Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 27, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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In this fascinating interview I join Ramtha’s School of Enlightenment teachers Laura Mooney and Jaime Leal Anaya for an unchained deep dive into the militarized nanotechnology and Alien Agenda for which we have been prepared at the school for over 40 years. The prophecies given to us about these days we are living now, to prepare us for sovereignty, to never take government vaccines, to grow our own food and have our own water for those will be poisoned, to move out of the cities - we were told of these things in the 1980’s and 1990’s. We were taught to remote view, read other peoples minds so we could not be deceived. It all worked, and was invaluable training for these times.
I discuss my journey of using the disciplines of the mind to remote view and download answers and solutions. I explain how this training, demonized by so many in the world, was always the real antidote in this war and is the real battlefield of consciousness.
We discuss that there are much bigger players than the Reptilians and Grey’s involved in the human experiment. In my book Light Medicine - A New Paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity, I share my meeting such beings in 2014. In Ramtha’s UFO book linked below you can understand more about the the Alien involvement in the current war on humanity and the earth. The battlefield is so much bigger than most humans have any concept of.
We speak about Ramtha’s prophesy, of when the mind control machines will be turned off and the new dawn of humanity begins. These are the days, prophesied in 1991 by Ramtha, that the surviving humans will live free of frequency mind control enslavement. You can find that video below.
We also speak about the spiritual blue realms and the Blu Room technology. This technology brings the healing atmosphere of absolute elsewhere to the earth plane. It is above their demonic reach in frequency. I never use red light. Even the military knows that thinking of the color blue heals people as the declassified Gateway CIA documents confirm:
You don’t want to miss this enlightened conversation.
Dr. Mihalcea's Clinic - Bringing Light Back Into Your World
TransHuman is a two-volume collection of research performed by Dr. Ana Mihalcea and scientists from around the world into the COVID 19 injections and the self-assembling nanotechnology that was found. Alarming live blood changes have been observed in humanity's blood since the roll out of the COVID 19 injections.
Purchase books here:
View Dr. Mihalcea's Presentation on Light Medicine: Arthema sophia Publishing
Purchase books here:
UFOs and The Nature of Reality: Preparing for Contact
"What they said to this man was simply this: 'You are infected. Your world is infected with a race that has proliferated war, not for the destruction of nations but that they can use to the destruction of the world.'"
Read more, buy the book here: Quantum-Cafe
Ramtha "When all the machines are turned off, freedom of thought will return." - Watch on Rumble
Dreamscape Official Trailer (1984) - Enter peoples' subconscious through their dreams - Watch on YouTube
Humanity United Now - Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - On SubStack
Health And Well Being With Blue Light Products - Tru Blu Medical
Other Purchase Options:
Ramtha's Q & A - Moments with the Master (Open to all RSE Students)
The Power of Healing with Blue Body® Focus Techniques, Ultraviolet Blue Frequency, and JZ Knight's Bluroom Blood Testing. - Register Here
Championing a Future of Liberation and Enlightenment - Dranamihalcea.Com
Truth, Science and Spirit With Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea - On Clout Hub
Humanity United Now - We Are All ONE- Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Humanity United Now
National American Renaissance Movement - Nationalarm.Org
Targeted Justice is the world's leading information resource for Targeted Individuals. - Targeted Justice
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Susan Liang - Nov 27
Susan Liang
I used to be New Age. If you go farther back in history to the Book of Enoch banned from the Bible by the ancestors of the current bloodline elite, you will not only know why it was banned -- but who "Ramtha" and what " remote viewing" is.
A con within a con within a con. It's not just possible, it's likely because that is a modish operandi of the elite keeping them protected and humans ultimately destroyed.
Ramtha, like the spirit channeled by Alice Bailey, friend of Madam Blatavsky, is a spirit of a nephilim. A nephilim is the half human half fallen angel of Gen 6. (See Deuteronomy 2: 10+ on nephilim).
Continue to hold your nose. Just because this is strange and you in the morass of history never heard of it -- doesn't mean the elite doesn't use it against the human species. You believe it after all, right?
When the nephilim die their spirits roam the earth looking for humans to possess. That's Ramtha. Bailey et al founded the Lucis Trust, of the UN( mini world gov teaching tool), formerly Lucifer Publishing. Lucifer bringer of light? Really?
As for remote viewing, that's an occult practice by New Age "adepts", so called. Adept is a name used to flatter humans. Not to their benefit. It is consent to be possessed. Just as believing in "communications" from a spirit is constructive consent.
See the Sons of Sceva in the bible. (Just because the elite malign the Bible doesn't mean it's not true. In fact that opinion is some evidence it is).
Don't let an ancient act of censorship around 300a.d.atthe Council of Nicea banning Enoch, allow the global elite"s ancestors fool you.
But that's of course up to you.
Ref: Deliver Us From Evil. True story of NYPD Sgt and his encounters with possessed humans. (See 7 Sons of Sceva beaten by one possessed man.Spirits unlike humans have supernatural strength ime.fallen angels).
RH neg is "blue blood" or angel bloodlines, by the way. Empire "royals".
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Bronc Buster Self-Healing - Nov 28
Bronc Buster Self-Healing
I study Ana's publications as much as possible. I recently began reading her book Light Medicine and cannot finish reading it fast enough to satiate my curiosity.
I received many gifts from my childhood near-deaths and possibly also from decades of Biblical intensity of diverse kinds of sufferings. One of those blessings has been spiritual guidance and protection. I do not believe in coincidences.
I was forced to sleep many months in a shack living with and sleeping over unstable dynamite and with a herd of mice. Later, a bomb disposal expert informed me to "start playing the lottery."
I am now very old and do not take any pharma prescription and OTC "medicines."
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