Heroic Attorney Bobbie Anne Flower Cox speaks to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jul 27, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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The unconstitutional forced quarantine regulation promulgated by Governor Hochul and her Department of Health has been struck down, and they are barred from enforcing or re-issuing this regulation.

The Court's decision can be read here:


More details about the case can be found here:


Here is Bobbie Anne Flower Cox’s presentation on her legal strategy presented to Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics:

Bobbie Anne Flower Cox

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John Schroeder - Sep 20, 2022

To Bobbie Anne, from Australia, much love , and our prayers for your selfless work , and sacrifice, we are
deeply indebted to you and appreciate all that you are doing: God Bless:

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