How to Be Proactive About Your Immunity in the Age of the Bioweapon w/Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea on Jay Campbell Podcast

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 14, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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I was recently interviewed by Jay Campbell and had the pleasure of a different type of conversation then I have in most interviews. Jay has great curiosity for all things spiritual and how that affects physical health. We discuss many topics from near death experiences, adversity, growth, Torsion Physics and the spiritual journey that is the basis of understanding Light Medicine.

Here is the link to the podcast and write up on Jay’s website:

Jay Campbell and Dr Ana Mihalcea

Since the dawn of what is labeled as science, human beings have been locked in a complete lie, that medical healing modalities can’t exist alongside our spiritual reality.

That notion isn’t just far from truth, it’s part of a greater strategy to keep us from tapping into our own power.

Light medicine stands in direct opposition to this – reminding us that the tie between the material and quantum can never be severed, no matter how much the dark forces attempt do so.

Why is this approach so different to what most people know?

How do we change the vista of reality and vibrate with the intent to knock down all oppressive structures?

In this episode, I’m humbled and honored to be joined by board-certified Internal Medicine Physician, President of AM Medical, and author of “LIGHT MEDICINE: A New Paradigm — The Science of Light, Spirit, and Longevity” , Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea.

We talk about the dark powers fighting the divine power of all human beings, and how she’s changing the paradigm of health and the world with it.

Guest Bio:

Dr. Ana Maria Mihalcea is a board-certified Internal Medicine Physician and President of AM Medical LLC, an integrative health clinic with a focus on anti-aging and reversal of all diseases.

Dr. Mihalcea is the Award-winning Author of the book “Light Medicine – A New Paradigm – The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity”. The book won the Independent Press Award, New York City Book Award and the Silver Metal of Global Book Awards.

She is also an advocate for medical freedom.

Find more Info: Light Medicine - A New Paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity

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Jeff Stinson - Dec 15, 2022

I wonder if the nano ribbons you guys are finding could be synthetic parasites based off of the nemertea ribbon worm, it exudes its interior (21 second video)

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Bodhimom - Dec 14, 2022

Yes, this is the future of medicine. But first we must expose and take down evil Rockefeller et al medicine and their propaganda and mind control machine which is so pervasive. I think it had to happen this way, that we needed to come to the end of this scenario where the masks come off and people need to be shocked into reality in order to change.

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