TNT Radio Interview Now Posted: Light Medicine, Anti-Aging, Nanotech in C19 Shots, Transhumanism

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Apr 01, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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5:00 PM to 6:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time (GMT -7).

Here is the link for the live interview:

TNT radio Archive Ana Mihalcea, MD, PhD

I was invited to speak about Light Medicine tomorrow. You may know that I have written a book on this topic, which won the New York City Big Book Award, the Independent Press Award and the Global Book Award Silver Medal in the Alternative Medicine category. The research and its application into a new scientific understanding of health from a perspective of light are described, and documented in many seemingly miraculous healing case studies from my clinical practice. Everything I wrote in this book is pertinent to my current research findings about the blood, the low electrical conductivity, and the accelerated aging process. It is all reversible.

In the book I also describe my own healing journey from cancer, my near death experience and seeing my own future from a multidimensional perspective. What I am speaking now about in many of my interviews, tying the spiritual world into the physical understanding of this warfare, is what I have personally lived and experienced.

About Light Medicine - A New Paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity:

Since our atomic structures are made of light, we can utilize light in conjunction with combination therapies to facilitate greater levels of health and wellbeing. In fact, our cells can use electricity, light, and sound as energy sources. By working with molecules that give off electricity to the body, using light, for example, of the Blu Room and sounds of healing frequencies, we can enhance the energy in the cells needed for repair and restoration.

We can look at this question of rejuvenation from the perspective of one cell. This cell is like an aging house that needs repair. The more energy, electricity, or light we have to perform the repairs, the faster and more efficient the renovation process can happen. Vitamins and nutrients are the building blocks that allow that reconstruction to take place by affecting DNA to transcribe healthier information. Making sure hormones are functioning properly is allowing the communication between neighborhoods of cells to occur. The detoxification of heavy metals that interferes with the proper functioning of our DNA and vital enzymes is an important step in helping cells become more youthful. Information carriers, such as peptides, can also provide messages to reverse illness. Imagine a future direction of our understanding of health that cannot just help reverse aging and diseases but, in a lifestyle approach, prevent premature aging from occurring at an accelerated rate. We can imagine that when we understand how our spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical experiences affect our health, that we can change what is affecting the body adversely and therefore are able to facilitate healing and restoration.

Light Medicine - A New Paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity

Here is the link to my Tru Blu Medical Light Wellness Wraps, an application of the Light Medicine concepts. This wrap has brought many people comfort and relief from a source that current science does not suspect - blue light.

Tru Blu Medical

I hope you tune in! See you tomorrow.

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Daniel Miller - Apr 1, 2023

Daniel Miller

Will be listening Doc!
Heard about light medicine since at least the late 1980s as treatment for various conditions, how it affects us at the cellular level. This and your book will be fascinating!!

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Lynley Hocking - Apr 1, 2023 - Edited

Lynley’s Substack

So grateful Ana. Look forward to hearing

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