Huge Rubbery Blood Clots In An Unvaccinated…

Dec 22, 2022

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One of my Substack subscribers sent me a message asking for help contacting Mike Adams or someone who would be able to analyze blood clots.


Christine the Strawberry Girl - Dec 22, 2022

Christine the Strawberry Girl

The skies are heavily sprayed on a nightly and daily basis. I’m sure that’s spreading all kinds of who knows what into everything!


kitten seeking answers - Dec 22, 2022

”Kitten’s Secret Garden”

yes they’re spraying at night, 7am took picture of chem trails. totally disgusted that anyone would participate in this.


Christine the Strawberry Girl - Dec 22, 2022

Christine the Strawberry Girl

Some people think the purple haze/glow at sunrise is beautiful and the nimwits post the horrific proof of chemtrail damage on their Nextdoor (I was booted off for simply talking about OSHA guidelines on n95 masks wearing.....I’ll never go back). I try to make people look up at the skies and help name what it is. Purposely polluted sky with aerosolized nano particles and robo clouds meant to keep the sun covered.
Try not to use the word chemtrail since that seems to cause a shut down of all critical considerations, just like the word vaccine does.


mothman777 - Jun 2, 2023

mothman777’s Newsletter

Indeed, the sky at night over London for several recent years has become an entirely unnatural and surreal Simpson cartoon rich technicolor purple. I had thought maybe the lighting in the streets or some aurora borealis thing might be happening, but the skies over London used to be black at night, with just a glow from the lighting below, and real aurora borealis would be constantly shifting around and changing colour, but this is static and a constant cartoon purple. MSM articles online however deny the sky has become purple, but it is a very obvious purple, so TPTB are trying to lie.
Recently, after a long period of heavy rainfall, over the next few nights the purple colour went away and the sky was actually normal pale blue as it faded into the night, not the constant twilight and night time purple that has become normal, so it must be spraying that is doing it and whatever it is in the sky must have been washed out for a few days. I think in part it will be like radio transmitting material that relays satellite signals into everyone, acting like satellite dishes, maybe this is needed to be inhaled for the full effect.
I am absolutely convinced of a heavy microwaving going on of the general population, I now have not only very bad tinnitus since having spent 6 weeks intubated with COVID, 4 weeks of those in an induced coma on a ventilator, including a period where my lungs failed completely due to ventilator-induced secondary pneumonia, where I had two tubes surgically inserted into my jugular vein so blood could be pumped out and then back in after having gone through an ECMO artificial oxygenating membrane, but ever since starting to get COVID I have a constant hum in my body like an electronic generator that is constantly pulsing, and I have no doubt whatsoever that we are all getting zapped en masse. Maybe not everyone can hear this or feel this, and maybe most that can are too scared to come out and say it for fear of being considered weird but 'they' are doing 'stuff' to us.


JustANobody - May 21, 2023




William Brown - Jan 10, 2023

Sir Raythe4th

I’ve been complaining about it for 15 years. It’s actually one of the first things that help me realize that we are actually a bunch of slaves because nobody within the government would even acknowledge what was going on much less do anything about it. I’ve just recently discovered that Bill Gates is one of the people financing it. Not sure if that’s true, but it wouldn’t surprise me. οΏΌοΏΌοΏΌοΏΌ


Stephen Verchinski - Jun 1, 2023

Stephen Verchinski

Gates is affiliated with the geoengineering proponent David Keith. Aerosolized material can include viral particles as found by the atmospheric chemist, Dr. Kimberly Prather from Scripps in La Jolla, CA. Scripps is by a number of centers with involvement with genetics and related technologies and I believe I once saw they even had a virologist on staff.


Trial N. Error - Jan 3, 2023

In Metro Vancouver from a hill near Second Narrows Bridge I saw that chemtrls bypass the elites in West Van. The trails start at Boundary Road then follow Hw1 eastward towards Langley BC.


Yolanda Pritam Hari - Nov 26

Quiet Mind & Brain Healing

you are totally correct. It's everywhere Christine!


Jane Huber - Dec 22, 2022

The Arts™ & The Science™

Hi Dr Ana
My name is Jane Huber and I'm one of the producers at TNTRADIO.
I would love to invite you on in the New Year to discuss this article. Please advise at your earliest convenience.
My email
Kind regards
Jane Huber


R!CKYRANTS - Dec 22, 2022

The Arts™ & The Science™

I've talked about healthcare on a couple TNT shows. You should go on, Ana!


jacquelyn sauriol - Dec 22, 2022 - Edited

living: full-time

Burdock root tea cleans the blood, I drink a pint a day. Quercitn and Inulin + 100 other constituents.


Miss G. - Dec 22, 2022

living: full-time

good to know! do you use roots for the tea?
i have burdock tincture that i made, i’ll add that to my ritual. thank you!
Dandelion is also a heavy-hitter.


PITA Contrarian - Dec 22, 2022

PITA Contrarian

Thx Jacquelyn & Gabby,
I would appreciate you commenting on your general state of mind and energy level ...
Many people are now suffering from chronic fatigue and depression ...
Your thoughts please ...


Soul Liberation - Dec 22, 2022

Soulliberation's Newsletter

I am not vaccinated and feeling 100% fine.


Rick Larson - Dec 22, 2022

PITA Contrarian

Me too.


PITA Contrarian - Dec 22, 2022

PITA Contrarian

I'm not vaxed either ...
I'm 70, people tell me I look like I'm in my 50s ...
But I feel like I'm in my 90s.


Trial N. Error - Jan 3, 2023

Japanese saying.. one with a mission lives longer


Faith - Jan 4, 2023

ASnhat 40KFt

Have you had COVID, and if so, did that change your health status?


Trial N. Error - Jan 3, 2023

Burdock is a Japanese staple. Also sold in Chinese markets.


jacquelyn sauriol - Jan 3, 2023

And backyards and fields throughout the country.


Faith - Jan 4, 2023 - Edited

ASnhat 40KFt

What exactly (biochemically) does it mean to "clean the blood"? It's quaint-sounding, but medically nonsensical unless you are referring to dialysis. The blood cannot be "dirty", meaning contaminated, or one would die almost instantly, depending on the specific contaminants. It is the job of the liver to remove and break down unneeded or toxic metabolites or molecules. And molecules that inappropriately gain entry via a leaky gut are consumed by macrophages.


Miss G. - Jan 7, 2023

living: full-time

in herbal medicine as well as traditional Chinese medicine - systems that predate biochemistry and allopathic medicine as it is practiced today- blood purification is a fundamental component.
it makes sense if you understand the physiological processes. like how the liver and kidneys filter toxins, often times ‘blood purifiers’ support the function of organs who perform ‘blood purifying’ actions in the organism, but chelation works by actually ‘grabbing’ the toxins (metals) and removing them. something like activated charcoal will absorb toxins and carry it safely out of the body (think ‘stomach pumping’ in hospitals for alcohol poisoning).
it’s not nonsense at all. humans currently experience a myriad of toxins which we live with in our blood. just think of alcohol, a lot will kill you, a little less will make you sick, and a little less will be pleasantly intoxicating. it could all be seen as blood ‘contamination’.
a little contamination of some substances can be tolerable. like infections, we survive tonnes of bacterial, fungal, viral, parasitic ‘contamination’ some is even quite beneficial. some is deadly tho. cleaning the blood helps the body more efficiently handle that which is harmful.


jacquelyn sauriol - Jun 2, 2023

living: full-time

GREAT reply thanks yes cleaning the blood by helping the liver/body is what is done by Burdock


Miss G. - Jun 2, 2023

living: full-time

thanks. i have been watching my wild burdock encroaching on the garden and re-reading this has reminded me to harvest and dry it to make cleansing and strengthening tea.


Stephen Verchinski - Jun 1, 2023

Stephen Verchinski

It might also depend on the toxins ion state of charge if attachment is possible. A biochemist could tell us I would think.


jacquelyn sauriol - Jan 4, 2023 - Edited

ASnhat 40KFt

Um, do you know what roleaux formation is? Have you seen any of Dr. Milhaceas interviews regarding how chelation removes both graphene ribbons and reduces or eliminates roleaux formation, (where blood cells stack up?). It is quite medically sensible, if you do some research where I suggest. And folks are dropping dead from this, so they are essentially dying almost instantly, many right after their jabs.


Faith - Jan 4, 2023 - Edited

ASnhat 40KFt

Most of the "vaccines" don't contain graphene oxide. Whether some actually do, or how many, remains to be settled.
Roleaux formations are related to surface charges (maybe zeta-potential?) but do not cause people to "drop dead".
Rapid death after an injection is probably anaphylaxis from allergy to the PEG.
The lipid nanoparticles themselves are toxic and could conceivably trigger an adverse event if directly injected into a vein (not very likely).
Most of the damage from the shots is caused by the spikes, and it takes some time for those to be produced.


jacquelyn sauriol - Jan 4, 2023 - Edited

ASnhat 40KFt

Seems most of the vials studied had no biological ingredients, mostly graphene and other undisclosed ingredients. Have you watched any of Dr. A's interviews? Also, roleaux being thickened blood, which cannot travel where it needs to, causing death at it's most extreme. If your blood wont flow, at a certain point you will definitely die.


Faith - Jan 4, 2023 - Edited

ASnhat 40KFt

Labs all over the world have examined vial contents. Hardly any are reporting graphene. Many are observing strange crystal structures (but not "nano" tubules, etc.). Most do contain genetic material, but at various levels of integrity. Some is seriously degraded. The amount of LNPs varies tremendously from vial to vial. Some vials have no detectable genetic material.
Roleaux is not the same as "thickened" blood. The hematocrit remains the same. It is still going through capillaries or the person would be dead.
One Substack poster mentioned that vitamin C rapidly corrects roleaux formations. Worth checking out.


Stephen Verchinski - Jun 1, 2023

Stephen Verchinski

Perhaps that is why the FDA psychopathic sociopaths approved with an EUA for ECMO for "COVID" but denied it for HBOT. I have no idea if anyone has submitted a call for participation for ECMO to clear this out of the blood but a search at clinical trials .gov might prove interesting πŸ€”


Faith - Jan 5, 2023

ASnhat 40KFt

Comment removed.


Faith - Jan 5, 2023

ASnhat 40KFt

CO2 is a metabolite, not a "contaminant". It is also absolutely vital to blood chemistry for pH balancing, and for controlling respiration. If your CO2 level gets disrupted, you die!
And chelation takes out necessary minerals as well as potentially harmful amounts of others.
Sweating is a mechanism for excreting certain soluble toxins from the body in general (not just the blood), but it also depletes the body of essential electrolytes.
And Johnny Walker is a metabolic poison, not a "cleaner"!


Faith - Jan 5, 2023

ASnhat 40KFt

Comment removed.


Faith - Jan 5, 2023

ASnhat 40KFt

Suggestion: why don't you get a book on physiology and actually learn something?


Jan 5, 2023

Comment removed.


Stephen Verchinski - Jun 1, 2023

Stephen Verchinski

Her concern is this material is not organic .


jacquelyn sauriol - Dec 22, 2022 - Edited

Comment removed.


jacquelyn sauriol - Dec 22, 2022 - Edited

You are a riot, NBS....I have been using a local potato vodka to the same end (ends?) and that seems to work pretty well. Sign at a local bar reads 'Alcohol kills slowly, but what's the hurry?" (Maybe they mean the well drinks, always to be avoided, impurities.) Remember about when the gov poisoned the booze and killed a bunch of folks, way back when...?


jacquelyn sauriol - Dec 23, 2022 - Edited

Comment removed.


jacquelyn sauriol - Dec 23, 2022 - Edited

Thanks NBS...I found a link to the gov poisoning I am speaking of, a bit before our times I suppose, (prohibition) but seems real enough, if you trust the sources, might be interesting to compare so here goes...
ps I hope Santa is good to you too, found out Jonny Walker blue has vanilla, honey and rose petals added, so perhaps you have earned your rosy disposition from it!


Bridget - Dec 22, 2022 - Edited


Well, this is what we all feared. I have Factor V Leiden, chronic venous insufficiency from a DVT many years ago and am perplexed how to proceed.
I’m unjabbed, still double N-95 mask out in public and already use and do EVERYTHING recommended, even alternating daily between the enzymes Nattokinase and Lumbrokinase.
What more can we mere mortals do against this evil bioweapon and poison?
Nonetheless I pray constantly for an end to this nightmare. I’m off now to listen to the podcast “Getting to Know Your Bible.” It’s the only source of good news that’ll help me want to live to fight another day, if you know what I mean.


Renee Marie - Dec 22, 2022

Renee Marie

I don’t think the N-95 helps you at all. In fact, it’s not good for you. Your body NEEDS fresh air!
Now praying...that’s ALL GOOD! We cannot live in fear! Take precautions, of course.
Fear is not freedom.✝️✝️✝️


Mark Luersen - Dec 22, 2022

Sun Drink Shadows

The N95 does reduce viral load (and give your immunity a better chance), but I agree, keep the wearing at minimum and do not wear outside. Dirty masks or d**k noses do not help either.


Renee Marie - Dec 22, 2022

Renee Marie

Utter bs. We’re dealing with airborne viruses. One keeps more in a mask along with what the lungs are trying to dispose of.


Mark Luersen - Dec 22, 2022

Sun Drink Shadows

That's why I put my mask in the sunlight and dispose after 2-3 wears. The junk accumulates, which is why I wrote 'dirty masks'. I understand people's strong bias against using one, but we are discussing a floating bioweapon that gives you long-term problems. I am reminded of the woodworker- even though a woodworker still smells sawdust when wearing a mask, can you imagine how much worse the lungs would be without one?


Chesster - Dec 31, 2022

Sun Drink Shadows

2 to 3 wears? Sir, you are greviously uninformed on the dangers of mask wearing. You need to do more reading on the dangers within 30 minutes... 2 to 3 wears???? My god.


Mark Luersen - Dec 31, 2022

Sun Drink Shadows

2 to 3 wears at about average 30 minutes each time? I read about graphene and other harmful fibers in masks, but honestly, this crap is EVERYWHERE! Same as plastics. It's in our rainwater, our food, etc.... I have avoided covid and all diseases for past 5 years and I will keep doing what I am doing. Thanks for your concern.


Renee Marie - Dec 31, 2022

Renee Marie



Renee Marie - Dec 31, 2022

Renee Marie

Wearing a mask the rest of your life is NOT going to do shit.
Instead, prep your immune system and do heavy metal detoxification!
You’re not helping your body at all.
Many of us have known about this for quite awhile.


Al Benoit - Jan 4, 2023

Sun Drink Shadows

Masks for woodworking make a lot of sense. For virus/bioweapon, not so much. Plus, where are they made and what do they have on them?


Mark Luersen - Jan 4, 2023

Sun Drink Shadows

N95 masks didn't just appear after covid, they have served an effective purpose for a while. Also, viral particles do float and clump together, the argument that N95 does not block ANY viral materials is asinine. If you are worried about chemicals or other toxic materials, then you should worry about everything- soaps, air fresheners, cookware, computers, furniture, etc... Even my new Oculus VR headset still smells 'new'! Everything in balance though, I go outside to the woods and take in some deep breaths every day.


Renee Marie - Dec 22, 2022

Renee Marie



Bridget - Dec 22, 2022


I’m only out for up to an hour or so infrequently. I take it off immediately after leaving the grocery store or wherever. Like you Mark, I agree it’s merely a barrier, a flimsy one at that, but even at a minimum reducing viral load is certainly worth something.


Mark Luersen - Dec 22, 2022

Sun Drink Shadows

Same here. I just feel sorry for those that wear a mask for multiple hours or all day! If I had to do that, I would use a nebulizer when I got home. It's very easy to get complacent, scratch yourself, pick your nose, whatever, lol. BTW nice cockatiel, they are awesome birds- extremely bonding.


Victoria Steele - Dec 23, 2022

There is no 'fresh air' any longer!


AnaD - Dec 22, 2022


The masks contain graphene oxide that grows in your nasal cavities and develops complex structures that look like antennae (they probably are). Wearing a mask daily is like being jabbed.


Rick Larson - Dec 22, 2022

Sir Raythe4th

Aha! That's a new idea to me, I believe this, thanks.


William Brown - Dec 28, 2022

Sir Raythe4th

This link should at least be given some thought.
It’s about PCR nasal swabs being coated with Luciferase and quantum dots.
It makes some valid points. Everyone was requiring a vaccine passport or valid pcr test results for awhile.
What if the testing is doing the same thing as the jabs?


Rick Larson - Dec 28, 2022

Sir Raythe4th

No doubt in my mind those who seek total control would utilize whatever means necessary. The plan is failing, when citizens are up against the wall, I predict we will form Peoples Trials.


William Brown - Dec 28, 2022

Sir Raythe4th

The people are too divided to agree on anything. Perhaps this is why they’ve spent so much time causing division among us.
Either way, nothing will get done waiting on politicians. Their loyalty isn’t to the people.
I read a quote the other day that seemed to make sense to me. Here it is.
When once a Republic is corrupted, there is no possibility of remedying any of the growing evils but by removing the corruption and restoring its lost principles; every other correction is either useless or a new evil.  —Thomas Jefferson
Justice is peculiarly indispensable to nations . The unjust State is doomed of God to calamity and ruin. This is the teaching of the Eternal Wisdom and of history .- Albert Pike
Apparently, even the evil bastards know the truth.
Psalms 9:17 (KJV)
The wicked shall be turned into hell, [and] all the nations that forget God.


Susannah - Feb 13, 2023

Isaiah 5:20 to the max these days


Rick Larson - Dec 28, 2022

I recommend gardening for a start, at least if you want to not suffer eating fascist food.


Renee Marie - Dec 22, 2022

Renee Marie

Put yourself in your Father’s Hands…faith, not fear.


Chesster - Dec 31, 2022

The mask damages your brain and your lungs. What happens to a brain deprived of oxygen? So why would you do that to yourself? Lower blood oxygen and more acidic blood promotes cancer growth. Does NOT lower your viral load.. you can see WHO papers before the pandemic that confirm that. Don't let people mislead you. Studies find concentrated viral and bacterial growth on the mask after even 30 minutes of use. You are increasing the bio-burden on your immune system by inhaling all that gunk back super concentrated into your body from the moist mask surface.


Rsvensmoor - Dec 30, 2022

STOP wearing the masks! They damage your lungs more than any help they'd do. As soon as they get damp, you are inhaling bacteria, which can cause pneumonia. Please breath fresh air, that's your best protection. God bless.


Lynn Ferguson - Dec 22, 2022

Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson

Swabbing your nasal passages and gargling with the proper substances (GSE at the very least) before and after your public forays are far better than wearing masks which do more harm than good.


Bridget - Dec 22, 2022


I do those very things before and after as well.


Susannah - Feb 13, 2023 - Edited

Renee Marie

I keep hearing this scripture in my head, from Matthew 24:3 the disciples asking "Tell us, when shall these things be, and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?" The scripture I hear is Matthew 24:22 And except those days should be shortened, there should be NO FLESH be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. Maranatha, sis'


Renee Marie - Feb 13, 2023 - Edited

Renee Marie

“See that no one leads you astray.”-Matthew 24:4 “All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.” 24:8…sister in Christ.


Susannah - Feb 13, 2023

Matthew 24:22 in my head all the time these days.


Trial N. Error - Jan 3, 2023

My tests show a mask reduces SP02.


Rabbitgurl formerly SL - Dec 22, 2022 - Edited


To the person who sent Ana the story: Firstly, thank you for sharing and with photos, what you encountered. It's useful info to hear about firsthand, so really appreciate that you shared with us. I hope you're able to find a good natural anticoagulant solution that corrects this scary/dicey discovery of what's happening in your body. (maybe go with one that is primarily enzyme-based, with herbs) Well, just to contribute as like in a survey: I also did not take the Covid injections and just like you, am not really around people much except for the grocery store, etc.,same as you, but I do believe that I got slammed with hardcore "Covid" syndrome, via shedding/off-gassing from Covid-vaxxed food establishment employees. Ever since that experience, I have definitely noticed that my blood flow is markedly "dried up" / "dry", then it ever has been historically throughout my life prior to that Covid slam. When I've had "skin break" incidents, the blood doesnt really "flow out" as previously. Very strangely dried up flow. So your account definitely rings true to my mind / I can totally see that being the case. I guess I better get on natural blood thinning nutraceuticals too. lol. Wish you recovery and wellness! And thanks Dr Ana for featuring this subscriber's story as one of your posts.


Angie Frangipani - Dec 26, 2022 - Edited


Ivermectin is a double psyop and Plan B to depopulate purebloods. It damages your mitochondrial DNA. Research the Ivermectin Road Map 2024 and see who funds it.


tinarock - Jan 10, 2023 - Edited


I looked it up and I see the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) listed among the funders.


Angie Frangipani - Jan 11, 2023 - Edited

Sir Raythe4th

Anything the Gates Foundation supports has a hidden depopulation agenda to it, underneath the loud, splashy "humanitarian" purpose they use for optics.
Gates Foundation is going to push for Ivermectin and HCQ as an antimalarial in 2024.
What is the logical conclusion here?
Here's a hint:


William Brown - Feb 11, 2023 - Edited

Sir Raythe4th

Lots of people do not want to hear anything bad regarding ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine. Even though Tim Truth has always had an excellent reputation for uncovering solid evidence.
I personally think all pharmaceuticals are what the Bible calls (G5331) Pharmakeia- in which case it’s definition is Sorcery and witchcraft.
For this reason, I personally avoid all pharmaceuticals, even the ones people perceive as beneficial.


Angie Frangipani - Feb 15, 2023 - Edited

Sir Raythe4th

My hunch is that they reverse psychology'd the antivax crowd long before all of this. The antivaxers have a strong trauma bond borne of the persecution done to us by Big Pharma, Big Media, MSM and so on. Unfortunately the antivaxers do not have (for the most part) a trauma coping skillset and knowledge to identify narcissistic behavior and other psychopathic tactics to divide and conquer. So 2020 already had a cemented Persecution Complex in the movement.
The Persecution Complex (ie, if Big Media hates it, then it must be true!) was exploited to the fullest extent with the fake persecutions of Malone, Kory, Zelenko, Mccullough, et al.
-Robert Malone's Wikipedia entry being scrubbed
-Robert Malone's LinkedIn profile being deplatformed
-shadowbanning (moderate enough to be noticed, but never all-out deplatforming so they can still continue their false gospel)
One "tell" of a shill is that they are only persecuted enough to trigger the trauma bonding to take place. But never totally, truly persecuted, as in being scrubbed off the internet so they don't have a voice. If Robert Malone were truly on our side, the Nobel Prize Committee would have stripped him of his medals, or denounced him to that effect. Seriously? He lost his LinkedIn. LINKEDIN. How much damage exactly, did that cause? He still has his Nobel.
People saw these things being done and rushed out to embrace these new false prophets.
Not because their science was sound, but because they were being PERSECUTED which activated the TRAUMA BONDING.
It takes time to learn about these psychological tactics, and once the herd mentality for trauma bonding is cemented, they behave like deranged Mafiosi families--- hiding the grandmother who knifed a rival clan member, just because they're blood related.
Hate to say it, but I've had more success convincing the jabbed not to take Ivermectin, than I have convincing the unvaxed. The unvaxed that I did manage to knock loose--- they had close friendships with me, which overrode the pull of the groupthink the rest of the antivaxers were putting out. It was me, the person, that had them listen to the data.
The data is not enough to one enmeshed in this cult of Ivermectin. They're that far gone. I don't know who will wake up and snap out of it, but I'll be ready with a life vest to throw to them if they ever call out for help.


William Brown - May 21, 2023

Sir Raythe4th

People need to quit trusting in other people and their own intellect. The very middle verse of the Bible says a lot:
Psalms 118:8 (KJV) [It is] better to trust in the LORD than to put confidence in man.


Susannah - Feb 13, 2023



Trial N. Error - Jan 3, 2023

There is a hard to find study by medical assn on an old folks home near Kingston Ontario. All participants died the next year.


Heidi Heil STOPS Thymectomy - Dec 22, 2022

Thymus Cures Newsletter

"The dissolution time of hydrogel reduced with the increase of the concentrations of l-cysteine or GSH, and the hydrogel could be dissolved within 1 min by adding the l-cysteine or GSH at a concentration of 600 μmol/mL.Dec 29, 2018"


dana ciancimino - Dec 22, 2022


Yes. The unjabbed have these clots too.
Ask Dr. Beate Jaeger who runs the HELP aphaesis center in Mulheim, Germany.
IF the long covid sufferers were taken seriously, not gaslit and dismissed, you'd all KNOW this already.
The long haulers had the answers inside them all along.


Jlbcreation65 - Dec 22, 2022


Are you saying it is from having covid?


dana ciancimino - Dec 22, 2022


Yes, from covid, which progresses to long covid for some people.


AnaD - Dec 22, 2022


Long covid is not from the virus but from vaccine damage.


dana ciancimino - Dec 22, 2022

Renee Marie

That's untrue. My daughter and I have been sick since March 2020. We were never vaccinated. There were hundreds of thousands of long covid sufferers even before the vax roll out.
It is unfortunate that we were never acknowledged and studied. If we had been, the vaxxes would never have been approved. And the answers people are finally searching for would have been to hand already.
I am afraid you are falling for some govt propaganda.


Chesster - Dec 31, 2022

Did you take annual flu shots before 2020? Did you get the almighty nose swab? There has to be an explanation for how you were exposed to the bio-weapon before the jab.


dana ciancimino - Dec 31, 2022

Flu shots, never. Nose swab yes. And I became drastically more sicker and debilitated after the nose swab.


Renee Marie - Dec 23, 2022

Renee Marie

The jabs would have been approved no matter what. The government doesn’t give a damn about you, only their bottom line.πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’°πŸ’΅πŸ’΅πŸ’Έ


William Brown - Dec 28, 2022

Sir Raythe4th

Long COVID is Probably being caused by radiation poisoning, and those who have been vaxxed are more susceptible to the poisoning, after having poisoned themselves with that nanotech cocktail.
My advice to anyone suffering from “long COVID” is to move away from all of the 5G frequencies. Perhaps out into the country. Perhaps invest in some faraday protection.
There are companies popping up that specialize in sound proofing one’s home from all of the frequency radiation.
Definitely something to look into.


dana ciancimino - Dec 31, 2022

Radiation poisoning is definitely a part of it. Moving for some of us, especially those debilitated already, isn't an option. Many of us have lost our ability to work, and without our health, our ability to make choices, which require making money, has been taken from us. It would have been kinder to drop a bomb on us and have done with it, rather than to slowly and painfully deteriorate to death.


Stephen Verchinski - Jun 2, 2023

Stephen Verchinski

"Long Covid" what FDA validated test did you take? Show us the link at the FDA drug or medical devices to the validated test for Long Covid. Don't send any link to any EUA. AND, go watch some Kary Mullis videos on utube where he describes RT-PCR as not to be used ever as a diagnostic tool. Otherwise for you, there is something else happening.


dana ciancimino - Jun 2, 2023

I'm sorry, I've been ill since before they had testing. And I'm not quite as big a fan of fda as you seem to be.


diana - Jan 29, 2024


It's both.


OUTRAGED HUMAN - Dec 22, 2022

OUTRAGED’s Newsletter

Dear Dr. Ana, this is why I have done tremendous research regarding NAC.
In my opinion (based on research and experience) there are 2 big problems with these injections (also with Covid, but there are some differences):
the nanotechnology used (graphene, etc.) causes.
1. oxidative stress
2. formation of amyloid plaques (using nanotechnology and peptides)
NAC dissolves both: amyloid plaque formations and blood clots.
Some people have approached me with these symptoms of blood clots or amyloid, but because they started using NAC (and other antioxidants), they are alive and able to function. Some were dying, literally. They were certain they would not survive. Even so, when they stop taking them, their condition begins to deteriorate.
But when they take them, they can function and live.
I wrote a bit about it here:
I will try to write more about these findings.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 29, 2022

OUTRAGED’s Newsletter

Yes, I agree but it is not enough and does not clear the blood alone, but is definitely a cornerstone of treatment. Great research! Thank you Outraged Human. We need more of you.


OUTRAGED HUMAN - Dec 29, 2022

OUTRAGED’s Newsletter

Please see this post:
and the continuation:
all based on research, there is way more, of course


dana ciancimino - Jun 2, 2023

OUTRAGED’s Newsletter

I am seeing no difference with nac use.


OUTRAGED HUMAN - Jun 2, 2023

OUTRAGED’s Newsletter

The question is, what issues are you using it for and at what dosage?


Faith - Dec 22, 2022 - Edited

ASnhat 40KFt

These clots look more like "normal" clots than the whitish amyloid-protein structures being pulled from cadavers. Did the technician attempt to break up the clots to see if there was material in them besides clotted blood? The question is "why are clots forming"? Spikes trigger clots via several mechanisms, but picking some up from shedding by the vaxxed would not be anywhere near the number of spikes endogenously produced by a vaxxed person, which amounts to billions-to-trillions. Until she can get to the bottom of this, the best advice would be to take supplements that reduce abnormal clotting, besides the enzymes: vitamins C and D, magnesium, Omega 3 fish oil, mixed tocopherols and tocotrienols, and NAC. And throw in some melatonin, Alpha lipoic acid, and quercetin for good measure!
Also, she should NOT be taking any calcium supplements!


Kathleen Janoski - Dec 22, 2022 - Edited

Kathleen Janoski

Why a no-go on the calcium supplements?


Faith - Dec 22, 2022 - Edited

ASnhat 40KFt

Calcium is an essential nutrient, and an electrolyte, but is also one of the most toxic nutrients. It is involved in excitotoxicity of neurons and calcification of soft tissues, including the kidneys, brain, arteries, and joints. It is also linked to EXCESSIVE blood clotting! Most people get too much calcium, and diet supplies plenty for most people, with the possible exception of growing children and pregnant or nursing women.
Calcium competes with magnesium at absorption sites in the intestine. The overwhelming majority of people are magnesium deficient, and supplementing with calcium seriously exacerbates the problem, including making osteoporosis far worse! This business of many supplements having two parts calcium to one part magnesium is just made-up-out-of-thin-air nonsense, just like the made-up "six foot social distancing" B.S.! If someone HAS to take calcium, they need to take an EQUAL amount of an absorbable magnesium (NOT magnesium oxide!!!!), and take it at different times. Also, magnesium (as well as calcium) compete with zinc absorption so should be taken separately. And always take a good dose of vitamin K2 to put the calcium into the bones where it belongs, not your arteries, brain, etc!


Kathleen Janoski - Dec 22, 2022

Kathleen Janoski

Thank you for the explanation.


Frances - Dec 22, 2022


Dr John Campbell, PhD nurse educator, says if one takes fermented food with Vit. D., then k2 supplement is not necessary.


Faith - Dec 22, 2022

ASnhat 40KFt

Dr. Campbell is a retired nurse and is pretty "mainstrean-medicine" oriented. In case you didn't notice, he was all gung-ho about the COVID clot-shots untill the piling-up deaths became too much to ignore, rather late in the game. Hence, I became quite disgusted with him and remain rather suspicious of any of his advice.
If someone is going to take high-dose vitamin D, they are NOT going to get an OPTIMAL dose of K2 to "balance" the D by just taking fermented foods. There is a very big difference between a getting-by dose and what is optimum.


Trial N. Error - Jan 3, 2023

I agree.


Lauren Ayers - Dec 22, 2022

Escape the Box

Actually, while our gut flora make MK-7, it's for themselves. As an indicator that vitamin K2 from fermentation is not useful to humans, that type of K2 doesn't cross the placenta and get into a fetus. The kind of K2 that does, and which also leads calcium to bones and teeth instead of joints (where it's called arthritis), the brain (where it forms Alzheimer's-like plaque), or veins (where it causes a build up with the name artereosclerosis) is from other animal products, such as butter from cows on fast-growing pasture (the MK-4 gives that butter a more yellow color), as well as goose and emu fat. For some strange reason, Canada doesn't allow MK-4 as a supplement, so they think MK-7 can substitute. Read more atWestonAPrice.orgin an article by Dr. & Mrs. Schlinsog.


Rick Larson - Dec 22, 2022

ASnhat 40KFt

Are fermented foods healthy to eat?


Faith - Dec 22, 2022

ASnhat 40KFt

Naturally fermented, YES!
It aids in their digestion, neutralizes many plant toxins (the only safe soybean products are fermented), adds probiotics for the gut microbiome, increases vitamins, naturally preserves the foods, and makes them taste great!


Susannah - Feb 13, 2023

ASnhat 40KFt

Just happened to be thinking on this topic lately. I notice that when I take magnesium (I have to take a lot in order to balance out the calcium) or take an Epsom salt bath, the varicosities on my legs disappear! I am a non-secretor of blood type antigen, so I cannot eat anything with phytic acid, since I do not have the bifida in my intestines due to non-secretor status and therefore, all nutrients get chelated and deleted from my body. Lots of tooth decay before I knew that nuts/seeds/beans/whole grains and the non-digestible phytic acid was tearing my teeth up. So, I have been thinking I should decrease my calcium intake more, and try to find as many natural sources of higher magnesium that I can, which is not easy. Plus, farming practices tend to destroy the magnesium in food as well. Any other thoughts you have on the issue would be welcomed.


Faith - Feb 13, 2023

ASnhat 40KFt

What is a "non-secretor of blood type antigen"? And what does that have to do with intestinal Bifida?
If you couldn't absorb at least some minerals, you wouldn't still be alive!
I use a 50 ounce bottle of water and add vitamin C crystals and magnesium malate to it and drink as my water source during the day. We need ascorbate and mag in "divided doses" for more consistent blood levels.
Interesing observation about magnesium and varicosities. I've also heard that vitamin K2, vitamin B6, and copper help them.


Susannah - Feb 14, 2023

Hi Faith, I am going to attach an article that will give you more info on the non-secretor gene which 25% of the population at large possesses. It will outline a lot of what this means for said individuals, including lack of bifida in the intestines that digest phytate, hence non-secretors have way more cavities in addition to all the other issues outlined. Thanks for the suggestion about the other vitamins for varicosities. My sense is that the high calcium in my diet (despite trying to balance with high Magnesium supplementation) is causing them as well - as you said, calcium can be inflammatory. But the calcium in our body is also being destroyed by affects the calcium channel blockers. And everyone with the jab is transmitting 5G, exponentially. 5G mimics respiratory "C19, etc." conditions. So, it is difficult to ascertain what we actually are needing in light of these new conditions we are experiencing en masse. Here is the link re: non-secretors


Susannah - Feb 14, 2023

Correction: "calcium channel blockers" should be replaced with "voltage gated calcium channels" or VGCC's


Trial N. Error - Jan 3, 2023



Trial N. Error - Jan 3, 2023

Avoid iron and metals. Take more calcium. See Lee Merritt also.


Chesster - Dec 31, 2022

ASnhat 40KFt

Great response, Faith! You even got the vitamin C. Most people are unaware of the incredible research with images before and after of what vitamin C can do to restore healthy blood flow, oxygen carrying potential, and to reverse roleaux formations. Thanks for your post!


Faith - Jan 1, 2023

ASnhat 40KFt



Angie Frangipani - Dec 26, 2022


Ivermectin is a double psyop and Plan B to depopulate purebloods. It damages your mitochondrial DNA. Research the Ivermectin Road Map 2024 and see who funds it.


Stepping22 - Dec 28, 2022


Are u willing to support your assertions or just repeating a narrative.
Africans have taken thus nobel prize winning drug fir decades for various parasites with huge success. So pls defend your narrative or quit it...


Angie Frangipani - Feb 15, 2023

What is the MDR1 genetic defect in dogs and in humans?
Why were MDR1-positive participants in Africa excluded from Ivermectin trials?
Which ethnic group has the lowest occurrence of the MDR1 genetic defect?
Which ethnic group/s has the highest occurrences/ of the MDR1 genetic defect?
Why is there a documented, peer-reviewed study of a Caucasian 13 year old boy in North America who went comatose after one, ONE routine dose of Ivermectin?
Why is there a documented case of an adult horse dying after one, ONE routine dose of Ivermectin?
Did you know Ivermectin has an affinity for graphene oxide? Why didn't your trusted doctors tell you that?
You're the one repeating a narrative. Safe and effective, safe and effective, 40 years in Africa, safe and effective, it won a Nobel, safe and effective.
So pls defend YOUR narrative, or quit it.


Faith - Dec 26, 2022

ASnhat 40KFt

What are the sources of your assertions regarding Ivermectin being "a double psyop and Plan B to depopulate purebloods. It damages your mitochondrial DNA"?
I didn't see a problem with the "Ivermectin Road Map 2024" EXCEPT for the involvement of the B&MGF. Perhaps once in a while they actually do do something beneficial just to "keep up the appearance" of being a philanthropic organization???


Angie Frangipani - Jan 4, 2023

You know I almost didn't reply after seeing that you still honestly believe that "Maybe Bill and Melissa Gates are actually doing something good every now and then, to keep up appearances". You know it's just as easy to buy an Ivermectin scientist in Africa, as it is to buy vaccine scientists in the USA, right? I'm sure you also know that all the IVM safety studies were funded by Merck itself (ding ding!) and other organizations like WHO, IMF (double ding ding!) and so on.
This webinar explains it all. Up to you if you still want to ingest Ivermectin.
In this episode, the Wellness Superheroes welcome back Molecular Biologist Kelsey Kenney to discuss the toxicity and dangers of Ivermectin as well as how to detox from it. The full story. Please share with everyone you know!
Let's go change the world TOGETHER
Wellness Superheroes (Episode 5) - A Scandalous Relationship: Ivermectin & Niacin
πŸ‘‰πŸ»WATCH NOW! πŸ‘ˆπŸ»


Susannah - Feb 13, 2023

I have to agree without having researched any of this yet, but anywhere there is BG then you have pure satanic influence and goals. As in the following scripture:
The Devil and his demons are obsessed with death. 1 Peter 5:8 says, “Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” His lies cause death and destruction: “He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies” (John 8:44).


Trial N. Error - Jan 3, 2023

The Kingston scabies study. All dead by spring the following year.


Trial N. Error - Jan 3, 2023

Disagree with your calcium opinion. No iron or other metallic foods .. See Ruby and Adams latest shows.


deadmanriding 1 - Dec 22, 2022

I've been waiting for reports like this to show up. Though this is not confirmed, I believe this isn't the first nor last case. This isn't a coincidence IMO.
Shedding has been confirmed to infect wildlife and domestic mammals worldwide but few studies seem to have ever been reported on actual symptoms, only stating the occasional culling of infected animals due to positive tests. Remember when they used to test drugs &πŸ’‰on animals first? I think all that's changed is how they define test animals. We all qualify now as such... πŸ‘πŸ’‰πŸ‘πŸ’‰πŸ‘πŸ’‰ and damn the consequences⚰️


Chesster - Dec 31, 2022

FDA documents on shedding show studies have been done and it is fact, for traditional and gene therapy products. Also, Pfizer c19 trial protocol documents warn extensively about shedding.. calling it "occupational exposure"


Daria Schooler - Dec 22, 2022 - Edited

Get all these blood tests done: d-dimer, CBC with Diff, complete metabolic panel, C reactive protein - high sensitivity, IgE (mast cell activation), Sed rate, Fibrinogen, PT/PTT, also Vitamin D3 hydroxy and test for Factor V Leiden as a good start. In addition, add black seed oil at least one teaspoon daily.


Fizzygurl - Dec 22, 2022

I have my D-Dimer scheduled for next week and I’ll keep going right on down the line. Thanks! And thanks Dr are so cutting edge.


Angie Frangipani - Dec 26, 2022

Ivermectin is a double psyop and Plan B to depopulate purebloods. It damages your mitochondrial DNA. Research the Ivermectin Road Map 2024 and see who funds it.


Art - Dec 22, 2022 - Edited


One has to wonder about a synthetic parasite such as a Plasmodium species that is out there.
They produced and released GMO mosquitoes already. Antiparasitic medications seem to have good results against the disease for some reason. Severe Malaria has similar outcomes with amyloidosis and blood clotting and chronic fatigue and brain fog symptoms, is anyone looking for a new synthetic parasite? Not on the radar.


Angie Frangipani - Dec 26, 2022


Research the Ivermectin Road Map 2024 and see who funds it. You may get answers to your plasmodium line of query.
Ivermectin is a double psyop and Plan B to depopulate purebloods. It damages your mitochondrial DNA, among other things.


Art - Feb 15, 2023


Took awhile but looks like your warnings are catching on with others now.
You never know how the ripple effect will play out. Thank you.


Art - Dec 26, 2022


Thanks! I heard some warnings about that and you'd think the IVM is safe Docs would add that there might be long term use issues. Looks like there is 6 ways to Sunday to put the masses 6 feet under.


Fizzygurl - Dec 26, 2022


Wow, that would be the kicker! Doesn’t most of Africa and a few other nations take it everyday to ward off parasites? I see the WHO will be recommending it...suspicion #1 and Merck making it. They are currently making the Ebola vaccine for the next plandemic. Can you give a source about the damage?


Angie Frangipani - Dec 28, 2022


I wrote a facebook post on it. Just excuse my snarky tone. I wasn't in the best mood at the time 😁 It's mostly based on the research of Dmitry Kats, and some other brilliant people. I just arranged it in a reader-friendly format. Remember, it's just as easy to buy an Ivermectin scientist as it is to buy a vaccine scientist. All the safety studies on IVM were funded by WHO, Merck, etc.
Part 1:[0]=AZW7cydPG4sgO-NmA-IXGfvXLfndTPRqh11SOGllEHpH-7024pMUrAxdz_wuXj8gHSaXKw0yQZmZeBgrOO2XqmMkGTz3Oznc-RcxiXyWg8Y9eNZpYJMxkL8ryX8dHvcIhuPKMK4wy2CGdt3Rr5GOPe-h-a4JoBgKjuN1VDARLCQbkPZVQ41RB8topnyY-J33qJg&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R[0]=AZW7cydPG4sgO-NmA-IXGfvXLfndTPRqh11SOGllEHpH-7024pMUrAxdz_wuXj8gHSaXKw0yQZmZeBgrOO2XqmMkGTz3Oznc-RcxiXyWg8Y9eNZpYJMxkL8ryX8dHvcIhuPKMK4wy2CGdt3Rr5GOPe-h-a4JoBgKjuN1VDARLCQbkPZVQ41RB8topnyY-J33qJg&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R
Part 2:[0]=AZVcEzvLiFYkn5jXopC3uT-obahe6XnOVCBsEbQWN1rYtXIh1ZaKnkePp5FCCBGwqJg87iJFAzHwAfTatCqeiCwWJps3aUCoagR6GrvOEq76hZbyPYeRTUHPwE6r8jQNTFgb82c02xHJWJtdZMYS_jP4k-gpfsxXOOeApe0kYkNjrQ&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R[0]=AZVcEzvLiFYkn5jXopC3uT-obahe6XnOVCBsEbQWN1rYtXIh1ZaKnkePp5FCCBGwqJg87iJFAzHwAfTatCqeiCwWJps3aUCoagR6GrvOEq76hZbyPYeRTUHPwE6r8jQNTFgb82c02xHJWJtdZMYS_jP4k-gpfsxXOOeApe0kYkNjrQ&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R


Fizzygurl - Jan 12, 2023

Thank you also


Stepping22 - Dec 28, 2022


Thanks for the sources... will look in2dem. Just the fact they are on Facebook is already red flags 4me, considering they censor everything good 4unjabbed. So to leave this up buys into their narrative. But then again it's worthwhile to check it out.
As I said recently, Africans have been take this Nobel prize drug for decades with no issues, so I really struggle to believe this, but am a firm believer in always challenging knowledge to establish truth...
So thanks anyways...


Stephen Verchinski - Jun 2, 2023

Stephen Verchinski

Drugs vs devices. Both have profit at the approval level.


Kathleen Janoski - Dec 22, 2022

Kathleen Janoski

Bill Gates' GMO mosquitoes.


Linda - Dec 23, 2022

Yes wasn’t H. Vulgaris found in vials? Has some very interesting properties...


Namaste - Dec 22, 2022


Well there goes the need for unvaccinated blood banks! Had this person had COVID I wonder? If yes, it could the spike protein that is causing the clots.
Or, we’ve all been surreptitiously vaccinated...


Stepping22 - Dec 28, 2022


No, you can't just give up like that. Until u understand there peculiar situation and get to the bottom of what's going on here, pure jabbed bank is still a necessity.


Collapse Podcast - Dec 22, 2022

Chronicles of the Collapse

If these metals are in the blood .. imagine what our brains look like


Kathleen Janoski - Dec 22, 2022

Kathleen Janoski

Does anyone know the time limit an unjabbed person can spend with a jabbed person to avoid shedding?
For instance, what about the dental hygienist who is jabbed and cleaning my teeth? She is wearing a mask and a face shield.
What about the woman who cuts my hair which only takes about 30 minutes?
What about sitting in a plane for 8 hours say going to and from Europe?


Renee Marie - Dec 22, 2022

Renee Marie

I’m curious about the same thing. These people are walking “killers”...the more they get, the worse...for the non-jabbed.


Stepping22 - Dec 28, 2022


Lets not devolve into the same monsters they made us out to be as unjabbed folks. They're not walking killers. They are our deluded bros n sisters...
I have always wondered abt this all shedding or perhaps "transfection" as it should be rightly called.
Imagine for a second if you were a jabbed person and your unjabbed friend told you I can't hang out because you're affecting me. Wouldn't they wonder if am affecting you, how come I'm not affected. Something abt the whole shedding thing is not adding up. Could there be something else external responsible for these things???
In essence all we are saying is that some humans have been weaponised against others with some substance and yet the host is doing just fine. Sincerely it sounds ludicrous but am not one to discount the thousands of women who complained of bleeding n other things just by hanging around the jabbed- the evidence is there. My question is, did that jabbed person e.g. a woman also experience same bleeding? Otherwise what's going on here...


Renee Marie - Dec 29, 2022

Renee Marie

I could NEVER be one of those “monsters”. I love God more than anything else. Maybe if they did, I wouldn’t have lost my job of 23 years, get berated and kicked out of stores.
Clots and weird blood are being found in unjabbed human beings. Things never seen before. That’s enough for me. I sure as hell wouldn’t date a jabbed person. I’ll get a unjabbed dog!


Chesster - Dec 31, 2022

Just because we love our family members is not an excuse to then have the entire family exposed to toxic spike proteins and thus incubating prion disease. The logic does not work. If I exposed myself to the bio-weapon and now realize my mistake, why would I expose my grandkids to it by insisting on being around them? Of course I would not. That's like keeping the mad cow disease cattle with the others because you don't want them to be lonely.


Tracie Chavonne - Dec 22, 2022

Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson

More than this, I don't think that being around people who have inoculated will be avoidable, so, my question is what can be done to assist the immune system to combat the affects of shedding and off gassing? Most of the folk on sites like this are people who believe in their immune system's ability to defend itself. Should we not be looking into what the best defense can be?


Lynn Ferguson - Dec 22, 2022

Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson

Indeed, we are developing effective protocols for this situation. More to come...


Rebecca - Jun 2, 2023

What about chlorine dioxide and dimethyl sulfoxide? I am doing a protocol with both right now and although I feel great, I am concerned about those clots. My reasoning behind hoping this combo works is that chlorine dioxide's claim to fame is being able to kill every pathogen known to mankind, and dmso dissolves anything and everything with the exception of anything belonging to our bodies. Why doesn't anyone take one of these clots and put it in this solution and see what happens?


Angie Frangipani - Dec 26, 2022

Kathleen Janoski

Dr. Jane Ruby has referral links to the Triad Aer Shield. The smallest version is a wearable lanyard necklace that generates a cloud of negative ions so you can be among the shedders with fewer damages to your health.
filterssuck dot com
RUBY code to get 10% off
testimonials for the products are on her Telegram channel.


Kathleen Janoski - Dec 26, 2022

Kathleen Janoski

Thank you!


Lynn Ferguson - Dec 22, 2022

Seven Seasons with Lynn Ferguson

Roughly an hour.


Kathleen Janoski - Dec 22, 2022

Kathleen Janoski

Geez...most of us are screwed then.


dana ciancimino - Dec 22, 2022

And it really can't be all that hard to analyze these things.
Although the one who does will be on the gov'ts hit list.



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