It's never over. Nicole Shanahan (ex-wife of Sergey Brin) is a prime example of how hearts and minds can be moved in our favor. Her autistic son was the trigger for her to see the truth.
Another AI system called “Where’s Daddy?” ■ will track such targets by surveillance systems, including mobile phones, “and when [the phone] arrives at the location that’s been determined to be your residence, then there will be a ping to the guy who can target your house and bring it down,” Van Esveld explained.
Good to see someone's able to 'connect the dots.' MonsterCorp's killing machine is not fueled not just by the stolen taxpayer money which westerlings' 'donate' to the cause of their own destruction... via 'injection' of experimental gene tech...chemtrailed rain of death/disease etc.,
it runs on the suppressed guilt/complicity of those same westerlings in the genociding of actual "Semite" populations by MC's military arm in the muddled east. The new motor of the faux economy which the west runs on since the planned demolition of the economy of real production. Gulit/suppressed awareness of the cost of complicity in the crimes of cabbalist-talmudic terror.
You might 'chelate' that poisonous guilt/complicity out of yourself a hundred times over... but the same poisonous harvest will be brought back again and again. Graphene has invaded every 'pore' of that new faux economy, and it's use in every phase of agriculture now means that it's consumption is unavoidable if you live in the benighted wester world.
Best to not fool oneself into thinking that there's an escape from this terror which envelops a dying western world more completely every day now.
Personally I really respect Patrick Woods. He has been tracking, studying and reporting on technocracy for decades. In the last few years I have seen many of interviews on
worldviewtube.comand they are always informative.
Thanks for sharing this interview.
Thoughts are energy which is not dissipated but rather it effects changes, albeit with subtlety. Therefore, use and focus that energy towards the desired outcomes you wish to see. Take brief 2-3 daily 10-15 minute sessions in a calm relaxed environment, seated or lying down, and without emotion, visualize the changes you wish to materialize. Believe in yourself and your ability to bring about these changes. They are part of the abilities some seek to remove from humans, as they do not possess them.
Very good interview, Dr. Sansone and Dr. Ana!!! I am so happy for both of you. You both have done an amazing job. Listening to you really gives me hope and incentive to do what I can to help others as well to see this for what it is.
I believe that God really has used both of you in a spectacular way to bring this information to light.
A Covid-19 Bio-weapon Cure?
[10/12/2024 5:21 AM]
Just took my first dose 1800 MG EDTA with 3000 Vitamin C with Rose Hips. Took with 3 - 12 oz of water. Both of these things work very fast in the body. The EDTA that is not destroyed in the stomach immediately binds with heavy metals and is eliminated from the body. I have not found any coated EDTA yet, have found suppository applications witch are coated for different reasons then to keep the stomach acid from degrading the usable dosage. The most effective means of dosage is intravenously.
[10/12/2024 5:24 AM]
I will take my vitamin E, charcoal and multivitamin a little later. The water works its way through my system with in a few hours. I am still in my over night fast mode.
[10/12/2024 5:30 AM]
What I am doing is a two month test of this dosage with the one bottle of EDTA I got from Piping Rock and one bottle of Nature's Way Vitamin C with Rose Hips. Will need get one more bottle of those to match up with the EDTA.
[10/12/2024 5:41 AM]
So why do this dosage and why EDTA? Good question. Looking at Bill Gate's patent on his Covid-19 self replicating injection; he lists EDTA as the counter agent. In that injection you have graphine and nano self replicating nanobots. Even if you have not had the injection of Covid-19 bio-weapon it can and does shed onto those close to you. Any way Bill Gate's to keep his karma free of bad ju-ju must tell us peasants why his bio-weapon meant to KILL and enslave us has this get out of jail free card.
[10/12/2024 5:51 AM]
Will it work? Hard to say; but this is a very nasty plan the world elite have come up with and a delivery system that is right into the trusting bodies of all the useless eaters that their group of super rich megalomaniacs has noticed. This is like a SciFi James Bond movie for taking over the world. Slavery is a profitable enterprise and has been for 10,000's of thousands of years. Add this current plan with their Fiat Money System where they will take everything you own and then put you into a 15 minute city under extreme surveillance and 5-6 G bombardment and you have a plan that is well on its way to fullrition.
[10/12/2024 5:56 AM]
I have been watching very closely these last 4-5 years. The only thing I saw happen was a influx of cell towers go up everywhere during that time and a massive move towards smart appliances. Now some of those smart things are starting to blow up indiscriminately in various so called WAR ZONES where it seems OK to mass kill humans with military war machines.
776836, [10/14/2024 7:47 AM]
After 3 days I can 100% say get some EDTA and vitamin C and use it.
776836, [10/14/2024 10:29 AM]
The outcome of three days of EDTA can be spewed by many factors and a longer run is necessary. Today I am noticing more energy, enough more that I am noticing it. My thinking is clearer. My chest pains seem to have gone away for the most part. I do not know if these are trends that will persist.
776836, [10/14/2024 10:34 AM]
I will be getting more and will share with family and neighbors. I might change the reason they want the EDTA since most everybody here is a Covid-19 believer and few seem to think that the spraying of chemicals in the sky is a real thing .
776836, [10/15/2024 4:40 AM]
This is day 4 of my EDTA personal experiment.
776836, [10/15/2024 4:46 AM]
Bonnie asked me about the dosage. I am going maximum here and do not have the EDTA going on very long time wise during the day. This is a all at once deal. This is coming off my evening fast. One major problem is the stomach acid degrades the EDTA product.
Well whatever I am at least doing something and so far it is helping. I have family members that want to believe in saviors and have picked Donald Trump and Elon Musk as those two white hats.
Thee is so much bull shit out there currently. I am a very old man and this is the end of my life. I am dealing with nano bots and poison and a food industry that is putting out toxic foods. Most other folks are looking for saviors and white hats and overly complicated solutions. Most will be disapointed. I may also be disapointed. I have chosen this path.
[10/15/2024 4:28 AM]
Bull Shit. Both are multi billionaires. Both are in the Public eye. These are not the good guys. These are the very worse of the worse. One fast tracked the Covid-19 poison. The other is propagating transportation the is 100%electric and explodes when you add water and wants to make human cyborgs. These are the very worse folks in existence.
[10/15/2024 4:29 AM]
Things can only get worse with these two.
I am in elimination mode. That is amazing since I am not fasting. This is my 5th day of the EDTA treatment for the elimination of heavy metals and Covid - 19 Bio-weapon. I am not on a fast, but my body is acting like I am. I steeped up my vitamin C today to 6000.
Day 7 and since day 5 there does not seem to be any large noticeable changes. One change today is mypee is crystal clear. Time to take today's multivitamin.
Day 9 was a tuff day. Lots of stuff happening.
Day 11 smooth and peaceful.
Such a government has no right to exist.
Stop Paying Income taxes.
Stop Supporting this Abusive, War Mongering, Corrupt Government
All War is Evil. No More War.
I agree with most everything you have chronicled except I will say that this "plan" was not thought up by human beings. This plan is clearly satanic in its very nature. Human beings could never come up with something this evil and sophisticated. The "useful idiots" like Bill Gates and the rest, going back a long way, are just the front people. The real source of this technology needs to be acknowledged. We can't fight fire with water.
You probably already know this but there are available forms of EDTA that will bypass the stomach acid such as liposomal/microsomal and enteric coated. Rectal suppositories as well as topical cream are absorbed while also avoiding going through the stomach.
Kim, satanic in theory but I'd say alien in reality.
How could a human brain create a microchip 1,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair without alien tech?
As for satan, someone prove it one can.
I would agree that there is an alien (alien just means "different or strange" to us or our location) aspect to it which I choose to call demons doing the bidding of their master, Satan.
As far as Satan existing, the evidence is all around us. God exists too. Can you prove His existence as well?
These are spiritual beings. They cannot be seen with the naked eye.
Just like the wind. Can you see it? But you don't deny its existence, do you? Because you can feel its effects.
It is the same with God and Satan. You can't see them but you can easily discern their effects.
And not only that, one of Satan's biggest, and most effective deceptions is convincing people that he doesn't exist.
Well thanks for the opinion. Satan designed the nano tech, fullerenes, Morgellons fibers, etc. That's "the evidence all around us" you're referring to?
That's your proof?
Pagan beliefs.
Try reading "Walking Among Us". It'll define alien for you.
This is my first effort and on day 12 things are currently going smoothly. I am excercising (swimming) 3 times per week. Feeling good now that day is in the past. I have not found a coated EDTA and Liposomal/microsomal I have only found it very expensive versions. Rectal suppositories I have found and am having some problems getting that around my brain. I have no info on topical cream.
Congratulations on your new found strength and energy! It certainly does make one feel more like doing anything, as well as, it certainly improves your mood and outlook on life in general.
I can also appreciate what you are saying about the cost of these supplements. They ARE expensive, but the way I look at it, so is being sick. So, is it cheaper to spend your money on something that is going to help prevent your problems or is it cheaper to pay for something AFTER you have already gotten sick? I would rather not get sick in the first place. But, I do understand because like the old saying can't get blood out of a turnip!
Now I know these are expensive and the cost may be prohibitive but I thought I would share the ones that I know of that work, and won't be a waste of money like some supplements that don't work are.
1)The first one is probably the most expensive but it is the ENTERIC COATED one:
The second one is from Global Healing. I believe that Dr. Ana has just partnered with them so I would imagine that she would give anyone who follows her a discount when ordering, but I don't know that for sure. This one is MICROSOMAL, which is basically like the liposomal form, the only difference being in how the molecule (EDTA) is encapsulated which allows it to not break down and be absorbed until it has passed through the stomach.
Now the last one is the topical CREAM from Soma Health.
Must wait till I have used what I now havel whidh seems to be working. I have just ordered some vitamin D and have started to use Calcium, Mag & Zink. Will start over after a rest with the products you are suggesting. The liquid EDTA is the product offered here and looks great; but since was a liquid I went with Piping Rocks oral brand (which is working). Thank you for the great infomation and I do appreciated it.
You do not need special liposomal or enteric coated EDTA, the plain old regular pills work just fine if you take them correctly. The reference study everyone quotes on EDTA stomach acid degradation is from the 50's and is flawed in multiple ways, read their methodology.
Acids, even hydrochloric stomach acid, do not break down or degrade EDTA in the slightest, because EDTA is Extremely hydrophobic until the water is at a pH of 8 or 9, which is Very alkaline... unlike your stomach acid.
If you have the 2 part chlorine dioxide activator with Hydrochloric rather than citric acid, you can test it yourself, put some HCL into water until it hits a PH of 4 or 3 and then empty an EDTA pill into the water. Then just watch... nothing happens, it will just sit on top of the acidic water because its so hydrophobic. Or drop some concentrated HCL onto a pile of EDTA powder from a pill. Nothing happens.
The liposomal May be better absorbed, I have taken oral EDTA for 18 months and Im not convinced, but even if it does, it is still a very low amount of actual EDTA for a high price considering you can get 60 pills of Arizona EDTA@600mg each for $24.
The same with Vitamin C, more expensive forms are no better and may be worse if they have things in them that EDTA binds with, natural substances like Rose Hips or minerals like zinc that they often put in with C. Just plain old Vitamin C as Ascorbic Acid crystals works just fine, and its much much cheaper.
I supplement it with a lot of natural orange juice too, as well as sodium citrate but the Most important thing people need to keep in mind is trying to avoid intaking things the EDTA will bind with.
And people could be started reversing their blood polymerization right now for $34.
$24 for 60 EDTA pills and $9 for a bottle of pure Vitamin C crystals. Thats it.
And if you want it to work even better, fasting is Free. Plus you save money by not buying food, the EDTA and Vitamin C actually pays for itself then.
A multi vitamin with EDTA is questionable to say the least.
What if... what if Gates and Moderna pulled a fast one on everyone and inserted EDTA as the counter agent when it actually isn't?
Just's getting hard to trust anyone now.
Hard to trust you is a sure thing. I am doing what I can with the information I have. You are batting for the opposition. Regardless good luck with your paranoia.
Questioning everything is battling for the opposition?
You do know EDTA will absorb your multivitamin and be wasted, right? Right?
And you 're calling me paranoid?
No, it will only bind to the minerals in the multivitamin/mineral supplement. It won't do that if you don't take them together. Like Dr. Ana recommends, take the EDTA at night on an empty stomach, let it bind the heavy metals, and then replace the essential minerals in the morning. EDTA does not discriminate. It will also attract and bind the trace minerals that you want so they need to be replaced.
And there is an old saying that applies here...if you are always looking for hooks to hang your doubts on, you are most certainly going to find them!
Yes, we should question everything and not believe everything we are told.
But questioning everything does not equate with believing nothing! I always say...consider the source.
You dont really need a multimineral supplement either, unless you have some deficiency, but then you would probably have known that before you started taking EDTA.
She is recommending that to be on the safe side because she is a practicing doctor, but EDTA is actually a pretty weak chelator comparatively speaking and doesnt strip anything from your body you cannot replace with One normal meal, assuming you eat real food.
And EDTA does in fact discriminate, its called binding affinity. If you put it into a body of water for example with multiple metals in it, it will bind to them in the order of their EDTA binding affinity. So assuming you have lead or mercury or aluminum in your system, as we all do, its never going to bind with zinc or magnesium.
I have tested 18 Anesthetics, and I believe Dr. David Nixon has tested just as many from around the world, and they All have Nanotech in them. Most of them trace back to the corporationSeptodont, who holds 80% of the world's market, but we looked at several others from around the world. The oldest one I looked at was made in 1994, so we can assume since the 1990's. : (
Do all brands of dental anesthesia have the nonparticles? Or just septodont? My holistic dentist said he ditched Septodont for this reason. Now I am worried they all have it.
Agree JS.
And yet so many doctors/microscopists have said many times that there is NO MRNA in the shots. So much bull crap everywhere. But the shots and chem sprays are going to kill everything eventually.
I try but cannot grow enough clean I'm suspicious of even local potting soil for starting plants. Things just don't want to grow.
Everything is totally polluted with this stuff. I've been testing anything and everything, and I have yet to find ANYTHING which isn't totally polluted.
yes, maybe wait a bit. I found thriftbooks dot com a great bookseller. Slightly used but great pricing. (got "Walking Among Us" there and it was almost new. And very unsettling to put it mildly.)
War is Murder
All War is Evil. No More War.
Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes
Stop Paying for WAR.
Stop paying for Scientific Fraud. Stop Trusting Government's.
What's on the microscope today?
Today we have a sample of reverse osmosis filtered water from my reverse osmosis filter in the kitchen sink. It filters water from a shallow well, which goes through two water softeners before it gets to the filter in the kitchen. I'm testing this today because I suspected that somehow this reverse osmosis filter was emitting self assembling technology because everything I seem to test seems to be totally polluted.
So the results were that it made stunning structures. Delicate, beautiful antenna arrays that resemble things like Christmas reefs or tree branches with leaves or Caesar's crown of olive leaves? Lots of that stuff to see. Then it made stuff that looked like motherboards with chips attached with nice square corners and perfect 45, 90 and 135 degree angles... definitely not natural things. Plenty of that stuff to see too. The motherboard things eventually "filled in" so you couldn't make out the chips anymore, except for a few places. Lots of other non-descript assemblages. A highly positive outcome on this slide.
All RO uses a nanotech membrane of some kind, so I am not especially surprised. Also the membrane or related filters could be clogged or need to be back washed, so you may be contaminating your sample by using them... whats in the water Before you filter it? Or at each stage after the water softeners? Also the water softeners could need to be changed, those are really ion exchange filters that need to be changed regularly.
I have well water also but thats part of why I use ZeroWater filters, it sucks that you have to replace the filters regularly but then you also replace the filters regularly... which is good in case there is bad stuff built up in it.
Actually we fill up the sink with well water, then throw in a chlorine dioxide tablet to kill all biologics and then put That water through the zerowater filter. It also makes the filters last a little longer.
Try it out, even if you dont use chlorine dioxide, a zerowater pitcher is only like $30, it even comes with a free TDS meter and then you would Know if its better than your setup for less than replacing the RO membrane.
So I have a shallow water pump with two large filter tanks, one is a salt water conditioner, and the other is a rust filter. Water still looks pretty soupy. Then the RO filter has I think 5 stages
Anyone who's looks at me can see the implant tht was placed in my head and face, I have 2 huge insison s in between my eyes tht were never there. I have pics of myself before the government decided to steal my life, do we have doctors on our team thts willing to take this out. Or the eyes being 24 hour surveillance from the COWARDS!
Roman S Shapoval - Oct 24
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
It's never over. Nicole Shanahan (ex-wife of Sergey Brin) is a prime example of how hearts and minds can be moved in our favor. Her autistic son was the trigger for her to see the truth.
Margie Chism - Oct 24
Margie Chism
Another AI system called “Where’s Daddy?” ■ will track such targets by surveillance systems, including mobile phones, “and when [the phone] arrives at the location that’s been determined to be your residence, then there will be a ping to the guy who can target your house and bring it down,” Van Esveld explained.
the LastManStanding - Oct 24
Rusyn’s Substack
Good to see someone's able to 'connect the dots.' MonsterCorp's killing machine is not fueled not just by the stolen taxpayer money which westerlings' 'donate' to the cause of their own destruction... via 'injection' of experimental gene tech...chemtrailed rain of death/disease etc.,
it runs on the suppressed guilt/complicity of those same westerlings in the genociding of actual "Semite" populations by MC's military arm in the muddled east. The new motor of the faux economy which the west runs on since the planned demolition of the economy of real production. Gulit/suppressed awareness of the cost of complicity in the crimes of cabbalist-talmudic terror.
You might 'chelate' that poisonous guilt/complicity out of yourself a hundred times over... but the same poisonous harvest will be brought back again and again. Graphene has invaded every 'pore' of that new faux economy, and it's use in every phase of agriculture now means that it's consumption is unavoidable if you live in the benighted wester world.
Best to not fool oneself into thinking that there's an escape from this terror which envelops a dying western world more completely every day now.
Kim - Oct 24
I thought this was another good source of information from the different aspect of technocracy which many are not recognizing.
John Roberts - Oct 24
John Roberts
Personally I really respect Patrick Woods. He has been tracking, studying and reporting on technocracy for decades. In the last few years I have seen many of interviews on
worldviewtube.comand they are always informative.
Thanks for sharing this interview.
Wheeler - Oct 24
Israel’s ‘live stream genocide’ in Gaza is a lie. It is the latest problems created with AI generated propaganda.
Wheeler - Oct 24
crapshoot farmer
Israel’s ‘live stream genocide’ in Gaza is a lie. It is the latest problems created with AI generated propaganda.
crapshoot farmer - Oct 24
crapshoot farmer
Yeah, right.
Mr . Ma - Oct 24
great 🙃🙃🙃🤗🤗🤗😘😘😘😍😍😍🥰🥰🥰
Robert - Oct 24
Robert’s Substack
Thoughts are energy which is not dissipated but rather it effects changes, albeit with subtlety. Therefore, use and focus that energy towards the desired outcomes you wish to see. Take brief 2-3 daily 10-15 minute sessions in a calm relaxed environment, seated or lying down, and without emotion, visualize the changes you wish to materialize. Believe in yourself and your ability to bring about these changes. They are part of the abilities some seek to remove from humans, as they do not possess them.
Kim - Oct 24 - Edited
Very good interview, Dr. Sansone and Dr. Ana!!! I am so happy for both of you. You both have done an amazing job. Listening to you really gives me hope and incentive to do what I can to help others as well to see this for what it is.
I believe that God really has used both of you in a spectacular way to bring this information to light.
P. Brooks McGinnis - Oct 24 - Edited
P.’s Substack
A Covid-19 Bio-weapon Cure?
[10/12/2024 5:21 AM]
Just took my first dose 1800 MG EDTA with 3000 Vitamin C with Rose Hips. Took with 3 - 12 oz of water. Both of these things work very fast in the body. The EDTA that is not destroyed in the stomach immediately binds with heavy metals and is eliminated from the body. I have not found any coated EDTA yet, have found suppository applications witch are coated for different reasons then to keep the stomach acid from degrading the usable dosage. The most effective means of dosage is intravenously.
[10/12/2024 5:24 AM]
I will take my vitamin E, charcoal and multivitamin a little later. The water works its way through my system with in a few hours. I am still in my over night fast mode.
[10/12/2024 5:30 AM]
What I am doing is a two month test of this dosage with the one bottle of EDTA I got from Piping Rock and one bottle of Nature's Way Vitamin C with Rose Hips. Will need get one more bottle of those to match up with the EDTA.
[10/12/2024 5:41 AM]
So why do this dosage and why EDTA? Good question. Looking at Bill Gate's patent on his Covid-19 self replicating injection; he lists EDTA as the counter agent. In that injection you have graphine and nano self replicating nanobots. Even if you have not had the injection of Covid-19 bio-weapon it can and does shed onto those close to you. Any way Bill Gate's to keep his karma free of bad ju-ju must tell us peasants why his bio-weapon meant to KILL and enslave us has this get out of jail free card.
[10/12/2024 5:51 AM]
Will it work? Hard to say; but this is a very nasty plan the world elite have come up with and a delivery system that is right into the trusting bodies of all the useless eaters that their group of super rich megalomaniacs has noticed. This is like a SciFi James Bond movie for taking over the world. Slavery is a profitable enterprise and has been for 10,000's of thousands of years. Add this current plan with their Fiat Money System where they will take everything you own and then put you into a 15 minute city under extreme surveillance and 5-6 G bombardment and you have a plan that is well on its way to fullrition.
[10/12/2024 5:56 AM]
I have been watching very closely these last 4-5 years. The only thing I saw happen was a influx of cell towers go up everywhere during that time and a massive move towards smart appliances. Now some of those smart things are starting to blow up indiscriminately in various so called WAR ZONES where it seems OK to mass kill humans with military war machines.
776836, [10/14/2024 7:47 AM]
After 3 days I can 100% say get some EDTA and vitamin C and use it.
776836, [10/14/2024 10:29 AM]
The outcome of three days of EDTA can be spewed by many factors and a longer run is necessary. Today I am noticing more energy, enough more that I am noticing it. My thinking is clearer. My chest pains seem to have gone away for the most part. I do not know if these are trends that will persist.
776836, [10/14/2024 10:34 AM]
I will be getting more and will share with family and neighbors. I might change the reason they want the EDTA since most everybody here is a Covid-19 believer and few seem to think that the spraying of chemicals in the sky is a real thing .
776836, [10/15/2024 4:40 AM]
This is day 4 of my EDTA personal experiment.
776836, [10/15/2024 4:46 AM]
Bonnie asked me about the dosage. I am going maximum here and do not have the EDTA going on very long time wise during the day. This is a all at once deal. This is coming off my evening fast. One major problem is the stomach acid degrades the EDTA product.
Well whatever I am at least doing something and so far it is helping. I have family members that want to believe in saviors and have picked Donald Trump and Elon Musk as those two white hats.
Thee is so much bull shit out there currently. I am a very old man and this is the end of my life. I am dealing with nano bots and poison and a food industry that is putting out toxic foods. Most other folks are looking for saviors and white hats and overly complicated solutions. Most will be disapointed. I may also be disapointed. I have chosen this path.
[10/15/2024 4:28 AM]
Bull Shit. Both are multi billionaires. Both are in the Public eye. These are not the good guys. These are the very worse of the worse. One fast tracked the Covid-19 poison. The other is propagating transportation the is 100%electric and explodes when you add water and wants to make human cyborgs. These are the very worse folks in existence.
[10/15/2024 4:29 AM]
Things can only get worse with these two.
I am in elimination mode. That is amazing since I am not fasting. This is my 5th day of the EDTA treatment for the elimination of heavy metals and Covid - 19 Bio-weapon. I am not on a fast, but my body is acting like I am. I steeped up my vitamin C today to 6000.
Day 7 and since day 5 there does not seem to be any large noticeable changes. One change today is mypee is crystal clear. Time to take today's multivitamin.
Day 9 was a tuff day. Lots of stuff happening.
Day 11 smooth and peaceful.
Such a government has no right to exist.
Stop Paying Income taxes.
Stop Supporting this Abusive, War Mongering, Corrupt Government
All War is Evil. No More War.
Kim - Oct 24 - Edited
I agree with most everything you have chronicled except I will say that this "plan" was not thought up by human beings. This plan is clearly satanic in its very nature. Human beings could never come up with something this evil and sophisticated. The "useful idiots" like Bill Gates and the rest, going back a long way, are just the front people. The real source of this technology needs to be acknowledged. We can't fight fire with water.
You probably already know this but there are available forms of EDTA that will bypass the stomach acid such as liposomal/microsomal and enteric coated. Rectal suppositories as well as topical cream are absorbed while also avoiding going through the stomach.
crapshoot farmer - Oct 24 - Edited
crapshoot farmer
Kim, satanic in theory but I'd say alien in reality.
How could a human brain create a microchip 1,000 times smaller than the width of a human hair without alien tech?
As for satan, someone prove it one can.
Kim - Oct 24 - Edited
I would agree that there is an alien (alien just means "different or strange" to us or our location) aspect to it which I choose to call demons doing the bidding of their master, Satan.
As far as Satan existing, the evidence is all around us. God exists too. Can you prove His existence as well?
These are spiritual beings. They cannot be seen with the naked eye.
Just like the wind. Can you see it? But you don't deny its existence, do you? Because you can feel its effects.
It is the same with God and Satan. You can't see them but you can easily discern their effects.
And not only that, one of Satan's biggest, and most effective deceptions is convincing people that he doesn't exist.
crapshoot farmer - Oct 25
crapshoot farmer
Well thanks for the opinion. Satan designed the nano tech, fullerenes, Morgellons fibers, etc. That's "the evidence all around us" you're referring to?
That's your proof?
Pagan beliefs.
Try reading "Walking Among Us". It'll define alien for you.
John Vargo - Oct 25
John Vargo
Try energetic synthesis,it will define our true galactic history.The aliens are the demons.
P. Brooks McGinnis - Oct 24
P.’s Substack
This is my first effort and on day 12 things are currently going smoothly. I am excercising (swimming) 3 times per week. Feeling good now that day is in the past. I have not found a coated EDTA and Liposomal/microsomal I have only found it very expensive versions. Rectal suppositories I have found and am having some problems getting that around my brain. I have no info on topical cream.
Kim - Oct 24
Congratulations on your new found strength and energy! It certainly does make one feel more like doing anything, as well as, it certainly improves your mood and outlook on life in general.
I can also appreciate what you are saying about the cost of these supplements. They ARE expensive, but the way I look at it, so is being sick. So, is it cheaper to spend your money on something that is going to help prevent your problems or is it cheaper to pay for something AFTER you have already gotten sick? I would rather not get sick in the first place. But, I do understand because like the old saying can't get blood out of a turnip!
Now I know these are expensive and the cost may be prohibitive but I thought I would share the ones that I know of that work, and won't be a waste of money like some supplements that don't work are.
1)The first one is probably the most expensive but it is the ENTERIC COATED one:
The second one is from Global Healing. I believe that Dr. Ana has just partnered with them so I would imagine that she would give anyone who follows her a discount when ordering, but I don't know that for sure. This one is MICROSOMAL, which is basically like the liposomal form, the only difference being in how the molecule (EDTA) is encapsulated which allows it to not break down and be absorbed until it has passed through the stomach.
Now the last one is the topical CREAM from Soma Health.
P. Brooks McGinnis - Oct 25
P.’s Substack
Thank you
P. Brooks McGinnis - Oct 25
P.’s Substack
Must wait till I have used what I now havel whidh seems to be working. I have just ordered some vitamin D and have started to use Calcium, Mag & Zink. Will start over after a rest with the products you are suggesting. The liquid EDTA is the product offered here and looks great; but since was a liquid I went with Piping Rocks oral brand (which is working). Thank you for the great infomation and I do appreciated it.
P. Brooks McGinnis - Oct 25
P.’s Substack
Bee Gee - Oct 24
Bee Gee
You do not need special liposomal or enteric coated EDTA, the plain old regular pills work just fine if you take them correctly. The reference study everyone quotes on EDTA stomach acid degradation is from the 50's and is flawed in multiple ways, read their methodology.
Acids, even hydrochloric stomach acid, do not break down or degrade EDTA in the slightest, because EDTA is Extremely hydrophobic until the water is at a pH of 8 or 9, which is Very alkaline... unlike your stomach acid.
If you have the 2 part chlorine dioxide activator with Hydrochloric rather than citric acid, you can test it yourself, put some HCL into water until it hits a PH of 4 or 3 and then empty an EDTA pill into the water. Then just watch... nothing happens, it will just sit on top of the acidic water because its so hydrophobic. Or drop some concentrated HCL onto a pile of EDTA powder from a pill. Nothing happens.
The liposomal May be better absorbed, I have taken oral EDTA for 18 months and Im not convinced, but even if it does, it is still a very low amount of actual EDTA for a high price considering you can get 60 pills of Arizona EDTA@600mg each for $24.
The same with Vitamin C, more expensive forms are no better and may be worse if they have things in them that EDTA binds with, natural substances like Rose Hips or minerals like zinc that they often put in with C. Just plain old Vitamin C as Ascorbic Acid crystals works just fine, and its much much cheaper.
I supplement it with a lot of natural orange juice too, as well as sodium citrate but the Most important thing people need to keep in mind is trying to avoid intaking things the EDTA will bind with.
And people could be started reversing their blood polymerization right now for $34.
$24 for 60 EDTA pills and $9 for a bottle of pure Vitamin C crystals. Thats it.
And if you want it to work even better, fasting is Free. Plus you save money by not buying food, the EDTA and Vitamin C actually pays for itself then.
crapshoot farmer - Oct 24 - Edited
crapshoot farmer
A multi vitamin with EDTA is questionable to say the least.
What if... what if Gates and Moderna pulled a fast one on everyone and inserted EDTA as the counter agent when it actually isn't?
Just's getting hard to trust anyone now.
P. Brooks McGinnis - Oct 24 - Edited
P.’s Substack
Hard to trust you is a sure thing. I am doing what I can with the information I have. You are batting for the opposition. Regardless good luck with your paranoia.
crapshoot farmer - Oct 24 - Edited
crapshoot farmer
Questioning everything is battling for the opposition?
You do know EDTA will absorb your multivitamin and be wasted, right? Right?
And you 're calling me paranoid?
Kim - Oct 24 - Edited
No, it will only bind to the minerals in the multivitamin/mineral supplement. It won't do that if you don't take them together. Like Dr. Ana recommends, take the EDTA at night on an empty stomach, let it bind the heavy metals, and then replace the essential minerals in the morning. EDTA does not discriminate. It will also attract and bind the trace minerals that you want so they need to be replaced.
And there is an old saying that applies here...if you are always looking for hooks to hang your doubts on, you are most certainly going to find them!
Yes, we should question everything and not believe everything we are told.
But questioning everything does not equate with believing nothing! I always say...consider the source.
Bee Gee - Oct 24
Bee Gee
You dont really need a multimineral supplement either, unless you have some deficiency, but then you would probably have known that before you started taking EDTA.
She is recommending that to be on the safe side because she is a practicing doctor, but EDTA is actually a pretty weak chelator comparatively speaking and doesnt strip anything from your body you cannot replace with One normal meal, assuming you eat real food.
And EDTA does in fact discriminate, its called binding affinity. If you put it into a body of water for example with multiple metals in it, it will bind to them in the order of their EDTA binding affinity. So assuming you have lead or mercury or aluminum in your system, as we all do, its never going to bind with zinc or magnesium.
Karin Bates - Oct 24
Un-Hackable Animal's Substack
Are the nanoparticles present in every brand of dental anesthesia or just certain brands?
FreedomWarriorWoman - Oct 25
Un-Hackable Animal's Substack
I have tested 18 Anesthetics, and I believe Dr. David Nixon has tested just as many from around the world, and they All have Nanotech in them. Most of them trace back to the corporationSeptodont, who holds 80% of the world's market, but we looked at several others from around the world. The oldest one I looked at was made in 1994, so we can assume since the 1990's. : (
jsinton - Oct 25
Thank you.
Bee Gee - Oct 24
Bee Gee
Every single one they have tested on multiple continents so yes, IMO you should assume it is in Every one.
Dr Lundstrom has a lot of info about it on his page too.
FreedomWarriorWoman - Oct 25
Un-Hackable Animal's Substack
I am now in touch with Dr. Lundstrom to look at his anesthetics.
jsinton - Oct 25
Fabulous! I'm not worthy.
Rick Zammuto - Oct 24
Rick Zammuto
Great books Ana!
Karin Bates - Oct 24
Bee Gee
Do all brands of dental anesthesia have the nonparticles? Or just septodont? My holistic dentist said he ditched Septodont for this reason. Now I am worried they all have it.
Bee Gee - Oct 24
Bee Gee
I answered you above as well...
They Do.
jsinton - Oct 24
Here's what we should have expected. Turns out FDA is trying to make mRNA injections mandatory for cattle and swine, etc.
crapshoot farmer - Oct 24
crapshoot farmer
Agree JS.
And yet so many doctors/microscopists have said many times that there is NO MRNA in the shots. So much bull crap everywhere. But the shots and chem sprays are going to kill everything eventually.
I try but cannot grow enough clean I'm suspicious of even local potting soil for starting plants. Things just don't want to grow.
jsinton - Oct 24
Everything is totally polluted with this stuff. I've been testing anything and everything, and I have yet to find ANYTHING which isn't totally polluted.
jsinton - Oct 24
I have to get a copy of "Transhuman", but I don't shop Amazon. Is there another option?
crapshoot farmer - Oct 24
crapshoot farmer
yes, maybe wait a bit. I found thriftbooks dot com a great bookseller. Slightly used but great pricing. (got "Walking Among Us" there and it was almost new. And very unsettling to put it mildly.)
Kim - Oct 24
Maybe wait a while and they will most likely be available at other places which are not Amazon.
P. Brooks McGinnis - Oct 24
P.’s Substack
Covid-19 is a Bio-Weapon that kills and keeps Killing
P. Brooks McGinnis - Oct 24
P.’s Substack
War is Murder
All War is Evil. No More War.
Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes
Stop Paying for WAR.
Stop paying for Scientific Fraud. Stop Trusting Government's.
jsinton - Oct 24
What's on the microscope today?
Today we have a sample of reverse osmosis filtered water from my reverse osmosis filter in the kitchen sink. It filters water from a shallow well, which goes through two water softeners before it gets to the filter in the kitchen. I'm testing this today because I suspected that somehow this reverse osmosis filter was emitting self assembling technology because everything I seem to test seems to be totally polluted.
So the results were that it made stunning structures. Delicate, beautiful antenna arrays that resemble things like Christmas reefs or tree branches with leaves or Caesar's crown of olive leaves? Lots of that stuff to see. Then it made stuff that looked like motherboards with chips attached with nice square corners and perfect 45, 90 and 135 degree angles... definitely not natural things. Plenty of that stuff to see too. The motherboard things eventually "filled in" so you couldn't make out the chips anymore, except for a few places. Lots of other non-descript assemblages. A highly positive outcome on this slide.
Bee Gee - Oct 24
Bee Gee
All RO uses a nanotech membrane of some kind, so I am not especially surprised. Also the membrane or related filters could be clogged or need to be back washed, so you may be contaminating your sample by using them... whats in the water Before you filter it? Or at each stage after the water softeners? Also the water softeners could need to be changed, those are really ion exchange filters that need to be changed regularly.
I have well water also but thats part of why I use ZeroWater filters, it sucks that you have to replace the filters regularly but then you also replace the filters regularly... which is good in case there is bad stuff built up in it.
Actually we fill up the sink with well water, then throw in a chlorine dioxide tablet to kill all biologics and then put That water through the zerowater filter. It also makes the filters last a little longer.
Try it out, even if you dont use chlorine dioxide, a zerowater pitcher is only like $30, it even comes with a free TDS meter and then you would Know if its better than your setup for less than replacing the RO membrane.
jsinton - Oct 25
So I have a shallow water pump with two large filter tanks, one is a salt water conditioner, and the other is a rust filter. Water still looks pretty soupy. Then the RO filter has I think 5 stages
Bryan kenneth nicosia - Oct 24
Bryan Publication
Anyone who's looks at me can see the implant tht was placed in my head and face, I have 2 huge insison s in between my eyes tht were never there. I have pics of myself before the government decided to steal my life, do we have doctors on our team thts willing to take this out. Or the eyes being 24 hour surveillance from the COWARDS!
Pamela Raditsch - Oct 24
Pamela Raditsch
These books look excellent!! How wonderful to have so much information all in one place!!
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