As well as Dr. Sherry Tenpenny! They both sounded the alarm about Transhumanism! They say that we moved into 5G however they are already using 6G and 7G that is 6 & 7th Generation Frequencies in the 26 GHZ to 1 THZ range!
At least Dr Tenpenny is still active.
And I had read where experimental 6G was already launched in a few locations.. I hadn't heard about 7G.
Dr Cowan explains very well the connections throughout history of new pandemics and the launch of new generations of the electrification of our atmosphere.
As it is, 5G is in the same bandwidth as your home microwave oven.. Yet it's not shielded.. And we are all slowly cooking in the oxic soup.
Chris, at 60 years old, I returned to college to study IT and Computer Science. I have over 30 years in the medical industry, and in 2020, I knew something was wrong when they announced COVID. It was never about COVID but about integrating technology with biology and biometrics! I am about to roll out several solo episodes in my podcast as to what this is all about, and the only way out of this mess for all of us is to give up our smartphones and refuse anything that they want to inject into us and even then we are not safe anymore! We live in a radiation grid! This has been in the works for the past 30 years!
no, telcos have not yet deployed 6G or 7G, the THz spectrum and ultra wide bands are not yet 100% developed. This is being discussed in the state of THz communication paper of 2022 of Prof. Akyldiz with Prof Jornet.
5G technology also uses 26 GHz bands, and that is feasible today and likely harmful, as nobody has actually studied the effects in depth except only some bad effects reported in the past on small scale tests, not prevalent widespread deployments that we have now during COVID times. SO likely very bad effects, but that's the point, nobody has done those health tests before deploying...
According to Dr. Martin Pall, this has already been deployed and is also tied into Starlink Satellites (Elon Musk); Musk is not doing this for the greater good of mankind so you can have a better internet connection or for pet project hobbies; he is doing this for the infrastructure and technology to work with data transfer! Furthermore, the smartphone industry is unregulated, just like the medical industry has become, and they do not care about safety! The politicians and so-called regulators have to usher in this technology undercover; they are not going to come out and say, by the way, we want to inject you with nanotechnology and tie you into technology!
Celeste Solum, the former FEMA executive whistleblower, was the first to break the news as to the US Hydrogels plan of immersion by stealth into the whole of Humanity's bloodstream, as a digital tracking and control measure.
Dr. Madej is part of a podcast called Critically Thinking with the 5 Docs.
This episode is from a few weeks ago:
Wouldn't that be funny some billionaires living on an Island decided to kill us all with DNA specific NANO BOTS but at the last-minute Q re-programed the NANO Tech to read the minds and ONLY execute the child molesters and deep state bitches... Now where in the hell have, I seen that 1 before????? Oh yeah! The last James Bond Movie NO TIME TO DIE.... Coincidence????......#AgentMidnightRider
Once again, Most excellent work Dr. Ana!
Please google Former NSA Network Engineer, Sebrina Wallace.
All you need is to listen to 5 mins of her and you'll get it.
She has receipts! Take your hard work to the next level with geeky nerd computer lady. She'll show you exactly where these "blobs" lead to with the transhumanism agenda they are doing to us, ugh...
Everyone that is doubtful of any of this, needs to not take anyone's word for it, but do a Dark Field test themselves. Watch with your own eyes, your own, one drop of blood, analyzed under a special microscope.
Whoops meant to hit "reply" D'oh!
All of Sabrina Wallace videos are on oydesee.
She was recently talking about the WBAN and how they are using our energy field in our bone marrow
I am playing this one now on my phone while I am doing chores, lol
Why we must eliminate our phones. Why have the phone if it's just another potential weapon?\
Then keep body voltage at zero millivolts (mV) at night:
CORONA Nanonetworks - Molecular Communications Systems - Using Bacteria DNA For Biosensing Applications.
Dr Ana,
the link between this professor and professor Charles Lieber of Harvard (who was put in jail as COVID was starting for supposedly selling to the Chinese some tech, was recently freed out of jail) is:
Professor Ian Alkyildiz and Prof. Jornet focused on the communications based on graphene nano-devices, eg as nano-antennas and as communication devices (among other technologies they regularly work with in communications eg. photonics or standard electronics for satellites etc).
Professor Charles Lieber gave a cheap and feasible chemical /manufacturing process, to manufacture such graphene based nano-devices.
See Mrs Kingston, 16min - 17min (or better start from 11min) of interesting fact of what is included in the contracts of Pfizer and moderna, covering medical devices clauses!
Dr Martin and Mrs Kingston call this a bioweapon and advocate for legal approaches appropriate for groups of people using bioweapons on civilians. In my limited understanding, it is a bioweapon because the LNPs deliver bioweapon payloads. Plus some of the shots have been found to contain in-organic nano-wire-based technology based on graphene-oxide instead of traditional silicon based (see closely at least the popularized articles at Harvard Magazine that describe Prof Charles Lieber's research starting from 2001, on nano-wires that self-assemble and need extraordinary low energy and made very cheaply with chemical processes instead of traditional lithography, to biosensors and bi-directonal stimulators of neurons, and brain-activity nano-wire meshes as extensions, research funded by NIH back before 2009 and in 2017! Harvard Prof. Charles Lieber was inprisoned as COVID started, supposedly because he sold state secrets to the Chinese, and he was just released recently).
eg. see a high level summary follow the links to other Harvard Magazine articles about his research, or look at his patents and publications!! In fact he found back in early 2000s that covering such inorganic nano-scale devices with Lipids allows penetration into the cells without killing the cells, exactly like they use PEG LNPs in covid to deliver their payload whatever that may be.!
Combine that with research on Cellular Automata by MIT (circle of MIT professors include Ray Kurzweil and Neil Gershenfeld + a very frequently done cross-polination between MIT and Harvard professors), and as a different model of computing (vs the classical von_Neuman model of computing that we have which has serious deficiencies at nano-scale) that mimics neuron function to collectively effect computation, also a focus of Prof. Charles Lieber and other Harvard professors. At the very least you can say they did test runs of such technology with some shots to some people. These all qualify as in-organic programmable devices delivered by the vaccine, and Mrs Kingston notices in this the above video exposing what she has found
Greg Reese on Info Wars has broken into the barrier where Alex Jones has refused to interview Karen Kingston. We need to put more pressure on Alex. He won't be able to understand the science, I've listened to him try. He's a little thick on some subjects. I'd think if we had some possible remedies showing at least some effects such as Sodium Citrate, he may become interested since he offers health products to support his operation. I would start off with a video presentation showing the darkfield microscopy from the Dixonlab where you see swarms of bots around blood cells. A short example of normal blood comparison like this Borg Blood video
Chris C - Feb 16, 2024 - Edited
Chris C
Dr Madej warned about this a year before the Vax rolled out.
Medical Truth Podcast - Feb 16, 2024 - Edited
Medical Truth Podcast
As well as Dr. Sherry Tenpenny! They both sounded the alarm about Transhumanism! They say that we moved into 5G however they are already using 6G and 7G that is 6 & 7th Generation Frequencies in the 26 GHZ to 1 THZ range!
Chris C - Feb 16, 2024
Chris C
At least Dr Tenpenny is still active.
And I had read where experimental 6G was already launched in a few locations.. I hadn't heard about 7G.
Dr Cowan explains very well the connections throughout history of new pandemics and the launch of new generations of the electrification of our atmosphere.
As it is, 5G is in the same bandwidth as your home microwave oven.. Yet it's not shielded.. And we are all slowly cooking in the oxic soup.
Medical Truth Podcast - Feb 16, 2024
Medical Truth Podcast
Chris, at 60 years old, I returned to college to study IT and Computer Science. I have over 30 years in the medical industry, and in 2020, I knew something was wrong when they announced COVID. It was never about COVID but about integrating technology with biology and biometrics! I am about to roll out several solo episodes in my podcast as to what this is all about, and the only way out of this mess for all of us is to give up our smartphones and refuse anything that they want to inject into us and even then we are not safe anymore! We live in a radiation grid! This has been in the works for the past 30 years!
Pamela Raditsch - Feb 17, 2024
Pamela Raditsch
Carrie Madej is also still very active.
Chris C - Feb 16, 2024
Chris C
Well said. And accurate. Time is running short.
Medical Truth Podcast - Feb 16, 2024
Medical Truth Podcast
Chris C - Feb 16, 2024
Chris C
Look at the "symptoms" of exposure.. Do they look familiar?
Doesnt Matter - Feb 20, 2024 - Edited
Medical Truth Podcast
no, telcos have not yet deployed 6G or 7G, the THz spectrum and ultra wide bands are not yet 100% developed. This is being discussed in the state of THz communication paper of 2022 of Prof. Akyldiz with Prof Jornet.
5G technology also uses 26 GHz bands, and that is feasible today and likely harmful, as nobody has actually studied the effects in depth except only some bad effects reported in the past on small scale tests, not prevalent widespread deployments that we have now during COVID times. SO likely very bad effects, but that's the point, nobody has done those health tests before deploying...
Medical Truth Podcast - Feb 20, 2024
Medical Truth Podcast
According to Dr. Martin Pall, this has already been deployed and is also tied into Starlink Satellites (Elon Musk); Musk is not doing this for the greater good of mankind so you can have a better internet connection or for pet project hobbies; he is doing this for the infrastructure and technology to work with data transfer! Furthermore, the smartphone industry is unregulated, just like the medical industry has become, and they do not care about safety! The politicians and so-called regulators have to usher in this technology undercover; they are not going to come out and say, by the way, we want to inject you with nanotechnology and tie you into technology!
Telestai Nexus - Feb 17, 2024
Telestai Nexus
Stephane Roy - Feb 17, 2024
Stephane Roy
Celeste Solum, the former FEMA executive whistleblower, was the first to break the news as to the US Hydrogels plan of immersion by stealth into the whole of Humanity's bloodstream, as a digital tracking and control measure.
Chris C - Feb 16, 2024
Chris C
Her and her husband survived the plane crash.. But the message was received..
She only posts prayers now.
Pamela Raditsch - Feb 17, 2024
Pamela Raditsch
I disagree. She is active once again. Some small samplings:
(In the 2nd link she even discusses findings similar to Dr. Ana's.)
moando - Feb 18, 2024
Dr. Madej is part of a podcast called Critically Thinking with the 5 Docs.
This episode is from a few weeks ago:
Jim - Feb 17, 2024
Jim’s Substack
The mRNA bs is just a distraction. The real weapon is the hydrogel.
Agent Midnight Rider - Feb 16, 2024
Agent’s Substack
Wouldn't that be funny some billionaires living on an Island decided to kill us all with DNA specific NANO BOTS but at the last-minute Q re-programed the NANO Tech to read the minds and ONLY execute the child molesters and deep state bitches... Now where in the hell have, I seen that 1 before????? Oh yeah! The last James Bond Movie NO TIME TO DIE.... Coincidence????......#AgentMidnightRider
Michael Folks - Feb 16, 2024
Michael’s Substack
Cyborgs were first brought up in SCI-Fi novels, and on Star Treks " Borgs" but now, it's a sobering reality....
Das Raciss - Feb 17, 2024
Chronicles of the Collapse
Once again, Most excellent work Dr. Ana!
Please google Former NSA Network Engineer, Sebrina Wallace.
All you need is to listen to 5 mins of her and you'll get it.
She has receipts! Take your hard work to the next level with geeky nerd computer lady. She'll show you exactly where these "blobs" lead to with the transhumanism agenda they are doing to us, ugh...
Everyone that is doubtful of any of this, needs to not take anyone's word for it, but do a Dark Field test themselves. Watch with your own eyes, your own, one drop of blood, analyzed under a special microscope.
Collapse Podcast - Feb 17, 2024
Chronicles of the Collapse
Came across her? rumble channel yesterday. One hell of a rabbit hole to go down would love to reach her personally regarding this tech.
Das Raciss - Feb 17, 2024
Whoops meant to hit "reply" D'oh!
All of Sabrina Wallace videos are on oydesee.
She was recently talking about the WBAN and how they are using our energy field in our bone marrow
I am playing this one now on my phone while I am doing chores, lol
Roman S Shapoval - Feb 16, 2024
The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…
Why we must eliminate our phones. Why have the phone if it's just another potential weapon?\
Then keep body voltage at zero millivolts (mV) at night:
Kyus2001 - Feb 17, 2024
CORONA Nanonetworks - Molecular Communications Systems - Using Bacteria DNA For Biosensing Applications.
Greg Reese - Feb 17, 2024
The Reese Report
Thank you for your work. I'm hearing much about your recent flourescent report and may be doing a report on that next.
Mapu - Feb 17, 2024
Much love to all!
Mapu - Feb 17, 2024
Happy Birthday Ana! TY for your tremendous courage & incredibly amazing work that u share with the world. TY for ur service to humanity! Much love!
Lauretta Walker - Feb 17, 2024
Lauretta Walker
Not a ChineseVirus.
Min 12:3
Jim - Feb 17, 2024
Jim’s Substack
How to remove the hydrogel from the body?
Aminata - Feb 19, 2024
Yes,thats also my question how to remove the hydrogel from the body?With wich treatment exactly?
Paul Black - Feb 16, 2024
Paul Black listen to Elana hit from 54 minutes if you can. Pulls a lot together and I think she is referring to you, David Karl et all
Doesnt Matter - Feb 20, 2024
Dr Ana,
the link between this professor and professor Charles Lieber of Harvard (who was put in jail as COVID was starting for supposedly selling to the Chinese some tech, was recently freed out of jail) is:
Professor Ian Alkyildiz and Prof. Jornet focused on the communications based on graphene nano-devices, eg as nano-antennas and as communication devices (among other technologies they regularly work with in communications eg. photonics or standard electronics for satellites etc).
Professor Charles Lieber gave a cheap and feasible chemical /manufacturing process, to manufacture such graphene based nano-devices.
See Mrs Kingston, 16min - 17min (or better start from 11min) of interesting fact of what is included in the contracts of Pfizer and moderna, covering medical devices clauses!
Dr Martin and Mrs Kingston call this a bioweapon and advocate for legal approaches appropriate for groups of people using bioweapons on civilians. In my limited understanding, it is a bioweapon because the LNPs deliver bioweapon payloads. Plus some of the shots have been found to contain in-organic nano-wire-based technology based on graphene-oxide instead of traditional silicon based (see closely at least the popularized articles at Harvard Magazine that describe Prof Charles Lieber's research starting from 2001, on nano-wires that self-assemble and need extraordinary low energy and made very cheaply with chemical processes instead of traditional lithography, to biosensors and bi-directonal stimulators of neurons, and brain-activity nano-wire meshes as extensions, research funded by NIH back before 2009 and in 2017! Harvard Prof. Charles Lieber was inprisoned as COVID started, supposedly because he sold state secrets to the Chinese, and he was just released recently).
eg. see a high level summary follow the links to other Harvard Magazine articles about his research, or look at his patents and publications!! In fact he found back in early 2000s that covering such inorganic nano-scale devices with Lipids allows penetration into the cells without killing the cells, exactly like they use PEG LNPs in covid to deliver their payload whatever that may be.!
Combine that with research on Cellular Automata by MIT (circle of MIT professors include Ray Kurzweil and Neil Gershenfeld + a very frequently done cross-polination between MIT and Harvard professors), and as a different model of computing (vs the classical von_Neuman model of computing that we have which has serious deficiencies at nano-scale) that mimics neuron function to collectively effect computation, also a focus of Prof. Charles Lieber and other Harvard professors. At the very least you can say they did test runs of such technology with some shots to some people. These all qualify as in-organic programmable devices delivered by the vaccine, and Mrs Kingston notices in this the above video exposing what she has found
Crosby Guy - Feb 19, 2024
Greg Reese on Info Wars has broken into the barrier where Alex Jones has refused to interview Karen Kingston. We need to put more pressure on Alex. He won't be able to understand the science, I've listened to him try. He's a little thick on some subjects. I'd think if we had some possible remedies showing at least some effects such as Sodium Citrate, he may become interested since he offers health products to support his operation. I would start off with a video presentation showing the darkfield microscopy from the Dixonlab where you see swarms of bots around blood cells. A short example of normal blood comparison like this Borg Blood video
LM2 - Feb 18, 2024
True Blue... Maui Blue... Methylene Blue... LED blue was very hard to invent. What's with blue?
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