Geoengineering, 5G, Nanotechnology, Internet…

Sep 27, 2022

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My interview with Nikki Florio


mejbcart - Sep 27, 2022 - Edited

mejbcart’s Newsletter

Dr. Ana, that was covered by me too, quite a while ago, on many different platforms, ever since 2011 when I started to wake up... On substack only since March 2022.
Here the link to my further in details going posts related to yours today:
and the rest.. We need to get to convince as many as possible, without division.
The more extremely important info, the better.
Can just close with a quote from the Bible:
"And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. (Genesis 1:2)"
It is all about the water (absorbing ALL microwaves, 60-80% of our bodies!) and our blood.


Lioness of Judah Ministry - Sep 27, 2022

Exposing The Darkness

Transhumanism, Nanotechnology, and Cybernetics


Mario A Leblanc - Sep 27, 2022

Mario’s Substack

Danger: Chemtrails – Aerial Spraying of Toxic Chemicals By Foster Gamble
Governments and corporations are deliberately manipulating and altering Earth’s climate, endangering the lives of people all over the world. Two of the most extreme cases of geo-engineering are chemtrails – the release of toxic chemicals into the air that are poisoning people and the planet – and HAARP – an electromagnetic antenna array based in Alaska that can send radio-frequency radiation over large geographical areas and manipulate weather patterns causing earthquakes, tsunamis, and more. These projects represent some of the worst crimes in history, yet most people are unaware of them.
Over a hundred patents [1] have been granted to major corporations, including Monsanto, for aerial spraying of materials that can penetrate your lungs and blood, cause disease, disrupt your mental capacity, cause you to be sterile and even cause premature death. These materials are being sprayed all over our planet – and on you – right now, without your knowledge or consent.
For over ten years, observers have been noticing white aerosol trails being dispersed in the skies that don’t behave like usual condensing jet exhaust. When seeking explanation, investigators are told by the government that these are just the normal “contrails” that we see coming from commercial jets and that they are perfectly safe. However, they don’t dissipate the way regular condensation trails do. They linger for hours, spreading across the sky, and are often laid out in cross hatch patterns. The government has refused to test samples collected underneath the trails. Now a TV news report from Germany has confirmed that their military is in fact doing aerial spraying of chemtrails.[2]
An article from the NIH, the National Institutes of Health, confirms that not only are chemtrails real, but they are suspected to be responsible for a variety of neurotoxic conditions including MS.[3]
In 2001, Congressman Dennis Kucinich of Ohio introduced “The Space Preservation Act”, HR 2977. As former head of the House Armed Services Committee overseeing U.S. military projects, Kucinich’s bill called for the peaceful use of space and a ban on “exotic weapons”, including chemtrails.
Intense spraying of dangerous chemicals from planes has been reported in, at least, the US, Canada, Germany, England, Australia, Mexico, South Africa, Bahamas, Puerto Rico and Croatia. A nasty mixture of parasites, pathogens, toxic heavy metals and nano-engineered particles have been found falling to earth from the trails of certain planes. Aluminum, barium, bacillus spores, radioactive thorium, cadmium, chromium, nickel, desiccated blood, mold spores, yellow mycototoxins, ethylene dibromide and synthetic nano-fibers are among the ingredients found in collected samples. As these fill the atmosphere and lodge in our lungs and blood streams through the air we breathe and the food we eat, it represents the most unavoidable toxic pollution in history.
In some areas under the spray, aluminum levels in the soil are so elevated certain trees and crops are struggling to survive. Interestingly, the USDA, which receives royalties on GMO crops, was recently granted a patent for seeds that can grow in soil with high aluminum content.
There are hundreds of photos of Chemtrails, ground based videos, and even a video shot from above a plane while it was turning on and off its sprayers.
The Council on Foreign Relations ran an article in its Foreign Affairs journal promoting the use of dumping heavy metals in the atmosphere to combat global warming. They also held workshops on the subject titled: “Unilateral Planetary Scale Geo-engineering and the Challenge of Global Governance.” Recently their conference in Monterey, California, called “Strategic Aerosol Geo-engineering” announced a ban on reporting such activities.¨ Read More


Trial N. Error - Nov 3, 2022

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Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Nov 3, 2022

Please start your own substack. You do not need to comment 30 -50 comments daily and reply to every comment on every post. If you do not stop this excess, I will ban you permanently. Thank you for respecting my substack, time and email commentary capacity.


Mario A Leblanc - Sep 27, 2022

Mario’s Substack

Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Says Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped :


Terry Adams - Oct 26, 2023

Terry’s Newsletter

well, well, well... Nothing surprises me anymore - NOTHING. Down here in Alabama we are being sprayed like unwanted insects.. massive amounts of aerosols are being delivered via airborne craft on a daily basis.. A few days ago I spent some time outside with my Fuji digital camera taking pictures of these craft as they flew over. Youtube issued me my second warning, telling me that they would - as they have the past three 400+ plus video laden ones - take down my terracer youtube channel. From what I can tell, these are NOT commercial airliners. They are NOT pinging out a transponder signal (as required by the FAA) and many just do not look "right" . As they approach the sun - from my perspective looking through a viewfinder - some of them begin to lose a wing, or the fuselage becomes inflated, or an engine disappears. I will let YOU decide what this could mean... Several years ago s group of watchers in the UK kept up with the aerosoling craft and came to a startling conclusion - there are not enough functional airliners in the world to complete the number of sorties they had witnessed. Hmmm


John - Oct 26, 2023

We have been sprayed heavily the past three days here in east Alabama.


Claudiu - Oct 2, 2022

Hi Doctor, Claudiu here. I'd like to post here a couple of links that prove what a nice govt we have and what are their good intentions concerning us, and these 2 documents are pretty old. I hope these are new to many here... Well, here they are:


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Oct 3, 2022

Claudiu, thank you for the document, this is great!


assenav - Oct 26, 2023

Is anyone else struggling to get the first document alachuacounty? Tried Safari & brave saying connection closed?? Thank you Claudiu btw


Claudiu - Oct 26, 2023

It still works for me and you’re welcome!


Michael Brownstein - Sep 29, 2022

Thanks so much for your interview with Nikki Florio. It is extraordinary, chilling, a wake up call if there ever was one. If we believe the full unfolding of the military scenario we are faced with a daunting challenge, to put it mildly! I've forwarded it to people but I wish there were many thousands watching it. I live a clean life in the country, water out of the mountain, no wi fi, etc, but I'd still like to get heavy metal chelation. Where are you located and / or is there a list of MDs doing this? THANKS AGAIN!


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 29, 2022
you can also get a list of certified chelation practitioners
Yes we are faced with a daunting challenge, environmentally and health. Pfizer has a military contract. Even the vax is coordinated through DOD.


Trial N. Error - Nov 3, 2022

The poor man version of firefighters key lay shun is in a red gree light food for a poisoned planet ..hav done it .. I took itchy niacin then sauna ..daily ..worked for me .. Am doing dr li Mehr it (di flat formd on submarine stuck) anti khan sir proto call cuz i have a sudden numerosity of cysts


Trial N. Error - Nov 3, 2022



Trial N. Error - Nov 3, 2022


Jan Hazelton - Sep 27, 2022

Jan’s Substack

Excellent interview. Nikki is a wealth of information. This is really a war on all of life. How could the perpetrators of this insanity believe that they won’t be equally harmed by their deeds? I’m going to listen to this again!


HWG - Sep 29, 2022

Thanks for this great interview. So informative. I learned a lot I did not know from this brilliant warrior woman. Just when you think the layers of evil and deceit cannot possibly get any worse, here comes another layer more deviant than the last, and more sinister than anyone with a sound healthy mind can even imagine.
For Jan, These people all think they are “Special”, and they believe that in their “Specialness” they are above the common rabble and will somehow be exempt from any of the harm they are complicit in bringing to the Earth and her creatures and Humans. There are two things they refuse to know. First that EVERY ensouled human is intrinsically “special”, no more and no less than any other. But in their self imposed ignorance and delusion, a time will come when they will learn that of their kind, sooner or later, when they are no longer useful to serve the insatiable needs of the beast, a bigger, more powerful, more“Special“ (and still useful) person of their own kind… will prey on Them next. Like begets like.
Which come to my last point, for the Law is known that Whatsoever a man soweth , So shall he reap. And the harvest is coming. These evil doers will be purged from their holes in the Earth and brought down from their nests in the sky, and they will be made to suffer the same measure of mercy which they had for their victims who suffered from their evil misdeeds. Pay back is going to be a bi****.


Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD - Sep 29, 2022

So be it my friend.


HWG - Oct 1, 2022

Want to see what a Nest in the Sky looks like?
Imagine standing at a window or on a terrace in the sky, looking down over Central Park where the people below look smaller than ants.
Check out these “nests” on Billionaires Row In New York City:


Anita Söderman - Oct 26, 2023

Anita’s Substack

What awful news that we did not have much clue about...I personally am following a so called Geoengineering site with a very dedicated guy presenting each month the upcoming weather, natural or unnatural, and explaining some of the stuff Nikki is talking about. It was great to get to know it all in one explanatory context, to overview the situation and lots of thanks for this to you both. Since it was all very complex, please keep the video at hand so we can get to it easily again?


Sarah - Jul 31, 2023 - Edited

To your knowledge, is there a way, at least theoretically, to cleanse the soil of these toxic concoctions?



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