Humans Turning Into Cyborgs: Scientific…

Nov 28, 2023

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This article published in the American Chemical Journal is confirming my live blood analysis findings.


david galloway - Nov 28, 2023


It may seem to you, Dr. Ana, that nobody is paying attention, and that may be because when people are confronted with a problem so large, that they think there is nothing they can do to stop it, slow it down, then those people just ignore it, as a matter of sanity and survival. But that does not make it go away. Keep going, friend. A lot of the medical industry will go down in history as cowards, but not you.


Chelie - Nov 28, 2023


Well said. We have to embrace the fact that humanity as we know it, is on course with an extinction level event. And to know that there are individuals who have deliberately contaminated the globe with various poisons for profit and nefarious goals, are not the winners either. They will cry the loudest when judgment day comes.


Stephane Roy - Nov 28, 2023

Stephane Roy

i so agree with this . . .


Debi Long - Nov 28, 2023



John Roberts - Nov 28, 2023 - Edited

John Roberts

Dr Ana
Catastrophic is right.
We all truly appreciate your efforts even if the truth is hard to fathom.
I myself am running out of words.
All I can say is. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


Stephane Roy - Nov 28, 2023

Stephane Roy

Yes, yes, yes . . !
Please keep going Dr Ana
Your voice is speaking for us
Eight billion people . . !


Adriana Abbud - Nov 28, 2023 - Edited

Adriana’s Substack

Dr. Ana, I follow your work and had already detected this in my vaccinated patients. My name is Dr. Adriana Abbud, I am an orthomolecular specialist and a Naturopath. It would be interesting to exchange some ideas. In the Detox I do with my patients, they tell me the smell of burning plastic and now I understand why. THIS IS HYDROGEL MADE FROM VINYL.


BlazeCloude3 - Nov 28, 2023


Thank-you for being among the Doctors waking and searching for the means to treat this condition deliberately forced upon the world. Doctors are the frontline in this WWIII.πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ€©πŸ™πŸ»


Jerms 9654 - Nov 28, 2023 - Edited

Jerms 9654

How do you have them detox?


Adriana Abbud - Nov 28, 2023 - Edited

Adriana’s Substack

I perform clinical, laboratory and orthofunctional analysis of my patients. On top of all this, I provide personalized supplementation for the patient and an anti-inflammatory diet.


KarlM Alias - Nov 28, 2023 - Edited

KarlM Alias

What about the anti-inflammatory electrons from the ground? They are unlimited in number, and can reach places chemical antioxidants never could. Brain, eyes, fibrous caps, intracellular including DNA:


Adriana Abbud - Nov 28, 2023

Adriana’s Substack

With all due respect. Grounding really helped my patients but it was an auxiliary. What really resolved the issue was personalized and optimized supplementation and an anti-inflammatory diet.


KarlM Alias - Nov 28, 2023

KarlM Alias

Sorry, I didn't mean to say chemical antioxidants don't work, just that it could be beneficial to include grounding, which you clearly do.
When you say your patients were helped by grounding, were they grounded close to 24/7?
I know from personal experience it is difficult to keep connected all the time.
It's just that a few hours a day are not enough to realise the full benefits. Also, sulphur deficiency, which is widespread, will have a negative effect on the grounding system. As will dehydration.
There are also situations when grounding is the only way, for example, if fasting. Else if the person cannot afford supplementation or a doctor visit.


Adriana Abbud - Nov 28, 2023

Adriana’s Substack

Yes. I used grounding to try to block the frequency emitted by wi-fi and towers, because this helps the polymers self-assemble. I did this with a cancer patient who took 3 doses of Vaccine (2pfizer/ 1 Janssen). It helped a lot Balancing my patient's blood pressure and circulation.


Seeking Truth - Nov 28, 2023

Seeking Truth

where are you located? Do you do telehealth?


Adriana Abbud - Nov 28, 2023

Adriana’s Substack

I live in Brazil. Yes, my consultations are via teleservice. I have a group on Telegram too. I'll leave the contact for my Telegram group.


Susannah - Nov 28, 2023

Adriana’s Substack

Do you have any other mode of communication besides Telegram?


Adriana Abbud - Nov 28, 2023

Adriana’s Substack

Yes I have. I will leave my private email. Anyone who wants to talk to me send me a message by email and I will contact you via WhatsApp.


Adriana Abbud - Nov 28, 2023

Adriana’s Substack

The same way a doctor treats any patient. Treats injuries. The only difference is that I deal with supplements designed to treat the patient's illness and diet.


Jerms 9654 - Nov 28, 2023

Jerms 9654

Very cool


gr8H8er - Nov 28, 2023


I believe she helps people provide opportunity for their bodies to detox in the same manner in which the intoxication occurred, systematically.


Blaise - Nov 28, 2023

Att Viska

That other smell, if I"m not mistaken, is Mssrs. Bourla, Fauci, Soros and Gate burning in Hell, where they belong, barring repentance


Seeking Truth - Nov 28, 2023

Seeking Truth

what kind of detox do you recommend?


Adriana Abbud - Nov 28, 2023

Adriana’s Substack

Detox is an individual thing. It's not enough to just detoxify, but I need to balance the patient biochemically. I need to reverse the data generated in organs and tissues


Lisa - Nov 28, 2023


Yes absolutely it is. And the trains that derailed earlier this year carrying tons of it is proof they are using it somehow, I believe in manufactured clouds.


Susannah - Nov 28, 2023



Georgia Lynn Justice - Nov 28, 2023

Solutions for the Targeted Comm…

Do u have anything that blocks for the hydrigel , me and my daughter have thay


Adriana Abbud - Nov 28, 2023

Adriana’s Substack

There's no way to block it. I need to undo the entire hydrogel structure that self-assembled inside the vaccinated person. This can last 3 months or more of treatment. It depends on how much it is in Vaccinated Person's Body


Georgia Lynn Justice - Nov 28, 2023

Solutions for the Targeted Comm…

Have you had success with this, I'm going yo see Dr. Anna doon,can I make apps with u also


Adriana Abbud - Nov 28, 2023

Adriana’s Substack

How would it be??


gr8H8er - Nov 28, 2023


A friend was over for dinner. She is not modified by device but works in a busy dental office. After several hours, I started to notice a strange, sweet burnt plastic aroma!
Thank you for speaking out and standing up!


Adriana Abbud - Nov 28, 2023

Adriana’s Substack

Exactly. It has this sweet, burnt plastic smell. Can you imagine people with this on their bodies? I thought I would only see this here in Brazil but this shows that this Hydrogel is in all vaccines. In less quantity or more quantity. I understand Dr. Ana Mihalcea's despair because I went through it. It's a shame I can't send photos of the hydrogel that came out of my patients here.


Lisa - Nov 28, 2023


Yes, start a substack. The more people who publish this, the less it can be ignored. There are practitioners posting pics on FB.


Adriana Abbud - Nov 28, 2023

Adriana’s Substack

Ok. I'll see how substrack works and I'll post a live stream in English. This way people will be able to see what is really happening. There were 2 of my patients already attending. Linked to Artificial intelligence. He was like a robot, repeating the same phrases. It had a nanotechnology structure mounted at the base of the brain. When we started detox he felt that the Structures were breaking down and the body was able to expel it in feces after 3 to 4 months of treatment.


Lisa - Nov 28, 2023


Yes, we need practitioners like you to share and give us all hope. Thank you for your work!


Lisa - Nov 28, 2023


I just subscribed to your substack. :)


Adriana Abbud - Nov 28, 2023

Adriana’s Substack

Thanks! I'll try to find this app and post something here


Lisa - Nov 28, 2023


Bless you!


Marty - Nov 28, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Scary .. It will definitely be very helpful and appreciated if you can share your experiences and the detox protocols on your substack. To write a post click on "Dashboard" at the top right corner and then click on "New post".


gr8H8er - Nov 28, 2023


You can most certainly write a Substack and include any form of media you like! I’ll see it as I intend to subscribe to you after placing this period.


Adriana Abbud - Nov 28, 2023

Adriana’s Substack

Yes...that's Hydrogel


Lisa - Nov 28, 2023


Do you mean emanating from her? Like skin, breath, etc?


gr8H8er - Nov 28, 2023


It more permeated the room - granted we were in a rather small space but I have a very sensitive nose and she didn’t particularly smell of plastic. It was only after a few hours that I noticed it and usually immediately after walking around. Perhaps my footfalls stirred it up if it is more dense than the normal air in a room?


Dosha - Nov 28, 2023

This makes me think of the report by people of the those who are covid jabbed and boosted have a smell. Maybe this is what it is. So not good.


Caroline - Nov 28, 2023


I had this smell / taste thing for a few days after I had Covid a year ago! Was so bizarre...


imagine7generations - Nov 28, 2023 - Edited


I am feeling it! And so are other friends of mine who are aware! The shedding exposure we can feel it when it is acute, as in touching someone who got the shot recently or being in the home of those getting the shots. Something is building up in offices and homes of those that get the shots. I know from personal experience it stays active, (spike proteins or what have you), for at least five days. So it builds up inside buildings. And I can feel whatever it is. It feels like stinging all over and then I feel very weak, like I need to go take vit. C immediately in high dosages.
On another note, please test BORAX as the H@@RP scientists told us to take a pinch in water three times a day to stop this nanotechnology from working in our bodies.
Thank you to all for all you do, and God Bless us all! Mother Mary help us, Yahushua help us, please send all your angels of our heavenly father to assist us!


BlazeCloude3 - Nov 28, 2023


Absolutely correct...Must stay ahead of the symptoms in daily exposure to public environments. Dr. Ana is ahead of the whole pack in her work. TRULY BRILLIANT WOMAN.


Chris Burrett - Nov 28, 2023

Yes, absolutely brilliant!!


Stephane Roy - Nov 28, 2023

Stephane Roy

Yes, collectively we need God's help! This is a perpetrated evil too big and too extensive! Without His help we are going to be subsumed in a spreading poison!
'Father GOD, please help us, Your Humanity on the Earth, we are being poisoned at the most basic level Father, please help us through the kindness and graciousness of Your Dear Son, Whom You sent to us, to save us from this grip of sin and death. Thank you Dear Father ~ Amen'


Dina Barzilai - Nov 28, 2023

Dina’s Substack

i feel the same, the weakness. I only feel the stinging in my eyes and mouth though.


Dr. Deborah - Nov 28, 2023 - Edited

Dr.’s Substack

She won't test:; Nor will any other SS microscope groupie on here:
Nano Silver
The above 2 will work in combination/ per your HAARP and Pharma disclosures...hmmmm
Appears to be a "Complexity Diversion" going on here.
I am done .


Stephane Roy - Nov 28, 2023

Stephane Roy

EDTA and Methylene Blue in water solution apparently have a partially disabling effect on the assembling nano-circuitry.. to that solution in water one could add drops of Chlorine Dioxide (aka 'liquid oxygen'?) The nano-assemblies seem to need certain less usual metals, so pull these out of the body, and replace the natural ones through standard mineral supplementation.


imagine7generations - Nov 28, 2023



Seeking Truth - Nov 28, 2023

Seeking Truth

What scientists told who, what?? Does Borax really work?


imagine7generations - Nov 28, 2023

Look up Dana Ashlie on youtube and the title "the solution they don't want you to know".


Cari Jane - Nov 28, 2023

Stephane Roy

Every article about this tragedy should include how to detox our blood from the hydrogels and other purposeful toxins, such as hydras, spike proteins, graphene oxide, etc.


Stephane Roy - Nov 28, 2023

Stephane Roy

..please see the comment to Dr Deborah


Susan P ... - Nov 28, 2023

Susan P ...

Thank you Dr. Ana for the brilliant work you uncover & discover. Dear Lord, deliver us from evil & help us to help ourselves & protect us from the evil cabal.


Stephane Roy - Nov 28, 2023

Stephane Roy

Amen.. and Amen !


Deemarie - Nov 28, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

One cannot ignore these findings. No I don't like/love ❀️subject of This article . This is extremely important. A HUGE finding. Microplastics detected in those who needed interventional cardiovascular repair is beyond criminal.
There are applicable codes for this type of intentional ( unintentional) foreign body left in a patient after a surgical procedure. New codes, courtesy of WHO ICD-10-CM CODES.


Piotr Bein - Nov 28, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

"( unintentional) foreign body left in a patient" -- Have the cadiologists done that?
To Dr. Ana: Is it sure that these MPs don't enter us (and other life) from the plastic garbage". By coincidence the garbage sourced MP may be the same as in the insiduous nanotech. Alleged recyclability of plastics was the chemical industry's fraud, to push their material past ignorant public. One could speculate that present dilemma was designed at that time. My municipality suddenly changed laws to minimise the use of plastics, e.g. ban on plastic shopping bags. It was a good thing, but at the same time they allowed plastic turf to proliferate!.Another bylaw forbids putting some plastic in recycling bins.Where are people supposed to dispose them of?
Observe a piece of plastic deteriorate outdoors, turning into fine particles. Much of disposed plastics end up in oceans. Rivers carrying plastics also help pulverise.


imagine7generations - Nov 28, 2023

Pantyhose has been shown to cause uterine cancer. But most clothing now is made from plastics.


gr8H8er - Nov 28, 2023


Gasoline can be extracted from plastic.


EAMBDGC - Nov 28, 2023

one grocery store told me they don’t use paper bags anymore only plastic. that makes no sense.


lymer - Nov 28, 2023


There is a moth called Galleria Mellonella, the larvae of which is the only organism that can degrade wax with its enzymes and also polyethylene ( Bee keepers know it as the only pathogen of their bee hives as it can rapidly eat honeycombs with all its powerful defense barriers - propolis etc.
The main components of interest here are unique enzyme cerase also lipase and serine proteases but I suppose there is more to it eg various peptides, defense chemicals etc.
GM larvae extract potent properties (the most prominent was complete elimination of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection) were researched by a number of quite famous Russian professors, scientists and microbiologists in the late 1800s. That's why it's only known in Eastern European countries like Russia, Ukraine etc. There are also some statements that it was used in ancient Egypt.
It also seems like larvae waste products and its extract are more potent and bioactive as it aslo possess properties of what larvae were eating (propolis, royal jelly, beebread, bee cocoons etc) as it passess through its stomach, fermenting, processing it - probably multiplying and changing its properties in unknown way. So the food which larvae eats is VERY important for its healing properties as extracts of GM larvae fed some garbage food or simple wax doesn't show any benefits. So tip for anyone who's interested - the best deal is to find local/small so called family beekepers who know what they are doing and buy extract (in a glass bottle, as it probably will degrade plastic one) from them as not everyone wants to feed larva with their honey, jelly, propolis etc as they can sell it separately. Mass production stuff and stuff sold in pharmacies don't work. Capsules don't work.
I didn't find any useful info on it in English, so here are some quite good Russian articles on the topic (you can use automatic google translation in chrome):
1. general overview
2. waste products extract (ПЖВМ/PJVM) overview
3. - list of scientific papers on the GM, some of them are in english.
It would be great if you try some potent homemade GM extract on blood.


Lisa - Nov 28, 2023


I imagine the bees are eating contaminated pollen. We were pounded with chemicals over the summer and all of the plants and animals took a hit.


Jesse - Nov 28, 2023 - Edited


Dr Ana
Have you found a frequency on a rife machine that could help break down the white clots? I’m trying different programs, but it is very time consuming when it takes more than a couple days to see if there is any progress.
I’ve detoxed everything out according to blood samples, but with this psoriasis not suppressing like it use to, I would think that the white clots are slowing the healing down.


BlazeCloude3 - Nov 28, 2023 - Edited


We worked with the frequencies in our area for weeks...It was the experimentation of my son finding the frequency modultions in our area. YES, THE FREQUENCY CHANGES ACCORDING TO THE TIME OF DAY...AS WELL AS WEEKS AND WEEKENDS.
This indicates to us that those behind the actual modulation must KNOW exactly what they're doing and the reason. GUILTY.
Frequency also changes from place to place...It isn't the same everywhere. You must do your own research and experimentation to find the patterns of your area.


Elizabeth - Nov 28, 2023


Chemtrails in the sky helps steer the frequencies to a specific area. They know what theyre doing.


Therisa - Nov 28, 2023 - Edited


What kind of device does one use to find these frequencies?


BlazeCloude3 - Nov 28, 2023 - Edited


I believe my son used a 'Digital Oscilloscope'. They can be found on Amazon or in many different kinds of Lab Supply Retailers. Son is an Engineer as well as a Mechanic into Robitics and AI...As that is his area of expertise...And, I left that up to him. He has all kinds of machines I know nothing about.
I have used a 'Digital Oscilloscope' before and believe that to be the machine he used.


Margie Chism - Nov 28, 2023

Margie Chism

Blaze - Is your son Army Engineer? β–  They have offered my daughter a job, and today she was to let them know. I do not know her decision. M


BlazeCloude3 - Nov 28, 2023


Once upon a time; although he began in Medicine and changed. He didn't mind the Army but wouldn't join today. He's NOT willing to risk his own life for those now exposed as the Criminals Against Humanity. Factually, he's also no longer an Engineer as Ai is extremely unethical/immoral. He's certain it's the Gateway Portal for evil to enter into our domain. For a more complete synopsis, it would be necessary to provide much information I'm not qualified to write about...Just read Dr. Ana's Substack as the main gist of what my son related to me...And, also based within my own discipline...SHE'S DEFINITELY ON THE RIGHT PATH.
Warn your daughter about the Military as it is NOT the same military it was just a few years ago. It was changing 15 years ago when my son was there; but it's far more corrupt now and growing more so all the time.


Margie Chism - Nov 28, 2023

Margie Chism

Blaze - My daughter is and has been DoD for over a decade; unvaccinated and has endured. She always interviews and that particular section has offered her a position "due to her honesty." β–  I have spent many years praying for her employment, so I trust her decision. Not knowing, I do have peace. Not everyone is corrupt nor treasonous; she has kept her oath and is one of the best I know. M


Lisa - Nov 28, 2023


You are measuring the frequencies? I have wondered this same thing. We had no insects or birds for a month and a half this past summer. I wondered if they were using frequency to drive them away.


Piotr Bein - Nov 28, 2023 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

Modulations of which EMF, may I ask?


BlazeCloude3 - Nov 28, 2023 - Edited


I erred in what was wrote. It's not about EMF'S...It's about Frequency Range oriented in the 5G System. MY ERROR.
What's more important to know before beginning the experimentation is the frequency bands for 5G New Radio (5G NR), which is the air interface or radio access technology of the 5G mobile networks. They are separated into two different frequency ranges. First there is Frequency Range 1 (FR1),[1] which includes sub-6 GHz frequency bands, some of which are traditionally used by previous standards, but has been extended to cover potential new spectrum offerings from 410 MHz to 7125 MHz. The other is Frequency Range 2 (FR2),[2] which includes frequency bands from 24.25 GHz to 71.0 GHz.
To know where to begin greatly simplifies the job. We first made 'Scalar Generators' to learn with and then we purchased larger ones professionally made. The frequencies must be ascertained for the Generators to be effective with creating the field to neutralize the signal frequencies.
Also there is a 'Homemade Scalar Magnetized Unit' to actually remove nanotech from the body...I have not made one, yet. Plan to do so soon. It's not important to know frequencies for the Magnetized Unit removing the nanotech. The man creating these machines is Tony Pantellerisco and he's found on Bitchute.


Lisa - Nov 28, 2023 - Edited


Would love to put my husband in touch. It would be great to build one of these.


BlazeCloude3 - Nov 29, 2023 - Edited


This is the Gentleman found having several options with machines to remove nanotech.
Tony Pantellerisco


Stephane Roy - Nov 28, 2023

Stephane Roy

The so-called good 'Fullerton Informer' [Joe Imbriano] has been putting out a lot of information on YT re the 5G frequencies and the projected hertz and intended damaging wattage levels for quite some time, these being intended for the 'control' of many of the nano-transcribed bodily functions, including even the very intrinsic capability to absorb in the lungs oxygen-from-air into the blood stream, let alone brain wave modulating manipulation. So evil is this 'elites' extensive masterplan of horror!


Piotr Bein - Nov 28, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

The earlier generations use most of the freq you list.
5G adds 20 - 30 GHz band (depending on country) to run IoT. IoB needs a higher one?
The higher the freq, the more difficult it goes thru walls, vegetation, fog, rain. IoB signals must penetrate human body, mostly water -- a great obstacle?
Magnetised Unit removes ferrous metals only?.


BlazeCloude3 - Nov 29, 2023


Said I would search back into my info to find the Link about the magnetic machine and the man creating this machine and others is Tony Pantellerisco. He's found on Bitchute and has more than one option for removing this technology. It's up to the builder.
Now that I've found the information and have all the materials...I'm making mine this week...Myself and not my son. Sounds easy enough.
Good Luck.


BlazeCloude3 - Nov 28, 2023


Correct about the frequencies to the best of what I know which is little. Knowledge is elementary with physics overall and electronics; enough to use the machines after being taught.
Unit removes ferrous metals as well as some measure of graphene oxide...It's difficult to know exactly how much...It's simply the best found up to this time. Going to go through Data to find the Unit and Instructions for the build as well as the principles behind it. Man is quite the genius. Will keep this to search tomorrow and will add another response.


Piotr Bein - Nov 28, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

Partial remedy, lots of other metals and stuff, incl. plastics.


Marty - Nov 28, 2023

Nano Ordo Mundi

Have you tried 2128 Hz ?


Jesse - Nov 28, 2023

Update. Just to be clear, I am not asking about supplements of any kind.
I’m looking for a frequency number to use on a rife machine.


aj - Nov 28, 2023


I am sorry I can't remember where and post a link (I read too much!) but I read of a doctor that was giving patients IV EDTA, and they were passing fibrous material.


BlazeCloude3 - Nov 28, 2023


Reality is; Substack is a gift we all must pray God protects...As Dr. Ana is receiving support and an outlet for the disgusting aspecst of this research and experimentation as we are receiving our need for information to stay current or beyond the average. It's much better when in union with others as concerned and open to learning regardless of darkness. πŸ™πŸ»πŸ’–πŸ™πŸ» In a very real fashion; this is the love of God for one another.


Piotr Bein - Nov 28, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

So lookedWordpress.comsome years ago, the attack came unexpectedly in 2021 aimed at plandemic critics like myself. I transferred blog files to Hostinger who looked ok, but out of a sudden they, too, succumbed to external terror.
National laws keep popping out against truth and for info control and silencing truth tellets. A Canadian law forbids broadcasting info clashing with govt-approved one!
What do we do when substack enters that path? I did not open a substack for blinking red alarm lights:
- the user must agree to a google gimmick
- must have email (mine has been sabotaged by yahoo themselves who wrote "signed off" in the history even though I did not do it)
- terms of service like the other ones allow termination without reason, no responsibility for damage/destruction of personal property (intellectual property in the posts)
- nothing stops them from labelling at will of anonymous parties: terrorist, violator of others' properrty, antisemite, fake info spreader etc.


gr8H8er - Nov 29, 2023


Good reminder to back up our work and make SubStacks of comments we find useful!


Piotr Bein - Nov 29, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

On both occasions I've had backups... on the blogs, but the admins give you unreadable files that take weeks for a specialist to clean up on a new platform. I "backed up" key posts on h/d when Hostinger charged me with "promoting terrorism" and "violating private property".When I defended my posts effectively, came worse labels revealing the attacker. My h/d files turned out to be unreadable when attached to emails butchered by yahoo to work on my iMac internal app only.
I was cut off email access while travelling, despite my warning of limited access and loss of important material shouldf they terninate me w/o giving me time to rescue the material.
Duting-travel use never before req'd a dumbphone number to function (just kike now you can't arrange a doctor appointment w/o calling first).... No worry, "they" know what they're doing. The assault was timed for my extensive travels, spyable from reservations..


gr8H8er - Nov 29, 2023


For now, it seems Odysee is another good platform? It supports video as well as documents. More than one person has made comment they were grateful they had backed up to that particular platform when they were attacked and lost content. Good luck! Keep fighting! If they retaliate with such force against you, clearly you are doing somethin right!!


Piotr Bein - Nov 29, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

I would not assume,wordpress.comseemed iron-clad, also Hostinger by word of mouth. Most of my material is text. Thanks for empathy.


tanja bauer - Nov 28, 2023


DMSO is a solvent for PMMA
Also read about clinic in Mexico is using DMSO infusions to dissolve clots in blood, most of their clients are pilots. They get daily infusions for one week.


Chelie - Nov 28, 2023


Interesting. Thanks for sharing.


tanja bauer - Nov 28, 2023


I use DMSO together with CDS, because it helps the CDS to get into the cells, I was wondering why the clinic was using only DMSO..but now it makes sense why it was working. Here is their link


Chelie - Nov 28, 2023


Thank you!


Chris - Nov 28, 2023


Polyethylene glycol. That’s Miralax, right? My father in law is 97. He smokes a pack or Marlborough 100s everyday, and has pounded down a glass of Miralax every day for many many many years. His vitals are all basically fine, and he’s still quite sharp. I would say none of this is as simple as it seems.


aj - Nov 28, 2023


Miralax will not pass the intestinal wall unless one has damaged leaky intestines. Like food molecules, it should not be in the bloodstream.


Baga - Nov 28, 2023


How dangerous is Miralax to use?


aj - Nov 28, 2023


It is supposed to be fine if you don't have a leaky gut. If you have known food allergies or sensitivities, I would assume you DO have a leaky gut. Miralax is almost entirely used by people with long standing gut issues. Many of whom are not seen by a gastroenterologist. Even if you were, is he a wholistic one, who will find causes rather than just use the treatment standard of care?


aj - Nov 28, 2023


thank you! I told people to stop using that 'pure blood' label a year ago, but all I knew about then was the prevalence of antibodies in the uninjected, so I knew it was being spread. I sure wish you could get blood samples from a couple of the elitists that pushed this bioweapon agenda. I think they may have had 'real' vaccines against it before it was released.


Piotr Bein - Nov 28, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

It's certain. Who would unleash such thing w/o having an antidotum to protect themselves. The disseminatiion of the nanostructuires steps towards NWO where "they" will be one and only inhabitants, the rest will eventually be cyborgs derived from real humans to serve the masters. Would the AI and Cloud be needed then? Machines (they better not be intelligent or else they could rebel, too) can be managed with smaller systems. Telecom Gs, Musk's thousands of satellites and AI are only needed to bring under total control, neutralise and liquidate (cull) the billions who could rebel.
50 slaves/cyborgs to one master is the magic number, reportedly. With 500 million lest to serve, the masters number ca. 10 million. They eye the best real estate which is not uniformly distributed over the Earth. Take 1 million km2 of attractive British Columbia: half of it is not so or mountains, let's assume masters would NOT prefer Pacific waterfront and islands with unobstructed views. Then 500k km2, say for half a million, i.e. only 5 km by 5 km estate per master family of five. Competiton, neighbour wars are bound to persist as the master population grows.
Is 250 cyborgs per master family enough to manage and protect against natural disasters?
Personal visits, sicialising, business trips, medfical emergencies... local gardening and animal husbandry for the master family, but only a few specialised production and service centres for all masters -- personal and goods transport system required with continental if not global range.
Cleaing the environment that the masters have caused would be quite a task, e.g. nuclear pollution from past civil and military activities, the phantom torsion firelds emitting after removal of telecom towers, tons of garbage in coastal waters and onshore... Polluted groundwater and aquifers. These areas would be off limits for the real estate cutting of the pie. What about accidental transfections of the nanotech to natural areas used for the masters' food production. Knowing some of these psuchos mentality they indeed may take a rocket ride to settle on another planet.
And so on... Not sure NWO would be nirvana for the masters. With their appetite for conflict and hate, they would start getting to each others throats.


aj - Nov 29, 2023


I think they plan on raising food for themselves the way the Dutch did: under glass with drip irrigation. Every one of Gates' farms has aquifer water rights. They are sequestering CO2 in underground formations. Then they can pump it into their greenhouses later as a natural fertilizer.


Piotr Bein - Nov 29, 2023

Piotr’s Substack

You have read too much rubbish. For themselves gardening by robots in the estate is way better. Water must come from somewhere. It's polluted and will remain so from surface runoff and permeation, atmospheric transfer etc.
CO2 is useless "fertiliser", but good for our puffed up "food" devoid of nutrients. Their own pee dilutued in water is the best fertilser ever. They know it and forbid goys to use it.
What becomes of cities, industrial areas and infractructure built over centuries for billions of people? The masters will not need most of it. Cities can't be recycled overnight, millions of rats will live there, venturing into nearest country estates, gardens and homes of the masters. The flora, fauna and internal biome of master inhabitants would drastically change in the formerly developed areas, giving rise to diseases, or better health w/o pharmafia?
Wildlife would thrive, creating a problem unless hunted and culled. Unobstructed views and practically unlimited resources per master person would lead to e.g. 5 billion in 10 generations by ca. 2250 Long before conflicts and power struggles would be likely.


Michael Moritz - Nov 28, 2023 - Edited

Some of us are listening to every report. And yes, it’s beyond unnerving to not know what to do about this and/or when these LNP’s will be activated. Thank you for your unyielding warnings. πŸ™πŸΌ


Margie Chism - Nov 28, 2023

Margie Chism

WHO & Gates Unleash Millions of Mosquitos in 12 Unsuspecting Countries,
Sarah Westall
β– Activist, Frances Micklem, and former Deputy Minister of Indonesia, Richard Claproth, join the program to discuss the massive mosquito program that has been unleashed in 12 countries. They share what they know about the program and how it is affecting the local residents. We also discuss how the WHO amendments and the full treaty will enable the WHO to implement programs like this one in every member country without your knowledge or consent. You can sign the petition to help stop this insanity at
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Bruce Hartnett - Nov 28, 2023

Bruce Hartnett

I was one of many bitten by one of "their" mosquitos about 12 to 13 Yeas ago this past Summer. It took until the 1st week of Feb 2016 to develop, but was finally diagnosed Sept 1 or 2, 2016, as West Nile Disease. Through further research, my friend (on who's Farm I was doing repair & remodeling) and I found the further description as West Nile NueroInvasive Disease (WNNiD), for what we both had/have! It treats the Brain like Encephalitis, the Spine like Meningitis, and absolutely messes up our Whole Nervous System.
Because of my Faith in the Lord, I have been Healing ever since 2016. However, especially notable, since Hands-On-Faith Healing, Dec 6, 2020 (Major Blood Clotting), my Whole Body has been Healing! Also notably, my 'whispering' voice has nearly recovered as well. As long as I don't Sing too long or very loud like I used to, as of about weeks ago, I can actually lead some songs in our at least monthly Jams.
The reason it has not been an instantaneous Healing, as I have Witnessed, due to the Prayer Request I made in error around 55 years ago, for the Lord to "Teach" me Patience, He is still Teaching!
However, He is using my gradual Healing as an example of His Power, along with my Testimony, by showing others who I don't see except every 2 or 3 weeks, or a month. Thee people continually remark "how" much better I appear to have improved since the last time they saw me!


Margie Chism - Nov 28, 2023

Margie Chism

Bruce - Thank you for telling me how good God is and how his favor is in and on your life. β–  Laying on hands should be the first action we do as Believers. Praying in tongues not only edifies, but exactly addresses what needs to be said. I use to wait for hell to be the time for judgement for some, but now I request how many times and how many folds; currently it is 2000 times and 2000 folds to the Father in Jesus Name. I bind them and give them to him, then make my request and then ask according to my faith for times and folds; I do mention if my request is less than his measurement, then I accept his figure. I ask they are tormented at this figure on earth now, hell, and the lake of fire. This is a war, and his war. Jacob blessed his family before his death and his request was 1000 times, and since we are at the end and the enemy is clearly defined, I practice "give her double back." So 1000x2=2000 for times; we can request [f]olds too. Thank you again Bruce! M


Gary Kassbaum - Nov 28, 2023

Dear Dr. Ana;
If not mistaken from your excellent dissertation re: Hydrogel the higher ie 2-12G EMF exposure, the faster the Hydrogel production at the expense of our red blood cells. Under the same conditions how will the plastics(polyphenols etc.) react in the same environment with non-toxic substances or herbs/foods which help the body get rid of metallic nano particles ? G-D Bless



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