Groundbreaking air pollution study finds…

Mar 8, 2023

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I am reposting this article from


Douglass Hetherly - Mar 8, 2023

A beautiful highly intelligent woman doing the work of GOD. Thank You for your enduring work for GOD and Humanity.


Apologetic Yankee - Mar 8, 2023

Apologetic Yankee

"Ground Breaking" 🤔
Some of have been vehemently drawing attention to this for approx 2 Decades
End Climate Engineering > aka Man made Climate Change as Earth continues transitioning through the current Maunder Solar Minimum > see Milankovitch Cycles


denise ward - Mar 8, 2023


Couldn't we see it coming? Everywhere the water needs purifying, almost everyday the skies are putrid with artificial toxic clouds. How can this happen and everyone remain silent? Not only remain silent but continue to fund it and buy products and use chemicals that perpetuate it. It's not "climate change" it's pollution and the term needs to be changed. Thank you Ana for your tireless truth telling.


kaal - Mar 8, 2023


Any testing for smart dust?


Rupert Sayre - Mar 12, 2023

Hello, this is Rupert Sayre, the associate of The Shadow.
Dr. Ana, I saw your video with Maria Zee where you show microscope photographs of Graphene Oxide in the blood of the unvaccinated.
I'm also unvaccinated with the Covid Injections and using a children's microscope have also found these Graphene Oxide nanotubes and dark clouds in my blood.
Two weeks ago, I was feeling tired and put on a Tesla Purple Plate Disk to see what would happen. I felt more energized.
After seven days and seven nights of wearing the Purple Plate, I looked at my blood in the microscope. It looked like some of the Graphene Oxide nanotubes were glowing white. I also saw that some parts of the dark Graphene Oxide clouds were turning white like snow. I also saw pretty large clear or white crystals where before I saw light brown rocks.
Another seven days and nights have passed and I looked at my blood again. This time I saw a thick sea of red blood cells. Within this thick sea of red blood cells, I saw some empty white spaces that had the shape of the Graphene Oxide Nanotubes but there were no tubes there. I also saw fewer and smaller Graphene Oxide objects.
It looks like my experiments are showing that Tesla Purple Plate Energy -- which might be the same as Wilhelm Reich's Orgone Energy -- may be disintegrating the Graphene Oxide forms in my blood.
Dr. Ana, would you repeat my experiment to confirm this? If Orgone Energy does disintegrate Graphene Oxide, your confirming and reporting it would potentially help millions of people.
Yours Truly,
Rupert Sayre


Jodi France-Stephens - Mar 8, 2023

Jodi’s Substack

Thank you for providing this🙏🏼


(Comrade) Inugo - Mar 8, 2023

The New Normal

From the paper:
"This study was supported by the Australian Research Council (grant number DP210102076), the Australian Medical Research Future Fund (grant number 2015916), and the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (grant number APP2000581). YG was supported by the Career Development Fellowship (award number APP1163693) and Leader Fellowship (award number APP2008813) of the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council. SL was supported by an Emerging Leader Fellowship of the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (award number APP2009866). WY was supported by a Monash Graduate Scholarship, Monash International Tuition Scholarship, and a Centre for Air Pollution, Energy, and Health Research (Australia) PhD top-up scholarship. TY was supported by the China Scholarship Council (award number 201906320051). We thank Fiona Hore-Lacy from the Monash Centre for Occupational and Environmental Health, School of Public Health and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, for assisting in proofreading the manuscript."


(Comrade) Inugo - Mar 8, 2023

The New Normal

All based on this document. So we trust the WHO now? Go on...


(Comrade) Inugo - Mar 8, 2023

The New Normal

Read all the references cited. I trust NONE of any of this. How could anyone at this point?


Unagnu - Mar 9, 2023


Well, it started out well. Then I read who was providing the 'data' and I immediately went, 'oh, paid study' we know how THAT data gets collected and twisted. And then my second thought, the people doing the geo enegineering by spraying chem trails for cloud seeding etc... yup there's where alot of your pollution comes from today. Gee. You would think they want you to come to a foregone conclusion!


(Comrade) Inugo - Mar 8, 2023

The New Normal

All the ERRONEOUS baseline data from every cited reference stemmed from 2009 Climategate.


(Comrade) Inugo - Mar 8, 2023

The New Normal

And these are the references from that study. haha
Whaley P, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Burns J, editors (2021). Update of the WHO global air quality
guidelines: systematic reviews. Environ Int. 142(Special issue) (https://www.sciencedirect.
com/journal/environment-international/special-issue/10MTC4W8FXJ, accessed 17 June 2021).
WHO (2015). Resolution WHA68.8. Health and the environment: addressing the health impact
of air pollution. In: Sixty-eighth World Health Assembly, Geneva, 18–26 May 2015. Geneva:
World Health Organization (, accessed
19 November 2020).
WHO (2020). Personal interventions and risk communication on air pollution. Geneva:
World Health Organization (, accessed
21 June 2021).
WHO Regional Office for Europe (1987). Air quality guidelines for Europe. Copenhagen:
WHO Regional Office for Europe (, accessed
25 June 2021).
WHO Regional Office for Europe (2000). Air quality guidelines for Europe, second
edition. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe (
handle/10665/107335, accessed 24 June 2021).
WHO Regional Office for Europe (2006). Air quality guidelines – global update 2005. Particulate
matter, ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for
Europe (, accessed 28 June 2021).
WHO Regional Office for Europe (2010). WHO guidelines for indoor air quality: selected
pollutants. Copenhagen: WHO Regional Office for Europe (
handle/10665/260127, accessed 24 June 2021)


Truth Matters - Mar 16, 2023

Truth’s Substack

Follow Lex Greene, writer with a serious background…
WHERE IS THE UNITY OF PEOPLE doing things that matter to restore our Constitutional Republic???


BlazeCloude3 - Mar 8, 2023


We are now aware of the EXTREME LEVELS OF PROPGANDA, RHETORIC, OUTRIGHT LIES, and MASS MURDER the Media of all kinds and Asinine Academics are more than willing to propagate and contribute to for any number of malicious reasons revolving around ILLEGAL POWER GRABS and GREED.
Don't believe a word of anything remotely connected to geo-engineered 'Climate Change' or 'Pollution' any longer. Until there is a return to honor, integrity and decency across the board, human beings everywhere are wise to BELEIVE NOTHING THE ELITES, DELUSIONAL TO BELIEVE THEMSELVES AUTHORITIES, SAY.


Crosby Guy - Mar 10, 2023

Time to enclose my garden, open air gardening just got tuffer. When the going gets tuff, the ruff get going.


Larry Druhall - Mar 8, 2023

Solution Seeking

This is an excellent article. The site linked below gives current and historical PPM 2.5 data for the entire planet. There are large seasonal variations. This is what the map shows for NOW.,,13.15,361/loc=-121.566,47.179,13.15,361/loc=-121.566,47.179,47.179,47.179
And this is what the map shows 2017-08-08 17:00 UTC.,13.15,361/loc=-121.566,47.179,13.15,361/loc=-121.566,47.179,47.179,47.179


kaal - Mar 8, 2023


Dr Robert O Young shows all this same stuff in the injectables. he also shows how to test ppl for MAC addresses coming from ppls bodies. Go to public place and show ppl 1 after another that they have embedded mac addresses and are bio hacked. Would overturn deniers and those who try to cover this up and create MASS outrage.


Jodi France-Stephens - Mar 8, 2023

Jodi’s Substack

More great news 😞


Jerry - Jul 18, 2023

We cannot depend on the courts. The only way to correct things at this point is to unite and start eliminating the corrupted. No jesus christ is coming to save us and we are not going to PRAY this evil from this planet. The righteous will not win by playing by man made laws nor by prayer alone. Yes, there's power in prayer, but not the kind to rid this world of the darkness. I am a ti, and have knowledge of our military,police,state,county and an all black Organized crime brotherhood working hand in hand together, connecting all utilities and using energy weapons from underground to cause every health issue imaginable and torturing those that are paying attention or oppose their one world government . Hate to say it but, mass bloodshed is going to be the only way.... ty ana for all your love and dedication to exposing the truth. I send a blessing to keep you happy,healthy and safe! Again, ty


Ace - Jul 15, 2023

The God of the universe will protect His children and bring the perpetrators to justice. No weapon formed against us will prosper.


Karen - Jul 13, 2023

You were sent here for this time…to help save us…thank you Dr. Ana❤️❤️



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