Human Papilloma Virus Vaccine HPV For 9-12…

Sep 1, 2023

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Upon putting the “vaccine” on the slide, similar hydrogel substrate conglomerates were seen.


Nancy - Sep 1, 2023


This is outrageous! And yet my son will line up with my grands for another kill shot! This has become beyond awful!


scout - Sep 1, 2023


Same with the wife, all four mRNAs, sick all the time, and now that I know the history, can't inform her of what's going on as afraid that alone would force mental issues. Right now her constant illness' are the problem, mentally good. You see my problem.


Nancy - Sep 1, 2023




Christine Mealer - Sep 3, 2023

Christine Mealer

Noah didn’t just sit around. He built the ark just as God told him to.


Reply (3) - Sep 1, 2023

Trisha’s Substack

Comment removed.


Daniel927 - Sep 2, 2023

Trisha’s Substack

My Dad keeps saying "God's in control!" the way he has our whole life. Drives me nuts he doesn't even have a weeks water backup. He's 82, tho, maybe he's got us all beat. :-/


Trisha Holmeide - Sep 2, 2023

Trisha’s Substack

Comment removed.


Trisha Holmeide - Sep 3, 2023

Trisha’s Substack

Don't be so quick to throw the baby out with the bath water! Of course all true Christians believe God is in charge but that doesn't mean we sit around doing nothing about evil waiting on him to fix everything. In fact, we all pretty much agree God expects us to do all in our power with the gifts and blessings (starting with our brains, our bodies, our earnings, our fantastic US constitution has obviously bestowed and other ways he may lead us to see etc.) in order to demonstrate our devotion to him and righteousness and that we do not take him for granted. Stop and think where is most of the resistance to this evil coming from--who are the people who worship God and not the government vs who were the terrified and faithless who ran to the front of the line to get their death jabs? Think about it before you decide faithful Christian rhetoric is useless.


Nancy - Sep 2, 2023


We’ve got some of that food. I’m sure it’s undigestable. Good to let others get prepared,


Nancy - Sep 2, 2023


It’s being gotten daily from pollutants from chem trails and spraying, which gets our food sources as well as us! I will watch now. Thx.


Victoria Ferrara - Sep 7, 2023



Stephan - Sep 1, 2023

Perspectives with Darel Long

For all the JABBED, doesn't look good when NOT Detoxing. So all the Muppet Puppet Sheeple people who took the jab definitely aren't detoxing right! Why would they, they are asleep and brainwashed. So the controlled self assembling, Q dots, Morgs and ribbons are the least of their worries. I'd say the white RUBBER CLOTS is what will kill them. Once the clot forms, it can NOT be destroyed. I suspect many will parish because of the white rubber clot. And so far, I haven't heard Anyone talking about a solution to ANY of us about the Rubber clot! How do we prevent it from forming and growing?? Of all the detoxes suggested, NOT 1 has to do with the rubber clot...less I've been missing something?????


Darel L. Long - Sep 2, 2023

Perspectives with Darel Long

With respect you need to hold your tongue. I'm now vaccine injured and I never once took the jab. I refused taking the jab but it's in the insulin supply. I'm type 2 and use Lantus and Novolog. I have since stopped taking insulin, and due to a fot issue I'm now at the track with a wheelchair doing cardio for 30 min just to keep my sugar levels down. They intend to steal, kill and destroy all of gods creation. My lovely girlfriend (Never took the jab) is an ER doctor at Roanoke Memorial Hospital located in Roanoke, VA has recently seen women in the ER with women bleeding from one or both nipples.


Daniel927 - Sep 2, 2023

God **** it that passes me off! If you are able to do sauna 1x a day and keep hydrated, that should cover a full meal an insulin shot would normally be needed for. Hope it helps. They're wrecking the lettuce and livestock next.


Lawdog - Sep 2, 2023

Lawdog’s Substack

Get on a no carb diet immediately. Just eat red meat like Jordan Peterson.


Victoria Ferrara - Sep 7, 2023



Unagnu - Sep 2, 2023


Borax water Look it up.


Unagnu - Sep 2, 2023


Comment removed.


Unagnu - Sep 2, 2023


Not going to tell you how safe it is. You have closed your mind to any of that. I use it, find it fine and have for years. Cures yeast infections remarkably for me. The Evidence on Borax
All of the studies that showed evidence of possible hormone disruption in animals either used ridiculously high doses of borax (many grams delivered intravenously), or they conflated borax with boric acid, which is NOT the same stuff.
Borax (sodium tetraborate) is used in the process of making boric acid, but there is a tremendous chemical difference between the two. Many of the studies used to demonstrate the alleged danger of borax often used boric acid instead, or were ambiguous about which was used.
Boric acid is toxic at far lower doses than borax, so any study that isn’t clear about which of the two is used for the data should not be considered credible. (This includes the EWG data.)
Borax can be toxic at the high doses used in animal studies. It has this effect at high doses is because it is essentially an overdose of the element boron. Iron, zinc and calcium are required by the body too, but an overdose of any of these will also send you to the hospital, or even kill you!
However, adults would never ingest anything even close to the amount of borax required to do harm—unless they worked unprotected for years in a borax mine or packaging factory. However, you will want to keep your small children and pets out of the borax, just as you would keep them away from the chewable vitamins. An overdose of boron can be as dangerous as an overdose of zinc or iron, especially for small bodies.
Borax is officially classified as non-carcinogenic and a mild skin irritant. The high alkalinity of borax (pH 9.5) is what causes skin irritation, which is the same reason that washing soda and even baking soda cause skin irritation, too. The alkaline pH of borax, washing soda and baking soda is what softens the water, and makes it possible for them to clean your clothes.
There are also several studies in the PubChem database that show borax is only a very mild lung irritant and causes no lasting damage. If ingested, it is quickly excreted in the urine. In addition, it does not really penetrate the skin well, and is not bio-accumulative.
Finally, the Material Safety Data Sheet lists borax as a health hazard of 1—the same as baking soda and salt. In other words, borax is toxic in the same way that salt is toxic (Actually ounce for ounce, salt is more toxic): A small amount can do great things; a huge amount will kill you and other living things.


Stephan - Sep 2, 2023

Comment removed.


Stephan - Sep 2, 2023

Yep, same here.


Stephan - Sep 3, 2023

Comment removed.


Stephan - Sep 3, 2023

Yeah, don't seem to be many of us. 👍 TY!


chris fike - Sep 2, 2023

chris fike

What happens when you expose the sample to heavy metals chelation or high dose vitamin C.


LW - Sep 2, 2023

Good question


Dennis K McGee - Sep 2, 2023

Dennis K McGee

Do see your problem. Very hard to address what's been done that can't be undone.
I don't see there can be aught but a reckoning meted out on the monsters that have done this without remorse or quarter. No quarter was offered or given the victims.


Darel L. Long - Sep 2, 2023

Perspectives with Darel Long

Perhaps it can start with the Sheriffs offices across our nation.


JC - Sep 2, 2023


Comment removed.


JC - Sep 5, 2023


In the 90's when the internet was feed-based, typed out on clackyclacky printers - much information was dispersed by mail and talk. There was talk at the time of a FEMA Purchase Order for thousands of rail cars with manacles welded in. I saw a photocopy of said "Purchase Order," but gave it little thought.
Then there was talk of a railyard in Indianapolis, near my home at the time. The report was that it was a "Sorting yard, red, yellow, green, with gas ovens on the roof." So I drove by the facility. It was sparkling, clean shiny fences & human turnstiles (unusual for this older neighbourhood of Indianapolis, and more unusual given the state of the regularly used freight yards). Fences were about 10' tall. The 4-5 rows of barbed wire faced in, to keep people in, not out. There were, indeed, 3 yards with red, yellow, green, and human turnstiles. There were several tracks coming in to the facility. The "gas ovens on the roof" looked like furnaces for heating, as would be essential in Indiana. It did not look like an extermination facility, but did look like a sorting facility.
Again, I thought little of these things. Until 2021.


Sep 5, 2023

Comment removed.


Stella - Sep 3, 2023

I have the same issue with close family members. I see the health issues they’re having and don’t know what to do whether to tell them more, at the expense of good relationships since they’re thoroughly brainwashed by propaganda, or not since they’re already jabbed up. They don’t want to hear anything, it’s a forbidden subject. Even my husband who is unvaxxed due to my insistence, refuses to hear anything more about it. I still can’t understand it, he’s always trying to refute/disprove anything I ever try to tell him. It’s hard. This has changed lives and relationships in so many ways.


Victoria Ferrara - Sep 7, 2023



Daniel927 - Sep 2, 2023

Can you get her on Nattokinase & other AFLDs suggestions to fight the spike protein? I got back to church & my friend joined me, & in an answer to prayer he learned @CDC lies in WSJ before getting booster. Prayers for you and your wife!


JC - Sep 5, 2023


Yar, scout - it seems like we can't say anything much to the people where the damage is already done. I think it was the permanence of these shots (along with their fleeting "benefit") that frightened me the most. Once done, is done.
I've been focusing my attention on "PLEASE STOP, please don't take anymore."


Trisha Holmeide - Sep 3, 2023

Trisha’s Substack

Likewise, I have family members suffering various things I know may be the results of taking the jabs. The only time I broach the subject is if I see an article offering hope of cleaning some of the crap out of their bodies over time and possibly either extending their lives or curing them. I let them read the articles without comment for them to begin to accept the possibility what their suffering may have been intentionally delivered to them through the jabs and maybe they'll chose to do something about it. If I say anything they will just become defensive as their denial will kick in.


grr - Sep 9, 2023


A school friend of my daughter died "suddenly" a few years ago, months after taking the Gardisil poison. Feinted at school, hospital gave her the all clear and she died later in the day sitting in the front seat of the car, next to her dad.
The hospital (that gave her the all clear hours earlier) said it was a body/brain imbalance. FFS they were gaslighting well before the scamdemic.


Nancy - Sep 9, 2023


So sorry for your daughter’s friend. That’s all they know how to do-gaslight us!
And McConnell freezes because he’s dehydrated!!!
They think we’re morons.


grr - Sep 9, 2023


They think that because the majority are morons.


Nancy - Sep 9, 2023


I can’t locate the thread. But in general, most are morons and proud of it!


Nancy - Sep 2, 2023


Comment removed.


Nancy - Sep 2, 2023


Comment removed.


Nancy - Sep 2, 2023


Or not! I’ve always heard a different drummer. Because of that I’m the black sheep of the family. They have high IQs , very smart with advanced degrees from top schools, but drank the cool aid politically and certainly medically, in spite of alternative medicine saving my life and keeping me going! I’m 79 and will not change their minds. I say things to grands very carefully, hopefully planting a seed. But, I’m not betting on it.


Nancy - Sep 2, 2023


Comment removed.


Nancy - Sep 2, 2023


👍🏼79 and hope to see this ended. If it gets too bad with camps, etc. it will be time to do something. Hoping Devolution kicks in and puts us where we belong. Would yo see the evil subhumans punished.


Victoria Ferrara - Sep 7, 2023



Nancy - Sep 2, 2023


Comment removed.


Nancy - Sep 2, 2023


Are you a psychologist? Don’t forget wives added to the mix. One is a dr and refuses to even read, let alone listen to anything not traditional. The other wife has a dr brother and sister in law, also a late father. I did get my one son to not use the microwave to heat bottles! That was an accomplishment. But does it really matter when it’s used for everything else, even tho micros were removed from maternity wards in Germany because of neg effects on milk!? Actually all foods turn into toxins in them and one’s body has to detox them instead of gaining nourishment!


Sep 2, 2023

Comment removed.


Sep 2, 2023

Comment removed.


ts1213 - Sep 1, 2023 - Edited


Is this done for mind control or to flip a switch on a 5G tower and take everyone out? Thank you.


scout - Sep 1, 2023


Wayne McRoy wrote Autism Epidemic. You'll have to read it a couple time as he plows old and new ground. 5g is part of the formula. Autism and transhumanism/transgenderism are, too. Bottom line is that autism arrived about 1911 following 20 years of aluminum development. During the 30s, eugenics, developed by CFR, Bilderbergs and their Cartels, linked high functioning autism with early cybernetics. Aluminum, linked to autism, was used to INCREASE autism over the next few decades. What we have here is criminal wealthy cartels that want to increase the autistic spectrum thru vaccines, then add nano self replications in gel, powered by 5g or more, to source high functioning, focused, autistic people using devices inside the body and brain, like Elon's neural net and one other by acorn, if I recall. End game is the old philosopher's stone to create immortality using nano machinery for cyber humans, for the rich. The rest of us become focused slaves, genius' in our niche, but simply bio-machines at the service of the upper class.
Get McRoy's book as he nailed the formula nicely. btw, he has two autistic children, from tDAP vaccines, if I recall.


iya - Sep 1, 2023

Interesting observation. Focused, repetitive behaviors for long hours is what the elite may want for certain tasks/jobs.


Unagnu - Sep 2, 2023


My cousins (younger by 15 years than I) have between all 4 of them with children each 1 child with: rare malabsorption and autism, out right autism plain, and one with profound retardation? Add it up. They all live in Canada. Children all with early and multiple vaxxed not covid then covid... makes sense to me. I and MY sibs same genetic material NOT autistic, not Spectrum. Do have some mild ADHA .. high intellect. Normal function. Very few vaxxes compared. Esp. during devlopmental years and gestation....


LW - Sep 2, 2023

You can hard wire plug in your computer and do communications from there to avoid.


Daniel927 - Sep 2, 2023

Is that malabsorbtion of food? My mother & I both have that-very restrictive diets, & she has multiple Chem sensitivity;
And am I being nuked typing on cell here, too?


LW - Sep 2, 2023

Well yes. Get an EMF meter to measure. Worst spot in my home by far.


Daniel927 - Sep 8, 2023

I have one, but it's not a $200 one. Measures some of EMF & Dirty electricity, but not all. :-)


scout - Sep 7, 2023

Mercola's book, EMF, talks about cell phone 3g 4g and far more. A must read.


Paul Vonharnish - Sep 2, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello scout: Our "leaders" research scientists, and the majority of the administrative classes are displaying the same mental deficits. The public can't identify the problem, because they are also mentally impaired. It ain't rocket science...


scout - Sep 7, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Druker's work on Altered Genes, must read. The entire GM/GMO micro-biology is profit driven and the street level as documented by his work, BUT the weak link allowing GM to continue is that there are VERY FEW micro-biologists. Druker is a micro-bio. Point being is that upper layers, (pharama, Trilateral, NGOs/politcal) cultivate biology scientists to offer reviews, book from, so on, OUT OF IGNORANCE. They don't know anything of 'promoters' or even history of early GM damage (covered up), so support GM material wins by sheer numbers. Your point is right on, but at this time, I see that group as simply compartmentalized as in working on pure/applied math formulas that only a small group understand.


Paul Vonharnish - Sep 8, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Right on. The corporate/compartmentalize phenomena, is the intended modus of ALL corporate models. Small proprietorship organizations don't tend to isolate various functions within the organization. Thus everyone knows a little something regarding what current research is taking place. Here's another article I downloaded over a decade ago. >>>
The Case for A GM-Free Sustainable World >>> First published 3/16/2009 >>> Dr. Mae-Wan Ho >>>
All genetic research and engineering should be permanently BANNED world wide, and the death penalty applied toward anyone who engages in such activity... Thanks for posting.


Daniel927 - Sep 2, 2023

These wicked monsters. As if life doesn't contain sufficient suffering without their Frankenstein curses.


ts1213 - Sep 1, 2023


My head spins just trying to digest all of what you have said


Victoria Ferrara - Sep 7, 2023

So true!! Saw that happen to one of my nephews at 3 years of age. He was smiling , active, and speaking Spanish with Dora the Explorer. Got
His MMR shot! Never spoke orooked at anyone again.😰😰😰😰😰


Victoria Ferrara - Sep 7, 2023

Evil satanist people.


LW - Sep 2, 2023

And does he offer any help, way around, solution?


scout - Sep 7, 2023

Awareness and sharing information; very much what Paul's doing on this thread. If you read his book, Taking Down, he watched, from the inside, the strength of Tony, Birx, Collins and Redfield's HHS completely lie and mislead our Trump concerning the bioweapon roll out. Tony built everything upon all of us and the WH, trusting vaccines at the time. Nanos in vaccines? We weren't there yet. Aluminum? Nope. Autism caused by vaccines? YES, I suspect most did hear to that but 'trust' in the establishment cancelled out thinking! Just damn it!


Agent Midnight Rider - Sep 1, 2023

Agent’s Substack

Research OPERATION .NANO .QUELL, use Russian search engineYandex.comGOOGLE is compromised.


VJCBingham - Sep 1, 2023


We only ever use Yandex. Google is useless.. you can put in an exact address or highly specific key words,.. but if it's on their list, Google will pretend it doesn't exist. Yandex advertises that they find everything and for the most part it's true


Stephan - Sep 1, 2023


Probably both. Either serves their purpose.


ts1213 - Sep 2, 2023


God is not capable of evil, but He can allow for it to occur; if that might be what you refer to. He can bring a greater good from any evil and so, yes, in that instance He can allow for it to occur if it leads to sanctification.


Victoria Ferrara - Sep 7, 2023

Traceable, controll able. 5G is radiation!! I detest these animals 😡😡😡😡😡😡😡


LW - Sep 2, 2023

Good question


Paul Vonharnish - Sep 2, 2023 - Edited

Paul Vonharnish

Fifth Generation (5G) Directed Energy Radiation Emissions In the Context of Contaminated Nanometal Covid-19 Vaccines with Graphite Ferrous Oxide Antennas >>> By Mark Steele >>> August 26, 2023 >>>
Alternate link:


ts1213 - Sep 2, 2023 - Edited


So in laymen s terms...


ts1213 - Sep 1, 2023 - Edited


Hell awaits a great many souls and I can't say I pity them.


Paul Vonharnish - Sep 2, 2023 - Edited

Paul Vonharnish

I'm pretty sure the Devil has filed restraining orders against the majority of humans. He's having plenty of trouble already...


scout - Sep 1, 2023 - Edited


I suspect this mRNA nano problem was created by Christ. We have to absolutely trust in Christ.


ts1213 - Sep 1, 2023 - Edited


Not certain I'd say Christ created it; more like he would allow Satan to do so through his minions as, I would hope, that He wills to bring a greater good from ALL of this evil. If not it would appear as if we've been hung out to dry. Still, if it is the will of the Almighty that it end this way not too much I can do or say that is going to change that.


Darel L. Long - Sep 2, 2023

Perspectives with Darel Long

seems to be linked to the fallen angels.


ts1213 - Sep 2, 2023


Which, here again, goes back to the pride of Satan and so he is at the heart of it. But Providence foresaw, from all of eternity, that Satan would fall and everything else that has transpired since creation.


Monica M - Sep 2, 2023

Are the fallen angels like aliens?


Unagnu - Sep 2, 2023


For those non vaxxed. When you die you go up..... higher up and further in.. to the new/old world you loved before. (see Narnia Last Battle CS Lewis). For the rest? they perish in the 'real world'...


AlmostLastRepublicaninSeattle - Sep 2, 2023


That’s so not true. The vax is not the “ mark of the beast.” When you accept Jesus as your savior and believe HE died for your sins, nothing you DO or don’t do can effect your connection with HIM. Good deeds or better health decisions will not determine your place in heaven or if you’re going. That’s Satan talk.
Children of GOD are HIS, period. Otherwise, what was the cross all about? Don’t believe everything you hear or read people. Focus on HIM and HE will lead us and never forsake us.
Ever. 😇💕 HE is just as hurt by all the evilness happening right now. The good news is that HE has never lost a war, and HE is not cowering now. Either am I. God will make things better but we have to do our part and push back against this evil hard! Pray & pray, and pray some more. Even pray for our enemies, that they will have constant obstacles that will block & delay their plans.
We have power in Jesus and they know it.
Read C.S.Lewis “ Mere Christianity” if you haven’t. Brilliantly written & answers so many questions, without being preachy or complicated. It’s not that complicated. Take the time to know Jesus & know the plans HE has for us. Don’t be fooled by anything that’s not Bible-based. He loves you so much. 💕


ts1213 - Sep 2, 2023


I don't believe that God creates evil; He is not capable of it for He is charity personified. but allows for it to occur to chastise humanity and allow us to use it for our sanctification.


Michael Folks - Sep 1, 2023

Michael’s Substack

It's pervasive, Foods, Medicines, Dental numbing injections,what DOSEN'T, have NT (Nano Technology) in it?


scout - Sep 1, 2023

And chem trails have same nano ingredients for over three decades.


Agent Midnight Rider - Sep 2, 2023

Agent’s Substack

i Think It's the FOOD for the NANO/ALIEN Tech. that's why they put it in everything.. We are being terra formed.


Stephanie - Sep 1, 2023

Stephanie’s Substack

Do you think it includes medications like at the hospital- say if you need a steroid shot or antibiotic shot!! Someone needs to get you some samples!!!!


Michael Ginsburg - Sep 1, 2023

Actionable Truths & Actions

Almost certainly! If it is injected into you, assume it DOES have nanotech inside unless absolutely proven otherwise by an independent researcher (like Dr. Mihalcea).
Personally, I will not allow ANYTHING with a needle in me (including IV) unless it meant I will die immediately without it. Period!


Marcelo Araujo - Sep 1, 2023

Marcelo Araujo

Hahaha 😄
I feel exactly the same way.
Avoid absolutely ALL injectables!!
Have been putting off badly needed dental care to avoid the anesthesia.
Fortunately, nitrous oxide is an alternative for many treatments.


Stephan - Sep 2, 2023

Are you saying it's L- Arginine?? The body converts this to Nitric Oxide.


Marcia K. - Sep 2, 2023

Marcia K.

People with MTHFR issues should NOT use nitrous oxide.


420MedicineMan - Sep 2, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

I reckon it's in the tablets too. Had an experience with keflex antibiotic pills.


FREED0ML0VER - Sep 1, 2023


Even if this was a "clean" vaccine, anyone who would get it needs their head examined.


Paul Vonharnish - Sep 2, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Heh... The vaccines are IQ tests... About 2.4 billion people have failed...


Michael Ginsburg - Sep 1, 2023

Actionable Truths & Actions

ALL 'Vaccines' should be banned and the entire science of Vaccinology should be rewritten from scratch.


VJCBingham - Sep 1, 2023


In the book The Tyranny of Masks (2020).. there is a fantastic chapter with a selection of important vaccine quotes by doctors and researchers.., from the last 200 years, entitled 'Vaccination is a Grotesque Superstition'... worth seeing on pages 527 to 538, at


Michael Ginsburg - Sep 1, 2023

Actionable Truths & Actions

"It's easier to fool people, than it is to convince them that they have been fooled."
- Mark Twain
We need to accept we have been fooled for well over a century


Marcelo Araujo - Sep 1, 2023

Marcelo Araujo

Fooled since the beginning of time, not just for a century.


VJCBingham - Sep 2, 2023


My heart breaks for people. Personally, I have not been vaccinated my whole life, save for a flu shot in Army Basic Training, from which I got the flu. I've had neither since, and am looking at my 60s in perfect health.


Michael Ginsburg - Sep 2, 2023

Actionable Truths & Actions

Wish I could say the same about my own vaccination status. Haven't taken any C19 injections but plenty of other stuff throughout my lifetime. We live and we learn...


Pseudonymph - Sep 1, 2023




Paul Vonharnish - Sep 2, 2023

Paul Vonharnish

Hello Michael Ginsburg: A complete Ban on all forms of genetic research and genetic engineering would be the first order of business. Artificially altering life forms is deep insanity. These practices should be criminalized, period. An immediate death penalty would be too kind...


Cort Ensign - Sep 1, 2023

Cort’s Newsletter

Hi Dr. Ana -
Have you heard of anyone looking at the hugely oopular injectable Ozempic for hydrogels and self-assembling nano technologies?


erin - Sep 1, 2023


Horrific. Your video with NARM was great. Thank you!


Michael Folks - Sep 1, 2023

Michael’s Substack

The poo pooed, " Morgellons" were testing the Chemtrails, effectiveness, will Humanity become Cyborgs? No free wills? Who ever controls a network, giving commands we can't ignore? Do so at your peril, a Kill command, may end life. This seems like a badly written Sci-Fi story, but is it our future?


koppykat - Sep 2, 2023


check out: for answers


Agent Midnight Rider - Sep 1, 2023

Agent’s Substack

.OPERATION .NANO. QUELL... we have ALL had it since 2014 vectors include Coca Cola, Pepsi, Nestle products, city water systems. Impossible to detect covid shedding since we have all been SLIMED... courtesy of Agent Midnight Rider


Unagnu - Sep 2, 2023


Therefore we all need detox. Borax Water. Colloidal Silver and Gold. ETDA pills and cream. Vit C and D3 with K1/2 , plus natto, Black Seed oil, Curcumin/Quercetin, IVM.. etc etc.


Agent Midnight Rider - Sep 2, 2023

Agent’s Substack

I think we narrowed it down to hemp seed oil or CBD as the most effective cheapest most readily available antioxidant., still need to test.


ts1213 - Sep 2, 2023


If this be the case then let God Almighty end it all, NOW as if I (and a lot of others) am going to go, no better time than now. The evil bastards will eventually die and then things get really interesting for them.


Kathryn Church - Sep 1, 2023

Kathryn Church

The crystalline structures video certainly resembles electronic circuitry!


Paul - Sep 1, 2023

Margie Chism

Wow THAT'S a whole constellation that looks like crystalline crap & conglomerate corruption that is being imaged within these soulutions. I wonder why the makers won't share the wonders of their recipes, perhaps it due to propriety measures.


Margie Chism - Sep 1, 2023

Margie Chism

The 'practice' is ■ [s]orcery.


Agent Midnight Rider - Sep 1, 2023

Agent’s Substack

Try ALIENS....


Margie Chism - Sep 1, 2023

Margie Chism

blueletterbible search on sorcery ■ click on the verse, click the INTERLINEAR tab and the Hebrew or Greek will break it down to exactly the word used. A good study. Happy Sabbath.


jeffrey p lubina - Sep 1, 2023

jeffrey p lubina

And still, in spite of this mountain of evidence growing daily, I’m forced to be in constant war mode with doctors and government officials, some I now believe must be non-person bots, who keep steamrolling right over this data and all the whistleblowers as if it doesn’t exist with announcements for new vaccine rollouts. I’m thinking perhaps the only way to start prosecuting all of these guilty government officials and complicit media lawyers coving up this ongoing genocide is to run for Governor or Senator. I swear, if I must serve my state and country, again, in order to create Nuremberg courts, start investigations and begin making arrests, I’ll be executing whichever executive officer I replace just for wasting my time I’d otherwise be using to build infrastructure & farms.


Lorene Royal - Sep 1, 2023

Sorry, just need to clarify, is this a recent switch - post mrna bombardment?


JaneR - Sep 1, 2023

This is my question too


Lorene Royal - Sep 1, 2023

Tentatively answering my own question, in the video below Dr Sucharit Bhakdi warned last year that mRNA injections would replace all vaccines starting with the flu jab


Margie Chism - Sep 1, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

Thank you ■ this is [t]errible; tell'm "keep your stick to yourself, you 'prick'."


JC - Sep 5, 2023


What do people who need insulin do?
Nanotech, hydrogel is there, too.


Margie Chism - Sep 5, 2023

Margie Chism

I do not know, I am an artist ■ I pray and research to see the opions for dental injections. So far, I am learning the basic language and workings of the hydrogel and nanoparticles. I would find a person who can make the drug safe for yourself.



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