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Dec 4, 2023

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Bringing the hospital to You - Implantable nanosensors


Franklin O'Kanu - Dec 4, 2023


Our way of medicine needs to return back to letting the body heal itself rather than this fake “health care” known as scientism:


Inactive Account - Dec 4, 2023

Inactive Account

Non-consensual implantation with nanotechnology is a violation of the Geneva Convention, Nuremberg Code, and a half a dozen human rights. Every person who already emit a MAC address must be a part of a gigantic class action lawsuit. I came out of the “MAC Address closet”. Who is next? Who is fighting for our basic human rights when the agencies who supposed to protect us are complicit? Are you going to revolt or voluntary go to the slaughterhouse like the sheep that you are? We, MAC Address emitting people must unite and fight it together. What could be more important?


Inactive Account - Dec 5, 2023

Inactive Account

Here is what I came up withhttps://lenbermd.substack.com/p/mac-address-emitting-people-lets?utm_source=profile&utm_medium=reader2


Pamela Raditsch - Dec 5, 2023

Pamela Raditsch

You came out of the "MAC address closet." I had to laugh at this description. My apologies because it's a very serious topic and nothing even remotely laughable. You are so right about coming together on this. Only, how to get people to even see, let alone, come to terms, with the fact that MAC addresses are being emitted from their bodies?!? I've pondered this for so long, ever since we proved to a friend that she emits such MAC addresses and, after the initial shock, she chose to just not think about it anymore.
Only then, after "coming out of that closet" everyone could allow themselves to be justifiably furious and unite to fight this together, as you say.


Thomas Lewis - Dec 4, 2023

Useless Liberal

I have yet to meet a vaccinated person that I find interesting. Or at least intellectually challenging. The dead ones are of interest to me. But they are not interesting.
Plus they’re dead.
So there’s that.
That the vaccinated ...
Don’t find their own dead interesting

... I do find interesting.


Duchess - Dec 4, 2023


That IS interesting. Do tell more.


Margie Chism - Dec 4, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

When I let Jesus the Christ come live in my heart ■ that is it, I am not receiving or accepting any medical device. I remember in September 2020 as I walked off in my yard to the step to fight this tyranny and the medical field was number one on my list. Not one chemtrail has escapted my prayers, nor my water supply, or food and when God has his wrath may 'all' know whom I serve. M


Stephane Roy - Dec 5, 2023

Stephane’s Substack

Yes.. He is the answer.. He is our answer.. truly, He Is The Only Answer . . this has gone beyond our human capability . . those doing these vilest of actions are not just fellow flesh and blood.. they are other forces darker than we can even imagine . . Our God is Our Victory


Margie Chism - Dec 5, 2023

Margie Chism

Step - Amen and Amen ■ M
Because He Lives (Amen) - West Coast Chior


Stephane Roy - Dec 5, 2023

Stephane’s Substack

bless u


psychoNWO - Dec 5, 2023 - Edited


Religious Origins. A video featuring the research of official Dead Sea Scrolls interpreter John Marco Allegro...https://rumble.com/vqn47x-secrets-of-the-mushroom-religious-origins.html


Margie Chism - Dec 5, 2023 - Edited

Margie Chism

PN - Not being a Catholic, I do profess being a Believer. Since I have been trained since two by the Father, I have a knowing that writtings can support and where not everything is written. The Church has tried to identify not being Jewish, yet how can one receive the Christ not have faith. Are all Jews of the faith? ■ One thing is sure, we are personally accountable to God who will have us judged. As far as communion, it is a time that I reflect and repent to remember the position I have in the Lord Jesus Christ and his Father, it is a true passover. M


psychoNWO - Dec 5, 2023 - Edited


Lend me a boy until the age of seven and I will give you the man ~ Jesuit maxim
Who founded the Jesuits...https://watch-unto-prayer.org/reformation-2.html


Dennis August - Dec 6, 2023 - Edited


Yeah and look how they end up! Be careful espousing that 'maxim.' We have seen what Priests have done and still do to this day! Nuns as well! I was raised RC so I know a little.....


psychoNWO - Dec 6, 2023 - Edited


I wasn't supporting them. It was a warning. The Jew controlled governments are grabbing our kids and indoctrinating them when their minds are in a crucial development stage...https://pakmag.com.au/why-the-first-seven-years-matter/
Putting a 4-5 year old child into the Marxist controlled education system is akin to throwing a lamb to the wolves. Its no wonder society is fucked...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDyDtYy2I0M&t=6s


Dennis August - Dec 6, 2023

Are you Ana Maria? Just asking This link you gave me is awesome! THANKS! I'll read the entire Protestant Revolution for starter's


Dennis August - Dec 6, 2023

WOW! Just seeing who Calvin was I've got to read this! THANKS!


Dennis August - Dec 6, 2023

Thanks mea culpa.I'll read the link you gave thanks!


Mary - Dec 4, 2023


Pandoras box was opened. Humanity has been hacked.


Webe1 - Dec 4, 2023


I recall reading that our dna has been altered more than a dozen times already.


Mary - Dec 4, 2023

I don't doubt it.


Duchess - Dec 4, 2023


May, could, could have. may improve, yada yada yada.
So fixated on what what could be possible...they never stop to think if they SHOULD.


Roman S Shapoval - Dec 4, 2023

The Power Couple by Roman Shapo…

Implantable sensors will further disrupt our ability to regulate calcium, leading to more heart attacks and chronic disease:


Stephane Roy - Dec 5, 2023

Stephane’s Substack

Diaminophenothiazine (MB) therefore in low dosage would you suggest is still indicated being a calcium channel modifier and vaso toner in action?
Coincidentally on the positive there are known anti-cancer phenothiazine properties producing glioblastoma G1 cycle cell arrest. Pharmakeia is always the tightrope.


kaal - Dec 4, 2023


This is normalizing WBAN, health care from the inside out and transhumanism.


Lou - Dec 4, 2023

🖕 Big Pharma and DARPA with their nanotechBull$hit🖕


Warrior Spirit - Dec 4, 2023

Full Disclosure

They already have those technologies and they already experiment it on innocent people. How do you think people suddenly experience heart attack out of no where. How do you think people suddenly have palpitations or their blood pressure goes up. I am one of the victims. There is a chip in my body and they have access to my body. All this is real.


Lynette Devries - Dec 4, 2023

Full Disclosure

The main reason for sudden heart attack is the new strange blood clots. In all their 20 to 30 years embalmer and morticians say they have never seen the like before. A good documentary is DIED SUDDENLY by STEW PETERS. Quite a few million people have seen it already, Maybe Rumble has it. Certain Spanish speaking doctors discovered BLUE TOOTH in their vaccinated patients. It did not stop even in the corpses in the grave yard.


Diana Barahona - Dec 4, 2023

Full Disclosure

I think cardiac arrest is often caused by scarring on the heart from the snake venom, which interrupts the electrical signal. Of course, having a big piece of plastic clogging your vein or artery will kill you as well.


kaal - Dec 4, 2023


unfortunately i was thinking that. and there are probably others who have taken the tech stated in the article willingly.


Diana Barahona - Dec 4, 2023

Full Disclosure

If the chip is 3rd density and not etheric, raising your consciousness to the 4th density should get rid of it. To raise your consciousness, let go of ego (Lester Levenson explained how) and adopt an attitude of trust in God, giving and gratitude.


Julie Stander - Dec 5, 2023

Writing from the Heart Jewel

I agree with that.


420MedicineMan - Dec 5, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

Raising your consciousness to 4th density will not eradicate a Mesogen Plasmonic/Demon chip in the brain. You won't be as aggressive or angry as the fellow chipped, which is a good thing.


420MedicineMan - Dec 5, 2023

420MedicineMan’s Substack

I had a mate who had titanium hip, ex para trooper. Over the years the titanium and heavy metals leeched into his surrounding tissues and blood, not pretty. There was huge controversy over that actually and recall, all the Orthos had to use the ceramic implants again. More money more surgery more early deaths...

REPLY | https://www.theguardian.com/society/2018/nov/26/firm-pays-out-nhs-defective-hip-replacements

michael janket - Dec 5, 2023

michael janket

Worrisome abuse potential- BEWARE!


Jean Pierre LaRocque - Dec 4, 2023

Jean Pierre LaRocque

Naw more like bringing Billy the Goat Gates and his eugenists 194 countries to our supposed well being!


BlazeCloude3 - Dec 4, 2023 - Edited


OH MY...Total 'Cognitive Dissonance' here...
Impossible to imagine the same 'Dolt Scientist's Botching Shit';
loyal to the Black Nobility committing Genocide,
perpetrating both a modern-day Slavery Trade
and running Drugs so poisonous it's not even necessary
to consume them to be killed by them, to have
This paradox is not one possible to learn to live with without anxiety.


Jan de Jong - Dec 5, 2023

Quotes, Definitions & Reminders…

Talk to an arbitrary American and the only word that comes out of his mouth is MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY, MONEY .....
Darpa is not interested to help people, they only see big MONEY ....


elcasto - Dec 7, 2023

Quotes, Definitions & Reminders…

WOW !!! same page here , Because most of us Hard Workers !!! know !


jacquelyn sauriol - Dec 5, 2023

The possibilities are endless, indeed.



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