I Just Finished Writing A Book.
It’s Called:
“Vaccines For Dummies”
That’s As Far As I Got.
I Figured I ‘Nailed It With The Title.
My Publisher Agreed.
I Made So Much Money From It That I Am Going To Publish The Sequel For Free:
“Vaccines For Dead People”
Thomas ,did you mean the brain dead ones . One can see them in and out of stores ,when shopping . About 15% of people still wear snot pouches in buildings in stores and while driving alone . It is a sure bet they are filled to the brim with vaxxes also . Waiting by a check out to pay ,one check out over to my side the clerk asked me to come over to his check out ,because he had no line up . He was about 30 years old a big tall man ,with a black mask . I'm always disgusted when I see seemingly intelligent men wearing snot pouches and trying to serve customers . I told him ,no thanks ,I don't want your service ,you better look after your mental problems ,before you do anything else .
BM,have to read it later but there was a comment where this guy had terminal lung cancer and he laid out in the sun all day saying it made him feel better,and he drank a gallon of black tea everyday.Cured his cancer.I learned about Essiac tea from Ty Bollinger's truth about cancer series so bought a half pound bag of Essiac tea in powdered form a couple yrs ago from optimally organic.Decided to drink it recently,been getting plenty ofsun.Itwas so good just got another bag.I would never and have never used sunscreen chemicals,people have been so brainwashed.If the negative aliens and their globalist puppets are successful then there's a huge rude awakening coming.Truth is stranger than fiction,we have diamond sun DNA plus there is no such thing as "junk" DNA, I also think if we can raise our consciousness we can repair and reactivate at least some of that so called DNA,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Diamond_Sun_DNA_Code_Aquaelle_Transmissions
They didn't even care who they Murdered, they just wanted to MURDER as many of us as they could/can. Still pushing the BIOWEAPON 💉💉 murder protocol
they have to keep pushing the injections because they have to keep the narrative going. Eventually and sooner than not the reptiles will come up with a distraction to completely back burner the democide.
0ne of my sisters just died "suddenly" a few weeks ago. She had 3 vaxxes plus a booster. She was in her early 80s & always "ate well & exercised" ...& hung the phone up on me ( more than once) when I warned her about the deadly shots. Suddenly, she had a massive stroke & while in the hospital suffering for two days, they removed her organs she "donated to science". I live in another state but I felt someone "crying in my ear" for two days, not knowing who it was. I was finally notified of her tragic death. I know for sure now it was my sister trying tell me I had told her the truth since the beginning of the COVID hoax. How many families have lost their loved ones in similar, horrid ways? We must take down these murdering psychopaths & charge them with mass genocide & give them what they deserve: a taste of their own medicine: horrid, painful 😖 deaths!!!
Seriously, now they're going to change the definition of "Science" to one of consensual technocratic-corporate collusion and copulation, in order to people this realm with: agreeable morons who cede their bodily, intellectual, and spiritual autonomy; grant-greedy STEM institutions; globalist, genocidal COINTEL agents of change; and, psychopathic liars and sadists who bow to Ba'al and Molech and want the remainders of humanity to sacrifice themselves on profane altars?
Whereas, healthy skepticism and debate over theories and accepted facts in biological and physical fields of study, formerly known as "Science," henceforth will be known as conspiracy theory and as vaccine denialism and be punishable by media ghosting, prison, or sudden death of another kind?
They might come to regret the real ghosting and haunting they'll endure upon all of the sudden deaths they've caused, as well as their declaring for the darkness, alchemy, and atrocity which will offer them no respite. They don't tell us they know that Physics and Metaphysics are not separate. They're just on the wrong side and must deceive us, as well as themselves.
Oh, wow....WTF? I was wondering where these folks went. Surely this has messed up some relationships.
Prominent conspiracy theorists are going to court over the rights to the anti-COVID-vax film ‘Died Suddenly’
Thomas Lewis - Aug 28
Useless Liberal
I Just Finished Writing A Book.
It’s Called:
“Vaccines For Dummies”
That’s As Far As I Got.
I Figured I ‘Nailed It With The Title.
My Publisher Agreed.
I Made So Much Money From It That I Am Going To Publish The Sequel For Free:
“Vaccines For Dead People”
joe stuerzl 85 - Aug 29
joe’s Substack
Thomas ,did you mean the brain dead ones . One can see them in and out of stores ,when shopping . About 15% of people still wear snot pouches in buildings in stores and while driving alone . It is a sure bet they are filled to the brim with vaxxes also . Waiting by a check out to pay ,one check out over to my side the clerk asked me to come over to his check out ,because he had no line up . He was about 30 years old a big tall man ,with a black mask . I'm always disgusted when I see seemingly intelligent men wearing snot pouches and trying to serve customers . I told him ,no thanks ,I don't want your service ,you better look after your mental problems ,before you do anything else .
Roman S Shapoval - Aug 28
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Melanin is our body's way of detoxing metals via light. The Sun is the only vaccine we'll ever need:
Smacko9 - Aug 28
"All For The Love Of Sunshine"
John Vargo - Aug 29
John Vargo
BM,have to read it later but there was a comment where this guy had terminal lung cancer and he laid out in the sun all day saying it made him feel better,and he drank a gallon of black tea everyday.Cured his cancer.I learned about Essiac tea from Ty Bollinger's truth about cancer series so bought a half pound bag of Essiac tea in powdered form a couple yrs ago from optimally organic.Decided to drink it recently,been getting plenty ofsun.Itwas so good just got another bag.I would never and have never used sunscreen chemicals,people have been so brainwashed.If the negative aliens and their globalist puppets are successful then there's a huge rude awakening coming.Truth is stranger than fiction,we have diamond sun DNA plus there is no such thing as "junk" DNA, I also think if we can raise our consciousness we can repair and reactivate at least some of that so called DNA,https://ascensionglossary.com/index.php/Diamond_Sun_DNA_Code_Aquaelle_Transmissions
Stephan - Aug 28 - Edited
They didn't even care who they Murdered, they just wanted to MURDER as many of us as they could/can. Still pushing the BIOWEAPON 💉💉 murder protocol
Miss Parker - Aug 28 - Edited
Miss’s Substack
They don't care, never cared, and will not care.
There is more of a dividing line than continuum of compassion.
Stephan - Aug 28
Evil villains of satan's family
wilson - Aug 28
they have to keep pushing the injections because they have to keep the narrative going. Eventually and sooner than not the reptiles will come up with a distraction to completely back burner the democide.
Saint Nick - Aug 28
This Trailer for Died Suddenly 2, is not accessable from the site above. It shows "Page not found"
Anna FN - Aug 31
0ne of my sisters just died "suddenly" a few weeks ago. She had 3 vaxxes plus a booster. She was in her early 80s & always "ate well & exercised" ...& hung the phone up on me ( more than once) when I warned her about the deadly shots. Suddenly, she had a massive stroke & while in the hospital suffering for two days, they removed her organs she "donated to science". I live in another state but I felt someone "crying in my ear" for two days, not knowing who it was. I was finally notified of her tragic death. I know for sure now it was my sister trying tell me I had told her the truth since the beginning of the COVID hoax. How many families have lost their loved ones in similar, horrid ways? We must take down these murdering psychopaths & charge them with mass genocide & give them what they deserve: a taste of their own medicine: horrid, painful 😖 deaths!!!
Tara Threesix9 - Aug 28
Tara Threesix9
The link to the trailer for died suddenly nanosapiens isn't working and I couldn't find it anywhere online either.
Nick - Aug 29
TexBritta - Aug 29
Me too.
Bill Gerard - Aug 28
Miss Parker - Aug 28
Miss’s Substack
Seriously, now they're going to change the definition of "Science" to one of consensual technocratic-corporate collusion and copulation, in order to people this realm with: agreeable morons who cede their bodily, intellectual, and spiritual autonomy; grant-greedy STEM institutions; globalist, genocidal COINTEL agents of change; and, psychopathic liars and sadists who bow to Ba'al and Molech and want the remainders of humanity to sacrifice themselves on profane altars?
Whereas, healthy skepticism and debate over theories and accepted facts in biological and physical fields of study, formerly known as "Science," henceforth will be known as conspiracy theory and as vaccine denialism and be punishable by media ghosting, prison, or sudden death of another kind?
They might come to regret the real ghosting and haunting they'll endure upon all of the sudden deaths they've caused, as well as their declaring for the darkness, alchemy, and atrocity which will offer them no respite. They don't tell us they know that Physics and Metaphysics are not separate. They're just on the wrong side and must deceive us, as well as themselves.
Nostradamus - Aug 28
Follow the Science™ and Ignore Wisdom.
Daniel Parks - Aug 28
Daniel Parks
Sad for many, been there, done that, have had a wonderful life and dying suddenly now actually has an irresistible appeal if I had my preferences...
Emilio Rios - Aug 28
Emilio’s Substack
Mike Hoehn - Aug 28
Mike Hoehn
Thank you
Bill Gerard - Sep 4 - Edited
Oh, wow....WTF? I was wondering where these folks went. Surely this has messed up some relationships.
Prominent conspiracy theorists are going to court over the rights to the anti-COVID-vax film ‘Died Suddenly’
Bill Gerard - Sep 3
Dr. Anna... Did you see this paper?
I think she is compromised.:https://open.substack.com/pub/medicinegirl/p/the-great-deception-functional-medicines?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=1n75h1
Robert Sun - Sep 2
Robert Sun
John Kunnari - Sep 1
John Kunnari
404 Error... Video not found
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