Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 07, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Unrestricted Warfare Ep. 51 | "Nano Weapons of Mass Destruction"
I was invited by James Grundvig to join WHO whistleblower Dr Astrid Stuckelberger and the Artist Thorbjorn Morstad to discuss nanotechnology in the C19 shots.
I urge people to be cautious regarding claims that 5 G cell phones have been de- weaponized and continue to take precautions.
I wanted to let my subscribers know about a special round table that Todd Callender Esq is hosting tomorrow on his show Truth Be Told.
Please click on the image to watch the trailer:
The roundtable includes Tom Homan (Trumps Sec of DHS) with some extraordinarily candid, straight talk - from the individual that President Trump has “hired” to deport all the illegal aliens (in advance). It also includes Lt Col Pete Chambers and other dedicated experts. Please tune in tomorrow for this great conversation!
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Roman S Shapoval - Mar 7
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
When copper is out of balance, so is iron - why EMFs must be reduced so that our copper doesn't get disrupted, as both copper and iron toxicity are linked to neurodegeneration and DNA damage:
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Bee Gee - Mar 7
Bee Gee
Since it seems no one has cleaned their blood permanently, even with IV EDTA, should we assume it is genetically installed and not an infection that can be cleared or cleaned?
Or they are just constantly being reinfected since transfection takes seconds to minutes and the infected are everywhere. One plane ride or public transit or grocery store or restaurant pick up and you have it again.
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