Shouldn't we ban all medical research?
We have enough experience, and we cannot even make use of what we have.
Why don’t we stop this vehicle, turn off the engine, remove the battery and clean up the mess we are in.
Unfortunately Dan I think our forefathers gave up control of the vehicle long ago. And we are the battery that powers the vehicle, and the batteries have been implanted with advanced technology that only the key holder can control.
As the media reports, present-day batteries are pretty much good for nothing, low capacity, extremely overpriced, charging time exceeding duration of use, and their only visible effect is burning high.
I guess, our forefathers never said a word about we, the people, becoming a passive group silently submitting to whatever comes in their way, especially if it’s not in the best interest of anyone really.
All nations whose homes we have been visiting uninvited in the last 100 years fight for principles. None of them fought for money or resources. And they fight for the basic principles we so much love to talk about and talk about and talk about: sovereignty, independence, freedom of choice, autonomy. Strangely enough, the poorest of these nations regularly win with the undisputed largest economy and the only empire in the world. It takes them years, but they win.
What would our foremothers say? What kind of honor and respect do we bring home?
I am from Oz and my forefathers went off to fight for the Global Cartel in the Boer War just saying your mob ain’t the only ones making war for the Cartel. They came home as hero’s, but now we know they were fooled into being mercenaries and were killing innocent people for diamonds. Rhodes was the main architect and from this win he graciously set up the Rhodes Scholarship to groom the future leaders of the world in education, media, military, science, technology, medicine, politics and CIA ASIO etc etc. That was over a hundred years ago. Not forgetting that the Groomed then become the Groomer. Bill Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar.
Sometimes our history is a source of inner power to us.
Always - history is a burden of the past, even the most glorious and brave one, distracting us from our present day’s affairs and problems which need to be solved now, today, with a view for our better tomorrow.
Reconciling the past with the now and the future is impossible. Trying to do so will make one walk in circles on one spot. Politicians know it perfectly well - this is why always refer to history and make appealing slogans out of it. And they are never specific and factual about today or tomorrow.
I would dearly love anyone from former defence or aviation industries to confirm any aerosolised "Qdot" use.π€π€¨ See how extensively it pervades.
Personally, I think that what they have been weaponising the climate change term of "microplastics" is partial cover for the nanoparticulates and nanopathology damage.BTJMO π€ππ€·♀οΈπ€
It’s guaranteed they are poisoning us via spraying the atmosphere. It’s not about global warming. Especially when they are spray in the middle of winter for the last three years. People need to observe the sky and realize they are actively poisoning the world’s population.
Same in Ohio. Haven't seen the sun in weeks. Ice crystals and rain filled with their poisons 24/7 def having an effect. Bronchitis symptoms and dizziness among many, now exploding here. When will someone put an end to this murderous rampage on American citizens by their government? Maybe if we all die before the 2024 election, they can cheat and win again? Its always been them destroying the environment and the health of everything. The DEEP STATE SUCKS!
Actually, people do look up. People actually report these things to the EPA and other agencies, only to be ignored. I am one of those people who call very often without a response. I have actually called, emailed and written my representatives and many others, only to be ignored. Actually, the News NEVER reports these things. Your representatives actually don't talk about these things and your government actually gags many from speaking about this. In 2016 after the election President TRUMP grounded one of these Chem Trail Plains. He ordered it down to show the public what was inside. That video has been actually removed from the net but it was on the news for a hot minute. The tanks inside were also filmed. There is nothing ironic about it.
Or you tell people about those weird clouds and they laugh at you and insist those are just airplane Contrails. I’m not dumb, no airplanes tract crisscross and leave trails that widen instead of evaporating. Even our weatherman refuted chemtrails. They must all be in on it?!
Are they being paid off? Why don’t the local airport air traffic controllers fess up to seeing this? I know they are aware of the cross crossing planes. It’s just silence everywhere.
Pilots are afraid of being grounded for reporting unidentified aircraft, so they are not going to report this either. The guy atGeoEngineeringWatch.orgsays he has found documents that are GAG Orders for the Weather Channel, so I assume legal gag orders prevent many from talking.
The air is also being sprayed with odor block so you cant smell the chems. You cant smell anything any more. Cant smell grass cut, leaves in the fall, flowers, nada!!
They just cant handle reality and live in a dream state of denial.....simalar to Trump Derangement Syndrome. They still need the PROOF while its biting them in the ASS. I stopped coddling the TDS folks the same way I ignore the WOKE with their covid saving vaccine and its boosters. As far as im concerned they can take as many boosters as makes them feel warm and protected.. I dont give a damn! Your body Your choice!!
Jan 16 2015 reported by Rob Waugh. AF Whistle Blower Kristen Meghan, AF Bio Environmental Engineer. Her videotaped interview has been erased or I would have copied it.
Thank youπ I'm familiar with the site but as i couldn't get any credible connection to actual aerodynamics, nanotechnology or medicine background for Dane Wigington, I had put it in the unconfirmed pile. His background is in solar power industry and so there is potential conflict of interest- not saying there is, but still warrants consideration.Also I'd like some IRL data from someone later than 2013. But thanks for the reminder on this siteπ€
I've gone back and re looked at the documents with a new eye and focus on the nanoparticulates/nanopathology and possible MoA.ππ€π
I have a very serious inquiry for you, Dr. Ana, or anyone else that might be able address my concern....l have not vacinnated my family pets for several years now....but 3 months ago my beloved 14 y/o Sheltie-mix dog was diagnosed with diabetes & requires insulin to survive. I don't have a choice.
Is there a canine detox protocol that might be helpful to cleanse her blood, lymphatic system, etc?
Not to mention folks that have diabetic felines, horses & farm livestock....but for now, specifically dogs? Any thoughts???
We are not only fighting for the survival of humanity but for all the wonderous creatures that we share this beautiful planet with!
I am a very kind & loving soul but l find that l am experiencing murderous rage more & more frequently!
Thank-you Dr. Ana for all that you are doing in this battle between good & evil.
Thank-you, Lauron, for this feedback. I will definitely start researching! Obviously l want to keep my girl as healthy as possible for as long as possible.
I started treating my 13 year old black lab with frequencies specifically frequency molecular weight for chlorine dioxide. She has been acting 5-years younger and seems to be continuing to turn the clock back! The frequencies are generated using plasma just like Royal Raymond Rife used back in 1930’s. Look for documentary on you tube Royal Raymond Rife.
Good place to start.
Telegram messenger app has many great channels, just get the app from their website if you can or use the PC version from the website.
The versions from apple and google playstore are compromised.
If you get Telegram post back here and I will share a few channels with you. Some of them are specific to animals.
La Qunita Columna reported all REQUIRED Dog Rabies Vaccines have NANO TECH. 4 out 10 of his dogs vaccinated died of cancer within 4 months. That is what's causing the MYSTERY respitory illness that are killing dogs all across the country. It's at around minute 2 hrs. but the entire video should be watched.
Hi Laurie,
You may need to start cooking your dog’s food to ensure he gets a high-protein diet. I am considering the same for my cat as she eats a lot of kibble and I realize this could invite diabetes, I knew someone years ago who made a fresh dog stew, which was composed of meat and vegetables, every several days. The dog absolutely loved it! You need to stop giving dry food. I wonder if there’s such a thing as high protein biscuits for dogs?
This aspect isn’t often discussed but your emotions affect those of your dog. Just as children are psychically/emotionally connected to their parents, so the same goes for pets. They’re extremely sensitive. They will absorb and reflect your energy. So, if you frequently engage in anger, fear, general negativity, or depression, this may ultimately hurt them by taking the form of some kind of disease. Food for thought.
Recommend you watch the videos of veterinarian Dr. Andrew Jones on YouTube for starters & do additional research if needed.
Here’s one which focuses more on a cat, but the principles apply to both cats and dogs. Second video deals with some natural remedies to help the diabetes.
Here’s the general page where you’ll find numerous other short videos by the same vet. Recommend you get a free copy of his book which he speaks about either at the beginning or end of his videos. Happy to send you a copy if it’s no longer available. Let me know.
Hope you find the information above helpful . Bless your pet! πΎ
Smiling at you! Thank-you. Thank-you for sharing! What a wealth of information!
Regarding the dry kibble....yes, l stopped that a few years ago but feed 50% canned & 50% organic meat & veges but l guess l should now stop the canned food as well.
And the dry kibble for my 2 cats is a dilemma. They do get wet, canned 2x a day but l don't know how l could stop the dry food for them! products for diabetes in adults. They may be able to recommend a protocol for your dog. Best wishes.
Good question - I have not taken my dog for vax for many years but took her for a few cartrophin shots (for arthritis) before putting 2 and 2 together on the issue, how stupid of me! Have stopped now but have also been wondering how to detox her. have chlorine dioxide, will try that - thanks to others for this suggestion. I have also changed her diet, raw kangaroo mince, organic carrot and cabbage, medicinal mushrooms and tumeric, bit of olive oil, raw meaty bones to chew - she is much happier than on the hill's kibbles
Jeezus H. Not good. So Anna, you are Sasha are on the same matter what they say, these nano and other experiemental things called "transhumanism" or body to computer are just plain poisons...and not healthy any way you look at it. They will kill us.
Oxidative stress is a mis-noma
Oxygen is an extremely dry gas, calibrated in parts per million of water contamination.
Oxygen gas is obviously not a component of our physiology.
Oxygen is not hiding inside a water molecule as THEY would have you believe. The chemical compound H2O is a fiction. Two dry gases, classed as flammable, do not join and negate their inherent properties, to then put out fires.
Bodies are primarily made up of salts plus water.
Oxidative stress is actually dehydration caused by salt restriction propaganda.
Add salt and water follows.
Hydration returns the power of bodies to heal.
My Substack article is titled: we breathe air not oxygen.
Oxygen is prescribed primarily for the terminally ill, not for breathlessness.
Palliative care is not kind.
Oxygen kills in plain sight with full immunity because it’s believed that oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide in the lung alveoli. It’s time this idea was challenged and dismissed.
My new take on blood and lung physiology.
The red blood cells are absorbing saline water as they pass through the alveoli capillaries. Changing state from dehydrated (contracted and dark) to hydrated (expanded and light).
Just like the saline drip hydrates RBCs through venous exposure.
Indeed, that is correct. Graphene will always be toxic, they have been trying to functionalize it with other metals and products for decades, but it remains incompatible with human biology. There are hundreds of studies that prove it. If science says that rGO is toxic, then it is worth asking... why has it been introduced into all types of injectables? The answer is clear.
Regarding the DQG, M. Andersen did a very interesting investigation at the time, collecting information on studies like this one:
Graphene Oxide Quantum Dot-Based Memristors with Forward Conduction Tuning for Artificial Synaptic Learning - Xiaobing Yan, Lei Zhang, Huawei Chen, Xiaoyan Li, Jingjuan Wang, Qi Liu, Chao Lu, Jingsheng Chen, Huaqiang Wu, Peng Zhou
First of all, we explain what a memristor is: it is an electrical component that takes its name from the words "memory" and "resistance", first devised in 1971 by electrical and computer engineer Dr. Leon Ong Chua of the Institute of Technology of Massachusetts. According to his approach, the memristor is capable of relating electric charge and magnetic flux, defining it as a resistance with memory. The concept was later demonstrated by Richard Stanley Williams (HP Labs researcher), when he created a useful nanoscale physical model (Strukov, D.B.; Snider, G.S.; Stewart, D.R.; Williams, R.S. 2008). In fact, this is because ionic and electronic transport is feasible at the molecular and even atomic scale. The applications of memristors are very diverse, for example they would allow expanding the capacities of hard drives, reducing energy use and improving reading and writing speed (Di Ventra, M.; Pershin, Y.V. 2013).
On the other hand, it can be observed that memristors present programming logic applications (Snider, G.S. 2007 | Mao, J.Y.; Zhou, L.; Zhu, X.; Zhou, Y.; Han, S.T. 2019 | Xia, L. ; Li, B.; Tang, T.; Gu, P.; Chen, PY.; Yu, S.; Yang, H. 2017), processing of signals and electrical stimuli (Mouttet, B.L. 2007), including in neural networks as demonstrated by Stanley Williams' own article (Pickett, M.D.; Medeiros-Ribeiro, G.; Stanley-Williams, R. 2013) where the term "neuristor" is coined. It is worth mentioning that in his work the concept is tested with nanoscale metal oxide semiconductors. Graphene oxide had not yet been implemented at the time of publication of Williams' paper. Despite this, he demonstrates that the neuristor "exhibits important all-or-none neural functions with signal gain spikes and several periodic spikes, using materials and structures that are amenable to extremely high-density integration with or without silicon transistors." . .
The conclusions he reached were:
"1. The relationship between graphene oxide and memristors/neuristors is clear, since their production, programming and operation are perfectly possible, as demonstrated by the scientific literature reviewed in the form of graphene quantum dots.
2. The scientific intention of implanting neuristor chips in the human body has been demonstrated due to the multiple toxicity tests that have been carried out. This agrees with the idea of developing the human-machine interface sought by transhumanist currents.
3. It has been shown that the logic of neurostores can be programmed, opening the way to an uncertain future, in which the control of human beings and their neural programming is perfectly possible. "I consider this implementation very dangerous, since it would mean the end of freedom as we know it."
Mik Andersen is the pseudonym for him, a Spanish scientist who had to stop his research due to threats for getting too close.
So evidently the diabolical globalist eugenicists are giving each other awards for coming up with new ways of poisoning and killing the rest of us under the guise of health care. IMO, this likely involves some sort of weaponized electronic pathogens and EMFs, as well as potentially the use of remote mind control or humans being "Hackable Animals," as at least one of the conspirators has said repeatedly. If [they] really are using biosensors (and our WBAN Wireless Body Area Network) which [they] stealthily got into all of us over many years, as has been asserted, to remotely "monitor our health" then [they] can also destroy our "health" at any time. As far as these Quantum Dots go, [they] gave a clever, harmless-sounding name to something incredibly diabolical, and most people will never look further. I don't really want to live anymore in this insane and evil world. We apparently must defeat the Beast System or die trying.
seems like this is all about poisoning. all they can do is DESTROY. But there will be NO melding of human or human "thought" to machine. We are CONSCIOUS...machines ARE NOT! very few knows where "thought" originates ( the god head) and no one knows how a heart beats( it is NOT A PUMP). So the most the demons can do is kill/ destroy and since METAL is involved in all this "nano" crap , just get your heavy metal levels down to nothin. easy to do and without metal in the body these "biobobs " are helpless. Try oral DMSA to remove metals
Every criminal behind all this needs to be in prison and or death sentences.
AI and nano bots need to be destroyed. They are evil YES! they are evil. It's not they have no choice they are now sentient it's been said they are they are evil. Lucifer is using them. Luminaries, or whatever the word is above makes sense. For Satan himself has transformed into an angel of Light.
But also makes sense that like makes these things mover or not. I am hit with light sabers, IE: Lasers.
Which again I get very bad v2k, from probably these things and or other transmitters.
So, yeah getting me me more EDTA, some of that Sodium Citrate, and Potassium Iodide not Iodine but Iodide. I want as much of this crap out of me as much as possible ASAP.
this is chatgpt's answer what is the composition of quantum dots? what are they made of specifically? thank you
Quantum dots are nanoscale semiconductor particles that exhibit unique electronic and optical properties due to quantum mechanics. The specific composition of quantum dots can vary, but they are typically made from semiconductor materials. The most commonly used semiconductor materials for quantum dots include:
Cadmium Selenide (CdSe): CdSe is one of the most widely used materials for quantum dots. It emits different colors of light depending on its size, making it suitable for various applications.
Cadmium Telluride (CdTe): CdTe quantum dots are another common type, and they share similar properties with CdSe quantum dots.
Indium Phosphide (InP): InP quantum dots are known for their reduced toxicity compared to cadmium-based quantum dots. They are considered a more environmentally friendly alternative.
Lead Sulfide (PbS): PbS quantum dots are often used in the infrared region, providing applications in telecommunications and imaging.
Perovskite Quantum Dots: Perovskite materials have gained attention for their excellent optoelectronic properties. Perovskite quantum dots are being explored for use in solar cells, LEDs, and other applications.
The size of the quantum dots is crucial because it determines the energy levels and thus the color of light they emit. Quantum dots are typically on the order of a few nanometers in diameter.
It's important to note that the use of cadmium in quantum dots has raised environmental and health concerns, leading researchers to explore alternative materials. The field is dynamic, with ongoing efforts to develop quantum dots with improved properties and reduced environmental impact.
Dr Brian Ardis had a Healing For The Ages Conference last September. In he casually mentioned a plant named Mimosa Pudica. He just thru it out there and didn't say much about it. Since I went and researched Mimosa Pudica and Venom. An amazing number of professional articles came up about this plant. Bungaruse snake venom has been found in the shots and this plant is used as the antidote in E India and Malaysia for snake bites. It is the go to plant in those countries and is very safe to take. A side benefit is that it can remove larger worms from the gut. Check it out yourself.
Yes they knock off the spike proteins from the Nicotine Receptors in back of the brain because the Nicotine is more concentrated in the patches than in the spike proteins. That's my understanding.
about graphene quantum dots it couldn't give exact formulas
The chemical composition of graphene quantum dots primarily involves carbon, and their structure is often represented in a simplified form as Cn, where "n" represents the number of carbon atoms forming the quantum dot. However, this representation doesn't capture the surface functional groups or heteroatoms that may be present. To provide a more detailed representation, we can include the common oxygen-containing functional groups and nitrogen doping:
O, N
(O, N)
This formula indicates that the graphene quantum dot is primarily composed of carbon atoms, and oxygen and nitrogen may be present as functional groups or dopants. The specific composition can vary based on the synthesis method and any post-synthesis modifications performed to enhance the quantum dot's properties for a particular application.
Exactly as suspected. The path has already been mapped for anybody willing to follow it in the past. There is a history surrounding Pharma or about any corporation since the 20th Century Eugenicists united to fight in WWI and WWII.
This was NOT difficult to predict and now it's coming to be. Not certain if quick action can head this off at the pass.
New here - but I have some questions - These are manufactured so it would seem that those involved in the production process and individuals researching their use could not help but be exposed to them, regardless of any protective gear. The size would suggest that exposure would likely occur via all routes (oral, dermal, respiratory) so I am wondering if their are any case studies of adverse effects among these folks and if OSHA has any regulations for exposure to this or other nanomaterials. Probably dumb questions. Thanks
I will reiterate again and maybe even add the theories regarding Atlantis demise, they messed around with our Creators creation.
I believe even more so now that an earth catastrophe magnetic pole shift is imminent and my best guess is before the end of June/2024.
God always wins in the end BUT the end will not be for everyone but know this much evils control over humans will be finished as will those deceivers that are helping evil.
@DrAnaMihalcea ππ
Were you invited to NanoCom 2019? I wasn't, but Ian F. Akyildiz attended. Since March 2023 Ian admitted his injectable bionano machines were in the covid jabs. Was Ian aware CoNvid was coming?
This is even more human medical research without consent. Completely unethical and illegal. Unacceptable in every way. These criminals must be stopped.
Dan... - Jan 2, 2024
WhyNotThink’s Substack
Shouldn't we ban all medical research?
We have enough experience, and we cannot even make use of what we have.
Why don’t we stop this vehicle, turn off the engine, remove the battery and clean up the mess we are in.
KarlM Alias - Jan 2, 2024
KarlM Alias
Dan... - Jan 2, 2024
WhyNotThink’s Substack
An interesting exploration.
Is there a translation into plain English? For my neighbors, they are normal :-)
Stephan - Jan 2, 2024
Good info. TY
jon h - Jan 3, 2024
iya - Jan 3, 2024
No, but it needs to be taken out of the hands of corporations.
Allan - Jan 3, 2024
Just Checkin??
Unfortunately Dan I think our forefathers gave up control of the vehicle long ago. And we are the battery that powers the vehicle, and the batteries have been implanted with advanced technology that only the key holder can control.
Dan... - Jan 3, 2024
WhyNotThink’s Substack
As the media reports, present-day batteries are pretty much good for nothing, low capacity, extremely overpriced, charging time exceeding duration of use, and their only visible effect is burning high.
I guess, our forefathers never said a word about we, the people, becoming a passive group silently submitting to whatever comes in their way, especially if it’s not in the best interest of anyone really.
All nations whose homes we have been visiting uninvited in the last 100 years fight for principles. None of them fought for money or resources. And they fight for the basic principles we so much love to talk about and talk about and talk about: sovereignty, independence, freedom of choice, autonomy. Strangely enough, the poorest of these nations regularly win with the undisputed largest economy and the only empire in the world. It takes them years, but they win.
What would our foremothers say? What kind of honor and respect do we bring home?
Allan - Jan 3, 2024
Just Checkin??
I am from Oz and my forefathers went off to fight for the Global Cartel in the Boer War just saying your mob ain’t the only ones making war for the Cartel. They came home as hero’s, but now we know they were fooled into being mercenaries and were killing innocent people for diamonds. Rhodes was the main architect and from this win he graciously set up the Rhodes Scholarship to groom the future leaders of the world in education, media, military, science, technology, medicine, politics and CIA ASIO etc etc. That was over a hundred years ago. Not forgetting that the Groomed then become the Groomer. Bill Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar.
Dan... - Jan 3, 2024
WhyNotThink’s Substack
Sometimes our history is a source of inner power to us.
Always - history is a burden of the past, even the most glorious and brave one, distracting us from our present day’s affairs and problems which need to be solved now, today, with a view for our better tomorrow.
Reconciling the past with the now and the future is impossible. Trying to do so will make one walk in circles on one spot. Politicians know it perfectly well - this is why always refer to history and make appealing slogans out of it. And they are never specific and factual about today or tomorrow.
The BarefootHealer - Jan 2, 2024 - Edited
I would dearly love anyone from former defence or aviation industries to confirm any aerosolised "Qdot" use.π€π€¨ See how extensively it pervades.
Personally, I think that what they have been weaponising the climate change term of "microplastics" is partial cover for the nanoparticulates and nanopathology damage.BTJMO π€ππ€·♀οΈπ€
Michael P - Jan 3, 2024 - Edited
It’s guaranteed they are poisoning us via spraying the atmosphere. It’s not about global warming. Especially when they are spray in the middle of winter for the last three years. People need to observe the sky and realize they are actively poisoning the world’s population.
The BarefootHealer - Jan 3, 2024 - Edited
Ironically, people don't actually look upπ
Hazel - Jan 4, 2024 - Edited
Spraying like mad in my Florida town. Used to be blue sky Florida. No more. Entire sky hazy white/grey with strange low dark clouds.
Catherine - Jan 6, 2024 - Edited
Same in Ohio. Haven't seen the sun in weeks. Ice crystals and rain filled with their poisons 24/7 def having an effect. Bronchitis symptoms and dizziness among many, now exploding here. When will someone put an end to this murderous rampage on American citizens by their government? Maybe if we all die before the 2024 election, they can cheat and win again? Its always been them destroying the environment and the health of everything. The DEEP STATE SUCKS!
Catherine - Jan 3, 2024 - Edited
Actually, people do look up. People actually report these things to the EPA and other agencies, only to be ignored. I am one of those people who call very often without a response. I have actually called, emailed and written my representatives and many others, only to be ignored. Actually, the News NEVER reports these things. Your representatives actually don't talk about these things and your government actually gags many from speaking about this. In 2016 after the election President TRUMP grounded one of these Chem Trail Plains. He ordered it down to show the public what was inside. That video has been actually removed from the net but it was on the news for a hot minute. The tanks inside were also filmed. There is nothing ironic about it.
Cheryl Schroeder - Jan 19, 2024
Or you tell people about those weird clouds and they laugh at you and insist those are just airplane Contrails. I’m not dumb, no airplanes tract crisscross and leave trails that widen instead of evaporating. Even our weatherman refuted chemtrails. They must all be in on it?!
Hazel - Jan 19, 2024
Are they being paid off? Why don’t the local airport air traffic controllers fess up to seeing this? I know they are aware of the cross crossing planes. It’s just silence everywhere.
Catherine - Jan 20, 2024
Pilots are afraid of being grounded for reporting unidentified aircraft, so they are not going to report this either. The guy atGeoEngineeringWatch.orgsays he has found documents that are GAG Orders for the Weather Channel, so I assume legal gag orders prevent many from talking.
Catherine - Jan 20, 2024
The air is also being sprayed with odor block so you cant smell the chems. You cant smell anything any more. Cant smell grass cut, leaves in the fall, flowers, nada!!
Catherine - Jan 2, 2024 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
The proof is already known... but ignored..
Christian - Jan 3, 2024 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
People I warned 10 years do not care, neither in in the vaxx poison !
Catherine - Jan 3, 2024 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
They just cant handle reality and live in a dream state of denial.....simalar to Trump Derangement Syndrome. They still need the PROOF while its biting them in the ASS. I stopped coddling the TDS folks the same way I ignore the WOKE with their covid saving vaccine and its boosters. As far as im concerned they can take as many boosters as makes them feel warm and protected.. I dont give a damn! Your body Your choice!!
Catherine - Jan 3, 2024
Jan 16 2015 reported by Rob Waugh. AF Whistle Blower Kristen Meghan, AF Bio Environmental Engineer. Her videotaped interview has been erased or I would have copied it.
Christian - Jan 6, 2024
Ar’s Substack
Christian - Jan 6, 2024
Ar’s Substack
years AGO
The BarefootHealer - Jan 3, 2024 - Edited
Thank youπ I'm familiar with the site but as i couldn't get any credible connection to actual aerodynamics, nanotechnology or medicine background for Dane Wigington, I had put it in the unconfirmed pile. His background is in solar power industry and so there is potential conflict of interest- not saying there is, but still warrants consideration.Also I'd like some IRL data from someone later than 2013. But thanks for the reminder on this siteπ€
I've gone back and re looked at the documents with a new eye and focus on the nanoparticulates/nanopathology and possible MoA.ππ€π
Catherine - Jan 3, 2024 - Edited
Nonsense, whats your degree in?
Laurie - Jan 2, 2024 - Edited
I have a very serious inquiry for you, Dr. Ana, or anyone else that might be able address my concern....l have not vacinnated my family pets for several years now....but 3 months ago my beloved 14 y/o Sheltie-mix dog was diagnosed with diabetes & requires insulin to survive. I don't have a choice.
Is there a canine detox protocol that might be helpful to cleanse her blood, lymphatic system, etc?
Not to mention folks that have diabetic felines, horses & farm livestock....but for now, specifically dogs? Any thoughts???
We are not only fighting for the survival of humanity but for all the wonderous creatures that we share this beautiful planet with!
I am a very kind & loving soul but l find that l am experiencing murderous rage more & more frequently!
Thank-you Dr. Ana for all that you are doing in this battle between good & evil.
lauron Smith - Jan 2, 2024
lauron Smith
Chlorine dioxide, testimonies telegram, or research chlorine dioxide on rumble.
Laurie - Jan 2, 2024
Thank-you, Lauron, for this feedback. I will definitely start researching! Obviously l want to keep my girl as healthy as possible for as long as possible.
Michael P - Jan 3, 2024
I started treating my 13 year old black lab with frequencies specifically frequency molecular weight for chlorine dioxide. She has been acting 5-years younger and seems to be continuing to turn the clock back! The frequencies are generated using plasma just like Royal Raymond Rife used back in 1930’s. Look for documentary on you tube Royal Raymond Rife.
Laurie - Jan 3, 2024
Oh wow. Thank-you for sharing!
Gary McCollom - Jan 3, 2024
Good place to start.
Telegram messenger app has many great channels, just get the app from their website if you can or use the PC version from the website.
The versions from apple and google playstore are compromised.
If you get Telegram post back here and I will share a few channels with you. Some of them are specific to animals.
Michael P - Jan 3, 2024
Check out:
For top notch info on chlorine dioxide, purchase his book: Forbidden Health
Laurie - Jan 3, 2024
Thank-you so much. Especially for the book recommendation!
Hazel - Jan 3, 2024
That is mumbo jumbo. Pages and pages of never ending vague directions.
Agent Midnight Rider - Jan 3, 2024
Agent’s Substack
La Qunita Columna reported all REQUIRED Dog Rabies Vaccines have NANO TECH. 4 out 10 of his dogs vaccinated died of cancer within 4 months. That is what's causing the MYSTERY respitory illness that are killing dogs all across the country. It's at around minute 2 hrs. but the entire video should be watched.
Laurie - Jan 3, 2024
Thank-you so much for this video recommendation. I will be watching this tomorrow!
Veronica Evans - Jan 3, 2024
Hi Laurie,
You may need to start cooking your dog’s food to ensure he gets a high-protein diet. I am considering the same for my cat as she eats a lot of kibble and I realize this could invite diabetes, I knew someone years ago who made a fresh dog stew, which was composed of meat and vegetables, every several days. The dog absolutely loved it! You need to stop giving dry food. I wonder if there’s such a thing as high protein biscuits for dogs?
This aspect isn’t often discussed but your emotions affect those of your dog. Just as children are psychically/emotionally connected to their parents, so the same goes for pets. They’re extremely sensitive. They will absorb and reflect your energy. So, if you frequently engage in anger, fear, general negativity, or depression, this may ultimately hurt them by taking the form of some kind of disease. Food for thought.
Recommend you watch the videos of veterinarian Dr. Andrew Jones on YouTube for starters & do additional research if needed.
Here’s one which focuses more on a cat, but the principles apply to both cats and dogs. Second video deals with some natural remedies to help the diabetes.
Here’s the general page where you’ll find numerous other short videos by the same vet. Recommend you get a free copy of his book which he speaks about either at the beginning or end of his videos. Happy to send you a copy if it’s no longer available. Let me know.
Hope you find the information above helpful . Bless your pet! πΎ
Laurie - Jan 3, 2024
Smiling at you! Thank-you. Thank-you for sharing! What a wealth of information!
Regarding the dry kibble....yes, l stopped that a few years ago but feed 50% canned & 50% organic meat & veges but l guess l should now stop the canned food as well.
And the dry kibble for my 2 cats is a dilemma. They do get wet, canned 2x a day but l don't know how l could stop the dry food for them!
John A George - Jan 2, 2024
Laurie products for diabetes in adults. They may be able to recommend a protocol for your dog. Best wishes.
Laurie - Jan 3, 2024
Thank-you for your kind reply! I will look at their website. I am overwhelmed at all the responses l have received to my inquiry.
Phillipa Holden - Jan 3, 2024 - Edited
Phillipa Holden
Good question - I have not taken my dog for vax for many years but took her for a few cartrophin shots (for arthritis) before putting 2 and 2 together on the issue, how stupid of me! Have stopped now but have also been wondering how to detox her. have chlorine dioxide, will try that - thanks to others for this suggestion. I have also changed her diet, raw kangaroo mince, organic carrot and cabbage, medicinal mushrooms and tumeric, bit of olive oil, raw meaty bones to chew - she is much happier than on the hill's kibbles
Laurie - Jan 3, 2024
Thank-you for your kind reply. And your diet recommendations are wonderful! Thank-you so very much!!!
Duchess - Jan 2, 2024
Jeezus H. Not good. So Anna, you are Sasha are on the same matter what they say, these nano and other experiemental things called "transhumanism" or body to computer are just plain poisons...and not healthy any way you look at it. They will kill us.
Seeking Truth - Jan 2, 2024
Seeking Truth
Sasha is not on the same page
Jane 333 - Jan 3, 2024
Lung physiology equals salt plu…
Oxidative stress is a mis-noma
Oxygen is an extremely dry gas, calibrated in parts per million of water contamination.
Oxygen gas is obviously not a component of our physiology.
Oxygen is not hiding inside a water molecule as THEY would have you believe. The chemical compound H2O is a fiction. Two dry gases, classed as flammable, do not join and negate their inherent properties, to then put out fires.
Bodies are primarily made up of salts plus water.
Oxidative stress is actually dehydration caused by salt restriction propaganda.
Add salt and water follows.
Hydration returns the power of bodies to heal.
My Substack article is titled: we breathe air not oxygen.
Oxygen is prescribed primarily for the terminally ill, not for breathlessness.
Palliative care is not kind.
Oxygen kills in plain sight with full immunity because it’s believed that oxygen is exchanged for carbon dioxide in the lung alveoli. It’s time this idea was challenged and dismissed.
My new take on blood and lung physiology.
The red blood cells are absorbing saline water as they pass through the alveoli capillaries. Changing state from dehydrated (contracted and dark) to hydrated (expanded and light).
Just like the saline drip hydrates RBCs through venous exposure.
R. Q. - Jan 2, 2024
R. Q.
Indeed, that is correct. Graphene will always be toxic, they have been trying to functionalize it with other metals and products for decades, but it remains incompatible with human biology. There are hundreds of studies that prove it. If science says that rGO is toxic, then it is worth asking... why has it been introduced into all types of injectables? The answer is clear.
Regarding the DQG, M. Andersen did a very interesting investigation at the time, collecting information on studies like this one:
Graphene Oxide Quantum Dot-Based Memristors with Forward Conduction Tuning for Artificial Synaptic Learning - Xiaobing Yan, Lei Zhang, Huawei Chen, Xiaoyan Li, Jingjuan Wang, Qi Liu, Chao Lu, Jingsheng Chen, Huaqiang Wu, Peng Zhou
First of all, we explain what a memristor is: it is an electrical component that takes its name from the words "memory" and "resistance", first devised in 1971 by electrical and computer engineer Dr. Leon Ong Chua of the Institute of Technology of Massachusetts. According to his approach, the memristor is capable of relating electric charge and magnetic flux, defining it as a resistance with memory. The concept was later demonstrated by Richard Stanley Williams (HP Labs researcher), when he created a useful nanoscale physical model (Strukov, D.B.; Snider, G.S.; Stewart, D.R.; Williams, R.S. 2008). In fact, this is because ionic and electronic transport is feasible at the molecular and even atomic scale. The applications of memristors are very diverse, for example they would allow expanding the capacities of hard drives, reducing energy use and improving reading and writing speed (Di Ventra, M.; Pershin, Y.V. 2013).
On the other hand, it can be observed that memristors present programming logic applications (Snider, G.S. 2007 | Mao, J.Y.; Zhou, L.; Zhu, X.; Zhou, Y.; Han, S.T. 2019 | Xia, L. ; Li, B.; Tang, T.; Gu, P.; Chen, PY.; Yu, S.; Yang, H. 2017), processing of signals and electrical stimuli (Mouttet, B.L. 2007), including in neural networks as demonstrated by Stanley Williams' own article (Pickett, M.D.; Medeiros-Ribeiro, G.; Stanley-Williams, R. 2013) where the term "neuristor" is coined. It is worth mentioning that in his work the concept is tested with nanoscale metal oxide semiconductors. Graphene oxide had not yet been implemented at the time of publication of Williams' paper. Despite this, he demonstrates that the neuristor "exhibits important all-or-none neural functions with signal gain spikes and several periodic spikes, using materials and structures that are amenable to extremely high-density integration with or without silicon transistors." . .
The conclusions he reached were:
"1. The relationship between graphene oxide and memristors/neuristors is clear, since their production, programming and operation are perfectly possible, as demonstrated by the scientific literature reviewed in the form of graphene quantum dots.
2. The scientific intention of implanting neuristor chips in the human body has been demonstrated due to the multiple toxicity tests that have been carried out. This agrees with the idea of developing the human-machine interface sought by transhumanist currents.
3. It has been shown that the logic of neurostores can be programmed, opening the way to an uncertain future, in which the control of human beings and their neural programming is perfectly possible. "I consider this implementation very dangerous, since it would mean the end of freedom as we know it."
Mik Andersen is the pseudonym for him, a Spanish scientist who had to stop his research due to threats for getting too close.
Swan - Jan 2, 2024
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean
So evidently the diabolical globalist eugenicists are giving each other awards for coming up with new ways of poisoning and killing the rest of us under the guise of health care. IMO, this likely involves some sort of weaponized electronic pathogens and EMFs, as well as potentially the use of remote mind control or humans being "Hackable Animals," as at least one of the conspirators has said repeatedly. If [they] really are using biosensors (and our WBAN Wireless Body Area Network) which [they] stealthily got into all of us over many years, as has been asserted, to remotely "monitor our health" then [they] can also destroy our "health" at any time. As far as these Quantum Dots go, [they] gave a clever, harmless-sounding name to something incredibly diabolical, and most people will never look further. I don't really want to live anymore in this insane and evil world. We apparently must defeat the Beast System or die trying.
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - Jan 2, 2024
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean
seems like this is all about poisoning. all they can do is DESTROY. But there will be NO melding of human or human "thought" to machine. We are CONSCIOUS...machines ARE NOT! very few knows where "thought" originates ( the god head) and no one knows how a heart beats( it is NOT A PUMP). So the most the demons can do is kill/ destroy and since METAL is involved in all this "nano" crap , just get your heavy metal levels down to nothin. easy to do and without metal in the body these "biobobs " are helpless. Try oral DMSA to remove metals
Doug - Jan 3, 2024 - Edited
Doug’s Substack
Every criminal behind all this needs to be in prison and or death sentences.
AI and nano bots need to be destroyed. They are evil YES! they are evil. It's not they have no choice they are now sentient it's been said they are they are evil. Lucifer is using them. Luminaries, or whatever the word is above makes sense. For Satan himself has transformed into an angel of Light.
But also makes sense that like makes these things mover or not. I am hit with light sabers, IE: Lasers.
Which again I get very bad v2k, from probably these things and or other transmitters.
So, yeah getting me me more EDTA, some of that Sodium Citrate, and Potassium Iodide not Iodine but Iodide. I want as much of this crap out of me as much as possible ASAP.
Christian - Jan 3, 2024 - Edited
Ar’s Substack
on my side, NAC, Vit C, Zeolite, IVM... herb teas and soon EDTA chelation, a in a clinic...
Hazel - Jan 4, 2024
Who makes the iv fluid and edta?
sara1 - Jan 2, 2024 - Edited
R. Q.
what is the composition of quantum dots? what are they made of specifically? thank you
R. Q. - Jan 2, 2024 - Edited
R. Q.
Graphene quantum dots, the scientific literature is extensive
sara1 - Jan 2, 2024 - Edited
Patti’s Substack
this is chatgpt's answer what is the composition of quantum dots? what are they made of specifically? thank you
Quantum dots are nanoscale semiconductor particles that exhibit unique electronic and optical properties due to quantum mechanics. The specific composition of quantum dots can vary, but they are typically made from semiconductor materials. The most commonly used semiconductor materials for quantum dots include:
Cadmium Selenide (CdSe): CdSe is one of the most widely used materials for quantum dots. It emits different colors of light depending on its size, making it suitable for various applications.
Cadmium Telluride (CdTe): CdTe quantum dots are another common type, and they share similar properties with CdSe quantum dots.
Indium Phosphide (InP): InP quantum dots are known for their reduced toxicity compared to cadmium-based quantum dots. They are considered a more environmentally friendly alternative.
Lead Sulfide (PbS): PbS quantum dots are often used in the infrared region, providing applications in telecommunications and imaging.
Perovskite Quantum Dots: Perovskite materials have gained attention for their excellent optoelectronic properties. Perovskite quantum dots are being explored for use in solar cells, LEDs, and other applications.
The size of the quantum dots is crucial because it determines the energy levels and thus the color of light they emit. Quantum dots are typically on the order of a few nanometers in diameter.
It's important to note that the use of cadmium in quantum dots has raised environmental and health concerns, leading researchers to explore alternative materials. The field is dynamic, with ongoing efforts to develop quantum dots with improved properties and reduced environmental impact.
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Jan 3, 2024
Patti’s Substack
Dr Brian Ardis had a Healing For The Ages Conference last September. In he casually mentioned a plant named Mimosa Pudica. He just thru it out there and didn't say much about it. Since I went and researched Mimosa Pudica and Venom. An amazing number of professional articles came up about this plant. Bungaruse snake venom has been found in the shots and this plant is used as the antidote in E India and Malaysia for snake bites. It is the go to plant in those countries and is very safe to take. A side benefit is that it can remove larger worms from the gut. Check it out yourself.
sara1 - Jan 3, 2024
Patti’s Substack
also nicotine patches can help with venom
Patti Kay Wooldridge RN BSN - Jan 3, 2024
Patti’s Substack
Yes they knock off the spike proteins from the Nicotine Receptors in back of the brain because the Nicotine is more concentrated in the patches than in the spike proteins. That's my understanding.
R. Q. - Jan 2, 2024 - Edited
R. Q.
And also about graphene, I repeat, the literature is extensive. Precisely this is the material that has been introduced in every injectable
sara1 - Jan 2, 2024
R. Q.
I'd be grateful if you can point to chemical formulas of graphene quantum dots, they can help when using rife equipment to remove substances thank you
John A George - Jan 2, 2024
Hopefully a future Spooky2 SW update will address this issue...
Michael P - Jan 3, 2024
They already have a graphene removal program (Spooky2)
Also snake venoms.
To address qdots you can try molecular weight frequency for methylene blue.
R. Q. - Jan 2, 2024
R. Q.
Graphene oxide is composed of carbon and oxygen.
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean - Jan 3, 2024
Professor Lulu Fuzzbean
so where is the graphene...?
sara1 - Jan 2, 2024
about graphene quantum dots it couldn't give exact formulas
The chemical composition of graphene quantum dots primarily involves carbon, and their structure is often represented in a simplified form as Cn, where "n" represents the number of carbon atoms forming the quantum dot. However, this representation doesn't capture the surface functional groups or heteroatoms that may be present. To provide a more detailed representation, we can include the common oxygen-containing functional groups and nitrogen doping:
O, N
(O, N)
This formula indicates that the graphene quantum dot is primarily composed of carbon atoms, and oxygen and nitrogen may be present as functional groups or dopants. The specific composition can vary based on the synthesis method and any post-synthesis modifications performed to enhance the quantum dot's properties for a particular application.
sara1 - Jan 2, 2024
being carbon based it's difficult to distinguish them from what is "us" since we are carbon based...
Mary-Ann - Jan 3, 2024
Mary-Ann’s Newsletter - THE TRU…
Maybe you'd like to take a look around here!
BlazeCloude3 - Jan 2, 2024
Exactly as suspected. The path has already been mapped for anybody willing to follow it in the past. There is a history surrounding Pharma or about any corporation since the 20th Century Eugenicists united to fight in WWI and WWII.
This was NOT difficult to predict and now it's coming to be. Not certain if quick action can head this off at the pass.
Jewell - Jan 3, 2024
New here - but I have some questions - These are manufactured so it would seem that those involved in the production process and individuals researching their use could not help but be exposed to them, regardless of any protective gear. The size would suggest that exposure would likely occur via all routes (oral, dermal, respiratory) so I am wondering if their are any case studies of adverse effects among these folks and if OSHA has any regulations for exposure to this or other nanomaterials. Probably dumb questions. Thanks
Christian - Jan 3, 2024
Ar’s Substack
The ingeneers for the atomic energy were in contact with it, and died from it, except the crook einstein...
Stephen Verchinski - Jan 2, 2024
Stephen Verchinski
Are these in the outside air column these days?
John A George - Jan 2, 2024
Oh yeah:
Brent Rice - Jan 2, 2024
Brent Rice
NOAA weather satellites views of earth including wind and dust flow.
Catherine - Jan 2, 2024
Michelle - Jan 3, 2024
Look into Sabrina Wallace, Psienergy. The DOD/Pentagon and DARPA are behind the deployment of this electronic warfare on the people.
Swan - Jan 3, 2024
You can find many of Sabrina's videos on the nonvaxer420 Rumble channel:
Gary McCollom - Jan 3, 2024
I will reiterate again and maybe even add the theories regarding Atlantis demise, they messed around with our Creators creation.
I believe even more so now that an earth catastrophe magnetic pole shift is imminent and my best guess is before the end of June/2024.
God always wins in the end BUT the end will not be for everyone but know this much evils control over humans will be finished as will those deceivers that are helping evil.
FACTSoverFEAR - Jan 3, 2024
FACTSoverFEAR’s Newsletter
@DrAnaMihalcea ππ
Were you invited to NanoCom 2019? I wasn't, but Ian F. Akyildiz attended. Since March 2023 Ian admitted his injectable bionano machines were in the covid jabs. Was Ian aware CoNvid was coming?
Delina H Bishop MD - Jan 3, 2024
Delina’s Substack
This is even more human medical research without consent. Completely unethical and illegal. Unacceptable in every way. These criminals must be stopped.
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