It's not too late! Hangin's too good for 'em. Amazing, how the spawn of a German spy, who was involved in the murder of Tesla, could head the criminal CIA, and two of them have been presidents. Check out "The Bush Connection". Mainstream media is complicit, but we the people have contributed to our destruction in so many ways. The Secret Covenant is a blueprint for today's world.
Prescott Bush, his father was the main financier of Hitler.
In 1980 the cabal's candidate for president was George Bush and when Reagan defeated him, he was imposed as VP by the Deep State. Then a 'lone fool' decided to assassinate Reagan in 1981...
Does that sound familiar? a 'lone fool' goes after JFK, a 'lone fool' goes after MLK, a 'lone fool' goes after RFK, a 'lone fool' goes after Malcom X, a 'lone fool' goes after Abe (former Japanese PM), a 'lone fool' goes after Fico (Slovak PM), etc.....
The Khazarian Mafia really takes us for fools.....
"We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air. They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn. "....
They unleashed the above protocol in 2020. The US life expectancy dropped to 76 by 2021 and the blind didn't realize it!!
"The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far. We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons. " ....
They enlisted many musicians in 2021 to push their "Safe & Effective" bio-weapons and many of them are now either dead or disabled.
Here is the original document Author and Date.
Protocols of the Elders of Zion by Victor Marsden Read Aloud 1905
Roland Bernard claims that the document is exactly correct and everyone needs to read it in order to understand what is planned for all the Goyem.
Mainstream media all claim that this is a work of fiction.
I agree with Henry Ford who says that after 16 years there is a lot of truth that can be seen. (1921)
100 years later there is even more truth to be seen. The forecasting is better than Nostradamus.
Just wow. These pompous, ignorant sobs. Are sol. A Massive amount of us are on to their crap now. We will now be the windshield and THEY the bug. God is Great.
if the protocols were true and I was one of the group that wrote the protocols I would want it discredited too. Years ago I remember reading that the protocols was a forgery written by the czarist secret police around 1900. The fact that the protocols from then until now appear to be completely true by the actions of a certain group leads one to think they are true.
God told us it's a lie. It's a lie because it's in opposition to God's plan.
Lies capture people with no foundation everyday.
God gave us a way to spiritually rise above these lies. Jesus Christ.
Once you give your life to Him and follow Him nothing can touch you.
Yes there is a God but its not the bloodthirsty vengeful Yahweh that the Jews worship. Yahweh is an imposter who was introduced by the Jews to trick their Gentile enemies into worshiping them as a special race appointed by divine providence. However, we can see from what they are currently doing in Gaza - and from their bloody history in Russia, Ukraine etc... - not to mention the Old Testament - that this is a total misrepresentation. The historical timeline of the Jews is nothing more than a litany of lies, one after the other, down through the centuries, and Yahweh being a loving God who will save the Christians is the biggest lie of them all.
The Judeo-Christian messianic timeline - same as the Freemasonic messianic timeline. Without Christianity and Islam, Judaism would die a quick death. Why the Jews need the other Abrahamic religions to bring in their New World Order. This is a hard hitting article, though I'm not a fan of the title...
We are told in the KJV Bible that Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad are all the biological descendants of the prophet Abraham, who was supposedly Jewish - and the prophet Muhammad was a descendant of Ishmael the eldest son of Abraham. So our major religions all came from Jews.
What kind Of Jew Do You Worship?
Killings for Christianity. How the Jews tricked the gentiles into killing their enemies for them - and each other (Catholics vs Protestants etc)..
Christopher Columbus - Introducing Judeo-Christianity into the New World...
The truth about the world wars. How the Jews arranged the deaths of over 100 million people during the last 2 centuries. This is the same tribe the published the Bible...
Jews create communism in China. 35 million dead in Jew manufactured famines. How the Jews infiltrated and trained the warlords in China and installed Mao...
Transatlantic Slave Trade. Guess who?
The Great Red Dragon - the history of the Jews - LONG BEFORE Zionism was a thing...
COVID 'vaccines' manufactured by Jews... Thank the jews for the COVID Vaccines!
The Jews Behind The Killer Covid Vaccines...
All leading edge transhumanist scientists Geordie Rose, Ray Kurxweil, Ben Geortzl etc... ALL JEWISH.
Who owns the media that promoted the vaccines and coved up the entire scamdemic. Jews...
Who owns the banking system that is transitioning to bio-cyber nanotech blockchain ledgers - with every human a read & write bio-digital node in the system? Jews... BIBI BACCHUS - UCC Contract Law Expert...
Intentions are not truth. They are merely intentions. People write lies all the time. Just because someone has an intention and writes it down does not make it the truth. A lie is a lie regardless of whether it's spoken, written or tattooed on someone's chest. It's an untruth. A lie.
God's plan is the truth and anything that doesn't follow His plan is a lie.
It's simple.
I understand Genesis 6. That's what I have to say about it.
Living in the Old Testament is living in the past.
Being insulting is bullying. Which is cowardice.
Sounds as if you don't understand it at all. My comment was not insulting it is accurate. It is silly. If you say it is in opposition to GOD's plan then how do you explain Genesis 6 which was completely in opposition to GOD's plan and continued unhindered for hundreds of years at the hands of the Nephilim until (Genesis 6-11)> Now the earth was corrupt in GOD's sight and filled with violence. And GOD saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for ALL flesh had corrupted their way on earth. (and so it was in the days of noah) (except Noah who was righteous and blameless in his generation)
It cannot be both ways.
These are a poor and pathetic imitation of the power of God. They will reap their rewards. And if there is any semblance of truth to this, when Jesus comes again, the jewish people are going to be stunned and ashamed for having crucified Him. Hold fast to the iron rod of His word. His sword of truth with cut them down, and their works shall be known by all. It's all there in Daniel and Revelations.
I am a nurse of 24 years. Pretty scary stuff. Miralax is polyethylene glycol. PEG is in tons of stuff, including cola e, sennakot, ibuprofen and tons of bath and body stuff.
Yes,this sums up all that I have discovered,I am a pensioner,it has taken a long time to work it all out!
What do we do now guy's and it is too late? Thank you Ana.
It's never too late. God is in control. Give your life to Jesus and nourish your relationship through reading and studying His word every day. If you do this, He will make right your path as to what comes next. Become one of the anointed followers who are standing on God's written word, as well as His prophetic words of today.
This is Secret Combinations. It’s been created by Satan since the beginning of time. Evil men conspire together and make blood oaths to each other and Lucifer to do wickedness and overthrow governments for power, and never reveal each other to the world upon consequence of death.
When I read this just now it sounded just like Satan’s playbook for his Secret Combinations. He authored this.
The Secret Covenant audio version was posted on the internet in 2018 as the demons have to make their plans public to receive our consent before they can carry out their plans. I transcribed it back then and have sent out to various media since ... and most recently in my substack in 2023 presenting the history of Pharma - it's helpful to listen to the audio while reading the transcript to get the full impact of what we are up against. The last 2 paragraphs present the only way out of this demonic plan - is to be aware of the truth and "Do Not Consent"!
In addition in 1889, Dr Alfred R Wallace proved vaccines to be useless and dangerous after 45 years of study...
It's ALL propaganda to deceive, divide and conquer hue-Mankind!
That demonic diatribe of loathing, deceit, and hatred is very similar to what is expressed in the infamous Protocols of Zion. International Jewry, descendants of Cain, and practitioners of Kabbalah, consider themselves children of the dragon, blue bloods, the very same 'controlling elites' berated by Jesus Christ as 'sons of vipers' . . !
Yes ~ they will have nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide.
Their downfall approaches quickly.
Their lot is divine judgment, and ETERNITY in FIRE that NEVER EXTINGUISHES . . !
Halleluiah for that, and Amen.
I laugh at them! They think that they are greater than Almighty God? He is coming and He will bring them all down to NOTHING. God's army is marching now, both hosts and anointed men and women! We will see the end of them. We will witness their fall, and we will win! God wins! Good always defeats evil! Never give up, but push through! Resist their attempts to dominate. Pray for discernment, and you will be shown the truth.
I wish I had confidence people will wake up in sufficient numbers to stop this in time before full ecosystem collapse but I don't. I think C19 was the test ground to see how far the Frankists could advance the agenda before the public would push back and the experiment has proved that no matter what evil is inflicted on them, they remain willfully blind or ignorant beyond belief. It's the height of summer and I've not seen a bee or butterfly since early spring throughthe chemtrailing. If the alarm bells are not ringing now, they never will. My advice would be to start thinking about your food supply for the next 10-20 years and beyond because the soils are now toxic. I've noticed this year especially how difficult growing basic vegetables has become due to the poor soils and lack of sun. This will only get worse so my advice would be to look into setting up indoor hydroponics with grow lights. Sorry for the negativity but anyone who think we're "winning" is deluded. Speak to your average person about what's really going on and you can see the programming in their eyes kicking in to default cognitive dissonance and rejection of basic facts. They have really done a number on us. The only solution is a splitting apart of the human race where those with "eyes to see and ears to hear" form alternative communities and reject the 5 /6g prison grid. Being around normies when the SHTF could be fatal.
Niall, good post.
I've been watching our "canaries" in our local area (coalmine) to see what is dying off and so far haven't noticed anything drastic. (Kinda gives me an idea of how much time we have!!)
By that I mean the birds, lizards, tree frogs, bees, butterflies, etc. and the annual termite night after the first intense rain in early Spring. Some say they're ants, others termites. But they fly out after dark and crawl under doors, screens, etc. and wander around and tend to die off. Their population has been down for several years.
Bees are doing ok but I think there are less of them than 10 yrs. back. Birds and the rest are holding but we did go through an intense drought earlier this year so that could be a factor.
Indoor grow operations are great but not when local electric power is erratic. We have voltage
issues (not consistent 115V.) and not enough solar to power a setup. I'm growing things under cover but using rain collection to irrigate so it's the best I can do. Root vegetables are the best option acc. to Tony P. so that is one focus.
And we're being sprayed here in the central Caribbean too.
I think the main thing is to have several options available. I can telll you here in ireland the sun has been blocked out completely for June/ July so thew only crops that have worked for me this year are peas and carrots. My fruit trees did not flower this year. Last year was bad, this year is worse so I expect that trend to continue as they programme the multitude to believe this is normal summer weather.
There is a blanket mass of cloud covering the entire country most of the time. I'm quite sure they are tageting the downfall of Western Europe first as Christendum needs to be take out in order to proceed with world domination. I was in Spain for 8 weeks in early spring and its nowhere near as bad so we're considering moving. I have young children so need to put them first.
Regarding the power supply, I totally agree you need to think about alternatives. I have 2 back up petrol generators, 2 solar generators and a few car batteries with some power inverters. Each can power lights plus charge up other devices on rotation in effect providing free energy if required. Wouldn't be able to run a freezer but basic electrical needs, yes.
Nostradamus X - Jul 11 - Edited
Nostradamus X
“If the people were to ever find out what we have done, we would be chased down the streets and lynched.”
— George H. W. Bush, 1992 (Skull and Bones)
Thaddeus Robinson - Jul 12 - Edited
Thaddeus Robinson
It's not too late! Hangin's too good for 'em. Amazing, how the spawn of a German spy, who was involved in the murder of Tesla, could head the criminal CIA, and two of them have been presidents. Check out "The Bush Connection". Mainstream media is complicit, but we the people have contributed to our destruction in so many ways. The Secret Covenant is a blueprint for today's world.
Nostradamus X - Jul 12 - Edited
Nostradamus X
Prescott Bush, his father was the main financier of Hitler.
In 1980 the cabal's candidate for president was George Bush and when Reagan defeated him, he was imposed as VP by the Deep State. Then a 'lone fool' decided to assassinate Reagan in 1981...
Does that sound familiar? a 'lone fool' goes after JFK, a 'lone fool' goes after MLK, a 'lone fool' goes after RFK, a 'lone fool' goes after Malcom X, a 'lone fool' goes after Abe (former Japanese PM), a 'lone fool' goes after Fico (Slovak PM), etc.....
The Khazarian Mafia really takes us for fools.....
Thaddeus Robinson - Jul 12 - Edited
Thaddeus Robinson
They can take us any way they want to, they're ln control of EVERYTHING!
Nostradamus X - Jul 12 - Edited
Nostradamus X
"We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air. They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn. "....
They unleashed the above protocol in 2020. The US life expectancy dropped to 76 by 2021 and the blind didn't realize it!!
Nostradamus X - Jul 12 - Edited
Nostradamus X
"The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far. We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons. " ....
They enlisted many musicians in 2021 to push their "Safe & Effective" bio-weapons and many of them are now either dead or disabled.
Reply (1) - Jul 12
crapshoot farmer
Comment removed.
crapshoot farmer - Jul 12
crapshoot farmer
Reply (1) - Jul 11
crapshoot farmer
Comment removed.
crapshoot farmer - Jul 11
crapshoot farmer
Do not click on link
DAVY Udal - Jul 11 - Edited
DAVY’s Substack
Here is the original document Author and Date.
Protocols of the Elders of Zion by Victor Marsden Read Aloud 1905
Roland Bernard claims that the document is exactly correct and everyone needs to read it in order to understand what is planned for all the Goyem.
Mainstream media all claim that this is a work of fiction.
I agree with Henry Ford who says that after 16 years there is a lot of truth that can be seen. (1921)
100 years later there is even more truth to be seen. The forecasting is better than Nostradamus.
Susan Hojdik - Jul 11
Susan Hojdik
Just wow. These pompous, ignorant sobs. Are sol. A Massive amount of us are on to their crap now. We will now be the windshield and THEY the bug. God is Great.
wilson - Jul 12
if the protocols were true and I was one of the group that wrote the protocols I would want it discredited too. Years ago I remember reading that the protocols was a forgery written by the czarist secret police around 1900. The fact that the protocols from then until now appear to be completely true by the actions of a certain group leads one to think they are true.
JulesUSA - Jul 13
This guy sure is trying to discredit it, Lol.
Athena - Jul 11
Yes, it was and it still is spot on. Hence reading it was verboten in the Soviet Union (guess why!) and punishable with prison, if I am not mistaken.
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 11 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
It doesn't matter if it's a work of fiction or not. It's a LIE. Don't buy it and don't fear it.
crapshoot farmer - Jul 11 - Edited
crapshoot farmer
How do you know it's a lie?
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 11 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
God told us it's a lie. It's a lie because it's in opposition to God's plan.
Lies capture people with no foundation everyday.
God gave us a way to spiritually rise above these lies. Jesus Christ.
Once you give your life to Him and follow Him nothing can touch you.
psychoNWO - Jul 17
The Jewish God is a psychopath...
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 17
Pirate Eyes
My guess is it's you who are the psychopath.
God is God. He belongs to no one. He cannot be anything other than God.
psychoNWO - Jul 17
Yes there is a God but its not the bloodthirsty vengeful Yahweh that the Jews worship. Yahweh is an imposter who was introduced by the Jews to trick their Gentile enemies into worshiping them as a special race appointed by divine providence. However, we can see from what they are currently doing in Gaza - and from their bloody history in Russia, Ukraine etc... - not to mention the Old Testament - that this is a total misrepresentation. The historical timeline of the Jews is nothing more than a litany of lies, one after the other, down through the centuries, and Yahweh being a loving God who will save the Christians is the biggest lie of them all.
The Judeo-Christian messianic timeline - same as the Freemasonic messianic timeline. Without Christianity and Islam, Judaism would die a quick death. Why the Jews need the other Abrahamic religions to bring in their New World Order. This is a hard hitting article, though I'm not a fan of the title...
We are told in the KJV Bible that Moses, David, Jesus and Muhammad are all the biological descendants of the prophet Abraham, who was supposedly Jewish - and the prophet Muhammad was a descendant of Ishmael the eldest son of Abraham. So our major religions all came from Jews.
What kind Of Jew Do You Worship?
Killings for Christianity. How the Jews tricked the gentiles into killing their enemies for them - and each other (Catholics vs Protestants etc)..
Christopher Columbus - Introducing Judeo-Christianity into the New World...
The truth about the world wars. How the Jews arranged the deaths of over 100 million people during the last 2 centuries. This is the same tribe the published the Bible...
Jews create communism in China. 35 million dead in Jew manufactured famines. How the Jews infiltrated and trained the warlords in China and installed Mao...
Transatlantic Slave Trade. Guess who?
The Great Red Dragon - the history of the Jews - LONG BEFORE Zionism was a thing...
COVID 'vaccines' manufactured by Jews... Thank the jews for the COVID Vaccines!
The Jews Behind The Killer Covid Vaccines...
All leading edge transhumanist scientists Geordie Rose, Ray Kurxweil, Ben Geortzl etc... ALL JEWISH.
Who owns the media that promoted the vaccines and coved up the entire scamdemic. Jews...
Who owns the banking system that is transitioning to bio-cyber nanotech blockchain ledgers - with every human a read & write bio-digital node in the system? Jews... BIBI BACCHUS - UCC Contract Law Expert...
JulesUSA - Jul 13 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
Just because it's "in opposition to God's plan" doesn't mean it's a lie. It's most likely what they wrote and definitely their intentions.
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 17 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
Intentions are not truth. They are merely intentions. People write lies all the time. Just because someone has an intention and writes it down does not make it the truth. A lie is a lie regardless of whether it's spoken, written or tattooed on someone's chest. It's an untruth. A lie.
God's plan is the truth and anything that doesn't follow His plan is a lie.
It's simple.
David Sharp - Jul 17 - Edited
Pirate Eyes
What silliness. What do you have to say about Genesis 6 then?
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 17
Pirate Eyes
I understand Genesis 6. That's what I have to say about it.
Living in the Old Testament is living in the past.
Being insulting is bullying. Which is cowardice.
David Sharp - Jul 17
Sounds as if you don't understand it at all. My comment was not insulting it is accurate. It is silly. If you say it is in opposition to GOD's plan then how do you explain Genesis 6 which was completely in opposition to GOD's plan and continued unhindered for hundreds of years at the hands of the Nephilim until (Genesis 6-11)> Now the earth was corrupt in GOD's sight and filled with violence. And GOD saw the earth, and behold, it was corrupt, for ALL flesh had corrupted their way on earth. (and so it was in the days of noah) (except Noah who was righteous and blameless in his generation)
It cannot be both ways.
psychoNWO - Jul 17
You are Amalek...
Charlene Jones - Jul 11
DAVY’s Substack
Do you know if there is a written transcript of this available? It's really hard to follow the computerized voice, at least it is for me.
DAVY Udal - Jul 12
DAVY’s Substack
Charlene Jones - Jul 12
Thank you.
Karen Kingston - Jul 11
The Kingston Report
Thank you Ana! You are a warrior protecting humanity! Much love and respect. 🙏❤️🔥
Rosalind McGill - Jul 11
Rosalind McGill
So nice to see your comment here. I’m thankful for those working together, that spirit of cooperation and respect, refreshing!
Justin - Jul 11
These are a poor and pathetic imitation of the power of God. They will reap their rewards. And if there is any semblance of truth to this, when Jesus comes again, the jewish people are going to be stunned and ashamed for having crucified Him. Hold fast to the iron rod of His word. His sword of truth with cut them down, and their works shall be known by all. It's all there in Daniel and Revelations.
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 11
Pirate Eyes
There is only one path to God regardless of your "bloodline". Jesus Christ.
Caroline Buck - Jul 11
Caroline Buck
Love this,thank you.
TruthGleaner - Jul 11
Pilot Testifies Bill Gates Spraying ‘AIR VAX’ mRNA On Humanity Via Chemtrails:
JulesUSA - Jul 13
Thank you
Amy - Jul 12
I am a nurse of 24 years. Pretty scary stuff. Miralax is polyethylene glycol. PEG is in tons of stuff, including cola e, sennakot, ibuprofen and tons of bath and body stuff.
Amy - Jul 12
Caroline Buck - Jul 11
Caroline Buck
Yes,this sums up all that I have discovered,I am a pensioner,it has taken a long time to work it all out!
What do we do now guy's and it is too late? Thank you Ana.
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 11
Pirate Eyes
Give your life to Jesus and don't look back. It's that simple.
Caroline Buck - Jul 11
Caroline Buck
Yes Pirate,it is all contained in the bible,the fallen one's and also what is to come in Revelation's.Thank you.
Charlene Jones - Jul 11
It's never too late. God is in control. Give your life to Jesus and nourish your relationship through reading and studying His word every day. If you do this, He will make right your path as to what comes next. Become one of the anointed followers who are standing on God's written word, as well as His prophetic words of today.
Rosalind McGill - Jul 11
Rosalind McGill
Excited to hear you on Sgt ! God bless you for fighting for our humanity.
Shannon Bradshaw - Jul 11
Shannon Bradshaw
This is Secret Combinations. It’s been created by Satan since the beginning of time. Evil men conspire together and make blood oaths to each other and Lucifer to do wickedness and overthrow governments for power, and never reveal each other to the world upon consequence of death.
When I read this just now it sounded just like Satan’s playbook for his Secret Combinations. He authored this.
Amy - Jul 12
I believe I’ll be retiring from nursing any day now. I can’t go work and poison people. I’m done.
S Terry - Jul 11 - Edited
Sterry’s Substack
The Secret Covenant audio version was posted on the internet in 2018 as the demons have to make their plans public to receive our consent before they can carry out their plans. I transcribed it back then and have sent out to various media since ... and most recently in my substack in 2023 presenting the history of Pharma - it's helpful to listen to the audio while reading the transcript to get the full impact of what we are up against. The last 2 paragraphs present the only way out of this demonic plan - is to be aware of the truth and "Do Not Consent"!
In addition in 1889, Dr Alfred R Wallace proved vaccines to be useless and dangerous after 45 years of study...
It's ALL propaganda to deceive, divide and conquer hue-Mankind!
JulesUSA - Jul 13
Thank you
Stephane Roy - Jul 11
Stephane Roy
That demonic diatribe of loathing, deceit, and hatred is very similar to what is expressed in the infamous Protocols of Zion. International Jewry, descendants of Cain, and practitioners of Kabbalah, consider themselves children of the dragon, blue bloods, the very same 'controlling elites' berated by Jesus Christ as 'sons of vipers' . . !
Yes ~ they will have nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide.
Their downfall approaches quickly.
Their lot is divine judgment, and ETERNITY in FIRE that NEVER EXTINGUISHES . . !
Halleluiah for that, and Amen.
xcuzme2 - Jul 11
Pirate Eyes
and "they" protect themselves how. They breath air, drink water, eat food at the same restaurants and on an on I could go.
Pirate Studebaker - Jul 11
Pirate Eyes
They don't protect themselves. They believe they are becoming their own gods. It's insane.
Rosalind McGill - Jul 11
Rosalind McGill
Rosalind McGill - Jul 11
Rosalind McGill
Rumble link
Charlene Jones - Jul 11
I laugh at them! They think that they are greater than Almighty God? He is coming and He will bring them all down to NOTHING. God's army is marching now, both hosts and anointed men and women! We will see the end of them. We will witness their fall, and we will win! God wins! Good always defeats evil! Never give up, but push through! Resist their attempts to dominate. Pray for discernment, and you will be shown the truth.
Niall G - Jul 11
crapshoot farmer
I wish I had confidence people will wake up in sufficient numbers to stop this in time before full ecosystem collapse but I don't. I think C19 was the test ground to see how far the Frankists could advance the agenda before the public would push back and the experiment has proved that no matter what evil is inflicted on them, they remain willfully blind or ignorant beyond belief. It's the height of summer and I've not seen a bee or butterfly since early spring throughthe chemtrailing. If the alarm bells are not ringing now, they never will. My advice would be to start thinking about your food supply for the next 10-20 years and beyond because the soils are now toxic. I've noticed this year especially how difficult growing basic vegetables has become due to the poor soils and lack of sun. This will only get worse so my advice would be to look into setting up indoor hydroponics with grow lights. Sorry for the negativity but anyone who think we're "winning" is deluded. Speak to your average person about what's really going on and you can see the programming in their eyes kicking in to default cognitive dissonance and rejection of basic facts. They have really done a number on us. The only solution is a splitting apart of the human race where those with "eyes to see and ears to hear" form alternative communities and reject the 5 /6g prison grid. Being around normies when the SHTF could be fatal.
crapshoot farmer - Jul 11
crapshoot farmer
Niall, good post.
I've been watching our "canaries" in our local area (coalmine) to see what is dying off and so far haven't noticed anything drastic. (Kinda gives me an idea of how much time we have!!)
By that I mean the birds, lizards, tree frogs, bees, butterflies, etc. and the annual termite night after the first intense rain in early Spring. Some say they're ants, others termites. But they fly out after dark and crawl under doors, screens, etc. and wander around and tend to die off. Their population has been down for several years.
Bees are doing ok but I think there are less of them than 10 yrs. back. Birds and the rest are holding but we did go through an intense drought earlier this year so that could be a factor.
Indoor grow operations are great but not when local electric power is erratic. We have voltage
issues (not consistent 115V.) and not enough solar to power a setup. I'm growing things under cover but using rain collection to irrigate so it's the best I can do. Root vegetables are the best option acc. to Tony P. so that is one focus.
And we're being sprayed here in the central Caribbean too.
Niall G - Jul 12
I think the main thing is to have several options available. I can telll you here in ireland the sun has been blocked out completely for June/ July so thew only crops that have worked for me this year are peas and carrots. My fruit trees did not flower this year. Last year was bad, this year is worse so I expect that trend to continue as they programme the multitude to believe this is normal summer weather.
There is a blanket mass of cloud covering the entire country most of the time. I'm quite sure they are tageting the downfall of Western Europe first as Christendum needs to be take out in order to proceed with world domination. I was in Spain for 8 weeks in early spring and its nowhere near as bad so we're considering moving. I have young children so need to put them first.
Regarding the power supply, I totally agree you need to think about alternatives. I have 2 back up petrol generators, 2 solar generators and a few car batteries with some power inverters. Each can power lights plus charge up other devices on rotation in effect providing free energy if required. Wouldn't be able to run a freezer but basic electrical needs, yes.
JulesUSA - Jul 13
Please see Vinegar Blue Skies, on YT and I think it's on substck. Also see Chemtrails Cleared.
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