GET IT OUT - My Interview With Major Dr. Sam Sigoloff, A Great American Hero

Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Feb 26, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source

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Here is the link to this interview:

Dr Ana Mihalcea and Dr Sam Sigoloff - GET IT OUT

I had the great honor to be invited to speak with Major Dr. Samuel Sigoloff on his Podcast “After Hours with Dr. Sigoloff”. He has been one of my great inspirational heroes in this war. Not only is Dr. Sigoloff a physician, but also a Major in the Army. He listened to his soul and wrote vaccine exemptions for his patients. He was punished for this, was ordered not to discuss the vaccines or see patients and his medical license in Texas is under investigation.

Here is an article by Children’s Health Defense about how the US Army treats those brave and honorable doctors who remember their oath to do no harm:

Military Doctor Punished for Granting Exemptions to COVID Vaccine Mandate, Court Documents Reveal

As a physician, I have been beyond disillusioned by the cowardice and lack of conscience of healthcare providers around the world - fellow physicians and nurses -who administered genocidal injections just to keep their jobs and paycheck. Yes, many took the shots themselves, but still, they allowed themselves to be used for a genocidal military operation of depopulation. They did harm and performed medical experimentation without proper informed consent, a violation of the Nuremberg Code. These healthcare workers, many who to this day still give these shots, will be addressed as war criminals in the future. I am grateful that Katherine Watts published documentation to remind them of that.

Doctors like Sam Sigoloff are rare and precious role models of what it means to have the honor to care for fellow human beings. It means you sacrifice your own self interests to serve the lives of others and remember your oath. In our interview, we speak about our souls and the spiritual aspect of this war, as well as address the Nanotechnology, toxic metals and EDTA Chelation amongst other therapeutic options.

There are things we as doctors just cannot do, regardless of what punishment should come our way. What Dr. Sigoloff exemplifies, is not just applicable to doctors. A human being who takes a stand against great evil, regardless of the potential personal cost, lives what is the greatest in us - our incorruptible spiritual essence. He is a father with children and it is important to him what role model he portrays to the next generation. He has much to potentially loose and yet is willing to put the life he worked for at risk for Truth.


Beyond standing up for his patients and fellow service members, Dr. Sigoloff sued Lloyd J Austin, III, United States Secretary of Defense, Christine Wormuth, Secretary of the Army, Anthony William Hale, Commanding General of Fort Huachuca, Anthony R. Hale and United States Department of Defense.

He asked the judge for an injunction to stop the Covid shot mandate for the Army. The Army is the only military branch without an injunction.

I hope you listen to our discussion.

I would also like to ask my subscribers from all of my heart to please support Dr. Sigoloff via his Patreon. This helps him for his legal cases. Please rally in support of this great American Hero. THANK YOU 💙

Dr. Sigoloff Contacts:

Patreon After Hours Dr. Sigoloff





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StellaMaris - Feb 26, 2023


The war might be over tomorrow...... something should have already happened to try and stop this.....the WHO treaty is tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "There are amendments proposed to international law that are binding. Waiting for changes of the original document upon approval from the different nations. 307 amendments, plus extra annexes. In short, signatories from all these countries will discuss matters further, while they will not need approval from their legislations for signing the final document" 194 countries are about to sign over their national sovereignty to the W.H.O. on February 27th in a new P•nd•mic Treaty. This would give the W.H.O. LEGAL AUTHORITY to declare a P•nd•mic and manage the response of every nation including lock-downs, mandatory vac••nations, 24/7 surveillance of the population, supply chains and much more. This is the greatest threat to humanity right now. It would be the end of the world & freedom as we know it

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Larry Druhall - Feb 26, 2023

Solution Seeking

Hello Dr. Ana Mihalcea. This is inspirational, relevant, and meaningful. This was just cross referenced to Solution Seeking Substack with the following explanation.
Please consider looking at this relevant and meaningful post. The post contains solution suggestions. Some are considering what to do if suggested actions like what are discussed in the post continue to fail to generate significant meaningful results. Thank you.

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