How Much Does The Scientific Community Know…

Apr 9, 2024

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Those of us researching self assembly nanotechnology threat to humanity would like to know how to degrade what we see in the blood.


E.C. - Apr 9

crapshoot farmer

Dear Dr Ana,
On top of being a warrior you also feel things very deeply. You are much needed in our world. Blessings🕯️


Reply (1) - Apr 10

Comment removed.


JulesUSA - Apr 11

What is this??


Reply (1) - Apr 9

crapshoot farmer

Comment removed.


crapshoot farmer - Apr 9

crapshoot farmer

Spammer alert. ^


Brian Klunder - Apr 9

Brian Klunder

It seems to me that the people who are semi-awake are all pointing to an HIV insert created by self-assembling nanotechnology, which uses nucleic acids to write the code. This completely ignores the cause (Nanotech) and focuses on the effect (immune suppression). And thank you again, soldier (Dr. Ana), for being a lone voice in the wilderness. Pray the world wakes up before it's too late!


Kim - Apr 9 - Edited


I absolutely adore and respect Dr. Ana and it upsets me when either I see others taking credit for her work, or they try and negate what she is finding as being "woo woo." When others attack her or try and discredit her, it just shows me how over the target she is and how much of a threat she is to the ones who don't want this information known. Those who are shining a light on the truth have always been attacked. I think that she should take it as a badge of honor.


E.C. - Apr 9 - Edited


Plus she was attacked and almost died. Wish i could recall her
story on a video i watched. Can anyone help?


Kim - Apr 10


Hi E.C. It took me awhile to find it (it really touched me as well when I heard her story), but I think this is the video you are referring to:


E.C. - Apr 11

Thank You Kim!💥
I will rewatch and try to save.
This is one big reason why Dr Ana M. is a warrior for human kind⚔️ . Blessings.


JulesUSA - Apr 11 - Edited


I was somewhat concerned when she mentioned she was working with Clifford Carnicom.


Kim - Apr 11 - Edited


Why is working with Clifford Carnicom a concern?


E.C. - Apr 12

I am wondering same.


Adrian - Apr 9


Im a fellow morgie, there is a YT called Dr Virtual 7 with a vid for Targeted Individuals. When i am going out of my mind with crawling, as a last resort, ill go to that vid. It works, why it works idk, but, for me, this is proof the ambient frequencies are controling the nanobots under skin to attack. They are controling the nanobots from up above. Another validation comes when i put a diy multiple layered protection on my head. Pain subsides. The treasonous bastards are using frequencies from satelites for harm. Everyone is a potential target and they dont or wont know it. More focus on exposing the dual harmfull purpose of microwaves is urgent, as people are being brainwashed unknowingly.


JulesUSA - Apr 11

What type of ambient frequency video?


JulesUSA - Apr 11

I think you are absolutely right!


Talia - Apr 10


E.C. - Apr 9

So throw away our microwave oven? Have a good link to explain to him?


Mrs OBrien - Apr 9

Mrs OBrien

Now factor in the ph of most tap water and the changes being to our vegetables with mRNA. Yes it being done to plants too.


AJR - Apr 9


You’re so right Mrs OBrien! Lettuce and tomatoes have now been grown / perfectly grown with yes, mRNA!
How wonderful and how caring these scientists are at “de-humanizing” and “murdering” the human race!
May God Bless America and The Entire World!


JulesUSA - Apr 11

And I believe the article said spinach also.


Charlie - Apr 9 - Edited

Collaboration of scopers is essential.
Matt, Sam, David and others.
Hopefully rifs egos ect aren’t at play.
These nano plastics are what scare me.
Getting everywhere in the body.
And not easily degraded or not at all.
Getting them out before brain malfunctions.
I’ve been plasticized …


JulesUSA - Apr 11 - Edited

Yes, ugh. But how? EDTA?


Charlie - Apr 11

DrRobert Young. Alkaline diet. MMS. Baking soda. And I do edta, followed with
Anti oxidants heavy, orange and vit C(liposen encapsulated 5 grams).
Nattokanse for micro clotting,
Milk thistle,
NAC and Zinc on empty stomach.
Sorta go by 6th sense for need with body mind and soul as feedback loop…


JulesUSA - Apr 13

EDTA capsule or cream?


Christine - Apr 9

Christine’s Newsletter

The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your genetic code, making you “genetically-modified.” Granted mainstream media say the foregoing is “conspiracy theory.” But Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that 1) the shots change your genetic code and 2) the shots do not stop the spread of COVID-19. He says the Moderna shot is “hacking the software of life” (at the 0:43 second mark, but the whole video is…disturbing).
So do these companies “own you” once you get the shots? Well, they own mice and bacteria created with their inventions. Once you get these shots, you are no longer a “naturally-occurring” human being. Prosthetic limbs, breast implants, etc. are not “natural” per se. But they are removable and not part of what fundamentally makes you human. Gene therapy is irreversible. Do the math yourself.
Moderna and BioNTech expected to have their products regulated as "gene therapies" (not vaccines). Moderna, Inc. acknowledged in its Q2 2020 Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) filing that “currently, mRNA is considered a gene therapy product by the FDA.” Furthermore, BioNTech founder, Ugur Sahin, in a 2014 article, stated “One would expect the classification of an mRNA drug to be a "biologic, gene therapy, or somatic cell therapy.”
Julian Rose explores the psychological motivations behind the fascination with AI and the potential for a counter-reaction against its dominance.
He connects this AI agenda to the Great Reset and its aim to create a controllable and predictable society, noting that the manipulation of human DNA, implanting computer chips, and using EMF radiation frequencies are ways to control and eliminate any form of resistance.
He argues that the Green New Deal is a deceptive plan to alter DNA, redesign humans, and depopulate the planet under the facade of environmentalism...........with the help of Türeci and her husband, BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin.
Viral vectors and carbon particles do the same thing. They are a Bio-Weapon whose function is not understood, or how to remove them, because they are indestructible. Dr. Noack was convinced that the vaccine contains nanoscale graphene oxide particles which can be changed to graphene hydroxide razor blades that cut through the vein causing internal bleeding and death. Dr Noack was killed by 3G (5G) transmission (in Austria) to his body, which changed the injected carbon particles to graphene hydroxide razor blades in his blood, which then killed him over 4 days, because he revealed the bio-weapon that it intentionally is.
Viral vectors and carbon particles
50 billion viral vectors for AstraZeneca - Astrazeneca now "withdrawn"
40 billion LNPs for Moderna
and likely 10 to 12 billion for Pfizer
Per vaccine shot and for your life
Click on the link - to go through to the page - christine.257's substack is free.
The "probable" purpose of the vaccines was:
1) to exterminate all who were not suitable for genetic modification and died in the meantime from the diseases that the viruses contained and that has been around 2 billion, word wide so far, with upwards of 8 billion by 2025/26, bringing the remaining populations down to around 500,000 world wide - it is online and unstoppable now - it can't be stopped or defeated.
Confidential Pfizer document (which Pfizer wanted hidden for 7 years) shows the company observed 1.6 million adverse events covering nearly every organ and Over 10,000 categories of nearly 1.6 million adverse events – many of them serious and debilitating – brought to you by Pfizer! and it is the vaccines, by injection that create the illnesses which in turn kill those affected, deliberately.
Remember when you were told not to worry because this new mRNA vaccine would stay in your arm? You were patronizingly told that after being injected into your muscle, the mRNA would instruct the muscle cells to start growing the spike protein, you would have an immune response, you wouldn’t infect anybody…ever, you would be a hero, you wouldn’t die…of anything and it would stop there. Nothing to worry about.
It turns out that not only was it deliberate misinformation, it was an out and out lie. Not only was it known that the mRNA wouldn’t stay in the arm, they actually wanted it to go around your body. Clearly, we were all told the ‘stay in your arm’ lie to reduce vaccine hesitancy and increase big pharma profits.
Last year we learnt that BioNTech, the company that developed the mRNA vaccine with Pfizer, wanted the mRNA to travel around the body to the lymph nodes.
We know that the genetically modified are being prepared for The Bodyhack. Virginie Joron, a French MP, tweeted a picture from a presentation she was attending. The speaker was Özlem Türeci, co-founder of BioNTech and her slide was called ‘The Bodyhack - Bringing mRNA to the right cells at the right places’.
The image clearly shows that the cells BioNTech were targeting were dendritic cells in the lymph nodes. Robert Kogon reported that “A passage from The Vaccine, the book that Türeci and her husband, BioNTech CEO Ugur Sahin, wrote with journalist Joe Miller, explains why BioNTech’s platform specifically targets the lymph nodes:
What Ugur learnt was that the location to which a vaccine delivers its ‘wanted poster’ really mattered. The reason for this, the couple’s team in Mainz later realized, was that not all dendritic cells … were created equal. The ones that resided in lymph nodes – of which the spleen is the largest – were particularly adept at capturing mRNA and making sure the instructions it carried were acted upon. These kidney-bean shaped organs, found under our armpits, in our groins, and at several other outposts in the body, are the information hubs of the immune system. (p. 98)
Indeed, Sahin and Türeci were so determined to get their mRNA into the lymph nodes that they had an earlier mRNA construct injected directly into the patient’s lymph nodes in the groin (p. 104).
Funny - I thought a viral infection in your head, would be targeted in your head and not your Lymph Nodes, after the Spike Proteins have passed through all of your bodies organs first?
Nanoscale Razor Blades in Vaccine – Dr. Andreas Noack – Europe’s Leading Carbon Expert 28th November 2021
Dr. Noack is convinced that the vaccine contains nanoscale graphene oxide particles which can be changed to graphene hydroxide razor blades that cut through the vein causing internal bleeding and death.
This is a huge molecule which is extremely sharp. I am a specialist in activated carbon. In my doctoral thesis, I have converted graphene oxide to graphene hydroxide. I joined the world’s leading activated carbon manufacturer. After a year I was in charge of new activated carbon products. We bought a small company in Durham, near Newcastle, England. I was in charge of “new carbon products”, Europe-wide. I was in application scouting.
As a chemist, if you inject this into the blood, you know you are a murderer. It’s a new material, toxicologists are not aware of it yet. Suddenly it makes sense that victims look like this. And that top athletes with high blood circulation, completely healthy, suddenly drop dead. You see people collapse immediately after vaccination and have a seizure. These people had bad luck in the Russian roulette. Very likely, a vein was hit by the syringe.
The material is declared an “experimental vaccine” for a reason. They don’t know what will happen. Every vaccinated subject has to sign that they take full responsibility. It will take 50 years until the contracts with Pfizer will be published.


JulesUSA - Apr 11

Per Dr. Ariyana Love, vaxed people are no longer considered human and their offspring are not human.


Reply (1) - Apr 9

Beyond Treason

Comment removed.


Christine - Apr 9

Christine’s Newsletter

My skill is taking random pieces of information and putting them together to form a picture which otherwise might have been missed. I am not an expert in anything, as such, but I have been "all over" the vaccines since they were rolled out as "Experimental Test Vaccines" which you had to "volunteer" to have and the vaccine makers had "Blanket Immunity From Prosecution" with my own more recent memories, of how Thalidomide affected the kids of mothers who had them. Shudder, you are probably more familiar with the Opioid Crisis.
According to Dr Noack, while he was alive, graphene oxide can be changed into graphene hydroxide by 5G signal and is a killing mechanism, by changing oxide particles into miniature hydroxide razors which chop up inside organs and nerves over about 4 days, which is how long it took for Dr Noack to die back in 2019 - it is a deliberate military bio-weapon installed in everyone who has had a vaccine and which has caused me so much concern, because of its plausibility.
There is another school of thought that the graphene oxide particles are nanotubes and each nanotube could carry a virus, or a cure, for a variety of different medical conditions - I have a paper on the subject which i can post if you are interested, in fact NanoGraphi are producing these nanotubes for a variety of medical and other industrial purposes and the nanotubes are supposed to be in all of the vaccines.
The problem with all of the vaccines is that they were ordered and purchased by the military of your country and when has the military not seen the potential of a weapon in everything and when have they not sought to capture and deploy it and while so far, the military does not appear to have done so, as yet, how do any of us know what is going on behind the scenes when we don't have any access to that information.
The vaccines deliver and deploy nanobots which install a transmitter wired directly into the bodies of everyone vaccinated. That transmitter has its own MAC address which can be discovered with Apple iPhone "BT Explorer" and Android "Inpersona".
As I understand it, a genetic computer is installed with plug in's, but what is plugged in and when or why, remains to be seen, but this only applies to the vaccinated - but they did volunteer, after all.
Moderna is supposed to be building ModRNA factories probably at a University near you, possibly they would have something to do with putting the plugs in the plug in's, mentioned above, but how, absolutely no idea?


JulesUSA - Apr 11

Christine’s Newsletter

You don't need an app to see the MAC addresses, just go to bluetooth and do a search. I think they are now X'ing out the middle of the numbers!


Christine - Apr 11

Christine’s Newsletter

Thanks Jules - I've updated my "blurb" I am probably the only person on this planet who does not have or want a mobile phone - I have "this thing" about it ringing when I'm sitting on my Bog having a Shit - so I don't want or own one. It probably helps I'm Tinnitus deaf too, any noise aggravates that beyond measure.


Bee Gee - Apr 9

Bee Gee

Substack is compromised, they delete your comments before you can even post them half the time now and its not an accident they make it literally impossible to search out other substacks. Cowards.


JulesUSA - Apr 11

I just noticed that!


Alison H. - Apr 9



Lenmor1776 - Apr 9


Every-time I talk to Doctors about this they think I’m naive and crazy. What the HELL do they think they’re doing.
I have a limited medical background, but even I know what “polymers” are.
Working in the manufacturing industry, it’s kind of obvious.


AJR - Apr 9


These so called “Doctors” you speak of Lenmor1776 are in fact, “you know”, the elites! They know better than you! NOT! (Some do).
They’re the “ONLY” people who know all, not you Lenmor1776, and certainly not me!
Good God you should very well know these Doctors are “covering their ass-is’s”! Deflecting and calling people nuts are some of their favorite forms of “I don’t have” the answer or maybe my patient is correct?
Keep pushing back Lenmor1776 and eventually they’re the only ones “wearing the mask”! I laugh inside the waiting room when they walk in with their mask on.
I think it’s a psychological game they play trying to have me believe I’m contagious. They don’t do this with the rest of their patients, which is why I make this point.
It’s as though I’m their only patient with whom they wear a mask! It’s comical and this reinforces my point.
Doctors are human as we all are, (I think) and if you can read, do a little research, then anyone can “short circuit” them! Which was never my intention until covid!
There’s an exception for those Doctors who are literally, “in the know” and learn from and with their patients!
The type of Doctor who “LISTENS” to their patients, who works with their patients, not belittling them! Covid has “opened Pandora’s box” in more ways than one.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts Lenmor1776, how critical your point is and most times overlooked.
May God Bless America and The Entire World!


BlazeCloude3 - Apr 9 - Edited


Considering all the technology you, Nixon, Karl are finding has been around for a decade or more and we've all been Digitwins in the Cloud since 1995 having a DNA I.D. fully including Medical and scientists have known about it and what all the structures are with their purpose; imagine they know virtually all there is to know. The Truth is Out There and it's complicated; BUT definitely knowable.
Now, just a matter for the Propagandists to put the information out in a fashion to make more money with the 'Faucet Program'; 'Drip, Drip, Drip!'


Carol B - Apr 9

Carol B

One alternative treatment for prostate cancer is proton beam therapy. In order to aim the beam at the tumor, the nearby bladder needs to be protected. Thus, a PEG cushion is placed, injected, behind the prostate. My understanding is it isP.EGand another substance. Within 4 - 6 months, it is supposed to dissolve and exit the body. I know of an instance where the PEG moved to the bowel and would not exit, causing extreme pain. And the doctors were clueless as to what was happening. It finally did clear without any serious complications. But it was a tense time.


Christine - Apr 9

Christine’s Newsletter

I would like to say I wish this got better, but it just seems to get worse and worse and what I had hoped would work, now I just really don't know, what to suggest - but let me start off by saying that everyone who has agreed to be vaccinated, now has a Bio-Weapon installed in them. The enemies of your skies, have got to you from behind and another way, you did not see coming.
Ask Trump or Biden for an explanation of what they have done.
Thanks to Dr Yeadon, we now know that there never was any Covid Pandemic - that was just the seasonal Flu and nothing else and that The WHO and our governments dressed it up as a Covid Pandemic to scare as many people into getting vaccinated as possible, so everyone in the know, knew that the Covid Pandemic was a fake.
Download PDF version here:
In a phone call with an MI5 officer, former police officer Mark Sexton told an officer “There is evidence to prove terrorism against the British public.” Mark made a criminal complaint and was issued a crime number 01/62447/24 at Acton police station, London on Friday 8th of March 2024 for allegations against Sir Graham Brady MP, Dame June Raine, The MHRA, Pfizer and the U.K Government, for misconduct in public office, misfeasance in public office, gross negligent manslaughter, corporate manslaughter and fraud by false representation. Our report here.
On Tuesday Mark emailed the MI5 office regarding “serious concerns and that we were being subjected to terrorism.” He received a call back from an officer on Wednesday and Mark read him an excerpt of the Terrorism Act – “if something is designed to intimidate the public for political enhancement or ideological cause and that includes endangering a person’s life, or creating a serious risk to the health or safety of the public, or sections of the public and obviously this includes involvement of planning systems, collecting information and funding.” etc
But nothing will happen, it all got "hushed up" of course. Too late if vaccinated, anyway?
The Lancet, a prestigious English Medical Magazine published the efficiency of these vaccines back in 2021: ARR 1.3% efficient for the AstraZeneca–Oxford, ARR 1.2% for the Moderna–NIH, ARR 1.2% for the J&J, ARR 0.93% for the Gamaleya, and ARR 0.84% for the Pfizer–BioNTech vaccines.
Which means that Covid was 99.16% effective at getting you against Pfizer's vaccine at 0.84%, that is less than 1% Effective.
"The US Supreme Court Ruled, 2013 "That anything cDNA created in a Laboratory, could be Patented, because it was not naturally occurring in nature" like the ModRNA DNA vaccines made in a laboratory, you have been given - never mRNA, ever.
“The Supreme Court ruled that if there is anything synthetic, not from nature, inside of our genome, then whoever owns the patent on those synthetic parts now owns part or all of you as a human. That means Bill and Melinda Gates, The Department of Defense, [and others] can literally own a human being. If this synthetic code is taken up into your genome, by law, you could be owned overnight.”
A Swedish Study proved that the ModRNA DNA vaccines change a person's DNA in 6 hours from injection.
This means that the base purpose was to get everyone vaccinated, because once vaccinated, each person was legally No Longer Human, but a Genetically ModRNA DNA modified new species with deliberately zero Human rights (Trans Human), which was the whole purpose of the exercise and what it continues to be, because these ModRNA DNA vaccinated are now without any legal rights and can be experimented on, or exterminated, without any regards to Laws which previously covered them, when now none do.


Mike Duran - Apr 9

Bee Gee

I'm not a Doctor but as an electrician for 20+ years the electrical aspect is likely their vulnerability. Would be interesting to see how feasible they are after CT scan or other electronic imaging


Bee Gee - Apr 10

Bee Gee

I think CT, Xray, MRI and other high energy scans are what are giving people instant Stage 4 cancer when they get a bunch of scans so I do not recommend you do any experiments on yourself to test your theory. Many people have discovered they are 'magnetic' since the fake vaxxes rolled out but sellout doctors already know about it and if you show them, they will just say it is not happening and offer you a vaccine.
That magnetism-like-phenomenon is likely turning into instacancer due to several high energy scans in a short time, as they always immediately perform if you tell a sellout doctor the "C" word. And it used to be unheard of that someone died "of cancer" The Same Day as their 'diagnosis' but now it happens regularly.
I for one will never ever Ever get a high energy scan again, and in fact I predicted to my wife that was what a sellout doctor was going to recommend before we went to see him, but I told her Fuck No you are not getting that MRI.
We have a gallon ziplok bag of things that will stick to our forehead and her chest and collarbone and you say it isnt happening and then want to give her a jab and/or an MRI?!!?
GTFO of this examining room before I hurt you.
So Buyer Beware, they really are trying to kill us all and high energy scans are only one of the many tools they have.
Or if you decide to try it anyway, definitely let us know your results (if you can), I am always very happy these days when I am proven wrong.


Mike Duran - Apr 10

Yeah I wasn't suggesting experimenting on anyones self. I was more looking into what could disable them in a whole body approach. I guess I was getting at exposing known contaminated vials of blood to various intensities and wavelengths to see if you could damage the tiny motes without damaging the human.


JulesUSA - Apr 11

Mike Duran, there was a video on Bitchute of this man and his assistant, and they have a machine where they go to the person's house, and they used this machine to neutralize or demagnetize the person. They showed several videos of them performing the process. It did not seem comfortable but apparently it worked when done. It was fascinating and I don't doubt that it was true. Do a search on Bitchute and maybe Odysee.


Mike Duran - Apr 9

C’s Newsletter

According to DARPA info and wiki on Smart or neural dust can be disabled or destroyed with microwaves


JulesUSA - Apr 11



Charles Wright - Apr 9

C’s Newsletter

Yeah trust DARPA and microwave yourself.


akamai kane - Apr 9 - Edited

akamai’s Substack

Human Experimentation without informed consent is the subject of the Nuremberg Codes. Today, there are countless examples of available lipid nanoparticle technologies for oral ingestion of vitamins to zeolite to who knows what. As pointed out in this article, there is no science which documents how much of these technologies enter the cells or how they are eliminated from the body. It started with GMO foods and then the mass injection of a BIOWEAPON, which the ignorant masses passively accepted, and this has cleared the way to transform a once healthy population which farmed natural plants and animals into a free for all technologically and genetically modified open air experimental asylum. If Nuremberg 2.0 trials were to take place, much of the worlds population would be publically hanged. However, Nature has its way, and the prediction is that these ignorants and evil criminals will die by their own hands thus eliminating the need for so much rope. Isn't the Art of War which teaches to never interfere with an enemy who is consumed with its own self-destruction? My concerns are if the Balance of Nature and the Ecosystem could ever be restored and how? Doesn't the mutation of Nature imply that humans will also mutate in order to adapt? This is clearly the end of evolution and the beginning of devolution of mankind, like a really bad scifi movie that I am already exhausted watching, but force myself to stay awake to see the end. I think about the friends I have already lost, and now feel that they were the lucky ones.


AncientLoveLover - Apr 10

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

Wondering if you will weigh in on the PH factor that Clifford Carnicom writes about. I have found alkalinity to be helpful long before I came across his research showing it inhibits the self assembly. It’s a cheap way to mitigate with inexpensive salts, at least until something more effective and abundant can be discovered. I get EDTA helps but it is not cost effective for most people, and I don’t think methylene blue works for everyone. It seemed to induce inflammation in me. I just think having some coherency with the respected researchers spelling out simple mitigation procedures that are widely available would go a long way.


JulesUSA - Apr 11

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

Have you heard of Terral Blackstar? He doesn't have good things to say about Carnicom.


AncientLoveLover - Apr 11

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

I don’t know this person in particular, but I have found the people who say bad things about CC (the OG of cancel culture) tend to have ulterior motives mostly some sort of grift or scheme that benefits from morgellons sufferers not ever finding any real answers about what ails them. (IE Steve Benningfield who has a flimsy fungus theory…he’s a grifter who makes money off confused and desperate MD sufferers with an expensive protocol that only treats symptoms)
CC has dedicated his life to a not-at-all lucrative study of something so cancelled and unpopular, I don’t feel like he has seen much benefit and a disproportionate amount of persecution from his life’s work.


AncientLoveLover - Apr 11

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

And the guy sells nano silver. I trust no Nano. Just say NoNo to nano


JulesUSA - Apr 13

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

Since you mentioned it, what about colloidal silver? I think he sells colloidal, not nano silver.


AncientLoveLover - Apr 13

AncientLoveLover’s Substack

Colloidal silver is still nanoparticle silver in most cases. I’m not trying this guys product or getting into it further. What he said about Clifford Carnicom was totally incoherent. I am unimpressed by whoever this guy is. He didn’t make single point that struck me as if he has any authority on the subject matter. If he’s your best friend then cool I really don’t care. Have a great day.



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