Hope: Attorney Warner Mendenhall

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 23, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Attorney Warner Mendenhall, representative for Pfizer whistleblower Brook Jackson, is suing Pfizer for 3.3 Trillion Dollars. He has been involved in many other lawsuits and wins for Justice.

Listening to him and knowing that there are amazing warriors like him fighting a phenomenal legal fight has been such a ray of hope. My greatest resonance and learning from listening from him is his attitude about the fight. He said that this is the super bowl of law. It really is the biggest fight in the universe and he enjoys the challenge of being involved in the fight. I love this about him! Realizing that this time is a historic moment where humanity rises against the threat of slavery and extinction of the human species - in many people the warrior inside has awakened and they say NO to the Tyrants.

Take the time to listen to him. Your heart will leap with hope and joy.

Here is the link:

Attorney Warner Mendenhall. MD4CE

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Michael Wachocki - Sep 23, 2022

Michael Wachocki

We are so beat down by the propaganda. This ray of sunshine makes me hope that the truth will be revealed.

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Leanne C - Sep 23, 2022

Video extraordinaire.
Huge thanks 🙏 for this video of this amazing legal warrior and the insight that he gives so eloquently ….. brilliant. Share share ..
May the US justice system show it’s just that. Just.
It’s ALL amazing info but Particularly interesting is around 39 minutes … Brook J and related information…

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