Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 07, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Some of the most inspiring people I have ever met have had near death experiences that have transformed their lives. Most people are completely lost in this world that is so filled with noise, social indoctrination, limiting beliefs, social programming on who people should be in the eyes of society. This is the most dangerous mind disease of our times, as you were able to see in the COVID19 era, where following others could even lead you to accept a bioweapon of mass destruction under the guise of a vaccine. Deception is everywhere in these times.
People who know who they are spiritually are not followers, and are able to live their lives fearlessly by being themselves. This substack reveals a lot of frightful information. I personally have had two NDE’s and I have persued knowing what I am outside of my body. Understanding this spritual essence connects us to the real meaning of our life. It does not matter who agrees with you, hates you, judges you or even loves you.
I have read Anita Moorjani’s book “ Dying to be me ” many years ago and her journey is truly remarkable. I wanted to share this Ted Talk with you, because this knowledge is part of the greatest transformational antidote ever conceived. Her end stage cancer disappeared. When I developed ovarian cancer my NDE eventually lead to a 10 cm recurrence to disappear. Health and healing start in our mind.
Anita’s wisdom is ageless and empowering and should be remembered by all who are struggeling with disease and illness.
I hope you remember her 5 most important points about life:
Focus awareness on love - specifically self love and then love for others
Live life fearlessly
Have humor, laughter and Joy
Life is a gift
Always be yourself. Be as you as you can be. Shine your light as brightly as you can and be uniquely you.
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dina lopez - Dec 7
dina lopez
Dr. Mihalcea, you are great. Do you know of any Intentional Community in this country where awakened people can live?
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Beverly Taylor - Dec 7
Met her in Sedona at a lecture. She is awesome and a friend to Dr Eben Alexander of Boston, a Neurosurgeon and attached to Harvard Medical School. Met him at same conference. His NDE was so extreme, he realized that our consciousness is outside of our physical brain and mind. It is eternal. So are we. He went from Atheist to a very Spiritual man. “Proof of Heaven” is his first book.
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