Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 14, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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I spoke with Emerald Robinson about the recent research findings on self assembly nanotechnology in the COVID19 vials and the treatment possibilities.
It is interesting to me that the question came up that people cannot fathom nanorobotics in the Covid vials. The lipid nanoparticles ARE the nanobots. It is a polymer encapsulation that carries a payload but can also be used as a biosensor.
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John - Sep 14
It's not just the jabbed the unvaxxed have the aame toxins thanks to shedding, chemtrails and geoengineering spraying
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Kim - Sep 14 - Edited
I hate to keep harping on this fact, but once again Dr. Ana ONLY mentioned "liposomal/microsomal and rectal EDTA" as acceptable forms to take. NO enteric coated. WHY?
Why is she purposefully not recognizing enteric coated EDTA?
I am sorry, but I notice things like this when there are discrepancies, and I question them.
If there is a reason, then I would like to know what it is. Especially since she was originally recommending the enteric coated form, and a lot of people take it, but now she is not only not recommending it, she is totally not mentioning it at all.
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