BlazeCloude3 - Dec 5, 2023 - Edited


We grow our own food...Virtually all. IT IS CONTAMINATED.
The Nanotech is everywhere and in everything;
even here in the middle of Amish Country in Northeast Indiana.
We're finally feeling better; back to normal. It' odd we weren't
aware of how rotten we were feeling for roughly the last ten or so years.
This Trump victory in 2016 was a blessing in many ways since the
fury and rage of the Establishment led to their exposure and
the evil they were carrying-out under cover with few suspecting anything.
The Supplementation suggested by Dr. Ana used with the
Scalar Generators in place for all buildlings has worked wonders.
I'm convinced, when deactivated with the Scalar Generators
the technology degrades and is eliminated as waste.


Lisa - Dec 5, 2023


We discovered the same thing this past summer. I couldn't eat any of the food we grew. We are in Amish country in central PA and got pounded with chemicals nearly daily. Our poor chickens were so damaged. All the trees and plants were so damaged. Can you share a link to scalar generators? We are thinking we have to grow everything under cover and even put the chickens inside green houses.


BlazeCloude3 - Dec 6, 2023


There are many options at this time. You may simply enter Online to search for directions to make your own Tesla Scalar Wave Generator which is what I did to begin. For somebody like me having NO mechanical skills; it was shocking to learn it to be so simple. This requires minimal expenditure and a bit of research which is actually possible Online.
There are many options for purchasing professional equipment...Even Amazon has any number of Tesla Scalar Wave Generators to serve your purpose; but they're a bit salty.
My son is a Mechanical Engineer...He's the one now in charge of this part of our operation. We have them everywhere and now grow much of our vegies on the front porch which is pretty large. The animals; both livestock and pets, chickens, turkeys; all sleep indoors in sheds, larger chambers, coops and stalls...We are certain to lock the doors which isn't making the animals very happy when they can't get out in the morning before chores. Being indoors for at least a third of the day certainly seems to help them. It took about a week to see any difference in their disposition and activity level...Their coats and eyes.
Whatever they become contaminated with during the day is deactivated at night as the Generator neutralizes virtually all the radiation activating the Ai Nanoparticles inside their bodies coming from two towers in our vicinity. It has time to degrade to be eliminated as waste. I place some EDTA powder into the birdbaths and don't know of anything else possible to do in trying to help the wild birds. The wild animals are sufferring and while I leave ears of corn and hay out for them to find...It's just as contaminated as all else is.
These evil people must be stopped!!! WHAT HORRID AND DELIBERATE HELL THEY CREATE ON EARTH.


Lisa - Dec 7, 2023


BTW, I know they are just chickens, trees, plants, etc. But they are God's creation. To see it all damaged is very painful.


Unagnu - Dec 11, 2023


Pets like my pet cats - they are suffering but I cannot give EDTA (not sure if cats are okay, or the doses?) and I also can't give borax water (which I take for myself) because again, dosage? Food - is all contaminated. I will look for the scalar generators.. any tips on that are greatfully accepted. I keep the cats in most of the time - they are night creatures so they roam at night, would love to protect the yard with something to deflect the EMFs and help the critters that call my yard home.


Lisa - Dec 7, 2023


We have seen the same with our chickens. We had a two month break from the 'chemicals', during which time, we lost one, but the rest recovered. And now for the last 7 days we've been pounded with chemicals again and one hen is suffering again. We have her in the house now. Will look into the generator. My husband can probably build it.


Lisa - Dec 7, 2023


Thank you!


John Vargo - Dec 6, 2023

John Vargo

I,m resonating with scaler generators,have had that thought before.About 5 yrs ago Jeff Rense wrote about scaler energy,said it could cure all diseases.Instead it's been weaponized.I think it's possible you're right,worth spending some time learning more


BlazeCloude3 - Dec 6, 2023


THEY...Or, 'The Establishment also weaponized Hydroxychloroquin and Ivermectin, too...Huh? EVERYTHING PROTECTING US AGAINST THE POISONS ARE WEAPONIZED. Go for it anyway and you'll not be sorry.


John Vargo - Dec 6, 2023

John Vargo

I got some fenbendazole but I know a feed store that has Ivermectin now.Big Pharma has their version,called Mebendazole I think,500 a pill.All or just about all big corporations have masonic logos,I read nano domestic quell when it came out about 5 yrs ago.Their goal was 99 % to a hundred percent.We all have been,are being,transhumanized at least to a certain extent already.If Geoengineering isn't the biggest crime against humanity then the nano scamdemic is.


BlazeCloude3 - Dec 6, 2023


Yes, it is. THe key is discontinuation of 5G...It is a weapon camouflaged as a communication.


Crixcyon - Dec 5, 2023


Maybe there are organic nano-particles. We have no real clue what we are dealing with.


BlazeCloude3 - Dec 6, 2023


Organic substances don't naturally come enclosed in lipids to provide greater absorbancy which necessitates some type of processing from chemicals, heat or cold. Some seeds and grains come in lipids...None that is spoken of come in Nano-Sized anything.


Sara Bliss - Dec 5, 2023 - Edited


where i can buy this scalar generators?4


BlazeCloude3 - Dec 6, 2023 - Edited


You may find 'Tesla Scalar Wave Generators' Online as well as all kinds of Instruments to measure frequencies, etc. Also, you can buy kits to make your own or find Instructions to make your own for little to next to nothing. There are several Options. Rumble has several men providing directions and YouTube also has a few. Once you begin to search; you'll find a lot more than you can ever imagine. Professional Generators are salty; so making your own could be a better option...It is contingent upon your circumstances and choices.


Lisa - Dec 7, 2023 - Edited


BlazeCloude3 -- are the chembusters the same thing?


BlazeCloude3 - Dec 7, 2023 - Edited


Just phoned my son as I didn't know the answer to your question...He has the Education, Training in Engineering as well as Mechanics and was working in Ai before leaving the field. He claimed the work is producing portals for evil to enter at the Quantum level...That which is behind the veil of this dimension of life only allowed by God. The work the wealthy are conducting is immoral, unethical and has absolutely no capacity to improve life on our planet...Quite the opposite.
Your Chembuster is a Specialized Machine using materials not easily found and more expensive to construct. The benefit is they can be placed in a grid around entire property and are successful with what is claimed...But require a consistent and powerful Energy Source.
Here is the more simple 'Scaler Generator' I began with and made before taking the project to my son. It was this very simple model to protect areas of rooms to experiment with before purchasing professionally made units which are far more powerful, yet require the same energy source. These can't be placed in whole grids to cover whole property...Simply in a specific areas and they are in every building we have on the farm. They are costly; yet less so than Chembusters. There is no proof the Chembusters are effective with the Metals, Graphene and Quantum Dots within Lipids as oil may protect the poisonous particles inside as within the human body...So, he can't help you at this time in answering your questions.
Each machine has its own benefits and weaknesses as all .... So, it's your choice.


Larry Inn - Dec 5, 2023 - Edited

Larry Inn

Roman: a book on apricot seeds—LAETRILE CASE HISTORIES, by John A. Richardson MD. (The Richardson Cancer Clinic). Truth About Apricot Seeds. Promo code: MAN save 10%. Buy apricot seeds & B-17. This info is The name of the program is Man in America, by Seth.
Also search for G. Edward Griffin’s book: World Without Cancer.
Also, (


Bruce Hartnett - Dec 6, 2023

Bruce Hartnett

Bitter Apricot Seeds have been proven to Cure Cancer.


Larry Inn - Dec 6, 2023

Larry Inn

Thanks Bruce, I will check out the site.
The Richardson Cancer Clinic. Google search.
The late John A. Richardson, MD. was economically persecuted for his 1974 book:
Laetrile Case Histories. His son John Jr. is continuing his father’s legacy.
G. Edward Griffin’s book: World Without Cancer.


GreaterIsrahell - Dec 5, 2023

You Just Can't Make This Stuff …

Buying meat at the local farm in Europe has been illegal for 29 years and counting. Slaughter on the farm became illegal in Europe on1/1/95. Now you HAVE TO send your animals to the slaughter house so the autocrats have control.


Seeking Truth - Dec 5, 2023

Seeking Truth

Does it need to be organic?


Seeking Truth - Dec 5, 2023 - Edited

Seeking Truth

So many of my supplements have silica. Shoud I be avoiding silica?


Lisa - Dec 5, 2023 - Edited


The FDA does not require supplement companies to distinguish between micro-sized silicon dioxide and nano-sized. So, when a bottle lists silica, or silicon dioxide, you won't know if it's nano or not. Call the company and ask.


Seeking Truth - Dec 5, 2023 - Edited

Seeking Truth

seeking health has silica in everything. Good idea, I’ll ask. It’s Ben Lynch’s company so should be ok.


Lisa - Dec 6, 2023 - Edited


Be prepared to dig in. I called a company yesterday and while they agreed there were ingredients of nano-size and it was a proprietary, patented process that produced it, they disagreed with the label "nano technology". Well, I don't know what else you would call a proprietary, patented process that creates nano-sized materials.


Margie Chism - Dec 5, 2023

Margie Chism

Ing - Thank you! ■ M


Prof. Fred Nazar - Dec 7, 2023

Scientific Progress

Just a cog in the machine trying to exterminate us.
Why is food poisoning legal?
Artificial sweeteners, MSG, PFAS, Glyphosate ... go organic!
Water poisoning
Not fast food, PFAS food:
War on poultry and cattle:
Is the elite for depopulation or extermination of us, the “useless eaters”?


INGRID C DURDEN - Dec 7, 2023


some poisons can be avoided, some cannot. what is sprayed from the air cannot be avoided, it is even on the wild plants. Not sure if Perrier is still clean. A recent article, I think from midwestern doctor, stated one of the only clean sources is Fiji. Not always available, but trying!
The people and organizations that are supposed to protect our food are almost all IN - bribed, forced, any which way - not doing their job.


Bard Joseph - Dec 5, 2023 - Edited

Joseph’s Substack

Check your ingredients in supplements.
I threw Calcium with D in the garbage when I noticed Titanium dioxide as an ingredient.


Crixcyon - Dec 5, 2023


The problem is that we can no longer trust the FDA to regulate ingredients in anything. Who knows if any list of ingredients is telling the whole truth?


John Roberts - Dec 5, 2023

John Roberts

Excellent points.
I am starting to believe very very few are telling the whole truth.
What they leave out is what they are putting in, so to speak.


Bruce Hartnett - Dec 6, 2023 - Edited

Bruce Hartnett

Unfortunately, I'm not going to just throw mine out. After a little research, I found that it is just the food coloring on the caplet. Until I find something to replace it.
I take 600 mg twice a day, to combat my osteoporosis. 4 crushed vertebrae since 2016. 2" upper body loss since 2019, for a total of 4" loss in upper body height. The Lord Jesus and His Helpers continue to look out for me!


Lyn - May 6

Beware of synthetic vitamins


Lisa - Dec 7, 2023


Good call. It's nano-sized and toxic.


Rockashellar - Dec 5, 2023


In early 2019 before the pandemic I had a dream/vision. I saw the US was in a War with Russia. I saw Obama in the White House in the situation room directing Generals. My consciousness was in the body of a dead male American soldier floating in the cold artic ocean. There was a battle with ships in the cold artic ocean. I saw US and Russia blasting each other and tons of dead bodies in the water. I saw that they could monitor on computer screens every function of each person. They could see all vitals, they could see what the person was seeing through their eyes, they could hear what they heard, know their thoughts, they could force them to do things even if they didn’t want to. Basically every human on earth no longer has control over their own body or mind. The government was in control of us. And even though there were dead bodies floating in the water our consciousness was still aware of everything. Meaning we could feel the pain of whatever killed us or harmed us. The Russians pulled my body out of water along with many others. They piled us up on a boat and toon us to some warehouse. I saw a dark wet room with red glowing light. There were conveyor belts that carried the dead bodies through multiple rooms with a curtain blocking the view. I heard the screams in my mind of other dead bodies. I was trying to scream and tell them I was still alive and to please help me. Yet my body was dead my mind was trying to get help. As the conveyor belt moved me along each room was a body part being cut off. They were chopping our dead bodies apart. It was the most horrific thing I’ve ever experienced and it was a dream. I still feel it to this day. My point in telling you all this is that everyone had tech in their bodies and no one had freedom. Obama was behind it all. When I had this dream I didn’t understand why I saw Obama in White House since Trump was president in 2019. But I keep learning new things that help me understand I was seeing the future for humanity, but Obama started it. In fact I believe he’s still in the WH controlling Joe. And I believe if we as humans don’t stand up and start fighting we are going to wind up in the world I saw in my dream. I promise you it’s the worst nightmare. No control over your own body. Whoever controls the technology will control you. That is horrifying and truly the Mark of the Beast system. As I learn more about these Nanotech in everything I fear we are already in the system. We must prioritize figuring a way to rid it from our bodies and to stop ALL NANOTECH from getting into anything that could wind up in humans. It must stop now or we will not have a future worth living.


Mama Bear - Dec 5, 2023

This is a perfect description of where this is headed. More horrifying than anything we could ever imagine. Humanity will be completely enslaved.


Natalia Killjoy - Dec 5, 2023

This gave me chills. Sorry you had such a nightmare, thanks for sharing


kaal - Dec 5, 2023


ppl are given dreams and they are all similar to yours. also check dimitri dudeman.


kaal - Dec 5, 2023


Its prophesized that russia[and others] will attack the US. And that O ... is... Ive known before I read what you write here.


Rockashellar - Dec 19, 2023

Yes I believe we have a war coming to the US on our homeland. I’ve had several other dreams and in each one it seems our country has going through either war or some sort of catastrophe. In a separate dream from the one I described above I saw the US looked like a war zone and destruction everywhere. I along with other women were taken by Russians in a bus. It was a US school bus. So they clearly invaded our country. It was very cold and deep snow like a foot deep was all over. We were taken to some condo or hotel where we were kept. We were safe and the Russians were actually very kind to me and the other women. They took me to some facility that had an an underground base. We went down an elevator like 20 levels or so deep. I had Russian guards taking me. I remember when getting off the elevator there were large long tanks filled with liquids and gases. And I was taken down a long corridor that had door that were secure and had high security. They took me past that point but I don’t remember what was beyond those doors in the dream. Next thing I remember was being taken back to the hotel and walking outside in the snow on the campus grounds. When all of a sudden a huge explosion from underneath the building I just came out of. That’s the last thing I remember and running to try to avoid it. I wish I knew what facility they took me to. For some reason they needed me for what was underground.
The events in this dream seem to take place after something had destroyed the US. I’m not sure if it was a war or if it was a cataclysm of some kind. Like the pole shift I keep hearing about. But whatever it was the Russians took advantage of the opportunity to invade our country when we were weakened. I believe this dream might be connected to the other one where I saw a battle in the artic ocean. Sadly when I wake up I don’t always remember all the details. So I have to make sense of them. Then maybe months later I’ll have another dream that will connect to a past one. I’ve been having these very prophetic dreams for the last oh 5 years or so. They all seem to be showing me what these evil bastards have planned for humanity. I’ve also heard of others having similar dreams to mine. I may not understand them that well but they have certainly made me more aware of the plan to destroy humanity. We all need to prepare as much as possible for hard times ahead. And we also need to stand up and say NO WE DO NOT CONSENT to their even agenda! We need to realize we are powerful against them when we unite and stop letting them divide us with things like politics, religion, and other differences. We are one human family and we need to realize they want us dead. We better wake up and rise up and fight to stop them!


Michele Georgeson - Dec 5, 2023

Michele Georgeson

I was wondering if the unvaccinated blood that you tested had PCR tests as opposed to unvaccinated blood that never received a PCR test. Have you done a test with those parameters?


Michael Folks - Dec 4, 2023

Michael’s Substack

As a test,a Squirrel was captured, a Blood sample taken, it's got Nano Technology in it's systems, no doubt every animal on the Planets affected. By the " Chemtrails"?


John Roberts - Dec 5, 2023

John Roberts

Makes me sad.
Even our beloved cats and dogs have been affected.
Now the more I think about that, I am really getting angry.


Rockashellar - Dec 19, 2023

John Roberts

As a life long cat mom it makes me sick. The kind of evil we are dealing with is unimaginable to the human spirit. Because the source of their evil is demonic. They are a satanic death cult. Their plan is to destroy humanity and everything that is natural made by our creator.


John Roberts - Dec 20, 2023

John Roberts

I couldn’t agree with you more.
Their time will come on Judgement Day.


Lou - Dec 5, 2023

🖕Big Pharma
🖕Corrupt Government


Un-silent - Dec 5, 2023


Also, Pepsi, Coca Cola, and Nestle all have bottled water brands also. I have noticed that titanium is in many foods and even soaps now, I thought that strange considering it is harmful to humans. Read your labels people.


curious butterfly - Dec 5, 2023

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

Yes, Aquafina purified RO water is bottled by Pepsi Co. Fluoride free but it has the nanotech.


Reply (1) - Dec 5, 2023

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

Comment removed.


curious butterfly - Dec 5, 2023

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

I don't know what to drink now. People on Substack have done experiments and the bots can survive the heat from double distillation.


John Lawton - Dec 5, 2023

John Lawton

Can you post a link to some of those experiments, please?


curious butterfly - Dec 6, 2023

Curious Butterfly's Adventures

Here are nanobots in double steam distilled rainwater from a rural area:


John Lawton - Dec 6, 2023

John Lawton

Thanks, not good news


Bruce Hartnett - Dec 6, 2023

Bruce Hartnett

Thankful that we have a Deep Home well straight from the aquifer, thus, no man-made chemicals! Like from municipalities, at least 3 miles away.
I.e., Well Water, only bottle my own when needed, and drink daily, all day.


Un-silent - Dec 6, 2023




Reply (1) - Dec 5, 2023


Comment removed.


Un-silent - Dec 5, 2023


Well that wasn't much of an improvement was it?


Reply (2) - Dec 5, 2023


Comment removed.


Lisa - Dec 5, 2023


Castor oil on skin? It is made from castor beans which has ricin in them.


Un-silent - Dec 5, 2023


Interesting. What amount of castor oil do you take?


Agent Midnight Rider - Dec 5, 2023 - Edited

Agent’s Substack

Ding Ding Ding!!!!!, Why do you think the graphene is still in all the food supply. Nestle, JUST LIKE THEY TOLD US... Thats why it's impossible to tell if shedding is even real, there is no telling what these demons have put in our food and water supply.
Here I am testing meat In Walmart with a Nonmagnetic Peso coin
How can we DETOX if our next Big Mag has Alien Nano Bots??? You tell me????.....Agent Midnight rider.
Dr. Deagle told us they have been dropping that from Chemtrails since the 90s. I think I have figured it out. The Graphene Oxide is ALIEN FOOD. They have to keep putting in our system to keep the Nano tech alive. Thats why the boosters and yearly flu shots and dental anesthesia area all contaminated. Thats their FOOD SOURCE..... here is my EVIDENCE...


Mama Bear - Dec 5, 2023

Of course, this is forced on us and pandora’s has been opened. I can think of a million ways this is going wrong now and into the future. We are completely screwed if we don’t expose this.


Roman S Shapoval - Dec 4, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

In times like these, we need the second, subcellular, type of melatonin to help combat the free radicals from nano:


Lisa - Dec 5, 2023


Molecular hydrogen won't hurt either!


Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Dec 5, 2023

Patti’s Substack

Actually Lisa you are right. In 2019 I started researching papers coming out of Japan and China. The Chinese were using a 66 % 33% hydrogen gas to oxygen mixture of gases in the vented patients masks and in 7 or so hours the cytokine storm was quelled and pts were coming off ventilators.
Here's the rub they never announced this to the world. I found it in already published studies shortly after it hit the population inChina.Sothe Chinese deliberately held this back when lives could have been saved.


Lisa - Dec 6, 2023


China used them in their hospitals during covid. Japan has lead the way in the research and development, but it's very expensive.


kaal - Dec 5, 2023


SUCH an end times case/ body of evidence against S---N and 'minions' who cooperated and carried this plan out to fulfillment willingly knowingly or not. Lots of guilty ppl.


Sandy K - Dec 5, 2023

Sandy K

Glad I stopped drinking these things 20 years ago, but am concerned that I ever drank soft drinks at all. America is addicted to so many things now....


Unagnu - Dec 12, 2023


Yes, I was never a fan, but had some in my time. Water, Coffee juices replaced the sodas I didn't like. The sugar free tasted terrible so I gave it up. My secret sin? Coca Cola from Mexico with real sugar. and .. Rum. LOL


Margie Chism - Dec 5, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Avoiding corrupted products is my first action. ■ When I am aware, I join in prayer with the Holy Ghost and my personal faith is currently at 2000 times and 2000 folds (Jacob prayed for 1000 times for his family and Believers are told to "give her back double); so I bind what I want to bind. I make request to the Father, and give the amount I am asking for including equipment being destroyed by God, families, and even their pets in Jesus Name I ask. If I am standing in my yard, and a pilot has had a boss to instruct casting poisons on me and my home, then someone had to have sold the poison. Therefore, my prayer to God should include the pilot, the instructor, the seller of the poison. I ask the Father to torment the pilot, the instructor, and the salesperson and somethings here I may go into exact request of their death, sometimes even adding their family and pets into the request. I then give the amount of 2000 times and 2000 folds for now on earth, in hell, and the lake of fire for them. I do ask if the Father would/wants increase this torment than my request, I accept it. Then I ask in Jesus name. I hope to hear about all the broken equipment, and witness all the torment of my enemies trying to kill me and test my God/YHVH. M


Unagnu - Dec 12, 2023


God is why I didn't vax. Simple. I can't say HE spoke to ME. I can say, HE showed me all the inconsistences all the flaws in the logic all the potential dangers. And I Listened. Too may will not listen to their soul. Listen when it speaks for it is the voice of G.O.D. in you. However you conceive him/her/the force to be.


Margie Chism - Dec 12, 2023

Margie Chism

Una - As I child I remember God speaking to me like a cloud around my belly. Before that he used signs and wonders, the sun, animals. It was wonderful to watch his presence come to join me in evidence. But when he spoke he said, "I want you to learn to trust me, T. R. U. S. T." I was sore because this was all I knew of him and at this forest of tall pines. He told me he would no longer do what he had for years in this area. So, I walked away and asked him if he could hear me. He said, "Where ever you go, I will be there." I took off with a sharp turn deeper in that forest spelling out T. R. U. S. T. sarcastically, yet I remember the day. M


Stephane Roy - Dec 5, 2023 - Edited

Stephane Roy

Another righteous warrior attack tactic is to set them on FIRE ..quite literally ..malevolent so-called 'spirit beings' existing and functioning trans dimensionally are wide open to this type of attack and are TERRIFIED of the fire that is The Fire of The Breath of Righteous Almighty GOD Poured Forth AGAINST them, Ten Thousand times upon Ten Thousand ..unto smoke and ash ..and instant, complete, and utter ETERNAL annihilation ! Amen and Amen !
One can descend in the spirit deep down into their pitch black caverns and destroy in just seconds hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of them in this manner, when directed by The Kodesh Ruach of YHVH ! Selah !
That is spiritual warfare


Margie Chism - Dec 5, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Step - This early morning I did wake at 3:00am ish, and knew it was out of the norm. So, as I returned to rest I did go down a conscience list of binding those, especially groups, even devils and tried to not leave one free and give them to the Father made my request in Jesus name. I did this as what has been done, what is being done, what will be done. This covered request I did so that the work is done, being done, and will be done. I prayed years for my Grandchildren when there was only evidence there were none; as Faith and those years were worth developing those request, now I have peace and evidence with two young sons. I do find prewarfare with God is worth the practice. Interesting one of my main concerns for these children was also their spouses, now a revealing 'gene'ration. M


Margie Chism - Dec 5, 2023

Margie Chism

Step - I have seen him/YHVH in complete fire and like eyes speaking to me. ■ He use to give me letters (one at a time) that spelt a message; how wonderful to hear him in the spirit as yesterday, "I am, Margie, I am." I will study your practice of offense, my surroundings have been so battled field since birth, defense has been necessary to survive and move forward. I remember when I use to leave it up to God and just forgive and know there is a hell waiting for their torment, but now I know they can be tormented here on earth as well. I do bind as much as I can think and request immediately and have what was, and is, and will be covered on the faith and knowledge of what I see/discern (meaning I how bond and given him the Luciferians, etc.). It is his war and I know YHVH will supply his warriors. Fire yes is used by himself, his spirit, and his angels; then how much more his children! Thank you! M


Stephane Roy - Dec 6, 2023

Stephane Roy

Think of it as bringing their portion of the Lake of Fire directly to them, earlier than they had thought they were previously 'entitled'
YHVH seems to be endorsing this under current circumstances
Blessings to you M!


Margie Chism - Dec 6, 2023

Margie Chism

Step - YHVH may be visually and intelligently letting you see his fire while others work in faith. Like hard wire vs wireless. ■ I have found his information that he involves himself to be supported in who he is and what he wants to reveal, even being used to strengthen the purpose. Thank you! M


Margie Chism - Dec 5, 2023

Margie Chism

Step - I researched today to find the references to 10,000 and 10,000 can be a figure in men/warriors and even the enemy number of men. ■ As far as going into spiritual dark places and holy fire to destroy spirits/evil to dust, I cannot find. Personally, when I reconize a demon whether in a body or not, I still practice binding and giving to the Father, make my request and ask in Jesus Name. This I have practiced for decades and have zero problems. Perhaps walking and being hand picked by him has me in a conversation with him, yet all can call on him. Jesus sometimes was asked to heal people he did not go to, but it was the faith of seeker that miracles could be done. I will add, about a decade ago, I was waken with a dead demon longhaired harming me, I had never experienced that before. So, I bond, gave and asked for that spirit to be put into the bottomless pit. I thought I was over it, but weeks or a few months later I had a life threatening abscess to grow (in that exact spot) that I had to have immediately surgery, even specialist. There is more here. What I learned, if you find one harming you and you have it put away, pray that if there has been any harm that the Lord God heals you [n]ow. It's like if someone was beaten, the criminal could be jailed, yet the victim needs medical care. M


Stephane Roy - Dec 6, 2023

Stephane Roy

M.. some people are 'marked' prior to birth ..for these have been selected to be El Elyon's warriors ..every step they take through life is beset with attack from the left and the right, from above and below, from without and from within.. they either survive or they do not ..however even in their very youngest years God visits them and prepares them and makes Himself known to them.
Did you have multiple 'blue light abductions' as a little one?? These were 'illegalities' that ought not happened. He gives these victims thereafter direct connection and you receive personal encounters with The Most High GOD Himself in His Heavenly Realm. These occur in the spirit. He equips you with the capability to survive under the Earth, and in the Second Heaven, let alone just here on the Earth.
Study the Book of Enoch to gain further insight purposefully removed from our carefully transliterated Bibles.
The deep attack with Fire that was referred to was in response to an 'illegal' attempt to kill my physical body whilst asleep. A large black bearlike being came up from below, materializing in the spirit into a huge black hairy physical being that surrounded my body in a vicelike clamp from the head to the feet and on both sides, preventing breathing, and stopping the heart. It was a life or death struggle. YHVH gave me His Power aka 'The Holy Spirit' [Ruach H'Kodesh] to fight back, throw-off, pursue, and annihilate with HIS FIRE, HUGE NUMBERS of these beings, in their OWN place of abode, deep within the Earth.
Since that time, one has made the choice with His Blessing to keep attacking in this manner, to upset their Principalities' plans and strategies, even to attack directly with FIRE the very vision (the eyes) and the visage (the face) of the devil itself AND THERE IS NOTHING it CAN DO ABOUT IT, BUT TO SCREAM AND THRASH ABOUT SQUIRMING AND WRITHING SHRIEKING, IN PERFECT AGONY ! ! !
If this sounds horrible and mean.. it is MEANT TO BE SO!!!!
Regard what it did at the tree in the garden, regard what it did at the execution stake aka 'the cross', regard what it has done to 70 million unborn children, regard what it has done to 5.7 billion living human beings . . . . . .


Margie Chism - Dec 6, 2023

Margie Chism

Step - I know of no "blue light" ■ M


Margie Chism - Dec 5, 2023

Margie Chism

Comment removed.


Margie Chism - Dec 5, 2023

Margie Chism

O - No ■ M


Gayle Wells - Dec 5, 2023

Gayle Wells

Musk said it was well under way a while back. Anyone who thinks he's on our side, I don't know what to say to them.


Claudia - Dec 5, 2023


How do these nanotechnological substances compare to those found in covid vials?


Karenvusa - Dec 5, 2023


I hope this is being shared with those in government that are allies. Also with those in the independent media.
We have had no informed consent with this. If these are still in Coke and Pepsi products (among others) then the public needs to know what they are. That Cense project (sp??) By HP needs to be stopped. Yeah right. Like gain of function was "stopped" in the US in 2014 but was just moved to different countries.



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