Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 23, 2022 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Dear friends all around the world,
Thanksgiving is a holiday in the United States - a day to remember all we are grateful for. Writing this substack has been a wonderful opportunity to share information and knowledge with the world. I want to thank my subscribers and a special thanks also to those who supported my work with a paid subscription. Your wonderful comments, views, pleas and explanations have been very enlightening.
Amongst all of this disturbing news, I always remember that the miracle of the divine human species is worth fighting for, no matter the cost. So many people have lost so much and it would be easy to despair.
I have seemingly lost things in this battle, but what I gained has been absolutely wonderful. This year I truly had the experience of the world as family, as many of my closest friends and colleagues are spread around the world. I have special gratitude for my friends Shimon Yanowitz, David Nixon and Matt Taylor who tirelessly and without any concern for themselves give of their brilliant mind to help humanity. All my life I have felt most comfortable with the real science “Nerds” - that can spend endless time figuring stuff out with. We never care about our reputations or what people think about our work, we just like to KNOW. I love those guys.
While many have ignored our research findings, we have had invaluable allies like Stew Peters and Maria Zeee and others who have helped us get the word out and I am grateful for the opportunity. Thank you to Gary Null, Tom Quinn, Serge Brown. Thank you to my Radio show Producer Gaz and Moderator Vanessa on People for People Radio who made possible my own show. Thanks to my friends Shasta Ericson and Nikki Florio.
I have met many fellow brilliant scientists worldwide via Medical Doctors for Covid Ethics International and our twice weekly meetings continue to be an important venue to gather and share important research information and have excellent discussions. I am grateful to Dr. Stephen Frost for inviting me to the group. The International Research Collaboration on C19 vial content has some of the most brilliant and dedicated scientists, I have ever had the privilege to work with - and it is and has been a mind expanding journey to communicate daily in our valuable science chatroom and weekly in our meetings. Never underestimate the power of a dedicated group of visionary researchers, who despite great risk to their own lives in their respective countries work to help bring light to this most complex subject of evaluating the C19 injection infrastructure of transhumanism and its possible solutions - Happy Thanksgiving to them in Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Germany and other places. As long as there are scientists and doctors with ethics and personal morality in the world, who’s souls cannot be bought - there is hope.
I would like to thank those who helped share this work and have recommended my substack. Thank you to the Romanian News that is translating my posts into Romanian. I am honored that people in the motherland of my parents, that I only briefly visited a couple times, find hope and interest in my writing. While I cannot write in Romanian, I can read in that language and understand it. My parents journey fleeing from communist Romania to Germany to give myself and my brother a life in freedom is an important inspiration now. My dear mom, a retired brilliant physician and my first great teacher of medicine - who reads my substacks and trembles for my life - I send her my love. She did not keep her mouth shut in communist Romania, so why should her daughter keep her mouth shut now, during the biggest fight that humanity has ever faced? Ain’t happening, mom. Love you.
Thanks to those subscribers that inquire about my health, it is excellent, and yes, I always treat myself first. My blood is long clear after one EDTA Chelation. I treat myself with everything I recommend to people - and in my mind that is the best recommendation to my treatments. I love my amazing new microscope and check it regularly. Many allopathic doctors would not take the poison they prescribe to their patients, but continue to do so for a paycheck, social status and acceptance. I am not in that category and I am grateful to serve my patients with care that I believe in.
To those who are upset that I do not respond to your comments - I try to read them. I now have 10.000 subscribers, some days have 20.000 views as well as comments from my rumble channel. Sometimes the emails are overwhelming. I still have a full time medical practice, I do a lot of research, I write, I give interviews. I do what I can. To answer every desperate cry for help is not possible, and I cannot give medical advice to people who are not my patients. All I can tell you is to continue reading the information and hopefully you will garner the answers you need.
To those who have shared with me articles and research - thank you. The one thing we must do is study, study, study - to broaden our mind and increase our knowledge. Only through this process can be even begin to understand the weapons against us by an elite that is decades ahead in science, technology, funding - combined with diabolical intent and ambition.
Take heart my friends. Life is precious. In my book Light Medicine - A New Paradigm - The Science of Light, Spirit and Longevity I wrote what I absolutely believe: Artificial Intelligence does not hold the greatest future for humanity. The realization of our divine brilliance, living in freedom, health, prosperity - that is a future we all have a right to live - and that is worth fighting for. We must be the change we want to see. We must be incorruptible, if we want to end corruption. We must stop being deceivers, if we want to stop deception. We must learn to love and protect all life - if we as a species want to survive.
Happy Thanksgiving,
Dr. Ana
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Jean Pierre LaRocque - Nov 24, 2022
Jean Pierre LaRocque
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Eternitybound - Nov 24, 2022
That was a heartfelt letter. Thanks to you and all the other selfless people.
Our only hope is in Jesus Christ. What is happening now has been foretold throughout the Bible. Especially Revelation. Only God can overcome all the evil happening now. He has won. Give your life to Him. Repent. Accept Him as Lord and Savior. Believe He died for you, for your sins. Jesus will be coming soon to rapture His people. Happy Thanksgiving 💜
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