Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 23, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Dear Subscribers around the world,

today in America is a day to give thanks and I wanted to send you a message of profound gratitude for your support and sharing of the information posted. With all of the censorship and denial of nanotechnology and the blood findings, together we still were able to do amazing things, wake up many people and create much awareness around the world.

Thank you also very much to my paid subscribers!! I greatly appreciate your kindness and generosity to support my work. You have helped to support much research, donations to legal causes and new endeavors. THANK YOU.

I received a sweet email from a friend, asking me what she should believe, because there is so much conflicting information out there. My response is, believe what you want. Look at all of the information given to you by many different sources and then go with the recommendation that speaks to you. Your choice and belief is what matters. Why do you think Big Pharma has to do double blind studies? What is called the “Placebo effect” is extremely powerful on the mind. Yes, a sugar pill can heal you if you believe it.

In my mind, the only thing that matters is to be true to yourself. The world will easily forsake you and people who once thought the world of you will leave you by the wayside if you no longer fit into their mental box. At the end of the day, THE PRIVILEGE OF FREE WILL is to choose what is our own knowing, to make our own decisions and have the opportunity to live the consequences of our choices. That is what freedom is all about. It is not to enslave others to one’s belief system. We offer information and allow everyone to choose their path in freedom.

I have lived through much this year, met many people, had many interactions, many opportunities. It is not that one stands out more than the other, its the journey. In the end the peace in my own soul, that I did not deceive anyone, did not lie to anyone, did not bend to fame or social pressures, is the greatest gift I am left with. I spent countless hours researching, contemplating and observing. What I gained is knowledge and wisdom. People who have not walked this journey do not know what I know and have not lived what I have lived - just like I have not walked in their shoes. That does not make them wrong or me right. It makes us uniquely different in our perspectives.

That I did what I could to help people, and allowed them their choices has been important to me - and that I spoke up when I saw something was not working and harming people. Was everyone happy about it? No, but that is their free will. In the end, many were helped and many lives saved, and that is what matters to me - so there is much to be grateful about. I am older and wiser and still alive. That is an amazing gift!

I am grateful for amazing collaborations with great minds with whom I shared a part of the journey - Clifford Carnicom, Dr. David Nixon and other microscopers, the team of National American Renaissance Movement with special thanks to David Meiswinkle and Dr Joseph Sansone for their lion warrior spirit, Dr Len Ber and Targeted Justice, the amazing Interest of Justice team in Costa Rica - God bless all your efforts. All of the media hosts who helped spread the word - SGT report, Maria Zeee, Stew Peters, Greg Hunter, James Grundvig, the AMP news team and Jason Bermas, Ann Vandensteel, Major Jeff Prather, Todd Callender and the Vaxxchoice team, Silk from Diamond and Silk and many more. Shout out and thanks to truth bringers Elana Freeland, Nikki Florio, Dr Anita Braxas, special thanks to Karen Kingston. Thanks to Pastor McCloud and the group of “Solutions for the end times”. Thanks to Dr Ed Group and Dr. Rich Olree and others that I have interacted and shared with. I am certain there are others, if I forgot to mention you, thank you!

Huge appreciation to my wonderful patients and my superstar AM Medical team who bends at a moments notice and adjusts my busy schedule to support all this international work. Their brilliant love, genius, and hardworking attitude to serve everyone walking into our door has deserved the title of “my beautiful angels helping all”. I am so proud of you and love what you do to help desperate people and uplift their spirit with your kindness and devotion! Thank you to my wonderful Tru Blu Medical Angel and other volunteers who have helped create magic this year! Special thanks to Ghostbuster, Jonathan and Richard!

I hope everyone who reads these lines looks at yourself with kind appreciation this day, that you had the open mind to explore new knowledge and learn about things that in many people’s minds is too fearful to even consider. Your braveness by the mere act of studying what you did not know before, is remarkable. I hope you CELEBRATE YOU AND YOUR LIFE!

I can tell you I have enjoyed my discoveries and my journey with the microscope. It makes me remember what Bilbo Baggins said to Frodo in my favorite movie: “The Lord of the Rings”.

“It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your door. You step onto the road, and if you don't keep your feet, there's no knowing where you might be swept off to.”

― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

I would change this for modern times:

“It’s dangerous business, everyone, looking down the microscope at human blood these days. You start the journey of observation, and if you keep an open mind and continue researching, there is no knowing what alien adventures you might encounter”

-Dr Ana Mihalcea

You have to keep a sense of laughter and humor about this all…


Image courtesy: The MIT post

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Joy Lucette Garner - Nov 23, 2023

Joy’s Newsletter

God bless you Ana! I am thankful for you!

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Sandy K - Nov 23, 2023

Sandy K

Thank you, Dr Ana! You and all the Truthers and Light Healers are in my prayers every night, and I always add, "Lord God, I don't know who all of them are, but I know you do, and I'm adding my prayers for their protection to the many others also praying for them. So may it be. Thank you."

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