Happy Holidays and A Fantastic New Year 2025!

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Dec 23, 2024 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Dear Subscribers,

as the holidays and the new year 2025 draw near, I would like to thank you all from my heart for all of your support this year. In review, what a year it has been! Reflecting back it truly has been a journey filled with adversity, tenacity, joy’s, connections with beautiful souls, reveals and the struggle for truth and justice. I am very proud of the work of National ARM and its efforts in delivering grand jury petitions to 25 Governors and Attorney Generals. I am also very proud of the tremendous work of my fellow National ARM board member Dr. Joseph Sansone, and his court cases of Writ of Mandamus, and ongoing lawsuits and appeals. I have learned so much from this American hero, who not only underwent heart surgery himself not too long ago but also had terrible personal loss this year. Despite this tremendous adversity, he continued to fight for freedom and humanity. It is so easy to be disappointed in human nature, cowardliness, greed and deceit - but this makes the attributes of courage, persistence and integrity even more rare and precious - and certainly they are worth celebrating.

I also congratulate Targeted Justice for their efforts and growth - we had our annual Board meeting. The tremendous achievement of this organization in their legal battles while all members are themselves targeted and have tremendous adversity to overcome - is truly inspiring. I am honored to be an Advisory Board Member and believe that their work has importance for all of humanity that is facing smart city concentration camps and total surveillance, digital identity and social credit score enslavement and remote harassment via AI directed automated weapons technologies. As the number of illegally targeted and surveilled civilians is exponentially increasing, their work and legal actions is truly precious.

Alongside with treating patients from all over the world in my clinic, I have continued my research and produced my two books Transhuman Vol 1 - The Real Covid Agenda and Transhuman Vol 2 - Overcoming the Transhuman Agenda. These books have catalogued my own and the research of impeccable scientists on the COVID19 bioweapons, geoengineering, military cognitive warfare and treatment solutions with EDTA and Vitamin C that have treated and improved the lives of many thousands of people, as doctors around the world are using these protocols to help the vaccine injured and those affected by shedding successfully.

These bestselling books have been used by Dr. Sansone as evidence for his court cases and have opened the eyes of many people to the threats of technocratic transhumanism.

Many people may say that our fight has not bore the fruits of justice served - but that does not mean that it will not manifest in the future. Truth is the highest principle we can strive to live, selfless and compassionate towards our fellow men and women, warning of dangers ahead that nobody can see with the naked eye. Truth always prevails, often at harsh cost to those who bring forth the truth. Regardless of the cost and the struggle, its time will come.

There also have been 44 episodes of Truth, Science and Spirit, and I appreciate having had the privilege to speak with great scientists, and fabulous human beings who have done their share in helping to bring forth human awakening.

In June of 2023, I wanted to start my own freedom movement, in which there would be a platform of like minded people to share the dangers of self assembly nanotechnology, and discuss the mind control aspect and spiritual warfare component of this war so that people could begin to understand what the plandemic really was about in the framework of Agenda 2030 and the technocratic dystopian vision for humanity. This substack now has 67000 subscribers around the world, and I am so grateful that together we have created our own platform of sharing important information with those who will hear it.

I AM STARTING A NEW FREEDOM MOVEMENT: Humanity United - For The Preservation Of The Human Species

I will be taking some days off writing to contemplate, rest and create my fabulous new year. I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate that so many of you have followed my work. I never wanted to have “followers” who just blindly believe me - but wanted to bring a different viewpoint that would allow people to be critical thinkers for themselves, with the ability to analyze information and not be deceived by narratives and nefarious ulterior motives - so they can protect themselves and their loved ones and regain and maintain their precious health.

We are still in the midst of a spiritual battle. As the satanic invocations begin over the high holidays and speculations are running rampant over the spiritual doors being opened by the Vatican -

Preparations begin for opening Holy Doors at Vatican, Rome basilicas

Satanist holiday display at MN State Capitol: Why is it there?

I will keep my eyes fixed on God and Christ Consciousness, the appreciation and love of the gift of life, the healing of our beautiful earth and the preciousness of our human spiritual experience. To a glorious and magnificent future!

I wish you a Merry Christmas, happy holidays, and a fantastic new year.

See you in 2025 - the year of Truth, Justice and transformative Change. Together we can do anything!

Warm regards, blessings of Joy and Health to all


Dr Ana

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Yowza - Dec 23

Yowza’s Substack

Merry Christmas to Team AMM and anyone that happens to read this.

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Chris Mettlen - Dec 23

Chris Mettlen

Thank you Ana for all your hard work and dedication, I admire all that you have put forth in our efforts for freedom, May God Bless you and your family this holiday season.

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