Global Healing – Truth, Science and Spirit Ep…

Feb 29, 2024

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KellyG - Mar 1


Fantastic interview!
You let Dr Group talk uninterrupted without worrying about directing the interview to any agenda, and maybe laid out in your initial talk. I'd heard Dr. Group in docuseries before, but this was much better as it wasn't broken down to specifics regarding the series. I learned much more about both of you, and your expanse of knowledge in various areas, and liked your follow up to Dr. Groups awesome opening, when you stated
it takes people like (the two of you whose training goes beyond the normal allopathic training), that sprit and science go together, knowing all aspects of the being, including the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual realms that are being it wasn't just one thing we're dealing with, but a multiweapon system that reaches into demonic realms and other dimensions because we are multidimensional beings, and as we are awakening to a new reality that is much broader, and at the same time creating new paradigms that have been suppressed previously...and then went into what you found out about his products, like the type of gold in his Methylene Blue, which is good to know.
So much more, as you worked together so well.


Elspeth Ham - Mar 1

Elspeth’s Substack

You just said it. So all I look for is further discussions to continue. This is the first I've experienced where the heart of the matter is allowed to carry on without being cut off like a tease. Thank you Dr Ana and Dr Group. Avanti.


KellyG - Mar 1


Agreed, I just posted this underneath on Rumble, it was sooooo refreshing.
I'm finally finishing this interview, and it has to be one of the best I've heard, not only for the content, but how you both worked together by taking the time to let each other speak, and not try to talk over each other. Every other podcaster, newscaster, or interviewer should take notices and lessons for that matter. It allowed so much information to be told instead of hearing bits and pieces bouncing back and forth.
Thank you both Dr. Ana and Dr. Group!!


DawnieR - Mar 1


Thank You Dr. Ana, for exposing Dr. Group to others! Dr. of the few REAL Doctors out there!! I've been a 'fan', going 'way' back, when Dr. Group started going on InfoWars.


Eric - Mar 1


Global? As in globe earth?
That is the biggest lie ever told.
Research flat earth.


DawnieR - Mar 1


You CIA trolls/bots really need to give it a rest! Move along!!


Eric - Mar 1


Me cia? 🤣🤣🤣
Your indoctrination is showing!
Globers are 19,000 time more indoctrinated than Covididiots ever were…


DawnieR - Mar 1


Sweetie, you have that backwards! Since it IS the 'flat Earthers' who are the ones indoctrinated!
There are MANY ways to understand that the Earth is a sphere; Our planets' dimensions are even encoded into The Great Pyramid....which is much, much, much, MUCH older than what 'they' say it is. Those who BELIEVE (as opposed to THINK!) that Earth is flat, have a Low IQ (if not retardation), or they are part of the CIA's ('flat earth') PsyOp. Either way......move along!!


gail - Oct 16


Even the Bible says it is a sphere!


Key of David - Oct 14

Key’s Substack

Do you believe what the Bible says?
Isaiah 40:22-26
King James Version
22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:
23 That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity.
Isaiah specifically says that the Earth is a circle and that men were like grasshoppers which means they were giants on it you should check out mud fossil University on YouTube.
I don't want to argue I just wanted to give you this scripture to say that Isaiah was a prophet of God


Jeff Stinson - Mar 1

Key’s Substack

You can apply for a job in antarctica, I used to fight forest fires with someone who used to work there. How can the Earth be flat with 24 hour sun in antarctica?


Key of David - Oct 14

Key’s Substack

Isaiah 40:22-26
King James Version
22 It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in:
23 That bringeth the princes to nothing; he maketh the judges of the earth as vanity.


Eric - Mar 1

Jeff, please wake up..water bends?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️!


Jeff Stinson - Mar 1

Ever seen a raindrop?


Eric - Mar 1

You seriously have no idea wth you’re talking about…
Indoctrinated: Just like a covididiot


Jeff Stinson - Mar 1

Dude I was never injected or tested.


Eric - Mar 1

Me neither
You’re 10,000 times more indoctrinated in spinning globe in space than covididiots ever were


Jeff Stinson - Mar 1

I can disprove any flat Earth we with one sentence.


Anonymous - Mar 1



James Marshall - Mar 1

James’s Substack

I consider myself to be one of the more fortunate people in life in that I have already been dead ( I died during chest surgery ) so I know there is something to come after this. I just wonder how we are going to deal with this. Like everyone else I am just trying to survive right now, and it is not easy. I'm just waiting for everyone around me to start dying. If I survive this I'm not quite sure what kind of world I'm going to be living in. I s anyone else feeling like this right now?


Carol B - Mar 1

Carol B

My husband, 66, UNvaxxed, has been suffering, very infrequently, mildly, with rapid heart beat, skipping beats, etc... Just worrisome. He’s fit and runs and is worried about running.
He started onDr.Group’s mb and follows Dr.Levy’s 8 part protocol. See video with Ana & Levy. He is much, much better. Pretty much resolved.
He did see gp. Wore monitor, had ultrasound, stress test to come. Once you get locked in system, they’ll throw everything at you.
Writing to say he has seen improvement. Resolved.


Mark A Girard - Mar 1


Thanks, very interesting interview. Well done. Dr. Group is one of the sharpest minds out there with a broad base of knowledge. I was vax injured as a child and then was autistic before anyone heard of it, reading Camus and Dostoevsky in 4th grade. I got a ham radio license and a disc jockey license in middle school and became aware or Royal Rife and what happened to him through my mentors in radio. I got involved in the medical marijuana movement when I won a joint rolling contest backstage at a Steppenwolf concert and have been battling BIG PHARMA ever since. It became a major focus for me when my body was DESTROYED by the antibiotic Levaquin umpteen years ago. I won't go into great detail, just to say that this toxic class of drugs called fluoroquinolones wrecks mitochondrial DNA meaning every cell, every organ, every system, every membrane all floundering or failing simultaneously. I got "floxed", people need to look into it, but not what I am posting about, other than that we share the view that these horrific events in our lives happen for a reason, to build us up and to make us stronger. As is discussed here, it's important to remember that the most important part of fighting against the evil that is overwhelming this realm right now is to focus on the truth, wherever it is, whatever it is, however uncomfortable or how unpopular it may be. Thanks for telling the truth!


Carol B - Mar 1

Carol B

Yes, I tell the doctor (hardly ever go) I am allergic to floxies. Will not take them.


Pam Stamp - Mar 1

He is my favorite! I have most all of his products and take them. I found him 3 years ago. I thank both of you for sharing your knowledge! Those who don’t understand will never understand this world. They focus on the trip of their nose and not the whole. He is so right we are in a spiritual battle of dark and light evil and good Satan and God. The world better wake up before it’s to late. Even if we go down I don’t want to be killed by them in a hospital. I ll stay as healthy as I can .I have listened to all his podcasts that I can find that are free and all the healing of the ages he has been on but this is a little deeper than most subjects he goes into. I hope you two do more. You both are so knowledgeable I Thankyou both for sharing!


Sita Scott - Mar 1

Fascinating. Thanks for speaking on these things. It all knitted a lot of information from past years together for me. Thanks for giving us tools to think with, today.


Gregory May - Mar 1 - Edited

Gregory May

I feel polarized. So much information in general... I don't know 'who I am' anymore (thought I did), I don't know what I need and in what order... I'm not happy, nothing is right...just going in circles, maintaining my "life" as it is... not rocking the boat. I really don't know how to make changes and what changes, in what order... really struggling lately.


Stella - Mar 1 - Edited

Gregory May

So sorry Gregory.
We're all different and need different ways to find our balance, but I find this helps me a lot, brings me a kind of balance, upliftment and peace, might even help protect the aura from intrusion.


Gregory May - Mar 2

Gregory May

Thank you.


KellyG - Mar 1


Sorry to hear that Gregory, I saw a course on Dr. Groups site, Dr. Group's 9 Lessons To Transform Your Life that's fairly inexpensive, it's the first lesson on the page, and there's another one, Secrets of Happiness a bit more expensive further down.
I'm not sure these are what you need, as maybe direct communication with an expert. Dr. Ana does do teleconference calls, and could maybe help direct you.
Her site
Under Other websites
on the righthand side a list of services among others
Please note, it is required that all new patient visits are in person at AM Medical LLC. Individuals who do not reside in Washington State that would like to discuss feasibility of treatment at AM Medical LLC prior to their travel may schedule a teleconference appointment. Please call (360)960-8538.
Notice to patients: Telemedicine appointments have certain limitations of treatment and diagnosis due to the inability to perform in patient physical examinations. If you need prescriptions, they can be sent to a pharmacy near you, so please make sure you have pharmacy contact information available at time of appointment


Gregory May - Mar 1

Gregory May

Thank you.


Eric - Mar 1

Come back with proof of:
You’ll be the 1st in history
Wake up..


Kellzilla - Mar 1


Damn, last time i seen him was before Trump on Infowars , i tho he was dead. !
Good stuff.


Antonella - Feb 29 - Edited to clear yourself without risking your health...edta and methylene blue are hard on the body... I did EDTA in 2008, suppositories, felt terrible for a month like "fluey"


Widetracker - Feb 29


Isaiah 45:7 I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and that illuminates the evil: I the "I AM" do all these [things].


Merrick - Mar 3 - Edited

Reverent Merrick’s Oracle of Ri…



Nola - Oct 14 - Edited

Reverent Merrick’s Oracle of Ri…

Flat earth theory is based on ancient Hindu beliefs that earth rests on the back of 4 elephants which rest on the back of a giant turtle .. which rests on the back of another giant animal and so on to infinity. What does the bottom one stand on? Tell me, how are these giant animals alive after many thousands of years? If they are alive, what and how do they eat and defecate? If they are dead, what holds up the 'flat earth'?
Where does the sun go at night time? If the earth is flat and sun rises in east and sets in the west, how does sun always rise in east? Why doesn't it go east to west, then west to east, back and forth?


Merrick - Oct 14 - Edited

Reverent Merrick’s Oracle of Ri…

Investigate 🔎 prove me wrong before calling me a Lier, please!
jew Trek


Nola - Oct 13 - Edited

Reverent Merrick’s Oracle of Ri…

Flat earth is an ancient Hindu belief, long since disproved.


Merrick - Oct 13 - Edited

Reverent Merrick’s Oracle of Ri…

Every single thing in your biblescienceforom article is a Belief and not the Truth of what you See. In other words, all lies. Nobody in the history of mankind has ever seen a globe or curvature, EVER, of any kind, ever, never,ever, really! You are lost in the sauce, Believe no one!
Specially me! Do Your On Fuckin' Research(DYOFR), please!
The spinning, wobbling Waterball globe, orbiting the sun 93,000,000 million miles away in Fake/ Gay space. That's what you Believe, but won't Ever KNOW! You won't ever be able to PROVE me wrong. Show me just one real photograph of your fuckin' Fake/Gay space!
BELIEFS are just imaginary Lies, in other words, you don't really KNOW the TRUTH if you have never seen it, right? It's just our wonderful jeWnited Snakes of israeHell's 'satanic jew' lifelong, Indoctrinational programming, it's not TRUTH, my dear!
Have you ever seen a real photograph of a globe, our any curvature in your life; or felt us spinning 1000 miles an hour, chasing the sun at 66,000 miles an hour through Fake/Gay space??? All of these are just Beliefs, LIES, Not the Truth. And yes, It's The jews, and their synagogue of satan.🖕🫵🔯🇮🇱🔯🤡🌎😎
Of course not. We are on the stationary, Floor, of the Cosmological Universe. A Topographicaly, Horizontal, level, potentially infinite, plane. Antarctica is a cartoon!
You just BELIEVE their lies. You've never honestly ever seen a Globe Earth, right?
Nobody can prove something unless they see it, like viruses, if it's invisible, it doesn't exist, it's imaginary, right? I absolutely KNOW what I see before my eyes, and that is the TRUTH, not an imaginary BELIEF in our brainwashed imagination.
Om Swastiastu 🕉 Rahayu Rahayu Rahayu 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🙌 "My Prayers and Blessings" in the Hindu Balinese language.


Nola - Oct 14 - Edited

Reverent Merrick’s Oracle of Ri…

If beliefs are imaginary why couldn't this also include YOUR beliefs? Why is there a crescent shaped moon - what causes the curved shadow? Is the moon (and other planets) also flat? Where does the sun go at night when it sets in the west? How does it rise each morning in the east? If the earth is flat why doesn't sun rise alternatively in the east then west; west then east?
If the earth is flat, why can't I see the highest mountains in the far distance? Why, when I stand where there are no visible mountains, do I only see a saucer shaped horizon in all directions?
Any time I ask questions of a flat earth believer, they never prove their point. They merely say those who don't believe in 'flat earth' are ignorant, brainwashed, haven't done their research, or similar responses to escape having to proving their point.
I learned about 'flat earth' at school 70 years ago, and that it was a Hindu belief.
But whatever you believe, we are all here on the same planet.


Merrick - Oct 14

Reverent Merrick’s Oracle of Ri…

The sun definitely has never risen nor set. It just goes away in the distance. Because of Attenuation you, of course can’t see forever! You can ALWAYS bring it back with a telescope or with a new high-quality digital camera.
When you're under water at one end of a swimming pool, you can’t see the other end, right? That’s Attenuation. The human eye can’t see forever, silly!
The stars, or Luminaries as they are called in the Bible, are just Lights in the sky! They are in the Firmament. Not beyond. NASA and SPACE are just 100% Fake And Gay!


Merrick - Oct 14 - Edited

Reverent Merrick’s Oracle of Ri…

I lived on the Hindu Island of Bali for 30 years. I been around our potentially infinite, Topographicaly, Horizontal, flat, Stationary Earth twice!
Ya know, there are 12 volcanos on Bali, four active? The largest and most active volcano is called Gunung Agung or in English The Navel of the Universe.


Merrick - Oct 14 - Edited

Reverent Merrick’s Oracle of Ri…

I'll chat again tomorrow, and introduce you to the subject that You don't KNOW shit about. You just been BELIEVIN' Lies, Nola.
I'm five years younger then you. good night.
Om Swastiastu 🕉 Rahayu Rahayu Rahayu


Merrick - Oct 14 - Edited

Reverent Merrick’s Oracle of Ri…

Gal dang! You think I got time to explain the Truth to you, and who said I had beliefs?


Elias Alias - Mar 2

Elias Alias

This video and my copy of Arthur Firstenberg's book, "The Invisible Rainbow" could be said to be the neap and nape of the chariot of truth. My life is happier and more fulfilled by just these two genius presentations, one on film and the other as a book.
Thank you sincerely! May you both walk always within Love's Thought System.
Elias Alias, The Mental Militia


Stella - Mar 1

Loved Dr. Group’s interview here, agree with so much, especially the spiritual things, energy, Light and Sound! The spiritual path I’ve been a member of for decades also teaches this, including what we call Soul Travel. As well as to see the Light which uplifts consciousness and has healing benefits, as well as the Sound Current.
I still investigate everything for myself. I recently looked for and found only a couple natural plant based vitamin supplements sans chemicals….as recently I threw away my chemically derived vitamins after reading this:
Looking on Dr. Group’s supplements labels, his Vitamin D3 says:
“Experience the power of the sun with our premium vitamin D supplement. It’s plant-based, derived from organic lichen and contains cholecalciferol– the biologically active vitamin D your body produces when you enjoy natural sunlight.”
It says contains “cholecalciferol”, which if I’m to believe the linked article above is chemically derived? Perhaps small amounts are fine. But I guess I’ll avoid all of it if possible.
Also, I’m interested in Dr. Ana’s take on this article about Methylene Blue. I’m no expert on anything, wondering if this is misinformation?:
Hope not to sound negative here, just trying to figure things out. Really enjoyed Dr. Group’s insights. And Love Dr. Ana!



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