Interview With Jeffrey Prather On Brain Computer Interface, Spiritual and Nano-technological Warfare

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 06, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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4/5/2024 Prather Point: Jeffrey Prather ft. Ana Mihalcea M.D., PHD

In this interesting conversation with Major Prather we discuss recent findings of spider silk, brain computer interface, the spiritual aspect of the nano-technological warfare, microplastics in relation to the C19 bioweapons and remediation possibilities. The Major is remarkably informed about all of these topics of ongoing warfare against humanity. He is aware of my research and I greatly appreciate our conversation.

These are helpful supplementation and detoxification possibilities:

Dr Tennant's Restore Full Nutrition and Detoxification Support

Ultimate Methylene Blue

Metfive EDTA metals detoxification

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Vitor Gabriel - Apr 6

Dr, is EDTA chelation still a solution?
I'm Brazilian 🇧🇷, I'm 19 years old.
Since February I've felt pain in my chest, head, difficulty breathing, Arrhythmia, body spasms and other things.
I'm going after chelation!
I took two doses of Pfizer in 2021, when I was 16 years old.

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Franklin O'Kanu - Apr 6


Once people understand the charades and propaganda that went into pushing the covid narrative, they will truly begin to see how these c19 weapons are really a weapon that individuals are choosing to inject in their body. If people still buy the grand narrative (deadly virus, vaccine needed), they will always fall for the propaganda. We need to really understand, just what is this thing that we call a coronavirus?

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