Interview on Warrior Podcast With Dr. Diane…

Aug 22, 2024

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Warrior Podcast With Dr.


Bodhimom - Aug 22

Good concise interview Dr. Ana. Thank You for all your excellent work!



CLIVE’s Newsletter

hi folks check out and read carefully a petition atcitizengo.orgbreak free from un control reject the international health regulations...its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide on all platforms and alternative outlets yes including gestapo book that said the only way to bypass there censorship gestapo will be to share and tag it because once its been sent it cant be stopped it can be shared and tagged with up to a maximum of 100 people at a time


Thomas Katz - Aug 22

22:55 - This is literally the plot of The Matrix.


Anita Söderman - Aug 22

Anita’s Substack

That is why we know and believe in you, Ana!


Sara Bliss - Aug 23

do have this podcast in another place torumble? rumble is proibetd un Brasil, ditadure


Thomas Katz - Aug 22 - Edited

Does anyone know what the suggested dosing instructions are for oral EDTA? From what I gather it should taken one hour after eating (or one hour before) and with vitamin C. Is this correct?


Emilio Rios - Aug 22

Emilio’s Substack

Well said


Bee Gee - Aug 22

Bee Gee

Nice, I havent watched it yet but Im glad you talked with her.
All we can really do is keep learning and sharing things we learn. I dont think we can save everyone, but I think we can save some people.
At least I keep hoping so.



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