Interview with Maria Zeee: Major Chain…

Apr 8, 2023

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Maria Zeee Major Chain Grocery Meat full of Structures


Misha - Apr 8, 2023

Misha’s Substack

BREAKING: Switzerland withdraws all Covid vaccination recommendations


Lynley Hocking - Apr 9, 2023

Lynley’s Substack

Yeh cos Switzerland is where the Elite will go when the next pandemic roles out. Or the Next War 🙏


Thomas Guitarman - Apr 10, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

Hasnt that been the case for a long time


Lynley Hocking - Apr 10, 2023

Lynley’s Substack

Yes I believe so. But if it looks like Switzerland is having some freedom triumphs I would seriously consider a corrupt reason for it. Freedom is suppressed everywhere


GLK - Apr 8, 2023

Misha’s Substack

Switzerland got everything right from the start. Meanwhile, back in America our pundits told us to ignore the Swiss as their situation was different somehow. (Ref: Scott Adams) Said they’d regret their lazy handling of the big bad pandemic. Blah, blah, blah.


Misha - Apr 8, 2023

Misha’s Substack

It took one amazing Pascal Najadi to get this done in such a short time! BREAKING NEWS - LIVE FROM GENEVA WITH PASCAL NAJADI - MAR 29, 2023
In English, auf Deutsch and en francais!
Politico Phil 7 hours ago says: "God love 'em! I did not know the Swiss had such a talent for understatement. Pascal comes right out and says because he was vaxxed he knows he has lost 28 years off his lifespan. 50 million dead worldwide. 20% stillborn deaths. 20% infertility rate in men. Oh, and Biden loses in court in New Orleans....unreported in our papers."


Michael Folks - Apr 8, 2023

Michael’s Substack

Wasn't there a few months ago,someone used a Dectector, visited a Cemetery, and picked up Nano emissions from Graves? Do the Nano creations, live forever? Why do some people get Clots, others seem unbothered?


JC - Jan 16, 2024


Bluetooth protocols. You can do it too. Just turn your Bluetooth on in a cemetery with nobody around and see how many possible connections you get.
While the nanobots may not be forever - I'm wondering - what is powering them upon death? Decomposition? Do they "eat"?
Everyone who takes the shots gets the clots, in the form of microclots. Those who cannot clear them, they build up to catastrophic results. There's a lot of evidence for this microclotting in ophthalmology - easy to see in the eyes.


Vintage - Apr 8, 2023

Writing from the Heart Jewel

She’s telling the truth about the white plastic type structures in bloody body tissue; I’ve seen it myself, with naked eye - and wish I hadn’t but I can say that this is happening. And no it wasn’t mine. But I saw miscarriage fetal material. :(
Also, there is self-assembling bots in bodies of even the unvaxxed . If you use a certain boticide, you will find it breaks down and is eliminated in discreet pieces that look like a biomechanical tapeworm of sorts.


Monica M - Apr 8, 2023

Writing from the Heart Jewel

Vintage, what is this boticide you speak of? I’d really like to know about it & where could one get it if they wanted.


Vintage - Apr 8, 2023

Writing from the Heart Jewel

ANADA 200-390, Approved by FDA.
Paste 1.87% - Anthelmintic and Boticide
Removes worms and **** bots **** with a single dose.
For Oral Use in Horses Only
They certainly do have a sense of humor, don’t they?


Monica M - Apr 9, 2023

Writing from the Heart Jewel

Vintage, thank you. When you said “bots,” I didn’t know if you meant nanobots or something. 😂 But I guess you mean bots as in botflies (I wasn’t familiar)? Well, my family & I took 12mg ivermectin tablets for 7 days a while you think that’s just as good? Thx again. 😊


Julie Stander - Apr 9, 2023

Writing from the Heart Jewel

Ana says Ivermectin doesn't work on these.


alexxxxxxxx - Apr 16, 2023


cannot hurt might as well try


Vintage - Apr 9, 2023

I’m not qualified to give medical advice but I’m sure you did well because you’re here to tell about it. 😊
Yeah the fact that it works to destroy bots and we are dealing with nanobots and parasites, makes this particularly sick of them.


Thomas Guitarman - Apr 10, 2023

Thomas’s Substack

I think Dr Ana may be correct that this agenda is already further along than understood , and the seeming letup is both temporary and perhaps deceiving , this has always been a multi phase plan.


Shane Sweeney - Apr 8, 2023

Shane Sweeney

Maria is no different than Alex Jones.


Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica - Apr 9, 2023

ET's World Occult Circus Substa…

Shane, You will never get through to these people but good that you tried. I have almost quit trying. Yes, Maria Zeeeeeeeee is just another Crypto-Phoenician operative. (The Phoenicians were and still are the ultimate Crypto- Hebrews) Nearly all the so called "alt media" are just these people in very flimsy disguises. Don't anyone bother to call me anti-Semitic because my own ancestry, I have discovered, is chock full of this mess going back centuries and that's how long these people have been at this. Actually now millenia. No one should trust anyone telling you that it doesn't matter if you took the vaccine or other injectibles because somehow THEY got you anyway. These people live to spread fear and it's natural outcome, chaos. Out of chaos will come their dominion, or so THEY believe. Only heightened awareness and logic can overcome their machinations. All that THEY do is now pretty much transparent to me. Not much is getting by me anymore I don't think. I wish more people would wake the F#%K up but chances are they won't. This is what THEY are banking on.


Shane Sweeney - Apr 9, 2023

Shane Sweeney

100% also have seen Dr. Ana on Stew Peters lol. The guy loves the fear porn. if it was truly shedding or shit was in food like they are saying, then you would be seeing Congress, Governors, and Leaders walking around wearing hazmat suits and they are eating it as well. Lol. Look to me it's simple God knows when you're going to die so if I die of shedding or from food having shit then lucky me. Lol. God already knows your blueprint.


Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica - Apr 10, 2023

ET's World Occult Circus Substa…

Shane, Very good and accurate point about these people themselves obviously not being concerned about their own witches brew being contagious. These operatives are now just throwing everything but the kitchen sink out there to cloud the issue and make the real truth harder to see. THEY would never put anything out there that could possibly bounce back on them. All things Stew Peters are really a joke to me now. I can't believe people are still taken in by that bunch of actors. Did you know that Jane Ruby actually ran with a story back in November that not only was there snake venom in the vaxxes but that the vaccinated were starting to grow venom glands themselves? They took that straight out of some bad 50's science fiction movie. They think people will believe anything and largely they are right. Good to talk to someone with some sense. Rare these days.


Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica - Apr 10, 2023

ET's World Occult Circus Substa…

Comment removed.


Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica - Apr 10, 2023

ET's World Occult Circus Substa…

Lynley, If your really ready for the truth to come knocking I recommend a blogger called Miles Mathis. He has his own website and there are about 12 years worth of his and guest writers breaking through to the full truth of this very staged world we now live in. Go to the top menu of his blog page and click on his "best of " section. I recommend starting with his lengthy investigation of the Tate-LaBianca murders and Charles Manson. None of it was ever real. All of it has more holes than a truck load of Baby Swiss Cheese. I warn you that after you have read some of these papers you will never see the world the same way again. He proves the world really is just a stage for these creeps to stage their little dramas. He does lots of this with geneology. These things are always family affairs you see. His papers have actually helped me with lingering questions I had about my own family tree. He actually had already done the work on branches of my own family going way back centuries because they were and are these people.


Lynley Hocking - Apr 10, 2023

Lynley’s Substack

Thankyou. Yes I will look into it. I appreciate your feedback and time. The world is a stage. Yes. I’m more and more aware of this but still a bit to let go of! Take care


Chekstein - Apr 8, 2023


You mean getting it right way before the MSM?


Shane Sweeney - Apr 8, 2023

Shane Sweeney

Lol no, not at all both are part of the MSM. Both are funded by the MSM. But since they are labeled “Conspiracy Theorists” they can tell you more than your normal MSM. There is no difference if you believe Alex Jones has that much money from selling “vitamins” you got a serious problem. Lol


Vintage - Apr 15, 2023

Paper... or plastic?
Coke... or Pepsi?
Ok you have a point, and I see it has validity.
It’s tough to figure out what the truth is, and whim to trust. I’ve learned a lot from listening to people whom I later discarded when they either were bought off, coerced into compromise in order to continue, or maybe just body-doubled, who knows. But I left them behind and moved on. It’s a process of growth but you are on the right path just by daring to think for yourself and asking questions.
Don’t be intimidated by those who are further along, just respectful, always. Give no man reason to accuse you.
Doing your own physical research is a great idea but not always practical still, try to do it to the best of your abilities.
I am hoping to buy a microscope myself and will use this guy’s suggestions. On the other hand, AI is so sophisticated now that it can literally anticipate your questions and generate an entire article, sources, and reply column in seconds, adjusting the comments in real time, and that’s just what’s on the surface we can see if we look for or happen to notice the footprints it leaves behind.
It is true the NWO for lack of a better word is trying to recreate reality and to do that it has to get us to question ours. Try to stay balanced and in your zone.
Go to the source. They fkn TELL YOU what they are doing.
Here’s something to get you started.


Lynley Hocking - Apr 10, 2023

Lynley’s Substack


Mark Thomas - Apr 9, 2023

Shane Sweeney

What are you doing here wasting your time, if that is what you believe? People here have seen way too much to believe you over them.. She is not the only one putting videos out, and proving what is happening out there. I guess you have more experience than her.. Ha..Ha..


Shane Sweeney - Apr 9, 2023

Shane Sweeney

Lil bitch


Shane Sweeney - Apr 9, 2023

Shane Sweeney

Listen kid I can be where the fuck I want to be got it! So shut your mouth. And I don't care what others have to say. So go to bed. Mark.


Mark Thomas - Apr 10, 2023


To my reply, which is stating the obvious, you call me "Lil bitch", tell me to shut my mouth and go to bed? Ha..Ha.. You are giving away your age..
Get your Mommy or Daddy to buy you a Microscope and do some research yourself. This is the one I bought first:
But, this is the one I would recommend that you purchase first. It's my second.
The "Most Popular" for $5450 is plenty good enough.
Start by using brightfield and looking at Pond or ditch water, then move to darkfield and look at your own blood and the others who are vaxxinated and un-vaxxinated around you. Then, you can come back here and confirm what she is saying.
And, when you really get into this, and want to know how to change from the Homo Borg Genesis after the jab (Human GMO), back to your God Given DNA, which would bring you back to a "Homo Sapien", the answer is one of two things. Extended Fasting, and/or, Urotherapy. Because, that is going to be the last question you have... The last question of "How do I unvaxxinate myself"... The Ancient art is called "Shivambu"
You can find some good "Free-Mommy does not have to buy them for you" books here. The top left book by Martha Christy would be good for beginners.
Share this with your Mommy and Daddy too.. They also need to be informed.
BTW.. If you are wondering what Urotherapy or Shivambu is all about, it's drinking your own urine.. Would have been much safer to have been wearing a Tin Foil Hat you could have taken off between all of these "Conspiracy Theories" being proven to be true.. It's easy to take the tin foil hat off and live a normal life.. Much more difficult to get rid of the Jab.. But, good luck, either way you go..
BTW.. Did you ever think that the guy you are talking to, might also be a hacker and know how to zero in on an IP address?
Please check your Computer for Keyboard driver errors. It definitely has a Keyboard Driver Error.. You should be asking questions here, not making statements when you don't have a clue what you are talking about..
But, at least you know how to learn more now and confirm what is being said. Remember. She works in an office around the Jabbed, so, shedding is going to be a real thing. Wish I could upload a screen capture from the John Hopkins University website, which talks about the "Medical Countermeasure", and the "Self Spreading Vaxxine"... But, These two videos should get you some basis to continue.. Stop thinking you are getting the "News" from Fox, CNN, MSNBC, etc.. You won't.. Get Telegram and find some channels to follow, and those that they "Re-Post"...
FAUCI AND BARDA Planned the Whole thing Oct 29, 2019
Fauci, HHS officials discuss using new virus from China to enforce universal vaccines in footage 4.5 Mins.
So, watch those videos if you look at nothing else, because, you will understand how this all started, who is behind it and what is going on all around you.. And, it is being put in the Water, Meats, Veggies and Fruits also. Why?? Because, MAGA wasn't stupid enough to fall for the "Get Jabbed" crap being pushed by Faux-ci and the rest.
I don't care what kind of person you are, no one needs to go through what is going on right now. I watch my blood, and my families weekly for this shit...
Remember... Chemtrails was a Conspiracy at one time.. We didn't know what they were calling it, but, found out later, it was a project called "Geo-Engineering".. So, we took off the Tin Foil Hat, stuck another feather in it, and put it on the shelf until we found another rabbit hole to go down and figure it out... It IS a Military Bio/Chemical Weapon... Welcome to the "Real World"!!


alexxxxxxxx - Jan 16, 2024



alexxxxxxxx - Jan 16, 2024



JC - Jan 16, 2024


Self Spreading vaccine. Pay attention, this is real. How did CSIRO kill the mouse plague in NSW in 2021?
Inoculate one mouse, and it goes back to nest and sheds vaccine for 3 days that kills the whole nest.
How are C19 shots any different? The tech exists, and if it exists, how could TPTB resist using it?


FreedomWarriorWoman - Apr 9, 2023

Un-Hackable Animal's Substack

Well, Maria IS female. She holds her own. Both are amazing truth-telling warriors.
I hope you meant that comment as a compliment!


Et's Cinema PsychoMasonica - Apr 9, 2023

ET's World Occult Circus Substa…

He did not mean it as a compliment. He is aware of who these people really are and trying to wake you out of your slumber.


JayEmm - Apr 15, 2023

Can anyone recommend what is the most cost effective darkfield microscope to carry out food and water contamination tests which can identify these nano structures?
Thinking of setting up a community check to ensure we are not being poisoned with these nano tube structures


Joe - Apr 10, 2023


Is the frequency available? A certain Rife machine has the capability of biofeedback, and can be used to test blood or saliva for pathogenic frequencies. It might be applicable to this. Thanks!


JC - Jan 16, 2024


That's actually quite brilliant.


Crosby Guy - Apr 9, 2023


Graphene Oxide - It's magnetic, and that may serve as a counter measure. It forms circuitry, which if controlled could be a counter measure. Someone planned to have one, find the answer.


JC - Jan 16, 2024


My understating is that it is the GO which activates the electronics on these things. Sensitive to EM, magnetic pulse, 5G, etc., could kick them into gear.


BeachBabe - Apr 8, 2023

Again I ask when will Dr. Ana bring in qualified blood experts/ specialists to analyze the results of this complicated topic?


Theara - Apr 8, 2023

Theara’s Newsletter

RUMBLE DOES NT WORK IN FRANCE .. please put some other channels versions so we can follow your research, thank you.


marlene - Apr 8, 2023

marlene-’s Substack

"Some actions on this are disabled by Twitter" So I can't share on Twitter! Can anyone else?


marlene - Apr 9, 2023

marlene-’s Substack

Comment removed.


marlene - Apr 9, 2023

marlene-’s Substack

Brilliant! Thanks so much, Coop!!


alexxxxxxxx - Apr 16, 2023


the vaxxxed are no longer leagally considered human [ no human rights ] therefore no longer any safety precautions for the vaxxxed childern included ,,, dont have to test vaxxxines for safety just like for animals ... good God help them return to goodness and truth and all of us too


JC - Jan 16, 2024


There is an element (Katherine Watt, Sasha Latypova) that if you accepted the shot, you are now a patentable object - and therefore - an object. It's DOD and legal language that I can't always follow - but basically, anything which is genetically altered is now a "product," and can be patented. This includes humans.


Julie Stander - Apr 9, 2023

Writing from the Heart Jewel

Dr. Ana,
I buy 100% grass fed beef directly from Slankers in Powderly, Texas. The owner is highly conscious of nutrition. Poultry, pork, bison, lamb, and goat are also offered. Would you be willing to order from Slankers and I will gladly send you a check to pay for it.


JC - Jan 16, 2024


If these things are coming from the sky (Morgellon's/chemtrails) it doesn't matter how organic or grass fed your animals are.
Another thing I was reading about "biosolids" (the euphemism for "toxic sludge") and how the spreading of them across the crops of America closely matches the spread of C-19.
Your organic farmers do not have Faraday cages and biodomes around their crops & animals.


Sempre Libere - Apr 9, 2023

Dr. Ana, I am having severe issues with nanobots inside my body. How do I contact you?


Abigail Starke - Apr 9, 2023

Abigail Starke

Where should I take it?


Abigail Starke - Apr 9, 2023

Abigail Starke

We buy meat and take it to a lab to test it?



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