In Loving Memory of Dr. Michael Roth

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Mar 23, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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I wanted to pay tribute to my beautiful colleague and fellow freedom warrior Dr. Michael Roth, who passed away this month on March 11th.

I first learned about Dr. Mike when I found his article on Graphene detoxification with EDTA, which he had written for the Frontline Doctors. It was an important beginning of my own research into the potential benefits of this molecule for the treatment of my patients.

I was so delighted and honored when he contacted me, after seeing one of my videos on the topic. We had wonderful conversations, shared mutual interests in using this phenomenal molecule for healing people. We did this video interview together which is an excellent review of both of our experience and the scientific background regarding use of EDTA.

Dr. Ana’s Newsletter
EDTA Detoxification for Metals, Graphene and Hydrogel
Here is the Link for our Interview: EDTA Detoxification for Metals, Graphene and Hydrogel In this interview we discuss EDTA studies, excellent safety profile, questions regarding renal dosing. We review the literature of benefits. EDTA for detoxification of metals, Graphene and Hydrogel is discussed. I show before and after live blood images that documen…
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I have listed the bio for Dr Mike below. He was the founder of Soma health and developed the EDTA Cream, that I recommend for my patients and use myself. He was a person full of love for people, and he used his work to express that divinely inspired love in a selfless and gentle way. He was greatly appreciated and will be sorely missed.

Dr Mike’s Bio:

Dr. Mike founded SomaHealth, Inc. in 2008 to provide for and educate the public regarding health and offer the best nutritional supplementation. He has been heavily involved in health care for over 35 years overcoming many of his own personal health struggles.

After graduating from chiropractic school in the mid 80’s, he ran a successful practice before branching out into the retail supplement arena using his many years of education and experience to offer & help formulate exceptional products that are safe and effective. He has always embraced these important ideals:

 – Provide only the best possible products from the world’s finest natural ingredients to improve health.
 – Value and embrace good and honest business practices.
 – Honor God by serving people the best way possible.

There’s a tremendous amount of misinformation and deception regarding nutritional supplements. For example, there are many products labeled as “organic” and “natural” that contain mostly synthetic, artificial ingredients, fillers and excipients which can actually cause more harm than good!

In addition to the best supplementation, it’s vital to reduce and eliminate toxins that we are exposed to every day including heavy metals, graphene oxide, and chemicals such as glyphosate (a toxin used throughout the world as a pesticide on conventionally grown foods). SomaHealth, Inc. offers some of the best detox products on the market.

Dr. Mike has written peer-reviewed scientific papers, webinars, and been a guest speaker on several popular online health shows including: Sons of Liberty Media, America’s Frontline Doctors, and Going Integrative.
His videos and articles can be accessed here:

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Gail - Mar 23, 2023

Gail’s Newsletter

RIP Drs. Roth, Zelenko, Mullis and Montagnier. RIP Peter Pry, Philip Haney, Jim Kallstrom, Dr. Robert Epstein’s wife, Seth Rich,Andrew Breitbart, Tom Clancy Dr. Bruce Ivins, Ashli Babbitt, Roseanne Boyland and the 4 “ suicided” Jan 6 Capital Police officers ( who knew exactly what went down and would have likely testified)and others who died under suspicious circumstances , very conveniently timed.
As per Jeffrey Epstein and Whitey Bulger, they won’t be resting in peace, but were ready to take down half the Deep State. Again, how very convenient.
And where is Nathan Cain, the Uranium One whistleblower? Why is nobody asking?

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Elizabeth Faraone - Mar 23, 2023

I’m so sorry for your loss, Ana. Condolences to you and the world for losing this bright light. That was a beautiful tribute and I will take time to review his work. Thank you for compiling it here.

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