Jun 30, 2023

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Image: The Lord of the Rings, Aragorn’s battle speech


Simone - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

Att Viska

Thank you Ana for your transparency, your unweary work, your willingness and generosity to share it with others, and your willingness to stand for your truth and so being the light that you are.


Blaise - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

Att Viska

Putting this at the top, as well. Hope that is ok
Thank you for your transparency and honesty; your open-ness is very good. And certainly a lot of what you do is very good. Thank you for that. Truth can come from all corners; however, I am concerned when you state that those who have concerns over your monism are tantamount to "book burners"; this syllogism is not valid. While I am in the high tech sector, and did one grad degree in linguistics, I have another grad degree in theology as well, Univ. of British Columbia, Regent College. This includes two years of Koine Greek and "cheater's" Hebrew. I have read a lot of the Vedic literature; I have read the Bhagavad Gita; I have also read a lot of the Pali Canon and know by heart the fourfold noble truths of Buddhism. Of course, the Buddha may or may not have believed in God, we don't really know, and besides, it is really a psychology. And yes, I am aware of Big Wheel, Little Wheel (mahayana, hinayana) and zen; I have read a lot of DT Suzuki. So, I am not conflating Buddhism and Hinduism, but just providing some background info. In fact, I have read the Qu'ran twice, a lot of Native American spirituality (e.g. Black Elk speaks), as well as Lao Tzu (Toaism), the Analects of Confucious, etc.
Point being, I am informed. The other point is that I am NOT a syncretist; Jesus is unique, and God as part of the Trinity, fully God and fully man. The other point is that, while the work you are doing is good, and the science stands on its own (and thank you for that), the truth is that monism and monotheism cannot logically be put together. As a matter of fact, monism says that God is both good and evil (yes, really; read the sages in the Vedic literature), and that evil is just appearance, or "maya" in Sanskrit. In utter and complete contrast, Christians say that God is wholly good. E.g., John 1 " God is light, and there is no darkness at all in Him." I am sorry, but logically this is either one or the other. It gets deeper. Reincarnation implies human works for redemption. The Bible says in Ephesians 2 that "For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast." Again, the law of non-contradiction ("A" cannot equal "non A") means it is one or the other. Period.
The Vedas also are where the sages say "I am pointing to the truth"; Jesus said "I *am* the way, the truth and the life." Which is it? CS Lewis (the "smartest man at Cambridge" in his day) said "Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher."
With all humility and respect, the concern this Christian group articulated about your adherence to Ramtha does NOT invalidate your science; nor does it invalidate the fact that you report your cancer was resolved. Let me be VERY clear about that. Similarly, let me be VERY clear I love your open-ness, your courage. However, it DOES mean that you need to answer the questions above, and it does concern me that you feel monism is acceptable. Please do not call those concerned with this with a throw away line, "book burner"; clearly, as you can see, with all the religious literature I have read, I am anything but. Dr. John Lennox, professor emeritus of maths at Oxford Univ. (he just MIGHT have a modicum on intelligence, n'est pas!) discusses this issue further here (17 min(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Ii46kW12Zo


Nathan M. Wiley - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

MindWar Intel

Thank you, Blaise, for taking the time to respond to Dr. Ana's post with several very important points. I agree with you, and my own educational background and reading interests overlap with yours considerably.
Dr. Ana also references the “great mystery schools” in her post, which include Gnostic and Neo-Platonic schools, both of which figure prominently in the occult teachings of, for example, the Kabbalists and Albert Pike. The “great mystery school” teachings have also been absorbed into the works of Helena Blavatsky (e.g. Isis Unveiled) and Manley P. Hall. “Christ Consciousness” is also a teaching one will encounter in the literature of so-called “New Age Spirituality.” These are syncretistic traditions that, as you correctly point out, are incompatible with the message of the Christian Bible.
These sort of teachings permeate the “freedom movement,” to use Dr. Ana’s appellation. Dr. David Martin, for example, preaches a similar message, while others speak of “Archons” and explicitly espouse Gnostic doctrines.
From a Christian point of view, these are pagan religions, and a Christian will rightly wish to exercise discernment and discretion (i.e. “concern”) regarding their level of involvement, overlap, and association with those who practice and promulgate them. This is nothing new, although Dr. Ana’s strong reaction would suggest that perhaps these longstanding religious inflection points are new to her.
I have learned from Dr. Ana and am grateful for her work. After all, “all truth is God’s truth” – a statement with which I expect Dr. Ana would agree. However, the God I worship as a Christian is not “life” or “the Christos within” or consciousness or energy or Ramtha or anyone or anything other the Jesus Christ, who is the transcendent Creator of all the aforementioned. Jesus Christ is God made flesh; he was crucified so that we may have life free from the bondage of sin. So, Dr. Ana and I do not love and put our hope in the same God.
As to Dr. Ana’s scientific work, I do not think it is anywhere near as authoritative or conclusive as she consistently claims. Her analyses are of a limited sample, yet every time she expounds her conclusions, she commits the fallacy of composition, inferring that her findings apply to all of humanity’s blood. Logically and scientifically, this sweeping conclusion is fallacious. She may be able to argue that her findings, in conjunction with myriad additional circumstantial evidence (e.g., political evidence), point to a concerning possibility that an intention exists amongst a group of powerful people and institutions to “hijack humanity’s blood” for transhumanist purposes. The conclusion, “All of humanity’s blood is contaminated,” is not authorized by her findings, and it indeed does, as others have noted commenting on her posts, stoke fear.
After stoking fear, Dr. Ana then invokes her God, who is not the God of Christianity, as her ultimate hope. “God wins,” she celebrates; but she does not mean the Biblical Jesus.
Therefore, Christians, whose Bible tells them to live in love in Jesus Christ without fear, will rightly notice and question these aspects of her work and message.
Lastly, Dr. Ana names RFK Jr. as an ally; yet she also laments the “blackout on the nanotechnology information” among many in the “medical freedom movement.” Last I checked, RFK Jr. and Children’s Health Defense were key players in the “blackout on the nanotechnology information.” I find this glaring contradiction to be interesting. Presumably, she supports RFK Jr. for president, which I do not for many reasons, although that is a separate topic. I dropped CHD as a reliable “truth” outlet a long time ago. It’s a political machine now (and perhaps always was), and once politics comes through the door truth goes out the window.
If these are the “Final Days,” there is nothing in the Bible about a man coming to the rescue as king or president or prime minister. Rather, the Bible warns about such men. The Christian’s hope is in Jesus Christ alone, who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords.
Christians do well to remain at a discretionary distance from the spiritual messages of Dr. Anna and, for example, Sasha Stone, with whom Dr. Ana recently interviewed. Simply put, from a Christian perspective, her understanding of Christ is syncretized with pagan beliefs and practices. While Dr. Ana often claims or implies that she and her associates are the only researchers investigating contemporary (convert) applications of nanotechnology, this is not accurate. There are others, some of whom have published more reasonably articulated assessments. For example:
D. Broudy and Valerie Kyrie, “Syllogistic Reasoning Demystifies Evidence of COVID-19 Vaccine Constituents,” International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(1):https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/32.
David A. Hughes, “What is in the so-called COVID-19 ‘Vaccines’? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity,” International Journal of Vaccine Theory, Practice, and Research 2(2):https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/52/121.
Unless Dr. Ana specifically responds to this message and tells me directly that I am no longer welcome to read her research, I will continue to read and at times perhaps share aspects of her research. I will, however, remain “concerned” concerning the points I have here outlined. Dr. Ana is not infallible.


Blaise - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

Att Viska

Thanks. Well written. I got a bit of a "nastygram" reply from someone (her? an associate?), which was puzzling; I like Dr. Ana, and respect her, and was just, in the same vein, putting forward some propositions for discussion. As you so perspicaciously note, I believe she has gone down a wrong path, exactly as you articulated, and I postulated. My note, which I thought was gentle and respectful, was certainly taken wrongly by one respondent; after one response, I let that one drop, as some folks on the internet will hold onto things like this tighter than a bird dog around a pheasant.
As you alluded to, I would like to see more "peer review" from her (viz., corroborating scientists) from her, but try to read what she writes as often as I can... albeit critically. I do love and respect her desire for freedom, and for her courage. Hopefully she will consider the points you, and I, have made, for, of a certaintly, as you note, this is some type of gnostic syncretism. And it is easy for any and all of us to get off down a wrong path; I was simply and humbly pointing out my concerns. And I also deeply respect her for being forthcoming on the whole issue to start with, as well! So, I only submitted my concerns out of respect and love for what she is attempting to do. Unfortunately, on the internet, it is very easy for people, like that one interlocutor, to misread intent, which, as noted, was only done out of respect for all the great work she is attempting to do. The Lord knows she is probably getting hammered by the Blackrocks, WEFs, etc. of the world already; so my intent was not to add more burden on her plate!
And relative to "a man coming to the rescue as king or president or prime minister," I am clearly NOT saying she thinks this (maybe she does, maybe she doesn't; I don't know), but just an observation that the Bible is quite clear about whom that might be... and it ain't good!
But you are 100% spot on with all you wrote. Appreciate your reply. Hopefully she does too, and if she reads this, does so with the respect we have for her.


Nathan M. Wiley - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

MindWar Intel

Thank you, Blaise, for your kind words. Your comments here are nothing but respectful and polite, as I read them (I don’t know how they could be read otherwise), and I appreciate your reply as well.


Debra - Jul 1, 2023 - Edited


The one issue with what you and Blaise state is that not everyone is a Christian and it doesn't seem like Chistrians acknowledge that which is highly disrespectful. Let's take the religion out of this once and for all, please. All of this ONLY has to do with good vs evil. It's that simple.


ApexPredator - Jul 2, 2023 - Edited

Ana's beef with Christians is strictly religious in nature - it's their religious beliefs vs her religious beliefs - so no, you can not "take religion out of this".


RMelrose - Jul 3, 2023

Dr. Ana is, in my opinion, one of the most respectable and intelligent and dedicated and informative and selfless truth seekers and truth tellers that I've come across, and I love and follow her work as much as anybody. But in this particular newsletter, she has clearly opened the door for people to voice their concern about her "truth" regarding spirituality, .. which, unfortunately, because of many people's lack of fine understanding, they equate spiritual truth with religion.
I share your annoyance with people who insert their religious beliefs totally "off the wall" with regards to what the subject matter is, but I've got to say that this day's newsletter makes it a valid topic.
I don't like religious dogma, but I do appreciate thoughtful and intelligent comparative expoundings of those who are clearly qualified to do so, so I'm actually very pleased with Blaise's [ .. what I believe was a .. ] very respectful and interesting June 30 comment. Blaise wasn't putting Dr. Ana down at all; in fact, he went out of his way to let her know that he greatly respects and appreciates her. He wasn't attacking her good work of exposing the cabal. I felt he totally supported her in that regard, so I don't believe it "played to our common enemy" at all.
And although one respondent to Blaise's comment accused him of having "prejudicial blindness", I thought his presentation of the logic that Jesus was either -- as Jesus said He is -- "THE way, THE truth and THE life", .. or that He was a liar and a lunatic was very valuable to anyone who considers him-or-herself as a truth seeker. Many truth seekers neglect to face that Jesus doesn't allow us to have it both ways.
I considered Blaise's comment as a caring and responsible challenge to anyone who is a genuine truth seeker, and I believe that Dr. Mihalcea will also see it that way, since, in addition to being an amazing researcher and truth seeker and truth teller regarding the evil globalists' agenda of today, she is also obviously a very serious spiritual truth seeker.


Nathan M. Wiley - Jul 1, 2023 - Edited

MindWar Intel

Hi Debra, did you feel disrespected by something that I wrote? Did I write something that implied that not everyone is a Christian? I do not think that religion can be dissociated from history, geopolitics, and humanity’s present plight. I have articulated some of my reasons for thinking so in an essay, “Global Population: From Eugenics to Transhumanism”:


The Do Not Comply Guy - Jul 1, 2023 - Edited

Sets You Free Newsletter

What a chest beating, mind F that was. ;) Get a room you two! ;) Kidding, some interesting perspective and points.


Gary McCollom - Jul 2, 2023

Just catching the end of this, peer review??? For what, the whole system is corrupted to all hell.
Far too many trusted in man and science, which you appear to be one and this man and science lies and manipulates, whereas I chose to trust in God and His amazing creation our immune system.
Maybe later I will read through but one thing is for certain spirituality must be included.
I refuse to say religion because I do not subscribe to religion for the same reasons I mentioned just about, man lies and man put pen to paper in relation to the good books.
I doubt there is even one religion on this planet that has got all of our Creators message correct, once again because man was involved in the message.


Stella - Jul 2, 2023

Nathan, this is what your post here sounds like to me, and maybe some others....
I find your post here Presumptive, at the least. Because you have not walked in anyone else's shoes--in anyone else's spiritual life and so you have not had their spiritual experiences.
Neither have I had yours, but I don't presume to have. I give credence to all religions, as the path just right for those who are on it.
You presume to know the absolute Truth in religion and God, and bash some
others that aren't your own as pagan, and worse, and give words from your scripture as some kind of proof. I find that ridiculous, since non-Christians follow their own heart, Soul and beliefs, too.
And you apparently have not experienced any scientific observation for yourself? like that Dr. Ana and others have taken on? Her raising an alarm because she's no longer seeing any unjabbed normal blood is causing disbelief in you, so you say she's causing fear! But she is trying to get others to please help look! It would be nice, and probably she too is hoping to be wrong.
You go about saying how wrong Dr. Ana is for reporting that all unabbed blood she is now seeing is damaged with the same as those with jab injured blood. I say thank God for someone who is an honest person, unafraid. We need answers and cures.


Sandra --- - Jul 5, 2023

Sandra ---

"I dropped CHD as a reliable “truth” outlet a long time ago. It’s a political machine now (and perhaps always was), and once politics comes through the door truth goes out the window. "
Same here--dropped them long ago. Agree, now a political machine surrounded by suspicious characters. Alison McDowell has been posting her research on this at wrenchinthegears and on her youtube channel in her name. Robert Malone also appears connected to CHD and Diana West has an excellent article on him posted at her site Robert Malone A Risk Analysis.


Nathan M. Wiley - Jul 5, 2023

MindWar Intel

Alison McDowell does great work, and the Diana West article on Malone is indeed excellent. Agreed.


Lisa Thomas - Jul 2, 2023

Lisa Thomas

Thanks for the links. I don't know what to make of nanotechnology in the blood but I'm curious about the possibilities. At the moment, not having had any recent medical interventions, I'm more concerned about the PM2.5 that we're being exposed to from the Canadian fires. It's pretty darn intense and these particles do penetrate our lungs and enter our bloodstream.


Brigadoon - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited


You seem like a reasonable and well meaning person, who has no conscious intention to tear down Dr. Ana. But ignorance of your own prejudicial blindness does not excuse your blunder. Citing your education (indoctrination) as your qualification to demand an answer to the false dichotomy you present is sophistry, by which I mean to say you bring nothing of truth to the conversation, only divisiveness that ultimately serves only our common enemy. And what an absurd dichotomy you present- as if there was any authentic basis for arguing the fine points of a distinction between two classifications that were literally made up by men who had no more ability to discern truth for another from within the simulacrum than any other. What utter tripe, gets me heated to see people so caught up in their own fullness of intellect they fail to see their insolence to the personal sanctity of "Religious Experience" (as William James puts it).


Blaise - Jun 30, 2023

Att Viska

I am truly sorry you see it that way; my comments to Dr. Ana were clearly with the utmost respect... sadly, in much contrast to your reply.


ApexPredator - Jul 2, 2023 - Edited

Buckminister, why did you write such utter tripe? Don't you have any dignity left? After all you "have no more ability to discern truth for another from within the simulacrum than any other". So why you present your useless opinion? Especially after your diatribe about utter uselessness of any and all opinions.
BTW - personally I do belive in Logos, I find logic very useful tool, and even if it is useful only inside of "simulacrum" (no offence but you are such an old fart Buckiminister) it still works. So yes, "A" cannot equal "non A".
Therefore where is false dichotomy in:
Redemption (is possible) by grace of Lord only
Redemption (is posssible) not only by the grace of God
Now, for the sake of argument let's say Ana is right and reincarnation is real.
It still doesn't change simple fact that you can not be Catholic if you believe in reincarnation. And that you can not belive in reincarnation if you are a Catholic.
Explain me Buckminister, where is false dichotomy here?
Cause while dispute between Ana and Christians is religious in nature, that perfect argument presented by Blaise is purely logical. No matter which side is right, argument itself stays exactly the same. And it is Law of noncontradiction itself.
So only one side can be right. Therefore if you follow Ana - you can not be Christian. If you are or want to become Christian - you can not follow Ana's path. It is that simple.
Unless, hear me out Buckminister, unless of course if you are right and Law of noncontradiction isn't valid. Please, please do elaborate on the subject! I am sooo looking forward to your replay!


Andreas - Jul 3, 2023

Where is the reference to book burners?


Stella - Jul 2, 2023

Blaise, you seem well read on many religions.
Many of us like to look into various religions.
I’m not writing this to be disrespectful of your or anyone’s religion. I DO believe in your right to believe as you do. Just as I believe Dr. Ana has a great Right to believe spiritually as she does and choose her own religion. Freedom of Religion SHOULD mean no one else can tell others their religion is untrue so they should be blacklisted, censored, or debased for believing as they do.
Book words, no matter what the book or Bible, are written by humans. Even if they may feel it’s being channeled via divine guidance. Even so, they are still filtering it through consciousness of the writer(s).
Jesus was a great Teacher and Spiritual Master. The world has seen many great Masters who came here to pass on great spiritual principles. It’s not the Teacher, but human beings who sometimes might misinterpret or change their great words. I happen to believe you can and others can reach this great Teacher, on the Inner, through Spiritual means. Just as others can reach their own Teachers of the Religion they believe in. But am talking about words in Books which you bring up, as not being the same as direct teachings.
We’re all at the right place and teaching where we should be, in my opinion.
But about words in books, Bibles are compilations made from the stories told by people. For instance, there could be and may well be, many things changed from the great Teacher Jesus’ actual words and teachings. Interpretations. And lost meanings in the stories that were retold after his death, filtering through the belief and memory of the storyteller. Monks and others wrote down the stories, perhaps filtering through their own unconscious bias and beliefs. And, linguistic translations into different languages naturally change some meanings unintentionally.
Early Ecumenical Councils were the deciders of which stories and doctrines to include in the Christian Bible. And they may have at times deleted things they did not believe in but which were earlier believed by the people as being a part of Jesus’ teachings.
Wikipedia under “Ecumenical Council”:
”An ecumenical council, also called general council, is a meeting of bishops and other church authorities to consider and rule on questions of Christian doctrine, administration, discipline, and other matters[1] in which those entitled to vote are convoked from the whole world (oikoumene) and which secures the approbation of the whole Church.[2]”
There are many articles speaking of the controversial subject of reincarnation as one such thing many claim was deleted by early Ecumenical Councils from the people’s stories that were the teachings of Jesus.


kaal - Jul 1, 2023


Bernadette Roberts books - the path to no self, the experience of no-self, what is self? AND the REAL Christ 'may' encompass buddhism/ hinduism the experience of no-ego but supercedes these in her explanation of the Trinity. How? By her experience. Of going beyond the no-ego state. In her book 'what is self" she explains how the trinity is beyond those religions although since her passing many try to co-opt it and her as a spiritual guru.


Blaise - Jul 1, 2023

Att Viska

Thank you for your comment. As noted earlier, the basic law of non-contradiction is applicable here, and no more something one can change than 2+2 equals 4. The basic tenet of Buddhism, and you know from the 4 fold noble truths, is the abnegation of self which will eradicate of pain and suffering; in contrast, Christ says "I am come that they might have life, and have it in abundance." I.e, the self is intrinsically good, albeit fatally fallen. The solution for the Buddha is, as you say, no-ego. The solution for the Christian is an ego that is suffused with the Holy Spirit, thus allowing freedom and joy, and with a Friend (the Paraclete) that will walk with us through suffering and pain until the world is perfected. Romans 8 says about this "We know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until the present time. Not only that, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for our adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies."
My body was originally created good, and not to die. And I look forward to being made clean, full and living with Christ (the Bible says we will be like Him, for we will see Him as He is) at my final redemption. As noted monism and Christianity can never be reconciled, by definition, period. I understand try to slice and dice this with some hermeneutical legerdemain, but the real response is, as Mark Twain once said, "It's not the things in the Bible I don't understand that bother me, it's the things I DO understand."
The the teaching in the Bible are clear. God is not in the biz of confusion: 1 Cor. 14 "For God is not a God of confusion but of peace." Whether one chooses to accept God as He has clearly and simply revealed Himself is up to the individual. That is something I can't help.


Reply (1) - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

Un-Hackable Animal's Substack

Comment removed.


Gary McCollom - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

Un-Hackable Animal's Substack

You do know that you are playing with fire trying to make money during this evil time, but hey have at it, its your eternity and soul.


Xmen442002 - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

Those of you that took the shot need to take responsibility for your actions.
Here she is, trying to undo the stupidity that many of you did(don't need to hear that you did not have a choice, we all had a choice) and it costs her money and time in doing so.
She's a physician and charges for her service and is entitled to charge her fees, the same as any other doctor.


Stella - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

You are incorrect. You no longer have a choice, even unjabbed. Dr. Ana has shown evidence by her live blood analysis, that virtually everyone of us unjabbed now have the same hydrogel/nanotubes with resultant red blood cells effected, as those who took the jabs. She also showed under microscope analysis, some of the same stuff that’s in the covid jabs is now is our foods, water, many medicines and injections (dental, insulin, etc.), chemtrail sprays. No one now is exempt from this. Dr. Ana is trying to ALERT the world and get others to help find what will overturn this travesty before humanity is destroyed on planet Earth.


ConcernedGrammy - Jul 2, 2023 - Edited

Sorry, you can't treat a few unvaccinated folks and declare ALL of humanity's blood contains the same.


Stella - Jul 3, 2023

Why is it showing up in the injections, dental anesthetic numbing shots, and others, insulin, many meds, meats, foods, water? Under microscope. Hope you’re right. But others should check this out as well.


Xmen442002 - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

Spike proteins are one thing, but the programs injected do not transfer.
Those that took the shot will know in short time.
I do not believe that these programs can be detoxed or removed.
I do believe however, that they can be rendered useless in those that took the shots.


Stella - Jun 30, 2023

Whether they can be destroyed or rendered useless is the very thing Dr. Ana is begging the world to help her figure out how to do. I wish what you are saying that it’s all about those who are jabbed was true. It’s not, it’s now getting into all of us. Read up on Dr. Ana’s substack. It’s a very short learning process to begin to get it if you go back and read it and view her pictures she shows of it under microscope also in the unjabbed—Her live blood analysis is finding the same disastrous stuff in the blood of virtually all people now. The so-called “programs” you mention are in and multiplying via the hydrogel/nanoparticles that we’re ALL getting in our food, water, meds, etc.


Linda Ray - Jul 1, 2023

I want to know WHOM has Darkfield equipment and is pursuing the research started by Dr. David Nixon, MD on Colloidal Gold melting the nanotech under his microscope.
Is anyone else doing that? Got a lead or a link? TYVM


FreedomWarriorWoman - Jul 1, 2023

Un-Hackable Animal's Substack

Is this Comment directed at Dr. Ana?


Gary McCollom - Jul 1, 2023

No the person that is now removed. It takes you to an emergency food website.


FreedomWarriorWoman - Jul 1, 2023

Un-Hackable Animal's Substack

Oh whew! I thought it was you! Thanks for the clarification!


The Do Not Comply Guy - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

Sets You Free Newsletter

Powerfully written Dr. Ana. You are a bright light and a true warrior spirit. I am 100% in this fight with you for humanity, against these Luciferian psychopaths. May ALL truth continue to be revealed to you, on this journey you're on. Much love and God Bless. Prayers for you. :)


Nostradamus X - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

Nostradamus X

....Christian news outlets will also not report on my findings....
Why should they? Those who are "Catholic" don't know that the Vatican is run by P2 Freemasons since 1958. They don't even know that in 2021, the Vatican mandated abortive fetal cells infested transgenic injections to all its residents and the refuseniks were all fired.
They don't understand that the Vatican is at the forefront of the NWO - Archbishop Carlos Vigano :


Paul Vonharnish - Jun 30, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Nostradamus X: The "Roman" catholic church was infiltrated by banking and trade interests long before 1958... Why is the pope still accompanied and protected by the Papal Swiss Guard?https://www.britannica.com/topic/Swiss-Guards
Please read the white-washed versions of Swiss guard histories, then consider the implications.


Kathleen Pimentel - Jul 1, 2023

Kathleen Pimentel

URI United Religions Initiative consummated at a meeting held on the campus of Stanford University in 2000. Attendees included Matthew Fox (excommunicated Priest) and ....Jorge Bergoglio....among many others. He became the chosen replacement when PBXVI was coerced to step aside. As Carlo Maria Vigano describes the deep Church is collaborating with the deepstate we have Biblical prophecies unfolding. Who is the False Prophet? Who is in place to form the One World Religion?
The Beast is Freemasonry.
The Dragon is Communism.
The Great Apostasy is Now.
The Apocalypse is Now.
Psalms 37:1-40 Amen


Nostradamus X - Jul 1, 2023

Nostradamus X

 Rothschild Investment Group Partners With Vatican To Rebrand Communism As ‘Inclusive Capitalism’


Kathleen Pimentel - Jul 1, 2023

Kathleen Pimentel

This the Final Conflict and all will be revealed.


kaal - Jul 3, 2023


Yes the fulfillment of Fatima. Read the vision/ revelation of Saint Pope Benedict to mystic NUN from Columbia. He was killed/martyred by the Vatican/ Francis. Removed from power by CIA Obama Chyna. Francis leads the 1 world apostate end times freemasonic syncretist religion without Christ.


Jean Pierre LaRocque - Jul 4, 2023

Jean Pierre LaRocque

francis not my pope!


ann watson - Jun 30, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

Hi Ana - I got this ' Hero of the Week ' - from the Solari Report - I wonder if you would like to get in touch with her ? I don't know her or have her contact information - but she seems famous - here is the Solari Report tribute this week - to her and her work -
“The particles we found then and keep finding now in vaccines are not biodegradable.” ~ Dr. A. Gatti
Our Hero this week is Italian bionanotechnology expert Dott.ssa. Antonietta Gatti.
Here we see her on June 17, 2023, receiving the First International Catherine of Siena Humanity Award
for her outstanding research on the impact of nanoparticles on human, animal, and ecological health.
The award was bestowed in the original hospital Santa Maria della Scala, one of the oldest hospitals in Europe
and today a museum, in which Saint Catherine of Siena helped the many orphans, lepers, prisoners,
and poor people of her time and area, particularly during times of pandemic illnesses of the medieval period.
The location to honor Dr. Antonietta Gatti could not have been chosen with more sensitivity.
It is difficult to fully evaluate and describe the importance of Dr. Gatti’s research and contributions to science,
pharmacological transparency, human health, and freedom. In our view—and in the view of many
who feel the deepest gratitude for her work—she rightly stands in Saint Catherine of Siena’s sacred lineage
as one of the outstanding women of faith and service.
Antonietta Gatti is an experimental physicist, nanotoxicologist, nanopathologist, doctor of biomedical technologies,
and electron microscopy specialist who has worked at various international universities,
as well as on research projects for NASA and the European Scientific Commission.
In 2017, together with her husband, research professor Stefano Montanari, with whom she founded the Laboratory
for Nanodiagnostics in Modena, Italy, she published a groundbreaking study that should have had
earth-shattering effects on the vaccine industry and regulatory agencies.
The study showed the widespread contamination of vaccines with particulate matter in aggregates and clusters.
In the 30 vaccines examined for the study, the two researchers not only found red blood cells of unknown origin
but also extensive metal contamination, including lead, chromium, and tungsten.
The contamination appeared primarily in the human vaccines, but not in the animal vaccine they analyzed.
Not long after the publication of this revolutionary study, tax authorities raided and investigated
Dr. Gatti’s and Dr. Montanari’s laboratory and private home—an all too usual method of intimidation.
For more than 20 years, Dr. Gatti has been exclusively researching and treating “nanopathologies”
and so-called “mysterious” diseases. She developed a new diagnostic technique with which to check
for the presence of micro- and nano-sized foreign bodies in pathological biological samples,
a technique that testifies to what the patient was exposed.
Since the rollout of the Covid-19 injections, Dr. Gatti has been on the forefront of experts
and involved with study groups that are analyzing the many “unknown ingredients”
of the ostensible vaccines. Her latest book, published together with Prof. Montanari,
addresses the impacts of insect food on human health and digestion.
Antonietta Gatti’s work will be a shining light of fearless research
and excellent science for many generations to come.


Non-GMO Humans - Jun 30, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

This was fascinating. Dr. Reiner Fuellmich interviewed her and her testimony was shared in his mock trial. She showed nano-devices that were like syringes that can hold a payload to be released at a later time within the body after the injections.


Pamela Raditsch - Jun 30, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

I remember that interview well. It was one of the first that opened my eyes to later verify that the Bluetooth phenomenon is real.
I'm thinking Dr. Ana may know of Dr. Gatti and vis versa. I'd hope that they could also collaborate somewhat. Their paths have been very different, and Dr. Ana has shown her care for humanity much more strongly. But you'd think that wouldn't stand in the way of moving forward.


Sandy K - Jun 30, 2023

Sandy K

La Quinta Columna has been showing us this tech for 3 years, too. And thank you, Dr Ana, for having the courage to speak about the nanotech AND Light Medicine. I have your book; I have had two NDEs, and have been meditating for 50 years...you speak TRUTH, whether the blind see or not. BLESSINGS to you.


Xmen442002 - Jun 30, 2023

Doesn't it make sense, that if these are indeed AI programs to be activated at another time by 5G frequencies, that the logically step for those that took the shots, is to render them useless inside?
The only way to do this IMO, is to override the program with a electrical current.
They could only survive if they had some kind of surge protection.


Leslie Shatto - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

Kalle’s Substack

Ana, Brighteon has a channel for you! Rumble might be an option too! Best wishes... thanks for sharing your knowledge/wisdom with us!


Karl Bernhard (Kalle) Möllmann - Jun 30, 2023

Kalle’s Substack

Rumble does NOT work in FRANCE!


Nostradamus X - Jun 30, 2023

Nostradamus X

I use free proton VPN from the US and I can connect to Japan and the Netherlands to bypass the FBI censorship. Just choose another country.
Macron is not de Gaulle - he's a petty dictator.


Karl Bernhard (Kalle) Möllmann - Jul 1, 2023

Kalle’s Substack

Macron is a Psychopath for me - as he is afraid of the french People - Psychopathy being FEAR.
But THANKS for your encouragement with Proton VPN.


olwen - Jun 30, 2023

Kalle’s Substack

Mais si, utilises un VPN, comme tout le monde !


Karl Bernhard (Kalle) Möllmann - Jun 30, 2023

Kalle’s Substack

Je ne suis pas tout le monde - et avec Proton je ne suis pas arrivé . . . Quoi faire?


olwen - Jun 30, 2023

Kalle’s Substack

Problème avec ProtonVPN Free ? Se connecter aux Pays-Bas par exemple.


Karl Bernhard (Kalle) Möllmann - Jul 1, 2023

Kalle’s Substack



Marty - Jul 3, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

You can use torbrowser to access rumble, it will be slow though.


Karl Bernhard (Kalle) Möllmann - Jul 4, 2023

Kalle’s Substack

THANKS - but I am already toooo slow . . .


ConcernedGrammy - Jul 2, 2023



Kathie - Jun 30, 2023

You have integrity, a rarity in the world. Thank you for your integrity and your honesty. I believe you are trying to save humanity, and I am grateful that you have such intelligence and ability and that you are using them to this end. Whether we agree on every philosophical or religious note is of no consequence... we are on the same side and need to offer support to each other. God bless you for what you are doing.


Catherine☦️ - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

Dennis K McGee

You are a fantastic writer!
I'll work with you 💖
I'd love to learn darkfield microscopy.
I am a CT Tech by trade, currently doing per diem surgeries working the c-arm.
I know anatomy and technology.
Yesterday I started classes to convert to the Orthodox Christian church. That's the path for me. I don't need you to be on my path. I had an NDE in 1987, I was with the Creator for a very long time before I decided to come back.
We are on an exciting journey, terrifying, too, that's why we came here.
We are the best of the best.
We are the spiritual warriors.
I'm very excited to see the joining of Muslims and Christians regarding the grooming & mutilation of children.
We have common goals against a single enemy.
I'm sorry you're being iced out by some Christians.
New doors will open for you.
Yours are the videos I send out the most.
Yours and Karen Kingston's 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Dennis K McGee - Jun 30, 2023

Dennis K McGee

With you on these choices. She and Dr A are presenting factual data that are IMO irrefutable and immutable.


Unapologetically Me - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

Cheers to YOU and ALL the warriors willing to STEP UP.
Would love to hear about your NDE. Please consider writing a Substack article?
Have been fascinated by the subject matter for decades.
I interrogated my own father, in early 1984, after he coded and was revived... He died shortly thereafter, and I had a dream...
Anyway: Thanks.


Catherine☦️ - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited


I'm slowly getting accustomed to speaking publicly about my many amazing experiences. I will do a video on my NDE at some point soon.
I was locked up in psych ward immediately after returning from being "dead", so there is a lot of resentment to navigate (still.)
The funny part there is that I used my newly enhanced psychic skills to read what the psychiatrist needed to hear to let me out.
Here's my first video.
I touch upon my NDE here.
I also have a video on the return of the Bridegroom.
Thank you for your interest.


Peter70x7 - Jun 30, 2023


Oh WOW Catherine! Your testimony is so perfectly speaking into this very moment. First let me just say, from the moment Dr Ana took to Substack, I have been forwarding her research to the likes of Del Bigtree and Steve Kirsch... and just as recent as her latest EDTA+VitC results. At every turn, we face illogical behavior (ie why don't they use their platform to report the progress of the already known transhumanist agenda?) No matter the topic, the blindness that we see is rooted in "lawlessness."
I spent decades studying NDE and reincarnation accounts. I fully understand "home."
It was April 2018 for me along the lines of what began to unfold for you in April 2017. In March of 2020, the fully audible words "you will be restored" were commanded over me by a non-emotional male voice. Not a day goes by that I don't recall this event.
In this hour of increasing divisiveness, you have struck a chord on my spirit to Ana's cry for unity. This is the heaviest burden on my heart.
In addition to watching your "Miracle Healing" video, I pulled up your Bridegroom video (https://youtu.be/diuM14pZudE). Indeed, this message is moving in the Holy Spirit like never before... because "it is written."
I published this a few weeks ago. The 'Messiah 2030' presentation is a masterpiece revealing God's timing is perfect and very precise.https://peter70x7.substack.com/p/messiah-2030-reveals-the-real-agenda
Maranatha! Peter


Catherine☦️ - Jul 1, 2023

Thank you, Peter! 🙏
I'll read your essay this afternoon. I look forward to it 💖


Unapologetically Me - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

Catherine, I listened to your uploads just now.
Both so poignant, but my skin began tingling as you began "Return of the Bridegroom".
(I can also tell you that I absolutely knew what you were about to say after your 1st meditation experience in August of '21. I knew the exact words which you then spoke.)
A dear friend contacted me at 6:17 this morning, as I was penning a comment elsewhere. (We really don't communicate often however we've had a very strong personal bond, for 11 years now.)
She told me that today, her eldest brother has died. He was discovered by their brother, "sitting upright on the lounge". He'd been deceased for 7 days.
I paused your Bridegroom video and shared it with her. (Linked her. She's still asleep, near Byron Bay Australia. At least I hope she's sleeping. She was so devastated...)
Thank you so very much for posting both videos.
Have paid them both forward to several people. One of whom is my only begotten dearly beloved son.
Another is an ex, with whom I still share a very powerful connection.
Q: Did you mention Stevenson Ranch? If so... You and I have a mutual connection there. (If I misheard you? Never mind. 😉)
This is all SO prescient. (I'm in B.C. Canada by the way.)
Thanks again Catherine. I DO hope you post another video. When the feeling comes.
Much love. 💕


Catherine☦️ - Jul 1, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

Thank you for your kind words 🙏
I did not mention Stevenson Ranch, but my husband and I were just trying to recall the name of that nice place in Santa Clarita.
How funny!


Unapologetically Me - Jul 1, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

"I did not mention Stevenson Ranch, but my husband and I were just trying to recall the name of that nice place in Santa Clarita."
Looking forward to hearing more from you, on YouTube. (Those 2 videos were so eloquent and engaging.)


Unapologetically Me - Jun 30, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

THANK you Catherine and I 100% understand your reticence... believe me. 😉
Appreciate the link. ❤


Catherine☦️ - Jul 1, 2023

Thank you! 🙏


Truth Seeker - Jun 30, 2023

I too am pleased that Muslims and Christians are uniting against the grooming and mutilation of childen. I'm also a (now retired) disgnostic radiographer who specialised in C/T. I think that that career has helped give us a critically thinking mind. Don't you? That...and seeing firsthand what is beyond this mortal world. I too have had two NDE and have literally "seen the light". The peace was beyond compare, wasn't it? I too know that this is a spiritual war.
Thank you Dr. Ana for what you do. May God protect you and continue to give you strength against criticism and harm. May The Light shine on you and protect you forever more. ❤🫂🙏✝️


Alanna - Jun 30, 2023

Dr Ana, you are a wonderful soul and you are working from a place of love and integrity to save all of humanity. If there are people out there who cannot see this then that is very sad but that is their journey. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I wish you well. God bless you always.


Ric Hutchings - Jun 30, 2023

With you all the way. 🙏


Marcia K. - Jun 30, 2023

Marcia K.

I saw a video of an interview with the former President of "The Club of Rome". He said if the people would just stand up and be united and say NO more, they would not proceed in their plans. But because we are not united, they will continue their plans for the world. They purposefully divide us. Why can't people wake up & see this? Is the kool aid that strong & powerful? Have people become that stupid & lazy? I am so disappointed in my fellow man/woman.


Unapologetically Me - Jun 30, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

"They purposefully divide us..."
How Machiavellian eh?
I know who that fellow is, from years ago. An Italian. He faded away.


jeffrey p lubina - Jun 30, 2023 - Edited

jeffrey p lubina

Bloody Hell, man. I must bloviate: I just don’t get the anti-human non-persons who hate free individuals with free minds capable of critical thinking. No matter which radical group, they all have the same thing in common—they’re only comfortable divided up within compartmentalized, closed-off tribes of fanatics (like Rothschild’s militarized Israel), and always insisting they are the righteous ones with godly-authority to punish the deniers with demands & threats laced with fear stemming from authoritarian protocols, you know—to combat evil or some demon coming to get us all—so we need them, and we cannot refuse, ever, or else.
In spite of surviving several beatings of punishing patriotic, religious radicals as a child, I’ve never been anti-religion, but it’s never good enough for the monsters who insist on armies of subordinates willing to fight their wars; groups of desperate slavers and slaves with only one objective in life—generational, perpetual fear and war. The problem many people still don’t get is that they are all controlled by the same 1% anti-human Eugenicist War Banker Profiteers, who don’t give a damn which religion or political-colors you wear—only that you join one of their Left vs. Right fight clubs they’ve created for you and war each-other to death. It’s why I always walked the halls in school refusing to join any of the special clubs. I just couldn’t stand the unnatural divisions. I still can’t. I’m too infatuated with Mother Nature’s diversity; the whole rainbow, so to speak.


Nefahotep - Jun 30, 2023

Nefahotep Speaks

Arbitrary hierarchy is unnatural. So is the desire for being able to exercise power at a distance. Bankers are unnatural too. All wars are caused by them. Those who blindly follow groups and religions are the enabling masses.
Firm Individualist life concepts are the remedy.


Non-GMO Humans - Jun 30, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

I think you would like Dr. Shiva’s work.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L4-cDMv5mYA
Looks like you’ve already figured it out.


jeffrey p lubina - Jun 30, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

Yes, and I often think about and wish individuals like Dr. Shiva and RFK—both fit to be President—could, would team up (rather than run against each-other) as Independents (I), then flip a coin over who’d be President for the first 8 years…then switch positions for the next 8 years. I don’t believe anyone else running today, or in the near future, has the ability to legitimately beat either of them. And though I’m not entirely sure it’d be possible to do that, it’d sure be a great solution in contrast to the extreme Left vs. Right very bad choices we’re always given.


Unapologetically Me - Jun 30, 2023

Just Another Canadian Dissident.

Hear HEAR bro! ❤


ApexPredator - Jul 6, 2023 - Edited

jeffrey p lubina

"I just don’t get the anti-human non-persons who hate free individuals with free minds capable of critical thinking."
So you're starting your rant by dehumanising others and positioning yourself as free individual with free mind, capable of critical thinking. Kek. Very kek.
I suggest you to practice critical thinking bit more. Actually you should start just with thinking, any thinking, it will be great step for you as an individual.


jeffrey p lubina - Jul 6, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

Says, the “boring ApexPredator.” How and who am I dehumanizing? And what the hell is kek? I tell you what, go to my substack, get a free subscription, I’ll be very kind & very generous by upgrading you to a “free Paid Lifetime” subscription—and then you can make any “intelligent argument” offering up “real solutions” to all of my publications, without limitations or controls. But you’ll have to come out of the shadows as a troll and represent with your Real Identity, and in turn—I promise to NEVER criticize or shut you off, so long as you don’t continue on like this. You may be much smarter than me, many are, with real ideas and theories that’s helpful. I could use the help. Seriously, I’d really like to know just how intelligent you are and what you have to offer to actually help humanity. So join me, don’t troll me.


Good, True & Beautiful - Jun 30, 2023

Good, True & Beautiful

Go Dr Ana 👊🏻 ‘we are all fractals of God’, Fr Sean O’Laoire


Joey jinx - Jun 30, 2023

Well done and great energy you must have as we the freedom movement are alive and well ,the LIGHT AUSTRALIA PAPER uncensored on telegram ,thanking all for their efforts .


Marion Seath - Jun 30, 2023

We should get Ana published in the LA paper. It circulating around Armidale thnks to a mate.


Mark Royce - Jun 30, 2023


Thank you for your willingness to help save humanity.
I am ready for battle
40 years of martial arts training and teaching, 25 years of security work
If you need security... Just say when, where!


Lioness3* - Jun 30, 2023


Thank you, Mark, for being willing to defend her. <3


Truth Seeker - Jun 30, 2023

Onya Mark for stepping up and offering your skills to protect Dr. Ana in this physical realm (onya= good on you in Australian vernacular, for clarification for non-Australians 😊).


Kathleen Pimentel - Jul 1, 2023

Kathleen Pimentel

It is written, "Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country. " Author Unknown.


Greg Connolly - Jun 30, 2023

Fabulous essay/post. As you know. Great personal courage.


StellaMaris - Jun 30, 2023


I love this video of Orwell.... he would be appalled at our level of apathy.....


Catherine☦️ - Jun 30, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

Isn't that the weirdest part of everything? How everyone just rolled over and took it?
Right down to the forced suffocation.


Nanc - Jun 30, 2023

Nanc’s Substack

Still blows my mind! Someday, I really hope to find answers to this. I do blame the Te-lie-vision for a lot, it’s been brainwashing people for decades. The inventor, actually did not allow his family or children to watch it, hmmmm says a lot!
Me got no use for them. Give me a good book anyday! Yet, I really would like to see black box warnings on them stating, “causes serious brain damage “ view with caution.


Catherine☦️ - Jul 2, 2023

We haven't had TV, Netflix or anything for about 15 years.
The TV was designed as a torture device- to irritate the skin and nervous system of the viewer.
They also hypnotize within 10 minutes.
Horrible little things.



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