How Does Self Assembly Nanotechnology In…

Dec 15, 2024

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Image: Mesogen Microchip in COVID19 unvaccinated blood with many microrobots and cells are in significant oxidative stress.


Babel - Dec 15


These poor poor babies. So heartbreaking.


JulieBelzeski - Dec 15

Little Bird

It seems like it’s in everyone now…praying that no weapon formed against us will prosper.


AwakeRedPilled - Dec 19




T'ree - Dec 16

Better than the many that have died already !


Dee (Mustard Seed ) - Dec 15 - Edited

Dee (Mustard Seed ) Dr Ana , Please interview this Dr. Dr. Jack Kruse . You two would be BFF and would help you. God bless 🙏


Kamii Neko - Dec 15 - Edited

Dee (Mustard Seed )

Kruse is BFF's with pro-vax shill Bobby Kennedy


Dee (Mustard Seed ) - Dec 15 - Edited

Dee (Mustard Seed )

Good point ! But he definitely against the 💉💉💉💉 He definitely explains how the family connections & Big Pharm want to depopulation or hook us up the cloud taking the 💉💉💉U S bring in illegals and enslave them. We all know God wins ! 🙏


AwakeRedPilled - Dec 19


A Fantastic and informative share! This is beyond evil what is going on.
Time to FLOOD Trump and RFK Jnr with requests to incorporate INDIVIDUAL freedom health protections into our constitution. RED STATES need to do something locally with this too as a backup. They need to hear from us though so they realize how important we regard this.
They are already instituting an age of death in many European countries . This is VERY SLIPPERY dangerous slope to Drs being allowed to murder sick people.
We need to get protections NOW.


Yowza - Dec 16

Yowza’s Substack

I've seen that. #recommended


CoS - Dec 15


That was very powerful, thank so much for sharing. It was loaded one day ago.


Reply (2) - Dec 16 - Edited

Piotr’s Substack

Comment removed.


Piotr Bein - Dec 16

Piotr’s Substack

go away, spammer!


AC - Dec 16

Web link doesn't load for me.


Bee Gee - Dec 15

Bee Gee

Dr Ana has plainly shown multiple times that Vitamin C alone cannot stop and reverse the nanotech which has been shed to everyone now.
And Everyone has it to some degree, some much better than others, but its a bioweapon that spreads through the air, so everyone is getting some amount of it because its being shed everywhere everyday.
And That is a much Much bigger source than even chemtrails or food sources. But do you eat shit junk food or fast food? Because that all has a Lot of it. Or things that help it grow.
And they have Always been putting things in the air and food, since long before the jabs, which began spreading vastly updated if not totally different versions of it.
Oral EDTA and ascorbic acid can slowly stop and reverse it though, as long as you take them both and take them Properly.
EDTA isnt scary or dangerous though IMNSFHO and I take more of it than anybody else I have seen. Of course I care more than most people. And read more too.
The Moderna patent also talks about malic acid and Vitamins C and E, so I wonder how effective that combo would be if people cant or wont take EDTA.
Its nowhere near the chelator EDTA is of course,none of them are but still worthy of research.
It would be nice to put them all in one pill but all the ones I have made have to be too big and then you still need 3 pills per dose. I need a mortar and pestle so I can make the powders finer but I havent given up yet.
Like my mom said, be a leader not a follower.
And heres some good info for people who arent too scared to save their own lives. And dont let people tell you oral EDTA doesnt work, they dont know shit, they're just telling you what someone else told them.


P. Brooks McGinnis - Dec 15

P.’s Substack

The Human race is under attack


Travis Ogle - Dec 15

Travis’s Substack

If this atrocity is left unchecked, the hiding NewWorlders have a significant chance of achieving their stated goal of reducing the population of our planet to a measly 500,000. Try to imagine killing 7,000,000,000 people!
Their blood lust is off the charts. Those seven billion fall on the heels of the sixty million plus they have already killed by surgical abortion alone. Small wonder the Democrat Party is known as the culture of death.


Piotr Bein - Dec 16

Piotr’s Substack

All patries "approved" by the cabal for elections are death cult ciminals.


Claudia - Dec 15


This numbing anger I feel is becoming all too common. One question re: the last set of images—are they from the child’s blood or from the blood used for the transfusion? If from the child, are there any images from the blood used from the donor? If we are all infected this way, it would appear the child would just be getting more bad blood. This affects me personally as at five months of age I had to have a series of transfusions because my red blood cells were not producing. An older gentleman who lived next to my grandmother donated blood. As an adult, I sometimes think of him, wishing I could have thanked him for saving my life.


matt. j.a.o.b - Dec 15

matt’s microscopy

theragrippers? do an image search.


Dec 15

Comment removed.


Dec 15

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Dec 15

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Dec 15

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Dec 15

Comment removed.


Dec 15

Comment removed.


Eccentrik - Dec 15

Eccentrik’s Substack

reminds me of the 'biohybrid bots' Dr. Youngmi Lee was seeing


Leslie Johnson - Dec 15

Leslie Johnson

My question is, can any of this be undone and put back to original state or are we doomed to continue to manifest more and more maladies and illnesses from this?


P. Brooks McGinnis - Dec 15

P.’s Substack

[10/12/2024 5:21 AM]
Just took my first dose 1800 MG EDTA with 3000 Vitamin C with Rose Hips. Took with 3 - 12 oz glasses or more of water. Both of these things work very fast in the body. The EDTA that is not destroyed in the stomach immediately binds with heavy metals and is eliminated from the body.
[10/12/2024 5:30 AM]
What I am doing is a two month test of this dosage with the one bottle of EDTA I got from Piping Rock and one bottle of Nature's Way Vitamin C with Rose Hips.
[10/12/2024 5:41 AM]
So why do this dosage and why EDTA? Good question. Looking at Bill Gate's patent on his Covid-19 self replicating injection; he lists EDTA as the counter agent. In that injection you have graphine and nano self replicating nanobots. Even if you have not had the injection of Covid-19 bio-weapon it can and does shed onto those close to you. Any way Bill Gate's to keep his karma free of bad ju-ju must tell us peasants why his bio-weapon meant to KILL and enslave us has this get out of jail free card.
Still taking the dosage One Bottle of 100 capsules vitamin C is gone and ½ bottle of the EDTA is gone. Feeling better by far then before this EDTA program I have been on for a month. I drink the water and take my dosage upon waking in the morning.
I continue taking my stated dosage and plan to finish the Pipping Rock 200 capsule bottle and then rest for at least a equal amount of time before doing any more EDTA (two months rest). I am just over ½ way to the finish for this first EDTA effort. I have 100% noticed many ways that this has helped me and do not know how safe this would be long term. I am now long term in this current effort. EDTA was invented by the Nazi war criminals during the world war two era; that whole operation then became part of the American military and are heavily funded by our Billionaire war mongers and criminal politicians. All is classified and kept secrete for the select few Elites and their families. This was called operation Paper Clip and can be investigated by anyone interested.
I would need look threw the work of Dr Anna Maria and she has the patent info. It is also listed in the Patent Office USA under Bill Gates Covid-19 patent. Any way when I heard that and saw there was something I could do I went to Piping Rock and got their EDTA capsules. Come in a bottle with 200 capsules and cost about $24, I just went onto their website and will be ordering 6 bottles of their vitamin C with wild rose hips for $1.99 each. I am fugal since am on Social Security 100% and food stamps. I have never had the bio-weapon shot and refused to wear a mask and for that was made a enemy of the People here in Oregon and refused to even enter most stores here. I was asked to leave my only source of medical the VA Hospital and was forced not to have glasses or any health care for over three years. Made me irritated so got two shot guns to protect my home if they came to force me to take the Covid-19 bio-weapon shot. During this period the TV was spouting LIES about how safe and effective these Bio-Weapon shots were on every station in the whole world, and no one had even any clue to what was in these Bio-weapon shots; but all lined up to receive them to save Grandma. The gender stuff was happening then also and most folks here in parts of Oregon think men have periods and can bear children. I have also de-banked and that was difficult and made worse by the fact I have no income other then Social Security and food stamps. I am 100% into privacy coins and they are dirt cheap right now. The reason there is the government wants to trace every transaction and these make me invisible. That is my super power the USA government and their lackeys can not see me or my spending habits. The Commercial banks are not good folks and will be and are draining 100% of all the value out of our counterfeit paper currency that is backed by nothing. I have been very fugal these last 4 years and put the 100% of what little I had left after rent and food into privacy crypto. Last fall I traded them and had a 10X + increase; so now have some skin in the game. I also have a few silver coins. That is my story.
I left off the tajing of the EDTA program about 3 weeks ago. I am living witness to its benefit to my self. I will wait till early 2025 before finishing my first bottle of 200 caps, I used about 2/3 of it pn my first effort.
Dr Anna Maria offers some very interesting liquid EDTA and that is supposed to work better then what I am currently taking. She is my source for information and she has a very cool microscope and has noticed many things with it. I have done the best I could with the resources I have had. "ARRR" Matey.
“ARRR” Matey
All War is Evil. No More War.
Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes
Stop Paying for WAR.
Stop paying for Scientific Fraud. Stop Trusting Government's
Completed My 28 Day Water Fast
Water Fasting
Breakfast 18 Days Post Water Fast
Water Fasting


Leslie Johnson - Dec 15

Leslie Johnson

OMG!!! Thank you so much for the info! I used to be an RN and my husband and I did not get the jabs b/c Fauci’s immunology reasoning was unsound. We recognized it as pure propaganda. Gates (and Melinda as well) is a monster. They all need to be arrested and tried in The Hague for crimes against humanity IMO. It is my understanding the Gates Children have had zero immunizations. Would like to stay in touch with you with this detox protocol!


P. Brooks McGinnis - Dec 15

P.’s Substack

I am a senior citizen. I will start the second stage of the program (more of the same as in the first stage) probably near the end of Febuary 2025. I will be posting my personal results here and on my subtract colum.


nobody's - Dec 16


You can buy some empty enteric coated capsules and make your own EDTA capsules.


P. Brooks McGinnis - Dec 17

P.’s Substack

That is interesting. I will see what I can find.


lauron Smith - Dec 16

lauron Smith

Any EDTA liquid or pill form is contaminated with nanobots and nanotechnology structures Dr Anna, Robert Young, Brian ardist, have to know that these products are making it out of their distributors contaminated, doing EDTA orally suppositories through the skin only 3% makes it to the bloodstream at any high level of doses does not matter it does not work unless it gets to the bloodstream EDTA CaNa2 injection forms that you make yourself, EDTA chelation IV solution has been proven to be contaminated, you are listening to liars that are making a buck off the ignorance of humanity suffering.


lauron Smith - Dec 18

lauron Smith

You must understand that this technology is meant to turn people into bio cyborgs and hook them up to, The Internet of Bio-nano thangs, so Google The Internet of things internet of bodies, go to nonvaxer420 on rumble Sabrina will lay it all out to you how to research, well I can figure out is this nanotechnology is setting itself up throughout the body and being buying together by the self assembling plastic polymers that they are finding in the cadavers, so this technology is hooking people's brains up to the Internet so to get the truth is a shot in the dark, I've tested all the EDTA pills liquid forms zeolites and found nanobots other people have tested vinegars and alcohols and pepsis and found nanotechnology. All I can say is keep on doing what you are doing. And hope for the best cuz apparently the truth is for sale.


Nadine Brennan - Dec 18

lauron Smith

So what is the answer? Where are you getting your info that edta is contaminated?


lauron Smith - Dec 29

lauron Smith

I have observed med five from Dr Anna ardist lab EDTA and Robert Young masterpiece under my microscope and has observed nano bots. All three of them refused to respond. Any pre-prepared EDTA solution injection solution IV chelation solution has been found to contain nanotechnology.


P. Brooks McGinnis - Dec 17

P.’s Substack

Perhaps you maybe correct. I am a old man on limited income and what I am taking has made a big difference in my health. My problem is the huge amount of false information offered. I will continue with my ETDA effort in Febrary 2025.


Daisy Moses Chief Crackpot - Dec 16

The Heterodox Cheering Section …

Sadly even in the world of homeschoolin' a LOT of these kids are jabbed... in our co-op TWO young'uns have died of The Big C in the past year.... My two are older (teen, young adult) but they are exposed ta jabbed folks ALL THE TIME. Keepin' kids on "preventative EDTA" makes little sense--it also means havin' ta supp with minerals daily-- but havin' 'em "NOT" socialize, not take classes (dance, art, etc) with their peers an' relegatin' 'em to a solitary life to avoid the jabbed folks is impossible an' harmful too... an' it's too awkward to ask... MANY (most?) have no clue this means harm/sheddin' to the unjabbed... many would be offended (heck my own ma is "offended" at the suggestion an' refused ta look at anything 'bout it in writin'--she's also gone batty since her post-booster hospitalizations) but anywayz... we need a way ta help the kids without non-stop chelation an' without makin' 'em withdraw from society... WHAT a mess! So glad yer sharin' this tho' Dr Ana--too few know this is a very real harm bein' done as we speak!


P. Brooks McGinnis - Dec 15

P.’s Substack

[10/12/2024 5:21 AM]
Just took my first dose 1800 MG EDTA with 3000 Vitamin C with Rose Hips. Took with 3 - 12 oz glasses or more of water. Both of these things work very fast in the body. The EDTA that is not destroyed in the stomach immediately binds with heavy metals and is eliminated from the body.
[10/12/2024 5:30 AM]
What I am doing is a two month test of this dosage with the one bottle of EDTA I got from Piping Rock and one bottle of Nature's Way Vitamin C with Rose Hips.
[10/12/2024 5:41 AM]
So why do this dosage and why EDTA? Good question. Looking at Bill Gate's patent on his Covid-19 self replicating injection; he lists EDTA as the counter agent. In that injection you have graphine and nano self replicating nanobots. Even if you have not had the injection of Covid-19 bio-weapon it can and does shed onto those close to you. Any way Bill Gate's to keep his karma free of bad ju-ju must tell us peasants why his bio-weapon meant to KILL and enslave us has this get out of jail free card.
Still taking the dosage One Bottle of 100 capsules vitamin C is gone and ½ bottle of the EDTA is gone. Feeling better by far then before this EDTA program I have been on for a month. I drink the water and take my dosage upon waking in the morning.
I continue taking my stated dosage and plan to finish the Pipping Rock 200 capsule bottle and then rest for at least a equal amount of time before doing any more EDTA (two months rest). I am just over ½ way to the finish for this first EDTA effort. I have 100% noticed many ways that this has helped me and do not know how safe this would be long term. I am now long term in this current effort. EDTA was invented by the Nazi war criminals during the world war two era; that whole operation then became part of the American military and are heavily funded by our Billionaire war mongers and criminal politicians. All is classified and kept secrete for the select few Elites and their families. This was called operation Paper Clip and can be investigated by anyone interested.
I would need look threw the work of Dr Anna Maria and she has the patent info. It is also listed in the Patent Office USA under Bill Gates Covid-19 patent. Any way when I heard that and saw there was something I could do I went to Piping Rock and got their EDTA capsules. Come in a bottle with 200 capsules and cost about $24, I just went onto their website and will be ordering 6 bottles of their vitamin C with wild rose hips for $1.99 each. I am fugal since am on Social Security 100% and food stamps. I have never had the bio-weapon shot and refused to wear a mask and for that was made a enemy of the People here in Oregon and refused to even enter most stores here. I was asked to leave my only source of medical the VA Hospital and was forced not to have glasses or any health care for over three years. Made me irritated so got two shot guns to protect my home if they came to force me to take the Covid-19 bio-weapon shot. During this period the TV was spouting LIES about how safe and effective these Bio-Weapon shots were on every station in the whole world, and no one had even any clue to what was in these Bio-weapon shots; but all lined up to receive them to save Grandma. The gender stuff was happening then also and most folks here in parts of Oregon think men have periods and can bear children. I have also de-banked and that was difficult and made worse by the fact I have no income other then Social Security and food stamps. I am 100% into privacy coins and they are dirt cheap right now. The reason there is the government wants to trace every transaction and these make me invisible. That is my super power the USA government and their lackeys can not see me or my spending habits. The Commercial banks are not good folks and will be and are draining 100% of all the value out of our counterfeit paper currency that is backed by nothing. I have been very fugal these last 4 years and put the 100% of what little I had left after rent and food into privacy crypto. Last fall I traded them and had a 10X + increase; so now have some skin in the game. I also have a few silver coins. That is my story.
I left off the tajing of the EDTA program about 3 weeks ago. I am living witness to its benefit to my self. I will wait till early 2025 before finishing my first bottle of 200 caps, I used about 2/3 of it pn my first effort.
Dr Anna Maria offers some very interesting liquid EDTA and that is supposed to work better then what I am currently taking. She is my source for information and she has a very cool microscope and has noticed many things with it. I have done the best I could with the resources I have had. "ARRR" Matey.
“ARRR” Matey
All War is Evil. No More War.
Stop Paying these Monsters Income Taxes
Stop Paying for WAR.
Stop paying for Scientific Fraud. Stop Trusting Government's
Completed My 28 Day Water Fast
Water Fasting
Breakfast 18 Days Post Water Fast
Water Fasting


Camhi - Dec 16

Please check in Lovenox injections!thank you


Tom Moonclutch - Dec 15

Tom’s Substack

Some of bottom pics look just like star shaped bots man made to induce evil medicine... Stars like origami...then grab into subject


James - Dec 15

Thanks for doing this work. Besides harming people, does this technology have any function? There was discussion of MAC addresses in the past. What is this technology doing?


Robert Sun - Dec 22

Robert Sun

" introducing nanomaterials via intranasally, intravenously, and/or intraorally and using electromagnetic fields to migrate the units to their distribution within the brain"


Gayla Hall - Dec 18

Gayla’s Substack

Why are you the only Dr. Speaking Truth about this and the effects of EDTA and vit C. Peter McCullough isn't even sharing this and people follow what he says like the jab pushers.



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