Not attempting to discredit this or say this isn’t occurring but still so many questions and not enough answers. It’s hard to believe that Dr. M is one of the few who has insider knowledge of nano tech flooding the earth with trillions of self-assembling nano tech and within a few years and now has potentially millions and millions of folks who were not injected, on the verge of clotting/ emf exposed and thus ripe for mass genocide event taking place. If the aerosolizing of nano were that effective from geoengineeing, which occurs almost day and night in many cities across the US, why is the word not getting out? Wouldn’t this get around enough to at least bring this to the forefront of most large scale alternative media as priority issue? I comb scores of alternative media and very few if any even discuss this , especially those who have served and are privy to strategic aerosol injection/ geoengineeing/ darpa/ military and NGO coordination. With such an abundance of filaments, morgellons, bots in the atmosphere, there should be sample after sample corroborated from folks across the country presenting this evidence in cities, towns, city councils across the country even if they resist, More awareness would seem to be across the airwaves. I’ve been calling as many agencies here in NC that will listen. They appear frightened or hiding something but Something is off, and can’t quite figure it out yet given the calamity that’s awaiting
Quite similar though to why people were lining up for the shot, while they watching others get carried out on stretchers, who had just received the shot.
it's been trying to be reported on for years now. Most just ignore it or call it conspiracy and let it go. That's why it's not been on like FOX, or CNN... I first heard about things like Geoengineering on Infowars like in 2009-2010 or so. I first snubbed it off like most still do now. I even read then about them spraying nano bots and snubbed that too. but now I know it was true. But people are aware they just don't want to admit it. Fear, or they want what it promises like Artificial immortality world peace etc... which scripture makes it plain he will as in they will as a collective will destroy many through peace... I've tried on other sites to tell people about chemtrails, videos etc... Even this stuff now and it's rejected like its butt grease or something. Look to scripture more than this for your answers...
Just for the fun of it I searched "nano technology in food." This is what I got. Perhaps these bots don't just come from the air!
"Nanotechnology is a key advanced technology enabling contribution, development, and sustainable impact on food, medicine, and agriculture sectors. Nanomaterials have potential to lead qualitative and quantitative production of healthier, safer, and high-quality functional foods which are perishable or semi-perishable in nature. Nanotechnologies are superior than conventional food processing technologies with increased shelf life of food products, preventing contamination, and production of enhanced food quality. This comprehensive review on nanotechnologies for functional food development describes the current trends and future perspectives of advanced nanomaterials in food sector considering processing, packaging, security, and storage. Applications of nanotechnologies enhance the food bioavailability, taste, texture, and consistency, achieved through modification of particle size, possible cluster formation, and surface charge of food nanomaterials. In addition, the nanodelivery-mediated nutraceuticals, synergistic action of nanomaterials in food protection, and the application of nanosensors in smart food packaging for monitoring the quality of the stored foods and the common methods employed for assessing the impact of nanomaterials in biological systems are also discussed."
I read that most our food already has nano tech in it. So, yeah. But they don't tell you that it's Nano bots and is to take us over making us Hybrids and Cyborgs. But it said that most the cereal and every thing now has nano tech and that was around 2010 or so.
This was an excellent interview, and information to share with others, thanks again to Dr. Ana. While watching it I’d planned to share it with a private Telegram group of about 90 friends I grew up with from our small town….but at the end after Dr. Ana was no longer on the screen, SGT advertised Master Peace saying it too got rid of all of this nano-tech and other stuff, so I cannot in good conscience share this video with friends since reading negative reports about Master Peace, such as:
yes...great stack by unhackable - I did a stack on it too...and I felt the same way about sharing it...
We need to get clarification from Dr. Ana n MasterPeace...Ariyana Love came after EDTA/and Dr. Ana, so it would be great if she would address it. Let's clear this up, while we're trying t clear our blood?
I'm not trusting it...glad to see you ladies onto this diabolical...thousand are taking it now...and they would not give a refund even for unopened bottles...
might be time for a class action?
The "problems" cited are obviously environmental, and the proposed solutions have yet to be comprehended. These processes are environmental warfare, period. The solutions are being neglected in most US jurisdictions. Consider the valid remedy: >>>SB1264 Introduced in Pennsylvania Prohibiting Solar Radiation Modification >>>
Also: Tennessee Passed HB2063 and SB2691 Prohibiting Geoengineering Experiments >>> SB2691 passed in the Senate Monday, March 18th. --- HB2063 passed on April 1st, 2024.
Yes. Not coincidence that much of the same tech in vaxx are employed in air, food, water. But Despite the coordination with multiple agencies throughout the globe, there was a small but vocal virulent panel or group of experts from all specializations throughout the globe who sounded the alarm regarding the bioweapon shot. There were sanctuaries available to find truth and from the some of the most respected docs in the pharma complex who didn’t want this on their conscience. We are seeing samples from Dr. M but what is beyond comprehension, is that this tech was known for decades and if the breadth and scope of the impact will ultimately destroy humanity, then why are most from that same group not sounding the the alarm regarding this phase, derived the some of the same nano tech? Especially now with the cat out of the bag 2nd time around. Not taking about Mockingbird media shills or second tier pseudo networks or doctors. . Talking about real folks in the know regarding the plandemic. Those credible are seemingly engaged in cognitive dissonance this time around with this issue. With humanity on the brink, Something doesn’t make sense here. These programs and their deployments are known and impact known. There seemingly would be vocal pockets of experts throughout the globe, and more pools of information to corroborate from.
Your comment: "Talking about real folks in the know regarding the plandemic. Those credible are seemingly engaged in cognitive dissonance this time around with this issue. With humanity on the brink, Something doesn’t make sense here."
You're right. It doesn't make sense. I've been aware of geoengineering (poisoning) of the planet for nearly 20 years, and spent many hours and days attempting to spread the message. These programs, particularly the use of HAARP, SBX, GWEN systems, and Nexrad broadcast, are decimating all life on the planet. My conclusion has been that these broadcast frequencies are directly causing cognitive *dissociation* on a massive scale. It's not cognitive dissonance, it's brain death... Thank you for your kind reply.
I wonder what other tests have been done on these nanobots and microbots.
For example: What happens if they are exposed to an electromagnetic field? What happens if they are exposed to a non lethal amount of electricity? Maybe there are other more effective ways to disable them than through supplements?
Chalk Tablets and Snake Oil can't cure this: When you say: 50 billion viral vectors for AstraZeneca 40 billion LNPs for Moderna and likely 10 to 12 billion for Pfizer I think there is a mistake by a factor of 1,000. The Moderna contains 40*10^12 LNPs, to the best of my knowledge (Pfizer 12*10^12). This equates to 40/12 trillion in short scale. At first I thought you were using long scale (10^12=1 billion); however, that would not fit with the AZ numbers. AZ has 50*10^9, which would be 1 milliard in long scale. I believe these numbers to be correct (
Your comment: "Talking about real folks in the know regarding the plandemic. Those credible are seemingly engaged in cognitive dissonance this time around with this issue. With humanity on the brink, Something doesn’t make sense here."
You're right. It doesn't make sense. I've been aware of geoengineering (poisoning) of the planet for nearly 20 years, and spent many hours and days attempting to spread the message. These programs, particularly the use of HAARP, SBX, GWEN systems, and Nexrad broadcast, are decimating all life on the planet. My conclusion has been that these broadcast frequencies are directly causing cognitive *dissociation* on a massive scale. It's not cognitive dissonance, it's brain death... Thank you for your kind reply.
The intelligence and autonomy that these nanorobots have is scarier than the structures they build. But that's because they've been trained, right ? They're trained just like AI models on a computer are trained, and then they're put in those little vials and finally they're injected in humans, where they can flourish and fulfill the dreams of the transhumanists.
They build chips and quickly move on somewhere else in the vasculature to colonize, and build more. When do they stop ? When they've sucked all the lifeforce out of the victim ?
How much EDTA and vitamin C does Dr. Ana recommend if someone cannot get her blood checked but had a dose of dental anesthetic recently yet is still asymptomatic? She said one IV dose of EDTA stopped the small clots for a young woman who just had a tooth pulled.
Dr. Ana, when SGT interviewed you 10 months ago with the bombshell news that the unjabbed were also infected with nanotechnology, the host put a disclaimer at the start of the video suggesting that not everyone agreed. In today's interview the disclaimer gone, and SGT piggybacks an ad for their Zeolite product without giving you a chance to explain that you've found it to be ineffective for treating nanotechnological infection. I think SGT stinks!
We see NANO-TECHNOLOGY EVERYWHERE. Is all nano-technology nano-bots or can be made into nano-bots? I looked up how they can inject people without needles and sources said through nano-technology. I received four needless injections for B12 deficiency and worry. But I wonder about other products. I noticed a lot of companies changing labels two or three years ago and wondered why. Is there any good nano-technology or is it all BAD???
Sadly B12 was laced some time ago. Not sure who covered it Dr Ana, Dr Karl, Unhackable animal maybe? No Laquinta Columna
Wow. I wonder if the doctor was paid. I don't think he knew he was poisoning me. The nurses that gave the injections were very nice and didn't know. Thanks for the info. Looking around at different sites you mentions, maybe they are everywhere. Argh.
Matrix2008 - Jun 21
Matrix2008’s Substack
Not attempting to discredit this or say this isn’t occurring but still so many questions and not enough answers. It’s hard to believe that Dr. M is one of the few who has insider knowledge of nano tech flooding the earth with trillions of self-assembling nano tech and within a few years and now has potentially millions and millions of folks who were not injected, on the verge of clotting/ emf exposed and thus ripe for mass genocide event taking place. If the aerosolizing of nano were that effective from geoengineeing, which occurs almost day and night in many cities across the US, why is the word not getting out? Wouldn’t this get around enough to at least bring this to the forefront of most large scale alternative media as priority issue? I comb scores of alternative media and very few if any even discuss this , especially those who have served and are privy to strategic aerosol injection/ geoengineeing/ darpa/ military and NGO coordination. With such an abundance of filaments, morgellons, bots in the atmosphere, there should be sample after sample corroborated from folks across the country presenting this evidence in cities, towns, city councils across the country even if they resist, More awareness would seem to be across the airwaves. I’ve been calling as many agencies here in NC that will listen. They appear frightened or hiding something but Something is off, and can’t quite figure it out yet given the calamity that’s awaiting
Cos - Jun 21
John Vargo
Quite similar though to why people were lining up for the shot, while they watching others get carried out on stretchers, who had just received the shot.
John Vargo - Jun 23
John Vargo
Cos - Jun 23
John Vargo
John Vargo - Jun 23
John Vargo
Always nice to see enlightened people as there are so few my friend.Disclosure is of critical importance,
Doug - Jun 22
Doug’s Substack
it's been trying to be reported on for years now. Most just ignore it or call it conspiracy and let it go. That's why it's not been on like FOX, or CNN... I first heard about things like Geoengineering on Infowars like in 2009-2010 or so. I first snubbed it off like most still do now. I even read then about them spraying nano bots and snubbed that too. but now I know it was true. But people are aware they just don't want to admit it. Fear, or they want what it promises like Artificial immortality world peace etc... which scripture makes it plain he will as in they will as a collective will destroy many through peace... I've tried on other sites to tell people about chemtrails, videos etc... Even this stuff now and it's rejected like its butt grease or something. Look to scripture more than this for your answers...
JimG - Jun 21
Doug’s Substack
Just for the fun of it I searched "nano technology in food." This is what I got. Perhaps these bots don't just come from the air!
"Nanotechnology is a key advanced technology enabling contribution, development, and sustainable impact on food, medicine, and agriculture sectors. Nanomaterials have potential to lead qualitative and quantitative production of healthier, safer, and high-quality functional foods which are perishable or semi-perishable in nature. Nanotechnologies are superior than conventional food processing technologies with increased shelf life of food products, preventing contamination, and production of enhanced food quality. This comprehensive review on nanotechnologies for functional food development describes the current trends and future perspectives of advanced nanomaterials in food sector considering processing, packaging, security, and storage. Applications of nanotechnologies enhance the food bioavailability, taste, texture, and consistency, achieved through modification of particle size, possible cluster formation, and surface charge of food nanomaterials. In addition, the nanodelivery-mediated nutraceuticals, synergistic action of nanomaterials in food protection, and the application of nanosensors in smart food packaging for monitoring the quality of the stored foods and the common methods employed for assessing the impact of nanomaterials in biological systems are also discussed."
Doug - Jun 22
Doug’s Substack
I read that most our food already has nano tech in it. So, yeah. But they don't tell you that it's Nano bots and is to take us over making us Hybrids and Cyborgs. But it said that most the cereal and every thing now has nano tech and that was around 2010 or so.
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 21
Paul Vonharnish
Consider the valid remedy: >>>SB1264 Introduced in Pennsylvania Prohibiting Solar Radiation Modification >>>
Also: Tennessee Passed HB2063 and SB2691 Prohibiting Geoengineering Experiments >>> SB2691 passed in the Senate Monday, March 18th. --- HB2063 passed on April 1st, 2024.
John Vargo - Jun 23
John Vargo
Most people will choose denial to avoid pain is one simple exclamation,
Stella - Jun 20 - Edited
Diva Drops
This was an excellent interview, and information to share with others, thanks again to Dr. Ana. While watching it I’d planned to share it with a private Telegram group of about 90 friends I grew up with from our small town….but at the end after Dr. Ana was no longer on the screen, SGT advertised Master Peace saying it too got rid of all of this nano-tech and other stuff, so I cannot in good conscience share this video with friends since reading negative reports about Master Peace, such as:
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Jun 20
Diva Drops
yes...great stack by unhackable - I did a stack on it too...and I felt the same way about sharing it...
We need to get clarification from Dr. Ana n MasterPeace...Ariyana Love came after EDTA/and Dr. Ana, so it would be great if she would address it. Let's clear this up, while we're trying t clear our blood?
Stella - Jun 20
Have heard Dr. Ana say Master Peace doesn’t work, not sure anymore of any details she might have said.
Dana Mccubbin - Jun 20 - Edited
Dana Mccubbin
I thought masterpiece is contaminated now????
Pasheen Stonebrooke - Jun 20 - Edited
Diva Drops
I'm not trusting it...glad to see you ladies onto this diabolical...thousand are taking it now...and they would not give a refund even for unopened bottles...
might be time for a class action?
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 21
Paul Vonharnish
The "problems" cited are obviously environmental, and the proposed solutions have yet to be comprehended. These processes are environmental warfare, period. The solutions are being neglected in most US jurisdictions. Consider the valid remedy: >>>SB1264 Introduced in Pennsylvania Prohibiting Solar Radiation Modification >>>
Also: Tennessee Passed HB2063 and SB2691 Prohibiting Geoengineering Experiments >>> SB2691 passed in the Senate Monday, March 18th. --- HB2063 passed on April 1st, 2024.
Matrix2008 - Jun 23
Matrix2008’s Substack
Yes. Not coincidence that much of the same tech in vaxx are employed in air, food, water. But Despite the coordination with multiple agencies throughout the globe, there was a small but vocal virulent panel or group of experts from all specializations throughout the globe who sounded the alarm regarding the bioweapon shot. There were sanctuaries available to find truth and from the some of the most respected docs in the pharma complex who didn’t want this on their conscience. We are seeing samples from Dr. M but what is beyond comprehension, is that this tech was known for decades and if the breadth and scope of the impact will ultimately destroy humanity, then why are most from that same group not sounding the the alarm regarding this phase, derived the some of the same nano tech? Especially now with the cat out of the bag 2nd time around. Not taking about Mockingbird media shills or second tier pseudo networks or doctors. . Talking about real folks in the know regarding the plandemic. Those credible are seemingly engaged in cognitive dissonance this time around with this issue. With humanity on the brink, Something doesn’t make sense here. These programs and their deployments are known and impact known. There seemingly would be vocal pockets of experts throughout the globe, and more pools of information to corroborate from.
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 24
Paul Vonharnish
Your comment: "Talking about real folks in the know regarding the plandemic. Those credible are seemingly engaged in cognitive dissonance this time around with this issue. With humanity on the brink, Something doesn’t make sense here."
You're right. It doesn't make sense. I've been aware of geoengineering (poisoning) of the planet for nearly 20 years, and spent many hours and days attempting to spread the message. These programs, particularly the use of HAARP, SBX, GWEN systems, and Nexrad broadcast, are decimating all life on the planet. My conclusion has been that these broadcast frequencies are directly causing cognitive *dissociation* on a massive scale. It's not cognitive dissonance, it's brain death... Thank you for your kind reply.
Uncostrike - Jun 20
I wonder what other tests have been done on these nanobots and microbots.
For example: What happens if they are exposed to an electromagnetic field? What happens if they are exposed to a non lethal amount of electricity? Maybe there are other more effective ways to disable them than through supplements?
Mrnobody - Jun 21
Paulette's methods/results look promising.
Christine - Jun 20
Christine’s Newsletter
Chalk Tablets and Snake Oil can't cure this: When you say: 50 billion viral vectors for AstraZeneca 40 billion LNPs for Moderna and likely 10 to 12 billion for Pfizer I think there is a mistake by a factor of 1,000. The Moderna contains 40*10^12 LNPs, to the best of my knowledge (Pfizer 12*10^12). This equates to 40/12 trillion in short scale. At first I thought you were using long scale (10^12=1 billion); however, that would not fit with the AZ numbers. AZ has 50*10^9, which would be 1 milliard in long scale. I believe these numbers to be correct (
Paul Vonharnish - Jun 24
Paul Vonharnish
Your comment: "Talking about real folks in the know regarding the plandemic. Those credible are seemingly engaged in cognitive dissonance this time around with this issue. With humanity on the brink, Something doesn’t make sense here."
You're right. It doesn't make sense. I've been aware of geoengineering (poisoning) of the planet for nearly 20 years, and spent many hours and days attempting to spread the message. These programs, particularly the use of HAARP, SBX, GWEN systems, and Nexrad broadcast, are decimating all life on the planet. My conclusion has been that these broadcast frequencies are directly causing cognitive *dissociation* on a massive scale. It's not cognitive dissonance, it's brain death... Thank you for your kind reply.
Marty - Jun 21
Nano Ordo Mundi
The intelligence and autonomy that these nanorobots have is scarier than the structures they build. But that's because they've been trained, right ? They're trained just like AI models on a computer are trained, and then they're put in those little vials and finally they're injected in humans, where they can flourish and fulfill the dreams of the transhumanists.
They build chips and quickly move on somewhere else in the vasculature to colonize, and build more. When do they stop ? When they've sucked all the lifeforce out of the victim ?
Cheryl Post - Jun 21
How much EDTA and vitamin C does Dr. Ana recommend if someone cannot get her blood checked but had a dose of dental anesthetic recently yet is still asymptomatic? She said one IV dose of EDTA stopped the small clots for a young woman who just had a tooth pulled.
Rod - Jun 20
Rod’s Substack
Dr. Ana, when SGT interviewed you 10 months ago with the bombshell news that the unjabbed were also infected with nanotechnology, the host put a disclaimer at the start of the video suggesting that not everyone agreed. In today's interview the disclaimer gone, and SGT piggybacks an ad for their Zeolite product without giving you a chance to explain that you've found it to be ineffective for treating nanotechnological infection. I think SGT stinks!
nobody's - Jun 20
Sue Jerkowitz
JimG - Jun 20 - Edited
We see NANO-TECHNOLOGY EVERYWHERE. Is all nano-technology nano-bots or can be made into nano-bots? I looked up how they can inject people without needles and sources said through nano-technology. I received four needless injections for B12 deficiency and worry. But I wonder about other products. I noticed a lot of companies changing labels two or three years ago and wondered why. Is there any good nano-technology or is it all BAD???
Cos - Jun 21 - Edited
Sadly B12 was laced some time ago. Not sure who covered it Dr Ana, Dr Karl, Unhackable animal maybe? No Laquinta Columna
JimG - Jun 21
Wow. I wonder if the doctor was paid. I don't think he knew he was poisoning me. The nurses that gave the injections were very nice and didn't know. Thanks for the info. Looking around at different sites you mentions, maybe they are everywhere. Argh.
Dana Mccubbin - Jun 20
Dana Mccubbin
Here’s another?
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