Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Jan 24, 2023 ∙ Paid ∙ Source
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Geoengineering, Synthetic Biology, Artificial Intelligence and the Metaverse
In this new Episode of Dr. Ana’s Science of Light Radio Show, I discuss with Sofia Smallstorm the historical beginning of synthetic biology transhumanist human transformation that became evident in the 1990’s - when humans were infected with Morgellon’s disease, a synthetic biology sprayed on the planet via geoengineering warfare. Morgellons fibers have sensing and transmitting capability just like the current synthetic artificial intelligence biology in the C19 shots, and their components are similar: Hydrogel, Metals, Q-Dot, self assembly, nanotechnology chips/ crystals and genetic engineering/ modification via synthetic gain of function bacterial/ viral/ animal and plant gene transfection. What is the goal of this transformation? To get as much data about humans and upload them into the artificial intelligence metaverse and continually refine the digital twin - as well as de-evolving humans to a lower form of potential realization. Our data, activities, biological processes, DNA sequences are all harvested for this goal. In the meantime making people as miserable as possible in the “real” world…”You will own nothing and be happy”… while pushing people into an artificial “Matrix” like reality.
Sofia Smallstorm is an independent researcher who has written and presented extensively on hidden agendas and complex events since her work on 9/11. In the process of researching that topic she discovered the phenomenon of artificial clouds and geoengineering or chemtrails. From this, she came to acknowledge the presence of a synthetic biology agenda in the activities that constitute everyday life.
In 2013 she began researching corporate government, Technocracy and the smart grid, and the impact these mechanisms of control are having on public freedom and public health.
Sofia’s interviews and podcasts can be found on YouTube, although many have been scrubbed (check other platforms as well).Topics range widely, with more recent focus on biology and health.
Sofia Smallstorm is a graduate of Brown University. Her blog can be found at ,and her online store, which offers a range of products for what she calls bioremediation; is She has a monthly newsletter available by subscription.
Here is a link for the interview on Bitchute:
Geoengineering, Synthetic Biology, Artificial Intelligence and the Metaverse
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Kim D - Jan 24, 2023
Rudolf Steiner predicted the eigth sphere over a hundred years ago which is what you are describing.
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Theara - Jan 26, 2023
Theara’s Newsletter
there was also a web site about it that disappeared, unfortunately :Data Asylum
an archive is on Stop The Crime web site:
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