Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 05, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I was invited by one of my favorite attorneys, Todd Callender Esq, to give an update on recent research. We discuss the self assembly nanotechnology, mind control, the Class action lawsuit that is launching soon and more.
We always have great discussions, listen in!
Message for my subscribers:
I wanted to let you all know that I may be skipping some of my weekly shows - there is so much on my plate. We are almost done with the editing process of my new book TRANSHUMAN - the Real COVID Agenda Vol. 1. It has taken a lot of time and effort and it came out magnificent.
Some of you may not know, but I run a very busy medical clinic, so writing my substack, doing interviews and research and writing my book is all happening “on the side” of my regular day job. Well, at some point even I run out of time in a day. I blink and my week is over.
I get bored easily with routines, so getting back to do my own research with my microscope brings me a lot of joy and reminds me that life is filled with discoveries and jazz. I would rather be a “mad scientist” figuring out problems than get stuck in tediousness of roles and expectations. I have piles of books to read since I have always had an insatiable curiosity about everything. Learning new things fuels my batteries, rather than writing about what I already know.
So for now, I will post my own Truth, Science and Spirit Interviews as I can and as I meet interesting people I want to talk to.
I hope you find this substack informative and I thank you for your support! Remember that together we can shine a light into the darkest places and find solutions to all problems. If only we are persistent in the storms of life, at some point the sunshine will come out again. Despite all of the adversity, the struggles, the challenge to do so many things, I have come to appreciate and love the privilege of being alive, of enjoying the simple things in life, smiling and connecting with one of my fellow human beings and knowing that we are connected by something “they” cannot take from us - our goodness and love for each other and our power to change, to transmute the darkness in our own hearts, so that at least our world becomes a better place, one interaction and conquest at a time.
I thank you for your support of my substack, that has grown to be read around the world. I send greetings to wherever you are. Please understand that I cannot keep up with answering messages… my writing here is my message to you.
With warm regards,
Dr Ana
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Bee Gee - Sep 5
Bee Gee
It makes sense, you cannot do it all all the time, but thank you for all you do.
No one would even admit all this was happening until you showed the world.
I can't wait for your book but take care and Thank You again.
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Robert Sun - Sep 5
Robert Sun
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