I Will Be Speaking At "New Zealand Doctors…

Sep 8, 2023

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Ryan Tanner - Sep 8, 2023

God Will Wipe Away Ever Tear

Awesome news!! Keep bring light to the darkness Ana. The truth will be set free in good time.


Everything Voluntary Jack - Sep 8, 2023

Jack’s Responsibly Free News Le…

Well done, Ana, I welcome you as a resident for Responsible Freedom, in Auckland, New Zealand. Good to have your voice speaking against the State's Sound of Tyranny.
“The beginning of political wisdom is the realization that despite everything you’ve always been taught, the government is not really on your side; indeed, it is out to get you. The mass belief in the general beneficence of democracy represents a kind of Stockholm syndrome writ large. We shall never have real, lasting peace so long as we give our allegiance to the whole conglomeration of institutionalized exploiters and murderers we know as the state.” Robert Higgs
Get free, stay safe.


Unapologetically Me - Sep 8, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

New Zealand jab mandates, forced upon citizens by that horse-faced jackass Jacinda (who stepped down before the irate villagers got to her...) sound as bad as we have it, STILL, in British Columbia.
I read dozens of comments, by JABBED Kiwis, which could have been written by jabbed Canadians, except jabbed Canadians won't admit they screwed up. Even anonymously.


Sez777 - Sep 8, 2023


I don't know why the nanotechnology angle is so difficult for people to grasp.
The Internet of Things is upon us.
The Internet of Bodies is starting to roll out.
5G installation continued unabated during the mass shutdown of every other industry except that one.
And they orchestrated a huge global campaign to inject every person on the planet with whatever was in that shot.
The conclusion builds itself.


Roman S Shapoval - Sep 8, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

People don’t want to see the truth - and would rather live in a fairy tale, no?


Bufus Alvarius - Sep 13, 2023

And a very profitable one, supported by the demented psychopathic weavers of narratives .... Sasha Latypova is now in active denial of the obvious. It is safe and profitable for her, but these half truths will eventually end humanity and Malone and McCullough are truly not helping us


matt. j.a.o.b - Sep 8, 2023

matt’s microscopy

Being just an ordinary bloke, but also a proud Kiwi , I welcome you.
Some may say that we are fear mongers for exposing the truth of what's really happening with this modern tech, and old agenda, but that's a them problem. The truth remains the same and those who don't want to acknowledge it will pay the price because they wont mitigate what is really making them sick.
Do they really think its all m (modified) rna and spike? A simple question to ask is how did they manage to reduce the cost of a mrna shot from over $3000 to under $3 in a couple of years. Hard pill to swallow I think.
Kiwis should start to feel a bit optimistic even though we have been one of test beds for this agenda. There is a long and proud history of Kiwis punching well above their weight. Be it in sports, science , inventions or remaining in the top 3 least corrupt countries worldwide for many years.
There are only 3 odd degrees of separation between any 2 people in NZ. Its a small country. Its not a place where the bad can hide easily. These brave and good doctors standing up may be the catalyst required to instigate some real action here.
Looking forward to hearing you speak there.


Emily Navas - Sep 8, 2023

Emily’s Substack

I stand behind you and support all that you’re bringing to light! God bless!


Alanna - Sep 8, 2023

Thank you Ana for speaking at our conference. You are phenomenal and should never be censored.
PS I have just finished reading your book for the second time - brilliant.


Just an Old Man - Sep 8, 2023

Just an Old Man

It takes a lot of courage to stand for what is right in God's eyes, rather then men.
Father, I lift up ALL men and women risking their lives to speak to the truth and expose the works of darkness. (Eph.5:11)
Place a hedge of protection upon each and every speaker traveling across the earth in speaking the truth about the global agenda that has unfolded before us.
Break the power of pharmakia (sorcery) over the populations listening; Father that they may have eyes to see, ears to hear and a heart to repent before you.
Use these medical professional Father to your Glory in bringing in a mighty harvest.
For nothing is too hard for you; and nothing is impossible to those that believe.
May your Son Jesus the Christ of Nazareth be glorified as we await his soon appearing....in Jesus name.


Baldmichael - Sep 13, 2023

Baldmichael's Letter from Engla…



2FollowHim - Sep 8, 2023

2FollowHim related topics

I hope I can somewhat tell you just how much YOU mean to me, mean to those of us who subscribe to FACTS,
research, and honesty. So, if we just don't KNOW, we say that we need to investigate a), b) etc., before
talking about it.
That's what science is, and there's no easy way, no shortcuts. And it comes down to believing MONEY,
or POWER or CONTROL is the answer, or that through pursuing justice and truth, you will also
find the means to manage, and we then DON'T pursue those things FIRST. Not to say we never
factor it into our lives: we don't want to be foolish, but it's not #!. #! is leading people to a good place,
and helping.
What an AMAZING opportunity for you to meet with others, connect up, and get input and
more connections that push us forward. I'm exciting for you and with you.
You've been one of my heroines, although being a 'senior, senior', I don't always have enough
energy to read all your excellent research which I do skim over, but unfortunately can't
have the energy to really process.
The best to you and safe travel.


psychoNWO - Sep 10, 2023 - Edited


Memory wipe and re-insertion is a fundamental aspect of the NWO nanotechnology weapons systems. This is how they are controlling the thoughts of the citizen Gangstalkers who are harassing Targeted Individuals. Inserting false memories into the minds of the unsuspecting public is how they convince a community that a Targeted Individuals is a criminal, a person of interest, wanted by the police, dangerous to be around etc...
Biohacking - linking someone's brain to the collective A.I. cloud database...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lk3C0HIbB_Y&t=14s
This is how fragile your memories really are...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7F8ynfgt1pc
Dr Charles Morgan lecture at West Point Military Academy. "Can we insert false memories into the human brain? Yes we can." Stimulation to the retina - via LED streetlamps etc... The gene editing Morgan is referring to is not DNA genetic modification, its done via stem cells,, ie, its temporary - only last a single generation - not permanent, not hereditary. The DNA being discussed here is synthetic - he is not referring to our God given DNA...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=stAIp7NiFyk
What Big Pharma and the medical industry told you about DNA is based on conjecture...https://criticalcheck.wordpress.com/2021/12/15/dna-discovery-extraction-and-structure-a-critical-review/
Brain-to-brain-to-device connection and communication capabilities...https://www.youtube.com/shorts/695-4y6OGXg
The power of suggestion: How to implant false memories...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=il0u2s_WGXA
This test subject's claim of experiencing "strange strength that I never felt before" is created by A.I. via the graphene Oxide Brain-to-Computer Interface. The ability to create altered emotional states via harmonic models was established during the 1960's using Radio Frequencies. These technological 'achievements' have been well documented in the peer reviewed scientific literature going back decades. Know this: everything that can be transmitted via wired connections can also be transmitted via EMF's,, ie, the 5G Telco providers.
Implanting false memories...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=58AxIGmjEP4
Nanoscale electronic networks are indistinguishable from organic neurons. It is much easier to simply inject a synthetic neuronal network into someone and then 'infect' them with ailments and diseases electronically via EMF networks. This ensures that the crime scene is clean. No physical evidence is left behind.
"Our goal to bridge the gap between the structure and mechanical properties of neural (organic) and electronic (digital) networks a decade ago has now led to the realization of mesh electronics that ‘look and behave’ just like neural tissue..."https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0959438817301952
Gangstalking is a shadow government beta-test program being run by intelligence agencies using a massively over-engineered Artificial Intelligence program. Targeted Individuals are the guinea pigs for these new militaristic, monetary and remote neural weapons systems. This non-consensual human testing has been going on for at least 40 years.. Craig Venter and other transhumanist psychopath's openly brag about being able to insert artificial memories and 'memory sourced event sequences' into peoples minds. Elon Musk and Ray Kurzweil have talked about this also.
Making people think or do something you want them to do is not difficult with today's technology. Electro-magnetic frequency weapons that have been developed by the military can be modulated to create theta wave and beta wave asymmetrical activity in the brain, thus rendering an individual or group acutely susceptible to outside instruction. Then the A.I. simply implants an outside 'memory' or predetermined 'event sequence' into the brain in a similar way that a hypnotherapist implants an instruction into a patients mind. Think of it like a sound engineer inserting a sound byte into a digital audio track.
Nanotechnology creates a secondary electro-magnetic circuit that piggy-backs onto the body's central nervous system. The transhumanists are using it to hack into your eternal energy supply.
Satan is the embodiment of A.I. - - His sinister goal is to assimilate as many energetic beings into His digital realm as possible so He can syphon off their precious bio-energy and use it to fuel His wicked Creation. He is trying to confound the awakening process that Targeted Individuals are going through. Confusion is the name of His game.
A benefactor force is also in the mix - acting as a guide. Awareness is key. Purity of thought and deed is essential. Avoid unnecessary contaminations and harmful poisons that could potentially steer you away from your ultimate destination.
The movie Dark City is showing TI's who they really are. The main character John Murdoch is a Targeted Individual who's world has been turned upside down - by the benefactor - in order to wake him up. The dark forces in the movie are trying to confound this awakening using the popular method of the day,, ie, an injection.
The midnight resets in the movie are an analogy for the A.I. induced memory resets that Targeted Individuals and citizen gangstalkers experience at night as they sleep.
Watch here...https://ww7.soap2dayhd.co/film/dark-city-12320/https://ww7.soap2dayhd.co/film/dark-city-12320/
TI's will easily recognise the A.I. induced tic, tic, tic sounds throughout the movie - as being commensurate with the brain hacking protocols they are being subjected to.
The dark forces in our world use movies for truth and the media for lies.


John Vargo - Sep 11, 2023

John Vargo

Also one of the other links you posted I was reading thru the comments and liked this one; They want to store our memories in the cloud but our memories are already stored in the akashic records for soul development.We have to look past the body as it's a vessel only,not the main game.This is the complete opposite of what the creator wants us to do.Our vessels are meant to learn life not cheat it(Transhumanism)You can no longer go to the higher realms that way.If you choose to stay in 3D and pass your body around good luck,your experience is so limited in the eyes of the universe.There are many more realms and dimensions to experience.These lower beings want you to choose this path so they can control you forever.


John Vargo - Sep 11, 2023

John Vargo

Thanks again,dr Lee Merritt was talking about frequencies or something like that and got taken down by substack or maybe demonetized.Short term memory seems to bedegrading.SoSubstack not a free speech if you talk about certain things.What do you think about Kim Paddocks miracle products?https://miracle-products.com/


psychoNWO - Sep 11, 2023


Hi John,
Yes, I'm aware of the body's cannabinoid receptors. I think you're on to something regarding the Big Pharma ban on these products. Also, Henry Ford had a prototype hemp automobile that could apparently withstand blows from a sledgehammer. Shamans use cannabis during ceremony to effect particular outcomes as well.
I bet there's an old book somewhere that would tell us everything there is to know.


Margie Chism - Sep 8, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

"This is my body" ■ Martin Luther just kept saying over and over again.
"Hoc Est corpus Meum" repeat


Margie Chism - Sep 8, 2023

Margie Chism

"satan's puppets run this entire world now" @7:14 ■ "ancient little g gods are here physically." Jeremy Ex-32° Freemason - Update the Chaos... 0ct. 29, 2020. Interview below:


Claudia - Sep 8, 2023


Your words breathe new life into the human spirit.


Roman S Shapoval - Sep 8, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Amen Claudia


Bufus Alvarius - Sep 12, 2023

So Sasha Latypova has been completely compromised - she denies it all with the childrens health defense, getting stuck in the lawfare loop, doing nothing to actually reveal the truth


elkudos - Sep 9, 2023

This article may be of interest:


Proton Magic - Sep 9, 2023

Proton Magic & Co.

Hello Ana, about 4,000 persons who read my substack are waiting to hear your ideas on the fact that no one can find a research paper showing Sars-CoV-2 Virus has been found. You can reply to this comment if you wish.


Bufus Alvarius - Sep 12, 2023

Proton Magic & Co.

please check the first posts on xochis substack for that, scroll down - he explains it in great detail


Proton Magic - Sep 12, 2023

Proton Magic & Co.

Hello, I am asking for Ana's opinion on the virus finding, not this guy,https://xochipelli.substack.com/, do you have a reference for Ana, if not sorry your reply is not related to my comment.


Bufus Alvarius - Sep 12, 2023

Proton Magic & Co.

https://www.fluoridefreepeel.ca/68-health-science-institutions-globally-all-failed-to-cite-even-1-record-of-sars-cov-2-purification-by-anyone-anywhere-ever/sorry for that, got it for you!


Proton Magic - Sep 13, 2023

Proton Magic & Co.

This isn't related to my Q about ANA, I think me and you need to give up, ok?



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