I have been experimenting recently using neodymium magnets to clean blood. I think it is an effective filter as it seems to remove a wide variety of nanotech. It covers all the bases: It's cheap, easy, safe, effective, and anyone can understand it.
My live blood analysis shows no more mesogens, morgellons, and filaments and worms a few and far between. I eat all the bad meat at Wally World. I have hydrogel construction zones, but they don't seem to make anything.
Just take an old wristwatch, or use your existing watch, and tape a neodymium magnet to the inside of the band in such a way as to place the magnet close to your veins on the skinny of your wrist. The bigger the magnet, the better, of course. I use a 20mm*20mm*5mm magnet. Leave on on your wrist for a day or more. Nanotech will be drawn directly from the blood through the skin, and collect on the magnet, much of it in pristine condition and beautiful colors, ready to be viewed in any old brightfield microscope at 40 power. Just throw the watch up on the scope.
And you can see A LOT of different nanotech. Really vivid colors this way. Really quite a show, and no need of special equipment.
Nanotech which is not collected but flows in the magnetic field might have its ROM corrupted, rendering it disabled.
Delicate magnetic fields that are used to assemble nanotech might also be disrupted as they flow through the magnetic fields of the magnets.
Oxygen-glucose Krebs cycle might also be disrupted as it relies on magnet balance of blood "skin". I think blood fuel cells work on the Krebs cycle, seems like most likely.
In short, bots don't like magnets.
old hard drives have really powerful neodymium magnets. a pair of them on either side of a finger will pinch it hard enough to hurt.
newer hard drives still use neodymium magnets but they're tiny and weak by comparison.
So since the magnet lays flat on the skin, one end of the magnet is negative on your skin, and the other end positive on your skin. North or South would matter if you had like a magnetic bar affixed upright to the skin, yes? Not sure if nanotech collects on positive or negative end.
Wondered that also. Both sides are equally magnetic on my magnet. Pretty strong. It stops my watch from working. I'm assuming either side next to the wrist?
I don't know. But big nasty colorful filaments will collect at one end of the magnet. I think they are just floating around the environment and get collected.
I have a erickhill ero2 which measures radio freq,electro smog magnetic and electrical for just ,$75 on Amazon ..it works ok but turns out you have to spend $150-250 to get fast blinking rf signals that can peak at 10-30 +x your highest reading on slower pick erickhill. It only measures to 10ghz though,25-30 ghz detector is way to go for maybe $1000..Still you inference that electro mag. fields more relevant then rf most of time may be correct as it's always in in house...what are maximums there you feel comfy with? I know if you park under a regular powerpole wire in country,many quite low it can go up to a 100 + reading and the big transfer wires up to 1100+ and people hike all around them in fryville oblivious to why they have a headache,pounding heart,and achy joints and a strange bbzzzzz vibe that just won't quit,ha?;striving for LALA LAND ignorance has it's blissful rewards and costs! Emf or electric,mag all bad past 8 fulltime or 20 part-time..100 + crazy bad!! Emf cloth can block ALOT of it up to I think 22ghz then fails ALOT but maybe not completely,no one seems to know.emf cloth is thin as paper towel and about $10-$20 per 3x 4 ft.Amazon...enough to cover your router, phone,smart meter. You'll need more for wall hotspots and a fridge overhang flap..If you cut it up,best to order,3 of those..down to $7 if you order 50 ft + to create a bed canopy,but careful not to touch it sleeping as it's charged on outside..solution is a thin cotton sheet on inside...doable for $100 total vs $1500-$6000 canopy makers charge for a pre -sewn one..screw that rip!
Search emf cloth Amazon..read reviews,video links!
Soundsdangerous.Howfast does it clear?How bulky much is pullout amount?Couldn't it cause a clogging if that effective and fast?Can,you help us n do a video face blocked of procedure.?What's the exact brand n size magnets as others using magnets are largely failing
Give us an idea of how much material cleared please and correlating microscopy bad to good looks please.Maybr safer starting slow to prevent clogs potential?
Dude, I'm just a guerilla nanobiologist out here. I'm flying the airplane while I build it. But it has powerful power to suck magnetic particles out of the body. I think it even pulls stuff out of the brain this way, although I have no way to test and it's just my feeling.
I don't recommend anyone do anything which I might do, since I am a complete idiot and don't know my back side from a hole. I did put a magnet on my 90 year old mother with no Ill effects.... it sucked out chunks. Got lots of magnets on Mom all the time now.
Jules,if jsinton is right on it pulling metals to a small artery ie clog danger . you should go real slow ie 30 minutes first day and add 30 min day till 2: hours. Hold at 2 hrs day for 2 weeks then double to 4 hours. Never exceed 4 hours day, preferrably, split 2 hours sessions..Jsinton admitted he doesn't know metal clot dangers. Obviously if your pooling metals and minerals your also blocking part of your veins w temporary metal pooling.!!!!.. additionally your damaging your veins by forcing shards of metal thru sides and cells as well!!!!!!!!,..I'm researching calcification of veins now...identifying synthetic calcium particles having unnatural sharp edges qualities vs natural calcium and many foods and vitamins, drinks have calcium added..The effect is similar to asbestos tissue,vein damage !!!!!!!. ..I don't think even my above limited hours are safe...a clot could form in wrist or before and travel to heart or brain and stroke or kill you at much higher odds as your intentionally forming a semi clot and then forcing metal nano,some rough edged or calcium rough edges thru vein walls etc...it's not designed for that and could break down your vein walls ie particles would drill enuff micro holes they'd stop repairing and break down ie melt your arteries, absolutely possible at some point. !!!. I'm thinking less powerful magnets and 20 min 3 x day or until material shows up and give 48 hours to heal micro drillings im predicting as risk... I SUSPECT technique won't work for reasons I elaborated in msgs to jsinton if wifi reaches your body,could be wrong but must be reason magnets fail for 90 percent plus. Check them out!
Hey Jules checkout my replies that Jsinton put on his liked page…precautions needed with magnets.. hoping it works..but risks way more then most facing..still I think we need to fight this nano and take risks but check my ideas on going slower and why .please let me know progress. If half dozen confirm Jsinton results I'll jump in w friends,meantime I'll contribute my suggestions to increase success,more too fast not the way w magnets though for sure..it's extreme to pool metal toxins and perforate veins to extent with magnets..but may be the only way..
Yes, I assume this is correct. But I also assume I get the microstrokes because the bots are getting yanked out of my brain. It's like all the detox I do with bots, I know it's working when I get a mild headache. The good news is my head is fine now, I slept very well, and I get fewer and fewer bots on the magnet as time progresses.
MAGNET NANO PULL OUT-SAFETY PROTOCOL TO AVOID CLOTS OR VEIN DAMAGE:Jsinton,I respect your sense of urgency and need to experiment but please consider making a formal statement retracting your advice to start hard and fast ie most powerful magnets all day etc..
Think of the people with super heavy nano bot loafs,some of the structures over a hundred x the size of a blood cell!
You've decided a way to suck and pool them into a semi veins blockage,coming with them a slew of much minerals all pooling together in a hyper toxic and likely radioactive mass!!
Can you see the advantage potential of limiting the size of those pools prior to withdrawl!?
DAY 1-3 SMALL MAGNET..2 to 3 30 min sessions...if no particles extracted ncrease magnet size one size only.Tell your body you want to suck out toxic matter thru wrist or area chosen repeatedly and visualize it as happening but not to clot..If fails turn off all wifi and house power or go to mtns or cave away from wifi and repeat.Dont increase magnet size to largest 3rd or 4 the size till day 7 at least..give your body time to adapt to your crazy new hobby!
Day 4-7: 2 to 4 1 hour sessions with medium size magnet..at least 2 hour breaks to let body heal from metal DRILLINGS-,pulls and to lessen chance pools could clot
Day 7-14 switch to 3rd,or 4th most powerful magnet only if you've gotten ALOT of metals out and are showing it in microscopy..Safety measures are to prevent initially large amounts nano pooling at once.If your not getting any out you must try to disconnect from all wifi within blocks of you..A large sewer,cave,mtns with deep rivene,etc or doubled,crippled emf cloth on Amazon $100 worth,sew together a canopy tent w floor.
Fear is they can reverse magnetic polarity fast in seconds and prevent system from working or some other aspect is stopping by wifi tech instructing nano or even magnet itself. Certainly some aspect is keeping majority from getting nano to reach magnet,see? Other possibility is they've tampered with some of the. Magnets so brand could matter!It's also possible that some people have stronger immune systems that won't allow itself or it's minerals,metals to be messed with and will take longer to drop resistances to usually unhealthy poolings...
Day 14+ or once mostly clear microscopy: Perhaps risk largest magnet longer sessions getting last of it...poolings should be small now and clot danger mostly passed as bulk of nano sucked out by magnets
Or abbreviate this protocol...almost certainly people will clot by a small percentage if they go full bore off thebat.safetymargins help..sound ok to you jsinton?
I thank you for your knowledgeable concern and will take heed and study your warning. I will tell you what I have done to date and what effect I have had. In short, I think I'm winning big here. Busy now, later.
It made the vein on my left wrist bulge ever so slightly. On my right wrist, the vein is very very small. I think that's from using the mouse and computer a lot for work. Interesting.
Documentation I read from Pubmed seem to indicate no danger to exposing skin long term to magnets. Yes, you are right. I theorize it might be making people anemic. I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV.
You better take it easy if your getting blood out of your nose. I never considered how other people might react. My 90 year old mother reacted great and would have never known she was wearing the magnet, and she is very weak.
Jules,I think risk taking to clear monster killer nano reasonable. Try to find testimonials sites, consult natural drs..go slow,report progress. If you don't report we know you croaked or are a drooling stroke veggie now with tubes! Careful, uncharted well territory,I'm not against guinea pigs here just know you are one.. affairs in order.
I suspect, the Nano Technologies are powered by the EMF (Electro Magnrtic Fields, that surround us High tension like ones criscrossing neighborhoods, House wiring,the vehicles we drive, Utility power switching stations. To detect mentioned Fields, borrow or rent a Gauss Meter, it locates and indicates Field strengths.
It's even worse than that. The "vampire" bots hijack your blood cells and turn them into little fuel cell batteries. The batteries then absorb radiation like you describe and glow bright. Sometimes I think I see plasma transfer. Other times it looks like remote energy transfer like maybe microwaves.
Yes, its been mentioned atWww.anamihalceamdphd@substack.coman Orange or Yellow glo a way to detect without asking who's been "Vaxxed" is to download a Bluetooth MAC address detector,& install it on your phone. They emit an MAC address request. MAC, is Media Access Control, Computers and smart devices, communicate using MAC. it has been detected in Cemeteries, Corpses are emitting it.
Jsinton,plasma energy transfer ie microwaves ideas are close at least.
Consider these objects may not be solid as we know it and that's why they can be dozens ,perhaps dozens of times the size of a blood cell,hundred in length ie strand ones..By well accepted science should be impossible as veins get tight in areas only 3 wide in fingers ,ear,other areas so really we should be killed in minutes if thousands,millions of 20-100 wide structures are in vein systems..
Graphene even on standard Wikipedia says quantum qualities part of usually means has ghost particle portalling abilities ie essential ly supernatural,no printed theory how exists,just how to predict a portion of the activities to tap into powers of..ie spiritual realms very much likely in play here of course...demons mostly insinuated leading mankind into forbidden realms that they partially reign ie dark matter etc graphene darkest known matter,lasers portal into graphene ink on YouTube and vanish!! Etc.
If you google cern ghostly building videos you may find buildings layered on other building outlined one solid,one not, similar to some of the microscopy images especially earlier 2021-22 images where they didn't close up magnification so much and you HAD perspective on structures better, suspect there..
Anyway we may be dealing with a energetic cern like projection/connection system where ghostly outlined are key to physical connections ie charging or vamping etc with ability to restructure and restructure on cue.
Since magnetic energy is somewhat alchemical, portalings,supernatural itself and your tying into even more magical graphene,portalings of energy, your ability to suck out material's may not damage veins as much as I'd feared from graphene involved and since graphene quantum qualities likely wrapping around other metals in body and minerals usual behaviors that would ordinarily destroy vein and tissues when yanked thru flesh are immune from that by the tech spell or quantum partial dematerialization status their under essentially is my approx guess as you shouldn't be able to do what you claimed your doing ie ripping masses of graphene,metals thru arms etc under regular organic circumstances is my best guess here...that's good news if I'm right otherwise don't think you'd survive long in health what your doing and lends to magnets being our best answer..OR NOT!.Risky biz still though..
Why our main microscopy people not exclaiming fatal nature of size of structures and need to include ghostly or deconstructional in microseconds tech or both in strange as that's a massive elephant in rooms,more striking then lights and tech forming..it's the size of the structures... seemingly not as large as original seen in 2021...also less ghostly outlined now perhaps but more collapsed masses of blood cells into distorted mush..to a level of non function,non oxygenation that should again be fatal..like were running on a sepetate energy system perhaps partly simaltaneously..but no clear theory on how this is happening or possible..too bizarre!!
I fear if you do magnets on people to far into change with blood cell massive collapses magnets could prove more dangerous ya know...how can you pull anything solid thru those masses...maybe again you don't have to as entire inner blood system is now in artificial cern like quantum state..just can't know..but my msg here is one of better hope then last...
Last advice is avoid all occultic activities or usual sins best you can ,repent of wrongs to God and ask him for help HUMBLY even if you doubt a core eternal Goodness ie God as I think our blood state involves endtimes excess demonic strategy and presence..in a sense the less you know the better in terms of how darkness is operating here, I sense God allows seems the ignorant passage thru such realms, situations..but advise keeping it cautious, respectful ie do experiment for short to mid terms and then cease and do nothing for days,waiting for potential side effects,keeping careful notes..saying prayers to God or best vibes of goodness,virtues you know...So much wishing you success here!! if it continues to work then tell us how and also how not to to best ideals to reduce risks of the extremes involved with magnet blood pulling of evil nano!
Seems your magnet idea could be tuned alot.. perhaps use of acupuncture points or incisions could help or china cupping at exit area or same at all 6 major points of body ie both feet,both hands,rear upper thigh near arteries.
Also DMSO or alcohol might assist..
I SUSPECT nano portion is retreating to deeper tissues n bones when attacked such and will return in staged like a parasite.
I wonder how daily vitamin D and calcium multis effect the NANO as calcium may bond with it...
Anyway magnets getting about a 60/40 response against working and your results strongest.. consider using to strong a magnet may not work aswell.soagain you've found the right frequency or type of magnet..what brand n all? You may have hit on just the right balanced magnets the body cooperates with.
You seem knowledgeable here,outside of microscopy what blood tests or behaviord might convince an avg Dr,nurse the bloods got particulate issues.Seems there's slower blood cell movements,etc shouldn't that translate at test time without microscope..if we can correlate bad nano blood under scope to testings behavior above say 90 percent we can help our people more in denial,can you put your clever mind on that one for us?!
The transhumans are noticing the same thing. Most of these links are from the same short video.
What you are looking at, in all the microscope images is the MATRIX, the substrate or nervous mode (modulation) that describes the DNA communications. But the spikes in the power grid are causing pollution in the formation of a budding self-assembly process.
The two plates in the center of the ephods harvest the spikes and generate DNA coherent light through vesica pisces holograms (pussy). The Divine Femanine presiding.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MCFKANUrT3DNZhNVI1s-nmL6rAVYuOKl/view?usp=sharing
The transhumans go on to show exactly your observations, Dr Ana Maria:https://youtu.be/C1kp_1nq7-M?t=215
Here's Ann's Paper:https://www.cell.com/cell/pdf/S0092-8674(18)31398-9.pdf
Ann calls your hydrogel construction sites "droplets" and "condensates". They have the exact same quantum dots.https://youtu.be/C1kp_1nq7-M?t=359The same "Spheres".
The elephant the transhumans are not addressing is why weren't these dots and spheres noticed decades ago? They do not seem to be accepting that this blood poisoning is new.
My point is that the formation complex waveforms are being confused. I have filtered Schriever AFB with Bishop Castle in direct line of sight. But mostly is the reduction of VAC power to 5VDC through MOSFET switching. That drives spikes into the power lines all the way to the outlet/device/lighting. That is what is keeping the self-assembly from being a thing.
I impregnated the data silo (Pentagon) at Schriever AFB through one of the senior programmers, over chess. I explained the Five Cube Sum Number Locks and he took some notes. Later, again over chess, he confirmed that it does not matter how big the number is, when you add the cubes of each digit in the number you will eventually find 1, 153, 370, 371 or 407. This is a way to parse out the number line and crunch primes quickly. He is the guy who proved Fermat's Last Theorem and his method and name are still kept from view because all Public Key Encryptions depend upon this remaining out of dishonest hands. But you are 90% there just knowing the Five Cube Sum Number Lock values. He just proved it true, that is all.
"The elephant the transhumans are not addressing is why weren't these dots and spheres noticed decades ago? They do not seem to be accepting that this blood poisoning is new."
My understanding is that these "parasites" had been seen for 50 years. Dr. Carnicom had been looking at it and reporting it for 25 years, but he thought it was an unknown life form.
It may be so but it was rarer and at drastically lower blood volume..In short doesn't matter much likely…also not verified as many crystalline forms are nearly identical and natural..like to see those old ones.
Greater point regardless is the bots weren't in full attack mode they're in now
I'm leaning towards the development of optical fiber preceding nano in targetinh bio nano abilities cuz I see so little talk of it's development stages and presence now at nano scale..but no theory just hate them and their hate for us n Gods beautiful creation
I am well into Volume II of TRANSHUMAN - rereading the Articles of the past three years. Thanks for pointing this out. In mind were the phosphorescing and fluorescing quantum dots and the hydrogel spheres. Look at the String of Pearls video carefully please.
BY CHECKING MY RADIO FREQUENCIES I FOUND. 1370 am and 1600 am WHERE I could hear sound similar to z app.
I then put dave case cd sound on one top of Radio am 1370 and it blocked bit of v2k!
I also use radio white noise it helps against v2k!
Also have you tried emf cloth shielding..only about $100 to buy enuff for a bed canopy if you sew yourself ie Amazon..maybe double triple layer w cotton spacers to prevent static emf contact..still less then $300 vs $1500+ present one layer! If you do it please msg back..haven't tried yet...
Please nutshell z app and v2k meanings and relevancy and Dave case cd...read my replies maybe w jsinton on how magnet therapy may only work if clear of wifi and perhaps what your alluding too w other tie in frequencys ie magnet polarity switches or like to prevent cleansing ie 70-99 percent failure in magnet cleansing, JSINTON found key but doesn't know what he's doing different then avg ie he's getting fully cleared w magnets.
Allegedly...he rings true potentially.. deserves our attention to duplicate..
Most say it fails..worried about delayed effects ie nicotine is also a booster of toxins potentially...what if body sequesters excess nicotine and then releases it on some cue..I need more positive reactions proven apart from Ardis to feel it's legit..I'm just paranoid as f...I take no certain position on nicotine at this time..so no evidence nicotine users later dying more...yet! He is anti remdesivir and alerting on dozens of venoms used in pharma quietly.... but that's too obvious for big credits.. perhaps..or he's a big hero and I'm being overly cautious...don't see big backing in testimonials on nicotine,seems to be runnings 25 % help within 4 days,25% help in 8 days and 25% in 2+ weeks,25 percent fail.but I don't see those offs matched by online comments,maybe half that good,not sure though .rarity of pro nicotiners who said it worked very troubling this late stage..it is a powerful poison that body could be harboring ...ain't trying it or ivermectin or any pharma,I could be too pessimistic,hard to trust
It's been shown nicotine destroys nano but it regenerates and comes back to life. So, worthless.
I smoke a cigar a day so I'm getting some nicotine, and it seems like a better value.
Be leery of Dr. Ardis the chiropractor. Try finding his "Ardis Labs" using google earth. I found a PO box in Plano Tx.
they are bonkers. Considering this technology is being deployed against us by the military then I don't like our chances, but I would not want to live in their world anyway.
EDTA will dissolve softer hydrogel stuff and pollute the rest. You will defecate plastic at a molecular level in such a way that the bacteria in your gut is plastic coated. And your evacuation doesn't stink as it were.
EDTA is a good way to detox, but it won't get the hard stuff and it wears off fast. Sounds like you're pretty polluted with plastic stuff, so it's probably a good place for you to start.
MAGNET NANO SOLUTION:Spent more time pondering what unique factors might help JSINTON!
..found one more big one..are you performing magnetic treatment clear of wifi ie no router,phone,towers close,etc.?
I've learned recently avg hearing aids run off of 2.4,ghz and 8 ghz combined and bounces off every nail,every metal piece in a room and forwards that info to the cloud thru a phone or router or cellphone and then cell tower dozens or hundreds of times a minute!This functions to measure acoustically every room walked into for optimum hearing acoustics!
Amazing but scarey,yes?...point is if they can control devices and corresponding nano to this layered of a depth in microseconds from cloud,they could likely counter act a magnet,likely by built into nano polarity switch but somehow to be nearly sure,too obvious a weakness in system..I BET YOUR WIFI SHIELDED MAJORITY OF TIME YOU DID MAGNET CLEANSING YES? I DONT THINK TOWERS ALONE COULD TUNE IN WITHOUT INTERMEDIARY LIKE HEARING AIDS OR PHONE OR ROUTER PROVIDES...IF YOU DO HAVE WIFI MAYBE NOT SO MUCH IN YOUR NAME..OR NOT ALL VAXXED UP OR SHEDDED ON BY SPRCIFIC VAXX LOT #S...See where I'm going ie your potential uniqueness and what we need to duplicate..
ANYWAY PLEASE TRY TO LOCATE UNIQUER ASPECTS THAT ALLOWS YOUR MAGNETS TO WORK IN THE 1%TO 10% I'm seeing online using my leads..or that unicorn hiding somewhere I missed,cute little sneaky horned buggers!
Funny how grannies are more robotic then phone addicted in a way, huh..I digress..Like your trying to stay human
, Please list your PROTOCUL tight specifics list and brand name of magnets..
Also a photo or 2 or 3 would help, especially coated magnet under microscope...you don't seem to realize magnitude of what you've achieved where 70 percent get no results and 99 percent fail complete ish clearing using magnets..please re examine each step of how your doing it in longer detailed vs....the key is being lost in the sequence timings,the method,or the product brand and you've failed to realize it if your results are true..proud of your attempts though,please find the translation key,it ain't simple powerful magnets,in fact at some point too powerful magnets showing issues ie MRI machines rumoured to be causing extra issues etc...slow,moderation has to be part of equation obviously,but I sense it's your magnet brand..
Perhaps designed to react better in bio frequency realm...this is most likely difference.Brand please oh please?
Many posting here know a LOT about this self-assembly, so it's hard for me to ask a question not already addressed. But I'll try. It seems the nanotech (bots,Q. dots, etc.) receive their code or instructions via the cloud via wifi. But it also seems they could be receiving info. via cell towers, and then there's the possibility of the coding having been incorporated into one or a few of the initial Q. dots, or nanobots, etc. If I understand jsinton correctly, one of the possibly best ways to deactivate the nanotech is with the use of neodymium magnets placed directly on thin skin, such as inner wrist. Amazing discovery! Maybe the only question now is, how to destroy the "used" magnets? Maybe they're best left in the presence of other similar magnets?
I suspect the small fraction of people having magnet success are blocking adequate to them personally wifi or cloud..I doubt they left cloud as necessary and have beamed programmings in phones,routers etc .but I'm 50/50 on that.Also I doubt wifi connectivity is still key to blocking magnet cleansing bu may be..fact remains most are getting ni results w magnet small fraction getting near full cleanse how?, WHY?
Should be simple to find out by trying in heavy wifi vs none in cave or forest with hill block or inner shelf block .Turning off power may work with aluminum bag around phone. .likely stopped by polarity reversing nano or magnet itself!..read my other replys on clot risks here.I think clot risk is reasonable but Go about 10x slower ie 30 min 3 x day or increase till some particles released...veins getting drilled by particles being pulled and seriously damaged I believe likely eventually as percentage are shard like! But C and EDTA is failing I sense as no shown well proof and constant EDTA ain't happening come-on! It's pharma based so even if works will be stopped soon ...SO I SAY RISK THE MAGNETS AND FIGURE OUT WHY FAILS FOR MOST AND FIX. HAVE NO CERTAINTY MY IDEAS ARE VALID HERE..JUST KNOW CREATING METAL TOXIN POOL SEMI CLOTS IS RISKY BIZ.. OPTIONS? ALL RISKY TOO..I'm going to wait awhile and see if you magnet people don't croak or stroke out and I advise neither you do it or don't do it,just know theirs unknown territory here.. supplements have failed though.
Interesting question. I wonder how long a magnet is good for? I put one on the back side of my watch just now, it's a pretty strong little magnet, it makes the watch stop.
What strikes me about this article concerning self assembly is that it talks about having a 3D digital model which it uses to 3D print the nano structures. In the computer world, each copy is exactly the same, would take the same size, form, weight, components, etc. But that's not really what I see in the microscope. Each copy of what I see is unique and random, like there is further intelligence going on than just a copy machine.
These catoms remind me of a science fiction book I read as a kid in the early 70’s titled Trillions, by Nicholas Fisk. It’s about trillions of tiny crystalline objects driven by an alien intelligence appearing on earth. They’re able to self-assemble to create any object much larger than themselves.
It was a great book as a kid, but now i’m wondering if it was more predictive programming 🤯
I have a erickhill ero2 which measures radio freq,electro smog magnetic and electrical for just ,$75 on Amazon ..it works ok but turns out you have to spend $150-250 to get fast blinking rf signals that can peak at 10-30 +x your highest reading on slower pick erickhill. It only measures to 10ghz though,25-30 ghz detector is way to go for maybe $1000..Still you inference that electro msg fields more relevant most of time may be correct...what are maximums there you feel comfy with? I know if you park under a regular powerpole wire in country,many quite low it can go up top a 100 + reading and the big transfer wires up to 600+ and people hike all around them in fryville oblivious to why they have a headache,pounding heart,and achy joints and a strange bbzzzzz vibe that just won't quit,ha?;striving for LALA LAND ignorance has it's blissful rewards and costs!Emf cloth can block ALOT of it up to I think 22ghz then fails ALOT but maybe not completely,no one seems to know.emf cloth is thin as paper towel and about $10-$20 per 3x 4 ft.Amazon...enough to cover your router, phone,smart meter. You'll need more for wall hotspots and a fridge overhang flap..If you cut it up,best to order,3 of those..down to $7 if you order 50 ft + to create a bed canopy,but careful not to touch it sleeping as it's charged on outside..solution is a thin cotton sheet on inside...doable for $70 total vs $2000-$6000 canopy makers charge for a pre -sewn one..screw that rip!
Search emf cloth Amazon..read reviews,video links!
jsinton - Jan 19 - Edited
I have been experimenting recently using neodymium magnets to clean blood. I think it is an effective filter as it seems to remove a wide variety of nanotech. It covers all the bases: It's cheap, easy, safe, effective, and anyone can understand it.
My live blood analysis shows no more mesogens, morgellons, and filaments and worms a few and far between. I eat all the bad meat at Wally World. I have hydrogel construction zones, but they don't seem to make anything.
Just take an old wristwatch, or use your existing watch, and tape a neodymium magnet to the inside of the band in such a way as to place the magnet close to your veins on the skinny of your wrist. The bigger the magnet, the better, of course. I use a 20mm*20mm*5mm magnet. Leave on on your wrist for a day or more. Nanotech will be drawn directly from the blood through the skin, and collect on the magnet, much of it in pristine condition and beautiful colors, ready to be viewed in any old brightfield microscope at 40 power. Just throw the watch up on the scope.
And you can see A LOT of different nanotech. Really vivid colors this way. Really quite a show, and no need of special equipment.
Nanotech which is not collected but flows in the magnetic field might have its ROM corrupted, rendering it disabled.
Delicate magnetic fields that are used to assemble nanotech might also be disrupted as they flow through the magnetic fields of the magnets.
Oxygen-glucose Krebs cycle might also be disrupted as it relies on magnet balance of blood "skin". I think blood fuel cells work on the Krebs cycle, seems like most likely.
In short, bots don't like magnets.
BlazeCloude3 - Jan 19
Nick - Jan 19
Thanks for the idea, I will experiment too. Worth a try and cheap as chips!
Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Jan 19
Leslie Benjamini #🟦
Where do you get a neodymium magnet?
jsinton - Jan 19
Anywhere: Ebay, Temu.
Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Jan 19
Leslie Benjamini #🟦
Thank you
JulesUSA - Jan 20
No Temu for me, I get mine on Ebay
SomeDude - Jan 19
old hard drives have really powerful neodymium magnets. a pair of them on either side of a finger will pinch it hard enough to hurt.
newer hard drives still use neodymium magnets but they're tiny and weak by comparison.
JulesUSA - Jan 20
The magnet sticks to my upper chest! :-O
jsinton - Jan 20
Sounds like a bad sign. You must have had a lot of vax or something.
JulesUSA - Jan 21
Haven't had ANY.
Leon - Jan 19
Hello, jsinton; Thank you for sharing. Would you recommend attaching magnet to the skin with north or south side? Thanks
jsinton - Jan 19
So since the magnet lays flat on the skin, one end of the magnet is negative on your skin, and the other end positive on your skin. North or South would matter if you had like a magnetic bar affixed upright to the skin, yes? Not sure if nanotech collects on positive or negative end.
JulesUSA - Jan 20
Wondered that also. Both sides are equally magnetic on my magnet. Pretty strong. It stops my watch from working. I'm assuming either side next to the wrist?
jsinton - Jan 20
I don't know. But big nasty colorful filaments will collect at one end of the magnet. I think they are just floating around the environment and get collected.
crapshoot farmer - Jan 20
crapshoot farmer
Thanks, JS.
About that size..."20mm*20mm*5mm" is it 5mm thick? By 20mm across?
jsinton - Jan 20
Yes, but I think it's overkill.
crapshoot farmer - Jan 20
crapshoot farmer
Thanks. Do you think the magnet can be used repeatedly or ?
SomeDude - Jan 19
I'm going to have to try this for sure. thanks!
JulesUSA - Jan 20
Update us when you do!
Greg's - Jan 23 - Edited
Greg’s Substack
I have a erickhill ero2 which measures radio freq,electro smog magnetic and electrical for just ,$75 on Amazon ..it works ok but turns out you have to spend $150-250 to get fast blinking rf signals that can peak at 10-30 +x your highest reading on slower pick erickhill. It only measures to 10ghz though,25-30 ghz detector is way to go for maybe $1000..Still you inference that electro mag. fields more relevant then rf most of time may be correct as it's always in in house...what are maximums there you feel comfy with? I know if you park under a regular powerpole wire in country,many quite low it can go up to a 100 + reading and the big transfer wires up to 1100+ and people hike all around them in fryville oblivious to why they have a headache,pounding heart,and achy joints and a strange bbzzzzz vibe that just won't quit,ha?;striving for LALA LAND ignorance has it's blissful rewards and costs! Emf or electric,mag all bad past 8 fulltime or 20 part-time..100 + crazy bad!! Emf cloth can block ALOT of it up to I think 22ghz then fails ALOT but maybe not completely,no one seems to know.emf cloth is thin as paper towel and about $10-$20 per 3x 4 ft.Amazon...enough to cover your router, phone,smart meter. You'll need more for wall hotspots and a fridge overhang flap..If you cut it up,best to order,3 of those..down to $7 if you order 50 ft + to create a bed canopy,but careful not to touch it sleeping as it's charged on outside..solution is a thin cotton sheet on inside...doable for $100 total vs $1500-$6000 canopy makers charge for a pre -sewn one..screw that rip!
Search emf cloth Amazon..read reviews,video links!
Greg's - Jan 22
Greg’s Substack
Soundsdangerous.Howfast does it clear?How bulky much is pullout amount?Couldn't it cause a clogging if that effective and fast?Can,you help us n do a video face blocked of procedure.?What's the exact brand n size magnets as others using magnets are largely failing
Greg's - Jan 22
Greg’s Substack
Give us an idea of how much material cleared please and correlating microscopy bad to good looks please.Maybr safer starting slow to prevent clogs potential?
jsinton - Jan 22
Dude, I'm just a guerilla nanobiologist out here. I'm flying the airplane while I build it. But it has powerful power to suck magnetic particles out of the body. I think it even pulls stuff out of the brain this way, although I have no way to test and it's just my feeling.
I don't recommend anyone do anything which I might do, since I am a complete idiot and don't know my back side from a hole. I did put a magnet on my 90 year old mother with no Ill effects.... it sucked out chunks. Got lots of magnets on Mom all the time now.
JulesUSA - Jan 20 - Edited
Greg’s Substack
I used it for about an hour last night. This morning had a bit of a bloody nose. Will keep using it for hour sessions for now and see how it goes.
Greg's - Jan 23 - Edited
Greg’s Substack
Jules,if jsinton is right on it pulling metals to a small artery ie clog danger . you should go real slow ie 30 minutes first day and add 30 min day till 2: hours. Hold at 2 hrs day for 2 weeks then double to 4 hours. Never exceed 4 hours day, preferrably, split 2 hours sessions..Jsinton admitted he doesn't know metal clot dangers. Obviously if your pooling metals and minerals your also blocking part of your veins w temporary metal pooling.!!!!.. additionally your damaging your veins by forcing shards of metal thru sides and cells as well!!!!!!!!,..I'm researching calcification of veins now...identifying synthetic calcium particles having unnatural sharp edges qualities vs natural calcium and many foods and vitamins, drinks have calcium added..The effect is similar to asbestos tissue,vein damage !!!!!!!. ..I don't think even my above limited hours are safe...a clot could form in wrist or before and travel to heart or brain and stroke or kill you at much higher odds as your intentionally forming a semi clot and then forcing metal nano,some rough edged or calcium rough edges thru vein walls etc...it's not designed for that and could break down your vein walls ie particles would drill enuff micro holes they'd stop repairing and break down ie melt your arteries, absolutely possible at some point. !!!. I'm thinking less powerful magnets and 20 min 3 x day or until material shows up and give 48 hours to heal micro drillings im predicting as risk... I SUSPECT technique won't work for reasons I elaborated in msgs to jsinton if wifi reaches your body,could be wrong but must be reason magnets fail for 90 percent plus. Check them out!
JulesUSA - Jan 25
Thank you Greg
Greg's - Jan 25
Greg’s Substack
Hey Jules checkout my replies that Jsinton put on his liked page…precautions needed with magnets.. hoping it works..but risks way more then most facing..still I think we need to fight this nano and take risks but check my ideas on going slower and why .please let me know progress. If half dozen confirm Jsinton results I'll jump in w friends,meantime I'll contribute my suggestions to increase success,more too fast not the way w magnets though for sure..it's extreme to pool metal toxins and perforate veins to extent with magnets..but may be the only way..
jsinton - Jan 20 - Edited
Yes, wearing strong magnets gave me a headache like I was detoxing nanotech again. I think it has the ability to suck stuff out of the brains.
Greg's - Jan 23 - Edited
Greg’s Substack
More likely you were having micro strokes..we all have them virtually..your radically increasing odds by intentionally pooling metals and minerals!!
jsinton - Jan 23 - Edited
Yes, I assume this is correct. But I also assume I get the microstrokes because the bots are getting yanked out of my brain. It's like all the detox I do with bots, I know it's working when I get a mild headache. The good news is my head is fine now, I slept very well, and I get fewer and fewer bots on the magnet as time progresses.
Greg's - Jan 23 - Edited
Greg’s Substack
MAGNET NANO PULL OUT-SAFETY PROTOCOL TO AVOID CLOTS OR VEIN DAMAGE:Jsinton,I respect your sense of urgency and need to experiment but please consider making a formal statement retracting your advice to start hard and fast ie most powerful magnets all day etc..
Think of the people with super heavy nano bot loafs,some of the structures over a hundred x the size of a blood cell!
You've decided a way to suck and pool them into a semi veins blockage,coming with them a slew of much minerals all pooling together in a hyper toxic and likely radioactive mass!!
Can you see the advantage potential of limiting the size of those pools prior to withdrawl!?
DAY 1-3 SMALL MAGNET..2 to 3 30 min sessions...if no particles extracted ncrease magnet size one size only.Tell your body you want to suck out toxic matter thru wrist or area chosen repeatedly and visualize it as happening but not to clot..If fails turn off all wifi and house power or go to mtns or cave away from wifi and repeat.Dont increase magnet size to largest 3rd or 4 the size till day 7 at least..give your body time to adapt to your crazy new hobby!
Day 4-7: 2 to 4 1 hour sessions with medium size magnet..at least 2 hour breaks to let body heal from metal DRILLINGS-,pulls and to lessen chance pools could clot
Day 7-14 switch to 3rd,or 4th most powerful magnet only if you've gotten ALOT of metals out and are showing it in microscopy..Safety measures are to prevent initially large amounts nano pooling at once.If your not getting any out you must try to disconnect from all wifi within blocks of you..A large sewer,cave,mtns with deep rivene,etc or doubled,crippled emf cloth on Amazon $100 worth,sew together a canopy tent w floor.
Fear is they can reverse magnetic polarity fast in seconds and prevent system from working or some other aspect is stopping by wifi tech instructing nano or even magnet itself. Certainly some aspect is keeping majority from getting nano to reach magnet,see? Other possibility is they've tampered with some of the. Magnets so brand could matter!It's also possible that some people have stronger immune systems that won't allow itself or it's minerals,metals to be messed with and will take longer to drop resistances to usually unhealthy poolings...
Day 14+ or once mostly clear microscopy: Perhaps risk largest magnet longer sessions getting last of it...poolings should be small now and clot danger mostly passed as bulk of nano sucked out by magnets
Or abbreviate this protocol...almost certainly people will clot by a small percentage if they go full bore off thebat.safetymargins help..sound ok to you jsinton?
jsinton - Jan 23
I thank you for your knowledgeable concern and will take heed and study your warning. I will tell you what I have done to date and what effect I have had. In short, I think I'm winning big here. Busy now, later.
JulesUSA - Jan 20
Would it matter if it's a square or a round magnet? Is yours square?
jsinton - Jan 20
Not sure. I think it's a matter of bringing maximum magnetic force to bare on target.
JulesUSA - Jan 20
It made the vein on my left wrist bulge ever so slightly. On my right wrist, the vein is very very small. I think that's from using the mouse and computer a lot for work. Interesting.
jsinton - Jan 20
The first time I did it, I got multicolor "chunks". Later it cleans out, now I see lots of hydrogel.
JulesUSA - Jan 20
What do you mean "oxygen-glucose Krebs cycle"? Could it be dangerous to use the magnet?
jsinton - Jan 20
Documentation I read from Pubmed seem to indicate no danger to exposing skin long term to magnets. Yes, you are right. I theorize it might be making people anemic. I'm not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV.
JulesUSA - Jan 20
I just placed one on the back of my watch, close to the skinny of my wrist. Does it matter which arm? Okay to do overnight?
jsinton - Jan 20
You better take it easy if your getting blood out of your nose. I never considered how other people might react. My 90 year old mother reacted great and would have never known she was wearing the magnet, and she is very weak.
JulesUSA - Jan 21
Will do. Thanks
JulesUSA - Jan 20 - Edited
Greg’s Substack
Does it matter which direction the magnet facing on the wrist?
Greg's - Jan 23 - Edited
Greg’s Substack
Jules,I think risk taking to clear monster killer nano reasonable. Try to find testimonials sites, consult natural drs..go slow,report progress. If you don't report we know you croaked or are a drooling stroke veggie now with tubes! Careful, uncharted well territory,I'm not against guinea pigs here just know you are one.. affairs in order.
JulesUSA - Jan 25
Lol! I'm still here and I'll try to give updates.
jsinton - Jan 20
It does. The nanotech tends to bunch up on one end.
Leslie Benjamini #🟦 - Jan 19
Leslie Benjamini #🟦
This is horrible. No jab for me turns out to be meaningless. The people doing this are monsters.
Amy - Jan 19
In the same boat
Gwendolyn Jones - Jan 19
Gwendolyn’s Substack
Someone got the sick idea to turn this very useful delivery system for medicine into a “killing machine.”
Butternut Saskatoon - Jan 19
Butternut’s Substack
From the get-go.
JulesUSA - Jan 20
Michael Folks - Jan 19 - Edited
Michael’s Substack
I suspect, the Nano Technologies are powered by the EMF (Electro Magnrtic Fields, that surround us High tension like ones criscrossing neighborhoods, House wiring,the vehicles we drive, Utility power switching stations. To detect mentioned Fields, borrow or rent a Gauss Meter, it locates and indicates Field strengths.
jsinton - Jan 19 - Edited
It's even worse than that. The "vampire" bots hijack your blood cells and turn them into little fuel cell batteries. The batteries then absorb radiation like you describe and glow bright. Sometimes I think I see plasma transfer. Other times it looks like remote energy transfer like maybe microwaves.
Michael Folks - Jan 19 - Edited
Michael’s Substack
Yes, its been mentioned atWww.anamihalceamdphd@substack.coman Orange or Yellow glo a way to detect without asking who's been "Vaxxed" is to download a Bluetooth MAC address detector,& install it on your phone. They emit an MAC address request. MAC, is Media Access Control, Computers and smart devices, communicate using MAC. it has been detected in Cemeteries, Corpses are emitting it.
Greg's - Jan 22 - Edited
Greg’s Substack
I'm thinking coins would transfer sweat n grime from hands better then bills and nano
Greg's - Jan 25
Greg’s Substack
Jsinton,plasma energy transfer ie microwaves ideas are close at least.
Consider these objects may not be solid as we know it and that's why they can be dozens ,perhaps dozens of times the size of a blood cell,hundred in length ie strand ones..By well accepted science should be impossible as veins get tight in areas only 3 wide in fingers ,ear,other areas so really we should be killed in minutes if thousands,millions of 20-100 wide structures are in vein systems..
Graphene even on standard Wikipedia says quantum qualities part of usually means has ghost particle portalling abilities ie essential ly supernatural,no printed theory how exists,just how to predict a portion of the activities to tap into powers of..ie spiritual realms very much likely in play here of course...demons mostly insinuated leading mankind into forbidden realms that they partially reign ie dark matter etc graphene darkest known matter,lasers portal into graphene ink on YouTube and vanish!! Etc.
If you google cern ghostly building videos you may find buildings layered on other building outlined one solid,one not, similar to some of the microscopy images especially earlier 2021-22 images where they didn't close up magnification so much and you HAD perspective on structures better, suspect there..
Anyway we may be dealing with a energetic cern like projection/connection system where ghostly outlined are key to physical connections ie charging or vamping etc with ability to restructure and restructure on cue.
Since magnetic energy is somewhat alchemical, portalings,supernatural itself and your tying into even more magical graphene,portalings of energy, your ability to suck out material's may not damage veins as much as I'd feared from graphene involved and since graphene quantum qualities likely wrapping around other metals in body and minerals usual behaviors that would ordinarily destroy vein and tissues when yanked thru flesh are immune from that by the tech spell or quantum partial dematerialization status their under essentially is my approx guess as you shouldn't be able to do what you claimed your doing ie ripping masses of graphene,metals thru arms etc under regular organic circumstances is my best guess here...that's good news if I'm right otherwise don't think you'd survive long in health what your doing and lends to magnets being our best answer..OR NOT!.Risky biz still though..
Why our main microscopy people not exclaiming fatal nature of size of structures and need to include ghostly or deconstructional in microseconds tech or both in strange as that's a massive elephant in rooms,more striking then lights and tech forming..it's the size of the structures... seemingly not as large as original seen in 2021...also less ghostly outlined now perhaps but more collapsed masses of blood cells into distorted mush..to a level of non function,non oxygenation that should again be fatal..like were running on a sepetate energy system perhaps partly simaltaneously..but no clear theory on how this is happening or possible..too bizarre!!
I fear if you do magnets on people to far into change with blood cell massive collapses magnets could prove more dangerous ya know...how can you pull anything solid thru those masses...maybe again you don't have to as entire inner blood system is now in artificial cern like quantum state..just can't know..but my msg here is one of better hope then last...
Last advice is avoid all occultic activities or usual sins best you can ,repent of wrongs to God and ask him for help HUMBLY even if you doubt a core eternal Goodness ie God as I think our blood state involves endtimes excess demonic strategy and presence..in a sense the less you know the better in terms of how darkness is operating here, I sense God allows seems the ignorant passage thru such realms, situations..but advise keeping it cautious, respectful ie do experiment for short to mid terms and then cease and do nothing for days,waiting for potential side effects,keeping careful notes..saying prayers to God or best vibes of goodness,virtues you know...So much wishing you success here!! if it continues to work then tell us how and also how not to to best ideals to reduce risks of the extremes involved with magnet blood pulling of evil nano!
Greg's - Jan 22 - Edited
Greg’s Substack
Seems your magnet idea could be tuned alot.. perhaps use of acupuncture points or incisions could help or china cupping at exit area or same at all 6 major points of body ie both feet,both hands,rear upper thigh near arteries.
Also DMSO or alcohol might assist..
I SUSPECT nano portion is retreating to deeper tissues n bones when attacked such and will return in staged like a parasite.
I wonder how daily vitamin D and calcium multis effect the NANO as calcium may bond with it...
Anyway magnets getting about a 60/40 response against working and your results strongest.. consider using to strong a magnet may not work aswell.soagain you've found the right frequency or type of magnet..what brand n all? You may have hit on just the right balanced magnets the body cooperates with.
Greg's - Jan 22
Greg’s Substack
You seem knowledgeable here,outside of microscopy what blood tests or behaviord might convince an avg Dr,nurse the bloods got particulate issues.Seems there's slower blood cell movements,etc shouldn't that translate at test time without microscope..if we can correlate bad nano blood under scope to testings behavior above say 90 percent we can help our people more in denial,can you put your clever mind on that one for us?!
David Merrill - Jan 19
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
The transhumans are noticing the same thing. Most of these links are from the same short video.
What you are looking at, in all the microscope images is the MATRIX, the substrate or nervous mode (modulation) that describes the DNA communications. But the spikes in the power grid are causing pollution in the formation of a budding self-assembly process.
The two plates in the center of the ephods harvest the spikes and generate DNA coherent light through vesica pisces holograms (pussy). The Divine Femanine presiding.https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MCFKANUrT3DNZhNVI1s-nmL6rAVYuOKl/view?usp=sharing
The transhumans go on to show exactly your observations, Dr Ana Maria:https://youtu.be/C1kp_1nq7-M?t=215
Here's Ann's Paper:https://www.cell.com/cell/pdf/S0092-8674(18)31398-9.pdf
Ann calls your hydrogel construction sites "droplets" and "condensates". They have the exact same quantum dots.https://youtu.be/C1kp_1nq7-M?t=359The same "Spheres".
The elephant the transhumans are not addressing is why weren't these dots and spheres noticed decades ago? They do not seem to be accepting that this blood poisoning is new.
My point is that the formation complex waveforms are being confused. I have filtered Schriever AFB with Bishop Castle in direct line of sight. But mostly is the reduction of VAC power to 5VDC through MOSFET switching. That drives spikes into the power lines all the way to the outlet/device/lighting. That is what is keeping the self-assembly from being a thing.
I impregnated the data silo (Pentagon) at Schriever AFB through one of the senior programmers, over chess. I explained the Five Cube Sum Number Locks and he took some notes. Later, again over chess, he confirmed that it does not matter how big the number is, when you add the cubes of each digit in the number you will eventually find 1, 153, 370, 371 or 407. This is a way to parse out the number line and crunch primes quickly. He is the guy who proved Fermat's Last Theorem and his method and name are still kept from view because all Public Key Encryptions depend upon this remaining out of dishonest hands. But you are 90% there just knowing the Five Cube Sum Number Lock values. He just proved it true, that is all.
jsinton - Jan 19
Hydrogel construction sites are the place where they make quantum dots en mass.
jsinton - Jan 19
"The elephant the transhumans are not addressing is why weren't these dots and spheres noticed decades ago? They do not seem to be accepting that this blood poisoning is new."
My understanding is that these "parasites" had been seen for 50 years. Dr. Carnicom had been looking at it and reporting it for 25 years, but he thought it was an unknown life form.
Greg's - Jan 22
Greg’s Substack
It may be so but it was rarer and at drastically lower blood volume..In short doesn't matter much likely…also not verified as many crystalline forms are nearly identical and natural..like to see those old ones.
Greater point regardless is the bots weren't in full attack mode they're in now
jsinton - Jan 22
Thanks for that. So what is your theory on the origin of our "parasites" if they have been around for so long?
Greg's - Jan 22
Greg’s Substack
I'm leaning towards the development of optical fiber preceding nano in targetinh bio nano abilities cuz I see so little talk of it's development stages and presence now at nano scale..but no theory just hate them and their hate for us n Gods beautiful creation
David Merrill - Jan 20
Redeemed J6'er Challenges Juris…
I am well into Volume II of TRANSHUMAN - rereading the Articles of the past three years. Thanks for pointing this out. In mind were the phosphorescing and fluorescing quantum dots and the hydrogel spheres. Look at the String of Pearls video carefully please.
Robert Sun - Jan 19 - Edited
Robert Sun
BY CHECKING MY RADIO FREQUENCIES I FOUND. 1370 am and 1600 am WHERE I could hear sound similar to z app.
I then put dave case cd sound on one top of Radio am 1370 and it blocked bit of v2k!
I also use radio white noise it helps against v2k!
Greg's - Jan 23 - Edited
Greg’s Substack
Also have you tried emf cloth shielding..only about $100 to buy enuff for a bed canopy if you sew yourself ie Amazon..maybe double triple layer w cotton spacers to prevent static emf contact..still less then $300 vs $1500+ present one layer! If you do it please msg back..haven't tried yet...
Greg's - Jan 23 - Edited
Greg’s Substack
Please nutshell z app and v2k meanings and relevancy and Dave case cd...read my replies maybe w jsinton on how magnet therapy may only work if clear of wifi and perhaps what your alluding too w other tie in frequencys ie magnet polarity switches or like to prevent cleansing ie 70-99 percent failure in magnet cleansing, JSINTON found key but doesn't know what he's doing different then avg ie he's getting fully cleared w magnets.
Allegedly...he rings true potentially.. deserves our attention to duplicate..
JulesUSA - Jan 20
Thank you
James - Jan 19 - Edited
Here is an paper you may want to read.
Critical Review—Cage-Like Proteins: Self-Assembling Scaffolds for Enhanced Biosensor Performance
Marlene - Jan 19
Is this the reason there were so many aortic dissections following the shots? Meant to create an aortic-bifem graft and instead dissected the aorta?
Grasshopper Kaplan - Jan 19
Grasshoppper’s KGRaS Grasshopp…
I see what great effects this digitech is having, will Womanity survive?
Maureen - Jan 19 - Edited
Greg’s Substack
Have you seen the video about nicotine destroying nano tech??? Thoughts?
Greg's - Jan 23 - Edited
Greg’s Substack
Most say it fails..worried about delayed effects ie nicotine is also a booster of toxins potentially...what if body sequesters excess nicotine and then releases it on some cue..I need more positive reactions proven apart from Ardis to feel it's legit..I'm just paranoid as f...I take no certain position on nicotine at this time..so no evidence nicotine users later dying more...yet! He is anti remdesivir and alerting on dozens of venoms used in pharma quietly.... but that's too obvious for big credits.. perhaps..or he's a big hero and I'm being overly cautious...don't see big backing in testimonials on nicotine,seems to be runnings 25 % help within 4 days,25% help in 8 days and 25% in 2+ weeks,25 percent fail.but I don't see those offs matched by online comments,maybe half that good,not sure though .rarity of pro nicotiners who said it worked very troubling this late stage..it is a powerful poison that body could be harboring ...ain't trying it or ivermectin or any pharma,I could be too pessimistic,hard to trust
Maureen - Jan 23
Feel that way about all the methylene blue hype...is it really good?
JulesUSA - Jan 20
crapshoot farmer
It's worth a try! Dr. Bryan Ardis is where I heard of it.
Maureen - Jan 20
crapshoot farmer
crapshoot farmer - Jan 20
crapshoot farmer
It's been shown nicotine destroys nano but it regenerates and comes back to life. So, worthless.
I smoke a cigar a day so I'm getting some nicotine, and it seems like a better value.
Be leery of Dr. Ardis the chiropractor. Try finding his "Ardis Labs" using google earth. I found a PO box in Plano Tx.
Maureen - Jan 20
Shona Duncan - Jan 19
Shona’s Substack
they are bonkers. Considering this technology is being deployed against us by the military then I don't like our chances, but I would not want to live in their world anyway.
JulesUSA - Jan 20 - Edited
Is EDTA still a good treatment for these?
jsinton - Jan 22 - Edited
EDTA will dissolve softer hydrogel stuff and pollute the rest. You will defecate plastic at a molecular level in such a way that the bacteria in your gut is plastic coated. And your evacuation doesn't stink as it were.
EDTA is a good way to detox, but it won't get the hard stuff and it wears off fast. Sounds like you're pretty polluted with plastic stuff, so it's probably a good place for you to start.
Greg's - Jan 23 - Edited
Greg’s Substack
MAGNET NANO SOLUTION:Spent more time pondering what unique factors might help JSINTON!
..found one more big one..are you performing magnetic treatment clear of wifi ie no router,phone,towers close,etc.?
I've learned recently avg hearing aids run off of 2.4,ghz and 8 ghz combined and bounces off every nail,every metal piece in a room and forwards that info to the cloud thru a phone or router or cellphone and then cell tower dozens or hundreds of times a minute!This functions to measure acoustically every room walked into for optimum hearing acoustics!
Amazing but scarey,yes?...point is if they can control devices and corresponding nano to this layered of a depth in microseconds from cloud,they could likely counter act a magnet,likely by built into nano polarity switch but somehow to be nearly sure,too obvious a weakness in system..I BET YOUR WIFI SHIELDED MAJORITY OF TIME YOU DID MAGNET CLEANSING YES? I DONT THINK TOWERS ALONE COULD TUNE IN WITHOUT INTERMEDIARY LIKE HEARING AIDS OR PHONE OR ROUTER PROVIDES...IF YOU DO HAVE WIFI MAYBE NOT SO MUCH IN YOUR NAME..OR NOT ALL VAXXED UP OR SHEDDED ON BY SPRCIFIC VAXX LOT #S...See where I'm going ie your potential uniqueness and what we need to duplicate..
ANYWAY PLEASE TRY TO LOCATE UNIQUER ASPECTS THAT ALLOWS YOUR MAGNETS TO WORK IN THE 1%TO 10% I'm seeing online using my leads..or that unicorn hiding somewhere I missed,cute little sneaky horned buggers!
Funny how grannies are more robotic then phone addicted in a way, huh..I digress..Like your trying to stay human
, Please list your PROTOCUL tight specifics list and brand name of magnets..
Greg's - Jan 23
Greg’s Substack
Also a photo or 2 or 3 would help, especially coated magnet under microscope...you don't seem to realize magnitude of what you've achieved where 70 percent get no results and 99 percent fail complete ish clearing using magnets..please re examine each step of how your doing it in longer detailed vs....the key is being lost in the sequence timings,the method,or the product brand and you've failed to realize it if your results are true..proud of your attempts though,please find the translation key,it ain't simple powerful magnets,in fact at some point too powerful magnets showing issues ie MRI machines rumoured to be causing extra issues etc...slow,moderation has to be part of equation obviously,but I sense it's your magnet brand..
Perhaps designed to react better in bio frequency realm...this is most likely difference.Brand please oh please?
Greg's - Jan 23
Greg’s Substack
Linda Tanner - Jan 20 - Edited
Linda Tanner
Many posting here know a LOT about this self-assembly, so it's hard for me to ask a question not already addressed. But I'll try. It seems the nanotech (bots,Q. dots, etc.) receive their code or instructions via the cloud via wifi. But it also seems they could be receiving info. via cell towers, and then there's the possibility of the coding having been incorporated into one or a few of the initial Q. dots, or nanobots, etc. If I understand jsinton correctly, one of the possibly best ways to deactivate the nanotech is with the use of neodymium magnets placed directly on thin skin, such as inner wrist. Amazing discovery! Maybe the only question now is, how to destroy the "used" magnets? Maybe they're best left in the presence of other similar magnets?
Greg's - Jan 23 - Edited
Greg’s Substack
I suspect the small fraction of people having magnet success are blocking adequate to them personally wifi or cloud..I doubt they left cloud as necessary and have beamed programmings in phones,routers etc .but I'm 50/50 on that.Also I doubt wifi connectivity is still key to blocking magnet cleansing bu may be..fact remains most are getting ni results w magnet small fraction getting near full cleanse how?, WHY?
Should be simple to find out by trying in heavy wifi vs none in cave or forest with hill block or inner shelf block .Turning off power may work with aluminum bag around phone. .likely stopped by polarity reversing nano or magnet itself!..read my other replys on clot risks here.I think clot risk is reasonable but Go about 10x slower ie 30 min 3 x day or increase till some particles released...veins getting drilled by particles being pulled and seriously damaged I believe likely eventually as percentage are shard like! But C and EDTA is failing I sense as no shown well proof and constant EDTA ain't happening come-on! It's pharma based so even if works will be stopped soon ...SO I SAY RISK THE MAGNETS AND FIGURE OUT WHY FAILS FOR MOST AND FIX. HAVE NO CERTAINTY MY IDEAS ARE VALID HERE..JUST KNOW CREATING METAL TOXIN POOL SEMI CLOTS IS RISKY BIZ.. OPTIONS? ALL RISKY TOO..I'm going to wait awhile and see if you magnet people don't croak or stroke out and I advise neither you do it or don't do it,just know theirs unknown territory here.. supplements have failed though.
JulesUSA - Jan 20
Interesting question. I wonder how long a magnet is good for? I put one on the back side of my watch just now, it's a pretty strong little magnet, it makes the watch stop.
jsinton - Jan 19
What strikes me about this article concerning self assembly is that it talks about having a 3D digital model which it uses to 3D print the nano structures. In the computer world, each copy is exactly the same, would take the same size, form, weight, components, etc. But that's not really what I see in the microscope. Each copy of what I see is unique and random, like there is further intelligence going on than just a copy machine.
Greypaw - Jan 24
These catoms remind me of a science fiction book I read as a kid in the early 70’s titled Trillions, by Nicholas Fisk. It’s about trillions of tiny crystalline objects driven by an alien intelligence appearing on earth. They’re able to self-assemble to create any object much larger than themselves.
It was a great book as a kid, but now i’m wondering if it was more predictive programming 🤯
Greg's - Jan 23
Greg’s Substack
I have a erickhill ero2 which measures radio freq,electro smog magnetic and electrical for just ,$75 on Amazon ..it works ok but turns out you have to spend $150-250 to get fast blinking rf signals that can peak at 10-30 +x your highest reading on slower pick erickhill. It only measures to 10ghz though,25-30 ghz detector is way to go for maybe $1000..Still you inference that electro msg fields more relevant most of time may be correct...what are maximums there you feel comfy with? I know if you park under a regular powerpole wire in country,many quite low it can go up top a 100 + reading and the big transfer wires up to 600+ and people hike all around them in fryville oblivious to why they have a headache,pounding heart,and achy joints and a strange bbzzzzz vibe that just won't quit,ha?;striving for LALA LAND ignorance has it's blissful rewards and costs!Emf cloth can block ALOT of it up to I think 22ghz then fails ALOT but maybe not completely,no one seems to know.emf cloth is thin as paper towel and about $10-$20 per 3x 4 ft.Amazon...enough to cover your router, phone,smart meter. You'll need more for wall hotspots and a fridge overhang flap..If you cut it up,best to order,3 of those..down to $7 if you order 50 ft + to create a bed canopy,but careful not to touch it sleeping as it's charged on outside..solution is a thin cotton sheet on inside...doable for $70 total vs $2000-$6000 canopy makers charge for a pre -sewn one..screw that rip!
Search emf cloth Amazon..read reviews,video links!
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